The Rock-cut structures present the most spectacular piece of ancient Indian art specimen. Most of the rock-cut structures were related to various religious communities. In the beginning, remarkable Buddhist and Jain monuments were produced in areas such as Bihar in the east and Maharashtra in the west. Numerous caves were excavated b the Buddhist monks for praer and residence purposes. !he best examples of this are "haitas and monasteries. Inside these rock-cut structures monks carved windows and balconies and gates in the shape of huge arch shaped openings. #ock-cut architecture occupies a ver important place in the histor of Indian $rchitecture. !he rock-cut architecture differs from traditional buildings in man was. !he rock-cut art is more similar to sculpture than architecture as structures were produced b cutting out solid rocks. %ome prominent rock-cut structures of ancient India are "haitas, &iharas, temples etc. Buddhist architecture in $ncient India was a good combination of traditional structure and modern concepts of the time. !he principle contributi contributions ons made b Buddhist architecture and art of the time were these six. '() a series of edics inscribed on the rock '*) a number of of tumuli or stupa '+) certain monolithic pillars ') several monolithic accessories to shrine ') the remains of of vast palace ') a group of rock cut chambers. ( $mong them that more directl affected the course of art of building were the stupas. Buddhist architecture nowadas can be seen through Stupa Stupa,, Vihara & Chaitya gruha. Chaitya gruha. Stambha and and Caves Caves are also of great importance.
Chaityas And Viharas "haitas and &iharas are those rock-cut structures that were hewn out for Buddhist and Jain monks. "haitas were places of worship. "haita derived from %anskrit word chita or a sacred spot.!he traditional chaita was a grove of trees in the middle of which small tumuli of earth had been built up over the ashes or relics of the Buddha . Buddhist monks instead of wandering and begging for alms started settling down around such chaitas. Monks in viharas erected stupa along with viharas also called "haita /ruha. !he plan consists of an apsidal ended hall with closel spaced pillars at each side, forming aisles or ambulatories. $ stupa shrine is placed in the apse, farthest from the entrance. !he roofs are semicircular in section and ribs represent the original timber members of the prototpes are cut from the rock. !he fascade normall contains above a low entrance portico, a horseshoe shaped window filled with rock-cut or wooden tracer which admits light to the interior. whereas &iharas were residence of monks. &ihara is a simple dwelling for monks and nuns. 0hen it is raining outside. Buddha prescribed five kinds of abodes for the monks. &i1 &ihara ' monaster). $ddhoga ' 2inneled house), 2asada ' Big building), 3ammia ' $ttic ) and /uha ' cave). !he term &ihara was generall used in the sense of monaster. !he Buddhist and Jain monks usuall staed awa from the towns therefore the developed "haitas and &iharas in the hillside. Most of the "haitas and &iharas were constructed in western India. %ome of the prominent places having "haitas and &iharas are 4arle, Nashik, Bha5a and 4anheri. !he rugged hills of the 0estern /hats were naturall suited to the creation of living space in the hillside.
Chaitya –place of worship monks
Vihara – dwellings of
Karla Caves Architecture
Buddhist 4arla "aves are one of the finest examples of ancient rock cut caves to be found in India. !he magnificent hall that adorns the main cave reflects the high degree of architectural skills of the artisans who carved the caves on such a beautiful and difficult hillside. !his complex of Buddhist caves are built on a hillside and is one of the finest examples of ancient rock cut caves. /reat windows light up the interiors and the have the large collection of "haitas or halls. $t the entrance is a recentl built temple, accompanied b a pillar from the Buddhist period. !he facade of the temple has some carved temple screens, with railing ornaments and human couples. 6uter and inner screens form an antechamber to the main cave. !he panels of wooden doors and windows are ex7uisitel decorated with intricate sculptures of couples embracing. $t the central doorwa there are sculptures of the Buddha preaching on a lion supported throne along with magnificent carvings of three elephants. 8ifteen pillars adorned with carvings of elephants, men and women riding separate the narrow aisles from the central arch. !he portico of karla caves is carved in such a wa so as to give it an appearance of finished wood and has a large horse shoe arch at the centre. The Caves #ock cut structures are one of the most primitive forms of architecture and are found in man places in India. !he first rock cut temples are a part of the Buddhist stle of architecture, which originated in India after the death of /autam Buddha 9 the founder of Buddhism. !he large number of cave shrines abandoned at various stages of construction gives us a hint on how the were dug out. "aves were created in groups to provide accommodation to workers as there were not man resources in this ver small religious communit. !he 4arla "ave complex has a number of "haitas or praer halls which have been carved in a great precision were for congregational worship which distinguishes Buddhism from 3induism. %imilarl carved viharas were dwelling places of monks which consisted of cells cut into walls around three sides of a hall. !here are no images of Buddha but onl smbolic descriptions. !he caves had arched entrances and precisel carved interiors.
$5anta caves
Stupa 0ord stupa is derived from the root stup, meaning to heap and suggest the mound shape and method of construction of these editices. !he initial function of a stupa was the veneration and safe guarding at the relics of the Buddha. !he evolved into large hemispherical mounds with features such as the !orna - /atewa the &edica - 8ence like enclose the 3ermika - $ s7uare platform with railings on the top of the stupa.and "hatraashti - !he parasol or canop. %anchi, Barhut, "haukhandi, :eorkothur, :hamek stupa at %arnath, &aishali, Nalanda, #ambhar are some of the welknown stupas. %tupas show the diversities in shapes but unit in techni7ue and purposes. !he original models for stupa were those raised in brick and stone. !he well preserved earl stupas at %anchi and elsewhere show that the drum and dome were constructed solidl and the capital and umbrella were later added as separate pieces in stone. +!he forms of the later two items happen to be copies of wooden models, so it can be presumed that originall these parts were in wood onl.
Stambha !hese are monumental pillars standing free without an structural function with circular or octagonal shafts. Inscriptions were carved on the shafts. !he capital which was usuall persepolitan in form was bell shaped and crowned with animal supporters bearing the Buddhist chakra or wheel of the law. !he $shoka pillar consists of four components ; $ lotus at the base, a circular abacus carved with an elephant, a bull, a horse and a lion separated from one another b a wheel and four lions set back to back over the abacus. !his capital is the emblem of the #epublic of India.
Buddhist temple architecture
$t the age of Mauran emperor $shoka the great the Mahabodhi !emple was built in the form of vihara.
!he Mahabodhi !emple at Bodhgaa 'Buddhagaa), Bihar, since