Templates and Manifold Cluster Applications Subsea Clusters of wells are basically single satellite wells arranged around a subsea manifold assembly that collects, commingles and exports flow to surface gathering facility. Each satellite well is not mechanically connected to the manifold except by flowlines and umbilical, and hence a flowline connection to each well and to the manifold is normally required. Typically manifolds at the center of a cluster development can accommodate between 2 and 12 wells, allow for simultaneous oil, gas and aquifer production and handle gas or water injection. Manifold foundations can be piles, gravity or skirts depending on seabed conditions. Cluster-style developments were originally developed to counter-act the potential for damage from dropped objects at surface. A falling 18-3/4 in. drilling BOP stack could damage several wellheads and trees on a conventional production template layout for example, whereas in a cluster-style development, one well completion at worst would be affected. A typical subsea manifold system includes:
base frame manifold frame (which supports the valve blocks and headers) structure for supporting ROV interface points controls distribution units accumulator banks control modules hydraulic trunking satellite interconnections pipeline connections pigging loops protective roof
The most recent deepwater manifold systems have included retrievable manifolds with remote diverless connections of intra-field flowlines, umbilicals and pipelines.
Daisy Chain Application The
Daisy Chain subsea wells consist of two or more subsea satellite wells joined together by a common flowline (and possibly umbilical). Valving on the flowbases of the daisy-chained wells allows basic manifolding to commingle flowstreams. Each subsea tree may have a choke installed to avoid pressure imbalances in the flows.
Using well,
daisy chained wells allows combined use of infield flowlines by more than one and may provide a continuous loop for round trip pigging if needed.
advantages of a daisy chain completion are:
Similar to a single satellite well, cost is only incurred if and when a completion is purchased and installed, the operator doesn't have to purchase significant infrastructure before he needs it. Some sharing of flowlines may be possible. Round trip pigging is possible Wells are not mechanically linked and can therefore be located over a wide area, which is especially important in oilfields where low permeability exists. In-situ access to the installed equipment by Remote Operated Vehicle (or divers) is good because of the absence of adjacent equipment. Potential damage from dropped objects is constrained to (at worst) a single completion. Simultaneous production and drilling is not a problem
Disadvantages of daisy chain wells are:
Subsea chokes are probably needed on each well. Absence of a "common datum" for flowline connections and umbilical t ie-in. Necessity for the drilling rig to move anchors in order to reach another well.
By daisy chaining pairs of wells together, operators can better utilize the flowlines to the two completions. Instead of a single function (production), the dual flowlines provide an ability to round-trip pig the lines, divert both production flows into a single flowline if the second is damaged, and individually test the two wells whenever needed through independent lines. As more subsea wells are needed, the attraction of daisy chains disappears as a manifold becomes more feasible.
Free-Standing Riser System
Daisy Chain Application The
Daisy Chain subsea wells consist of two or more subsea satellite wells joined together by a common flowline (and possibly umbilical). Valving on the flowbases of the daisy-chained wells allows basic manifolding to commingle flowstreams. Each subsea tree may have a choke installed to avoid pressure imbalances in the flows.
Using well,
daisy chained wells allows combined use of infield flowlines by more than one and may provide a continuous loop for round trip pigging if needed.
advantages of a daisy chain completion are:
Similar to a single satellite well, cost is only incurred if and when a completion is purchased and installed, the operator doesn't have to purchase significant infrastructure before he needs it. Some sharing of flowlines may be possible. Round trip pigging is possible Wells are not mechanically linked and can therefore be located over a wide area, which is especially important in oilfields where low permeability exists. In-situ access to the installed equipment by Remote Operated Vehicle (or divers) is good because of the absence of adjacent equipment. Potential damage from dropped objects is constrained to (at worst) a single completion. Simultaneous production and drilling is not a problem
Disadvantages of daisy chain wells are:
Subsea chokes are probably needed on each well. Absence of a "common datum" for flowline connections and umbilical t ie-in. Necessity for the drilling rig to move anchors in order to reach another well.
By daisy chaining pairs of wells together, operators can better utilize the flowlines to the two completions. Instead of a single function (production), the dual flowlines provide an ability to round-trip pig the lines, divert both production flows into a single flowline if the second is damaged, and individually test the two wells whenever needed through independent lines. As more subsea wells are needed, the attraction of daisy chains disappears as a manifold becomes more feasible.
Free-Standing Riser System
In a free-standing transports fluids from a floating semiproduction processed fluids back
production riser system (FPRS), the production riser the seafloor to a surface production facility which can be either submersible platform or a tanker modified to accommodate equipment on board. Frequently the production riser returns down to the sea floor via the sales line.
Cameron has the innovative risers for
capability to design and build conventional as well as unique, any subsea completion or production requirement.
One example of a represents a successfully installed again in 2140 feet of
customized solution is the Cameron FPRS design which deepwater development option. This system has been twice in the Gulf of Mexico, once in 1540 feet of water and water.
The Cameron FPRS supported facilities or reusability, along capital and operating
offers reduced project costs compared with fixed bottom tension leg platform and provides reduced project cycle time, with low maintenance as the main areas for reducing overall costs.
The free-standing column with direct and gas sales lines. installed and overhead.
production riser system is a non-integral structural support production and annulus access to each well and dedicated oil The riser column is free-standing with no tensioner support, retrieved from the floating production vessel moored
Internal air cans, external buoyancy from syntactic foam and several joints with external air tanks all combine to provide the riser buoyancy required to make the riser free-stand from the ocean floor. Attaching the riser column to the template is a riser base and connector with a titanium stress joint. The system is designed to use a variable air buoyancy riser capable of supporting multi-well free-standing production/annulus tubing and export sales lines directly underneath the bow or stern of the floating production facility. Additionally, the system allows simultaneous drilling, completion and workover activities while production is ongoing. The riser is i nstrumented to measure riser response to various environmental conditions and to obtain actual fatigue information. The riser is wired with strain gauges, accelerometers and inclinometer to monitor riser stresses, motion and positions during installation and operation. The instrumentation is connected to the vessel using an electrical cable. The cable is i nstalled on the riser during actual installation of the riser. The other instrumentation equipment has been previously installed on the appropriate riser joints prior to shipment to the vessel. The joint-mounted electronics are located in pressure vessels at the bottom of the instrumented joints. Subsea cables connect the riser equipment to the controls unit on the production facility. The production riser instrumentation desktop computer is located in the production control room and is capable of storing data during all rig conditions including rig abandonment. The riser instrumentation has two redundant systems connected to the desktop computer. There are separate electronic cables for each system attached to the production riser as it is installed.
MOSAIC Distribution Elements Distribution Elements in the MOSAIC system include flowbases, manifolds and umbilical termination assemblies. These assemblies are used to receive produced fluids from multi-well templates or satellite wells in order to control, commingle and divert the flow to a production riser or pipeline. Pre-engineered MOSAIC flowbases are available for a variety of single well applications such as production satellite, water injector, gas lift production and intermediate daisy-chain base. For two wells or more, pre-engineered MOSAIC components can configured into manifolds to be used with satellite producers, injectors, daisy-chains and combinations of these.
Cluster manifolds and daisy-chain solutions have been made attractive with development of field-proven flowline connection systems which permit trees to be installed prior to the manifold, without the need for integrated template structures. This allows field system construction to evolve as the field is developed, and its true scale determined. Distribution Elements are rated for operating pressures matching the Christmas trees. Modularity is achieved through the use of common valve blocks, connectors, structures and porch extensions. The design capacity of a manifold assembly may change by changing the number of modules added to the structure and the size and/or quantities of the headers. A typical subsea manifold system includes a base frame, a manifold frame (which supports the valve blocks and headers), and a structure for supporting ROV i nterface points, controls distribution units, accumulator banks, control modules, hydraulic trunking, satellite interconnections, pipeline connections, pigging loops and protective roof.
Satellite Applications The Subsea Satellite Well consists of a subsea well and guidebase or flowbase, supporting a subsea tree, with individually connected flowlines and control umbilical. The guidebase/flowbase is not mechanically linked to another wellhead, and the flowlines and umbilicals are attached to each satellite tree one at a time. Subsea Satellite wells feature independent foundations, not l inked or shared with other wells, each system is installed individually, The advantages of a satellite completion are:
Cost is only incurred if and when a completion is purchased and installed, the operator doesn't have to i nvest in significant infrastructure before he needs it. Wells can be located over a wide area, which is especially important in oilfields where low permeability exists. Access limitations to the i nstalled equipment by Remote Operated Vehicle (or divers) are avoided because of the absence of adjacent equipment. Potential damage from dropped objects is constrained to (at worst) a single completion. Simultaneous production and drilling is not a problem.
Disadvantages of satellite wells are:
Absence of a "common datum" for flowline connections and umbilical t ie-in. Necessity for the drilling rig to move anchors in order to reach another well. Individual flowlines are needed for each well
Satellite wells can be completed in a number of different ways: Tree on "dumb" guidebase - where the flowline is connected directly to the tree, and the guidebase can be a simple drilling guidebase. This requires removal of the connected flowline and umbilical should the tree be retrieved for any reason. Tree on flowbase - as the tree lands and locks to the wellhead, flowloops from the tree production, and possibly annulus valve blocks, stab into receptacles on the flowbase. Flowlines and umbilicals are made up to the flowbase, and the flowline does not need to be disturbed if the tree is removed.
Template Applications
Subsea template field layouts involve a structural frame that supports and protects a number of subsea wells together on the seabed. In areas of high fishing intensity, the template structure is ideal for deflecting trawl boards and dragged lines away from sensitive wellhead equipment. A key advantage of templates over cluster or satellite completion systems is that the subsea tree normally connects directly to the flowline mandrel and template pipe work as it lands and locks onto the wellhead, this effectively eliminates one of the flowline connections needed between a subsea tree and cluster-style manifold. Subsea production templates fall into two broad categories:
Unitised templates Integrated templates
The unitized template is normally modular in concept, and involves initially installing a drilling template structure prior to spudding the wells. This drilling template acts as the "temporary" guidebase for the wells. This drilling template spaces out wells to the required position, may support conductor loads and provides the datum on which the production equipment is based. Following drilling, the production parts of the system are installed, either as "flowbases" run with the wellhead high pressure housing, or as a separate structure with flowline connection mandrels and piping installed. Wells can have individual, dedicated flowlines back to a processing facility, or can be commingled in a manifold arrangement (usually retrievable) and exported together in a common flowline. Typically unitized templates are smaller than integrated templates, with capacity for between 2 and 8 wells. The integrated template is typically more complete prior to load-out than the unitized template. An integrated template has well bay inserts or flowbases installed already, and requires only drilling out and completion before production can begin. Template size can be large, with up to 24 wells (or more), several thousand tons in weight, and a significant construction project needed to build, test and install the template. A large installation barge can be expected to be required. Although initial investment in the integrated template can be large, the "per well" cost falls rapidly as more wells are drilled and completed. In addition, the advanced state of completion of the template before load-out allows for extensive integration testing and proving prior to the template leaving the fabrication yard.
Template Production Systems Subsea template field layouts involve a structural frame that supports and protects a number of subsea wells together on the seabed. In areas of high fishing intensity, the template structure is ideal for deflecting trawl boards and dragged lines away from sensitive wellhead equipment. A key advantage of templates over cluster or satellite completion systems is that the subsea tree normally connects directly to the flowline mandrel and template pipe work as it lands and locks onto the wellhead, this effectively eliminates one of the flowline connections needed between a subsea tree and cluster-style manifold. Subsea production templates fall into two broad categories:
Unitised templates Integrated templates
The unitized template is normally modular in concept, and involves initially installing a drilling template structure prior to spudding the wells. This drilling template acts as the "temporary" guidebase for the wells. This drilling template spaces out wells to the required position, may support conductor loads and provides the datum on which the production equipment is based. Following drilling, the production parts of the system are installed, either as "flowbases" run with the wellhead high pressure housing, or as a separate structure with flowline connection mandrels and piping installed. Wells can have individual, dedicated flowlines back to a processing facility, or can be commingled in a manifold arrangement (usually retrievable) and exported together in a common flowline. Typically unitized templates are smaller than integrated templates, with capacity for between 2 and 8 wells. The integrated template is typically more complete prior to load-out than the unitized template. An integrated template has
well bay inserts or flowbases installed already, and requires only drilling out and completion before production can begin. Template size can be large, with up to 24 wells (or more), several thousand tons in weight, and a significant construction project needed to build, test and install the template. A large installation barge can be expected to be required. Although initial investment in the integrated template can be large, the "per well" cost falls rapidly as more wells are drilled and completed. In addition, the advanced state of completion of the template before load-out allows for extensive integration testing and proving prior to the template leaving the fabrication yard.
Mudline Wellhead Using a mudline completion allows some significant benefits to the operator instead of a wellhead platform, such as:
All the external forces are transferred to the 30 in. conductor Lower tie-back seals can be tested, 360 ? orientation freedom Direct access to production tubing annulus Positive lockdown of the 7 in. tubing hanger Unitized tie-back adapter spool (eliminates the need for more than one nipple up) Concentric tubing hanger Control of SCSSV while running tubing hanger Immediate production when flowlines and umbilicals have been pre-installed Easy removal after depletion of well Re-usable on another completion
This Cameron stack-down mudline wellhead system has a number of important features:
Separate running/tie-back threads and seal areas High pressure and high l oad capacity Hanger centralization during running Optional Stack-down profile allows complete cement clean up between casing strings Special wash-out tool that avoids rotating large diameter casings Low torque metal seals and dual resilient back-up seals External interface test port Right hand release running tools
STC-10 Wellheads
The STC-10 (Single-Trip Compact) wellhead is a premium subsea wellhead for applications to 10,000 psi WP, and is a favorite choice of operators worldwide. It is cost-effective for lower pressure wells where Cameron's CAMLAST metal-end-cap seals are adequate. The economical STC-10 wellhead shares some of the same features and benefits as our STM wellhead. It is compact, runs casing hangers and seal assemblies in a single trip and features interchangeable weight-set, elastomeric parallel bore seal assemblies. STC-10 seals are Cameron's proprietary CAMLAST metal-end-cap seals. Design modifications incorporated over the years have improved first time seal assembly setting. Introduction of a dedicated seal assembly running tool has simplified running procedures where the casing hanger has already been installed. This running tool provides a straightforward stab, test and tool retrieval. Five- or six-string casing options are available. The STC-10 wellhead system is available with either Cameron hub or mandrel profiles, and features a passive lockdown of the high-pressure housing into the 30" housing. The STC-10 wellhead offers simple installation procedures. A five-string configuration can be installed with just four cam-actuated running tools, all with right-hand release. STC-10 wellheads can be used in either guideline or guidelineless operations.
STM Wellheads
Our primary subsea wellhead is the STM Wellhead System, which is offered in standard and enhanced deep-water, high-capacity versions. The STM (single trip, metal-seal) wellhead is an all-purpose product for applications to 15,000 psi. It will satisfy the vast majority of all subsea requirements, including corrosive environments associated with deep-water exploratory, production or injection wells. STM wellheads are suitable for use with single wells, large multi-well templates or TLP operations. A key feature of t he STM wellhead is Cameron's exclusive hydraulically set parallel bore metal (PBM) seal assemblies for casing hangers in the 18-3/4" high-pressure housing. These radially engaged, bi-directional seals provide constant contact pressure on both inner and outer sealing surfaces. PBM metal seals set between parallel surfaces and, unlike competitive systems, are not forced down into tapered bowls. This means the same seal l oading exists if pressure comes from above or below. Competitive tapered bowl systems can lose seal l oading if pressure comes from below, as pressure forces those components up i nto ever widening seal surfaces. STM wellheads feature a recessed seal surface machined in the housing bore below each primary seal surface, creating a protected, separate contingency sealing surface. Every STM wellhead has three seal assembly configurations for maximum sealing contingencies: standard all-metal seal, metal seal with CAMLAST insert, and a metal seal positioned to seal in the recessed bore. STM seal assemblies lock firmly to both casing hanger and wellhead housing. However, the housing lock ring can be removed to lock the seal assembly to the casing hanger if the casing hanger sets high. Interchangeable STM components help reduce inventory and tooling requirements, and minimize rig time during installation and workover. Seal assemblies on the 13-3/8", 10-3/4" (or 9-5/8"), and 75/8" (or 7") casing hangers are identical and interchangeable. Each assembly can be run in one trip using a single running tool. The tool used for retrieving the seal assembly is a dedicated tool, preventing inadvertent seal assembly retrieval. Both five- and six-string configurations are offered to accommodate any drilling program. A 16" casing hanger and seal assembly allows drilling with a 17-1/2" bit and use of full-bore running equipment. Three options are available for connecting STM wellheads to blowout preventers and Christmas trees: Cameron hub, mandrel, and Cameron's new deep-water, high-capacity (DWHC) profile which has been provided without charge to the i ndustry to promote standardization among deepwater producers and equipment suppliers. Two lockdown options are offered for connecting the STM wellhead highpressure housing to conductor housings: passively activated standard lockdown, and passively activated preloaded high capacity lockdown. The passively activated high pressure lockdown is achieved without a separate lockdown trip.
STM-15 Wellheads The STM-15 (Single Trip Metal Sealing 15,000 psi) wellhead system incorporates Cameron reliability and a variety of versatile, time-saving features.
Applicable for 15,000 psi, 350 G F, sour service wells in any water depth, for both 5-string and 6-string configurations. Each casing hanger and seal assembly is run in a single trip. All seal assemblies are identical allowing the used of one running tool for all casing hangers. Each seal assembly is completely retrievable as a unit. The connection between the casing hanger and the casing hanger running tool (and between housings and running tools) can be tested at surface to full rated working pressure. The seal assembly utilises parallel bore metal sealing (PBM seal) technology eliminating problems inherent to tapered bore designs. The 18 3/4" housing is run with the bore protector in place. BOP testing is not dependent on wear bushing installation. A retrievable, re-installable guidebase is the standard offering and features shock absorbing guide posts. This is retrieved and replaced with a production guidebase prior to running the subsea tree. All running tools are left hand make-up and right hand release. The STM-15 wellhead can be supplied with either a Cameron hub or an ABB-Vetco mandrel profile.
A key feature of t he STM wellhead is Cameron's exclusive hydraulically set parallel bore metal (PBM) seal assemblies for casing hangers in the 18-3/4" high-pressure housing. These radially engaged, bi-directional seals provide constant contact pressure on both inner and outer sealing surfaces. PBM metal seals set between parallel surfaces and are not forced down i nto tapered bowls. This means the same seal loading exists if pressure comes from above or below, (tapered bowl systems can lose seal loading if pressure comes from below, as pressure forces those components up into ever widening seal surfaces).
Modular Subsea And Integrated Completions
The general expectation with modular equipment systems is that, while it might be possible to reduce initial capital costs, you'll have to give up something important in return. Like flexibility or expandability, or desirable product features and benefits, for example. You could say i t's a series of compromises in the name of cutting costs. In actual practice, however, the real savings in conventional modular systems are more likely to come from simplified installation procedures, reduced personnel training and faster delivery times. Yes, there are some manufacturing economies to be found, but precision machining processes rarely lend themselves to corner cutting. On the other hand, the compromises required by these systems can result in significant inefficiencies and hidden costs. Loss of flexibility in implementing future developmental phases can put you in some very expensive predicaments. Smaller building blocks
That's why we designed MOSAIC TM (Modular Subsea And Integrated Completions) production systems to be modular at a much lower level than competitive systems. Because MOSAIC modules start with smaller, less expensive building blocks, equipment for initial development phases can be provided more efficiently, without having to invest in extra equipment or structure that may not be needed later. For more than thirty years, we have been observing which subsea equipment features work best and applying those features to other related products. Things like alignment methods, seals, connection devices, bolt-on peripherals...we've optimized every component down to the smallest pieces. Not only does this minimize manufacturing costs, but it also facilitates installation and operating requirements with user-friendly features that spell
reliability and versatility. The result is MOSAIC, a pre-engineered, cost-optimized product line that is worthy of the Cameron name. For virtually any subsea job
Unlike conventional approaches, MOSAIC systems are not based on modular structures, but rather a combination of standardized components that fit together in a modular fashion. Modular systems that depend on structure as a starting point are simply not appropriate for many applications. MOSAIC systems, on the other hand, can be adapted for virtually any subsea job, and are more easily expanded as field development needs evolve. They fit your requirements better in the short term and the long term, too. (Think, for example, of modular office furniture that can only be purchased by the cubicle as opposed to being able to specify the work surfaces, drawer stacks, shelves, and other components you need to satisfy each workers personal requirements. Then think how difficult it i s to anticipate the needs of workers who haven't even been hired yet.) The asset manager's choice
This critical difference makes MOSAIC systems especially appealing to asset managers whose job is to take a longer term view in developing oil and gas reserves. MOSAIC components are infinitely expandable and configurable to accommodate any asset management scheme. Many fields are developed in phases, with decisions on subsequent phases dependent upon economic results of initial efforts. The modular-element, building block approach of MOSAIC systems allows producers to specify pre-engineered components having application-specific features without incurring the higher costs or extended lead times of custom systems. MOSAIC systems can be used for cluster wells or daisy chains. They can be provided with individual flowbases or as part of a large template/manifold combination. They can be rig-deployable or not. In effect, you can specify a system that fits your needs like custom-designed equipment, but with all the benefits of standardized, pre-engineered components. Six MOSAIC elements
In the MOSAIC system, six basic elements or component families have been designed: Position, Pressure, Distribution, Access, Control and Connection. (These elements are described in more detail on the following pages.) Within each element family, dozens and, in some cases, hundreds of product options are possible. Cameron engineers have focused on reliability, functionality and deliverability for each of the basic MOSAIC elements. We know faster delivery times are important in todays market, but we also know that reliability is key. Every pre-engineered MOSAIC component is based on field-proven Cameron product technology, and is backed by our global network of service centers and aftermarket facilities. You wont have to be a guinea pig for some unproven engineering concept with MOSAIC. Best subsea value
And, you'll have considerable flexibility in selecting the equipment package that's right for each job. There's even a choice of Christmas trees (see box). Our famous Dual Bore tree and innovative SpoolTree products have been re-designed as modular assemblies, so you can stay with the basic technology your people are most familiar with, while reaping the benefits of a pre-engineered, modular system. Since the dawn of the subsea era, Cameron has pioneered and refined many of the most important subsea product technologies. We have a well-deserved reputation for tackling the most difficult, exotic jobs the oil and gas industry can dish out. Now were proud to i ntroduce MOSAIC systems, the culmination of our experience and leadership i n producing reliable subsea production systems for the most reasonable cost (best value). In short, MOSAIC systems are the perfect fit for today's subsea economics. MOSAIC systems are based on the two most reliable and cost-effective trees available in the world.
The heart of any subsea system is the Christmas tree, and Cameron offers producers a choice of two highly reliable and feature-rich trees in its MOSAIC system. Both trees, the innovative SpoolTreeTM Christmas tree and the famous Cameron Dual Bore tree, are proven performers the world over. Instead of devel- oping a totally new access element, Cameron has re-engineered these two well- accepted Christmas tree products to be offered in modular, pre-engineered versions. This provides cost saving standardization without the risk of unproven technology. Since its introduction in 1992, the patented SpoolTree Christmas tree has revolutionized the subsea industry. It is the number one tree in the Gulf of Mexico and other oil- producing regions, and has been widely copied by Cameron competitors. Its unique wellhead/tree/hanger configuration allows completion and workover operations to be performed with the t ree in place. Cameron's Dual Bore Christmas tree is the one many oilmen grew up with. It was the first to feature a dedicated annulus bore for troubleshooting, well servicing and well conversion operations, and is now the number one tree in the North Sea. As the company that introduced both of these pacesetting products, we've had plenty of opportunity to refine and simplify our designs. The result is two versatile, highly reliable MOSAIC trees that are now available as pre-engineered, modular assemblies.
MOSAIC Field Architecture Factors Affecting Field Layout
The architecture of the field layout depends upon many factors. These factors are identified by considering all the operations that are carried out on the field throughout its life. During project phase
Development drilling and well completions. Subsea equipment installation, hookup and commissioning.
During the field operation phase
Normal operation. Well workover operations. Underwater I.M.R. activities (mostly with ROV). Additional drilling and subsea equipment installation.
During field decommissioning
Well abandonment and plugging. Subsea equipment retrieval or abandonment. Final seabed survey.
The key factors driving the field seabed layout are as follows:
Reservoir configuration, bottom hole locations and subsea well seabed positions. Drilling rig semi-submersible position, weather heading, mooring pattern and vessel characteristics (including drilling riser/vessel maximum excursions). Seabed condition and bathymetry. Dominating weather conditions during drilling and workover operations but also during underwater operations with various surface vessels. Supply boat movements and vessel loading/offloading. Optimum location of all subsea facilities in particular during pipelay/umbilical lay operations and eventual retrieval. Shipping lanes, fishing activities (if any) and other existing facilities on the seabed e.g. abandoned exploration well.
The key factors listed above all have a number of secondary conditions affecting the design layout process. Each of them are examined in turn: Reservoir and Wells Profiles
The reservoir configuration evaluated and simulated by reservoir engineers dictates the bottom hole location of the wells, which could be of various profiles, vertical, deviated, highly deviated, extended reach, or horizontal. The well profiles resulting from the selected drilling rig capabilities dictate the seabed location of the wells or position of the wellheads. Drilling Rig and Mooring Pattern
In a typical field water depth, the anchor lines (between 8 and 12 lines) of t he semi-submersible drilling rig may need to be deployed and positioned in a large and equally distributed pattern over a length of 2000m or more. The heading of the rig is dictated by the prevailing or dominant weather condition because the rig may be used for drilling operation and completion, and also installation of some subsea equipment with overboard craning. In addition, seabed corridors, in between mooring lines (dynamic mooring lines with an excursion envelope and touch down area) must be identified for the installation of future seabed facilities e.g., tie-back of additional fields.
Finally, the mooring of any drilling rig above a subsea cl uster needs to follow strict "mooring anchoring procedures" to eliminate as much as possible any risk to the subsea facilities. The dropping of anchors and chains and the dragging of anchors are the most significant risks. During drilling and well completion operations, as well as during well workover operations, the rig may need to move on its anchor lines away from the vertical of the cluster, to minimize the risk of dropping heavy objects. A safe handling area should be designated and included i n the "vessel anchoring procedure". Seabed Bathymetry
The seabed condition and corridors for flowlines and umbilical laying need to be surveyed. Obstructions, soil condition (soft or hard etc), slope and possibility of spans must be identified. Dominating Weather and Storm Conditions
The predominant weather pattern for winds and currents should be determined. The drilling rig is positioned heading accordingly. Identically, during underwater operations (installation, IMR, etc.) surface vessels operated on D.P. are also be positioned inline with the above listed conditions. During extreme storm conditions or typhoon, any vessel may be moved away, including the drilling rig. Well Locations
The alternatives of directionally drilled wells from a central cluster location versus a satellite well configuration, where wells are drilled vertically is normally considered. Several long rigid flowlines may be required for the vertically drilled option, with a large number of subsea connections compared to the cluster option. The cost may quickly rise beyond that needed to make the solution cost effective, especially if the cluster wells can be tied-in by the drilling vessel. The following factors have been used in setting the wellhead positions:
Cluster/template position, Bottom hole well positions, Wellhead separation, center to center to allow a minimum separation between wellhead equipment Jumper lengths to be easily manageable from the drilling rig, Approach angle to the North and South of the manifold to be maximized for flowlines and/or umbilicals Dropped object trajectories Flexibility of jumpers for connection requirements
Protection From Dropped Objects
The major aspects of this philosophy are that structural protection provides against small dropped objects and procedure are imposed to avoid potential damage from large dropped objects as much as possible. However, the risk can never be totally eliminated. The equipment design and the field layout may require that all heavy lifts be undertaken from a surface position that is not vertically above any subsea equipment. Potential drift angles on sinking dropped objects are considered in designating a safe handling area.
MOSAIC Project Management Introduction:
Cameron recognizes the importance of the three central pillars of Project Management:
Cost Time Quality
No-one disputes the quality and workmanship of Cameron parts and products, and Cameron products are among the best value delivered, not only from the capital expenditure standpoint, but even more so when total life-cycle costs are calculated. Cameron products are unquestionably the best investment a company can make. And for delivery, Cameron now offers the "30-day Tree," a revolution in delivery commitment. A very significant investment in modularization has been made by Cameron in recent years, to allow us to offer "customized trees" at "standardized" delivery terms. A short description of our Project Management techniques is given below:
The management of the project sets the project goals and provides direction for the project team in the execution of the work. In addition, day-to-day responsibilities of the management are to measure t he work as it proceeds and report progress to the customer project team on a continuous basis. If the progress falls behind the agreed targets for any reason, the project management instigates recovery plans to bring the work back on schedule in a timely and efficient manner. Quality Assurance:
The Quality Assurance department has the responsibility to ensure that the agreed procedures and standards are being adhered to in the course of executing the works to guarantee that the end product(s) fully meets the requirements of the contract and project scope. The well-proven Cameron quality systems form the basis of measurement, and regular internal and subcontract audits are used to verify that the work is being performed to the agreed system. Any inconsistencies and non-conformities identified in the project are identified as a part of operating the quality system, and a known procedure followed to quantify the problem and resolve it on a permanent basis. A process of continuous improvement is encouraged by the quality department, and past experience has shown that the exceptional attitude to quality improvement by its staff is a major reason for the pre-eminent position of Cameron in the supply industry and its outstanding success in the design technology field today. Engineering:
The design and engineering team consists of qualified, capable experts in the field of subsea equipment design, with many years of experience behind them. The engineering team is responsible for the concept and detail design, drawing and 3-D modeling, developing bills of material and parts lists, requisition preparation and interfacing with other engineering contractors. Cameron have also had successful experience using the engineers responsible for design to follow up with manufacture, fabrication and testing to ensure the equipment performs to specification and to be on-hand to correct any unforeseen problems and changes. Interface Control
A significant aspect of the engineering activities is interface control. The project team uses a system that has been tested in other projects in the past and is known to work. A full procedure forms part of the Quality System, but essentially each interface is identified and numbered, and a tracking sheet established with action dates to close-out the interface, in other words to fully define it. A simple database structure is normally used to log the interface numbers. Cost Control:
The cost control function initially develops a ?code of accounts? by which to track costs expended on the project. This breakdown should correspond to the needs of both the customer and Cameron for cost control. The main project budget is assembled from the various elements of cost identified by the project team, and cost curves and cash flow predictions are prepared to explicitly track and report the project costs as and when they are incurred. A comprehensive procedure is used to describe the necessary activities and responsibilities of the cost control department, and this procedure forms a part of the quality system. Schedule:
Schedule, together with cost control and quality assurance is one of the key drivers in ensuring that the project execution meets the requirements of the contract. Project planning involves virtually the whole project team to identify the tasks and activities needed to complete the work, assign resources to the tasks, determine the duration of the activity and resolve the interrelationships and logical sequence of activities. Cameron are fully cognizant of the critical path method of work planning, and use sophisticated planning tools as a normal part of our work. Based on the work breakdown structure provided in the contract documents, a project plan is developed to cover the entire work scope, with a detailed look-ahead of approximately six months to give the detail necessary to accurately plan the work without swamping the project in distracting minutiae. A milestone plan is normally developed as part of the Contract Master Schedule (CMS), together with a Control Level (Network Schedule) and Detailed plan for implementing the work. The planning department use the Cost Time Resource (CTR) technique for projects to break the work down to the detailed level, with deliverables quantified as either documents or equipment/materials. To accurately measure the course of the work, the deliverables are ?weighted? or valued so that progress reports are biased to critical activities. A document register i s created by the engineering staff, and used by planning, to provide a tangible benchmark for judging engineering progress. Agreed percentage complete values are assigned to document completion stages ahead of the work, so that the engineering can be measured as objectively as possible. Procurement:
Procurement of material and subcontracted services is a critical activity in the successful completion of the project. Cameron?s long experience in this area, and its excellent relationships with suppliers and subcontractors in this industry, gives it a significant edge in the execution of this project. The ongoing relationships with these suppliers and subcontractors is a major factor in problem resolution, and alleviating the often adversarial relationships seen i n other ?one-off? projects in the marine industry. Cameron has already pre-qualified the preferred subcontractors for elements of the work outside Cameron?s normal business activities, and the normal business relations with these parties avoid the chance of nasty surprises from working with an unknown subcontractor. The purchasing effort consists of a standard purchase order for companies providing simple materials or services, and involves a more encompassing contract for subcontractors providing both engineering and manufacturing/fabrication services. The project team are well-versed in project procurement including
requisition development, specification and scope of work creation. Material Control:
The prime responsibility of the material control group (which is a part of the Procurement function in this project) is to track the flow of materials both into and out of the various construction facilities and to follow the path of the materials once inside the project boundaries, thus ensuring full traceability. Preservation and protection of equipment while in the Cameron facilities is also managed by the Material control group as a part of their normal activities. Administration:
Administration includes secretarial and clerical functions for the project, (filing, word processing, travel, office facilities, and general services for the project. A project secretary to the Project Manager is responsible for the performance of these responsibilities and ensures they are available and sufficient. Safety:
The safety plan is developed by the safety department in conjunction with the engineering and project management functions. Each design review on the equipment developed includes a safety review where potential hazards and unsafe aspects are identified and solutions found. The safety plan once implemented forms the basis of measurement and conformance to safety standards. Other requirements of the safety department, include verifying safe work practices, auditing conformance and leadership of formal safety studies, (FMECA, FTA, etc).
MOSAIC Project Summaries Cameron has supplied critical products and systems to some of the most significant projects around the world. This list gives a small selection of projects, click on the links to download a pdf brochure describing the project, and Cameron's scope of supply in detail. Note that if you are an authorized Cameron Transact User, you have access to our experience database containing hundreds of projects, which can be searched or sorted by product line, geographic region, customer etc. Contact your Cameron salesman if you need more information about registering as a Cameron Transact User.
TC1442 Typhoon Project (8 pages) Details of Cameron's MOSAIC Systems for Chevron USA and BHP Petroleum's Typhoon project in the Gulf of Mexico. TC1444 Malampaya Project (8 pages) Details of Cameron's MOSAIC Systems for Shell's Malampaya project in the Philippines. TC1448 Ceiba Field Early Production System (8 pages) Details of Cameron's MOSAIC Systems for Triton's Ceiba field early production system off the coast of Equatorial Guinea. TC1642 Ceiba Phase 1A Production System (8 pages) Describes the second part of the successful Ceiba Field Development Project. TC1478 Captain Expansion Project (12 pages) Details of Cameron's MOSAIC Systems for Texaco's Captain field development in the North Sea. TC1479 King Kong Field Development (8 pages) Details of Cameron's MOSAIC Systems for Mariner Energy and Agip Petroleum's King Kong field development project in the Gulf of Mexico. TC1483 B3 Expansion Project (8 pages) Details of Cameron's MOSAIC Systems for the Petrobaltic-operated B3 field development in the Baltic Sea offshore Poland. TC1640_B3 Petrobaltic B3 (1 page) CAMTROL Production Controls project summary sheet. TC1640_Captain Texaco Captain Expansion (1 page) CAMTROL Production Controls project summary sheet. TC1640_Ceiba_EPS Triton Ceiba Early Production System (1 page) CAMTROL Production Controls project summary sheet.
TC1640_Malampaya Shell Malampaya (1 page) CAMTROL Production Controls project summary sheet. TC1640_Pat_Baleen OMV Patricia Baleen (1 page) CAMTROL Production Controls project summary sheet.
MOSAIC Summary Overview For more than 35 years, Cameron engineers have been designing subsea drilling and production equipment for every conceivable situation, in every oil-producing region of the world. Today's deep-water projects are among the most challenging ever. And while Cameron's reputation for tackling the most exotic oil and gas assignments is well-known, our most important accomplishment may turn out to be something very different altogether. Like in making subsea systems simpler and less costly, for example. We're proud to introduce MOSAIC(tm) (Modular Subsea and Integrated Completions) production systems - the first preengineered subsea system that delivers the time and money-saving advantages of modular components, but with the flexibility of custom-made. With MOSAIC systems, we've optimized and standardized every piece of equipment in our broad line of subsea products. And we've done it at the lowest component level, so you still have hundreds of choices to deliver the functionality you're looking for. MOSAIC systems are divided into elements or component families: Wellhead, Tree,Manifold, Template, Controls and Connection. The product and component choices are described on thefollowing pages. And the combinations are endless. MOSAIC systems can be used for cluster wells or daisy chains. They can be provided with individual flowbases or as part of a large template/manifold assembly. If needed, they can be rig-deployable. You even have a choice of Christmas trees. The i nnovative SpoolTreen Christmas tree and the proven Cameron Dual Bore trees have both been re-engineered as modular assemblies for use in t he MOSAIC system. In short, MOSAIC systems can be adapted for virtually any subsea job, and t hey're more easily expanded as field development needs evolve. We like to think that MOSAIC systems are an asset manager's best friend, because they don't require early commitment to expensive structures when revenue streams are still uncertain. Instead of designing new, unproven product approaches, Cameron engineers have focused on value-engineering the ones we already had. The result i s MOSAIC subsea production systems - the perfect fit for today's subsea economics. Related Documents
TC 1784 Cameron Products and Services Overview
MOSAIC System Engineering System Engineering takes the multitude of individual parts and components, and packages them into an integrated, working system. The objective is to execute a complex multi-supply project in the most effective manner possible. The principal fundamentals are discussed below: Interface Control Interface engineering
Interface engineering consists of several specific activities:
Identify the interface and assign a number Define the interface Assign responsibilities for closing out the interface Identify technical references
Formally close out the report
Interface management commences at contract award with the development of the interface plan. The i nterface plan identifies all external contractor interfaces ("key interfaces"), numbers them, defines information required and the agreed dates for interface data issue, as well as close out. Interface descriptions for each numbered item are listed on standard interface form. System Integration Test Planning and Management
System Integration Testing (SIT) is the function and integrity testing of the complete system, (for example subsea trees, manifold, controls system and flowline connection system). SIT is strongly influenced by the interface engineering results to guarantee key interfaces are thoroughly tested. Interchangeability of all major sub-assemblies is also confirmed, and in so doing the operations staff are trained and service staff prepared for installation procedures. Initiation for this final test of the equipment prior to installation starts early in the project so that components can be scheduled to arrive at the test site at the appropriate time, and suitable test and handling facilities are available when required. Design change control
In a "system" involving many components and multiple contractors, the impact of relatively minor design changes can be significant, and can have repercussions far beyond t he component itself. Design changes are therefore strictly controlled through use of a design change control procedure to prevent unexpected and unnecessary impact on affected parties, and to communicate approved changes in a timely manner. Handling procedures
Drilling rig size and capabilities can limit equipment handing operations in some circumstances, and one aspect of system engineering is to ensure equipment is not designed beyond what the installation vessel can manage or manipulate. In particular, deck cranes often have a challenge picking up equipment from supply boats, and moonpool constraints limit handling operations under the rig floor. This phase of system engineering reviews the necessary operations of the installation vessel and checks that the subsea equipment fits within its working envelope. Intervention and ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle)
Many of the subsea completions supplied by Cameron in the past have included an ROV interface of some description. The ROV is now such a common feature of subsea completions that provision for ROV intervention to subsea equipment is almost standard, (even in "diver depths"). Cameron assumes responsibility for ROV intervention interfaces including design, system integration testing, and technical support of offshore service work. The goal of the system engineering phase is to minimize the different types of i nterface between ROV and subsea equipment, and to optimize the interfaces to the least complex, working solution. Tolerance and Weight Control
Weight control is coordinated through the System Engineering group to accurately define and report weights and centers of gravity/buoyancy. Procedures for weight control, and weight control reporting activities are project-specific, developed in conjunction with the customer in accordance with project requirements. Tolerance studies may be required for interfacing subsystems to confirm proper engagement and function. Important tolerance data affecting external interface points are normally issued/required on specific interface documents. The validity of tolerance studies is often dependent on the i nformation received from other contractors, hence the interface control system, is a critical link in the tolerance study exercise. Cameron utilizes proprietary 3-D modeling packages to enhance weight and tolerance control measures. Accurate weight data is now calculated early in the project, and is monitored closely as the design develops. Document Control
Effective control of project documents is an important aspect of system management. Document control is managed by a Project Document Controller, who maintains a working system for identifying, coding, and transmittal of the project's documents and drawings. Emphasis is placed on establishing consistent document and drawing content and format. Electronic Integrated Document Management Systems are used to exploit latest technology in document creation, filing/archiving and transmission. Transmittals
Transmittals (electronic or paper) are used for outgoing documents and drawings (other than correspondence) to ensure a permanent record of the dispatch exists in the project file. This system benefits both Cameron and its clients by providing objective evidence during any later di scussions or disputes regarding receipt of important documentation. For a paperbased system, duplicate transmittals are attached to the outgoing document or drawing and the recipient signs and returns one copy, filing the other as their permanent record of receipt.
Maintenance of a comprehensive project file is a necessary discipline on complex projects. Normally all project correspondence is filed by originator and date, and each issue or revision of project documents and drawings are held electronically in a historical file for reference. Numbering
Document numbering can be a complex and confusing process. Cameron add "intelligence" to the document number so that the originator, work package and type of document can be ascertained from the number. Supplier document control
Purchase orders and contracts awarded to suppliers normally define the methods to be adopted for the registration, filing, distribution and transmittal of all documents and drawings submitted to the project. Suppliers to Cameron are normally contractually obliged to abide by the project procedures for document control. Safety and Risk Management FMECA/FTA
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a method of establishing the effect of failure within systems. This analysis can be performed at any level of assembly. FMEA may also be done together with Criticality Analysis (CA). The combined exercise is then called a Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). FMEA is a "bottom up" technique most suited to the stage of a project when detailed drawings at part and component level are available. A fault tree analysis (FTA) provides a means of showing the logical relationship between a particular system failure mode and the basic failure causes. The technique can be applied between any levels, from system to assembly or component level. It is useful for assessing compliance with safety requirements, analyzing common cause failures and justifying design improvements or additions. FTA is a "top down" approach making the technique particularly suitable for starting reliability evaluations early in a project. HAZOP
Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies are the formal, systematic, critical review of the process and engineering design in order to identify potential hazards and operability problems and their consequences. The formal review entails an examination of all possible deviation from intended operation by the application of "guide words" to each element of the design. Reliability, Availability, Maintainability
Reliability analysis is used to evaluate the potential events that could disrupt production from the subsea facility, and identify where a design change could improve overall availability of production. Factors such as the "quality of equipment", redundancy, spares on hand, module size and retrieve-ability, and early warning systems are reviewed to gauge the impact of system reliability. It is anticipated that a target availability can be established early in the project, which governs the decisions on system design to reach the target. Cost analysis shows whether additional project investment to achieve the required availability is economically justified. Risk Assessment
Risk is the combined effect (product) of the probability of occurrence of an (undesirable) event, and the magnitude (consequence) of the event. A quantitative risk assessment identifies and quantifies the potential risks for the project. Using the comprehensive experience of Cameron, and its extensive database, the majority of hazards and potential impacts to availability can be classified and assessed. For any new equipment, or new applications a formal hazard review may be implemented, in order to systematically evaluate the potential hazards. Design Basis
The Design Basis has two main stages:
Initially at the start of the project, to identify the known data and requirements from the customer influencing the system design, At the end of the system engineering phase, to incorporate the results and findings of the system engineering activities into the project design basis used for the detail design and analysis.
The detail engineering activity uses this developed design basis as input to carry out the final design of the equipment and ensure all design basis requirements are met and updated as necessary. The "Design Basis" document then becomes a
'controlled' single point reference available to the whole design group. It is continuously reviewed and, (if necessary), updated throughout the project life. System Engineering initially establishes the basis for all engineering work to follow and provides the necessary focus for progression to the final system design. It ensures the system linkage of the finished design engineering work to the initial system requirements, (established through contract specification documents and compliance with the applicable industry and governmental codes). The ultimate objective is to ensure the finished system design is fully functional, installable, operable, reliable, and maintainable as a `total' system. A comprehensive design basis is the most appropriate vehicle to communicate the design principals and decisions to the team. Material selection
Material engineering for all hardware packages is carried out in the system engineering phase. The material selection, material specification, welding specification and procedures, corrosion protection and coating requirements are defined for each of the responsible engineering groups, both internal and subcontracted. Flow assurance/analysis
The flow assurance activity can exploit the latest multi-phase process flow programs to accurately define liquid hold-up, slug size, hydrate formation tendency and erosion hot-spots, to confirm system design is adequate, or identify where design changes are needed. Another aspect of flow assurance is the control system steady state and transient hydraulic and electrical analyses. It is common practice to analyze the hydraulic tubing of the control system both from the response time aspect as well as the fluid cleanliness levels, (flow regimes etc). Cameron's work during the system engineering ensures that the Control Systems have the necessary logical verification and e lectrical feedback loops built-in. Structural & foundation analysis
Selection of the optimum foundation design is dependent upon the results of the studies commissioned for this project. When soil data and seabed conditions are fully known, the optimum foundation can be designed for review and approval. Installation/operational analysis
Analysis work includes wellhead/casing system load analysis, dynamic riser analysis and load transfer, manifold/wellhead/tree/running tool installation, and operation loads. Such analysis information is exchanged with the installation contractors via the Interface Plan. Various mainframe and PC based computer analysis software is used by Cameron including FLEXCOM, DERP, COSMOS, PATRAN, CAESAR II, and ANSYS as considered necessary. Verification packages for any of the programs used can be provided as required. For example, Cameron would perform a preliminary riser analysis (if required) using the DERP and FLEXCOM software to assess the magnitude of the riser loading at each coupling and into the completion equipment. These results input into wellhead, tree, and running tool component load analyses to confirm design suitability and compliance with material allowable stress levels. Finite element modeling and analysis using PATRAN and ANSYS is run for critically loaded members in the system. The manifold piping arrangement is rigorously stress-analyzed using the program CAESAR II, which was successfully used on the Wanaea and Cossack Manifolds piping for example. Field layout
The Subsea Wellhead, Tubing Hanger, Tree, Flowline Jumpers and Connections, and the Manifold subsystem layout drawings are used to identify critical tolerances, interface input requirements, equipment stack-up combinations, installed clearance requirements, preliminary weights, critical material selections, corrosion protection data, and ROV intervention/access. This component of the system engineering phase is therefore critical to the success of the project, and is described in more detail in the "Field Architecture" section. Optimization & Value Engineering
Optimization involves challenging the base case design and generating/evaluating alternatives that may be more costeffective or safer than the base case. A formal system of evaluation (called SMART) is used to ensure consistency and completeness. Using sophisticated modeling packages such as Pro/Engineer offers optimization benefits, including the enhanced image generated with three-dimensional graphics, the rapid design development of options possible through the parametric relations defined by the user, and the "virtual" assembly available prior to physical assembly. These design aids give a much improved design development phase, enabling each part and assembly to be clearly visualized and assembled to mating parts long before material is ordered.
Advanced Multiplex Electro-Hydraulic Control Systems
More than 30 years ago, Cameron installed the very first subsea production system. Shallow and simple by today's standards, it nonetheless marked the beginning of a new era in subsea oil and gas production. Today, all the knowledge and experience gained in production control technology is available to the industry in the CAMTROL Production Control System. The industry spoke, and Cameron Controls listened. The CAMTROL system has been engineered and qualified as a completely integrated system from the ground up starting with 30 years of subsea experience, combined with the latest control technology and system analysis tools. With i ts integrated approach and componentlevel modularity, the CAMTROL system offers unequaled advantages in cost savings, flexibility and expandability. It's the first and only system available that incorporates all the advanced features the industry now demands, and it is the only system available with MOSAICTM certified system components: •
Modular components
The reliability of pre-engineered components, the adaptability to handle any field scenario, plus the flexibility t o expand as development scenarios change. •
High-integrity materials
Robust, seawater-tolerant components, designed and qualified to 3000 meters (10,000 feet). •
Segregated, redundant electronics
Delivers maximum reliability against single-mode failures. •
Smaller and lighter
Compact Subsea Control Module weighs less than 1000 kg (2200 lbs.), allowing easy installation and intervention with standard work-class ROVs. •
The most functionality in the industry
Up to 32 control functions i n each standard subsea control module. •
Standard tooling and modular design - plus a systems-level approach to field development - enable critical subsea components to be easily retrieved. Cameron provides a true systems approach for maximum efficiency. Beyond field-proven reliability, the flexible, modular structure of the CAMTROL Production System allows Cameron to look at your field development from a systems level. Rather than designing new components, we can focus on analyzing the base case and options development scenarios, then re-configure our standard, pre-engineered equipment and components to meet the RAM analysis optimized solution to your project.
Deepwater Lift-line Running Tool Designed with the identical functionality and capability of the MMRT, the Deepwater Lift-line Running Tool (DLRT) is specifically intended for applications without high currents or other problematic conditions. The DLRT is suspended by a lift-line and can be guided by an ROV. Cameron Controls offers a suite of Multi-Mode Running Tools (MMRT), which perform installation and retrieval of various system elements, including: • • •
Installation and change-out of SCM Installation and change-out of SAM Installation and change-out of inserts in the Cameron Willis Subsea Retrievable Choke Installation and change-out of compact multi-phase flow meters
Diver Change-Out Tool The Diver Change-Out Tool (DCOT) is specifically designed for diver intervention applications for a variety of change-out functions. Like the MMRT, the DCOT locates onto an API 17H weight receptacle interface and is run on a lift-line with or without guide wires. Cameron Controls offers a suite of Multi-Mode Running Tools (MMRT), which perform installation and retrieval of various system elements, including: • • •
Installation and change-out of SCM Installation and change-out of SAM Installation and change-out of inserts in the Cameron Willis Subsea Retrievable Choke Installation and change-out of compact multi-phase flow meters
Electrical Power Unit
The Electrical Power Unit (EPU) provides conditioned electrical power to the topside and subsea system components. The EPU supplies dual, isolated, single-phase power for the subsea system through the composite service umbilical, together with power supply modules for the MCS and HPU.
Flying Lead Deployment Basket The Flying Lead Deployment Basket provides a central, local source to enable easy installation of subsea flying leads; i ncluding, hydraulic/chemical flying leads, electric/hydraulic/chemical flying leads, and electric (pressure balanced oil-filled) flying leads.
Hydraulic Power Unit The Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) provides redundant low- and high-pressure hydraulic supplies to the subsea system. Self-contained and totally enclosed, the HPU includes duty and backup electrically driven hydraulic pumps, dual redundant filters, accumulators, and control and instrumentation for each LP and HP hydraulic circuit. The unit operates autonomously under the control of its dedicated programmable logic controller (PLC), which provides pump motor control, interlocks and interface with the MCS.
Master Control Station
The Master Control Station (MCS) provides control and monitoring of the complete system, including surface and subsea installed equipment. Two complete and segregated MCS channel networks incorporating high reliability GE Fanuc 9070 PLC's simultaneously monitor data functions to and from each other, surface and subsea. In the event of a channel network failure, the other continues to seamlessly operate the control system. This dual redundant architecture eliminates single mode failure points and the requirement for bumpless transfer from the failed to the healthy channel network. The MCS features open-architecture electronics with dual Fast Ethernet (or serial RS-485 and choice of topside communication protocol including MODBUS and Profibus) links to the host control system. It is OPC v.2 compliant for compatibility with all other OPC v.2 compliant equipment. The MCS standard modems are qualified to control up to 10 Subsea Control Modules at 40 km (24.9 miles) offset, and the standard MCS can accommodate up to eight modems per channel.
Multi-Mode Running Tool Cameron Controls offers a suite of Multi-Mode Running Tools (MMRT), which perform installation and retrieval of various system elements, including: • • •
Installation and change-out of SCM Installation and change-out of SAM Installation and change-out of inserts in the Cameron Willis Subsea Retrievable Choke Installation and change-out of compact multi-phase flow meters
The standard design of the MMRT allows these operations to be performed using common intervention methods - diver-assisted, conventional guideline, guidelineless or with an ROV - in water depths to 3000 meters (10,000 feet). The MMRT is designed for efficient operation with a work-class ROV and is interfacecompliant with API 17H using weight transfer systems for neutral buoyancy.
SCM/SAM Transportation Cage The SCM/SAM Transportation Cage is used to l ower a replacement SCM or SAM to the seabed for installation, while also providing a mounting position for the module being retrieved
Subsea Accumulator Module The Subsea Accumulator Module (SAM) provides a local source of hydraulic fluid. Each standard SAM is fitted with four 20-liter (5.3 gal.) LP and two 2.5-liter (0.7 gal.) HP accumulators, providing sufficient capacity to operate 100% of all the valves on a production tree. The SAM has the identical footprint, lockdown and tooling interface as the SCM and can be replaced using any Multi-Mode Running Tool. All components are suitably earth-bonded and corrosion-protected via a dedicated electrical connector.
Subsea Control Module Rated for water depths up to 3000 meters (10,000 feet), the CAMTROL Subsea Control Module (SCM) is the heart of the subsea system. The SCM weighs less than 1000 kg (2200 lbs.) and measures only 736 mm x 736 mm x 860 mm high (29" x 29" x 34" high), making it the lightest, most compact control module in the industry. This allows easy installation and i ntervention by standard work-class ROVs with any of the CAMTROL suite of Multi-Mode Running Tools. Yet with up to 32 control functions, 24 external (4-20 mA) electrical sensor inputs and available multidropped intelligent completion capability, the CAMTROL SCM leads the industry in functionality and future potential. This can reduce the number of SCMs needed for an entire project, thereby lowering capital expenses. The SCM provides multiplexed electro-hydraulic control and monitoring of a wide variety of field functions including traditional tree functions, manifold valve control, choke adjustment, position indication, header pressure/temperature monitoring, downhole intelligence monitoring, sand detection, corrosion monitoring and multiphase flow measurement. Other features include: •
• •
Oil-filled, pressure-compensated construction designed for -10„aC to +50„aC (14YF to 122 YF); controlledenvironment electrical connections; seawater-tolerant materials available throughout hydraulic system Diverless or diver-assisted designs Nominal supply pressures of 207 bar or 345 bar (3000 psi or 5000 psi) for tree and manifold valves; 345 bar, 517 bar or 690 bar (5000 psi, 7500 psi or 10,000 psi) supply pressure for SCSSV and other HP needs Dual SEMs with single valve electronics modules standard; dual valve electronics modules are available to increase system total availability HydraQuad Couplers feature pressure-balanced shear seals which, when combined with Cameron directional control valves, provide virtually leak-free operation for lower Opex and less non-productive time.
Subsea Distribution Unit The modular CAMTROL design allows the subsea distribution unit to be either separate or fully integrated. The SDU provides the hydraulic, chemical and electrical distribution between the subsea system and t he main control umbilical. The structure is designed, tested and certified to accommodate all handling loads. For deepwater applications, the unit can incorporate hinge-over lock capability. All components are suitably earth bonded and corrosion protected to suit the installation. Additional features include:
ROV or diver make-up flying lead jumpers ROV or diver-operated block and bleed valves Electrical distribution system with optional diver or ROV replaceable fuses ROV interfaces compliant with API 17H
Available with integral SCM and SAM
• • •
Topside Umbilical Termination Unit The Topside Umbilical Termination Unit (TUTU) provides the interface between the topside control equipment and the main umbilical system. This fully enclosed unit incorporates electrical junction boxes for the electrical power and communication cables, as well as tube work, gauges, and block and bleed valves for the appropriate hydraulic and chemical supplies. +
Cameron Installation/Workover Controls Systems (IWOCS) Installation / Workover Control Systems (IWOCS)
Cameron provides a comprehensive range of IWOCS to meet the requirements of vertical and horizontal completions in all water depths. Systems are available for rental and outright purchase, as well as re-purchase after initial large-development demand. This diverse offering allows Cameron to provide cost-effective solutions from single well satellites to large deepwater, multi-well developments in the most remote corners of the globe. High-reliability IWOCS operate hydraulic functions during installation, intervention and workover of subsea completion equipment and provide facilities for monitoring and testing various subsea functions. Most developments use one of four field-proven standard system configurations to minimize the cost and duration of subsea interventions and workovers throughout the whole life of the field. Custom design solutions are available to meet specific requirements and applications. Shallow Water Vertical Completions
IWOCS for shallow water, vertical completions provide DH control of tree functions and a failsafe pilot control system for the LMRP. DH control i s provided for THRT functions. Options are available to provide simple hydraulic interlocking of LMRP and tree functions to ensure correct sequencing of the valves in the vertical flow path and prevent inadvertent closure of tree valves on coiled tubing or wire line. DH control of SSTT functions and related control panel functions are additional options. Major system elements typically include:
HPU and Workover Control Panel Workover Reel and Umbilical Tubing Hanger Reel and Umbilical EDP and LMRP Pilot Valve Modules and Accumulators
Deepwater Vertical Completions
IWOCS for deepwater, vertical completions provide EH control of tree functions, LMRP and EDP via a WSCM located on the EDP. The system features rapid operation of all workover functions including closure of the LMRP rams and valves and operation of the EDP, critical when operating from a dynamically positioned vessel in deepwater. DH control is provided for the THRT functions. Options are available to provide redundancy, operation of tree functions via the production SCM and provision of acoustic back-up systems. DH control of SSTT functions and related control panel functions are additional options. EH control systems for integrated control of the THRT and SSTT are also available. Major system elements typically include:
HPU and Workover Control Panel Workover Reel and Umbilical Tubing Hanger Reel and Umbilical Workover Control Module and Accumulators LMRP Pilot Valve Module and Accumulators
Remote Workover Control Unit/Portable Electronic Test Unit
Shallow Water Horizontal Completions
IWOCS for shallow water, horizontal completions provide DH control of the TRT and tree functions. An EDU installed on the LMRP/BOP enables disconnection of the workover umbilical at the LMRP/BOP interface. Options are available to operate and monitor tree functions via the TRT during installation, and test/monitor the DHPT following installation of the tubing hanger. DH control for THRT functions, SSTT functions and related control panel functions are additional options. Major system elements typically include:
HPU and Workover Control Panel Workover Reel and Umbilical Tubing Hanger Reel and Umbilical Emergency Disconnect Unit ROV/Diver Flying Lead Jumpers from BOP to Tree
Deepwater Horizontal Completions
IWOCS for deepwater, horizontal completions provide EH control of tree functions and DH control of the TRT via the production SCM. An EDU installed on the LMRP/BOP enables disconnection of the workover umbilical at the LMRP/BOP interface. Options are available to operate and monitor tree functions via the TRT during installation, and test/monitor the DHPT following installation of the tubing hanger. DH control for THRT functions, SSTT functions and related control panel functions are additional options. EH control systems for integrated control of the THRT and SSTT are also available. Major system elements typically include:
HPU and Workover Control Panel Workover Reel and Umbilical Tubing Hanger Reel and Umbilical Emergency Disconnect Unit BOP and TRT Accumulator Units ROV Flying Leads from BOP to Tree Remote Workover Control Unit/Portable Electronic Test Unit
Common Components Direct Hydraulic and Electro Hydraulic IWOCS
Vertical and Horizontal Systems Workover Hydraulic Power Unit Workover/TRT Reel and Umbilical Tubing Hanger Running Tool Reel and Umbilical Workover Hydraulic Deck Jumper Tubing Hanger Running Tool Hydraulic Deck Jumper Umbilical Sheaves Remote Emergency Shutdown Station Remote Emergency Shutdown Station Deck Cable/Jumper Jumper Deployment Basket Umbilical Clamps (THRT Umbilical-to-Drill Pipe/Riser) Workover Control System Radio Link Workover Umbilical Test and Flushing Unit Installation Workover Autonomous
Test System IWATS Tree-to-BOP Connector
Additional Components for EH Vertical and Horizontal Systems
Workover Electrical Power Deck Jumper Workover Electrical Signal Deck Jumper Portable Electronic Test Equipment Workover Subsea Control Module BOP Accumulator Module Tree Running Tool Accumulator Set
Additional Components for DH and EH Horizontal Systems
Emergency Disconnect Unit Emergency Disconnect Unit Test and Shipping Frame Umbilical Clamps (Umbilical-to-SCM line) Tree Running Tool-to-Tree Flying Lead Tree Flying Lead Parking Plate BOP-to-Tree Flying Lead Tree to BOP Parking Plate
Workover System Terminology Acronym
Blowout Preventer Direct Hydraulic Downhole Pressure/Temperature Transmitter Emergency Disconnect Package Emergency Disconnect Unit Electro-Hydraulic Multiplex Emergency Shutdown System High Pressure Hydraulic Power Unit Installation Workover Autonomous Test System Installation Workover Control System Lower Marine Riser Package Low Pressure Mobile Drilling Unit Master Telemetry Unit Portable Electronic Test Unit Programmable Logic Controller Remotely Operated Vehicle Remote Telemetry Unit Subsea Accumulator Module Subsea Control Module Simultaneous Workover and Production Operation Scenarios Subsea Test Tree Tubing Hanger Running Tool Tree Running Tool Workover Hydraulic Power Unit Workover Subsea Control Module Workover Control System
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For the life of your project - and your equipment - CAMSERV Aftermarket Services offers a one-stop approach to any service-related need. Through 60 worldwide Service Centers, linked through Cameron's global product search integrated
within SAP-R3, CAMSERV offers a broad range of quality services, as well as reconditioned products and OEM replacement parts to keep projects running smoothly. CAMSERV brings you more ways to minimize your Total Cost of Ownership. And only CAMSERV offers the worldwide resources of Cameron, with the 24/7 convenience and personal, responsive service of a local supplier - anywhere you are. CAMSERV services include:
Equipment repair and re-manufacture Reconditioned equipment sales, rental and exchange Replacement parts Field services Computerized customer asset management services
Consignment programs
IWATS - Installation Workover Autonomous Test System Traditionally, during intervention and workover completion operations, the moon pool area of the rig is the center of activity. Often the area becomes congested and hectic. The high dollar real estate becomes a bottleneck for productivity and rig time improvements. With IWATS, installation and workover operations can be performed over the side, stern or through a moonpool of a suitable vessel of opportunity. This proven technique allows operators to eliminate some of the congestion within the moon pool area, saving valuable rig time and improving operations and safety while enabling both single well and batch well testing. Additional benefits of the IWATS include the capability to install and retrieve a variety of flying leads, subsea control modules, subsea accumulator modules, insert-retrievable chokes, tree caps and various other t ools and equipment, away from congestion of the moon pool. The system is applicable for both horizontal SpoolTreeTM production systems and vertical bore Trees and can be used to water depths of 10,000 feet (3000 meters). The design basis provides for direct hydraulic as well as electro hydraulic multiplex installation/workover operations. The IWATS uses a standard IWOCS and an ROV, with its launch mechanism and heave compensation system (when necessary). The IWATS is deployed and retrieved using standard ROV launch mechanisms. Prior to IWATS deployment, an IWOCS umbilical is attached via a hydraulic emergency release package. The umbilical provides hydraulic supplies to the SCMs, tree test, and other functions; and power and communication supplies for the production and workover SCMs or to sensors i n direct hydraulic mode. Once the IWATS is deployed, a ROV is used to fly an integral IWOCS flying lead to the Tree(s) or manifold(s). The flying lead provides the means to control and monitor workover, workover and production SCM functions during completion or workover operations. Flying lead length and configuration can be modified to suit specific field layout and well offset distances. Chemical supplies can be provided by a separate umbilical run along with the primary umbilical. A Cameron IWATS has been field-proven in the UK North Sea (1999) where the system was used to establish parallel test and installation operations, resulting in measurable reduced rig t ime on location.
IWATS Tree-to-BOP Connector and EDP Functions Flying Lead The IWATS tree-to-BOP connector and EDP functions flying lead is a multi-function, ROV fly-to-place electric and hydraulic flying lead. It allows operation and testing of the various EPD and BOP connector test ports during installation and workover operation with the IWATS. The flying lead interconnects the tree to the EDP and associated accumulator module and the BOP connector test ports.
Jumper Basket The offshore/lift certified jumper basket provides for the transportation and storage of deck jumpers and sheaves.
Portable Electronic Test Unit The PETU is a multi-purpose system providing operator access to production SCM housekeeping and diagnostic data that is not normally available on the WHPU operating panels. The PC-based, laptop unit incorporates a power supply, communications equipment and interconnecting cables to enable remote location test and operation diagnostics. Data is stored on the internal CD-RW drive. The standard portable electronic test unit is suitable for use in ôsafe areasö only.
Remote ESD Station The remote ESD station consists of push buttons and indicators suitable for Zone 1 hazardous area operations and can be reconfigured to meet the rig-specific safety requirements. The unit functions to initiate a single level shutdown of the IWOCS and a remote shutdown of the subsea production system. Protective covers prevent accidental initiation of ESDs.
Remote ESD Station Deck Cable/Jumper The remote ESD station deck jumper connects to the remote ESD station, providing safe remote communications to operate an ESD. The jumper consists of an armored offshore electrical cable terminated at each end with multi-pin, explosion proof connectors (for deepwater systems) or an unarmored thermoplastic pneumatic hydraulic bundle terminated at each end with stab plates (for shallow water systems).
ROV Hot Stab Blind Receptacle The ROV hot stab blind receptacle is attached to the BOP stack or TRT for parking the ROV test stab flying lead and testing the IWOCS pressure test line during the running or retrieving of the BOP stack.
ROV Test Stab Flying Lead The ROV/test stab flying lead is a single-line, ROV fly-to-place hydraulic flying lead allowing testing of the tree connector gasket and tubing hanger/ HP cap seals. One end of the flying lead is permanently attached to the BOP stack EDU, while the second end is fitted with an ROV fly-to-place hydraulic hot stab.
THRT Hydraulic Deck Jumper The THRT hydraulic deck jumper interconnects the WHPU and THRT reel. The jumper consists of an unarmored thermoplastic hydraulic bundle terminated with stab plates at each e nd.
Tree Flying Lead Parking Plate The tree flying lead parking plate allows parking and protection of the tree flying lead when not connected to the tree production controls stab plate. A parking plate on the BOP allows flying lead parking when running or retrieving the BOP stack and drilling riser. A second parking plate is fitted to the TRT to allow parking of the tree flying lead following
disconnection at the end of the Tree running sequence prior to recovery of the TRT.
TRT Accumulator Set The TRT accumulators provide hydraulic power to the production SCM to enable testing of the tree when initially run. Accumulators are provided for each hydraulic supply line.
TRT-to-Tree Flying Lead The TRT-to-tree flying lead is a multi-function, ROV fly-to-place electric and hydraulic flying lead allowing operation of the production SCM and control of tree functions following lockdown of the tree with the TRT connected. The flying lead provides compensation for the SCM hydraulics from the IWOCS during tree installation.
Tubing Hanger Running Tool (THRT) Reel and Umbilical The THRT reel and umbilical is a reeled, multi-way hydraulic umbilical providing communication connections to control THRT functions. A hand-held remote pendant enables operation from an adjacent location. An automatic spooling device e nsures correct umbilical lay during deployment and retrieval, while a failsafe brake prevents drum rotation when the umbilical is suspended and during operations. Individual hydraulic couplers terminate the subsea umbilical hydraulic hoses, while wetmateable connectors terminate the electrical cables for DHPT monitoring.
Umbilical Clamps - THRT Umbilical-toDrill Pipe/Riser Clamps are provided to clamp the THRT umbilical to the drill pipe or completion riser for tubing hanger deployment. The clamps ensure the umbilical is adequately attached to prevent umbilical damage.
Umbilical Clamps - Workover Umbilical-to-SCM Line Clamps are provided to clamp the workover umbilical to the drill pipe used for deployment of the TRT, or to t he choke and kill lines during deployment of the BOP stack. The clamps ensure the umbilical is adequately attached at all times to prevent any damage to the umbilical.
Umbilical Sheaves The umbilical sheaves assist deployment of the workover/TRT and THRT control umbilicals and are sized to ensure that an umbilical cannot be bent beyond recommended minimum bend radius. Sheave rollers are made from corrosion-resistant material and provide smooth, abrasive free movement of an umbilical.
WOCS Radio Link
The WOCS radio link system provides a highly secure, line-of-sight, dual channel ESD communications link between a MDU and a fixed platform or floating production system. The system is intended for use under SimOps and provides the ability to initiate a fully automated shutdown of the subsea production facility from the MDU or other workover/intervention vessel. Major components of the system include an MTU located on the production facility, and a RTU and ESD panels located on the MDU. Alarms are raised at both ends of the link in the event of any communication errors or system failures.
Workover BOP Accumulator Module The BOP accumulator module provides hydraulic power for the production SCM using dedicated accumulators on each supply for systems not configured with subsea accumulators on the tree. The module is mounted to the BOP stack in a robust framework that provides protection during BOP handling.
Workover BOP-to-Tree Flying Lead The BOP-to-tree flying lead is a multi-function, ROV fly-to-place electric and hydraulic flying lead allowing operation of the production SCM and control of the tree functions during installation and workover operations with the BOP in place. The flying lead connects to the BOP stack-mounted EDU and accumulator module to the production control system stab plate on the tree.
Workover EDU Test and Shipping Frame The EDU test and shipping frame protects the EDU from damage during storage and offshore transportation. The unit enables checking, flushing and pressure testing of EDU operations prior to installation on the BOP.
Workover Electrical Deck Jumper Power The workover electrical deck jumper interconnects an EH WHPU and workover reel, providing dual power channels for production and workover SCMs. The jumper consists of an armored offshore electrical cable terminated with multi-pin explosion proof connectors at each end.
Workover Emergency Disconnect Unit
The EDU enables safe disconnect of the surface, rig-mounted, equipment from the fixed subsea equipment during drilling unit drift, drive-off or other emergency situations. The unit consists of a multi-way remotely operated hydraulic and electrical stab plate at the LMRP/BOP stack interface, allowing the workover functions to be disconnected between the tree and the workover umbilical in the event that the drilling riser is disconnected from the BOP.
Workover Hydraulic Deck Jumper The workover hydraulic deck jumper connects the WHPU and workover reel. The jumper consists of an unarmored thermoplastic hydraulic bundle terminated at each end with stab plates.
Workover Hydraulic Power Unit The WHPU is the primary system component of the IWOCS. It provides the hydraulic power to operate the various running tools, and subsea tree valves. WHPUs typically include:
Dual redundant LP and HP pump systems Dual reservoirs Filtration to NAS 1638 Class 6 Independent transfer and clean-up pump and filter system LP and HP accumulation Local control panels for HPU and workover functions PLC control for EH systems
The integrated local control panel provides control of tree functions, TRT/ workover umbilical reel and the THRT umbilical reel.
Workover Subsea Control Module The WSCM uses CAMTROLÖ production control system technology to provide a compact, lightweight system for operating vertical tree workover functions and light intervention control systems. The WSCM is easily removable on deck for maintenance and provides dual redundant electronics. Use of a common power and communications system is possible for workover and production SCMs, allowing a truly i ntegrated control system.
Workover Umbilical Test and Flushing Equipment The workover umbilical test and flushing equipment allows all elements of the IWOCS to be flushed and tested prior to use or during routine offshore maintenance. Typical uses include pressure test and flushing, and continuity and insulation tests.
Workover/Tree Running Tool (TRT) Reel and Umbilical
The workover/TRT reel and umbilical is a reeled, multi-way EH umbilical providing power and communication connections to control TRT and tree functions. A handheld remote panel enables reel operation from an adjacent location. An automatic spooling device ensures correct umbilical lay during deployment and retrieval. A failsafe brake prevents drum rotation when the umbilical is suspended and during IWOCS operations. Wet-mateable connectors terminate the subsea umbilical electrical cables when provided for EH operations or DHPT monitoring, while a multiway stab plate terminates the subsea umbilical hydraulic hoses.
Cameron Vertical Connection (CVC) System
Flowline tie-in – connection of a flowline to a subsea facility. This i ncludes
connection to any of the following subsea facilities: • • • •
Trees Manifolds Templates FLETs (FlowLine End Terminations)
Installation Methods: (Pipeline and Flowline Installation)
First End Stab and Hinge-Over, Lay Away Zinc, Umbilicals o Luna, Dual Flexible Flowlines o o Rocky, Dual Flexible Flowlines o Malampaya, Umbilicals
Second End or Lay Up To o Pampano Export Lines, Rigid Jumpers
Towed-in-Place Bundle o MC 441, Satellite Wells GB 387, Satellite Wells o
Towed-in-Place Pipeline o Troika Export Lines, Rigid Jumpers
Design Features:
Vertical Connection • • • •
Tool Make-up Guidelineless ROV Operated Subsea Seal Replacement
Advantages of Vertical Connections:
Connectors lowered directly onto hubs. Compact receiver structure and hub support (CVC = 32.5” diameter). No horizontal motion required to make up hubs (no length change). Eliminates flexibility loops required by some horizontal systems. Vertically installed and removed pressure caps and enclosures. Advantages of a Tool-based System:
Economic - Cost removed from connections and placed i n tools. Many connections, few tools Improved Reliability - No hydraulics left subsea on connectors. Hydraulic systems are all on the tool. Maintenance - Tools are retrieved and can be repaired.
Advantages of CVC Tool Engaging the Connector Directly:
• • •
Shorter - Height not effected by pipe size or pipe bend radius. Connections can be stacked vertically. No vertical height limitations. Flexible riser connections can be stabbed vertically and made up using CVC tool.
| Click here to l aunch the Cameron Vertical Connector web module | CVC Presentation Slideshow
CAMFORGE Pipeline Repair The Cameron CAMFORGE pipeline repair system allows for emergency repair of subsea pipelines. The CAMFORGE cold forging tool forges the end of the pipeline being repaired to the mating hub of a Cameron collet connector or a standard flange. Features of the CAMFORGE system include:
Hubs are cold-forged to the pipe, forming a series of metal-to-metal seals along the pipe-to-hub junction. The pipe-to-hub seal is verified at full pipeline test pressure before the CAMFORGE forging tool is removed from the pipe bore. The hub does not require pressure-relief vent ports which could form leak paths. The CAMFORGE forging tool is simple with a minimum number of moving parts.
The CAMFORGE system can be thoroughly inspected on the surface prior to subsea deployment.
Flowline Pull-in & Connection After the Christmas tree is installed on the ocean floor, flowlines must be connected to carry the produced fluids to the surface production facility. Cameron has been providing solutions to flowline hook-up challenges for decades. Depending on the field conditions, divers can be used for accessible shallow-water locations, or remote-operated diverless systems are available for deep water or other locations inaccessible to divers. The following are various Cameron flowline pull-in and connection products: Swivel Flange
Simple Cost-effective Well proven Diver assisted installation
Remote Stab
Automatic flowline connection
Diverless make-up
Collet Connector
Pre-loaded connections Gasket (metal) seal connection Excellent for high separation forces
Loads isolated from the wellhead Diverless operation
Connection can be made at surface before tree is run Flowline sled can be avoided
Remote flowline cap removal and seal plate installation i s available if required
McPac[TM] Pul l-In/Connection Tool
Dual function pull-in and connection tool. Tool is recovered leaving only the connected lines subsea. Suitable for flowlines and umbilicals.
CAMFORGE[TM] Pipeline Repair System
Emergency repair of pipelines. Simple, reliable, permanent repair.
Two methods of remote, diverless flowline connection are the "pull-in" method where the flowline is attached to a sled and pulled to the well by cables, and the "lay-away" method where the flowline is lowered vertically on guidewires and then laid away from the well. (A variation of the lay-away technique is the "spool piece tie-in" where a pre-fabricated spool with connectors on either end is lowered vertically and stabs a receptacle at the wellhead and the pipeline end simultaneously). Factors such as the water depth, the practicality of using divers and the requirement for either wellhead to platform (first end) connection or platform to wellhead (second end) connection determine which method is to be used. Cameron offers a variety of flowline connection systems, from a simple flange or swivel flange with an AX or BX gasket to a totally remote hydraulic connection system. The broad range of products available and years of previous experience place Cameron in a position to provide the optimum flowline tie-in and connection solution for any subsea field.
Length Compensating Joint The length compensating joint is used to replace mid-point swivels in typical spool pipeline sections. This allows use of 30' to 40' spool pieces to be used in place of typical sections which are approximately 150' in length. This facilitates handling during installation and eliminates large crane capacity requirements. Length compensating joints may also be used for completion of subsea tree-to-flowline and subsea template-to-pipeline connections. Features of the length compensating joint include:
The length compensating joint can be hydraulically extended or retracted during installation of the spool piece and
lock-up of the collet connectors. After spool piece installation, metal-to-metal seals are energized in the joint. Joint slips are hydraulically locked for a rigid connection. Make up of the connection is reversible in case future replacement of damaged pipeline sections is required.
Length compensating joints with elastomer sealing are also available.
McPac Diverless Connections The McPac pull-in connection system is used for first and second end connections of flowline/hydraulic control bundles, electrical cables and pipelines in deepwater applications with deflect to connect lay procedures This system consists of a heavy duty pull-in tool and a compact make-up tool. Features include:
McPac tools operate totally diverless. The system provides single wire rope pull-in of one or two major diameter hubs to the subsea template, subsea manifold or satellite tree. Each hub features metal-to-metal seals and can accommodate a grouping of flowlines, control lines and electrical cables. Test/protection covers on inboard and outboard hubs permit pressure testing at any time prior to connection. Connection is a totally separate operation from pull-in and can be delayed or performed immediately after pull-in. After installation, metal-to-metal face seals are pressure-tested with the make-up tool. No hydraulic components remain on the sea floor after the hubs and clamps are made up and tested. The McPac system provides capability to disconnect, remove and replace pulled-in connections.
MOSAIC Connection Elements Connection Elements provide linkage between MOSAIC modules and pipelines and include items such as pipeline, flowline and umbilical connection systems. Connection Elements are typically used in horizontal, vertical, diver-assist or ROV-driven applications. Cameron has a long history of leadership in development of flowline and pipeline connections systems. For example:
Camerons horizontal pipeline connection systems, which include CAMFORGE pipeline repair products McPAC horizontal pull-in and connection system for a range of connections from large pipelines to small in-field flowlines and umbilicals Vertical connection jumpers utilizing Cameron collet connectors and flexible or rigid jumpers Structural mooring connections for attachment of production risers to turret moored FPSOs
Haul-down riser connectors for shuttle tankers Stab and hinge umbilical connection systems for templates or dedicated foundations Lay away connections with both horizontal and vertical connection systems
MOSAIC Connection Elements utilize common interfaces which allow a variety of different types of connection systems to be attached. For example, modular Christmas trees are designed to allow whatever type of connection system is required (vertical, horizontal, diver-assist or ROV-driven). This modularity leads to reduced engineering cycle times by minimizing the engineering required for modifications, and reduces or eliminates errors found during assembly or offshore installation. By utilizing the systemic view, all connection requirements in a field development, such as well jumpers, pipeline jumpers, and umbilical terminations, can use the same connection technology. This simplifies tool requirements, reduces the number of running procedures to be accommodated, and also reduces spare parts inventories.
MOSAIC Horizontal Connection The totally guidelineless horizontal flowline connection system incorporates a pivoting Hub Support & Alignment Structure (HSAS) with orienting stab alignment pin. The HSAS is deployed in vertical position, and for a first end connection, stabs into the flowline porch structure at the wellhead, where the inboard hub is mounted. The stab pin latches to the porch base when HSAS pivots to horizontal and provides a hinge point for flowline layaway and hub horizontal alignment. Major Components:
Guidelineless Hinged Helical Stab PIC End Connections Hub Support & Alignment Structure (HSAS) Improved PIC Connection Tool Horizontal Connection System: Continued
PIC End Connections
Standard hubs & clamps; 2 sizes Larger hub arrangement accepts large bore flowline, multi-bore lines & umbilicals Smaller hub arrangement accepts small or single bore li nes. First & second end connections of flowline/hydraulic control bundles, electrical cables and pipelines.
PIC Connection Tool
Hydraulic power supplied by ROV: no guidelines or umbilical required. Single Hydraulic Motor Drives 2 Jack Screws. ROV deployable: actuating saddle & hydraulic motor separate modules. ROV retrievable seal plate. Run guidelineless or with guidelines. Compact hub connection tool. Metal to metal seals are pressure tested with connection tool. Connection system completely diverless.
Sliding support saddle. Hub stroked by connection tool. Provides final alignment & clamp make-up.
Run guidelineless or with guidelines.
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Non-Integral Collet Connectors Cameron pipeline collet connectors have been designed using principles proven with similar Cameron connector designs for high pressure and deepwater drilling applications. Use of collet connectors minimizes the need for diver assistance when joining pipeline sections subsea. Pipeline connections formed by collet connectors are structurally stronger than the pipeline itself, and remain unaffected by time or changing operating conditions. Hydraulic pressure is used to close the fingers of collet connectors over the mating hubs of pipeline sections. These fingers have special taper and mechanical lock features to prevent movement. All Cameron collet connectors utilize the proven AX gasket to form a metal-to-metal seal between mating hubs. Seal integrity of each connection can be pressure-tested prior to service. Cameron collet connectors are available in non-integral and integral designs. Non-integral collet connectors are available in pipe sizes up to 20" and are positioned and closed by a separate actuator which is recoverable after use. Integral collet connectors are available in pipe sizes ranging from 6" to 54". These connectors feature internal hydraulic cylinders which complete positioning and closing of the collet fingers and are best used where diver assistance must be minimized. Features of Cameron collet connectors include:
Forged steel construction of pressure-containing components including clamp hub, collet fingers, locking ring, and body. Full bore which does not restrict normal pigging operations. Compliance with API 6D regulations. Pressure test of AX gasket seal prior to pressurizing line and capability for subsea change-out if necessary. Compliance with NACE MR-01-75 for sour service requirements.
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Single and Double Swivels
Cameron swivels are used as tie-in components for subsea pipelines and can be used for land and offshore applications to accommodate the following conditions:
When variable changes in the direction of a pipeline are anticipated. When exact axial direction of the changes of a pipeline cannot be determined. When stresses due to mechanical torque must be eliminated. When changes in direction or elevation of intersecting lateral pipelines are anticipated.
These conditions may occur due to land settling, platform movement, pipeline expansion and contraction dye to thermal changes, crossing of an earth fault, seafloor scouring due to ocean currents, or a future need to bury a pipeline. Features of Cameron swivels include:
Cameron swivels remain flexible after installation to minimize stress caused by line displacement, compensate for platform settling and allow for future burying of the line. Metal-to-metal sealing ensures that the seal integrity is not affected by fluctuations in the line pressure or temperature. Swivels seals tightly against sand and abrasive materials to ensure long subsea service life. Swivel construction meets API specifications. High-strength forged components ensure a connection which is stronger than the pipeline. Swivels rotate a full 360ª to assist in equipment line-up and approach orientation.
Single Swivels
The single swivel consists of forged components which are assembled and welded together to form a low profile, high strength unit consisting of three basic parts; the body, swivel cup and cup retainer. Single swivels allow ª10ª angular movement of the pipeline in any direction to accommodate a wide variance in pipe approach angles. The full bore of the single swivel does not restrict normal pipeline pigging operations including intelligent pigs. Double Swivels
The double swivel consists of two single swivel designs mounted back-to-back with a single forged body. This allows for a maximum ª20ª deviation in the angle of approaching pipeline sections.
Structural Collet Connectors
Structural collet connectors are available in si zes up to 60". Cameron offers connectors with load ratings up to 8 million lb tensile load and 12 million ft-lb bending moment. They are used to form disconnectable, load-carrying links for the following applications:
Attachment of removable flotation tanks to offshore jackets to implement float-out and setup. Once the jacket is set in place, the flotation tanks can be removed quickly by remote de-actuation of the collet connectors. Tanks and collet connectors can them be reused on other jackets. Quick connect/disconnect link between floating production facilities and their mooring system. This capability allows for temporary yet quick disconnection and evacuation of a production vessel in case of severe weather conditions. Use of structural collet connectors also reduces the cost of the mooring system by decreasing structural requirements. Structural collet connectors can be custom-designed to meet specific load requirements and special customer needs.
CameronDC Subsea Electric Tree
All Electric. All Cameron.
Subsea Products and Systems CameronDC represents a breakthrough solution to the risks of subsea production, and addresses the challenges that can result in downtime, costly intervention, deferred production and lost revenue for offshore operators. This unique all-electric system, powered by direct current, dramatically improves reliability, availability and maintainability. The system has no batteries, hydraulics or accumulators and much of the conventional electro-hydraulic equipment has been simplified or eliminated. The CameronDc design translates to far greater uptime performance and significant cost savings. Improved System Availability and Reliability -
CameronDC provides 99% or better uptime availability in deepwater and at long stepout distances. OPEX/CAPEX Savings - Operational savings are
derived from fluids, reliability improvements, lower intervention costs and increased total production. Capital expenditure savings include umbilicals, hydraulic fluids, and installation and commissioning. Deepwater and Long-Distance Stepouts - CameronDC delivers capability at virtually limitless water
depths and long-distance stepouts (beyond 100 miles) coupled with great response times. Actuation Speed and Accuracy - With the elimination of hydraulics for power and signal, control
system commands can be sent in rapid succession thus avoiding the lag time needed for accumulator charging. Flow and control of the well are maintained with precision. High-Speed Communication and Real-Time Condition Monitoring - Without the need to transmit
hydraulic signals through the umbilical, communication with equipment is near instantaneous and feedback on subsea conditions is instantaneous. Environmentally Friendly - Without dependence on conventional hydraulics, the system offers
significant health, safety and environmental advantages. The potential for hydraulic leaks i s eliminated, as is the issue of fluids disposal. CameronDC is a unique all-electric system powered by direct current. Suddenly reliability, availability and maintainability take a giant leap forward. CameronDC is simpler. Environmentally friendly. Easier to install. Fewer parts to maintain. Better feedback and greater response time. Is it game-changing technology? Absolutely.
Modular Dual Bore Tree Cameron's Dual Bore Christmas tree is the one many oilmen grew up with. It was the first to feature a dedicated annulus bore for troubleshooting, well servicing and well conversion operations, and has been the number one tree selection in the North Sea for many years. While this tree was originally introduced as a custom-engineered product, it has now been re-engineered as a modular system using pre-engineered subassemblies to save time and money. Modular Dual Bore trees can be specified with guideline or guidelineless Position Elements for production or injection well applications. The modular valve block is available in 4", 5" and 7" nominal bore sizes and 5,000, 10,000 or 15,000 psi WP pressure ratings. Valve assemblies feature the field-proven Cameron FLS Gate Valves with one-piece construction, spring-loaded seats and corrosion-resistant, metal-to-metal seals for maximum sealing integrity. The standardized central block offers 40 different wing valve arrangements with single or double master valves and a variety of trim options, including corrosion i nlays and full cladding. Master and swab valves are located in the vertical bore. Cameron Compact Modular (CM) actuators are offered in sizes from 2" to 7" with pressure ratings to 15,000 psi in 10,000 feet (3000 meters) of water. These hydraulically actuated, fail-close actuators are available with a choice of ROV or diverassist overrides and position indicators. Pre-engineered Cameron Willis subsea chokes are another integral part of the modular Dual Bore tree package. Subsea chokes are offered in Standard, Diverless/ROV Retrievable and ROV/Running Tool Retrievable models.
Modular SpoolTree Since its introduction in 1992, the patented SpoolTree Christmas tree has revolutionized the subsea industry. It is the number one tree in the Gulf of Mexico and other oil-producing regions, and has been widely copied by Cameron competitors. The SpoolTree system's unique wellhead/tree/hanger arrangement lands the tubing hanger on a dedicated load shoulder in the tree. This stack-up configuration saves significant rig time (see below) by allowing completion and workover operations to be performed with the tree in place and flowlines undisturbed. The SpoolTree system's horizontal valve assembly allows an unobstructed vertical path to the tubing completion. SpoolTree valves are external to the vertical bore. Therefore, wireline tools no longer are run through gate valves, greatly reducing the risk of damaging tree components. Production and annulus valves are contained on the exterior of the spool in mini-blocks. Connected to the blocks are flowloops which provide production, cross-over and circulation functionality. All SpoolTree system valves are the field-proven Cameron FLS Gate Valves. A typical valve cluster would include: production and annulus master valve, production and annulus wing (isolation) valve, cross-over valve, workover valve and isolation valves for SCSSV, CIV and other requirements. Because the SpoolTree tubing hanger is a concentric bore design, completions can be installed with a single work string. This eliminates the need for expensive workover/completion riser systems, which translates to significant capital equipment savings. The SpoolTree system provides numerous safety advantages, too. Its body is machined with an 18-3/4" hub profile on top to allow installation of a standard 18-3/4" drilling blowout preventer. In fact, all completion activities can be performed under full BOP control. Even if the well is live under the tubing hanger due to production tubing failure, safe full-bore access can still be achieved using the drilling BOP. In a conventional system, wireline plugs would be installed in the tubing hanger so the tree could be removed for installation of a BOP for tubing hanger access. This potentially dangerous situation is eliminated by the SpoolTree design.