Case digest for Hacienda Leddy vs. Villegas; Labor 1
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Case No. 1
MARIVIC A. MORALES Labor Law I – Block A
CARLOS vs VILLEGAS G.R. No. L-24394 August 30, 1968 FACS!
Starting September 16, 195, petitioner an! ot"er members o# t"e $ni#orme! %orce &i'ision o# t"e (anila %ire &epartment "a'e been re)*ire! an! or!ere! b+ t"e C"ie# o# t"e (anila %ire &epartment to be - "o*rs on !*t+ an! - "o*rs o## !*t+, alternatel+ t"is sc"e!*le contin*o*s t"ro*g"o*t t"e !a+s o# t"e week regar!less o# Sat*r!a+s, S*n!a+s an! "oli!a+s. %iremen are gi'en time to rest #rom 1/00 noon to -/00 oclock in t"e a#ternoon, an! time to sleep #rom 9/00 oclock in t"e e'ening to 6/00 oclock t"e #ollowing morning. 2n 3*l+ 10, 195, t"e C"ie# o# t"e (anila %ire &epartment re)*este! t"e 2##ice o# t"e 4resi!ent #or t"e members o# t"e $ni#orme! %orce &i'ision an! o# t"e %ire Alarm an! a!io &i'ision o# t"e !epartment to ren!er ser'ice wit"o*t o'ertime pa+ be+on! t"e -0"o*r5!a+ a week re)*irement o# t"e law. 2n &ecember 9, 196, a petition was #ile! claiming pa+ment #or o'ertime ser'ices ren!ere! an! !eman!ing t"e en#orcement o# t"e -0"o*r a week work law wit" respect to t"e $ni#orme! %orce &i'ision o# t"e (anila %ire &epartment t"e answer to t"e petition was t"at ser'ices ren!ere! be+on! a reg*lar perio! #i7e! b+ .A. No. 1880 will not entitle t"e emplo+ee to o'ertime pa+ as a matter o# legal rig"t. "en, on &ecember 6, 196, petitioner a!!resse! a petition to t"e 4resi!ent o# t"e 4"ilippines pra+ing t"at t"e latter or!er t"e Cit+ o# (anila to pa+ petitioner an! ot"er members o# t"e (%& $ni#orme! %orce &i'ision #or o'ertime ser'ices ren!ere! an! to en#orce t"e -0"o*r a week law *n#ort*natel+ t"ere was no #a'orable repl+. ISS"E!
Are emplo+ees #alling *n!er t"e ci'il ser'ice law s*c" as members o# t"e $ni#orme! %orce &i'ision o# t"e (anila %ire &epartment, w"o were re)*ire! to ren!er o'ertime ser'ice on work !a+s an! "oli!a+s, entitle! to collect o'ertime o 'ertime pa+ #or o'ertime ser'ices ren!ere!: R"LING!
No, s*c" emplo+ees are not entitle! to collect o'ertime pa+ #or o'ertime ser'ices ren!ere!. "e ;ig"t ;ig"t