Notes by Rolieven P. P. Cañizares Cañizares ECE Broadcast Engineering Course Outline
1. Introduction Introduction to AM Broadcastin Broadcasting g Syste Syste and and Standard Standardss !. AM Stud Studio io Syste Syste "es "esig ign n #. AM $rans $ransissi ission on Syste Syste "esign "esign %. AM Cov Coverag eragee Ma&&i Ma&&ing ng and and Pred Predict iction ion '. Introduction Introduction to (M (M Broadcast Broadcasting ing Syste Syste and Standards Standards ). (M Stud Studio io Syste Syste "esi "esign gn *. (M $ransi ransissio ssion n Syst Syste e "esign "esign +. (M Cove Coverag ragee Ma&&in Ma&&ing g and and Predi Predicti ction on ,. Introduction Introduction to $$- Broadca Broadcasting sting Syste Syste and Standar Standards ds 1. R( Syste Syste 11. 11. N$SC/Color N$SC/Color $- Broadcastin Broadcasting g 1!. $- Studio Studio Syste Syste "esign 1#. Studio Studio 0iring 0iring "iagra 1%. $ecnical $ecnical 2&eration Center 3$2C4 Syste Syste "esign 1'. $2C 0irin 0iring g "iagra 1). $ransiss $ransission ion Syste "esign 1*. $- Coverage Coverage Ma&&ing and Prediction 1+. Introduction to Engineering Acoustic 1,. Roo Acoustic Acoustic !. Micro&one Micro&oness !1. S&ea5e S&ea5ers rs References
1. Handbook of Broadcast Broadcast Engineering by by 6erry C. 0ita5er and 7. Blair Benson 3!'4 !. Communication Electronics by Electronics by 8ouis E. (renzel 3! nd Edition 1,,'4 #. Modern Electronic Communication Communication by by 9ary M. Miller 3% t Edition 1,,#4 %. Self-sufficient Guide to ECE Electronic Systems and Technology Technology by by 6ason M. A&olo:uio 3!'4 '. The ECE Handbook Electronic Systems and Technologies Technologies by by Santos S. Cuervo 3!*4 ). Communications Engineering Black Book by by Cristo&er 6ay R. Soon 3!#4 t *. Modern Modern Reco Recordi rding ng $ec $ecn ni:u i:ues es 3% Edition4 by ;uber and Runsteir +. 0orld rld 0i 0ide 0e 0eb
Introduction to AM Broadcasting and Standards Broadcasting •
Notes by Rolieven P. Cañizares ECE
Radio Services and Stations A. Types of Services
1. Aeronautical Fixed Service > a radio counication service bet=een s&eci
a obile service bet=een aeronautical stations and aircra a obile satellite service in =ic obile eart stations are located on board aircra a radionavigation service intended Satellite Service > a radionavigation satellite service in =ic te eart stations are located on board aircra radio counication service a radiocounocation service using s&ace stations on eart satellites a radio counication service in =ic te transission are intended by te general &ublic. $is service includes sound transission@ television transission or oter ty&es o< transissions. ,. Broadcasting Satellite Service > a radio counication service in =ic signals transitted or retransitted by s&ace stations are intended a radio counication service bet=een eart stations and one or ore s&ace stations. 11. Fixed Service > a radio counication service bet=een s&eci a radio counication service bet=een &roviding lin5s bet=een arti a radio counication service &roviding lin5s bet=een arti
Notes by Rolieven P. Cañizares ECE
1%. %and$Moile Service > a obile service bet=een base stations and land obile stations@ or bet=een obile stations. 1'. %and Moile Satellite Service > a obile satellite service in =ic eart stations are located are located on land. 1). Mariti!e Moile Service > a obile service bet=een coast stations and si& stations@ or bet=een si& stations@ or bet=een associated on/board counication stations. 1*. Mariti!e Moile " Satellite Service > a obile satellite service in =ic obile eart stations are located on board si&s. 1+. Mariti!e Radio &avigation Service > a radio navigations service intended a radionavigation satellite service in =ic eart stations are located on board si&s. !. Meteorological Aids Service > a radio counication service used an eart e?&loration satellite service a radio counication service bet=een obile and eart stations. !#. Moile Satellite Service > a radio counication service bet=een obile eart stations and one or ore s&ace stations@ or bet=een eart stations by eans o< one or ore s&ace stations. !%. 'ort Operation Service > a aritie obile service in or near a &ort@ bet=een coast stations and si& stations@ bet=een si& stations@ in =ic essages are restricted to tose relating to te o&erational andling@ te oveent and sa
!'. Radio Astrono!y Service > a service involving te use o< radio astronoy. !). Radio +eter!ination Service > a radio counication service a service a service used
Notes by Rolieven P. Cañizares ECE !,. Safety Service > any radio counication service used &eranently or te&orarily a sa a radio counication service concerned e?clusively =it te o&eration o< s&acecra a radio counication service in =ic s&acecra a radio counication a radio counication service a radio counications service using s&ace stations or eart satellites
1. Aeronautical Station > a land station in te aeronautical obile service@ =ic is not intended a station in te aeronautical a obile station installed on board o< any ty&e o< aircra station used by an aateur tat is a duly autorized &erson interested in radio tecni:ue solely =it &ersonal ai and =itout &ecuniary interest. '. Broadcasting Station > a station in broadcasting service. ). Coast Station > a land station in te aritie obile service not intended a radio station in te land obile service@ =ic is not intended
Notes by Rolieven P. Cañizares ECE +. Co!!ercial Receiving Station > an a&&aratus@ contrivance@ device or e:ui&ent including te accessory e:ui&ent designed to be ca&able o< receiving signals@ =ritings@ iages@ sounds@ or intelligence o< any nature troug eiter by radio@ electronics@ television and oter electroagnetic systes. ,. Experi!ental Station > a station utilizing ;ertzian =aves in e?&erients =it a vie= to te develo&ent o< science or tecni:ue. 1. Fixed Station > a station in te a radio station in te land obile service@ =ic is ca&able o< sur a station in obile service intended to be used =ile in otion or during alts at uns&eci a radio station co&osed o< transitter and a receiver or transceiver =it sel< contained antenna syste and a &o=er su&&ly and =ose out&ut does not e?ceed ' 0@ =ose construction is suc tat it can be ove or carried by a single &erson. 1%. 'ortale Station > a obile station in te land obile servie =ic can be conveniently oved a radio location station intended to deterine only te direction o< oter station by eans transission o< te latter. 1). Radio Training Station > a lo= &o=ered station establised and o&erated by radio training scools a radionavigation station@ te eission o< =ic are intended to enable a obile station to deterine te bearing or its direction in relation to te radiobeacon station. 1+. Radiolocation Station > a station in te radio location service. 1,. Radio &avigation Station > a station in te radionavigation service. !. Radionavigation %and Station > a station in te radionavigation service =ic is not intended a obile station in te aritie obile service located on board a vessel@ =ic is not &eranently oored.
Notes by Rolieven P. Cañizares ECE !!. Standard Fre,uency and Ti!e Signal Station > a station in te standard an a&&aratus@ contrivance@ device or e:ui&ent including te accessory e:ui&ents designed to be ca&able o< transitting and eitting signs@ signals@ =ritings@ iages@ sounds@ or intelligence o< any nature troug eiter radio electronics@ television or oter electroagnetic systes. Fre,uency Bands- 'ropagation- and Modulation
$e usable s&ectru o< electroagnetic radiation
$e 8( band is used
$e lo=/
$is band &rovides reliable ediu/range coverage during dayligt and@ =en te transission &at is in total dar5ness@ =orld=ide long/distance service. $e reliability and signal :uality o< long/distance service de&ends to a large degree u&on ionos&eric conditions and related long/ter variations in suns&ot activity a<
Notes by Rolieven P. Cañizares ECE s5y=ave &ro&agation. A&&lications include D Sort=ave broadcasting D (i?ed and obile service D $eleetry D Aateur radio D (i?edaritie obile D Standard tie and
$e -;( band is caracterized by reliable transission over ediu distances. At te iger &ortion o< te -;( band@ counication is liited by te orizon. A&&lications include D (M radio broadcasting 3++ to 1+ M;z4 D 8o=/band -;(/$- broadcasting 3'% to *! M;z and *) to ++ M;z4 D ;ig/band -;(/$- broadcasting 31*% to !1) M;z4 D Coercial
$ransissions in tis band are ty&ically line o< sigt. Sort =avelengts at te u&&er end o< te band &erit te use o< igly directional &arabolic or ultieleent antennas. A&&lications include D F;( terrestrial television 3%* to +) M;z4 D (i?ed and obile counications D $eleetry D Meteorological aids D S&ace o&erations D Radio astronoy D Radionavigation D Satellite counications D Point/to/&oint icro=ave relay Super#ig# Fre,uency (S3F*/ 0 to 01 734
Counication in tis band is strictly line o< sigt. -ery sort =avelengts &erit te use o< &arabolic transits and receive antennas o< e?ce&tional gain. A&&lications include D Satellite counications
Notes by Rolieven P. Cañizares ECE D Point/to/&oint =ideband relay D Radar D S&ecialized =ideband counications D "evelo&ental researc D Military su&&ort systes D Radiolocation D Radionavigation D S&ace researc