actsheet eet B io F actsh 1.
The kidney: excretion and osmoregulation
The essential guide tophotosynthesis
Which stats test should I use?
Structure to function in eukaryotic cell
An idiot’s guide to populations
Tackling data interpretation questions I: ecology
Comparing transport in plants and animals
The cell surface membrane
Oxygen dissociation curves
Biology of freshwater pollution
Ecological succession
Genetic engineering
Bioaccumulation and biomagnification
The greenhouse effect
Flow of energy through ecosystems
The control of body temperature
18.. 18
The nitrogen cycle
Plant tissues
Nerves and synapses
Support in plants and animals
Protein synthesis: I nucleic acids
Genetics made simple: I
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actsheet eet B io F actsh 25.
Tackling data interpretation questions II: photosynthesis
Gas exchange in animals
Biological effect of deforestation
Feedback control mechanisms
Plant and animal adaptations to dry environments
The biological importance of water
Enzyme control of metabolic pathways
Viruses made simple
Fermentation made simple
Species diversity
Structure and function of the mammalian heart
Structure and function of blood and lymph
Ischaemic (Coronary) heart disease
Animal hormones and hormone action
Carbohydrates: revision summary
40.. 40
Disease and defence
The Th e ro role le of th the e li live verr in in ho homo moeo eost stas asis is
The Th e st stru ruct ctur ure e an and d fu func ncti tion on of li lipi pids ds
Fact Fa ctor ors s aff affec ecti ting ng enz enzym yme e act activ ivit ity y
E v ol uti o n
Gene expression
Mus cle s
The Th e eco econo nom mic im impo port rtan ance ce of en enzy zym mes
Tac ackl klin ing g exam exam qu ques esti tion ons: s: pla plant nt gro growt wth h subs substa tanc nces es
actsheet eet B io F actsh 49.
Protein synthesis II - mechanisms
Sources of genetic variation
Gene therapy
Data interpretation questions: temperature regulation
Water potential
Effect of light on living organisms
Autonomic nervous system
Oestrous cycles
Reflex action
Minerals in plants and animals
Chloroplasts and mitochondria
Animal tissues I: epithelia and blood
Pigments in plants
The physiology of exercise
Modern techniques in biology: genetics
Fieldwork techniques
Genetic engineering in agriculture
Microbes in the food and drink industry
The control of bacteria
Sewage treatment
actsheet eet B io F actsh 73.
The prokaryotic cell
The structure and biological functions of lipids
Microscopes and their uses in biology
The eukaryotic cell cycle and mitosis
Hypothesis tests & Mann-Whitney U-test
Chemical bonding in biological molecules
The chi-squared test for goodness of fit
Structure and biological functions of proteins
Gas exchange in plants
Transport in flowering plants
Chromatography and its uses in biology
Xerophytes and hydrophytes
The paired t-test & when to use it
Human Genome Project
The biology of fertilizers
The biology of pesticides
Tissue fluid
Answering questions on nutrient cycles
actsheet eet B io F actsh 91.
Taxonomy and classification
Isolation mechanisms
The ABO blood group system
Gene mutations
Asexual r eproduction eproduction
A guide to sex linkage
I n di c at o r s p ec i es
99 .
100. Ant Antibi ibioti otics cs & ant antibi ibioti otic c res resist istanc ance e 101. 10 1. The brain 102. Gr Grow owth th an and d it its s me meas asur urem emen entt 103. Pr Prac acti tica call tec techn hniq ique ues s in microbiology I: culturing bacteria 104. Bi Biol olog ogic ical al ba basi sis s of ca canc ncer er 105. Manipulation and control of reproduction 106. Ethical issues in A-level biology 107. Answering exam questions - cells 108. Water movement across the root
actsheet eet B io F actsh 109. Eyes 110. Genetic disease in humans 111. Plant growth substances 112. Monoclonal antibodies 113. Adaptations of carnivores & herbivores to their Diet 114. Practical techniques microbiology II: measuring growth 115. Answering examination questions:genetics 116. Transport mechanisms in cells
lowering plants 117. Fertilisation and seed production in f lowering 118. Germination 119. Biogas 120. The chi-squared test for association 121. Artificial cloning techniques 122. Answering exam questions on statistics 123. Innate behaviour 124. Saprobiontic and parasitic modes of life
rom a natural ecosystem - f isheries isheries 125. Harvesting f rom 126. Natural vs agricultural ecosystems
actsheet eet B io F actsh 127. Analysing students’ wrong answers1: ecology 128. Active transport in humans 129. ATP – what it is, what it does 130. Investigating catalase 131. Niches 132. Phloem 133. Comparing chemical communication in plants and animals
ibrosis 134. Cystic f ibrosis 135. Transport across the placenta 136. Practical investigations for photosynthesis
arm scale evaluation trials 137. GM f arm 138. Biological oxygen demand 139. Answering exam questions on the heart 140. Absorption in the small Intestine 141. Forests and nutrient cycles 142. Modern examples of evolution in action 143. Data interpretation questions: vitamins
ank correlation coefficient 144. Spearman’s r ank
actsheet eet B io F actsh 145. Blood sugar and its control 146. Tracheids, vessels and sieve tubes 147. Ageing 148. Industrial uses of enzymes 149. High altitude biology 150. Answering exam questions on the kidney 151. Control of the human heart 152. Phospholipids 153. The light dependent stage of photosynthesis 154. Zonation and succession 155. Answering exam questions on neurones and synapses 156. Dominant and r ecessive ecessive alleles 157. Diabetes - management or cure? 158. Answering questions: growth of organisms
unction of polysaccharides 159. The structure and f unction
actsheet eet B io F actsh low in biology 160. Countercurrent f low eedback mechanisms 161. Negative f eedback 162. The biology of HIV 163. Answering questions: enzyme activity 164. Recording plant species 165. Surface area and volume 166. Answering exam questions: kidney problems 167. Biosensors
ormation in animals 168. Gamete f ormation 169. Answering exam questions on immunity and vaccines 170. Answering exam questions: classification and keys
ormation and drainage of lymph 171. Answering exam questions: the f ormation espiration 172. Answering exam questions on r espiration ood tests and chromatography 173. How to identify foods: f ood 174. Learned behaviour
actsheet eet B io F actsh unction 175. Haemoglobin: structure & f unction 176. Penicillin production and use
ixation 177. Nitrogen f ixation 178. Infectious diseases 179. Answering exam questions: mutation
ise of Clostridium 180. Antibiotic use and the r ise
d ifficile ifficile
181. Why are viruses so successful? 182. Disrupting f ood ood chains and webs
atios 183. Variations from expected Mendelian monohybrid r atios 184. Investigating sand dunes 185. Should we use human – animal embryos? 186. Adaptations to extreme conditions 187. Selective breeding of cattle 188. Cholesterol, heart disease and Statins 189. The biological impacts of climate change
actsheet eet B io F actsh 190. Neuromuscular junctions 191. What have we learned from Darwin’s finches? 192. Investigating weeds and crop yield 193. The biology of TB 194. Tissue and organ transplants 195. Biology of infertility 196. Pesticide problems 197. Biology of coral reef ecosystems
unction 198. Chloroplasts – structure and f unction isheries biology 199. Answering questions on f isheries 200. The biology of bird flu 201. Humans: evolution or creation ? 202. The biology of MDMA (Ecstasy) 203. Climate change and ecological decoupling 204. Ethical issues in biology: BST
actsheet eet B io F actsh 205. How Science Works: What do we know about vitamin C? 206. Malaria 207. How science works: Meselson and Stahl’s classic experiment 208. Captive breeding and the role of zoos 209. How science works: clinical trials and ethics 210. The biology of Cholera 211. Hardy Weinberg and population genetics 212. Medical imaging
esearch 213. Animals in medical r esearch 214. Exercise: too much or Too little? 215. Genetic testing and screening 216. The biology of salmonella 217. Answering exam questions: diabetes
218. Bi Biol olog ogy y of ris risk k fact factor ors s 1: Sm Smok okin ing g 219. Mo Mono nocl clon onal al Ant Antib ibod odie ies: s: An An update update
actsheet eet B io F actsh 220. Bio Biolo logy gy of ris risk k fact factors ors 2: alcohol consumption 2 2 1 A p o pt o si s 222. Coenzymes 223. Chemiosmosis 224. Why we need biodiversity: medicine 225. Synoptic biology: water potential 226. The herpes simplex virus and Alzheimer’s disease 227. RuBP carboxylase – the most important enzyme on the planet? 228. Biology of risk factors 3: neural tube defects and folic acid 229. Huntington’s disease
eliability 230. Accuracy, validity and r eliability 231. How science works: should I eat lots of fibre to avoid colon cancer? 232. The biology of a nail in the foot 233. Conservation techniques: coppicing 234. Electrocardiograms (ECGs)
actsheet eet B io F actsh 235.. Tac 235 ackl klin ing g bacterial r esistance esistance 23 6 Body Mass Index as a health predictor 237. Mitosis vs meiosis
esearch, potential, and the law 238. Stem cells: r esearch, 239. The biology of twins 240. Malaria vaccine 241. Territorial biology 242. Forensic entomology 243. The biology of breast cancer
eserves 244. Managing nature r eserves 245. Biology of sports training 246. Oral vaccines 247. Biology of Multiple Sclerosis 248. Schistosoma 249. Species’ range of tolerance
actsheet eet B io F actsh 250. Using DNA to solve crimes 251. Answering exam questions: taxonomy and phylogeny 252. Is human evolution finally over? 253. The biology of cheating at sport 254. Biology of asthma 255. The biology of paternity testing 256. How science works: What’s killing the honey bees? 257. Investigating periwinkles 258. Biology of cereals 1: Sorghum, a C4 plant 259. Maternity biology 260. Aquatic predator-prey relationships 261. Investigating soil trampling 262. Medical uses of ultrasound
263. The Biolog Biology y of prostate prostate cance cancerr 264. The retur return n of rick rickets ets
actsheet eet B io F actsh 265. Evidence for evolution: The pentadactyl limb 266. Bad clots: deep vein thrombosis 267. How science works: investigating probiotics 268. The biology of skin cancer 269. Eradicating mosquitoes via GM 270. Rods and cones 271. The myth of “junk” DNA 272. Artificial hearts and heart transplants 273. Ethical issues in biology: assisted fertility 274. Lemming population cycles & climate change
ounder effect, genetic drift & bottlenecks 275. The f ounder 276. Should we cull the geese?
277.. Proj 277 Project ect froz frozen en dumbo dumbo:: eleph elephant ant sperm bank banks s 278. Enz Enzym ymes es and and act activ ivati ation on ener energy gy 279. Is Eart Earth h the the only only livi living ng plan planet? et?
actsheet eet B io F actsh 280 28 0. Are isotonic drinks a waste of time? 281. Collagen 282 28 2. What can mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) tell us? 283 28 3. Why we need dietary fibre 284 28 4. Engelmann, absorption and action 285 28 5. Using our knowledge of the Human Genome Project 286 28 6. Thermoregulation in humans 287 28 7. Re-emergence of whooping cough 288 28 8. Hen harriers v Red grouse: a moorland management conflict 289 28 9. New research in Alzheimer’s disease 290. Answering exam questions: blood groups and transfusions 291. Answering questions on DNA replication 292. Investigating selective pressure on banded snails 293. Synoptic biology: causes & treatment of leukaemia 294. Do we still need vegetative propogation?
actsheet eet B io F actsh 295. Ebola 296. Diesel fumes, asthma and cancer on Oxford St 297. If extinction is natural, why worry about it? 298. Lemming population cycles & climate change 299. Should we cull the geese? 300. Type 2 diabetes 301. Electron microscopes 302. Plant adaptations to cold environments 303. Avoiding predation 1 304. The tapeworm 305. Blood products and their storage 306. Avoiding predation 2 – colour and shape 307. Animal aggression 308. Testosterone 309. Carbon dioxide in the body