BS EN 12079-1:2006
Offshore containers and associated tifting sets Part 1: Offshore containe manufacture and marking
The European Standard EN 12079-1:2006has the status of a British Standard
ICS 55.180.10
E-rj --JL--
BS EN L2079-L:2006
National foreword This British Standard is the official English languageversion of EN 12079-1:2006. Togetherwith BS EN 12079-3:2006 it supersedes BS EN 12079:l-999which is withdrawn. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee TWl, Freight containers and swap bodies,which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsibleinternationaUEuropeancommittee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposalsfor change,and keep UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Cata,Iogue under the section entitled "International Standards CorrespondenceIndex", or by using the "Search" facility of the BSI Electronic Cato,Iogueor of British Standards Online. This publication doesnot purport to include all the necessaryprovisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Cornpliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity frorn legal obligations.
Sumrnary of pages This document comprisesa front cover,an inside front cover, the EN title page, pages 2Lo 34, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this documentindicates when the document was last issued.
This British Standard rvas published uncler the authority of the Standards Policv and Strategy Committee on 30 June 2006
tc;BSI 2006
ISBN 0 68048823 3
Arnendments issued since publication Comments
EN 12079-1
April2006 SupersedesEN 12079:1999
liftingsets- Part1: Offshore andassociated Offshorecontainers - Design, manufacture andmarking container Conteneurspour utilisationen mer et dispositifsde levage associ6s- Partie 1: Conception,constructionet marquage
undzugeh6rige Anschlaggarnituren Offshore-Container - Auslegung, Herstellung und Teil1: Offshore-Container Kennzeichnuno
This European Standardwas approvedby CEN on 9 March 2006. CEN members are bound to complywith the CEN/CENELEClnternalRegulationswhich stipulatethe conditionsfor givingthis European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.Up-to-datelists and bibliographicalreferences concerning such national standards may be obtainedon applicationto the CentralSecretariator to any CEN member, This European Standardexists in three officialversions(English,French,German).A versionin any other languagemade by translation under the responsibilityof a CEN member into its own language and notifiedto the Central Secretariathas the same slatus as the official versions. CEN members are the nationalstandardsbodiesof Austria,Belgium,Cyprus,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France, Germany, Greece,Hungary,lceland,lreland, ltaly,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Norway, Poland,Portugal,Romania, Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain, Sweden,Switzerlandand UnitedKingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
O 2006 CEN
All rightsof exploitationin any form and by any meansreserved worldwidefor CEN nationalMembers.
Ref. No. EN 12079-1:2006:E
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
Nor m at iv ere fe re n c e s...........
T er m s and d e fi n i ti o n s ......
5 .4
A ddit iona ld e s i g n d e ta i l s ....
5 .6
Cont aine rsfo r b u l k s o 1 i d s ..............
6 .1 6.2
S t eel- G e n e ra 1 ............... Rolled and extruded steels in offshore containerstructures.......
6 .4 6.5
Non- m et a l l i cm a te ri a l s ......... Material
7 .2
T es t equi p m e n ta n d c a l i b ra ti o n .......... ....
7 .4
V er t ic alimp a c tte s t.........
8 .2 8 .3 8 .4 8 .5
P r im ar ys tru c tu re S ec onda rys tru c tu re P r oduc t i o nte s ti n g F ailur eof p ro d u c ti o nc o n ta i n e rs
................24 ...........26 ..............26 .......27
9 .2 9 .3
ldent if ic a ti o nm a rk i n g s ........ lnf or m at i o nm a rk i n g s.............
...,,,.........27 ............28
Cont aine rD a taP 1 a te .............
Cont ent so f D a taPl a te .......
Cer t if ic a teo f c o n fo rm i ty .......
Gontentsof the certificateof conformity.........
for C ontai ners....... An nex A ( lnf or ma ti v e )C e rti fi c a ti o nR e q u i re ments
P age
;. .-
................4 .....6
..............,.13 ....16 ..,.16 .................. 17 ...............20
...........21 ....23
.............. 28 .................29 .............. 30
................. 30 ....32
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
Foreword This document (EN 12079-1:2006)has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC280 "Offshorecontainersand associatedliftingsets",the secretariat of whichis held by BSl. This EuropeanStandardshall be giventhe status of a nationalstandard,either by publicationof an identicaltext or by endorsement,at the latest by October2006, and conflictingnationalstandards shallbe withdrawnat the latestby October2006. This document,togetherwith EN 12079-3:2006, supersedesEN 12079:1999. Accordingto the CEN/CENELECInternalRegulations,the nationalstandardsorganizationsof the followingcountriesare boundto implementthis EuropeanStandard:Austria,Belgium,Cyprus,Czech RepublicD , e n m a rk ,Es to n i a ,F i n l a n d ,F rance,Germany,Greece,H ungary,l cel and,l rel and,l tal y, Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta, Netherlands,Nonvay,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Slovakia, Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland and UnitedKingdom.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
This part of EN 12079 specifiesrequirementsfor the design,manufactureand marking of offshore freight and service containerswith maximum gross mass not exceeding25000 kg, intendedfor repeateduse to, from and betweenoffshoreinstallations and ships. This part of EN 12079 specifiesonly transportrelatedrequirements. Other parts of the standardare: EN 12079-2, Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - ParL 2. Lifting sets manufactureand marking
EN 12079-3,Offshorecontainersand associatedliftingsets- Part3: Periodicinspection, examination and testing
Normative references
The followingreferenceddocumentsare indispensable for the applicationof this EuropeanStandard. For dated references,only the editioncited applies.For undatedreferences,the latesteditionof the referenceddocument(includingany amendments)applies. EN 287-1, Qualificafionfesf of welders-
Part 7; Sfee/s
EN 473, Non destructive testing- Qualificationand certificationof NDT personnel- General principles EN 571-1, Non destructivetesting- Penetranffesflng- Part 1: Generalprinciples EN 970, A/on-desfructiveexamination of fusionwelds-
EN 1289, Non-destructive examinationof wetds- Penetranttestingof welds- Acceptancelevels EN 1290, Non-destructiveexaminationof welds - Magneticpafticleexaminationof welds EN 1291, Non-destructive examination of welds - Magneticparticle testing of welds - Acceptance levels EN 1435, Non-destructiveexaminationof welds - Radiographicexaminationof welded joints EN 1712, Non-destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination of welded joints Acceptance levels EN 1714, Non-destructiveexaminationof welds - Ultrasonicexaminationof welded joints EN 10002-1 , Metallic materials-
Iens ile testing- Part 1: Methodof test at ambient temperature
EN 10025-1,,Hat rolled prcducfs of structuralsfeels - Pari 1: Generaitechnicai tieiivery conciitions EN 10025-2, Hot rolled products of structural sfee/s - Part 2: Technicaldelivery conditions for nonalloy strucfural sfee/s EN 10025-3, Hot rolled products of structural sfee/s - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for n ormalized/normalized rolled weldable fine g rain structuralsfee/s
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
EN 100254, Hot rolled products of structural sfee/s - Part 4: Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structuralsfee/s EN 10045-1,Metallic materials- Charpyimpactfesf-
Part 1: Test method
EN 10164, Sfee/ products with improved deformationproperfiesperpendicular to the surface of the product - Technical delivery conditions EN 10204, Metallicproducts -
Typesof inspectiondocuments
EN '1O21O-1,Hotfinished structuralhottowsecfionsof non-alloyand finegratin structuralsfee/s- Part 1: Technicaldelivery requirements EN 10219-1,Cold formed welded structuralhollowsectionsof non-alloyand fine grain sfee/s - Part 1: Technical delivery requirem e nts EN 10250-2, Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposesand specia/sfee/s EN 10250-3,Open die steel forgingsfor generalengineeringpurposes-
Paft 2: Non-alloy quality
Part 3: Alloy specialsfee/s
EN 12517-1, Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 1: Evaluationof welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys by radiography - Acceptance/eyels EN 30042, Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys - Guidance on quality levels for imper-fections(/SO 10042:1 992) EN ISO 5817, Welding - Fusion-weldedjointsin steel,nickel,titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) - Quality levelsfor imperfecflons(lSO 5817:2003) EN ISO 7500-1, Metallic materials - Verificationof static uniaxial testing machines - Paft 1: Tension/compressiontesting machines - Verificationand calibrationof the force-measuring sysfem (lSO 7500-1:2004) EN ISO 9606-2, Qualificationfesf of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alI oys (/SO 9606-2:2004) EN ISO 15607, Specificationand qualificationof weldingproceduresformetallic materials- General rules (lSO 15607:2003) EN ISO 15609-1, Specificationand qualificationof weldingproceduresfor metallic materials- Welding procedurespecification- Paft 1: Arc welding(lSO 15609-1:2004) EN ISO '15614-1,Specificationand qualificationof weldingproceduresfor metallic materials- Welding procedure fesf - Paft 1: Arc and gas weldingof sfee/s and arc weldingof nickel and nickel alloys (lSO 15614- 1:2 0 0 4 ) EN ISO 15614-2, Specificationand qualificationof weldingproceduresfor metallic materials- Welding procedure fesf - Part 2: Arc weldingof aluminiumand its alloys (lSO 15614-2:2005) ISO 209-1, Wrought aluminium and aluminiumalloys - Chemicalcomposition and forms of products - Part 1: Chemicalcomposition ISO 1161,Series 1 freight containers- Cornerfittings- Specification ISO 1496-1, Series 1 freight containerscontainersfor general purposes
Specificationand testing -
Part 1: General cargo
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
ISO 1496-3, Series 1 freight containersliquids,gases andpressurizeddry bulk tSO 1496-4, Series I freight containers containersfor dry bulk
Specificationand testing Specification and testing -
Part 3: Tank containers for
Part 4: Non-pressurized
MaritimeDangerousGoods(IMDGCode) lnternational ATEX Directive94l9lEC
Terms and definitions
apply. termsanddefinitions thefollowing Standard, of thisEuropean Forthepurposes 3.1 offshorecontainer in openseasto,from handled of goodsor equipment portable usein thetransport unitfor repeated andships. fixedand/orfloatinginstallations and between NOTE
and may include permanently for liftingandhandling installed equipment The unitincorporates
equipmentfor filling,emptying,cooling,heating,etc. Offshore containers are subdivided into 3 categories: 3.1.1 offshore freight container offshore container built for the transport of goods NOTE
Examplesof offshorefreightcontainersare: generalcargo container:A closedcontainerwith doors; cargo basket:An open top containerfor generalor specialcargo; tank container:A containerfor the transportof dangerousor non-dangerousfluids; bulk container:A containerfor the transportof solids in bulk; special container: A container for the transport of special cargo e.g. garbage containers, equipment; boxes,gas cylinderracks.
3.1.2 offshoreseruicecontainer installation e.g. as a temporary servicetask,usually for a special builtandequipped container offshore stores,powerplants,controlstations workshops, laboratories, 3.1.3 offshorewasteskip container usedforthestorageand removalof waste openor closedoffshore NOTE
with sections of the container, the loadbearing fromflatsteelplateforming constructed Normally
bracing in the form of steel proflles e.g. channel or hollow section, being fitted horizontallyand/or vertically around sides and ends. ln additionto the pad eyes for the lifting set, these containersmay have side mounted lugs suitablefor use with the liftingequipmentmountedon a skip lift vehicle.
(E) EN 12079-1:2005
3.2 permanentequipment equipment thatis attachedto the containerandwhichis notcargo. NOTE
This may include,e.g. liftingsets, refrigerationunits,shelves,securingpoints,garbagecompactors.
3.3 primarystructure loadcarryingand supporting framesand loadcarryingpanels.Primarystructure is dividedintotwo subgroups: 3.3.1 primarystructure essentiallnon-redundant whichtransferthecargoloadto the cranehook(i.e.forming mainstructural elements the"loadpath" to the liftingsling)andwillinclude, fromthepayload at least: topandbottomsiderails; topand bottomendrails; cornerposts; padeyes; although otherprimary structure mayalsobe considered as essential /non-redundant, 3.3.2 primarystructure non-essential otherstructural elementsfor whichthe mainfunctionis otherthanthat described in 3.3.1e.g.floor platesand protective panels,are not framemembers.Sideand roofpanels,including corrugated considered to be partof the primarystructure 3.4 secondarystructure partswhichare notconsidered as loadcarrying for thepurposes of the designcalculations, including components: thefollowing doors,walland roofpanels; panelstiffeners andcorrugations; structural components usedfor tankprotection only; points. internal securing NOTE
Not all containerwalls are corrugated.
3.5 prototype equipment item,used for type testing,considered to be representative of the productfor which conformity is may eitherbe fabricated for typetestingor selectedat especially randomfroma production series 3.6 owner legalownerof theoffshorecontainer or thedelegated nominee of thatbody,
E N 1207 9 -1 :2 0 0 6(E)
3. 7 lifting set items of integratedliftingequipmentused to connectthe offshorecontainerto the liftingappliance 3.8 Visual inspection inspectionof the characteristicsof a productand determination of its conformitywith specified requirementswhere applicableand basedon professionaljudgement wheregeneralrequirements apply 3. 9 V is ual ex a mi n a ti o n examinationin accordancewith EN g70
rating i.e.themaximum grossmassofthecontainer including permanent equipment and
its cargo,in kg; but excludingthe liftingset; T
tare mass i.e' the mass of an empty containerincludingany permanentequipment but excludingcargoand liftingset, in kg;
payloadi.e' the maximumpermissible massof cargowhich may be safelytransportedby the container,in kg;
mass of the liftingset in kg
NOTE2 R' I and P ate,by definitionin unitsof mass,kilograms (kg).Wheredesignrequirements are baqed on the gravitational forcesderivedfromthesevalues, thoseforcesare indicated thus: Rg,Tg and pgthe unitsof whicharein newtonsor multiples thereof. TD
designair temperature,i.e. a minimumreferencetemperatureused for the selectionof steel gradesused in offshorecontainersand equipmentexpressedin degreescentigrade;
von Misesequivalentstress,expressedin Mpa or N/mm2;
specifiedminimumyieldstress,expressedin Mpa or N/mm2.
5.1 General 5. 1. 1 A n o ffs h o rec o n ta i n e rs h a lhl a v e suffi ci entstrength to al l owl oadi ng -6and unl oadi ngfrom suppl y vessels offshoreoperatingin a sea state with significantwave heightsof m and to wittistandimbiit from heavyseas. NOTE Localimpacfs,e'9. from hittingotherdeckcargoor rigidpartsof the shipstructure, may causeextreme loadsin suchconditions. 5.1.2 To preventthecontainersfrom overturning (tipping)on a movingdeck,they shall be designed to withstandtiltingat 30 " in any direction,withoutoverturningwhen loadedat its maximum glross
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
mass, with the centre of gravity consideredto be at the half height of the container.For dedicated purposecontainers(e.9. bottleracksand tank containers)the actualcentre of gravityshall be used. 5.1.3 Protrudingparts on the outsideof the offshorecontainerthat may catch other containersor structuresshallbe avoided.Protrudingparts(doorshandles,hatchcleats,etc.)shall be so placedor so protectedthat they do not catch the liftingset. 5.1.4 Where containersare designedfor stacking,and the liftingset hangsover the side of the top frame they shall be fitted with a methodof protectionfor those exposed parts,e.g. corners raised to sufficientheightabove the frame and roof to preventunintentional contact,with and damage to, the liftingset. 5.1.5 Containersshall be designedas structuralframes(primarystructure),with non-loadbearing claddingwherenecessary(secondarystructure). Onlythe primarystructureshallbe consideredin the designcalculations; however,on certaintypesof containers, e.g. waste skipswith trapeziumshaped sides, with only a non-stressedcoverabove the bracingwhere the pad eyes are attached,the whole structuremay be consideredas a primarystructure,and the design calculationsmay treat such a containeras a monocoqueconstruction. 5.1.6 Ip shallnot be higherthan the (statistically) lowestdailymean temperaturefor the area where the offshorecontaineris to operateand in no case shallbe higherthan -20 "C. withexposedaluminium, NOTE1 For containers the dangerof sparkscausedby the impactof aluminium againstcorroded steel(thethermitereaction) shouldbetakenintoaccount. NOTE2 Whenpreparing the specification for a servicecontainer, it is advisedthatthe ratingis chosenhigher fittedoutmass, specifya certainpayloadevenif the container thanthe estimated is not intendedto carry cargo.Thiswillallowfor changesin theamountandmassof equipment duringitsoperational fittedin a container life,andit mayalsobe usefulto be ableto carrya certainamountof non-permanent equipment. NOTE3 Forcontainers withspecialfeatures, additionaldesign requirements mayapply.Seeinformative Annex forguidance.
5.2 Structuralstrength 5. 2. 1 G e n e ra l The requiredstrengthof a containershall be determinedby calculationand verifiedby type tests,as describedin Clause7. 5.2.2 Lifting loads For designloadsdefinedin,no equivalentstresslevel, d, , shall exceedthe figurecalculatedas o" = 0,85 C, where: for steel:
C: Re
for aluminium:
Basd material
C = Ro.z
Heataffected zone
C --0,7 f R*
_ r
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
of aluminium R*is thetensilestrength B is 0,8forISOAlMg4,5Mn-HAR/M5083-H32 alloysandtempers B is 0,7forallotheraluminium (seeTable4) Liftingwith lifting set Thedesignforceon the primarystructure shallbe calculatedas2,5 Rg. g is theacceleration dueto gravity(in m/s2i.e.9,80665). The internalloadshallbe takenas Q,5 R - T)S evenlydistributed overthe containerfloor.For tank theactualdistribution of thetaremassshallbe usedforthecalculations. containers, Padeyesshallbe designedfor a totalverticalforceof 3 Rg. to be evenlydistributed The torceshallbeconsidered between(n - l) padeyeswheren is the actual numberof padeyes. slingforceon the padeyes,theslingangleshallbe takenintoaccount, theresulting so To determine asfollows: slingforceon eachpadeyeis calculated thattheresulting ^E -- , '
3R. 6 (n -l)cos v
where: slingforce,in newtons; ,Fis the resulting purposes r is theactualnumberof padeyes(forcalculation n shallnotexceed4 andshallbe not lessthan2); v is the anglebetweena slingleg andthe vertical,in degreesandshallbe assumedto be 45' specifled. unlessotherwise for a totalverticalforceof 5 withonlyone padeye,thatpadeye shallbe designed Forcontainers Rg. NOTE
Containers without a roofmayhaveinsufficient strength andstiffness to passthe2 pointlifting test
(7.3.3).In orderto avoidbuildingprototypes thatwill not passthe test,the abilityof an open top container to method.ln withstand the loadoccurringin the 2-pointlifiingtest shouldbe checkedby a suitablecalculation Thesecalculations do not thesecalculations, the nominalyield stressof the materialshouldnot be exceeded. testing. replacetheprototype Lifting with forklift truck the strengthof the fork The weightof the liftingset shall be takenintoaccountwhencalculating pockets. The designforceon the primarystructureshallbe calculatedas 1,6 (R+S)g. overthe containerfloor. The internalloadshallbe taken as (1,6 (R+S)-I)9evenlydistributed Where fork pocketsare intendedonly for handlingof the empty container,the design load shall be taken as 1,6 (r+S,)9. 10
(E) EN12079-1:2006
5.2-3 lmpact loads
lmpact loadsare dynamicloads of very shortduration.ldeally,dynamiccalculations or testsshouldbe carried out to verifythe ability of a containerto withstandsuch loads.However,for most applicationsit shall be sufficienttocarry out simplifiedstaticcalculations as specifiedin to perform a drop test for vertical impact on corners,in accordancewith 7.4. When simplifiedcalculationsare used, and each beam is consideredseparately,any assumptions concerningsupportconditionsshall be stated.
The main frame structureshall be dimensionedto withstanda localhorizontalimpactforceactingat any point. This force may act in any horizontaldirectionon the corner post. On all other frame membersin the sidesthe load may be considered as actingat rightanglesto the side. The calculated(staticequivalent)stressesdue to impact shall be combinedwith the liftingstresses resultingfrom staticliftingforces (Rg) Equivalentstressesshallnot exceed: oe=C(see5.2.2.1)
The following valuesshallbe usedfor thestaticequivalents to an impactforce: postsand siderailsof the bottomstructure:- 0,25Rg Forcontainer Forotherframemembersof thesidestructure, including thetoprails:- 0,15Rg Maximumcalculated deflections at theseloadings shallnotexceed: Forcornerpostsandbottomsiderails L
where: 1,, is the total lengthof the rail or postin mm.
For otherframemembers
where. 1, is the lengthof the shortestedge of the wall beingconsidered. NOTE
I n is a (nominal) reference lengthandwilloftenbe different fromtheactualspanof a beam.
For horizontalimpacton tank containersfor dangerouscargoessee 5.5.4.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006 Verticalimpact with7.4.ln addition,the siderailsand end A verticalimpacttest shall be carriedout in accordance verticalpointforcesof 0,25Rg at the centrespan. railsin the baseshallbe ableto withstand stressesshallnot exceed: Equivalent o e = C ( s e e5 . 2 . 2 . 1 ) deflections shallnotexceed: Calculated ln
2s0 where: 1, is the total lengthof the rail. Maximumverticalimpactforcesare likelyto occurwhena containeris loweredontothe deck of a NOTE heavingsupplyvessel.lf the deckis at an angle,thefirstimpactwillbe on a corner.Suchimpactforcescannot by staticforces.As dynamiccalculations be readilysimulated wouldbe verycomplex,it is usuallysufficientto in7.4. verifythestrengthby a verticalimpacttestas described 5.2.4 Internalforces on container walls Each containerwall, includingthe doors,shallbe designedto withstandan internalforce of 0,6 Pg evenly distributedover the whole surface,withoutsufferingany permanentdeformation. 5.2.5 Minimum material thickness
(t)requirements minimummaterial Thefollowing thickness shallapply. partsof cornerpostsandbottom railsi.e.partsforming a) forexternal theoutsideof thecontainer: forR) 1000kg,/ = 6 mm; f o r R < 1 0 0 0k g ,/ = 4 m m . I = 4 mm; b) for allotherpartsof the primarystructure: structuremadefrommetallic materials: c) for secondary / = 2 mm; design(see5.1)withinan areaof up to 100mmfrom the side d) for wasteskipsof monocoque partsof thesidestructure: /= 4 mm. edges: t= 6 mm;fortheremaining The thicknesses may have to be increased beyond these values to take account of special NOTE considerationssuch as rating,design,corrosionallowances,the need for impacttestsof the material,etc.
5.3 Welding primary welds. structural members shallbe weldedwithfull penetration andnon-redundant Essential the use of filletweldsshallbe justifiedby designappraisal(including For otherprimarystructure, of failuremodes). andconsideration calculations
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
lntermittentfilletweldingof secondarystructureis acceptable,howevercare shall be taken to avoid corrosion. 5.4
Additional design details
5.4.1 Floor Containersliableto fillwithwater,e.g. open topped,shallhave a suitabledrainagefacility. 5.4.2 Doors and hatches Doors and hatches,includinghingesand lockingdevices,shall be designedfor at least the same horizontalforces as the primary structure.Lockingdevices shall be secure against opening of the doors duringtransportand lifting.Doubledoorsshall have at leastone such lockingdeviceon each door, lockingdirectlyto the top and bottomframe. shallbe protectedto preventdislodgement Lockingarrangements by impact. Hingesshallbe protectedagainstdamagefromimpactloads. Doors shallbe capableof beingsecuredin the open position. is required,the doorsshallbe equippedwith seals. lf weathertightness 5.4.3 Intermediatecargo decks When intermediatecargo decks are fitted they shall be designed to withstand a force of at least 0,5 Pg Y, uniformlydistributed where: Y is the dynamicfactor(= 3). cargodecks are designedto supportotherthan half the total payload,the design When intermediate requirementshallbe calculatedaccordingly. 5.4.4 Internalsecuring points Containersfor generalcargoshall have internalsecuringpoints.Each shall be designedto withstand a force of at least 10 fN. NOTE 1
A minimumof 12 is recommended.
Hingetype lashingpointsare preferred.
5.4.5 Fork lift pockets When fitted,forkliftpocketsshallbe installedin the bottomstructureand shall have a closedtop, pass through the base and be providedwith the meansto preventthe containerfrom topplingfrom the f or k s( s eea l s o9 .1 ). NOTE1
Specialrequirements applyforforkpockets on tankcontainers for dangerous cargoes,see5.5.3.
Thebottomfaceof the pocketmaybefullyclosedbut it is recommended thatopeningsbe provided NOTE2 and to minimizethe riskof looseitemsbeingretainedin the pocketswhichcould to facilitatemaintenance Theseopeningsshouldbe dimensioned and positioned so as to fall out duringliftingoperations. subsequently
(E) EN 12A79-1:2006
of the forktinespenetrating thefreeedgesat minimize the likelihood or seizingin the opening,or of damaging the cut-out. The minimuminternaldimensionsof the forkliftpocketsshallbe 200 mm x 90 mm. Forklift pockets shall be located such that the containeris stable during handlingand driving with forklifttruck.Containerlength,height,width and ratingshallbe taken into account. Pocketsshall be located as far apart as practicablebut need not be more than 2050 mm apart from the centreof pocketto centre of pocket. lf a containeris fitted with pockets that are only for empty handling,the containershall be marked ac c or dingt o 9 .1 . 5.4.6
Top protection
The top of atl open frame containersand of all open top containerswith permanentinternalfittings, machineryor other installationswhere crane hooks or forerunnersmay snag, shall be protectedwith gratingor plates.This may be fixed, hinged or removable.Top protectionshall be capableof being secured. 5.4.7 Pad eyes In orderto preventlateralbendingmomentson pad eyes,they shall be alignedwith the slingto the centreof lift,with a maximummanufacturing toleranceof !2,5. Any differencein the diagonalmeasurementsbetweenliftingpointcentresshall notexceed0,2o/oot the lengthof the diagonal,or 5 mm, whicheveris the greater. The diameterof holes in pad eyes shall match the shackleused,clearancebetweenshacklepin and pad eye hole shall not exceed 6 % of the nominal shackle pin diameter. However,maximum concentratedstressesat the hole edges shall not exceed2 x R, at design load. NOTE1
lt is recommended thatthe clearanceactuallyprovided beas closeas practicable to the6% limit.
The tolerancebetween pad eye thickness and insidewidth of shackle shall not exceed25 % of the insidewidthof the shackle. Pad eyes shall be so designedas to permit free movementof the shackle and sling termination withoutfoulingthe pad eye. Pad eyesshall not protrudeoutsidethe boundariesof the containerother than verticallyupward,and shall as far as possiblebe designedto avoid damagefrom othercontainers.Liftingpointsshall be positionedon the containerto preclude,as far as practicable, the risk of slingsfoulingagainstthe containeror its cargoduringnormaluse. Pad eyes shall be welded to the frame with full penetrationwelds. lf the lifting force is transferred throughthe thicknessof a plate,plates with specifiedthroughthicknesspropertiesin accordancewith E N 10164s h a l lb e u s e d . NOTE2
ll is recommended thatpad-eyesbe slottedintotheprimary structure
NOTE3 WhereISO-cornerfittingsare mountedin conjunction with pad eyes,the cornerfittingsare not intended for liftingwithslingsoffshore. to be awareof the restrictions in permissible shackle NOTE4 Attentionis drawnto the needfor designers to the preference in EN 12079-2and particularly for bow shackleswith bolt type pin with types introduced that the designerensuresufficient hexagonhead,hexagonnut and splitcotterpin.As a resultit is necessary the padeyeto enablethe fittingandremoval of thispreferred type. surrounding clearance 14
EN 12079-1:2006 (E)
5.4.8 ISO-cornerfittings Where |SO-cornerfittingsare mountedto otfshorefreightcontainersthey shall conform to ISO 1161. NOTE1
Liftingoffshorewithshackles in thesecornerfittingsis not acceptable.
NOTE2 Wherean offshorecontainer does not conformto the dimensional requirements of ISO668 it is stronglyrecommended thatlSo-corner fittingsarenotfittedto thetopframe 5.4.9 Equipment Equipmenton offshorecontainersshall be designedand installedto withstandthe dynamic loading and other environmentalforcesto which it may be exposed. The followingfactorsshall be used: Dynamicfactor (loadfactor)
Designfactor againstbreaking(safetyfactor)
Equipmentpermanently installedon a containeris consideredto be part of the container for
certifi cationpurposes.
Any externalconnections, e,g. a supplyof pressurized air, or an electricalconnection, shallbe protected againstdamage. 5.4.10 Coating and corrosion protection Offshorecontainersshall be suitablefor the offshoreenvironmentby means of construction,use of suitablematerialandior corrosionand paintprotection. All offshorecontainer roofs, includingthose constructedfrom chequerplate, shall be coated with a per m anennt o n -s l i pm e d i u m. 5. 5
T an k c o n ta i n e rs
5.5.1 General In additionto complyingwith otherrelevantdesigncodesand requirements, tank containersshall be suitablefor offshoreservice. 5.5.2 Frame In additionto the designrequirements alreadyspecifiedin this standard,the frame shall be designed to protectthe tank and equipment(valves,man-holes,etc.). 5.5.3 Tanks for fluids Tank designshallconformto the relevantsectionsof ISO 1496-3. Tanks for dangerouscargoesshallfulfilthe requirements of the IMDG Code, and shall be designed accordingto a recognizedcodefor pressurevessels.A tankand its supportshallbe able to withstand liftingand impact loads.ln additiondue accountshallbe takenof fluidsurge arisingfrom parflyfilled tanks. NOTE The IMDG Code has restrictions for loadedhandlingof tanks over a certainlength,by forklift. Reference shouldbe madeto Chapters 4.2 and6.7of the IMDGCode.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
5.5.4 lmpactprotectionon tank containersfor dangerouscargoes On tankcontainers for dangerous cargoes,all partsof the tankandfittingsshallbe suitablyprotected fromimpactdamage. ln addition to therequirements of 5.2.3,thefollowing requirements apply: the top of the tankand its fittingsshallbe protected by beams,platesor gratingand no part of thetankor itsfittingsshallextendto within100mmof thetop of theframework; it shallnot be possiblefor any part of the liftingset to foulfittings,manholecleatsor other protrusions on thetank; protective bearnsshallbe placedat or nearthe location wherethetankshellis nearestto the outer planeof the sides. Beamsshall be spacedsufficiently close togetherto give the protection; necessary at the maximumcalculated elasticdeflection of any sidemember,the residualclearance between thememberandanypartof thetankshellor itsfittings shallbe at least10mm; no part of the undersideof the tank shell(including sumps),the bottomvalvesor other fittings,shallextendbelowa level150mm abovethe bottomof theframework. Anysuchpart extending to within300 mm of the bottomof the framework, shallbe protectedby beamsor plating; Tankcontainers designed withdirectconnection between thetankandthesideor topframeelements shallbe subject to specialconsideration. 5.6 Containersfor bulk solids Bulkcontainers shallbe designedaccording to the relevant sections of ISO1496-3or ISO1496-4but shallin addition be suitable for otfshore service. NOTE
Thesemaybeeitherpressurized tanksor non-pressurized containers forgravity discharge.
6.1 Steel - General The chemicalcomposition, heat treatment, properties weldability, mechanical and impactenergy properties shallbe suitablefor the purpose.Extrahighstrengthsteels,withRE above500 N/mm2, shallnotbe used. Materialsconforming to standardsotherthan thosespecifiedin this clausemay be usedprovided they haveproperties thatcan be demonstrated to be equivalent. The standardsreferenced fromthis clauseshallbe thereference standards. When materials of differentgalvanicpotentialare joinedtogether,the designshall be suchthat galvanic corrosion is avoided. Weldingconsumables shall be accordingto the relevantEuropeanstandardsfor welding consumables Tensiletestingshallbe carriedout according to EN 10002-1. ln orderto avoidinitiation of brittlefracture,the steelsshallpossessadequatefractureenergy.Steels for primarystructuresshall be tested by the Charpy impact (V-notch)method accordingto Testtemperatures EN 10045-1. shallbe as givenin Table1. 16
EN 12079-1:2006 (E)
Table1 - Charpyimpacttest temperature- Structuralsteelfor primarystructuralmembers Materialthickness (t) in mm
lmpacttesttemperature in "C
t> 25
T D -2 0
The averageenergy absorptionfor base_material specimenswith their axis parallelto the final rolling directionshall not be less than given in Figure1, For specimenswith theiraxis transverse to the final rollingdirectionthe valveshall be two thirdsof thatfor longitudinally orientated specimens. l+t+
42 40 l8 36 'r
32 l0 ?8 25 Ul
Key X inpactenergy,J Y specifiedminimumyield stress(RE),N/mm2 Figure I 6.2
Charpy V - notch, values for steel
Rolled and extruded steels in offshore container structures
6.2.1 Generalrequirements Where required,steelsfor weldingshall be madeby open hearth,electricfurnaceor the basic oxygen steel process.Steelsin the primarystructureshallbe kitledand fine graintreated.Only materials with non-ageingpropertiesshall be used. 6.2.2 Groups of steels Structuralsteels for the primary structureshall be carbon steel, carbon-manganese steel, carbonmanganesemicro-alloyed steel or low-alloyedsteel.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
For hot rolledplatesand profiles,materialgradesspecified in EN 10025,Parts14, whichmeet the requirements in 6.1and6.2.1shallbe used. Hollowsections in EN 10210or EN 10219,whichmeetthe requirements specified in 6.1 and 6.2.1 shallbe used. 6.2.3 Steelforgings When requiredforgedcarbonandcarbon-manganese steelsshallbe usedin the offshoreconiainer structure. Suchforgingsshallbe madefromfully-killed andfine-grain treatednon-ageing steel. NOTE
lt maybenecessary properties to verifythenon-ageing bytests.
properties For chemicalandmechanical of alloysteels,reference shallbe madeto EN 1A250-2, Open - Parf2: Non-alloy die steelforgings for generalengineeringpurposes qualityand specialsfee/sand to EN 10250-3,Open die sfee/ forgingsfor generalengineeringpurposes- Part 3: Alloy special sfee/s.Thechemicalcomposition shallbe suitablefor the thickness in question.Alloysteelsshallbe in quenched delivered andtempered condition, The impacttesttemperature shallbe equalto thedesignairtemperature, 12 (see4 and5.1). 6.2.4 Steelcastingsin lSO-cornerfittings The tensilestrengthof |SO-corner fittings(see5.4.8)madefrom cast steelshall be not less than 430 N/mm2andtheyieldstrength shallbe notlessthan220Nlmm2. The chemicalcompositionshall be in accordance with that set out in Table 2 and mechanical properties shallbe in accordance withTable3.
Table 2 - Chemicalcomposition(ladleanalysis)a ChemicalComposition%
C max
0 , 2 0 0,90 0,50 0,035 0,035 0,25 0 , 3 0 0,20 0 , 0 8 to 1,50
The carbon equivalent shall not exceed 0,45%
Atuminiummay be replaced partly or totally by otherfine graining elements as slated in the approved specifications
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
Table 3 -
Mechanicalproperties Yield strength
Reduction of area
lmpact Energy
t%l min
min at -20"C
430to 600
Average value on 3ISO-V notch impactspecimensacc. to EN 10045-1.One individualvalue may be belowthe average value but shall not be lowerthan 70 % of the average.
6.3 Aluminium properties Thechemicalcomposition, heattreatment, weldability for andmechanical shallbe suitable thepurpose. galvanicpotential When materialsof different are joinedtogether, the designshall be suchthat galvanic is avoided. corrosion Aluminium alloysusedin offshore containers shallbe madeby rollingor extruding. Aluminium alloys andtempersspecified in Table4 and5 maybe used.Useof otheralloysor tempersshallbe subject to specialconsideration. Table4 - Aluminiumatloysandtempersfor rolledproducts Temper
tso 209- 1
A l Mg2 ,5
0i0 HAR i H32 HBR / H34 HCR / H36
AlMg 3
0/0 HAR / H32 HBR/ H34
0/0 HAR / H32 H B R/ H 34
AlMg 4
0/0 HAR / H32 HBR/ H34
AlMg 3 Mn
0/0 HAR / H32 HBR/ H34
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
Table 4 -
Aluminium alloys and tempersfor rolled products Temper
tso 209- 1
AlMg 4,5 Mn
0i0 HAR/ H32 HBR/ H34
0/0 TBIT4 TE/T5 TF/T6
Association. M = AmericanAluminium
Thesereferences areincludedfor information as usersmayencounter thesereferences in practice.
Table5 - Aluminiumalloysandtempersfor extrudedproducts Temper
tso 209- 1
Association. AA = AmericanAluminium
Thesereferences for information are included as usersmayencounter thesereferences in practice.
6.4 Non-metallicmaterials plasticsand other non-metallic Timber,plywood,fibre reinforced materialsshallnot be used in primarystructures. NOTE Considerationshould be given to strength,durability,suitabilityand possiblehazardscaused by use of thesematerials.
of offshorecontainers in Materialsusedfor the construction shallbe furnishedwith documentation accordance with Table 6. All materialsfor primarystructures shall be identifiable againstthe certificates.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
Table 6 - Documentationof materials Structure
Documentation according to EN 10204 lnspectioncertificate3.1.C
Pad eyes
Otherprimarystructural members Secondarystructural members
7 Typetesting 7. 1
G en e ra l
Any change of design, specificationof material and method of manufactureoutside normal manufacturingtolerances,which may lead to a modificationof the mechanicalpropertiesdefinedin this standard,shall requirethat the relevanttype testsare carriedout on the modifiedcontainer. NOTE1 Typetests demonstrate thatoffshorecontainers certified as conforming to the requirements of this properties standardpossessthe mechanical specified, The purposeof thesetestsis to provethe design,material andmethodof manufacture. A containerselected for type testing shall be representativeof the productionunits and not a hand built shall be built in conformitywith plans and data and usingtoolingcomparableto those plannedfor subsequentproduction. The tests described in 7.3 and 7.4 are required for all offshore containertypes, and shall be consideredas design requirements. Type testingmay not replacedesignreview,but may in certaincasesbe a partialsubstitute NOTE2 for (NDE)maybe required strengthcalculations. Non-destructive examination aftertesting. The test masses/test load shall normallybe evenlydistributedinsidethe container.lf it is not possible to place all the test mass inside the container,some of it may be placedoutside or under the container,providedthat this gives a loadingon the structuresimilarto the distribution of the container loadingin operatingcondition. lf the containerhas an additionalcargodeck,the test mass/testloadshallbe evenlydividedbetween the floor and the additionaldeck, see 5.4.3.lf the additionaldeck is removable, it will be necessaryto carry out the test with the test mass/test load dividedbetweenthe additionaldeck and the floor,as well as with the whole test mass/test load,on the floor. NOTE 3 For containerswith specialfeatureswhere additionaldesignrequirements apply,suitable testsshouldbe made to verifythat thoserequirements are met.See informative Annexfor guidance. 7. 2
T es t e q u i p m e n t a n d c a l i b ra ti o n
7.2.1 Test mass / test load The test mass (or test load) shall be verifiedusing calibratedweightsor a calibratedload cell and handset.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
meansof application of testmass/testloadare: Examplesof appropriate calibratedtest blocks: water bags; s a n db a g s ; free weights; a suitabletest rig.
7.2.2 Calibration lf a load cell and hand set is used it shallbe calibratedannually,in accordancewith EN ISO 7500-1, to an accuracyof x2 o/o. NOTE1 Should a load cell be overloadedor receivea shock load (e.9. from being dropped)it is beforefurtheruse. be re-calibrated thatthe loadcellandhandset recommended Where used, test blocks shall be calibrated,as a minimum,every second year in accordancewith or nationalstandards.The measuredmass, in kilograms,of each block shall acceptableinternational be legiblyand durablymarkedon eachblock. of concreteblocksso as preventthe absorption Careshouldbe takenin the storageof calibrated NOTE2 on theactualblockmass. waterhavingan influence
7.3 Liftingtest 7.3.1 General equalto the designangle.The shallbe liftedby a liftingsetwithan angleto thevertical The container thetest. shallbe clearof thegroundthroughout container for use withthe container is usedfor the liftingtest, care shouldbe Wherethe liftingset intended NOTE is inducedin the liftingset. Shouldthe liftingset or distortion deformation takento ensurethat no overloading, normallyflttedto the containerbe usedfor the liftingtestit shoutdbe visuallyinspectedafterthe loadtest. The containershall be carefullyliftedin such a way that no significantaccelerationforces occur. lt are taken. shall be held for 5 minutesbeforemeasurements 7.3.2 All-point lifting The containershall be loadedto give a totalmass of 2,5.R and liftedclear of the ground,usingall the pad eyes. NOTE
by puttingin an internal testmassof 2,5 R-7. Thistotalmassmaybe obtained
No deflectionsduring testingshall be greaterthan 1/300of the span of the member. The offshore or otherdamageaftertesting. containershallshow no permanentdeformation 7. 3. 3 T w o -p o i n tl i fti n g An offshore containerfitted with four pad eyes shall also be lifted from only two pad eyes, situated diagonallyoppositeeach other,with a totalmass of 1,5R. or otherdamageafter testing. The offshorecontainershallshowno permanentdeformation
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
7,3.4 Post-lifting test inspection and examination On completionof the liftingtest, a non-destructive examinationand visual inspectionof the pad-eyes, shallbe carriedout. 7.4
Vertical impact test
The container,with its internaltest mass correspondingto payload P, shall be either lowered or droppedon to a workshopfloorof concreteor otherrigid structure, NOTE1
Thisfloormaybe coveredwitha sheathing of woodenplankswitha thickness notexceeding 50 mm.
lf the containeris loweredfrom a crane,the suspending NOTE2 wire and hookmay dampenthe impact compared to a free-falldroptest.Therefore the impactspeedshouldbe greaterif a lowering testis used. In both cases,the containershall be so inclinedthat each of the bottomside and end railsconnected to the lowestcornerforms an angle of not less than 5 ' with the floor. However,the greatestheightdifferencebetweenthe highestand lowestpointof the undersideof the containercornersneed not be morethan400 mm. The impactingcornershallbe the one expectedto havethe lowestrigidity. NOTE3
Oncloseddry cargocontainers thiswillnormally be at the doorend.
permanentdamageshalloccur. No significant NOTE4
Cracksin weldsandminordeformations maybe repaired.
One of the followingproceduresshallbe carriedout: a)
Droptest An internalload equal to the payload(P) shall be safely securedand the containershall be inclinedas describedabove. The containershall be suspendedfrom a quickreleasenooflWfren released,the containershall drop freelyfor at least50 mm to give it a speedat initialimpactof at least1 m/s.
Loweringtest An internalload equal to the payload(P) shall be safely securedand the containershall be inclinedas describedabove. The containershall be loweredto the floorat a constantspeedof not lessthan 1,5 m/s.
WARNING: Thesetestsmaycauseconsiderable tremorsin the building!
7.5 Othertests 7.5.1 Opentop containerswith an overalllengthof 6.5m or more,with fork pocketsdesignedfor loadedliftingshall be loadedto a total uniformlydistributedgross mass of 1.6(R+S)gand liftedclear of the groundusing the fork pockets.No deflectionsduring testingshall be greaterthan 1/300of the span of the member.The offshorecontainershallshow no permanentdeformationor other damage aftertesting. 7.5.2 Tanks for dangerous cargoes shall be tested according to the requirementsof the I M DGCod e .
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
8.1 General Productionshall be performedaccordingto approveddrawings,specifications and procedures. Productiondocuments accordingto this standardshall be preparedand approvedbefore production starts. The manufacturershall ensurethe qualityof the proceduresand facilitiesused throughoperationof a qualityassurancesystem at leastin accordance with EN ISO 9001.
8.2 Primarystructure 8.2.1 General Duringproduction it shallbe possible to identify the materials usedforthe primarystructure andlink themwiththecorresponding documentation. lf the markingis notvisible on thefinishedproduct, a log shallbe keptof the components to identify andensuretraceability of thematerials usedin theprimary structure. 8.2.2 Approvedwelders Weldersshallbe approvedin accordance with EN287-1andEN ISO9606-2,as appropriate to the materials beinoused. 8.2.3 Weldingprocedures Approved weldingprocedures shallbe usedfortheweldingcarried outontheprimarystructure. Preliminary weldingprocedurespecifications shall form the basisfor the preparation of welding procedure tests, Weldingprocedure specifications, weldingprocedure testsandapproval of weldingprocedures shall be in accordance with EN ISO 15607,EN ISO 15609-1, EN ISO 15614-1 or EN ISO 15614-2 as appropriate andwiththe requirements statedbelow. lmpacttestsare requiredas partof the weldingproceduretests.Testtemperatures and testresults givenin 6.1 including shallcomplywiththe requirements Table1. Fort > 12 mm foursetsof impact testsshallbe made:one set in theweldmetal,oneset at thefusionline,oneset in the heataffected zone(HAZ)2 mm awayfromfusionlineandoneset5 mm awayfromfusionline. 8.2.4 8. 2. 4. 1
Examination of welds G e n e ra l
Welds shallbe subjectto visualexamination as specifiedin Table7. The percentagesspecifiedin Table 7 shallapply to the total lengthof weld for the type of structural as s em bl yi n q u e s ti o n . Welds betweenessentialnon-redundant and non essentialprimarystructuresshall be examinedas primarystructures. for non-essential
EN 12079-1:2006 (E)
When fuel gas welding is applied,ultrasonicand magneticparticleexaminationshall be requiredin additionto radiographicexamination. Table 7 -
Non-destructiveexamination(NDE)of structural welds
Gategoryof member
Type of examination
I Visual examination
Magnetic particle examinationa
b examination Ultrasonic
Radiographic o examination
1 0 0%
100 % Pad eyes
Essential/ Non-redundant Primarystructure
1 0 0%
Nonessentialprimary structure
1 0 0%
structure Secondary
1 0 0%
;'jjl::ifffi'ft-'ilrr il
a b
20 % allother 10 o/o
:Y:t9'|1.ilghTr_llj,.r1''t :
,;li!ji;11 i i:li.r;.l;,':ijj
Dy" penetrantexaminationshallbe used wheremagnetic particleexamination is not possible. Dependingon materialthicknessand possibility.
NOTE: The categories applicableto the structuralmembers shall be agreedwith the body certifyingthe containerin each case.
Non-destructiveexamination(NDE) methods
NDE methods, see Table 8, shall be chosen with due regardto the conditionsinfluencingthe sensitivityof the methods.Structuralwelds shall be examinedas stipulatedin columns I to lV in Table 7 with those in columnslll or lV beingemployedin the eventthat such is relevant. Table 8 -
Standards relevantto NDEmethods
Magnetic particle
E N1 2 9 0
E N5 7 1 - 1
E N1 7 1 4
E N1 4 3 5
Weld acceptancecriteria
Table I - NDE acceptancecriteria Visual
Magnetic Particle
Dye Penetrant
EN ISO 5817a
E N1 2 9 1
E N 1289
EN 1712
E N 12517-1
Level B
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
" for aluminium EN 30042
Examination(NDE)Operators Non-Destructive of level2. shallbe qualified, in accordance withEN473,to a minimum NDEoperators withTable7 and issue examination in accordance non-destructive NDEoperatorsshallundertake information as a minimum: weldquality, containing thefollowing describing reports
EN 12079-1:2006(E)
numberof repairscarriedoutto meetthespecified acceptance standard; NDEmethods andprocedures used; NDE-parameters necessary for a properassessment; of acceptance confirmation or rejection. 8.3 Secondarystructure The fabricationprocedureshall reflectthe requirement that the secondarystructureshall prevent preventwaterfromentering. and,if required, cargofromfallingout of theoffshorecontainer and Weldsbetweenprimaryandsecondary shallbe performed structures as for secondarystructures as such. shallbe examined usedfor the secondary structure with EN ISO 15607, Theweldingprocedure shallbe in accordance EN ISO15614-2 EN ISO15609-1, EN ISO15614-1or as appropriate. 8.4 Production testing 8.4.1 Lifting test Duringthe production of a batchof offshorecontainers, some,selectedat random,shallbe submitted tifting testdescribed in 7.3.2andshallmeetallspecified requirements. to the all-point The numberof containers on the total to be testedshallbe agreedin advanceand is dependent numberin the production series.Table 10 shallbe usedto determinethe minimumnumberof thecontainer whichwastypetested. containers to be testedwhichshallinclude
Table10- Numberof containersrequiredfor liftingtest
Total number in series
Number to be tested a
1 1- 2 0
The quantitygiven includesthe containerwhich was type tested.
8.4.2 Weatherproofness testing lf a type of offshore containeris specifiedto be weatherproof,the followingweatherproofnesstests shall be carriedout. For the prototypeand 10 % of the containersin a productionseries,the test shall be carriedout in test specifiedin ISO 1496-1. accordancewith the weatherproofness For the remainingcontainers,the water test may be replacedby a simple light test for which the inspectorshall proceedas follows:
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
enter the container, require the doors to be closed and allow sufficienttime to become accustomedto the darkness(at least3 minutes); whilea powerfullight is directedat all externalsurfaces,examinethe interiorof the container for lightpenetration; no lightpenetrationshallbe observable with the nakedeye or with normallycorrectedvision. provisionshouldbe madeto ensurethat thereis no riskto the healthand safetyof the Appropriate NOTE inspector 8. 5
F ail u re o f p ro d u c ti o n c o n ta i n e rs
ln the caseof failureof any containerto meet eitherthe weld acceptancecriteria(see the liftingtest requirements(see 7.3.1and 8.4.1)the manufacturershall identifythe causeof failureand rectify all affectedcontainers,The rectifiedcontainersshall then be re-inspectedandlor re-tested.
I 9.1
Safety marking
The tops of closed containersand the top rails of open and framed containersshall be marked as follows: closed containersshall be markedwith a band of solid contrastingcolour not less than 100 mm wide round the roof perimeter;if the roof of the containeris recessedbelow the top perimeterrail, at leastthe top surfaceof the top rail shall be marked; open and framed containers,shall be marked on the top surfaceof the top rails with either hatchingin a contrastingcolouror a solidlightcolour. Where a containeris fitted with fork pocketsdesignedfor handlingthe containeronly when empty (e.9, on sometanksand long baskets)thenthe words"Emptylift only" shallbe clearlydisplayednear each set of forkpocketsin charactersnot lessthan 50 mm high. (see5.1). Aluminium containers NOTE mayneedto be specially markedto warnof the dangerofsparking is'ALUMINIUM on allfoursidesin letters at least75 mmhigh. The recommended marking CONTAINER' 9. 2
lden ti fi c a ti o n m a rk i n g s
serialnumberwelded on in charactersat least50mm high. Each containershall have the fabricator's In addition,each containershallbe markedwith a uniquecontainernumber,issuedby the owner, as a primeidentifierfor use as the commoncross-reference on all in-servicecertification and shipping documentation. The containernumber shall be prominentlyand indeliblydisplayedon all sides of the container(as viewedfromgroundlevel)in charactersof a contrasting colour,not lessthan 75 mm high. it may be necessary to attachpanelsspecifically to carrythe container NOTE1 For opensidedcontainers num ber . lf a containerhas a roof, the containernumbershall be displayedon the roof,in characters300 mm high or more,Where charactersize is restrictedby the availablespacethey should be as large as ( practicable. The markingshallbe carriedout in such a way as to avoidincorrectinterpretation Where applicablethe loweredge of the markingshall be positionednearthe side of the underlining). containerin whichthe door is located.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
In exceptional circumstancesthe owner may change the containernumber and re-mark the container NOTE 2 accordingly, In this case the inspection plate should be replaced (Clause 10) and the certificate of conformity revised(Clause11).
Information markings
Eachcontainershall be clearlymarkedwith: a)
relevantelectricalhazard classification and zone markingaccordingto ATEX Directive(94/9/EC)
relevantdangerousgoods ptacarding in accordancewiththe IMDGCode.
goods. Placarding shouldbe removed whencontainer dangerous no longercontains
maximumgross mass (in kg)
tare mass (in kg)
payload(in kg)
c), d) and e) shall be displayedin characters of a contrastingcolournot lessthan50mm high. A mattblackpanelof appropriate NOTE2 sizemaybe provided lt fortheapplication information. of temporary is recommended that this panelbe locatedon a door,wherefitted.Otherinformation may be e.g. destination addedif desired. 9. 4
O t he r ma rk i n g s
lf the container is fitted with an intermediatedeck the payloadof the deck shall be displayedon the insideof the containerin a positionwhereit is clearlyvisibleat all times,in charactersof a contrasting c olournot l e s sth a n 5 0 mm h i g h . The user of the container may add additionalinformationmarkingsuch as owners name, etc. However,to avoid misinterpretation additionalmarkingshallbe keptto a minimum.
10 Gontainer Data Plate 10.1 General shallbe fittedwitha platecarrying Containers theinformation specified in 10.2 The plateshallbe made of corrosion materialsecurelyattached resistant externally in a manner designedto avoid unauthorized or accidental removal.The plateshallbe fittedto a door,or, on position. withno doors,in a prominent containers Aluminium rivetshave beenfoundto be unsuitable as a fixingmethodin the offshoreenvironment andshallnotbe used. on the plateshallbe in theEnglish Theinformation language. NOTE
Provisionfor an additionallanguagemay be made.
Thetextshallbe permanently andlegibly markedon the platesin characters notlessthan4 mmhigh.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
1O.2 Gontents of Data Plate The plateshallbe headed: "OFFSHORE CONTAINER DATAPLATE- EN 12079-1:2006 The plateshallcontainthefollowing information: fabricato/s serialnumber; monthandyearof manufacture; grossmassin kilograms maximum excluding liftingsetat thedesignslingangle; taremassin kilograms; payloadin kilograms andintermediate (ifapplicable); deckpayload certificate of conformity number; designtemperature; ldentification of bodyissuingthecertificate of conformity. NOTE 1
A recommendedformatfor the plateis shownin Figure2.
NOTE 2 The data plate may be combined with the inspectionplate by includingthe additionalinformation specified in Clause 5 of EN 12079-3.
EN12079-1:2006 Fabricationno: Month and year of manufacture:
Maximumgrossmassexcluding liftingset
Tare mass:
# # Degrees fromVertical
Payload: Container
Intermediate deck
Certificateno. oc
Designtemperature: Figure 2 -
Exampleof DataPlateLayout
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
11 Gertificateof conformity 11.1 General All containersto be used offshoreshallbe issuedwith a certificateof conformityto this standard. The certificateshall be retainedby the owner. In addition,certificates of examinationand testsshallbe issuedas describedin 11.2. Containers,which are requiredto complywith the requirementsof the IMDG Code, shall also be certifiedin accordancewith the IMDG Code. Each containershallhave its own fabricator's serialnumberas specifiedin 9.2.
11.2 Documentation The certificate of conformity shallbe basedon the followingdocumentation collatedin an "as buitt" dossier,whichshallbe retainedby thefabricator for at leastfiveyears: structural calculations; drawings including a generalarrangement drawing; specifications forweldingprocedures (WPS); welderscertificates: materialcertificates; reporton traceability of materials, in theprimarystructure; reportfromfabrication inspection; reportfromdimensional control; reportfromnon-destructive (NDE); examination reportfromprototype testing; reportfromprooftesting; reportfromfinalinspection. NOTE lt is recommendedthat informationfrom the "as built dossier" that is not consideredcommercially sensitiveshouldbe copiedto the owner who shouldretainit for the life of the container.
11.3 Gontentsof the certificateof conformity The certificate of conformity shallcontainthe following information: fabricator's serialnumber; certificate of conformity number; of thecontainer description including: 30
(E) EN { 2079-1:2006
numberof tiftingpoints;
name of fabricator;
month/yearof fabrication;
maximumgrossmass excludingliftingset in kg;
tare mass excludingliftingset in kg;
payloadin kilograms;
referenceto the as built dossier;
the total mass in kg applicableto the all-pointsliftingtest for the batch of containers testedas specifiedin 8.4.1;
angle of liftingset legs (fromvertical);
conformityto other requirementsandlor codes; statement that the container described has been designed,fabricated and tested in accordancewith EN 12079-1; fabricator'sserial numbers of those containersfrom the productionbatch subject to test in ac c o rd a n c e to 8 .4 ,1 : remarks; signatureon behalfof the body issuingthe certificateof conformity.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
Annex A (lnformative) CertificationRequirementsfor Containers
Severalinternationaland nationalcertification schemesare applicablefor variouscategoriesof portablecontainers.Severalof thesecertification for offshore schemesare or may be applicable as definedin thisstandard. containers General certification requirementsfor offshore containers The InternationalMaritimeOrganization. lMO, has issuedguidelines for certification of offshore in circularMSC/Circ.860. containers, This circularis intendedto guide nationalauthorities in developing approvaland certification requirements for recommends that new offshorecontainers be approved, prototype testedand certifiedby dulyauthorized bodies. lnternational Requirementsfor Freight Containers (CSC),are required as definedin the lnternational Freightcontainers, Convention forSafeContainers Offshorecontainers to be certifiedto that convention. are usuallynot coveredby theCSC.However, offshorecontainersthat fall withinthe definition of a container in the CSC,and whichare used internationally for transportof cargo,mustalsobe certified to thatconvention. Tank Containers for DangerousGoods goodsneedto be certifiedto the All tank containersintendedfor marinetransport of dangerous International MaritimeDangerous GoodsCode(theIMDGCode).Tankcontainers builtafterJanuary according to the requirements for UN typetanks(Ch.6.7in the 1't 2003must be builtand certified 13 of theolder builtbeforethatdatemaybe in accordance IMDGcode).Tankcontainers withChapter 29 of thatcode.)Tankcontainers IMDGcode (i.e up to amendment thatare certified according to arealsoallowed for roadandrailtransport, theserequirements Additional requirements for offshore service containers described ln additionto the transportrelatedrequirements coveredby EN 12079andthe regulations maybe designed or equipped for special servicetasks,(e.9.laboratories, above,offshorecontainers controlstations,workshop,accommodation, stores,powerplants,processunits). Such servicecontainers,as definedin paragraph3.1.2,may be subjectto safetyregulations wheretheyare used.The safetyregulations on the offshoreinstallations may apply for applicable in the container. systemsand equipment Thismay include, but is not varioustypesof installations, to: restricted
Fireprotection Electrical equipment systems Gasdetection Ventilation systems
EN 12079-1:2006(E)
AlarmsandPA systems Noiseandvibration Pressurized equipment Emergency exits
ATEX (EG Directive 94/9) Thisdirective addresses electrical andmechanical issuesfor offshore containers.
(E) EN 12079-1:2006
goodscode(r'ssued fMDGCode,lnternationalmaritimedangerous by IMO)
fMO/MSC/Circ.860,Guidelines forapproval of offshorecontainers handledin openseas
DNV,Certification NotesNo.2.7-1- May1995:Offshorecontainers
- Part 1: General EN 1011-1, Welding- Recommendations for weldingof metallicmaterials guidancefor arc welding
- Part2: Arc welding EN 1011-2,Welding- Recommendations for weldingof metallicmaterials r of ferriticsfee/s
EN 12079-2,Offshorecontainersand associatedliftingsefs - Part2: Liftingsefs - Design, manufacture and marking
EN 12079-3,Offshorecontainersand assoclatedliftingsefs - Part 3: Periodicinspection, examination and tesflng
- Requirements EN ISO9001:2000, (SO 9001:2000) systems Qualitymanagement
-- C/assrfication, ISO668,Series1 freightcontainers dimensions and ratings
BS EN 12079-1:2006
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