Biography of Papaji (1910 — 1997) http :// ://www.s www.satsa atsangbh ngbhava t/biogra ography. phy.htm htm
atsang with Papaji http ://w ://www.s ww.satsa atsangb ngbhava havan.n et/
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Biography of Papaji (1910 — 1997)
ri -.,.$. Poonja; EovingEy referreH to as Papaji; was born on >tober 1A; 1910; in a part of the Pnjab that is now in PaIistan. -e haH his first Hire>t eJperien>e of the eEf at the age of nine. -e met his 'aster; ri #amana 'aharshi; in 19GG. hortEy afterwarHs he reaEiKeH the eEf in the presen>e of his master.Being a hosehoEHer; he >ontineH to worI anH spport the many members of his eJtenHeH famiEy ntiE his retirement in 19. "fter eJtensive traveE Papaji settEeH Hown in $>Inow; %nHia; where he re>eiveH visitors from aronH the worEH. -e HieH on eptember ; 1997. &his first=person a>>ont of PapajiLs Eife was written by aviH 4oHman anH approveH by Papaji himseEf. %t is pbEisheH as the first >hapter in the Papaji %nterviews booI.
!arEy Eife Earliest Memory 'y earEiest memory is of a striIing eJperien>e whi>h o>>rreH when % was abot eight years oEH. &he year was 1919. &he British; having re>entEy trimpheH in the 3irst ,orEH ,ar; haH given aEE s>hooE>hiEHren a one=month hoEiHay so that they >oEH join in the vi>tory >eEebrations. &hey even gave s a EittEe baHge to wear to >ommemorate the vi>tory. ,e were Eiving in 3aisaEabaH at the time; in a pa rt of the Pnjab that is now in PaIistan. 'y mother He>iHeH that this ns>heHEeH va>ation woEH be an iHeaE time to go anH visit some of or reEatives who EiveH in $ahore. &he visit mst have taIen pEa>e in the smmer of that year be>ase % Histin>tEy remember that mangoes were in season at the time. ne evening; whiEe we were aEE sitting in my reEatives hose in $ahore; someone starteH to prepare a mango; miEI anH aEmonH HrinI for everyone. %t shoEH have been a moth= watering treat for a boy of my age; bt when a gEassfE of it was offereH to me; % maHe no attempt to stret>h ot my hanH to re>eive it. %t was not that % HiHnt want to HrinI it. &he trth was; % haH jst been >onsmeH anH engEfeH by an eJperien>e that maHe me so pea>efE anH happy; % was nabEe to responH to the of fereH gEass. 'y mother anH the other women present were both astonisheH anH aEarmeH by my sHHen ina>tivity. &hey aEE gathereH aronH me; trying to He>iHe what haH happeneH anH what to Ho By this time my eyes were >EoseH. &hogh % was nabEe to responH to their Meries; % >oEH hear the His>ssion going on aronH me; anH % was fEEy aware of aEE the ir attempts to bring me ba>I to my saE state.&hey shooI me; they gentEy sEappeH my fa>e; they pin>heH my >heeIs.
omeone even EifteH me p in the air; bt nothing eEi>iteH any IinH of physi>aE response from me. % was not being stbborn. &he eJperien>e was so overwheEming it haH effe>tiveEy paraEyseH my abiEity to responH to any eJternaE stimEi. 3or abot an hor they trieH everything they >oEH thinI of to bring me ba>I to a normaE state of >ons>iosness; bt aEE their attempts faiEeH.
% haH not been si>I; this haH not happeneH to me before anH; jst prior to its >ommen>ement; % haH not been eJhibiting any strange symptoms. Be>ase of the sHHenness of the event; be>ase it haH never happeneH before; anH be>ase no amont of shaIing >oEH waIe me; my famiEy >ame to the >on>Esion that a maEevoEent spirit haH sHHenEy anH mysteriosEy possesseH me. %n those Hays there were no Ho>tors or psy>hiatrists to rn to. ,hen something EiIe this happeneH; the stanHarH response was to taIe the vi>tim to the Eo>aE mosMe so that the mulla >oEH perform an eJor>ism. ,e even seH to taIe or bffaEoes to him when they got si>I or faiEeH to give miEI in the hope that his eJor>isms anH mantras woEH somehow remove the affEi>tion. o; even thogh % >ame from a -inH famiEy; % was >arrieH to the Eo>aE mosMe anH shown to the mulla. -e >hanteH some worHs whiEe simEtaneosEy rnning some metaE tongs over my boHy. &hat was the stanHarH way of performing an eJor>ism. &he mulla; with his saE optimism; saiH that % woEH soon re>over; bt his efforts; EiIe those of my famiEy before him; faiEeH to bring me ot of the state % was in. tiEE paraEyKeH; % was >arrieH home anH pt to beH. 3or two fEE Hays; % stayeH in this pea>efE; bEissfE; happy state; nabEe to >ommni>ate with anyone; bt stiEE fEEy aware of the varios things that were going on aronH me. "t the enH of this two=Hay perioH % openeH my eyes again. 'y mother; who was an arHent 5rishna bhakta; >ame p to me anH asIeH; NiH yo see 5rishna eeing how happy % was; she haH abanHoneH her initiaE iHea that % haH been possesseH anH haH sbstitteH for it a theory that % haH haH some IinH of mysti>aE eJperien>e invoEving her own favorite Heity.
N*o % repEieH; NaEE % >an say abot it is that % was very happy. "s far as first >ases were >on>erneH; % was as m>h in ignoran>e as my famiEy. % HiH not Inow what % haH been eJperien>ing or what haH pre>ipitateH this sHHen immersion into intense anH paraEyKing happiness. % toEH my mother when she presseH me frther; N&here was tremenHos happiness; tremenHos pea>e; tremenHos beaty. 'ore than that % >annot say. %t haH been; in fa>t; a Hire>t eJperien>e of the eEf; bt % HiH not nHerstanH this at the time. %t was to be many years before % fEEy appre>iateH what haH happeneH to me. 'y mother woEH not give p her theory. he went anH fet>heH a pi>tre whi>h portrayeH 5rishna as a >hiEH; showeH it to me anH asIeH; NiH yo see anyone EiIe this "gain % toEH her; N*o; % HiHnt.
'y mother seH to sing 5rishna bhajans in or hose. he haH marrieH when she was siJteen anH given birth to me when she was eighteen. o; when aEE this happeneH; she was stiEE a yong woman. in>e both her fa>e anH her voi>e were eJtremeEy beatifE; her bhajans attra>teH many peopEe to or hose. "Ethogh it HiH not taEEy with my own Hire>t eJperien>e; my mother somehow >onvin>eH me that the happiness haH been >aseH by >oming into >onta>t with 5rishna. he en>orageH me to be>ome a Hevotee of 5rishna; saying that; if % meHitateH on 5rishna anH repeateH -is name; the eJperien>e % haH haH of -im woEH sooner or Eater retrn. &his was a powerfE argment for me. !ver sin>e % haH openeH my eyes; % haH feEt a great Eonging to have that eJperien>e again. in>e % >oEH thinI of no other way of getting it ba>I; % foEEoweH my mothers aHvi>e anH began to worship 5rishna. 'y mother herseEf taght me how to perform aEE the varios ritaEs anH pra>ti>es asso>iateH with the 5rishna >Et. n>e % began; it HiH not taIe me Eong to HeveEop an intense anH passionate Eove for the form of 5rishna. % soon forgot that the prpose of my Hevotion was to get ba>I to that state whi>h % haH eJperien>eH for two Hays. % be>ame so fas>inateH with 5rishna; so enamoreH of -is form; the Eove % feEt for -im soon HispEa>eH my Hesire to get ba>I to that originaE eJperien>e of happiness. % was parti>EarEy attra>teH to one pi>tre of the >hiEH 5rishna; the same one that my mother haH shown me on the East Hay of my eJperien>e. &o me; the fa>e was so inHes>ribabEy beatifE; so magneti>aEEy attra>tive; % haH EittEe Hiffi>Ety in poring aEE my Eove anH Hevotion into it. "s a resEt of this intense bhakti, 5rishna began to appear before me; taIing the same form as the pi>tre. -e woEH regEarEy appear to me at night; pEay with me; anH even try to sEeep in my beH. % was very inno>ent at the time. % HiHnt reaEise that this manifestation was one of the great Heities of -inHism; anH that some of -is Hevotees spent whoEe Eifetimes striving to get a singEe gEimpse of -im. *aiveEy; % thoght that it was Mite natraE for -im to a ppear in my beHroom anH pEay with me. -is physi>aE form was as reaE as my own — % >oEH feeE it a nH to>h it — bt -e >oEH aEso appear to me in a more sbtEe form. %f % pt a bEanIet over my heaH; % >oEH stiEE see -im. !ven when % >EoseH my eyes; the image of -im was stiEE there in front of me. &his 5rishna was fEE of pEayfE energy. -e aEways appeareH after % haH gone to beH anH -is >hiEHish anH enthsiasti> pEaying Iept me awaIe anH preventeH me from going to sEeep. ,hen the noveEty of -is initiaE visits haH worn off; % starteH to feeE that -is appearan>es were be>oming a bit of a nisan>e be>ase -e was preventing me from sEeeping; even when % was very tireH. "s % was trying to thinI p some way of maIing -im go away; it o>>rreH to me that it woEH be a gooH iHea if % sent -im off to see my mother. % Inew that; as an arHent 5rishna bhakta, she woEH be HeEighteH to see -im too. ,hy Hont yo go anH sEeep with my mother % asIeH -im one night. No are not aEEowing me to go to sEeep. 4o to my mother insteaH. 5rishna seemeH to have no interest in my mothers >ompany. -e never went to see her; preferring insteaH to spenH aEE -is time with me. ne night my mother overhearH s taEIing anH asIeH; N,ho are yo taEIing to N% am speaIing with yor 5rishna; % repEieH; ingenosEy. N-e Histrbs me at night anH Hoesnt Eet me sEeep. %f % >Eose my eyes % stiEE see -im; sometimes more >EearEy than when they are open. ometimes % pt a bEanIet over my heaH; bt % stiEE see -im. -e aEways wants to sEeep with me; bt % >annot sEeep whiEe -e is here. he >ame into the room to investigate; bt she HiHnt see -im. %n aEE the times that 5rishna >ame to or hose; she never saw -im on>e. 7
,hen -e wasnt there % aEways feEt a Hesire to see -im. % reaEEy HiH want to see -im anH pEay with -im. &he onEy probEem was that % was often so tireH when -e >ame % f eEt that -e shoEH; after a He>ent intervaE; Eeave me in pea>e so that % >oEH Eie Hown anH get some sEeep. -e HiHnt >ome every night. ometimes % woEH see -im anH sometimes % woEHnt. % never HobteH -is reaEityO % never haH the iHea it was some IinH of vision. % even wrote a post>arH to -im on>e; teEEing -im how m>h % EoveH -im. % posteH it anH wasnt at aEE srpriseH when % got a repEy from -im; properEy stampeH anH franIeH anH HeEivereH by the postman. -e was so reaE to me; it seemeH Mite natraE to >orresponH with -im by post. 3rom the moment that 5rishna first >ame into my Eife; % Eost interest in my s>hooEworI. % woEH sit in >Eass; apparentEy paying attention; bt my minH anH heart woEH be on the form of 5rishna. ometimes; when waves of bEiss woEH srge p insiHe me; % woEH abanHon myseEf to the eJperien>e anH Eose >onta>t with the otsiHe worEH. 3rom the time of my first eJperien>e a Hesire to sear>h for 4oH anH a hnger in me f or -im were aEways present. % was aEways; n>ons>iosEy; EooIing for an otEet for these feeEings. ,hen % was abot eEeven; for eJampEe; a grop of saHhs passeH by or hose. % was immeHiateEy attra>teH to them anH trieH to join their grop. N'y parents are HeaH; % toEH them. N,iEE yo EooI after me &hey agreeH anH we waEIeH off together to a pEa>e abot twenty IiEometres away from the town. % HiHnt teEE my parents; so they; of >orse; spent severaE Hays franti>aEEy EooIing for me. &hen; foEEowing p a rmor that % haH been seen with these saHhs; they tra>IeH me Hown to or >amp. % remember my father eJ>Eaiming; after he haH finaEEy fonH me; N% thoght yo were Eost? % thoght yo were Eost? % wasnt the Eeast bit repentant abot my aHventres. % retorteH; N-ow >an % be Eost "m % a bffaEo that % >an get Eost anH not Inow where % am % aEways Inew where % was. % HiHnt have any appre>iation of the worry anH the >on>ern % haH >aseH my parents. By joining the saHhs % haH mereEy eJpresseH my yearning anH hnger for 4oH. % even went so far as to teEE my father; N,hy have yo >ome to EooI for me insteaH of Eeaving me with 4oH 'y father; natraEEy; woEH not aEEow me to stay there. -e Ee>treH the saHhs on what he thoght was their irresponsibEe behavior anH then tooI me ba>I to town. ring my >hiEHhooH other boys woEH a>t ot their fantasies by pEaying soEHiers or pretenHing they were famos sportsmen or rEers. %; on the >ontrary; haH an rge to imitate saHhs. % Inew nothing of the inner Eife of s>h peopEe; bt % was Mite >ontent mereEy to mimi> the eJternaEs. % parti>EarEy remember one Hay when % He>iHeH to pEay at being a naIeH saHh anH persaHeH my sister to join in the game. ,e strippeH off; smeareH or boHies with wooH ash to imitate vibhuti anH sat >ross=EeggeH in front of a fire whi>h we maHe in ot garHen. &hat was as far as we >oEH go be>ase we HiHnt Inow anything abot meHitation or yoga. ne of or neighbors who happeneH to EooI over the >ommon garHen waEE was nHerstanHabEy sho>IeH to see a naIeH girE there; >overeH with ash. ,e were so inno>ent it HiHnt o>>r to s that it wasnt proper for yong girEs to sit otsiHe with no >Eothes on. &he neighbor smmoneH or mother anH the game >ame to an abrpt enH.
In Love With Buddha 'y neJt major spiritaE aHventre o>>rreH when % was abot thirteen. %t starteH when % saw a pi>tre of the BHHha in a history booI at s>hooE. &his pi>tre iEEstrateH the 8
perioH of his Eife when he trieH to Eive on onEy one grain of ri>e a Hay. &he fa>e was very beatifE bt the boHy was sIeEeton=EiIe; aEE sIin anH bone. % immeHiateEy feEt a great attra>tion to him; even thogh % HiHnt then Inow anything abot his tea>hings. % simpEy feEE in Eove with his beatifE fa>e anH He>iHeH that % shoEH try to emEate him. %n the pi>tre he was meHitating nHer a tree. % HiHnt Inow that at the time; in fa>t % HiHnt even Inow what meHitation was. nHeterreH; % thoght; N% >an Ho that. % >an sit >rossEeggeH nHer a tree.
% >an be EiIe him. o % began to sit in a >ross=EeggeH position in or garHen nHer some rose bshes that grew there; happy anH >ontent that % was harmonising my EifestyEe with this person % haH faEEen in Eove with. &hen; to in>rease the simiEarity even more; % He>iHeH that % shoEH try to maIe my boHy resembEe his sIeEeton=EiIe frame. "t that time in or hose we woEH >oEEe>t or fooH from or mother before going off to eat it separateEy. &his maHe it easy for me to throw my meaEs away. ,hen no one was EooIing % woEH go otsiHe anH give aEE my fooH to the Hogs in the street. "fter some time % manageH to stop eating >ompEeteEy.% be>ame so weaI anH thin; eventaEEy my bones began to sti>I ot; jst EiIe the BHHhas. &hat maHe me very happy anH % be>ame very proH of my new state. 'y >Eassmates at s>hooE maHe my Hay by ni>Inaming me Nthe BHHha be>ase they >oEH see how thin % was getting. 'y father worIeH for the raiEways. "t this parti>Ear perioH of his Eife he was worIing in BaE>histan as a stationmaster. Be>ase his job was a Eong way away; we onEy ever saw him when he >ame home on Eeave. "bot a month after my fasting began he >ame home on one of his regEar visits anH was sho>IeH at how thin % haH got H ring his absen>e. -e tooI me off to see varios Ho>tors anH haH them eJamine me in orHer to finH ot what was wrong. *one of them sspe>teH that % was HeEiberateEy fasting. ne of them toEH my father; N-e is growing taEE very Mi>IEy; that is why he is getting so thin. 4ive him gooH fooH; Eots of miEI anH Hry frits. 'y mother foEEoweH the aHvi>e; aHHing a bit of her own: every Hay she woEH say; N!at more btter; eat more btter. &he Hogs on the street got very fat anH happy be>ase the new Hiet went the same way as the oEH one. &he s>hooE history booI whi>h >ontaineH BHHhas pi>tre was a simpEe giHe for >hiEHren. &he main biographi>aE fa>ts were there; bt the >on>epts of meHitation anH enEightenment were not aHeMateEy eJpEaineH. PresmabEy the athor HiH not thinI that these very essentiaE points woEH be of interest to >hiEHren. o; % remaineH ignorant of what he was reaEEy Hoing nHer that tree anH why his finaE a >>ompEishment was so 9
great. *evertheEess; % stiEE feEt attra>teH to him anH stiEE feEt an rge to imitate him as >EoseEy as possibEe. % Eearnt from this booI that the BHHha wore orange robes anH that he beg geH for his fooH; going from hose to hose with a begging bowE. &his was something % >oEH; with a EittEe ingenity; >opy. 'y mother haH a white sari whi>h seemeH to me to be the iHeaE raw materiaE for a robe. % tooI it when she wasnt EooIing anH HyeH it o>hre; the >oEor of the BHHhas robes. % wrapeH it aronH myseEf in what % tooI to be the >orre>t way anH began to pEay at being a menHi>ant monI. % got hoEH of a bowE to beg with anH waEIeH p anH Hown the streets of 3aisaEabaH; asIing for aEms. Before % went home % woEH >hange into my orHinary >Eothes anH wrap p the orange sari in a paper par>eE. % Iept the par>eE among my s>hooE booIs; a pEa>e % thoght no one woEH bother to EooI. ne of my frienHs fonH ot what % was Hoing anH toEH me; No >ant get away with this. omeboHy wiEE re>ognise yo anH teEE yor famiEy what yo are Hoing. 3eeEing very >onfiHent abot my abiEity to Ho it se>retEy; % toEH him; Nor parents Inow me. % wiEE >ome to yor hose in my robes anH asI for fooH. %f % >an fooE them % >an fooE anyboHy. % pt on my sari; smeareH ashes aEE over my fa>e to frther my Hisgise; pt a >ap on my heaH anH went off to their hose with my begging bowE. %t was abot D p.m. so the HarIness aEso heEpeH my Hisgise. % >aEEeH ot ‘Bhiksha! Bhiksha!’ "Ems? "Ems?Q be>ase % haH seen saHhs beg for fooH by >aEEing in this way. in>e it HiH not o>>r to me that anyone might re>ognise my voi>e; % maHe no attempt to Hisgise it. 'y frienHs mother >ame to the Hoor; showeH no sign of re>ognition; anH inviteH me in to eat. Nwamiji; Babaji; >ome in anH eat something; she saiH; taIing me in anH offering me fooH. % went with her; a>ting ot the roEe % haH assigneH myseEf. N'y >hiEH; % saiH to her; even thogh she mst have been abot thirty years oEHer than %; Nyo wiEE have >hiEHren anH get Eots of money. % haH hearH swamis bEess women EiIe this. in>e most women wanteH to get ri>h anH have severaE sons; itinerant swamis woEH give these fantasies their bEessings in the hope of getting a better re>eption anH something gooH to eat. &hen; Eaghing; she removeH my >ap anH toEH me that she haH aEways Inown who % reaEEy was. Nor appearan>e is Mite gooH; she saiH; Nbt % re>ogniseH yo from yor voi>e. &hen her hsbanH >ame anH she eJpEaineH to him what was going on. >ornfEEy he saiH; N,ho wiEE not re>ognise yo if yo go ot begging EiIe that o wiEE soon be Hete>teH. *ow it was my trn to Eagh be>ase earEier that Hay % haH beggeH at his shop anH got a one paisa >opper >oin from him. % showeH him the >oin. -e haH to revise his opinion a EittEe. N% mst have been bsy with my >stomers; he saiH. N% mst have given it to yo withot EooIing. N*o; thats not tre; % responHeH trthfEEy. No saw me very >EearEy. % waEIeH past yor shop; begging. o saw me; >aEEeH me ba>I anH hanHeH me this >oin. 'y Hisgise is gooH enogh anH % >an get away with it so Eong as % Hont taEI to peopEe who might re>ognise my voi>e.
&hese peopEe were amseH by my anti>s; not Inowing that % was Hoing this sort of thing regEarEy in a stoEen HyeH sari. &hey HiHnt teEE my mother; so % was abEe to >arry on with my impersonation.
'y mother onEy haH three saris. ne Hay; fairEy soon after % haH taIen the white one; she washeH the other two anH starteH EooIing for the thirH be>ase she neeHeH to wear it. f >orse; she >oEHnt finH it anywhere. he never asIeH me abot it be>ase; sin>e % was not a girE; it HiH not o>>r to her that % might have haH any possibEe se for it. he eventaEEy He>iHeH that she mst have given it to the dhobi, anH that he haH Eost it or forgotten to retrn it. &he finaE phase of my BHHha impersonations >ame when % His>overeH that he seH to prea>h sermons in pbEi> pEa>es. &his eJ>iteH me be>ase it was a new fa>et of his Eife that % >oEH >opy. % Inew absoEteEy nothing abot BHHhism; bt the thoght that this might be a hanHi>ap when % stooH p to prea>h never o>>rreH to me. &here was a >Eo>I=tower in the miHHEe of or town anH near it was a raiseH pEatform where aEE the Eo>aE poEiti>ians seH to give their spee>hes. %t was very m>h the >entre of 3aisaEabaH be>ase aEE the rotes to other towns raHiateH ot from it. % pt on my saE Hisgise; stroHe >onfiHentEy p the steps; anH began to give my first pbEi> spee>h. % >annot re>oEEe>t anything that % saiH — it >oEHnt have been anything abot BHHhism be>ase % Inew absoEteEy nothing abot it — bt % Ho remember that % HeEivereH my spee>h with great fEair anH pana>he. % harangeH the passers=by with great gsto; o>>asionaEEy raising my arm anH wagging my finger to emphasise the points % was maIing. % haH seen the poEiti>ians gestre EiIe that when they maHe their spee>hes. % feEt % haH maHe a s>>essfE start to my oratori>aE >areer anH taIen a step frther towarHs my goaE of imitating the BHHha in everything he HiH. % went ba>I to the >Eo>I= tower on severaE o>>asions anH prea>heH many sermons there. nfortnateEy; 3aisaEabaH was not a big >ity anH it was inevitabEe that sooner or Eater someone who Inew me woEH re>ognise me. %t was not srprising; therefore; that one Hay one of my neighbors spotteH me anH reporteH my anti>s to my mother. "t first she was very s>epti>aE. N-ow >an it be he she asIeH. N,here woEH he get an orange robe from &hen; remembering her missing sari; she went to the >pboarH where % Iept my booIs anH fonH the paper par>eE. &he game was over; for that His>overy effe>tiveEy enHeH my brief >areer as an imitation BHHha. %t was an absrH bt very entertaining episoHe in my Eife whi>h; in retrospe>t; % >an see as refEe>ting my state of minH at the time. % haH this intense yearning for 4oH bt % haH 11
nothing to >hanneE it into eJ>ept the eJternaE forms of the Heities. omething in me re>ogniseH the BHHha as Hivine anH my >hiEHish anH ignorant attempts to foEEow in his footsteps were mereEy a manifestation of that brning inner Hesire to finH 4oH. % wasnt being mis>hievos. % never regarHeH it as some IinH of >hiEHhooH pranI. ome power was >ompeEEing me to Ho it. ome oEH samskaras were >oming p anH >ompeEEing me towarHs reaEity; towarHs the trth of the eEf. %t was a serios attempt on my part to finH my way ba>I to the state of happiness anH pea>e that % haH on>e eJperien>eH anH Inown as my own inner reaEity. 'y mother HiH not get very angry with me. ,e haH aEways haH a gooH reEationship anH she >oEH see the hmor of the sitation. Be>ase she haH been so yong when % was born; we behaveH with ea>h other as if we were brother anH sister; rather than mother anH son. ,e pEayeH; sang anH Han>eH together; anH Mite often we even sEept in the same beH.
Mother’s Example % have aEreaHy mentioneH that my mother was an arHent 5rishna bhakta. % shoEH aEso mention that she haH a 4r who was a weEE=Inown tea>her of edanta.
-e Inew many veHanti> worIs anH >oEH Ee>tre on them aEE with great athority. -is favorite was ihar "a#ar by the -inH saint *is>haEHas. 'y mother >oEH re>ite Earge portions of it by heart. 'any years Eater; when % be>ame a>MainteH with ri #amana 'aharshi; % fonH that he too EiIeH it anH that he haH even maHe a &amiE abriHgeH renHering of it nHer the titEe ihara Mani Mala. 'y mothers 4r haH maHe her memorise many veHanti> slokas whi>h she seH to >hant at varios times Hring the Hay. &raHitionaE veHanti> sadhana is Hone by affirmation anH negation. !ither one repeats or >ontempEates one of the mahavakyas s>h as N% am Brahman or one tries to reje>t iHentifi>ation with the boHy by saying anH feeEing; N% am not the boHy; % am not the sIin; % am not the bEooH; et>. &he aim is to get into a mentaE frame of minH in whi>h one >onvin>es oneseEf that ones reaE natre is the eEf anH that iHentifi>ation with the boHy is erroneos. 'y mother seH to >hant aEE these N% am not... verses anH % seH to f inH them aEE very fnny. % was; at heart; a bhakta. % >oEH appre>iate any sadhana whi>h generateH Eove anH Hevotion towarHs 4oH; bt % >oEHnt see the point of these pra>ti>es whi>h mereEy EisteH; in enHEessEy triviaE ways; what one was not. ,hen my mother haH a bath she woEH >hant; N% am not the rine; % am not the eJ>rement; % am not the biEe; anH so on. &his was too m>h for me. % woEH >aEE ot; N,hat are yo Hoing in there -aving a b ath 12
or >Eeaning the toiEet % riHi>EeH her so m>h that eventaEEy she stoppeH singing these verses ot EoH. 'y mothers 4r en>orageH me to join a Eo>aE EenHing Eibrary whi>h haH a gooH seEe>tion of spiritaE booIs. % starteH to reaH booIs on edanta anH -inH saints. %t was this Eibrary whi>h introH>eH me to $o#a asishta, a booI % have aEways enjoyeH. ne Hay % trieH to borrow a booI abot wami #am &irtha; a -inH saint who went into se>Esion in the -imaEayas in his twenties anH who HieH there when he was onEy thirty= for. % haH a spe>iaE reason for borrowing this booI: he was my mothers eEHer brother; so % natraEEy wanteH to finH ot more abot him. &he Eibrarian haH wat>heH me borrow aEE these booIs with an in>reasing sense of aEarm. %n miHHEe=>Eass -inH so>iety it is Mite a>>eptabEe to show a EittEe interest in spiritaE matters; bt when the interest starts to be>ome an obsession; the aEarm beEEs go off. &his weEE=meaning Eibrarian probabEy thoght that % was taIing my reEigion too seriosEy; anH that % might enH p EiIe my n>Ee. 'ost famiEies woEH be very nhappy if one of their members HroppeH ot at an earEy age to be>ome a wanHering sadhu in the -imaEayas. &he Eibrarian; feeEing that he was a>ting for the best; ref seH to Eet me borrow this booI abot my n>Ee. $ater; he went to my mother anH warneH her that % was showing what was; for him; an nheaEthy interest in mysti>ism. 'y mother paiH no attention. Be>ase her own Eife revoEveH aronH her sadhana; she was HeEighteH to have a son who seemeH to be HispEaying a simiEar in>Eination. 'y mothers 4r EiIeH me very m>h. -e sggesteH booIs for me to reaH anH freMentEy gave me aHvi>e on spiritaE matters. -e owneH a Eot of EanH; haH many >ows; anH spent haEf his time in tea>hing anH the other haEf in managing his properties anH possessions. ne Hay he maHe my mother an astonHing offer: NPEease give me yor son. % wiEE appoint him my heir anH spiritaE s>>essor. ,hen % Hie everything % have wiEE be his. % wiEE EooI after his spiritaE HeveEopment; bt to get a EE this he mst agree to one >onHition. -e mst not marry anH he mst remain a brahmahari . %f he agrees; anH if yo agree; % wiEE taIe fEE responsibiEity for him. 'y mother haH great Eove anH respe>t for this man; bt she was far too atta>heH to me to >onsiHer hanHing me over to someone eEse. he trneH Hown his offer. % too haH great respe>t for him. %f my mother haH a>>epteH his offer; % woEH happiEy have gone with him. "t aronH this time she annon>eH that she was going to taIe me to a Hiff erent swami be>ase she wanteH me to get some spe>iaE spiritaE instr>tions from him. % HiHnt EiIe the iHea anH % HiHnt EiIe the man she >hose for me. % toEH her; N%f yo taIe me to this man % wiEE test him to see if he has reaEEy >onMereH his passions. "s soon as % see him % shaEE sEap him in the fa>e. %f he gets angry; % wiEE Inow that he has no seEf=>ontroE. %f he Hoesnt get angry; % wiEE Eisten to him anH a>>ept whatever he has to tea>h me. 'y mother Inew that % was Mite >apabEe of >arrying ot the threat. *ot wishing to be embarrasseH by my Hisrespe>tfE a>tivities; she HroppeH her pEans to taIe me to see him.
%oli Meditation ,hen % was abot fifteen % went to a frienHs hose Hring the annaE -oEi >eEebrations. -is mother offereH me some pakoras whi>h she haH maHe for the festivaE. % happiEy ate two. "s they were very tasty; % asIeH for some more. rprisingEy; she refseH. % >oEH see that she haH been maIing them in Earge Mantities; anH that she pEanneH to maIe a Eot more; so % >oEHnt nHerstanH why she was restri>ting me to two. &he answer; as % was to His>over Eater; was that she was ptting bhan# >annabis EeavesQ in them anH 13
HiHnt want me to ingest too Earge a Hose. %n those Hays it was Mite >ommon to pt a EittEe bhan# in the fooH on festivaE Hays. "t weHHings; for eJampEe; the bhan# woEH maIe the gests very happy anH woEH aEso in>rease their appetites. ,eHHings were great o>>asions for overeating. ,ith appetites stimEateH by bhan#; the gests woEH get ravenosEy hngry anH woEH perform great feats of gEttony. % went home anH sat Hown to my evening meaE. 'y mother was maIing hapatis. "fter >onsming aEE the ones she haH >ooIeH % asIeH for some more be>ase % stiEE feEt hngry. he maHe eJtra; bt even they were not enogh to satisfy my hnger. % ate them as fast as she >oEH prepare them anH Iept on asIing for more. %t was not ntiE % haH eaten abot twenty that she reaEiseH what haH happeneH to me. he EagheH a nH eJ>EaimeH; Nove been eating bhan#; havent yo ,ho has been feeHing yo bhan# % toEH her abot the pakoras anH she EagheH again. % was now beginning to nHerstanH why my frienHs mother haH restri>teH me to two. %n aHHition to being eJtremeEy hngry; % was aEso beginning to feeE a EittEe intoJi>ateH. &hat night we aEE sEept in the same room. "t abot miHnight % got ot of beH; sat in the padmasana position; anH >aEEeH ot in a EoH voi>e; No are not my father? o are not my mother? &hen % went into a Heep meHitation. 'y parents woIe p bt they were not very aEarmeH by my behavior. &hey jst assmeH that % was stiEE sffering from the effe>ts of the bhan# % haH eaten. "t A a.m. % was stiEE sitting there with my eyes >EoseH. 'y parents woIe p be>ase strange anH nre>ognisabEe sonHs were >oming ot of my moth.
&hey trieH to waIe me p bt % was in too Heep a meHitation to be roseH. 'y mother; thinIing that % was getting HeEirios; persaHeH my father to go ot anH f inH a Ho>tor. -e haH a harH time persaHing one to >ome be>ase it was the miHHEe of the night anH a festivaE Hay. !ventaEEy; thogh; he fonH one anH broght him ba>I to the hose. &his Ho>tor gave me a thorogh eJamination whiEe my parents wat>heH anJiosEy. % was aware of what he was Hoing anH of my mothers worrieH >omments; bt % >oEHnt bring myseEf ot of the state or behave in a normaE way. &he Ho>tor finaEEy annon>eH his He>ision. N2ongratEations; he saiH; aHHressing my parents. No have a very fine boy; a very gooH son. &here is nothing physi>aEEy wrong with him. -e is jst immerseH in a very Heep meHitation. ,hen it is over he wiEE >ome ot of it Mite natraEEy anH be perfe>tEy normaE. 14
3or aEE of that night anH for the whoEe of the neJt Hay % was immerseH in that state. ring the Hay % >ontineH to tter strange sonHs whi>h no one >oEH nHerstanH ntiE a Eo>aE panHit passeH by or hose. -e hearH what % was saying; re>ogniseH it; >ame in anH annon>eH; N&his boy is >hanting portions of the $ajur eda in ansIrit. ,here anH when HiH he Eearn to >hant EiIe this &he answer; most probabEy; is that % EearneH in some previos Eife. "t the time % Inew Pnjabi; my native Eangage; rH; the Eangage of the Eo>aE 'sEims; anH a EittEe Persian. % Inew no ansIrit anH haH never even hearH of the $ajur eda. &he bhan# mst have triggereH some memories anH InowEeHge Eeft over from a previos Eife. "s the Ho>tor haH preHi>teH; % eventaEEy retrneH to normaE — with no InowEeHge of ansIrit or the edas — anH resmeH my saE everyHay Eife.
&eae &eae 'y neJt nsaE eJperien>e o>>rreH when % was abot siJteen years of age. % was attenHing a s>hooE whi>h was rn by the "rya amaj; a -inH reform movement fonHeH in the nineteenth >entry. &he s>hooE was nameH after wami ayananHa; the fonHer of the organisation. Be>ase it was a resiHentiaE s>hooE; % sEept in a hosteE with aEE the other boys. !very morning we woEH assembEe otsiHe anH sit in a semi>ir>Ee whiEe a prayer was >hanteH. %t aEways enHeH with the worHs ‘'m shanti shanti’ m; pea>e; pea>eQ. "t the >on>Esion of the prayer; a fEag woEH be raiseH in the s>hooE gronHs with an ‘'m’ printeH on it. "s the fEag was being raiseH; we aEE haH to jmp p anH shot; N+i>tory to the dharma! +i>tory to 'other %nHia? +i>tory to wami ayananHa? ne morning; at the >on>Esion of the prayer; the >hanting of ‘'m shanti shanti’ >aseH my whoEe boHy to go nmb. % be>ame paraEyseH in m>h the same way that % haH been when; as an eight=year=oEH boy; % haH been offereH the mango HrinI in $ahore. % was aware of everything that was going on aronH me; there was a great feeEing of pea>e anH happiness insiHe; bt % >oEHnt move any of my ms>Ees or responH to what was going on aronH me. &he other boys jmpeH p anH saEteH the fEag; Eeaving me sitting on the fEoor in my paraEyseH state. &he tea>her who was spervising the prayers saw me sitting on the fEoor anH jst assmeH that % was being EaKy or HisobeHient. -e pt my name on a Eist for pnishment by the heaHmaster. &his meant that % haH to appear before him the neJt morning anH be >aneH. &he tea>her Eeft the s>ene withot as>ertaining the reaE >ase of my immobiEity. &he other boys; meanwhiEe; starteH to maIe fn of me. ,hen they reaEiseH that % was not >apabEe of responHing to their tants; they He>iHeH to stage a mo>I fneraE. &hey pi>IeH p my boHy; stret>heH me ot on their shoEHers anH then pretenHeH that they were >arrying me off to the >emetery to be >remateH. % haH to go aEong with their game be>ase % was not >apabEe of >ompEaining or resisting. ,hen they haH haH their fn; they >arrieH me home anH HmpeH me on my beH. % remaineH there for the rest of the Hay; paraEyseH; bt absorbeH in an inner state of pea>e anH happiness. he neJt morning; fEEy re>overeH; % reporteH to the heaHmaster for my pnishment.
-e tooI ot his >ane; bt before he haH a >han>e to se it % asIeH him; NPEease sir; what am % spposeH to have Hone ,hat mistaIe am % spposeH to have >ommitteH &he heaHmaster haH no iHea. &he tea>hers haH mereEy given him a Eist of boys to be >aneH be>ase the tea>hers themseEves were not aEEoweH to aHminister >orporaE pnishment. -e >he>IeH with the tea>her who haH sent me to him anH was toEH abot my a>t of NHisobeHien>e the Hay before. % toEH him; N% HiHnt refse to stanH p. % sHHenEy went nmb aEE over anH >oEHnt move. % toEH him abot the eJperien>e; eJpEaining that it haH been triggereH by hearing the worHs ‘shanti shanti’ at the enH of the morning prayer. &his heaHmaster was a very gooH man. " spporter of 'ahatma 4anHhi; he HiH the job withot taIing a ny saEary be>ase he beEieveH that -inH boys shoEH be broght p anH eH>ateH in a -inH environment. %n those Hays; most s>hooEs were either se>Ear instittions rn by the government or 2hristian organisations operateH by missionaries. in>e he was spposeH to be in>E>ating s with -inH vaEes anH iHeaEs; he re>ogniseH the absrHity of pnishing me for having haH a mysti>aE eJperien>e as a >onseMen>e of Eistening to a -inH prayer. -e Eet me off anH in Eater years we be>ame Mite gooH frienHs.
(reedom (i#hter Be>ase of my >ontining interest in 5rishna; % HiHnt Ho weEE enogh in s>hooE to go to >oEEege.
%nsteaH; at the age of eighteen; % got a job as a traveEEing saEesman. % enjoyeH the worI very m>h be>ase it gave me the opportnity to traveE aEE over %nHia.&hen; in 19A0; when % was twenty years oEH; my father He>iHeH that it was time for me to ge t marrieH. % HiHnt EiIe the iHea at aEE; bt to avoiH a big famiEy argment % agreeH to marry the woman my father seEe>teH for me. % be>ame a hosehoEHer anH in He >orse fathereH a Haghter anH a son.
ring the neJt few years my interest in nationaEist poEiti>s temporariEy >ompeteH with my >ontining interest in 5rishna. &o nHerstanH this part of my story it wiEE be ne>essary to give a EittEe ba>IgronH information abot the >onHitions we were then Eiving anH worIing in. &he 19A0s were a time of great poEiti>aE nrest. &he British rEe of %nHia was being >haEEengeH in many ways. &here was a feeEing in the air that if we organiseH orseEves properEy anH pt enogh pressre on the government; we >oEH pt an enH to the >oEoniaE o>>pation. 4anHhi; the most weEE=Inown of the freeHom fighters; was esposing a >ampaign of non=>ooperation anH non=vioEen>e; hoping that if enogh %nHians refseH to obey the orHers of the British; they woEH a>>ept that the >ontry was ngovernabEe anH Eeave s to EooI after or own affairs. % HiHnt a>>ept this theory at aEE. % was anH am a great beEiever in Hire>t a>tion anH % feEt that we shoEH >onfront the British with a show of for>e. N%f some peopEe breaI into my hose; % reasoneH; NanH taIe it over so >ompEeteEy that they have s rnning aronH obeying their orHers; what shoEH we Ho &he 4anHhian answer woEH be; NPoEiteEy asI them to Eeave; anH if they say no8; refse to obey any of their orHers. % thoght that this ap proa>h was being psiEEanimos. %n my eJperien>e; sMatters who have appropriateH someone eEses property Hont Eisten to poEite reMests. %; therefore; was in favor of pi>Iing p a sti>I anH Hriving them ot by for>e. Bt how to Ho it &he British were very weEE organiseH anH % Inew that a Hire>t physi>aE
assaEt woEH not maIe m>h of a Hent in their power str>tre. % He>iHeH insteaH to gain some yogi> siddhis anH then se these siddhis to atta>I the British.% tooI to freMenting a graveyarH at night; my iHea being that if % >oEH smmon p spirits of the HeaH anH gain >ontroE over them; % >oEH then nEeash these for>es on the British. % s>>eeHeH in smmoning p an assortment of spirits anH even manageH to >ontroE them enogh for them to Ho my biHHing; bt % soon reaEiseH that these entities haH very EittEe power anH that they woEH not be effe>tive weapons against the British. nHanteH; % joineH a grop of freeHom fighters who haH He>iHeH to taIe Hire>t miEitary a>tion against the British. ,e were essentiaEEy a grop of saboters whose aim was to >onH>t a gerriEEa war against or rEers by atta>Iing Iey miEitary; e>onomi> anH poEiti>aE targets. % was traineH how to maIe bombs anH EooIeH forwarH to the Hay when % woEH see some Hire>t miEitary a>tion. "Ethogh % was not Hire>tEy invoEveH; or grop was responsibEe for bEowing p the +i>eroys train as he was traveEEing to Peshawar. r eMipment was a bit primitive; for we haH to reEy on a fse rather than Hetonation by remote >ontroE. &he timing was not Mite right anH we enHeH p bEowing p the >arriage that was aH ja>ent to the one whi>h the +i>eroy was o>>pying. &he +i>eroy es>apeH nhrt.
)rmy li*e $ife in the army meant Ieeping p an oter front of normaEity anH miEitary sobriety.
pen eJhibitions of Eove for a -inH goH woEH have been frowneH on to s>h an eJtent that they woEH have jeoparHiseH my >areer. &his >aseH me to EeaH a HaE Eife. By Hay % pEayeH the offi>er=sahib; >ompEete with stiff pper Eip. "t night; behinH Eo>IeH Hoors; % woEH transform myseEf into a 5rishna #opi . % woEH Hismiss my orHerEy; teEEing him not to Histrb me with the saE < a.m. >p of tea. &hat gave me the whoEe night with my beEoveH 5rishna. % was not >ontent with Hoing japa of -is name; or with worshipping an inanimate pi>tre or state; % wanteH 5rishna -imseEf to appear before me; as -e haH freMentEy Hone when % was yong; so that % >oEH por ot my Eove to -im Hire>tEy. % pretenHeH % was #aHha; the >onsort of 5rishna; be>ase % thoght that if % imitateH her in every way; 5rishna woEH >ome anH appear before me. % HresseH myseEf in a sari; He>orateH my boHy with bangEes anH womenLs jeweEEery; anH even pt maIe=p on my fa>e. % got into the bhava that % reaEEy was #aHha; pining away for her Hivine Eover. %t worIeH. 5rishna woEH appear anH % woEH por ot my heart to -im. n the mornings after 5rishna haH appeareH to me my fa>e woEH be Eit p with the happiness of Hivine Eove. ne of my sperior offi>ers mistooI my state for HrnIenness anH gave orHers to the barman in the mess that % shoEH not be given more than three smaEE HrinIs a Hay. -e was toEH by the barman; Mite >orre>tEy; that % never HranI at aEE; bt he HiHnLt beEieve him. -e simpEy >oEHnLt nHerstanH how someone >oEH EooI so raHiantEy happy withot having haH any aE>ohoEi> stimEants. 'y nationaEist ambitions withereH anH HieH Hring my brief speEE in the army; bt; on the >ontrary; my passion for 5rishna in>reaseH to the point where % >oEH thinI abot EittEe eEse. &he army was not a >ongeniaE pEa>e for a bhakta who onEy wanteH to inHEge in his obsession for 5rishna; so % resigneH my >ommission. %t was a Hiffi>Et thing to Ho Hring wartime; bt with the assistan>e of a sympatheti> >ommanHing offi>er; to whom % eJpEaineH my preHi>ament; % manageH to free myseEf from my miEitary obEigations. &his man; % thoght; N>ame aEE the way to the Pnjab in some form; appeareH at my Hoor anH Hire>teH me to >ome anH see him at &irvannamaEai. % went there anH got a very gooH eJperien>e when % sat with him. &his man mst be MaEifieH to aHvise me. Perhaps his appearan>e in my room here means that he wants me to go anH see him again in &irvannamaEai. "nyway; sin>e there is no one eEse in 'aHras whose opinion % vaEe; % may as weEE go to him anH see what he has to say. % stiEE haH no interest in his
phiEosophy; bt % HiH re>oEEe>t that % haH been Mite attra>teH by his personaEity anH presen>e.
ear>h for 4oH "eekin# +od % retrneH home to fa>e the wrath of my father. -aving a wife anH famiEy to spport; he fonH it ineJ>sabEe that % haH given p a promising >areer withot having anything eEse to faEE ba>I on.
%t was tre — % >oEH have haH a gEittering >areer in the army. "EE my >Eassmates from the offi>ers training s>hooE who maHe the miEitary their >areer went on to o>>py aEE the senior positions in the army in the years that foEEoweH inHepenHen>e in 19G7. % HiHnt >are. *othing mattereH to me anymore eJ>ept finHing 4oH anH hoEHing on to -im. "fter Eeaving the army; % haH no Hesire to get a job. % feEt insteaH that % neeHeH a spiritaE 'aster who >oEH heEp me to >onsmmate my Eove affair with 5rishna. % haH been sporaHi>aEEy s>>essfE in getting -im to appear before me; bt % wanteH -im aEE the time. in>e % was nabEe to smmon p 5rishna at wiEE; % feEt that % shoEH finH a 'aster who >oEH heEp me to Ho it; or who >oEH Ho it f or me. &here was; therefore; onEy one MaEity % was EooIing far in my prospe>tive 'aster: he mst have seen 4oH himseEf; anH he mst have the abiEity to show -im to me. *o other MaEifi>ations mattereH.
,ith this >riterion in minH % began a tor of %nHia whi>h tooI me to aEmost every famos ashram anH gr in the >ontry. % went to see s>h weEE=Inown peopEe as wami ivananHa; &apovan wami; "nanHa 'ayi 'a; wami #amHas; two of the hanIara>haryas anH a host of Eesser= Inown spiritaE figres."t ea>h pEa>e % stoppeH % asIeH the same Mestion: N-ave yo seen 4oH 2an yo show me 4oH "EE of them responHeH in m>h the same way. &hey trieH to give me a mantra; or they trieH to maIe me meHitate. "EE of them maHe a point of saying that 4oH >oEH not be proH>eH EiIe a rabbit ot of a >onjrors hat; anH that if % wanteH to see -im % woEH have to nHergo years of strenos sadhana. &his was not what % wanteH to hear. % toEH aEE these swamis anH grs; N% am asIing yo if yo >an show me 4oH. %f yo >an; anH if yo >an Ho it immeHiateEy; then say so. %f there is a pri>e to be paiH; then teEE me. ,hatever the pri>e is; % wiEE pay it. % am not interesteH in sitting here; year after year; >hanting one of yor mantras. % want to see 4oH now. %f yo >ant show -im to me right now; % wiEE EooI for someone eEse who >an. in>e none of the peopEe % met >EaimeH they >oEH show me 4oH; % eventaEEy haH to retrn to my fathers hose; HisiEEsioneH anH HispiriteH.
Meetin# amana Maharshi hortEy after my retrn a sadhu appeareH at or Hoor; asIing for fooH. % inviteH him in; offereH him some fooH anH asIeH him the Mestion that was ppermost in my minH. N2an yo show me 4oH %f not; Ho yo Inow of anyone who >an '>h to my srprise; he gave me a positive answer. Nes; % Inow a person who >an show yo 4oH. %f yo go anH see that man; everything wiEE be aEE right for yo. -is name is #amana 'aharshi. *ot having hearH of him before; % asIeH where he EiveH anH was toEH; Nri #amanasramam; &irvannamaEai. in>e % haH never hearH of the pEa>e either; % asIeH him for Hire>tions to get there. -e gave me HetaiEeH instr>tions: N&aIe a train to 'aHras. ,hen yo get to 'aHras; go to !gmore station. &hat is where the metre gage trains Eeave from. &aIe a train from there to a pEa>e >aEEeH +iEEpram. o have to >hange trains there. &hen >at>h a train from there to &irvannamaEai.
% wrote aEE these HetaiEs Hown with miJeH feeEings. % was very happy to hear that there was at Eeast one man in %nHia who >oEH show me 4oH; bt % aEso Inew that % haH no means of getting to see him. % haH spent aEE the money % haH saveH from my speEE in the army on my ns>>essfE piEgrimage; anH % Inew that my father woEH not give me any assistan>e. -e HisapproveH of my spiritaE trips; feeEing; with some jstifi>ation; that % shoEH be Hevoting my time insteaH to spporting my famiEy. ,hen % toEH him that % wanteH to go to the oth to see yet one more swami; he eJpEoHeH with anger. N,hat abot yor wife anH >hiEHren he HemanHeH. N,as it not enogh to Eeave the army that yo mst now rsh to the other enH of %nHia; inHEging in yor maH sear>h for spiritaE aHventres bviosEy; no heEp woEH be forth>oming from that Marter. hortEy afterwarHs; % went into town anH happeneH to meet one of my oEH frienHs. -e was rnning a tea=staEE. N% havent seen yo for a Eong time; he remarIeH. N% hearH a story that yo resigneH yor >ommission in the army. Nes; % repEieH; N% have given it p for gooH. No what are yo Hoing now he enMireH. N*othing; % answereH. N% am EooIing for some sort of job. N,eEE sit Hown; he saiH. N% wiEE give yo some miEI to HrinI. in>e yo are not empEoyeH at the moment; yo Hont neeH to pay. % sat Hown anH began to gEan>e throgh a newspaper that was Eying on one of the tabEes. -aving jst been reminHeH of my nempEoyeH state; % trneH to the page whi>h EisteH aEE the job aHvertisements. ne va>an>y seemeH to be taiEor=maHe for me: N!J= army offi>er reMireH in 'aHras. &he British army was EooIing for an eJ=offi>er to manage aEE the stores in a >anteen whi>h was being rn for British servi>emen. % EooIeH for the aHHress to appEy to anH fonH that the >ontra>tor who haH pEa>eH the aHvertisement was baseH in Peshawar; a nearby=>ity. % sent my appEi>ation there; aEong with a photo of myseEf in army niform; anH was immeHiateEy engageH. *ot onEy that; the >ontra>tor gave me money to get to 'aHras anH toEH me that % neeH not report for Hty for one month. % ths got money to go to the 'aharshi anH an opportnity to spenH time in his presen>e before % reporteH for worI. %t was 19GG anH % was thirty=for years of age. % foEEoweH the sadhu’s aHvi>e anH tooI a
train to &irvannamaEai. n HisembarIing there % His>overeH that the 'aharshis ashram was abot three IiEometers away; on the other siHe of the town; so % engageH a bEEo>I >art to taIe me anH my beEongings there. "s soon as we rea>heH the ashram; % jmpeH ot of the >art; pt my bags in the mens Hormitory; anH went off to EooI for this man who >oEH show me 4oH. % peepeH in throgh his winHow anH saw; sitting on a sofa insiHe; the same man who haH visiteH my hose in the Pnjab. % was HisgsteH. N&his man is a fraH; % saiH to myseEf. N-e appears in my hose in the Pnjab; teEEs me to go to &irvannamaEai; then hops on the train so that he >an get there before me. % was so annoyeH with him % He>iHeH that % woEHnt even go into the haEE where he was sitting. 'entaEEy aHHing him to the Eong Eist of fraHs % haH met on my first piEgrimage ronH %nHia; % trneH on my heeEs anH went off to >oEEe>t my bags. "s % was preparing to Eeave on the same >art that haH broght me to the ashram; one of the resiHents a>>osteH me anH asIeH; N"rent yo from the *orth o EooI EiIe a *orth %nHian. % fonH ot Eater that he was >aEEeH 3ramji anH that he owneH a >inema in 'aHras. Nes % am; % repEieH. N-avent yo jst arriveH he asIeH; noting that % was maIing preparations to Eeave. N"rent yo going to stay here for at Eeast a >opEe of Hays % toEH him the story of how % haH >ome to be in &irvannamaEai; >on>EHing by saying; R&his man has been traveEEing aronH the >ontry; aHvertising himseEf. % Hont want to see him. % >ame here be>ase he saiH there was a man here who >oEH show me 4oH. %f this man reaEEy Hoes have the >apa>ity to show me 4oH; why HiH he not Ho it in my hose in the Pnjab when he >ame to see me ,hy HiH he maIe me >ome aEE this way % am not interesteH in seeing s>h a man. 3ramji saiH; N*o; no; yo are mistaIen. -e has not moveH ot of this town in the East forty=eight years. %t is either a >ase of mistaIen iHentity or somehow; throgh his power; he manageH to manifest himseEf in the Pnjab whiEe his physi>aE boHy was stiEE here. ome girE from "meri>a >ame here on>e anH toEH a simiEar story. &hese things Ho happen o>>asionaEEy. "re yo sre that yo have not maHe a mistaIe N*o; % answereH; absoEteEy sre of myseEf. N% re>ognise the man. % have not maHe a mistaIe. N%n that >ase; he responHeH; NpEease stay. % wiEE introH>e yo to the manager anH he wiEE give yo a pEa>e to stay. % went aEong with his sggestion mereEy be>ase my >riosity haH been aroseH. omething strange haH happeneH anH % wanteH to finH ot eJa>tEy what it was. %t was my intention to >onfront the 'aharshi in private anH asI for an eJpEanation of his strange behavior. % soon His>overeH; thogh; that he never gave private interviews; so % He>iHeH insteaH that % woEH try to see him when the big room in whi>h he saw visitors was reEativeEy empty. % ate En>h in the ashram. "t the >on>Esion of the meaE the 'aharshi went ba>I to his room with his attenHant. *o one eEse foEEoweH him. % HiHnt Inow that there was an noffi>iaE rEe that visitors shoEH not go to see him between 11.A0 a.m. anH C. A0 p.m. &he manager haH He>iHeH that the 'aharshi neeHeH to rest for a few hors after En>h; bt sin>e the 'aharshi woEH not go aEong with a rEe whi>h preventeH peopEe from 23
>oming to see him; a >ompromise was rea>heH. -is Hoors woEH remain open bt aEE visitors anH Hevotees were a>tiveEy His>orageH from going to see him Hring these hors. *ot Inowing this; % foEEoweH the 'aharshi into his room; thinIing that this was the best time to have a private interview. &he 'aharshis attenHant; a man >aEEeH 5rishnaswami; trieH to His>orage me. N*ot now; he saiH. N2ome ba>I at C.A0. &he 'aharshi overhearH the eJ>hange anH toEH 5rishnaswami that % >oEH >ome in anH see him. % approa>heH him in a beEEigerent way. N"re yo the man who >ame to see me at my hose in the Pnjab % HemanHeH. &he 'aharshi remaineH siEent. % trieH again. NiH yo >ome to my hose anH teEE me to >ome here "re yo the man who sent me here "gain the 'aharshi maHe no >omment.
in>e he was nwiEEing to answer either of these Mestions; % moveH on to the main prpose of my visit. N-ave yo seen 4oH % asIeH. N"nH if yo have; >an yo enabEe me to see -im % am wiEEing to pay any pri>e; even my Eife; bt yor part of the bargain is that yo mst show me 4oH. N*o; he answereH; N% >annot show yo 4oH or enabEe yo to see 4oH be>ase 4oH is not an obje>t that >an be seen. 4oH is the sbje>t. -e is the seer. ont >on>ern yorseEf with obje>ts that >an be seen. 3inH ot who the seer is. -e aEso aHHeH; No aEone are 4oH; as if to rebIe me for EooIing for a 4oH who was otsiHe anH apart from me. -is worHs HiH not impress me. &hey seemeH to me to be yet one more eJ>se to aHH to the Eong Eist of those % haH hearH from swamis aEE over the >ontry. -e haH promiseH to show me 4oH; yet now he was trying to teEE me that not onEy >oEH he not show me 4oH; no one eEse >oEH either. % woEH have HismisseH him anH his worHs withot a se>onH thoght haH it not been for an eJperien>e % haH immeHiateEy after he haH toEH me to finH ot who this N% was who wanteH to see 4oH. "t the >on>Esion of his worHs he EooIeH at me; anH as he gaKeH into my eyes; my whoEe boHy began to trembEe anH shaIe. " thriEE of nervos energy shot throgh my boHy. 'y nerve enHings feEt as if they were Han>ing anH my hair stooH on enH. ,ithin me % be>ame aware of the spiritaE -eart. &his is not the physi>aE heart; it is; insteaH; the sor>e anH spport of aEE that eJists. ,ithin the -eart % saw or fe Et something EiIe a >EoseH bH. %t was very shining anH bEish. ,ith the 'aharshi EooIing at me; anH with myseEf in a state of inner siEen>e; % feEt this bH open anH bEoom. % se the worH NbH; 24
bt this is not an eJa>t Hes>ription. %t woEH be more >orre>t to say that something that feEt bH=EiIe openeH anH bEoomeH within me in the -eart. "nH when % say N-eart % Hont mean that the fEowering was Eo>ateH in a parti>Ear pEa>e in the boHy. &his -eart; this -eart of my -eart; was neither insiHe the boHy nor ot of it. % >ant give a more eJa>t Hes>ription of what happeneH. "EE % >an say is that in the 'aharshis presen>e; anH nHer his gaKe; the -eart openeH anH bEoomeH. %t was an eJtraorHinary eJperien>e; one that % haH never haH before. % haH not >ome EooIing for any IinH of eJperien>e; so it totaEEy srpriseH me when it happeneH. &hogh % haH haH an immenseEy powerfE eJperien>e in the presen>e of the 'aharshi; his statement No aEone are 4oH anH his aHvi>e to N3inH ot who the seer is HiH not have a strong appeaE for me. 'y in>Eination to seeI a 4oH otsiHe me was not HispeEEeH either by his worHs or by the eJperien>e % haH haH with him. % thoght to myseEf; N%t is not gooH to be >ho>oEate; % want to taste >ho>oEate. % wanteH to remain separate from 4oH so that % >oEH enjoy the bEiss of nion with -im. ,hen the Hevotees >ame in that afternoon % vieweH them aEE with the rather prejHi>eH eye of a fanati>aE 5rishna bhakta. o far as % >oEH see; they were jst sitting MietEy; Hoing nothing. % thoght to myseEf; N*o one here seems to be >hanting the name of 4oH. *ot a singEe person has a mala to Ho japa with. -ow >an they >onsiHer themseEves to be gooH Hevotees 'y views on reEigios pra>ti>e were rather EimiteH. "EE these peopEe may have been meHitating; bt so far as % was >on>erneH; they were wasting their time. % transferreH my >riti>aE gaKe to the 'aharshi anH simiEar thoghts arose. N&his man shoEH be setting a gooH eJampEe to his foEEowers. -e is sitting siEentEy; not giving any taEIs abot 4oH. -e Hoesnt appear to be >hanting the name of 4oH himseEf; or f o>sing his attention on -im in any way. &hese His>ipEes are sitting aronH being EaKy be>ase the 'aster himseEf is sitting there Hoing nothing. -ow >an this man show me 4oH when he himseEf shows no interest in -im ,ith thoghts EiIe these fEoating aronH my minH it was not Eong before % generateH a feeEing of Hisgst for both the 'aharshi anH the peopEe who srronHeH him. % stiEE haH some time before % haH to report for Hty in 'aHras; bt % HiHnt want to spenH it with aEE these spiritaEEy EaKy peopEe in the ashram. % tooI off to the other siHe of "rna>haEa; a few IiEometres away; fonH a ni>e Miet spot in the forest on the northern siHe of the hiEE; anH settEeH Hown there to Ho my 5rishna japa; aEone anH nHistrbeH. % stayeH there for abot a weeI; immerseH in my HevotionaE pra>ti>es. 5rishna woEH often appear before me; anH we spent a Eot of time pEaying together. "t the enH of that perioH % feEt that it was time to go ba>I to 'aHras to maIe preparations for my new job. n my way ot of town % paiH another visit to the ashram; partEy to say gooHbye; anH partEy to teEE the 'aharshi that % HiHnt neeH his assistan>e for seeing 4oH be>ase % haH been seeing -im every Hay throgh my own efforts. ,hen % appeareH before him; the 'aharshi asIeH; N,here have yo been ,here are yo Eiving Nn the other siHe of the montain; % repEieH. N"nH what were yo Hoing there he inMireH. -e haH given me my >e. N% was pEaying with my 5rishna; % saiH; in a very smg tone of voi>e. % was very proH of my a>hievement anH feEt sperior to the 'aharshi be>ase % was absoEteEy >onvin>eH that 5rishna haH not appeareH to him Hring that perioH.
Nh; is that so he >ommenteH; EooIing srpriseH anH interesteH. N+ery gooH; very ni>e. o yo see -im now N*o sir; % Ho not; % repEieH. N% onEy see -im when % have visions. % was stiEE feeEing very pEeaseH with myseEf; feeEing that % haH been granteH these visions; whereas the 'aharshi haH not. No 5rishna >omes anH pEays with yo anH then -e Hisappears; saiH the 'aharshi. N,hat is the se of a 4oH who appears anH Hisappears %f he is a reaE 4oH; -e mst be with yo aEE the time. &he 'aharshis Ea>I of interest in my visionary eJperien>es HefEateH me a EittEe; bt not to the eJtent that % was wiEEing to Eisten to his aHvi>e. -e was teEEing me to give p my sear>h for an eJternaE 4oH anH insteaH finH the origin anH iHentity of the one who wanteH to see -im. &his was too m>h for me to swaEEow. " Eifetime of Hevotion to 5rishna haH Eeft me in>apabEe of >on>eiving the spiritaE Mest in any other terms than that of a Mest for a personaE 4oH. &hogh his aHvi>e HiH not appeaE to me; there was stiEE something abot the 'aharshi that inspireH anH attra>teH me. % asIeH him to give me a mantra; hoping thereby to get his san>tion for my own form of spiritaEity. -e refseH; aEthogh Eater; when % was ba>I in 'aHras; he HiH give me one in a Hream. % then asIeH him if he woEH be wiEEing to give me sannyasa sin>e % was not very Ieen to taIe p my new job in 'aHras. % haH onEy taIen it be>ase it haH offereH me a way of getting to see the 'aharshi. -e refseH that reMest too. -aving therefore got; in my own janHi>eH opinion; nothing from the 'aharshi eJ>ept a gooH eJperien>e anH some baH aHvi>e; % retrneH to 'aHras to taIe p my new job.
Li*e in -hennai % fonH a ni>e hose to Eive in; big enogh to a>>ommoHate my famiEy; anH began my worI. &he job itseEf HiH not interest me m>h bt % HiH it HtifEEy anH
to the best of my abiEity; be>ase % haH a wife anH >hiEHren to spport. "EE my spare time anH energy were HevoteH to >ommning with 5rishna.% maHe a puja room in my hose; informing my wife that when % was in it; % was never to be HistrbeH. "t C.A0 ea>h morning % woEH get p anH begin my sadhana. ometimes % woEH reaH the varios 26
5rishna stories or the .panishads or the +ita; bt mostEy % woEH Ho japa of the name. % syn>hroniseH the japa with my breathing. 2aE>Eating that % breatheH abot CG;000 times a Hay; % He>iHeH that % shoEH repeat the name of 4oH at Eeast on>e for every breath % tooI. % >EtivateH the iHea that any breath % tooI that was not tiEiseH in ttering the Hivine name was a wasteH one. % f onH this a reEativeEy easy target to meet. &hen the thoght o>>rreH to me: N&here have been years of my Eife when % HiH not >hant the name at aEE. "EE those breaths were wasteH. %f % in>rease my re>itations to <0;000 a Hay; % >an maIe p for aEE those breaths % wasteH when % was yong. % soon a>hieveH this new target; managing aEE the time to syn>hronise the >hanting with some part of the breath. % woEH stay in my puja room; >hanting the name; from C.A0 a.m. to 9.A0 a.m.; at whi>h point % haH to Eeave to go to the offi>e. ,orI starteH there at 10 a.m. "t the enH of ea>h worIing Hay % woEH retrn home; Eo>I myseEf in my puja room again; anH >arry on >hanting the name of 5rishna ntiE it was time for me to go to sEeep. % aEso sEept in the puja room; ths effe>tiveEy >tting myseEf off from aEE intera>tion with my famiEy. % even stoppeH speaIing with them.
ne morning; aronH C.00 a.m.; % hearH voi>es otsiHe my Hoor. % Inew it >oEH not be my wife be>ase % haH given her stri>t instr>tions that % was not to be HistrbeH whiEe % was insiHe my puja room.%t then o>>rreH to me that it might be some of my reEatives from the Pnjab who haH >ome to visit s. &he train from the Pnjab saEEy arriveH at 'aHras in the evening; bt it seemeH Mite possibEe to me that the train haH arriveH severaE hors Eate anH that the passengers haH onEy jst manageH to rea>h or hose. 'y >riosity piMeH; % He>iHeH to open the Hoor to finH ot who they were. %magine my astonishment; on opening the Hoor; when % saw not a grop of reEatives bt the shining forms of #ama; ita; $aIshmana anH -anman stanHing otsiHe. % >oEHnt nHerstanH what they were Hoing there. % haH spent most of my Eife >aEEing on 5rishna; never feeEing m>h attra>tion to #ama; or any interest in -im. *evertheEess; % prostrateH to them aEE with great awe anH reveren>e. %t was ita who raiseH her hanH anH began to speaI to me. N,e have >ome from "yoHhya to visit yo be>ase -anman toEH s that there was a very great 5rishna bhakta here in 'aHras. % EooIeH at her raiseH hanH; noting >asaEEy aEE the Eines that were on the paEm. &hat image mst have imprinteH itseEf permanentEy on my memory 27
be>ase every time % re>aEE that vision; % >EearEy see aEE the Eines on that hanH jst as they were on the Hay she appeareH before me. &heir boHies were not; so far as % >oEH as>ertain; normaE hman boHies be>ase % >oEH see throgh them anH HimEy taIe in what was behinH them; bt they were aEE eJMisiteEy beatifE. "fter some time the vision >hangeH into a EanHs>ape in whi>h % saw a montain anH a great g arHa fEying in the sIy; moving towarHs me; bt never rea>hing me. &here was no per>eption of time whiEe aEE this was going on. &he vision seemeH onEy to East a short time; bt % was eventaEEy Hrawn ot of it by my wife >aEEing to me that if % HiHnt Eeave soon; % woEH be Eate for worI. % sppose; therefore; that it mst have EasteH from abot C.A0 in the morning tiEE a bot 9.A0 a.m. Be>ase of the vision; this was the first Hay on whi>h % f aiEeH to fEfiE my seEf=assigneH Mota of <0;000 repetitions of 5rishnas name. &hogh the vision haH been awe= inspiring; % stiEE feEt giEty that % haH negEe>teH my japa. % HiH not mention the nights events to anyone in the offi>e be>ase % haH got into the habit of Ieeping my >onversation there to a minimm. % woEH speaI when there was bsiness to be transa>teHO otherwise % woEH Ieep Miet.
/ark 0i#ht o* the "oul $ater that Hay; when % trieH to resme my >hanting; % fonH that % >oEH not repeat the name of 5rishna any more. omehow; my minH refseH to >ooperate.
% >oEHnt reaH any of my spiritaE booIs either. 'y minH; thoght=free anH Miet; refseH to >on>entrate on or pay attention to any of the spiritaE obje>ts % trieH to pt in front of it. %t was aEE very mystifying. 3or a Marter of a >entry the Hivine name haH been fEowing effortEessEy throgh my minHO now % >oEHnt even tter it on>e. % immeHiateEy went to see the heaH of the #amaIrishna 'ission in 'aHras; a man >aEEeH wami 5aiEasananHa; anH toEH him that % was having probEems with my sadhana. % eJpEaineH that % haH been >hanting the name of 4oH for years anH that % haH aEso been reaHing many spiritaE booIs. *ow; % toEH him; no matter how harH % try; my minH wiEE not fo>s on anything to Ho with 4oH. wami 5aiEasananHa responHeH by teEEing me that this was what 2hristian mysti>s >aEE Nthe HarI night of the soE. %t is a stage in sadhana; he saiH; in whi>h the pra>titioner 28
finHs; after years of effort; that pra>ti>e sHHenEy be>omes very harH or nrewarHing. "fter asIing me not to give p trying; he toEH me to >ome anH attenH the regEar satsangs whi>h were being heEH at the 'ission be>ase he feEt that in s>h an atmosphere % might finH it easier to resme my thoghts of 4oH. % HiHnt finH his a Hvi>e very satisfa>tory. % never went ba>I; nor HiH % ever attenH any meetings. % went to severaE other weEE=Inown swamis in 'aHras; bt they aEE toEH me more or Eess the same thing: Nont give p trying; attenH or satsangs; anH we are sre that the probEem wiEE soon go away. % never attenHeH any of these meetings; partEy be>ase % HiHnt thinI m>h of the aHvi>e; anH partEy be>ase % HiHnt thinI that these peopEe were MaEifieH to aHvise me. &hogh % >oEH see that they were Mite gooH sadhaks, % aEso feEt that they haH not haH a Hire>t eJperien>e of 4oH; an eJperien>e whi>h woEH; in my opinion; have maHe them more MaEifieH to pass jHgement on my >ase.
'y thoghts trneH on>e more to the 'aharshi in &irvannamaEai. % haH re>entEy haH a vision of him in my puja room in whi>h he haH stooH smiEing before me. -e haH not saiH anything to me anH at the time % haH not attribteH m>h signifi>an>e to the appearan>e. *ow % began to revise my opinion. &his man; % thoght; N>ame aEE the way to the Pnjab in some form; appeareH at my Hoor anH Hire>teH me to >ome anH see him at &irvannamaEai. % went there anH got a very gooH eJperien>e when % sat with him. &his man mst be MaEifieH to aHvise me. Perhaps his appearan>e in my room here means that he wants me to go anH see him again in &irvannamaEai. "nyway; sin>e there is no one eEse in 'aHras whose opinion % vaEe; % may as weEE go to him anH see what he has to say. % stiEE haH no interest in his phiEosophy; bt % HiH re>oEEe>t that % haH been Mite attra>teH by his personaEity anH presen>e.
With Maharshi )#ain &he foEEowing weeIenH % was s>heHEeH to have a haEf=Hay hoEiHay on atrHay afternoon. nHay; of >orse; was a hoEiHay every weeI. % tooI the train on atrHay anH maHe my way on>e more to the haEE where the 'aharshi sat. "s on my first visit; % feEt that my bsiness was private; so % EooIeH for another opportnity to taEI to him when no one eEse was aronH. #esorting to the same rse % haH seH on my previos 29
visit; % went to see him after En>h. % Inew the haEE woEH be empty then. "s on my previos trip; the attenHant trieH to persaHe me to >ome ba>I Eater; bt again the 'aharshi interveneH anH gave me permission to enter anH speaI to him. % sat in front of the 'aharshi anH began to teEE him my story. N3or twenty=five years % have been Hoing sadhana; mostEy repeating the name of 5rishna. p tiEE fairEy re>entEy % was managing <0;000 repetitions a Hay. % aEso seH to reaH a Eot of spiritaE Eiteratre. &hen #ama; ita; $aIshmana anH -anman appeareH before me. "fter they Eeft; % >oEHnt >arry on with my pra>ti>e. % >ant repeat the name any more. % >ant reaH my booIs. % >ant meHitate. % feeE very Miet insiHe bt there is no Eonger any He sire in me to pt my attention on 4oH. %n fa>t; % >ant Ho it even if % try. 'y minH refses to engage itseEf in thoghts of 4oH. ,hat has happeneH to me anH what shoEH % Ho &he 'aharshi EooIeH at me anH asIeH; N-ow HiH yo >ome here from 'aHras % HiHnt see the point of his Mestion bt % poEiteEy toEH him the answer: NBy train. N"nH what happeneH when yo got to the station at &irvannamaEai he inMireH. N,eEE; % got off the train; hanHeH in my ti>Iet anH engageH a bEEo>I >art to taIe me to the ashram. N"nH when yo rea>heH the ashram anH paiH off the Hriver of the >art; what happeneH to the >art N%t went away; presmabEy ba>I to town; % saiH; stiEE not >Eear as to where this Eine of Mestioning was EeaHing. &he 'aharshi then eJpEaineH what he was Hriving at. N&he train broght yo to yor Hestination. o got off it be>ase yo HiHnt neeH it anymore. %t haH broght yo to the pEa>e yo wanteH to rea>h.
$iIewise with the bEEo>I >art. o got off it when it haH broght yo to #amanasramam. o Hont neeH either the train or the >art any more. &hey were the means for bringing yo here. *ow yo are here; they are of no se to yo. N&hat is what has happeneH with yor sadhana. or japa; yor reaHing anH yor meHitation have broght yo to yor spiritaE Hestination. o Hont neeH them 30
anymore. o yorseEf HiH not give p yor pra>ti>es; they Eeft yo of their own a>>orH be>ase they haH serveH their prpose. o have arriveH. &hen he EooIeH at me intentEy. % >oEH feeE that my whoEe boHy anH minH were being washeH with waves of prity. &hey were being prifieH by his siEent gaKe. % >oEH feeE him EooIing intentEy into my -eart. nHer that speEEbinHing gaKe % feEt every atom of my boHy being prifieH. %t was as if a new boHy were being >reateH for me. " pro>ess of transformation was going on — the oEH boHy was Hying; atom by atom; anH a new boHy was being >reateH in its pEa>e. &hen; sHHenEy; % nHerstooH. % Inew that this man who haH spoIen to me was; in reaEity; what % aEreaHy was; what % haH aEways been. &here was a sHHen impa>t of re>ognition as % be>ame aware of the eEf. % se the worH Nre>ognition HeEiberateEy; be>ase as soon as the eJperien>e was reveaEeH to me; % Inew; nerringEy; that this was the same state of pea>e anH happiness that % haH been immerseH in as an eight=year=oEH boy in $ahore; on the o>>asion when % haH refseH to a>>ept the mango HrinI. &he siEent gaKe of the 'aharshi re=estabEisheH me in that primaE state; bt this time it was permanent. &he N% whi>h haH for so Eong been EooIing for a 4oH otsiHe of itseEf; be>ase it wanteH to get ba>I to that originaE >hiEHhooH state; perisheH in the Hire>t InowEeHge anH eJperien>e of the eEf whi>h the 'aharshi reveaEeH to me. % >annot Hes>ribe eJa>tEy what the eJperien>e was or is be>ase the booIs are right when they say that worHs >annot >onvey it. % >an onEy taEI abot peripheraE things. % >an say that every >eEE; every atom in my boHy Eeapt to attention as they aEE re>ogniseH anH eJperien>eH the eEf that animateH anH spporteH them; bt the eJperien>e itseEf % >annot Hes>ribe. % Inew that my spiritaE Mest haH HefiniteEy enHeH; bt the sor>e of that InowEeHge wiEE aEways remain inHes>ribabEe. % got p anH prostrateH to the 'aharshi in gratitHe. % haH finaEEy nHerstooH what his tea>hings were anH are. -e haH toEH me not to be atta>heH to any personaE 4oH; be>ase aEE forms are perishabEe. -e >oEH see that my >hief impeHiments were 4oHs beatifE form anH the Eove % feEt towarHs -im. -e haH aHviseH me to ignore the appearan>es of these ephemeraE 4oHs anH to enMire insteaH into the natre anH sor>e of the one who wanteH to see them. -e haH trieH to point me towarHs what was reaE anH permanent; bt stpiHEy anH arrogantEy % haH paiH no attention to his aHvi>e. ,ith hinHsight % >oEH now see that the Mestion N,ho am % was the one Mestion whi>h % shoEH have asIeH myseEf years before. % haH haH a Hire>t eJperien>e of the eEf when % was eight anH haH spent the rest of my Eife trying to retrn to it. 'y mother haH >onvin>eH me that Hevotion to 5rishna woEH bring it ba>I anH haH somehow brainwasheH me into nHertaIing a Mest for an eJternaE 4oH whom she saiH >oEH sppEy me with that one eJperien>e whi>h % HesireH so m>h. %n a Eifetime of spiritaE seeIing % haH met hnHreHs of saHhs; swamis anH grs; bt none of them haH toEH me the simpEe trth the way the 'aharshi haH Hone. *one of them haH saiH; N4oH is within yo. -e is not apart from yo. o aEone are 4oH. %f yo finH the sor>e of the minH by asIing yorseEf ,ho am %8 yo wiEE eJperien>e -im in yor -eart as the eEf. %f % haH met the 'aharshi earEier in my Eife; EisteneH to his tea>hings anH pt them into pra>ti>e; % >oEH probabEy have saveH myseEf years of fritEess eJternaE sear>hing. % mst maIe one other >omment abot the greatness of the 'aharshi. %n the Hays that foEEoweH my vision of #ama % went aEE over 'aHras; EooIing for aHvi>e on how to start my sadhana again. &he swamis % saw there gave me pios pEatitHes be>ase they >oEH not see into my -eart anH minH the way the 'aharshi >oEH. everaE Hays Eater; when % >ame anH sat in front of the 'aharshi; he HiHnt teEE me to Ieep on trying be>ase he >oEH see that % haH rea>heH a state in whi>h my sadhana >oEH never be resmeH again. No have arriveH; he saiH. -e Inew % was reaHy for reaEisation anH throgh his Hivine EooI he estabEisheH me in his own state.
&he reaE 'aster EooIs into yor minH anH -eart; sees what state yo are in; anH gives ot aHvi>e whi>h is aEways appropriate anH reEevant. ther peopEe; who are not estabEisheH in the eEf; >an onEy give ot aHvi>e whi>h is baseH on either their own EimiteH eJperien>e or on what they have hearH or reaH. &his aHvi>e is often fooEish. &he tre tea>her wiEE never misEeaH yo with baH aHvi>e be>ase he aEways Inows what yo neeH; anH he aEways Inows what state yo are in.
1he &roess Before % >arry on with my story % shoEH EiIe to re>apitEate some of the main events in my spiritaE >areer be>ase they iEEstrate; in a generaE way; how the pro>ess of reaEisation >omes abot. 3irstEy; there mst be a Hesire for 4oH; a Eove for -im; or a Hesire for Eiberation. ,ithot that; nothing is possibEe. %n my own >ase; the eJperien>e % haH haH when % was eight awaIeneH s>h a great Hesire for 4oH within me that % spent a Marter of a >entry in an obsessive sear>h for -im. &his Hesire for 4oH or reaEisation is EiIe an inner fEame. ne mst IinHEe it anH then fan it ntiE it be>omes a raging fire whi>h >onsmes aEE ones other Hesires anH interests. " singEe thoght or a Hesire other than the thoght N% want 4oH or N% want eEfreaEisation is enogh to prevent that reaEisation from taIing pEa>e. %f these thoghts arise; it means that the fire is not brning intenseEy enogh. %n the years % was an e>stati> 5rishna bhakta % was fanning the fEames of my Hesire for 4oH; anH in the pro>ess brning p aEE my other Hesires. %f this inner f ire rages for Eong enogh; with sffi>ient intensity; it wiEE finaEEy >onsme that one; >entraE; overwheEming Hesire for 4oH or the eEf. &his is essentiaE be>ase reaEisation wiEE not taIe pEa>e ntiE even this East Hesire has gone. "fter this finaE Hesire Hisappears; there wiEE be the siEen>e of no thoghts. &his is not the enH; it is jst a mentaE state in whi>h thoghts anH Hesires no Eonger arise. &hat is what happeneH to me in 'aHras after #ama appeareH before me. "EE my thoghts anH Hesires Eeft me; so m>h so; % >oEHnt taIe p any of my pra>ti>es again. 'any peopEe have haH temporary gEimpses of the eEf. ometimes it happens spontaneosEy; anH it is not n>ommon for it to happen in the presen>e of a reaEiseH 'aster.
"fter these temporary gEimpses; the eJperien>e goes away be>ase there a re stiEE thoghts anH Eatent Hesires whi>h have not been eJtingisheH. &he eEf wiEE onEy a>>ept; >onsme anH totaEEy Hestroy a minH that is >ompEeteEy free of vasanas. &hat was the 32
state of my minH for the few Hays % was in 'aHras. Bt reaEisation HiH not happen in those few Hays be>ase the finaE ingreHient was not present. % neeHeH the gra>e of my 'asterO % neeHeH to sit before himO % neeHeH to have him teEE me; No have arriveH; anH % neeHeH to beEieve himO anH % neeHeH to have him transmit his power anH gra>e via his Hivine EooI. ,hen the 'aharshis gaKe met my vasana=free minH; the eEf rea>heH ot anH HestroyeH it in s>h a way that it >oEH never rise or f n>tion again. nEy eEf remaineH. % mentioneH earEier that it was my mother who trneH me into a 5rishna bhakta. % His>overeH after my reaEisation that she haH mereEy been the instrmentaE >ase; for the roots of that parti>Ear passion for 5rishna >oEH be tra>eH ba>I to my previos Eife as a yogi in oth %nHia. ,hen InowEeHge of this previos Eife >ame to me; it went a Eong way to eJpEaining the pattern of my >rrent Eife. %n my East Eife % was a great 5rishna bhakta who haH His>ipEes of his own anH who haH biEt a tempEe HeHi>ateH to 5rishna in whi>h was instaEEeH a Earge; white; stone state of the Heity. ring that parti>Ear Eife % haH freMentEy rea>heH the state of nirvikalpa samadhi, bt % haH not manageH to reaEise the eEf. ne of my impeHiments then was that % stiEE haH a seJaE Hesire for one of the worIers in my ashram. he was a Eow=>aste woman who seH to Ho oHH jobs there. % never maHe any aHvan>es to her anH % trieH harH to >ontroE my Hesire; bt it never >ompEeteEy Eeft me. ,hen % was reborn as -.,.$. Poonja; this was the woman % enHeH p marrying. &hat one vasana haH been enogh to bring abot a rebirth in whi>h % haH to marry her anH raise a famiEy with her. >h are the worIings of Iarma. 'y Eife as a 5rishna yogi enHeH in an nsaE anH somewhat gresome way. % haH entereH a state of nirvikalpa samadhi anH remaineH in it for twenty Hays. 'y Hevotees thoght that % haH HieH be>ase they >oEH Hete>t no signs of breathing or bEooH >ir>Eation. ne man from a Eo>aE viEEage; who was spposeH to be an eJpert in these matters; was broght in to see if the prana haH Eeft the boHy. -e s>rtiniseH my fontaneEEe before annon>ing that he was going to HriEE a hoEe there to see if there was any Eife stiEE in the boHy. -e borroweH a tooE whi>h was seH to s>rape ot >o>onts anH gogeH a hoEe in the top of my sIEE with it. &hen he peereH into the hoEe anH pronon>eH me HeaH. 'y Hevotees a>>epteH the verHi>t anH brieH me in a samadhi pit whi>h was Hg near the tempEe. % then HieH from being brieH aEive. % haH been fEEy aware of the a>tivities of the man who haH HriEEeH the hoEe anH of the Hevotees who haH finaEEy brieH me; bt % was not abEe to responH in any way be>ase % was so HeepEy immerseH in nirvikalpa samadhi . %t was n>anniEy EiIe the eJperien>es % haH haH as a boy in my >rrent Eife; those eJperien>es in whi>h % haH been immerseH in pea>e anH happiness; aware of what was going on aronH me; bt nabEe to maIe any response. 'any years ago; when % was in the oth; % went to have a EooI at this tempEe. % remembereH enogh of the rote from my East Eife to Hire>t the Hriver of the taJi from the Eo>aE station; even thogh it was a Eong way from town with a Eot of trnings at varios jn>tions aEong the way. %t was jst as % haH remembereH it. &he white 5rishna state % haH instaEEeH was stiEE there. % went off to EooI at my oEH samadhi ; bt it haH gone. &he Eo>aE river haH >hangeH its >orse sEightEy anH washeH it away. &he 'aharshi haH taght me that % shoEH not rn after the forms of goHs s>h as 5rishna be>ase they are ephemeraE. &hogh % have foEEoweH his aHvi>e sin>e he showeH me who % am; nonetheEess; images of goHs stiEE >ontine to appear to me. !ven now; He>aHes after my spiritaE sear>h enHeH; 5rishna stiEE regEarEy appears to me. % stiEE feeE a great Eove for -im whenever -e appears; bt -e no Eonger has the power to maIe me EooI for anything otsiHe my own eEf.
$et me eJpEain. ,hen % was a yong boy % thoght that the boHy of 5rishna was reaE be>ase % >oEH to>h it. % now Inow that this is not the tre >riterion of reaEity. #eaEity is that whi>h aEways eJists anH never >hanges; anH onEy the formEess eEf meets that Hefinition. ,ith hinHsight % >an therefore say that; when % was a boy; the appearan>e of 5rishna in my beHroom was a transient; nreaE phenomenon whi>h arose in >ons>iosness; the one reaEity. "EE the other appearan>es of 5rishna in my Eife >an be >EassifieH in the same way. *ow; abiHing as the eEf; % >annot be tri>IeH or HeEHeH by the majesty of the 4oHs; even the ones that manifest right in front of me; be >ase % Inow that whatever power or beaty they may appear to have is iEEsory. "EE power anH beaty are within me as my own eEf; so % no Eonger neeH to EooI f or them anywhere eEse.
)*ter eali2ation "fter my finaE eJperien>e in the 'aharshis presen>e; my oter Eife went on m>h as before. % went ba>I to 'aHras; >arrieH on with my job; anH spporteH my famiEy to the best of my abiEity. "t weeIenHs; or when % haH a>>mEateH enogh Eeave; % woEH go ba>I to &irvannamaEai; sit at the feet of my 'aster anH basI in his raHiant presen>e. &he >yni>aE; s>epti>aE seeIer who haH aggressiveEy >onfronteH the 'aharshi on his first visit; haH gone for gooH. "EE that remaineH was Eove for him. %n the first few months after my reaEisation; % HiHnt have a singEe thoght. % >oEH go to the offi>e anH perform aEE my Hties withot ever having a thoght in my heaH. %t was the same when % went to &irvannamaEai. ,hether % was sitting in the haEE with the 'aharshi; waEIing aronH the montain or shopping in town; everything % HiH was performeH withot any mentaE a>tivity at aEE. &here was an o>ean of inner siEen>e that never gave rise to even a rippEe of thoght. %t HiH not taIe me Eong to reaEise that a minH anH thoghts are not ne>essary to fn>tion in the worEH. ,hen one abiHes as the eEf; some Hivine power taIes >harge of ones Eife. "EE a>tions then taIe pEa>e spontaneosEy; anH are performeH very effi>ientEy; withot any mentaE effort or a>tivity. % often broght my famiEy anH bsiness >oEEeages to the ashram at weeIenHs. t of aEE the peopEe % broght; the 'aharshi seemeH to be parti>EarEy fonH of my Haghter. he haH EearneH Mite gooH &amiE Hring her time in 'aHras; so she >oEH >onverse with him in his native Eangage. &hey seH to Eagh anH pEay together whenever we visiteH. n one of my visits she sat in front of the 'aharshi anH went into what appeareH to be a Heep meHitative tran>e. ,hen the beEE for En>h went; % was nabEe to rose her. &he 'aharshi aHviseH me to Eeave her in pea>e; so we went off to eat withot her. ,hen we >ame ba>I she was stiEE in the same pEa>e in the same state. he spent severaE more hors in this >onHition before retrning to her normaE waIing state. 'ajor 2haHwi>I haH been wat>hing aEE this with great interest. "fter her eJperien>e enHeH; he approa>heH the 'aharshi anH saiH; N% have been here for more than ten years; bt % have never haH an eJperien>e EiIe this. &his seven=year=oEH girE seems to have haH this eJperien>e withot maIing any effort at aEE. -ow >an this be &he 'aharshi mereEy smiEeH anH saiH; N-ow Ho yo Inow that she is not oEHer than yo "fter this intense eJperien>e my Haghter feEE in Eove with the 'aharshi anH be>ame very atta>heH to his form.
Before we Eeft she toEH him; No are my father. % am not going ba>I to 'aHras. % wiEE stay here with yo. &he 'aharshi smiEeH anH saiH; N*o; yo >annot stay here. o mst go ba>I with yor reaE father. 4o to s>hooE; finish yor eH>ation; anH then yo >an >ome ba>I if yo want to. &he eJperien>e haH a profonH impa>t on her Eife. @st a few weeIs ago % overhearH her teEEing someone in or Iit>hen that not a Hay has passeH sin>e then withot some memory of that event. Bt if yo asI her abot it; she >ant give any IinH of answer. %f anyone asIs her; N,hat happeneH that Hay when yo were in a tran>e in front of the 'aharshi her response is aEways the same. he jst starts >rying. he has never been abEe to Hes>ribe or eJpEain; even to me; what eJa>tEy happeneH.
1he Muslim &ir n another visit % broght a 'sEim pir % haH met in 'aHras. "s a professor in BaghHaH he haH haH an inner awaIening anH taIen to the reEigios Eife. -e haH >ome to %nHia be>ase he haH sHHenEy feEt an
rge to visit some -inH hoEy men to see what sort of state they were in. % en>orageH him to join me on one of my visits to the 'aharshi sin>e % >oEH not imagine a be tter 35
eJampEe of a -inH saint. "t &irvannamaEai we sat in the haEE together for some time; EooIing at the 'aharshi. &hen the pir got p; saEteH him anH waEIeH ot. ,hen % >aght p with him anH asIeH him why he haH Eeft so sHHenEy; he saiH; N% have smeEEeH this one fEower in the garHen of -inHism. % Hont neeH to smeEE any of the others. *ow % am satisfieH anH >an go ba>I to BaghHaH. &his man was a jnani anH in those few mintes with the 'aharshi he was abEe to satisfy himseEf that the fEowering of jnana in -inHs was no Hifferent from the highest eJperien>e attaineH by %sEami> saints. >h enEighteneH peopEe are very rare. %n the East forty years or so % have met thosanHs of sadhus; swamis; grs; et>. % have been to 5mbha 'eEas whi>h miEEions of piEgrims attenHeHO % have been to many of the big ashrams in %nHiaO % have toreH the -imaEayas; meeting many re>Esive hermits thereO % have met yogis with great siddhis, men who >oEH a>taEEy fEy. Bt in aEE the years sin>e my reaEisation % have onEy met two men; apart from the 'aharshi himseEf; who >onvin>eH me that they haH attaineH fEE anH >ompEete eEf=reaEisation. &his 'sEim pir was one. &he other was a reEativeEy nInown sadhu % met by the siHe of a roaH in 5arnataIa. % was waiting for a bs in an isoEateH Eo>ation near 5rishnagiri; a town Eo>ateH miHway between &irvannamaEai anH BangaEore. "n eJtremeEy HisreptabEe=EooIing man approa>heH me. -e wore tattereH; fiEthy >Eothes anH haH open wonHs on his Eegs whi>h he haH negEe>teH so baHEy they were infesteH with maggots. ,e taEIeH for a whiEe anH % offereH to remove the maggots from his Eeg anH give him some meHi>ine whi>h woEH heEp his wonHs to heaE. -e wasnt interesteH in having any assistan>e from me. N$eave the maggots where they are; he saiH. N&hey are enjoying their En>h. 3eeEing that % >oEHnt Eeave him in s>h a miserabEe >onHition; % tore a strip off the shawE % was wearing anH tieH it ronH his Eeg so that at Eeast he >oEH have a >Eean banHage. ,e saiH NgooH=bye anH he waEIeH off into the nearby forest. % haH re>ogniseH this man to be a jnani anH was iHEy spe>Eating on what strange Iarma haH EeH him to negEe>t his boHy in s>h a way; when a woman approa>heH me. he haH been seEEing iddlies anH dosas at a nearby roaHsiHe staEE. No are a very E>Iy man; she saiH. N&hat was a great mahatma. -e Eives in this forest bt he aEmost never shows himseEf. PeopEe >ome from BangaEore to have his darshan, bt he never aEEows anyone to finH him nEess he himseEf wants to meet them. % myseEf sit here aEE Hay; bt this is the first time % have seen him in more than a year. &his is the first time % have seen him approa>h a >ompEete stranger anH start taEIing to him. % have HigresseH a EittEe into the story of the beHraggEeH jnani be>ase he anH the 'sEim pir iEEstrate a >opEe of points that % want to maIe. &he first % have aEreaHy aEEHeH to. &hogh many peopEe have haH a temporary Hire>t eJperien>e of the eEf; fEE anH permanent reaEisation is a very rare event. % say this from Hire>t eJperien>e; having seen; Mite EiteraEEy; miEEions of peopEe who are on some form of spiritaE path. &he se>onH point is aEso interesting; for it refEe>ts great >reHit on the 'aharshi. t of these peopEe; the onEy three % have met sin>e my reaEisation who have satisfieH me that they are jnanis, it was the 'aharshi aEone who maHe himseEf avaiEabEe; twenty=for hors a Hay; to anyone who wanteH to see him. &he 5rishnagiri sadhu hiH in his forestO the 'sEim pir ; when he stayeH at my hose in 'aHras; Iept himseEf Eo>IeH p anH refseH to see visitors who wanteH to see him. f these three; the 'aharshi aEone was easy to finH anH easy to approa>h.
'y own earEy visits Hemonstrate the point. -e >oEH have Iept Miet on my first two after=En>h visits anH aEEoweH his attenHant to senH me away. %nsteaH; sensing that % haH an rgent probEem; he aEEoweH me to >ome in anH taEI abot the things that were bothering me. *o one was ever HenieH a>>ess to him be>ase they were immatre or nsitabEe. +isitors anH Hevotees >oEH sit in his presen>e for as Eong as they wanteH; aEE of them absorbing as m>h gra>e as they >oEH assimiEate. &hrogh his jnana aEone; the 'aharshi was a towering spiritaE giant. By maIing himseEf >ontinosEy avaiEabEe; the Estre of his greatness shone even more.
)t amanasramam n my visits to ri #amanasramam % woEH sit in the haEE with the 'aharshi; Eistening to him HeaE with aEE the Mestions anH Hobts that Hevotees broght to him. >>asionaEEy; if some answer was not >Eear; or if it HiH not taEEy with my own eJperien>e; % woEH asI a Mestion myseEf. 'y army training haH taght me that % shoEH Ieep on Mestioning ntiE % fEEy nHerstooH what was being eJpEaineH to me. % appEieH the same prin>ipEes to the 'aharshis phiEosophi>aE tea>hings. n one o>>asion; for eJampEe; % hearH him teEE a visitor that the spiritaE -eart=>entre was Eo>ateH on the right siHe of the >hest; anH that the N%=thoght arose from that pEa>e anH sbsiHeH there. &his HiH not taEEy with my own eJperien>e of the -eart. n my first visit to the 'aharshi; when my -eart openeH anH fEowereH; % Inew that it was neither insiHe nor otsiHe the boHy. "nH when the eJperien>e of the eEf be>ame permanent Hring my se>onH visit; % Inew that it was not possibEe to say that the -eart >oEH be EimiteH to or Eo>ateH in the boHy. o % joineH in the >onversation anH asIeH; N,hy Ho yo pEa>e the spiritaE -eart on the right siHe of the >hest anH Eimit it to that Eo>ation &here >an be no right or Eeft for the -eart be>ase it Hoes not abiHe insiHe or otsiHe the boHy. ,hy not say it is everywhere -ow >an yo Eimit the trth to a Eo>ation insiHe the boHy ,oEH it not be more >orre>t to say that the boHy is sitateH in the -eart; rather than the -eart in the boHy % was Mite vigoros anH fearEess in my Mestioning be>ase that was the methoH % haH been taght in the army. &he 'aharshi gave me an answer whi>h fEEy satisfieH me. &rning to me; he eJpEaineH that he onEy spoIe in this way to peopEe who stiEE iHentifieH themseEves with their boHies. N,hen % speaI of the %8 rising from the right siHe of the boHy; from a Eo>ation on the right siHe of the >hest; the information is for those peopEe who stiEE thinI that they are the boHy. &o these peopEe % say that the -eart is Eo>ateH there. Bt it is reaEEy not Mite >orre>t to say that the %8 rises from anH merges in the -eart on the right siHe of the >hest. &he -eart is another name for the #eaEity anH it is neither insiHe nor otsiHe the boHyO there >an be no in or ot for it; sin>e it aEone is. % Ho not mean by -eart8 any physioEogi>aE organ or any pEeJs or anything EiIe that; bt so Eong as one iHentifies oneseEf with the boHy anH thinIs that one is the boHy; one is a HviseH to see where in the boHy the %8=thoght rises anH merges again. %t mst be the -eart at the right siHe of the >hest sin>e every man; of whatever ra>e anH reEigion; anH in whatever Eangage he may be saying %8; points to the right siHe of the >hest to inHi>ate himseEf. &his is so aEE over the worEH; so that mst be the pEa>e. "nH by IeenEy wat>hing the HaiEy emergen>e of the %8=thoght on waIing; anH its sbsiHing in sEeep; one >an see that it is in this -eart on the right siHe. % EiIeH to taEI to the 'aharshi when he was aEone or when there were very few peopEe aronH; bt this was not often possibEe. 3or most of the Hay he was srronHeH by peopEe. !ven when % HiH approa>h him with a Mestion; % haH to have an interpreter on hanH be>ase my &amiE wasnt gooH enogh to sstain a phiEosophi>aE >onversation. 37
&he smmer months were the best time to >at>h him in a Miet environment. &he >Eimate was so npEeasant at that time; few visitors >ame. ne time in 'ay; at the height of the smmer; there were onEy abot five of s with the 'aharshi. 2haHwi>I; one of the five; maHe a joIe abot it: N,e are yor poor Hevotees; Bhagavan. !veryone who >an afforH to go to the hiEEs to >ooE off has Eeft. nEy we papers have been Eeft behinH. &he 'aharshi EagheH anH repEieH; Nes; staying here in smmer; withot rnning away; is the reaE tapas.
% woEH sometimes a>>ompany the 'aharshi on his waEIs aronH the ashram. &his enabEeH me to taEI privateEy with him anH to observe first=hanH how he HeaEt with Hevotees anH ashram worIers. % wat>heH him spervise the sharing ot of the fooH; maIing sre everyone re>eiveH eMaE portionsO % wat>heH him remonstrate with worIers who wanteH to prostrate to him rather than >arry on with their worI. !verything he HiH >ontaineH a Eesson for s. !very step he tooI was a tea>hing in itseEf. &he 'aharshi preferreH to worI in a Eow=Iey; nspe>ta>Ear way with the peopEe aronH him. &here were no great Hemonstrations of his power; jst a >ontinos sbtEe emanation of gra>e whi>h ineJorabEy seepeH into the hearts of aEE those who >ame into >onta>t with him. ne in>iHent % witnesseH iEEstrates very weEE the sbtEe anH inHire>t way that he worIeH with s. " woman broght her HeaH son to the 'aharshi; pEa>ing the HeaH boHy bef ore the >o>h. &he boy haH apparentEy HieH from a snaIe bite. &he woman beggeH the 'aharshi to bring him ba>I to Eife; bt he HeEiberateEy ignoreH her anH her repeateH reMests. "fter a few hors the ashram manager maHe her taIe the >orpse away. "s she was Eeaving the ashram she met some IinH of snaIe >harmer who >EaimeH that he >oEH >re her son. &he man HiH something to the boys hanH; the pEa>e where he haH been bitten; anH the boy immeHiateEy reviveH; even thogh he haH been HeaH for severaE hors. &he Hevotees in the ashram attribteH the mira>Eos >re to the 'aharshi; saying; N,hen a probEem is broght to the attention of a jnani ; some atomati> Hivine a>tivity8 brings abot a soEtion. ">>orHing to this theory; the 'aharshi haH Hone nothing >ons>iosEy to heEp the boy; bt at a Heeper; n>ons>ios EeveE; his awareness of the probEem haH >aseH the right man to appear at the right pEa>e. &he 'aharshi of >orse His>EaimeH aEE responsibiEity for the mira>Eos >re. N%s that so was his onEy response when toEH abot the boys Hramati> re>overy.
&his was typi>aE of the 'aharshi. -e never performeH any mira>Ees anH never even a>>epteH any responsibiEity for those that seemeH to happen either in his presen>e or on a>>ont of a Hevotees faith in him. &he onEy Nmira>Ees he inHEgeH in were those of inner transformation. By a worH; a EooI; a gestre; or mereEy by remaining in siEen>e; he MieteneH the minHs of peopEe aronH him; enabEing them to be>ome aware of who they reaEEy were. &here is no greater mira>Ee than this.
3I )m With $ou4 %n 19G7 the British 4overnment; nHer pressre from the 'sEims; He>iHeH that after inHepenHen>e %nHia woEH be partitioneH. &he areas with a 'sEim majority woEH form the new state of PaIistanO the Eeftover territory woEH be the new; inHepenHent %nHia. %n the *orthwest; the borHer ran roghEy north=soth anH was Eo>ateH to the east of $ahore. &his meant that my famiEy woEH finH themseEves in PaIistan after inHepenHen>e; whi>h was s>heHEeH to o>>r in "gst. %n the months pre>eHing inHepenHen>e many 'sEims from %nHia migrateH to the embryoni> state of PaIistan. "t the same time; many -inHs who were Eiving in areas that woEH be in PaIistan Eeft to Eive in %nHia. 3eeEings ran high in both >ommnities. -inHs trying to Eeave PaIistan were atta>IeH; robbeH anH even IiEEeH by 'sEims; whiEe 'sEims trying to Eeave %nHia were sbje>teH to the same treatment by -inHs. &he vioEen>e es>aEateH to the point where whoEe trainEoaHs of -inHs Eeaving PaIistan were hija>IeH anH gnneH Hown by 'sEims; whiEe; in the other Hire>tion; -inHs were atta>Iing trains of fEeeing 'sEims; anH mrHering aEE the o>>pants. % Inew nothing abot aEE this be>ase % never bothereH to reaH newspapers or Eisten to the raHio. %n @Ey 19G7; a month before inHepenHen>e; evaraja 'HaEiar approa>heH me anH asIeH me whi>h part of the Pnjab % >ame from. ,hen % toEH him that % >ame from a town abot C00 miEes to the west of $abore; he informeH me abot the forth>oming partition; stressing that my famiEy anH my fathers hose were going to enH p in PaIistan. N,here are aEE the members of yor famiEy at the moment he asIeH. No far as % Inow; % answereH; for % HiHnt have m>h >onta>t with them; Nthey are stiEE aEE in my home town. *one of them is Eiving in a pEa>e whi>h wiEE be in %nHia. N&hen why Hont yo go anH fet>h them he asIeH. N%t is not safe for them to stay there. -e toEH me abot the massa>res that were going on anH insisteH that it was my Hty to EooI after my famiEy by taIing them to a safe pEa>e. -e even sggesteH that % bring them to &irvannamaEai. N%m not going; % toEH him. N% >annot Eeave the >ompany of the 'aharshi. &his was not an eJ>seO % feEt it was Mite EiteraEEy tre. % haH rea>heH a stage in my reEationship with the 'aharshi where % EoveH him so m>h; % >oEHnt taIe my eyes off him or >ontempEate the thoght of going to the other enH of the >ontry for an inHefinite perioH. &hat Hay; as we a>>ompanieH the 'aharshi on his evening waEI otsiHe the ashram; evaraja 'HaEiar trneH to him anH saiH; NPoonjas famiEy seems to be stranHeH in ,estern Pnjab. -e Hoesnt want to go there. *or Hoes he seem interesteH in trying to get them ot. %nHepenHen>e is Eess than a month away. %f he Hoes not go now; it may be too Eate. &he 'aharshi agreeH with him that my pEa>e was with my famiEy. -e toEH me; N&here wiEE be a Eot of trobEe in the area yo >ome from. ,hy Hont yo go there at on>e ,hy Hont yo go anH bring yor famiEy ot 39
&hogh this amonteH to an orHer; % was stiEE hesitant. !ver sin>e the Hay the 'aharshi haH shown me who % am; % haH feEt great Eove for him anH great atta>hment to him. % genineEy feEt that % HiHnt have any reEationship in the worEH other than the one % haH with him. 'y attitHe was; N% feeE so m>h gratitHe towarHs this man who has removeH my fears; shown me the Eight anH removeH the HarIness from my minH; % >ant have any reEationship any more eJ>ept with him. % attempteH to eJpEain my position to the 'aharshi. N&hat oEH Eife was onEy a Hream; % saiH. N% HreameH % haH a wife anH a famiEy. ,hen % met yo; yo enHeH my Hream. % have no famiEy any more; % onEy have yo.
&he 'aharshi >ontereH by saying; NBt if yo Inow that yor famiEy is a Hream; what Hifferen>e Hoes it maIe if yo remain in that Hream anH Ho yor Hty ,hy are yo afraiH of going if it is onEy a Hream % then eJpEaineH the main reason for my reE>tan>e to go. N% am far too a tta>heH to yor physi>aE form. % >annot Eeave yo. % Eove yo so m>h % >annot taIe my eyes off yo. -ow >an % Eeave N% am with yo wherever yo are; was his answer. 3rom the way he spoIe to me % >oEH see that he was HetermineH that % shoEH go. -is East statement was; in effe>t; a beneHi>tion for my forth>oming trip anH for my ftre Eife in generaE. % immeHiateEy nHerstooH the Heep signifi>an>e of his remarI. &he N% whi>h was my 'asters reaE natre was aEso my own inner reaEity. -ow >oEH % ever be away from that N% %t was my own eEf; anH both my 'aster anH % Inew that nothing eEse eJisteH. % a>>epteH his He>ision. % prostrateH before him anH for the first anH onEy time in my Eife % to>heH his feet as an a>t of veneration; Eove anH respe>t. -e HiHnt normaEEy Eet anyone to>h his feet; bt this was a spe>iaE o>>asion anH he maHe no obje>tion. Before % rose % >oEEe>teH some of the Hst from beneath his feet anH pt it in my po>Iet to Ieep as a sa>reH memento. % aEso asIeH for his bEessings be>ase % haH an intition that this was or finaE parting. % somehow Inew % woEH never see him again.
#etrn to the ,orEH Last 1rain (rom &akistan % Eeft the ashram anH maHe my way to $ahore. &he atmosphere there was every bit as baH as % haH been EeH to eJpe>t. "ngry 'sEims were rnning aronH shoting; N5iEE the -inHs? 5iEE the -inHs? thers were shoting; N,e got PaIistan so easiEy; Eet s now invaHe %nHia anH >onMer it? $et s taIe it by the sworH? % went to the station anH boght a ti>Iet for my home town. % fonH a seat in a nearEy= empty >arriage; pt my bags there anH went otsiHe to have a HrinI at the pEa tform tea staEE. rpriseH at finHing the train so empty; % asIeH one of the passers=by; N,hats going on ,hy is the train so empty -e gave me the reason. N&he -inHs are not traveEing any more. &hey are afraiH to go anywhere by train be>ase they are in the minority here. o many train passengers are being mrHereH; no one wants to traveE that way any more. %n those vioEent Hays; -inHs anH 'sEims were traveEing in separate >arriages so they >oEH prote>t ea>h other in >ase there was any trobEe. &he nearEy empty >arriages % was EooIing at were those o>>pieH by the -inHs. "nH then an inner voi>e; the voi>e of my 'aster; saiH to me; N4o anH sit with the 'sEims in their >ompartment. *othing wiEE happen to yo there. perfi>iaEEy it seemeH EiIe a gooH iHea; bt % haH Hobts abot my abiEity to fooE my 'sEim feEEow=passengers into beEieving that % was one of them. % HresseH very HifferentEy anH % haH a highEy visibEe ‘'m’ tattooeH on the ba>I of one of my hanHs. % >ame from a >ommnity of brahmin -inHs whi>h thoght that aEE 'sEims were poEEteH anH impre be>ase they ate beef. "nyone who wanteH to >ome into or hose haH to show the ba>I of his hanH first. "EE the Eo>aE -inHs haH an ‘'m’ tattooeH thereO the 'sEims HiH not. &he -inHs were aEEoweH in; the 'sEims were eJ>EHeH. % EisteneH to the voi>e anH tooI my seat with the 'sEims. *o one obje>teH or MestioneH my right to be there. omewhere in the >ontrysiHe the train was stoppeH by 'sEims anH aEE the passengers in the -inH >arriages were gnneH Hown. *o one paiH any attention to me; even thogh; to my own eyes at Eeast; % was >EearEy a -inH. % HisembarIeH from the train when it rea>heH my Hestination anH maHe my way to my famiEy home. ,hen % got there it; was Eo>IeH anH barreH. *oboHy answereH my Ino>I. !ventaEEy my father appeareH on the roof; HemanHing to Inow who % was. N%ts yor son; % >aEEeH ba>I. N2ant yo see ont yo re>ogniKe my voi>eL
-e re>ogniKeH me anH showeH his astonishment at my retrn. -e Inew that my famiEy obEigations haH never rateH highEy in my priorities before. ,hat have yo >ome ba>I for he asIeH; somewhat in>reHEosEy. N&he Pnjab is brning. -inHs are being mrHereH everywhere. "nyway; how HiH yo get here "re the trains stiEE rnning Nes; % >aEEeH ba>I; Nthe trains are stiEE rnning. &hats how % got here. 'y father thoght for a whiEe before >oming to a major He>ision. N%n that >ase;L he saiH; Nyo mst taIe the famiEy ot of the Pnjab anH get them settEeH somewhere in %nHia. %f the trains are stiEE rnning; % >an get raiEway passes for yo aEE.L &he foEEowing Hay; eMippeH with the reEevant passes; % tooI thirty=for members of my famiEy; virtaEEy aEE of them women; ot of ,estern Pnjab into %nHia. &he train we tooI from $ahore was the East one to Eeave that >ity for %nHia. "f ter partition; the trains never >rosseH the borHer again. &he 'aharshi haH sent me to the Pnjab to Ho my Hty. &hat was typi>aE of him be >ase he never permitteH his Hevotees to abanHon their famiEy responsibiEities. &eEEing me; N% am with yo wherever yo are;L he sent me off to fEfiE my obEigations. ,hen % f irst hearH this remarI; % onEy appre>iateH its phiEosophi>aE signifi>an>e. %t HiH not o>>r to me that physi>aEEy % woEH aEso be nHer his >are anH prote>tion. et this was manifestEy the >ase. -e haH toEH me where to sit on the train. 3or more than twenty hors after the massa>re % haH sat nre>ogniseH in a 'sEim >arriage; Hespite having pier>eH ears anH an ‘'m5 on my hanH; both of them >Eassi> -inH iHentifi>ation marIs. %n an environment of tter anar>hy % haH se>reH seats for a vast >ontingent of my famiEy anH got them ot of Hanger on the East train that ever Eeft $ahore for %nHia. "fter inHepenHen>e the >ross= borHer raiEway Eines were pEEeH p anH the borHer itseEf was >EoseH.
)rrival in Lukno6 % tooI my famiEy to $>Inow be>ase % haH a frienH there from my time in the army whom % Inew % >oEH reEy on for heEp. ,ith his assistan>e % fonH sitabEe a>>ommoHation. &here was no Mestion of my retrning to the 'aharshi be>ase % was the onEy potentiaE earner in or grop. #efgees fEeeing PaIistan for %nHia were strippeH of aEE their possessions before they Eeft. !ven personaE jeweEEery was taIen. "rriving in %nHia with EittEe more than the >Eothes we were wearing; it be>ame my responsibiEity to feeH; >Eothe anH spport this vast grop of Hestitte refgees.
-aving EisteneH to the 'aharshi for severaE years; % Inew by heart the aHvi>e he aEways gave to hosehoEHers: N"biHe as the eEf anH Ho yor Hties in the worEH withot being atta>heH to them in any way. 3or the neJt few years % haH a mpEe opportnity to Eive this phiEosophy. N&hat oEH Eife was onEy a Hream; % saiH. N% HreameH % haH a wife anH a famiEy. ,hen % met yo; yo enHeH my Hream. % have no famiEy any more; % onEy have yo. &he 'aharshi >ontereH by saying; NBt if yo Inow that yor famiEy is a Hream; what Hifferen>e Hoes it maIe if yo remain in that Hream anH Ho yor Hty ,hy are yo afraiH of going if it is onEy a Hream % then eJpEaineH the main reason for my reE>tan>e to go. N% am far too a tta>heH to yor physi>aE form. % >annot Eeave yo. % Eove yo so m>h % >annot taIe my eyes off yo. -ow >an % Eeave N% am with yo wherever yo are; was his answer. 3rom the way he spoIe to me % >oEH see that he was HetermineH that % shoEH go. -is East statement was; in effe>t; a beneHi>tion for my forth>oming trip anH for my ftre Eife in generaE. % immeHiateEy nHerstooH the Heep signifi>an>e of his remarI. &he N% whi>h was my 'asters reaE natre was aEso my own inner reaEity. -ow >oEH % ever be away from that N% %t was my own eEf; anH both my 'aster anH % Inew that nothing eEse eJisteH. % haH to worI night anH Hay to Ieep the famiEy going. % have aEways been a big; strong man; anH in my yoth % was a s>>essfE wrestEer.
Bt even with aEE this strength at my HisposaE; % haH a greEEing; arHos time trying to Ieep p with aEE the neeHs anH eJpe>tations of thirty=for HepenHants; aEE of s stranHeH in a strange EanH.%t HiH not heEp matters that my famiEy HiH not feeE any neeH to e>onomise. n the rare o>>asions % >ame home % woEH finH a hosefEE of women; HrinIing >ps of tea anH frying montains of pakoras. % remember bying an eighteen= IiEo tin of >ooIing oiE for them aEmost every weeI. "t D.G7; on the evening of "priE 1Gth; 19<0; % was waEIing Hown a street in $>Inow. % sHHenEy feEt an enormos spasm in my >hest whi>h nearEy Ino>IeH me to the gronH. % thoght it mst be some sort of heart atta>I. " few se>onHs Eater % saw a few peopEe pointing p to a Earge meteor whi>h was traiEing a>ross the sIy. &his was the meteor whi>h thosanHs of peopEe aEE over %nHia saw in the first few se>onHs after the 'aharshis Heath. 'any peopEe have saiH that they Inew instin>tiveEy that the appearan>e of the meteor signifieH that the 'aharshi was HeaH. &his never o>>rreH to me at the time. % onEy fonH ot abot his Heath when % EisteneH to the news on the raHio the foEEowing Hay. 43
1he Master emains &here is one finaE episoHe % mst teEE before % >ompEete the story of my asso>iation with my 'aster. 'any years Eater; sitting on the banIs of the 4anga; % haH an eJtraorHinary vision of myseEf; the seEf that haH been -.,.$. Poonja; in aEE its varios in>arnations throgh time. % wat>heH the seEf move from boHy to boHy; from form to form. %t went throgh pEants; throgh animaEs; throgh birHs; throgh hman boHies; ea>h in a Hifferent pEa>e in a Hifferent time. &he seMen>e was eJtraorHinariEy Eong. &hosanHs anH thosanHs of in>arnations; spanning miEEions of years; appeareH before me. 'y own boHy finaEEy appeareH as the East one of the seMen>e; foEEoweH shortEy afterwarHs by the raHiant form of ri #amana 'aharshi. &he vision then enHeH. &he appearan>e of the 'aharshi haH enHeH that seemingEy enHEess seMen>e of births anH rebirths. "fter his intervention in my Eife; the seEf that finaEEy tooI the form of Poonja >oEH in>arnate no more. &he 'aharshi HestroyeH it by a singEe EooI. "s % wat>heH the enHEess in>arnations roEE by; % aEso eJperien>eH time progressing at its normaE speeH. &hat is to say; it reaEEy feEt as if miEEions of years were eEapsing. et when my normaE >ons>iosness retrneH; % reaEiseH that the whoEe vision haH o>>pieH bt an instant of time. ne may Hream a whoEe Eifetime bt when one waIes p one Inows that the time whi>h eEapseH in the Hream was not reaE; that the person in the Hream was not reaE; anH that the worEH whi>h that person inhabiteH was not reaE. "EE this is re>ogniseH instantEy at the moment of waIing. imiEarEy; when one waIes p to the eEf; one Inows instantEy that time; the worEH; anH the Eife one appeareH to Eive in it are aEE nreaE. &hat vision by the 4anga broght home this trth to me very viviHEy. % Inew that aEE my Eifetimes in samsara were nreaE; that the 'aharshi haH woIen me p from this whoEEy imaginary nightmare by showing me the eEf that % reaEEy am. *ow; freeH from that riHi>Eos samsara, anH speaIing from the stanHpoint of the eEf; the onEy reaEity; % >an say; N*othing has ever >ome into eJisten>eO nothing has ever happeneHO the n>hanging; formEess eEf aEone eJists. &hat is my eJperien>e; anH that is the eJperien>e of everyone who has reaEiseH the eEf. " few months ago; at one of the satsangs % >onH>t in $>Inow; someone gave me a note whi>h >on>EHeH:
N'y hmbEe respe>ts anH gratitHe to yo; espe>iaEEy to one who was a His>ipEe of #amana 'aharshi. % >oEHnt Eet this pass. N,hy Ho yo say was8 % eJ>EaimeH. NPEease >orre>t yor grammar? PEease >orre>t yor grammar? % am his His>ipEe? -e is my 'aster. -ow >an % throw him away into the past &here is no past anH no f tre for the 'aster. &here isnt even a present be>ase he has trans>enHeH time. ,hen % Eeft him physi>aEEy in 19G7 he toEH me; N% am with yo wherever yo are. &hat was his promise anH that is my eJperien>e. &here is no one >aEEeH Poonja Eeft anymore. &here is onEy an emptiness where he seH to be. "nH in that emptiness there shines the N%; the N% that is my reaEity; the N% that is my 'aster; the N% that he promiseH woEH be with me wherever % am. ,henever % speaI; it is not someone >aEEeH Poonja who is speaIing; it is the N% that is the 'aharshi who speaIs; the N% whi>h is the eEf in the -eart of aEE beings.
% trieH to eJpEain this to the person who sent me the note. ,ho am % ,hat am % % never thinI it is %; Poonja; who am speaIing. %t is he; the 'aharshi; the 'aster who is speaIing. %f % ever thoght that this person >aEEeH Poonja was speaIing to yo; % woEH have no right to sit here be>ase whatever woEH >ome ot of my moth woEH be faEse. %t is my own 'aster who speaIsO it is yor own 'aster who speaIs. %t is yor own -eart speaIingO it is yor own eEf whi>h is speaIing to yo. &here is no one here >Eaiming to be an intermeHiary. &here is no one here >Eaiming that he on>e haH a 'aster >aEEeH ri #amana 'aharshi8. &here is onEy emptiness; anH in that emptiness the %8 whi>h is; not was; my 'aster speaIs. N% am sitting here introH>ing yo to my tea>her anH his tea>hings. -e is the tea>her; not %. -e is yor own eEf. -e is the tea>her of the worEH. -e was the tea>her before yo even Inew him. -e was there; waiting for yo; smiEing within yor -eart. *ow yo are attra>teH by him; not me. %; Poonja; am not in the pi>tre at aEE. Poonja has gone for gooH; bt the 'aster remains anH wiEE aEways remain. -e is seateH in my -eart as my own imperishabEe eEf. hining as the N%; he aEone is.
'ahasmaHhi n th eptember; 1997 Papaji passeH away in the intensive=>are warH of a $>Inow hospitaE; having s>>mbeH to what the Ho>tors there >aEEeH Na>te respiratory faiEreL. Papaji was >remateH the foEEowing Hay anH his ashes were immerseH in the 4anga a few Hays Eater by renHra; his son; anH by the Hevotees who a>>ompanieH him. — &hogh his heaEth haH been poor for some time; Papaji >ontineH to give regEar pbEi> satsangs tiEE C< th "gst (5rishna @anmashtami); anH the never=enHing stream of Hevotees was maHe weE>ome at his home ntiE a severe atta>I of viraE fever; bron>hitis anH asthma for>eH his aHmission to hospitaE on C nH eptember.
*othing !ver -appeneH (biography of Papaji) by aviH 4oHman
Paperba>I. A voEmes. 1C97 pages. PbEisheH 199D by the "vaHhta 3onHation. %B* 09AD0CC<9. " massive (over 1;C00 pages) biography of Papaji; a His>ipEe of #amana 'aharshi anH one of the most infEentiaE aHvaiti> tea>hers of moHern times. %n aHHition to the biographi>aE narrative that spans more than eighty years of his a>tion=pa>IeH Eife; there are tea>hing HiaEoges; eJtensive eJtra>ts from PapajiLs Hiaries anH Ee tters; aEong with many a>>onts by Hevotees who were tterEy transformeH by him. &his is the Hefinitive a>>ont of PapajiLs Eife. 2he>I ot or rHering %nformation Page for more HetaiEs
aviH 4oHman (,ith father in a vintage 19A0s >ar)
aviH 4oHman 3rom ,iIipeHia; the free en>y>EopeHia Da!" G#"$a% (born 789: in the .; ) is the athor of a nmber of signifi>ant booIs on amana Maharshi5 s tea>hings anH His>ipEes. -e >rrentEy Eives near 1iruvannamalai, whi>h is the "outh Indian town where ri #amana 'aharshi spent aEE his aHEt Eife.
,orIs Be )s $ou )re (eHiteH): HiaEoges between #amana 'aharshi anH visitors. &his is the
most wiHeEy reaH booI on #amana 'aharshiLs tea>hings. 0o Mind < I am the "el* : biographies anH tea>hings of Lakshmana "6amy anH Mathru "ri "arada= $aIshmana wamy is a Hire>t His>ipEe of #amana 'aharshi who reaEiseH the
eEf in his presen>e in 19G9. 'athr ri araHa is his His>ipEe. he reaEiseH the eEf in $aIshmana wamyLs presen>e in 197D. Livin# by the Words o* Bha#avan: a biography of )nnamalai "6ami, a Hevotee of
#amana 'aharshi who worIeH >EoseEy with the 'aharshi in the 19A0s anH earEy 19G0s. &he booI aEso >ontains HiaEoges that "nnamaEai wami haH with visitors in the Eate 19D0s. &apaji Intervie6s (eHiteH): a >oEEe>tion of interviews that varios visitors haH with Papaji (%= W= L= &oonja> in the earEy 1990s. &apaji is an enEighteneH His>ipEe of #amana
'aharshi. &he booI aEso >ontains a Eengthy introH>tory a>>ont of PapajiLs earEy Eife anH his asso>iation with #amana 'aharshi. 0othin# Ever %appened : " three=voEme biography of Papaji (-. ,. $. Poonja)that
>hroni>Ees his Eife p to the earEy 19D0s. (inal 1alks (eHiteH): HiaEoges between "nnamaEai wami anH visitors to his ashram that
tooI pEa>e in the East siJ months of his Eife. 1he &o6er o* the &resene (eHiteH): " three=voEme series that >ontains first=person
a>>onts from Hevotees whose Eives were transformeH by #amana 'aharshi. "ri amana /arsanam (transEateH anH eHiteH): originaEEy written in &amiE by "adhu 0atanananda, a Hevotee of #amana 'aharshi; this booIs gives EittEe=Inown in>iHents
from #amana 'aharshiLs Eife; aEong with >omments on their signifi>an>e. &adamalai (transEateH anH eHiteH): &his is HeriveH from a Eong &amiE poem of the same name that was written by "ri Muru#anar, a Hevotee of #amana 'aharshi. %t >ontains
tea>hings of #amana 'aharshi re>orHeH by 'rganar in &amiE; aEong with eJtensive spporting Motations from other sor>es that >ontain #amana 'aharshiLs tea>hings.
atsang with Papaji
m. $et there be Pea>e anH $ove "mong "EE Beings of the niverse. $et there be Pea>e;$et there be Pea>e; m hanti; hanti; hanti. *amasIar. ,eE>ome to atsang.
Who )re $ou? ,ho are yo ,here Ho yo >ome from 'any times yo >ame anH many times yo retrneH. o have never attempteH to asI yorseEf who yo are. %f yo haH Hone so; yo woEH never have retrneH to this miserabEe samsara. ,hen yo have Inown; this Iarma >eases to fn>tion; samsara >eases to eJist. o retrn to yor originaE fnHamentaE natre — to Being; to !Jisten>e; to BEiss. &hat is what yo are. &hat is what yo have been. &hat is what yo are going to be. o here is how to Ho it — it is very easy. $et me introH>e yo to what is going on here. &o begin with; finH ot who is the one who sees. "sI yorseEf the Mestion: T,ho is the seerT 3inH ot what is seen. &hat whi>h is seen is the obje>t anH the seer is the sbje>t. &he seer — sbje>t — mst be separate from the obje>t; Hifferent from the obje>t. %t is that whi>h is seeing the obje>t. &he obje>t is that whi>h is seen. &he seer is EooIing at the obje>t — yo are not the obje>t. o may see anything: a horse; a >ow; a >ar; a biEHing; or anything. o are not that. o are the seer. ,hen yo eJperien>e yor own boHy yo may thinI that yo are the boHy; bt yo are not the boHy. o eJperien>e; T% see the boHy.T so yo are the seer of the boHy. %t is here that yo maIe the mistaIe: o be>ome the boHy anH yo forget that yo are the seer. o have be>ome an obje>t when yo say; T% am Hoing. % am seeing. % a m tasting. % am to>hing. % am smeEEing. % am hearing.T o have Eost yor bearings anH be>ome the boHy — the seer is no Eonger separateH from the boHy. ,hatever is seen is an obje>t; so when the boHy is obje>tifieH who is the seer ,hen yo see the boHy it be>omes an obje>t. ,hatever yo see is an obje>t. %f yo see yor eyes they are obje>tsO if yo see yor hanHs they are obje>ts.
,hat abot the minH o Inow very weEE that if yor minH is sffering it is not at pea>e. o Inow the a>tivities of the minH aEso. o Inow; T*ow my minH is thinIing or not thinIing.T &his means that yo are aEso aware of the a>tivities of the minH. o are something other than the minH. o are not the minH. o are neither the minH nor the boHy. &he same is tre of the worIing of the senses. ,hen yo are worIing; waEIing; or taEIing; yo Inow very weEE; T% am at worI; my hanHs are worIing.T o Inow very weEE that yo are not the hanHO something eEse is >ommanHing the hanHs to worI. o are something other than the movement of physi>aE a>tivities. o are not even that. *ow >onsiHer the inteEEe>t. o He>iHe; T% have to Ho this. % have to go to $>Inow.T o He>iHeH anH yo are here. o giHeH the inteEEe>t to maIe the He>ision; T$etLs go to $>Inow.T then yo foEEoweH the inteEEe>t. o yo are giHing even the inteEEe>t anH yo Inow very weEE that the inteEEe>t is something other than yo. 3inH ot who yo are — here anH now. o are not the minH. o are not even the prana — the breathing. o Inow very weEE that breathing is in anH ot; inhaEing anH eJhaEing. o >an feeE; T% am inhaEing; % am eJhaEing.T o Inow this a>tivity aEso. ,ho is wat>hing the inhaEing anH eJhaEing &his is aEE that the boHy is. o who are yo o are not aEE these fn>tions. o wiEE have to asI the Mestion; T,ho am %T &his is what we have >ome here to nHerstanH; anH we have not Hone this at a ny time before. &his Mestion mst be soEveH bt we have postponeH it. !veryone has postponeH it for miEEions of years. ,e wiEE not postpone this here. &here is no methoH to pra>ti>e. impEy finH ot; T,ho am %T &his is not a methoH or pra>ti>e or saHhana. &his >an be Hone here anH now — in this instant — be>ase the eEf is here. !nEightenment means to Inow thy eEf — to Inow; T,ho am %.T &his is !nEightenment. &his is ,isHom. &his is BEiss. &his is !Jisten>e. &his is Being. &his is &rth. &his trth is not Eo>ateH at a Histan>e — it is yor own eEf throgh whi>h yo are sear>hing for trth anH freeHom. %t is not any Histan>e from here. %t is within yo; nearer than yor own breath. %t is behinH the retina of yor eyes; whi>h yo >annot see. o neeH not EooI otsiHe. %t is behinH the retinaO it is that throgh whi>h the retina sees. o neeH no effort to see it. ,hen yo stiEE aEE a>tivities; withot Hoing anything; withot thinIing any thoght — when yo Ho not stir any thoght from the minH gronH; withot moving; withot moving the minH; withot starting a singEe thoght — in an instant of time yo are f ree. ,hen yo give rise to any saHhana or pra>ti>e; when yo go to any >enter or ashram; when yo go to any tea>her or piEgrimage or >hr>h; when yo maIe any prayer; yo have postponeH it. &his yo have Hone. Be free of aEE these things right now. Be>ase free yo have been; free yo are. o >annot a>hieve anything other than what yo are. "nything gaineH afresh or a>hieveH for the first time — anything whi>h is new to yo — yo wiEE >ertainEy Eose be>ase it was not there at aEE. "EE that is natraE to yo is aEreaHy there. o not try to a>hieve anything or gain anything or attain anything whi>h is not aEreaHy there. &his is not a f resh gain. PeopEe thinI; T"t the enH of this saHhana % am going to be free.T Bt it is not EiIe that. o have been EooIing for something eEse; not freeHom. 3reeHom is aEreaHy here. ,hen yo eJert effort or pra>ti>e saHhana yo wiEE >amofEage anH >over the trth. o wiEE have to remove this >overing be>ase it is yo who pt it there. &his >overing wiEE be removeH throgh yor effort. "nH when aEE efforts are Hone away with — when aEE attempts; aEE intents anH intentions; aEE iHeas anH notions are reje>teH — at that time asI yorseEf; T,ho am %T o wiEE >ertainEy finH the answer. 51
&his is how freeHom is aEreaHy attaineH: o are aEreaHy free. %f yo >an hear this on>e from a tea>her yo are free. %f yo >annot hear this; then pra>ti>e. %f yo >an Eisten to a tea>her who is not a Eiar; who is speaIing the trth; anH if yo are honestEy Eonging for freeHom then Eisten on>e anH yo are free. %f yo are not honest anH if the tea>her is not athenti> it wiEE not worI. o wiEE have to taIe p a pra>ti>e if something is faEse somewhere. ,hat is that pra>ti>e "t aEE times; waEIing; sEeeping; Hreaming; on waIing; whiEe stanHing; sitting; Eying; go on >hanting the mantra. % >an re>ommenH mantras aEso; as a se>onH best. %f yo >an repeat this mantra from now tiEE yor East breath % garantee yo wiEE not appear again in a neJt birthO yo wiEE not faEE into any womb. ,hat is the mantra T% "' 3#!!?T &aIe p this pra>ti>e if yo Ho not beEieve me. %f yo >an Eisten; if yo Eong for freeHom; anH yo feeE that % am honest when % teEE yo that yo are free; then a>>ept it? -ear this onEy on>e anH yo are f ree. %f yo Ho not a>>ept what % am saying then % wiEE give yo a pra>ti>e as a se>onH best. o wiEE have to >ontine pra>ti>ing on every breath — every breath of the waIing state; of the Hream state; of the sEeeping state p to the East breath. &hen % garantee that yo wiEE not appear again in this miserabEe samsara. &o hear this on>e is enogh. %t is no probEem to be free in this Eife. o have EiveH D.G miEEion times as Hifferent IinHs of spe>ies. &his >y>Ee has taIen abot A< miEEion years; anH ea>h of s has gone thogh many s>h >y>Ees. o Eet s now He>iHe not to retrn again. &hose who are here represent biEEion peopEe in the worEH toHay; withot >onting aEE the animaEs; birHs; worms anH germs. t of biEEion hman beings there are very few of s here. &hroghot the worEH they Ho not aEEow yo to even tter the worHs; T% want to be free.T %f yo say; T% am free.T or T% am 4oH.T yo are pt on a >ross or stoneH to Heath. &hose few who have saiH; T% am 3ree.T have been stoneH to Hea th or >r>ifieH. % am happy that yo have freeHom of eJpressionO yo are E>Iy. o are born of a E>Iy famiEy; of a E>Iy EanH that has aEEoweH yo to >ome to some other >ontry anH sear>h for freeHom. o are twi>e E>Iy. "nH % trst that aEE those who are here wiEE not retrn home as they >ame. % am having gooH resEts. &his is the first time in history. % see peopEe every Hay >ome in front anH say; T% am free. % am free.T &hey >ome from every >ontry anH see me saying; T% am in pea>e. % have seen pea>e. % am very happy?T &hey eJpress it in many ways. &his has never happeneH before. %n Histant >entries peopEe were performing tapas >ontinosEy for thosanHs of years; bt we have very few eJampEes of enEightenment — onEy a finger >ont. ,e have to go ba>I thosanHs of years to f inH some sage or saint we >an Mote abot freeHom; EiIe @agnavaEIa; +aishista or BHHha. Bt here % a m very happy to see many bHHhas appearing. ,ithot sitting nHer any boHhi tree they are be>oming bHHhas. &his is happening in this >entry be>ase now we have no time to go to the montains. &he montains are aEE poEEteH now. %n 5ashmir at CC;000 f eet; armies are stanHing abreast with their weapons with intention of IiEEing ea>h other. -ow >an yo meHitate between two armies %t is best that wherever yo finH time; even in yor own apartment — >Eose yor eyes anH meHitate. ear>h within yorseEf. &here is no neeH to go anywhere be>ase there is no pea>e anywhere. !verything is poEEteH — we >annot even have fresh air. &he o>ean is poEEteH; the rivers are poEEteH; montains are poEEteH; the EanH is poEEteH; fooH is poEEteH. ,hat is there to Ho abot it o >annot even Ho yoga. 3or yoga yo neeH very sattvi> fooH; whi>h is not avaiEabEe. &he hman Eifespan is be>oming shorter so it is better to hrry p? *o one has seen tomorrow. 52
&oHay is the best Hay. o >an win freeHom right now. % Ho not aH vise any pra>ti>e. % Ho not teEE yo to pra>ti>e even for one minte. @st now; this instant; one se>onH; haEf a se>onH; haEf of haEf a se>onH is enogh. "nytime toHay; bt toHay — bt now — yo are free. impEy Eisten to me. impEy have trst in what % say when % teEE yo that yo are free. o not Hobt. %f yo neeH to Hobt then yo wiEE neeH pra>ti>e. %t is yor >hoi>e. *ovember; 1991 @@@
What is (reedom? ,e are EooIing for freeHom. ,hat is freeHom %t is not in anything obje>tive. %t is neither the >reation; nor the >reator of this niverse; nor the 4oH who is EooIing after preservation; nor Hestr>tion. %t is none of that. %t is neither the sn; nor the moon; nor the stars; nor the winH. &hose are not freeHom. *o obje>t is freeHom. 4o on reje>ting everything obje>tive from the minH. 3reeHom is nothing that the minH >an >on>eive or per>eive or nHerstanH. 3inaEEy yo wiEE arrive at that whi>h >annot be reje>teH. 4o on reje>ting everything that >an be reje>teH; aEE obje>ts. 4et riH of aEE obje>tifi>ation. 3inaEEy; when yo see nothing more to be reje>teH; the minH wiEE be Miet. 'inH wiEE be no=minH: &hat >annot be Hes>ribeH. "EE Hes>ription beEongs to the obje>tive worEH onEy anH >ons>iosness >annot be obje>tifieH. %n the beginning when there was nothing there was >ons>iosness — totaE >ons>iosness — where no obje>ts anH no sbje>ts eJisteH. o are this >ons>iosness. tarting from the beginning; before the beginning; yo are this >ons>iosness. "nH this >ons>iosness be>ame aEE that yo see. o are this >ons>iosness itseEf. &here are miEEions of IinHs of manifestation eJisting in >ons>iosness anH yo have be>ome aEE this. o are the fontain of aEE this >reation. 3or this yo Ho not have to eJert or maIe effort; or sear>h for any way or methoH or pra>ti>e. omehow yo have to arrive here. -ow >an yo Ho it &hrogh aHoration of the wisHom of the eEf. &hat is >ons>iosness. "Hore yor own >ons>iosness with wisHom anH yo have a>hieveH what yo are aspiring for here anH now. <= e>ember; 1991 @@@
Existene 1akes -are % wiEE teEE yo the se>ret of sitting meHitation; stanHing meHitation; waEIing meHitation; sEeeping meHitation; Hreaming meHitation; anH a>tive meHitation in the battEe fieEH as a soEHier. $et me speaI from my own eJperien>e; as % never speaI from what % have hearH or reaH. %t is better first to eJperien>e anH then to speaI. %n 19
e the hat>hes were >EoseH % got a banI Hraft from the >aptain to >ertify that the ship haH been EoaHeH with 10;000 tons of manganese ore for #otterHam. % wanteH to >ash the Hraft immeHiateEy at the 53
banI in BangaEore; whi>h was abot <00 miEes away. %t was aEreaHy abot 9 p.m.; anH % haH to rea>h the banI by morning. % was eJhasteH as % haH been worIing offshore for the whoEe Hay from earEy in the morning ntiE Eate in the night. % was not near the wharf where % >oEH easiEy get ot of the ship anH it was very hot. % He>iHeH that % shoEH rest before beginning my jorney anH then start earEy in the morning. Bt then % reaEiKeH that the banIs woEH be >EoseH; anH it woEH be better to >ross the montain pass anH have a >offee anH a nap on the other siHe; anH then go to BangaEore. &he roaH over the hiEE >EimbeH from the town at sea EeveE p to five thosanH feet maIing eEeven hairpin benHs. % HonLt Inow what happeneH. % >oEH not stop on the montain roaH be>ase there were wiEH eEephants whi>h haH EifteH >ars p in the air anH thrown them in the vaEEey; one miEe beEow. %t was better to Ieep going anH then to rest. ,hen % arriveH on the other siHe of the hiEE my heaH was resting on the steering wheeE. % woIe p from a Heep sEeep feeEing very fresh; no Eonger even neeHing a >p of >offee. % >ontineH the jorney to BangaEore having haH a >ompEete sonH; Heep sEeep. 'y heaH was resting on the steering wheeE. % was feeEing so fresh that % no Eonger neeHeH a rest or a >offee; as thogh % haH sEept for eight hors. ,ho Hrove the >ar &his is a probEem % have never been abEe to soEve. !ven in the waIing state Hrivers have a>>iHents bt % was fast asEeep. &he roaH was narrow; no more than fifteen feet. n one siHe was a high montain; on the other siHe was a very steep vaEEey; anH % >t eEeven hairpin benHs. ,ho Hrove the >ar % have never been abEe to finH the answer to this. &he other in>iHent % want to Hes>ribe to yo happeneH in $>Inow. % was waEIing to the 4P from 5aiserbagh; in front of what is now @anpath marIet. % aEways Iept a very safe Histan>e; waEIing on the Eeft siHe of the roaH; be>ase sometimes % >oEH never get ot of meHitation at aEE? % was neither trobEing anyone eEse nor was % trobEeH by anyone. "n oEH moHeE 3orH >ar >ame Hown the street; a 19AG or NA moHeE with footrests hanging on the siHe. &hese Hays >ars no Eonger have footrests. &he >ar hit me so harH that the footrest feEE off onto the gronH. PeopEe gathereH aronH me saying they haH noteH Hown the nmber. &he >ar haH speH away Eeaving onEy the footrest. &hey wanteH to Inow if % was hrt anH to go to the poEi>e. 'y pants were torn anH when % pEEeH them p; the >ar haH str>I me from behinH. &here was a EittEe bEooHstain on the ba>I of the Inee bt nothing more. % toEH them % was perfe>tEy aEright. ,hen yo are in meHitation yo Ho not neeH to EooI after yorseEf. " power wiEE rise whi>h is moving the earth; whi>h is >asing the sn to shine; whi>h is giving the moon its briEEian>e; anH whi>h is aEEowing aEE these jivas to fn>tion as they want to. %f yo are attneH to that power yo wiEE have nothing to Ho; everything wiEE be beatifE. &hat power wiEE EooI after yo in a way whi>h yo >annot manage. " man operating from his senses gets into many a>>iHents. Bt % HiH not faEE into the vaEEey; % sEept. ,ho tooI >are of me &his is the greatest mistaIe; to faEE asEeep at the steering wheeE. ne is aH viseH to be weEE resteH before Hriving. ,ho >areH for me &hat power is there bt yo are not EooIing at it. %t is so >ompassionate that it wiEE EooI after yo. o have been Henying it anH HepenHing on yor own ego. !ven this ego is getting its power from somewhere eEse; to be>ome ego; to be>ome minH; to thinI; to be>ome the senses anH to aEEow yo to fn>tion. ,hen yo trn yor fa>e towarHs it; it wiEE arise to heEp yoO otherwise yo >annot save yorseEf. -ow Eong >an yo be aware anH >arefE 'eHitation means; no meHitator anH no obje>t of meHitation. &hen yo >an Ho whatever yo EiIe. ,hen the meHitator is there it is ego. &his is not something to be He>iHeH inteEEe>taEEyO it has to be Hire>tEy eJperien>eH. &here is no enH to argment anH Eogi>.
&hat has nothing to Ho with it. &his is yor own mother; yor own spreme power; whi>h is here anH now. %f yo >Eose yor eyes yo wiEE see who is responsibEe. o Ho not have to traveE even a yarH ot of yor own seEf — yo Ho not have to taIe one step. o Ho not neeH to thinI or even to meHitate. o Ho not have to Ho anything; jst Ieep Miet as yo are a nH yo have got it. %f yo try to sear>h yo have Eost it. &here is nothing to sear>h for — it is that throgh whi>h the sear>h is taIing pEa>e. %t is that whi>h is f onH after sear>hing has >easeH. %f yo Inow this it is enogh. %f yo HonLt yo wiEE never finH rest in miEEions of years. o have aEreaHy passeH throgh D.G miEEion spe>ies. %f yo are fatigeH then yo wiEE see this. %f yo want to hit>hhiIe some more the goaE wiEE not be attaineHO yo >an >ontine as yo EiIe anH it wiEE never enH. %f yo want to enH everything is enHeH now. %f yo want to >ontine it wiEE >ontine. "s yo thinI so yo be>ome — this is a formEa. o thinI; T% am in trobEeT anH yo are in trobEe. o thinI; T% am free;T anH yo are free. %f yo are atta>heH to any obje>t yo are in trobEe; yo are in sffering; there is manifestation. %f yo want to enH this it is seiKeH immeHiateEy in the re>ognition; T% am free.T &hat is aEE there is to it. ,hat time Ho yo neeH <= e>ember; 1991 @@@
When (ear -omes, ;iss Its (ae! F: ,hen %Lm Miet — jst feeEing this Eove — it is so beatifE. &hen this feeEing of fear >omesO as if the Eove wiEE go away. % HonLt want that f ear to >ome. % jst want to stay in the beaty of the feeEing of Eove. % >an onEy sggest to yo that when the fear >omes that is what is happe ning; so Eet it >ome. -g this fear; HonLt reje>t it. -g it anH Iiss it. %f fear >omes when yo are happy it is a past habit that has been showing p; a Hormant tenHen>y of the minH. "EE that is Hormant wiEE have to rise p nowO otherwise these tenHen>ies woEH have given yo m>h trobEe again anH again. o woEH have haH to Eive ot those things whi>h were brieH Heep in the sb>ons>ios minH. *ow be>ase the sense of an inHiviHaE Hoer is no Eonger there these tenHen>ies are no Eonger rising in the present anH yo HonLt neeH to Ho anything any more. ,hen the >on>ept of the ftre is His>arHeH anH in the present yo have no HesireO past tenHen>ies are free to rise p. o HonLt try to bry them now. Before they >oEH wait for another in>arnation if they were not fEfiEEeH now; bt now they >an no Eonger wait — this is the time for them to Eeave. o Ieep Miet anH simpEy wat>h. &hey wiEE not trobEe yo. o not stop them. o not say; T% Ho not want them.T %nvite them. &eEE them; T2ome? PEease >ome nowO this is the time.T o not resist any more. "EEow whatever may arise to arise on its own. Be prepareH. o not stop them; Ho not rn away; Eet them arise. PreviosEy yo were aEways bsy with Hay to Hay Hesires; with ftre hopes anH eJpe>tations. o were so engageH so these Hormant tenHen>ies were waiting; saying to themseEves; T,e wiEE be fEfiEEeH neJt time.T *ow the time is here be>ase there is no more eJpe>tation; no more hope; no more Hesire. &his is the time for the Hormant tenHen>ies brieH in the n>ons>ios minH to appear anH to Eeave this pEa>e. o Ho not resist. $et them arise; oIay 4ooH. e>ember; 1991 55
I 1rust $ou )re )ll Lions "EE ignoran>e has been starteH by shepherHs. hepherHs are for sheep. % trst that yo are Eions. $ions are not to be herHeHO wherever they go they are on their own tra>I. &here are no Eion herHsO there are onEy sheep herHs. o are aEE Eions — so go yor own way. o not waEI the beaten path EiIe sheep; one after another. o not foEEow any pa th. $ions Ho not foEEow ea>h other EiIe sheep. 'ost peopEe are sheep; foEEowing shepherHs aEE over the worEH. #eEigions are starteH by shepherHs anH peopEe be>ome foEEowers EiIe sheep. Bt wherever yo go yo are Eions; anH there are no paths for Eions. ,herever a Eion waEIs; that is the pa th. 3or a Eion no path is the onEy path. o HonLt >ont yorseEf among sheep neeHing a shepherH. or way is no way — it is to Inow who yo are. &his is not f oEEowing EiIe a sheep. &his is a noveE approa>h; so far nInown. n>e Inown it is Inown for gooH. -e who Inows this has fEfiEEeH the prpose of the striving of hman Eife. -e is happy anH pea>efE. -e enjoys both here anH hereafter. PEease HonLt be>ome sheep. onLt foEEow anyone. onLt EooI here anH there. onLt EooI anywhere. top EooIing. top aEE yor imagining of the ftre anH >on>eptaEiKing of the past. 5eep yorseEf in this moment; whi>h is no moment. 3inH ot where this moment is rising from; where time is rising from; where this thoght is rising from; anH yo wiEE see yo have aEways been at -ome. o HonLt neeH anything more? @@@
Aust to &luk a ose &etal 3reeHom; $ove anH Pea>e wiEE be attaineH instantEy as soon as yo abanHon vasanas — the impressions of the past that yo have storeH in yor memory. %f yo abanHon vasanas right now yo >an be free anH happy; yo >an be in pea>e anH Eove. o >an Eive weEE withot vasanas; withot Hesires; jst as when yo taIe off yor hat or yor >oat yo >an Eive weEE anH nothing is Eost. $iIewise; if yo renon>e vasanas — if yo renon>e the tenHen>ies of the past — yo wiEE be weEE anH happy. *o time is neeHeH; it is as easy as pE>Iing a petaE from a rose fEower. %t HoesnLt taIe time. o >an attain freeHom; Eight anH wisHom now — instantEy yo >an be free. o Ho not neeH to toiE enHEessEy. Penan>e; asterities; even meHitations — jst abanHon them. &his notion that; % am bonH.8 has to be HroppeH anH instantEy yo wiEE be free anH happy. % am very happy to see so many seeIers of trth here in one pEa>e with the Hesire for freeHom. %t has never happeneH at any time before. %n the past we >an onEy finH isoEateH >ases of those who fonH freeHom. &wo thosanH years ago iHHhartha be>ame the BHHha. -e haH to traveE from tea>her to tea>herO he haH to go throgh aEE IinHs of asterities before he >oEH finaEEy jst sit nHer the boHhi tree in BoHhgaya anH finH siEen>e. ,e Ho not have time to Ho aEE that. &his tea>hing is so simpEe that it is not a tea>hing at aEE. o simpEe jst to pE>I a rose petaE; jst to give p the notion that yo are bonH; that yo have to sear>h for freeHom in >aves or montains or monasteries. 3reeHom is reveaEeH within yorseEf. " >row sat on a >o>ont tree anH the >o>ont feEE. &his Hoes not >reate a reEationship between the >o>ont anH the >row. o may attribte freeHom to meHitation; saHhanas anH effortO bt when the >o>ont feEE it feEE on its own a>>orH; not be>ase the >row sat on the tree. ,hen yo get it yo may attribte it to some saHhana; to staying with the 56
tea>her; to going to the -imaEayas for years of >ontempEation or to Eong asterities anH meHitations; bt it has nothing to Ho with these things. %t is simpEy a Mestion of Ieeping Miet. 5eep Miet jst for a moment; for this instant of time; anH aEEow it to happen. onLt interfere. @st Ieep Miet anH wat>h what happens. &his is a very simpEe way to freeHom. o are free. &he notion that yo are bonH has been HmpeH on yor heaH by yor parents; by yor priest; by yor so>iety. %f yo get riH of aEE these instantEy yo wiEE finH that yo are what yo have aEways been. %f yo give p aEE that yo have reaH; hearH; seen; to>heH or tasteH; f reeing yorseEf from aEE past notions — what wiEE be Eeft o aEone wiEE remain — that whi>h yo have aEways been; what yo wiEE aEways be; anH what yo are now. &he eJer>ise or saHhana or way is not something to be borroweH from the otsiHe. @st Ieep Miet; Ieep siEent; anH yo wiEE Inow freeHom from sorrow anH sffering. % wish everyone woEH try this anH see. @@@
Be "o Beauti*ul 1hat It (inds $ou ,hen yo are ot waEIing anH yo be>ome tireH yo stop; yo sit Hown; yo reEaJ. o when yo get tireH of trying to finH soEtions to yor probEems; when yo finH no soEtion; sit Hown. By sit Hown % mean; Hont try to soEve the probEem at aEE — the probEem is in the past; it is not now. onLt thinI abot past probEems; jst Eeave them aEone anH sit Hown. &his is the moment of reEaJation. o onEy have to aEEow this; Eisten to it; Ho not Ho anything. @st Eisten: onLt go to the p ast. &he past is a probEem; the past is minH. ,hen yo go to the past aEE wiEE be probEems so HonLt go to the past. &he minH is the past anH the past is a graveyarH. onLt go to the graveyarH. "EE probEems are HeaH; so retrn to this moment withot trying to soEve the probEem. &rying has pt yo in trobEe; so HonLt to>h this trying any more. impEy sit Hown; Ieep Miet. 5eep Miet for one moment. &his is the moment yo neeH; this is the moment of rest. 5eep Miet for a moment withot going to the past anH yo wiEE finH reEaJation. &here is no other way — simpEy Ho not thinI of the past. 3irst heEp yorseEf — whi>h means to not thinI — anH then if yo stiEE neeH to yo >an a sI me for heEp. @st for this moment Ho not thinI; bt Hire>t yor minH to its or>e. Bring the minH whi>h is thinIing — whi>h is going to the past — to fa>e this p resent moment; anH this wiEE give yo eternaE rest. -eEp yorseEf not to EooI to past moments anH Ho yo finH any probEems %n this moment; withot going to the past; where is the probEem -as it gone away &hen yo have heEpeH yorseEf. &his is trEy eEf heEp. o >annot by this in the marIet; yo >annot a>Mire it; yo >annot pr>hase it. %t is not something to be haH. %t is something that is aEreaHy here. o not try to g et things; to a>hieve things; to attain things whi>h are not aEreaHy here; be>ase whatever is absent — on>e yo get it — wiEE aEso be Eost. %nsteaH of rea>hing ot after anything whi>h is absent His>over that whi>h is aEreaHy here; whi>h yo Ho not neeH to try anH attain. &his wiEE be something fresh; something whi>h is here; whi>h is now. 4ive p yor Hesire to get something tomorrow; Ho not aEEow this Hesire to stir; to rise p form the gronH of minH. "banHon aEE yor Hesires to get something whi>h yo Ho not aEreaHy have. *o Hesire is neeHeH for that whi>h yo aEreaHy have here. %nsteaH of trying to get it offer yorseEf p so it >an get yo. Be so beatifE that this wiEE be attra>teH by yor beaty. %t wiEE >ome anH get yo insteaH of yo getting it. ,ho are yo to get it; anyway "EEow yorseEf to be taIen by it — thatLs the onEy way. o mst be imma>Eate; whi>h means to be withot Hesire. or own natre is imma>Eate so sooner or Eater yo wiEE Inow this. ,hen there is no Hesire there is Beaty; there is 57
$ove. o >annot Histrb this beaty even by giving rise to a thoght to get it. &his thoght wiEE onEy be an imprity. 'aIe sre that no Hesire arises anH yo wiEE be so imma>EateEy beatifE — so perfe>tEy pre anH spotEess — that everything wiEE be instantaneosEy nfoEHeH before yo. &hen this beaty wiEE hg Beaty itseEf. impEy Ieep Miet. o not Ho anything anH it wiEE happen. "banHon even the intention to get something in the neJt moment. o not even maIe the Histin>tion between Tthis momentT anH Tthe neJt momentT. &hen something wiEE happen instantaneosEy. 10 e>ember; 1991 @@@
Look throu#h the Eyes o* Love F: %f someone insEts me % feeE angry anH want to hrt them ba>I. %f yo retrn a sEap with Eove; with a Iiss; he wiEE forget his behaviorO he wiEE not sting anyboHy eEse. o have to Eive wiseEy; if yo want to enjoy this Eife; this is a beatifE worEH that is here for yo to enjoy. &here are so many beatifE things: there are montains; there are rivers; there are birHs; there are animaEs. ,hat more Ho yo want &here are >EoHs; sn; moon anH stars. ,hy HonLt yo open yor eyes anH enjoy this manifestation; whi>h yor own >reation !veryboHy is reEateH to yo. o how >an anger arise ometimes it happens whiEe eating; espe>iaEEy if the fooH is very tasty; that the teeth hrt the tonge. o Ho not go to the Hentist to pEE yor teeth ot be>ase they hrt yor tongeO there is nothing wrong with them. &he tonge Inows; T,e are frienHs; % am enjoying taste anH they are mn>hing. %f they hrt me % shaEE not pEE them ot.T $iIe this; >oorHinate Eife with everyone; then yo wiEE reaEEy Inow how to Eive in Eove. n>e many years ago a pEanter inviteH me to visit his >offee pEantation. -e tooI me there on a nHayO it was my Hay off from worI. -e saiH; T,eLEE go on atrHay night in the jeep. 'y >ooI Hoes not sEeep in the bngaEow whi>h is at the top of the hiEE. &he >offee is grown on the sEopes anH the area for Hrying it is at the bottom. ,hen % go there % stay in the bngaEow; whi>h is weEE eMippeH; anH the >ooI stays Hown the hiEE with his famiEy; in the area for Hrying the >offee. o as soon as % waIe p % wiEE go Hown the hiEE to get him.T %n the morning he Hrove off before % was p. % awoIe to a very beatifE sight. &he pEantation was aEE aronH me; >overeH in orange trees. &he trees were there jst for their shaHe; to prote>t the >offee pEants from the Hire>t sn. -e was not interesteH in seEEing the oranges so aEE the frits that HroppeH in the fieEHs were pEogheH ba>I in as manre. % >ame ot of the bngaEow anH saw bshes anH bshes fEE of oranges; very big Eoose ja>Iet manHarin frits. % feEt so happy to see them; so many bshes EaHen Hown with oranges to>hing the gronH; so many orange frits. % saw aEE these oranges in the morning sn; anH % feEt s>h joy. "s this feeEing arose; stanHing in front of a beatifE bsh % aHHresseH it anH spoIe to the bsh ot EoH: T4ooH morning; 'other; how Ho yo Ho o are very E>Iy; yo have so many >hiEHren.T %t HiH not o>>r to me to hrt her; not even to pE>I one of her frits for myseEf. %t was enogh jst to see the beaty of the oranges anH this woman so proH of her >hiEHren. % EiIeH her; % EoveH her; anH % IisseH that tree itseEf. % was so very happy? &he thoght of pi>Iing the oranges HiH not even >ome into my minH. %n that same moment she aEso spoIe to me: T% am very happy with yo so % offer yo these frits;T anH instantEy tweEve big oranges feEE from the tree. 58
% am not maIing this p. &his reaEEy happeneH as % am Hes>ribing it. % have seen many things happen EiIe this. ,e are aEE one — there is no separation between s; onEy we Ho not reaEiKe it. &he same is tre with ro>Is; with trees; with birHs; with rivers: yo >an speaI with aEE of them; anH yo wiEE see how yo >an get Eove f rom everything. o % spoIe with this tree; anH she responHeH. he saiH; T% am aEso happy. % want to give yo my oranges; pEease taIe them.T % tooI one anH again % IisseH her. % >oEH nHerstanH how she was feeEingO % >oEH nHerstanH her Eangage. ,hat was the tri>I %t was onEy Eove. ee everything with eyes fEE of Eove. %f yo EooI at anyboHy with that Eove % Ho not thinI that they >an be angry with yo. ometimes anger may visit yo. ,hen the hoteE is fEE; no rooms; no a>>ommoHation avaiEabEe; no one wiEE go there. %n the same way; if yor hose is fEE of Eove aEE these other torists as anger; Est anH greeH wiEE see that the hose is aEreaHy fEE anH they wiEE not >ome insiHeO they wiEE go away anH EooI for some other EoHging hose. %f the Hoors are open to greeH; Est anH anger they wiEE enter immeHiateEyO they wiEE not wait for the >he>I=in time. %f yo Eove peopEe who wiEE not retrn Eove to yo 1A e>ember; 1991 @@@
Identi*y $oursel* 6ith 1hat %Hentify yorseEf with >osmi> >ons>iosness Hring meHitation. o are &hat. &here is no Hifferen>e. " notion arose that yo are a separate inHiviHaE with some higher spreme >ons>iosness to arrive at; whi>h is not tre. " wave rises from the o>ean anH feeEs she is separate from her sor>e anH is therefore not the o>ean. Bt Eet the wave inMire; T,ho % amT $et her His>over the pEa>e from where she arose. he wiEE arrive at her sor>e; at the o>ean itseEf. -er notion of being a separate wave instantaneosEy vanishes. " river His>harges into the o>ean a nH be>omes one with it. &his nHerstanHing arises throgh inMiry. ,hat is the reEationship between a ring anH the goEH from whi>h it is maHe 2an yo separate the goEH from the ring or the ring from the goEH %t is impossibEe. ,ithot the ring yo >anLt see the goEH; anH withot the goEH anH yo >anLt see the ring. "banHon the name — ring; anH the form — ronH. &he ring is name anH form onEy; the sbstan>e is goEH. ,hen yo remove name anH form what is Eeft to be separate %f yo feeE a separation between the meHitator anH the one who is meHitateH pon; His>over yor tre iHentity anH yo wiEE see that yo were never separate. o have aEways been >ons>iosness itseEf. &hrogh >ons>iosness yo are meHitating; throgh the >ons>iosness yo are estabEishing yor separation; anH throgh >ons>iosness yo wiEE estabEish yor nifi>ation. &hese are notions. #emove the notion that yo are bonH. %f this separation — this iHea — is removeH; yo wiEE finH that yo have a Eways been that whi>h yo are now. &hese notions; iHeas anH intentions have to be instantaneosEy withHrawn; anH yo are here. &his is why we are here nHer one roof. &his is a great o>>asion that so many bEesseH peopEe are >oEEe>teH together nHer one roof seeIing enEightenment. o have aEreaHy spent miEEions of years — some say A< miEEion years — waiting to be here toHay. Before; it was never possibEe for so many to >ome together nHer the one roof; to heEp ea>h other; to remove or separation anH bonHage; to He>Eare or freeHom. 59
,e are not to retrn to this samsara — this never enHing >y>Ee of birth anH Heath — again. !ven samsara is onEy a >on>eptO not a>taEEy tre. ,e speaI of it onEy f or >onvenien>e; to maIe yo aware of how important it is to win freeHom; to be wise; to be enEighteneH right now. 3or this reason it is sggesteH that it has taIen a Eong time. therwise in this moment yo wiEE see that time anH past anH ftre Ho not eJist. o are what yo are even now. ,hat probEem >an remain in this 1A @anary; 199C @@@
;in# or Be##ar? o Ho not neeH to Hesire anythingO everything beEongs to yo. !verything yo see yo >an have. %t is aEE yors — everything is yors. &eEE me now that whi>h is not yors. &he minH is yor servant; the ego is yor maiH servant; the boHy is yor foot mat — what eEse Ho yo neeH o >an give >ommanHs: T2ome onU >ome on minH; Ho thisT. 2aEE to the egoO she is yor maiH servant; she wiEE Ho everything that yo neeH. o have to give >ommanHs; yo have to be Iing. onLt ensEave yorseEf to the minH; to the ego; to the senses. o have to >ommanH them anH everything wiEE be Hone. therwise yo be>ome a sEave. &o be a sEave means that; with any Hesire that yo have yo be>ome a sEave to it. o ensEave yorseEf to anything that yo neeH or Hesire; to petty things; yo be>ome a beggar. o >hoose: %f yo are a Iing; yo mst behave EiIe Iing. %f yo are beggar taIe a begging bowE anH beg. "ny Hesire that arises in yor minH maIes yo a beggar. o who are yo now; Iing or beggar it on yor throne. @@@@@@@@
!nEightenment is to reEieve yo from the >on>ept of bonHage. o say yo are bonH; then yo asI for something that is the opposite of bonHage. %f yo are in prison yo neeH to be free. &hat means to get ot of jaiE. !veryboHy is bonH; everyboHy is in the prison of Hesires; the prison of; T% want this anH % want that.T &hey are never fEfiEEeH. "ny prisoner that Hesires something in the jaiE is not fEfiEEeH. -e is bonHO he wants to be reEeaseH. &he whoEe samsara is a prison; the whoEe niverse is a prison be>ase yor Hesires are not fEfiEEeH. ne is fEfiEEeH anH gives yo sorrow. ,hen yo asI for another Hesire it enHs in sorrowO anH then the thirH one enHs in sorrow. &his is the Eife anH this is samsara: *o one is happy. -ere or there a rare one HemanHs; T% want to be free of samsara.T &his is >aEEeH enEightenment. &o be free of sorrows; to be free of Heath anH tensions anH nhappiness is >aEEeH enEightenment. &his is a very weE>ome Hesire; whi>h arises here anH there. " very few — perhaps a finger >ont in a >entry — wiEE asI for enEightenment. &he worEH has not m>h >apa>ity to proH>e many enEighteneH peopEe in a >entry. ,e have to Hig into the past to finH some eJampEe of an enEighteneH person. ,e have to go a nH hnt it Hown from >entries ago to finH an enEighteneH man; so it is a very weE>ome Hesire: to be enEighteneH. &o be feeEing totaE in this moment is neither bonHage nor enEightenment. &his moment has got nothing to Ho with >on>ept of bonHage or even enEightenment. &his moment has no name. %t is the most pre>ios moment. &his moment is ot of time; ot of minH; ot of >on>ept; ot of any iHeation. &his is free. &his is yor home anH yo are aEways in this moment. o went to the past to sffer. t of sffering yo wanteH to be free. &he thoght; T% want to be enEighteneH.T arose from the past. %n this moment yo have no Hesire; not even for enEightenment. 60
1=17 @anary; 199C @@@
"hun the -ompany o* the &ast &he past is stronger than the present in the minH be>ase yo >annot see the present. !veryboHy speaIs to yo of the past. o yo finH anyone among yor frienHs anH reEations who is speaIing of the present !veryone speaIs to yo of the pastO therefore it has be>ome very strong. o wiEE have to seeI ot the >ompany of those who speaI to yo of the present moment; then this wiEE aEso be>ome m>h stronger anH yo wiEE shn the >ompany of the past. &o get riH of the past Ieep >ompany with those who are trying to Eive in; or who have tasteH this moment of present; who are speaIing abot this present Eife. atsang means asso>iation with those who Eive in &rth. -ere everyone is speaIing everyHay of this present moment; of pea>e anH Eove anH happiness. &he enemy is very strong: 'inH is yor enemy. o have to be very strong anH tight fisteH with yor He>ision not to be EeaH away by those frienHs who trobEe yo. hn their >ompany; even if they are reEateH to yo. &here was a yong prin>ess in %nHia; stiEE in her teens. he haH great Eove of freeHom bt the royaE famiEy woEH not aEEow her to meHitate. &hey saiH that it was not the right way to Eive in a royaE paEa>eO that yo have to Eive as Meens Eive. -er minH was very serene anH pea>efE; anH she haH no one to trn to for giHan>e. %n the royaE paEa>e there was the Iing anH aEE his reEations; bt no one who >oEH be a giHe for her or a frienH. he hearH of someone whose aHvi>e she >oEH seeI. he wrote a Eetter anH gave it to a rnner to get aHvi>e. he wrote in the Eetter: T'y Hear father; % Ho not Inow whi>h behavior wiEE be better for me. &hese peopEe threaten me; saying that % have to Eive in s>h=anH=s>h a moEH to sit the paEa>e. Bt this behavior HoesnLt sit me. % want to meHitate. % have to win freeHom in this Eife. Bt these peopEe threaten me anH give me trobEe. PEease aHvise me what to Ho.T &he repEy >ame ba>I: Thn everyone; whosoever they may be; maybe near anH Hear to yo — hsbanH; reEations; parents; whosoever. ,aEI ot.8 &hat was aEE he wrote. &hen he MoteH Hifferent stories of a son Hisobeying their father; a wife Hisobeying her hsbanH; to finH freeHom. -e gave many eJampEes. &he Meen waEIeH away from the paEa>e anH is stiEE remembereH toHay. o wiEE have to He>iHe for yor own gooH. o >anLt pEease the worEH. ,ho has ever pEeaseH the worEH %f yo have won freeHom perhaps everyone wiEE be happy with yo. ,e stiEE remember peopEe who EiveH a Eife of freeHom; even thosanHs of years ago. ,e HonLt remember or reEations. ,e forget even those who have been HeaH for ten or twenty years. " person who worIeH for himseEf anH won enEightenment anH gave aHvi>e to others is stiEE aEive. o have to maIe p yor minH. *oboHy >an trobEe yo if yo He>iHe for freeHom. o have to maIe a firm He>ision then nothing >an trobEe yo. %f yo are weaI everyboHy wiEE trobEe yo. %f yo simpEy Ieep Miet % HonLt thinI any thoght >an >ome. impEy He>iHe to sit Miet. &his wiEE be a fire — nothing >an to>h yo. ntiE now it is onEy that yor He>ision has been weaI. 1D @anary; 199C 61
'pen $our '6n Book "EE yo have to Ho is to stiEE the minH. &here are two ways to Miet the minH: ne is throgh inMiry; whi>h is sitabEe to a very few MaEifieH peopEeO anH the other is throgh yoga; whi>h in>EHes >on>entration; meHitation anH other pra>ti>es. 3irst yo neeH the >apa>ity to His>ern the reaE from the nreaE; to embra>e what is reaE anH to aHhere to it. #eje>t what is nreaE anH faEse. 3as>ination with stHy; Iarma; piEgrimages; or Hips in the hoEy waters wiEE not heEp yo. $earning aEE the +eHas; aEE the stras; EiIe a parrot is not going to heEp yo. *o gift; asterity or >harity is going to heEp yo. 'ore important than anything is the brning Hesire for freeHom. &his aEone is enogh. %f yo have this brning Hesire yo wiEE be EeH to satsang. atsang means to stay Miet; to stiEE the minH; to bring it ba>I to the >enter wherever it goes. %f yo >anLt Ho it by yorseEf then sear>h for a perfe>teH tea>her; bt Ho not maIe any mistaIe; yo see. ,hen yo go shopping yo have free >hoi>e abot what to by anH yo have this same freeHom in seEe>ting a tea>her. %n the spermarIet yo >hoose; T% HonLt want this; % HonLt want that; this is not gooH; that is not gooH.T o have freeHom of >hoi>e; no bargain >an be str>I. or hman Eife anH enEightenment is on one hanH; anH wasting yor Eife with someone in>ompetent to Eiberate yo is on the other. omeone >ame to see me saying; T% have gone to many tea>hers withot finHing enEightenment; anH finaEEy % fonH that my >rrent master himseEf is not enEighteneH. -e has initiateH me anH now he is fiEEing me with aEE IinHs of fear. -e says that if yo Eeave the tea>her yo wiEE have to go to heEE. % met someone who toEH me to >ome here. % am here to be enEighteneH. 'y gr is very Eoving; he is not withhoEHing anything from meO he tea>hes me with great Eove. -e has taght me aEE the s>riptres so that % Inow them by heart; bt % am missing freeHom. % have fonH that my minH is not free; it is not Miet. Bt now % Inow that % am on the right tra>I anH in some way % am here to heEp my tea>her. "fter enEightenment % wiEE go anH enEighten my tea>her.T % have never hearH a stHent resoEving to enEighten his tea>her before? %f yo are bent pon freeHom — HetermineH to win freeHom in this span of Eife; this year; this month; toHay; now — yo wiEE have to maIe a >hoi>e. "nything wiEE srfa>e from the minH to sabotage yo. 3inH the best ways to Miet the minH. &he instant that the minH is stiEEeH there is meHitation. 'eHitation has to be perenniaE; permanent; not jst sitting for an hor a Hay. %t Hoes not mean >hanting the thoght; T% have to be free.T %t means being >entereH in the eEf; whi>h is aEone treO aEE eEse is faEse. &here mst be a very strong nHerstanHing in yor minH. %t is not Hiffi>Et on>e yo His>over the abiEity to His>ern what is reaE from what is nreaE. PEeasres of the senses may try to Histra>t yo; reEigions may promise yo pEeasres in heaven af ter Eife; bt yo wiEE have to abanHon aEE these things. "banHon stHying any booIO it Hoes not heEp yo. *ow yo open yor own booI for the first time. pen yor own booI anH Ieep Miet. CC 3ebrary; 199C @@@
What is Enli#htenment? "EE yo have to Ho is to stiEE the minH; whi>h >an be Hone in one of two ways: &hrogh inMiry; whi>h is sitabEe to a very few MaEifieH peopEeO or throgh yoga; whi>h in>EHes >on>entration; meHitation anH other pra>ti>es. Bt first yo neeH the >apa>ity to His>ern the reaE from the nreaE; to embra>e what is reaE anH to aHhere to it. #eje>t what is nreaE anH faEse. 3as>ination with stHy; Iarma; piEgrimages; or Hips in the hoEy waters wiEE not heEp yo. $earning aEE the +eHas; aEE the stras; EiIe a parrot is not going to heEp yo. *o gift; asterity or >harity is going to heEp yo. 'ore important than anything is the brning Hesire for freeHom. &his aEone is enogh. %f yo have this brning Hesire yo wiEE be EeH to satsang; whi>h means to stay Miet; to stiEE the minH; to bring it ba>I to the >enter wherever it goes. !ither Ho it by yorseEf or sear>h for a perfe>teH tea>her; bt Ho not go astray from the Eonging to be free. ,hen yo go shopping yo have free >hoi>e abot what to by; anH yo have this same freeHom in seEe>ting a tea>her. %n the spermarIet yo >hoose; T% HonLt want this; % HonLt want thatO this is not gooH; that is not gooH.T o have freeHom of >hoi>e. *o bargain >an be str>I. or hman Eife anH enEightenment is on one hanH; anH wasting yor Eife with someone in>ompetent to Eiberate yo is on the other. omeone >ame to see me saying; T% have gone to many tea>hers withot finHing enEightenment; anH finaEEy % fonH that my >rrent 'aster himseEf is not enEighteneH. -e has initiateH me anH now he is fiEEing me with aEE IinHs of fear. -e says that if yo Eeave the tea>her yo wiEE have to go to heEE. % met someone who toEH me to >ome here. % am here to be enEighteneH. 'y gr is very Eoving. -e is not withhoEHing anything from me. -e tea>hes me with great Eove. -e has taght me aEE the s>riptres so that % Inow them by heart; bt % am missing freeHom. % have fonH that my minH is not free; it is not MietO bt now % Inow that % am on the right tra>I; anH in some way % am here to heEp my tea>her. "fter enEightenment % wiEE go anH enEighten my tea>her.T % have never hearH a stHent resoEving to enEighten his tea>her before? %f yo are bent pon freeHom; HetermineH to win freeHom in this span of Eife; this year; this month; toHay; now; yo wiEE have to maIe a >hoi>e. "nything wiEE srfa>e from the minH to sabotage yo. 3inH the best ways to Miet the minH. &he instant that the minH is stiEEeH there is meHitation. &his meHitation has to be perenniaE; permanent — not jst sitting for an hor a Hay. %t Hoes not mean >hanting the thoght; % have to be free.8 %t means being >entereH in the eEf whi>h aEone is tre; aEE eEse is faEse. &here mst be a very strong nHerstanHing in yor minH. %t is not Hiffi>Et on>e yo His>over the abiEity to His>ern what is reaE from what is nreaE. PEeasres of the senses may try to Histra>t yo; reEigions may promise yo pEeasres in heaven after EifeO bt yo wiEE have to abanHon aEE these things. "banHon stHying any booIO it Hoes not heEp yo. pen yor own booI now for the first time. pen yor own booI anH Ieep Miet. CC 3ebrary; 199C @@@
What Is 1he "el*? &his the proper time for aEE of s to introH>e the minH to the eEf. ,hat is the eEf %t is yor own originaE natre: satyam; shivam; snHaram — whi>h means trth; >ons>iosness; bEiss. &his is the eEf whi>h was before the origin anH whi>h is going to be after the enH. &hat is the pEa>e where yo aEways are.
%t is not that yo have to be>ome something or that yo have to attain something; or that yo have gain something afresh. o are going to Eose anything whi>h is gaineH or obtaineH be>ase it is not yor natre. "nything gaineH is not permanent be>ase yo HiH not possess it previosEy — yo got it throgh effort. %t was absent before yo attaineH it so yo >annot Ieep it forever. omehow this notion arises anH this notion be>omes minH. &his notion is onEy minH; whi>h is not Histin>t from N%. N% arises — this is what is >aEEeH minH. L%L is not separate from ego. -ow HiH it aEE start &he ego is not separate f rom the boHyO the boHy is not separate from the senses nor their respe>tive obje>ts; nor the entire manifestation with the notion of time — beginning; miHHEe; anH enH. %t aEE starteH with L%L. ,e got invoEveH in it. &his is the appropriate time to retrn home. o have to Ho this here anH now by withHrawing the otgoing tenHen>ies of the minH. &hat is how we meHitate: ,e sit Miet. ring meHitation the minH is rnning otwarHs foEEowing its own tenHen>ies; its own Hesires for respe>tive obje>ts anH enjoyments that are Heep=rooteH in the minH. ring meHitation this has to be >he>IeH. &his is the meaning of meHitation: to bring ba>I aEE the otgoing tenHen>ies of the minH wherever they are going. 2he>I them? Bring them ba>I to L%L. 3rom here yo have to be very vigiEant; very attentive. o not maIe any effort. o not be>ome invoEveH in any thinIing pro>ess. impEy Ieep Miet. &hrogh in>essant vigiEan>e aEEow it to happen; aEEow this reveEation to taIe pEa>e; withot Ieeping any gain in yor minH; withot maIing any effort to be>ome anything eEse. &his is an nfoEHment — this is >aEEeH reveEation. "t this point bring everything ba>I; bring aEE these tenHen>ies ba>I to the L%L thoght. Be very vigiEant anH finH ot how this notion of L%L arises. %t is a bsoEteEy ne>essary to Ieep Miet; to remain withot thinIing; withot maIing any effort. % HonLt thinI anyboHy >oEH Hes>ribe what is going to happen beyonH this. %t has never been Hes>ribeH. %t is for yo to Hive into yor own sor>e; to arrive ba>I home. o HonLt neeH anyone eEse to EeaH yo; yo HonLt neeH any >ompanion. o have to Ho it aEone — withot the minH; withot the inteEEe>t; withot the ego; withot the boHy; withot the senses; withot their obje>ts. nEy vigiEan>e is neeHeH; natraE vigiEan>e with no effort; withot even a thoght. &hat >an be haH here anH nowU or never. &his is p to yo. D "priE; 199C @@@
;eep uiet! ,hen % speaI abot Mietness — when % teEE yo to Ieep Miet — it is not easy for everyone to foEEow. 'ost peopEe here are from Hifferent ba>IgronHs; pra>ti>es; saHhanasO anH therefore feeE they neeH to Ho something; to pt something into pra>ti>e. ,hen % say; T5eep Miet.T it is not a pra>ti>e. &here is nothing to be Hone anH nothing to be nHone. &his >annot be foEEoweH. &here is nothing to thinI abot; no neeH to maIe any IinH of effort. &his is an inHi>ation of the Mietness % am speaIing abot. &rth aEways eJists. !Jisten>e aEone is. %t is >aEEeH satyam. ,e speaI abot enEightenment; bt first we have >reateH bonHage. BonHage Hoes not eJist. -ow >an yo remove that whi>h Hoes not eJist 3irst; tea>hers impose a >on>ept of bonHage anH then varios pra>ti>es are pres>ribeH. &here may be miEEions of booIs in 64
the worEH; thosanHs more are pbEisheH every Hay. *owhere Hoes it say; TBe MietT. ,hen yo simpEy say T5eep Miet;T what is the rest of the booI to be abot &here is no ignoran>e at aEEO there is onEy eJisten>e — there is onEy satyam. %f yo simpEy Ieep Miet yo wiEE Inow that onEy this eJists. Before the sn rises earEy in the morning it Hoes not first try to remove the HarIness of the night. &he sn Hoes not say; T$et me brsh away the HarIness anH onEy then; in the Haytime; % wiEE rise.T 3or the sn there is no Eight; there is no HarIness to be removeH. &he sn Hoes not even Inow that s>h a thing as night eJists. ,hat pra>ti>e is neeHeH to remove HarIness; where is this HarIness "EE pra>ti>es impEy the reaEity of HarIness; of ignoran>e; when in fa>t they Ho not eJist. &he river in the sanH is a mirageO it Hoes not eJist; it never eJisteH. %f yo go >Eoser anH >Eoser the sanH not even is wetO it is onEy a beEief that maIes s rn after a mirage; nothing eEse. &here is onEy satyamO there is onEy &rth. ,hat neeH is there of pra>ti>e %t is onEy pra>ti>e whi>h is >on>eaEing the trth. o have been given a >on>ept by most of the tea>hers that there is HarIness; anH that yo have to spenH yor whoEe Eife >Eearing this HarIness. *o one speaIs abot EightO everyone is trying to remove HarIness anH ignoran>e when it Hoes not reaEEy eJist. 3irst of aEE; EooI for yorseEf? -as anyone seen any ignoran>e ometimes when peopEe who >ome to see me >ome >Eoser to Ieeping Miet they say; T% Ho not nHerstanH.T ,hat is there to nHerstanH impEy Ieep Miet — this is what yo reaEEy are. -ow >an there be any Hobt %n Ieeping Miet yo His>over what yo reaEEy are. &hrogh spiritaE pra>ti>es yo overEooI the one who is >asing this to happen. ,ho is invoEving yor Eimbs in the pra>ti>e; yor inteEEe>t in the pra>ti>e ,ho is >asing yor minH to be invoEveH in trying to get nHerstanHing %f the one >asing a>tivity is not there yo >annot >onH>t any pra>ti>e. &his is why % teEE yo to simpEy Ieep Miet. &hen yo wiEE Inow what yo trEy are anH what yo have aEways been; anH this is inHestr>tibEe. "EE eEse wiEE be HestroyeH; onEy !Jisten>e itseEf remains. &he &rth wiEE aEways remain — it %s — it is eternaE. &hat whi>h is not this trth Hoes not eJist at aEE. o have two >hoi>es: !ither yo foEEow most tea>hers anH spenH yor Eife trying to remove or >Eean ot the minH. 3irst yo wiEE have to finH ot if the minH eJists. *o one has seen the minH. !ven if yo fonH it; how Ho yo propose to >Eean it !veryone is pra>ti>ing >Eeaning the minH bt there is no one so far who has >EeaneH it. ,here is this minH to be >EeaneH &he se>onH >hoi>e is to Ieep Miet anH yo wiEE Inow who reaEEy yo are. &his is very simpEe. %t is not going to taIe yo timeO in fa>t time Hoes not appear. &here is nothing otsiHe that >an heEp yo; yo have jst to Ieep Miet — thatLs aEE — anH yo wiEE Inow then yo are eternaE. o are !ternaE !Jisten>e itseEf. < 'ay; 199C @@@
What is Meditation? " Eong time ago; iHHhartha went from pEa>e to pEa>e going throgh Hifferent pro>esses; meeting Hifferent tea>hers who were performing Hifferent penan>es. ome were meHitating; some were performing ritaEs; some were even hanging from the trees; some were stanHing with their hanHs aEways p; never sitting at aEE. ,hen iHHhartha sat Hown nHer the boHhi tree he got p as BHHha. "nanHa was the first man to asI the master what he haH got there. &he repEy was; *othing.8 ,e Ho not 65
Inow how to Hes>ribe what he fonH nHer the boHhi tree. -e spent the rest of his Eife; from A0 to D0; trying to Hes>ribe what he haH got anH stiEE he >oEH not. &his is something that stiEE remains n=Hes>ribeH; n=>on>eiveH. ,hen yo Inow that yo are meHitating it is not meHitation. &he thoght that; T% am meHitating anH this is the pro>ess.T is not meHitation. itting in a parti>Ear postre is not meHitation. 2on>entrating on Hifferent >enters in the sshpana >hanneE of the spine is not meHitation. 2hanting a formEa is not meHitation. -aving a vision or pi>tre of a parti>Ear Heity is not meHitation. o what is meHitation &he important Mestion is if the meHitation is imma>Eate; nto>heH; withot >ase anH withot effe>t &o Inow what meHitation is; yo have to finH who the meHitator is: T,ho is the meHitatorT ,hen yo asI this everything wiEE Hrop. &he pro>ess wiEE to Hrop be>ase yo are inMiring into the natre of the meHitator; the one who is bsy with this pro>ess of saHhana; who is eJe>ting the pra>ti>e of meHitation — the same one who eJe>tes anything that is possibEe throgh the minH. %f yo asI who the meHitator is % HonLt thinI yo wiEE easiEy get the answer be>ase everything wiEE Hrop right here. o have to finH ot who the meHitator is; who is meHitating; anH what is the prpose of meHitation. o forgot the prpose of meHitation. ,e wanteH freeHom from this worEH pro>ess of sffering anH to enH this we meHitate with the heEp of the minH. &he minH itseEf is sffering; is samsaraO so if we taIe the heEp of minH we a re not going to arrive anywhere. "sI who the meHitator is anH yo wiEE repEy to yorseEf: T% meHitate. % am the meHitator.T ,hat is this N% who be>omes the meHitator -ow is it Hifferent from what it is sear>hing for o wiEE have to His>over what has been >on>eaEeH when yo give rise to this meHitator — what is brieH nHerneath. ,hat is that fonHation ot of whi>h this meHitator rises anH performs Hifferent saHhanas anH pra>ti>es #etrn ba>I home to finH the sor>e of the meHitator — the sor>e of N%. &here is no Hifferen>e between the meHitator; the N%; the minH; anH the ego. ,henever we meHitate it is the ego that taIes the roEe of the meHitator; so meHitation has not broght any resEt so far. omeone arose from nHer the boHhi tree. &hat >annot be attribteH to any pra>ti>e of meHitation. ,hen he was asIeH what he haH attaineH he was Mite honest anH saiH; T*othing.T -e haH not attaineH anything Hring the pro>ess of Eong sittings of meHitation. omething haH reveaEeH itseEf to itseEf. &hat reveEation; that happening; is not in yor hanHs. %f yo >arry a gn on yor shoEHer anH yo are EooIing for a target it wiEE taIe yo eEsewhere. &he gn is effort; the gn is ego. %f yo Hrop the gn anH HonLt possess anything it is going to reveaE itseEf; by itseEf; to itseEf within itseEf. &hat whi>h has been >on>eaEeH sin>e miEEions of years wiEE have to reveaE itseEf. ,e are waiting; thinIing that we have to Ho something abot it. %t is this Hoer=ship whi>h is >on>eaEing the trth; eJisten>e; >ons>iosness; anH bEiss. therwise this has aEways been with yo; is with yo now; anH wiEE aEways be with yo. o >an never separate yorseEf from it at any time. o >annot breathe withot it; yo >annot Eive withot it. %t was onEy a >on>ept that the wave was Hifferent from the o>ean; that the ring was Hifferent from the goEH; or that the vesseE is Hifferent f rom the >Eay. Be>ase we Ho not see the sbstratm we finH a Hifferen>e. -ere anH now; if we Ho not maIe any effort; if we Ho not a>tivate a singEe thoght; if we Ho not even aEEow the thoght N%; if we Ho not hoEH to the >on>ept of time; if we Ho not postpone anything to the neJt moment; to the neJt breath; this is going to reveaE itseEf. -ere anH now means ot of time aEE together. &his has nothing to Ho with any meHitation or any pro>ess. ,e have trieH enHEessEy throgh nmberEess in>arnations anH we have 66
not been abEe to >ompEete it. &his time Eet s He>iHe to retrn home. ,e have been Hifferent waves; Hifferent name anH formO bt if name anH form Hoes not arise where is the wave ,e are the o>ean; eJisten>e; >ons>iosness anH bEiss. ,e have >ome here to reaEiKe this withot any effort. ,e have trieH every IinH of effort; we have been aHviseH in or Hifferent ba>IgronHs to Ho this8 or Ho that.8 *ow; here; f or the first time yo Ho not have to Ho anything. impEy sit Miet for one moment in time. &hat is aEE that is reMireH to reaEiKe eJisten>e; >ons>iosness anH bEiss. -ow >oEH eJisten>e be absent %s it possibEe for yo ever to Heny that yo eJist or even that yo are >ons>ios of yor eJisten>e o >an onEy Heny that yo are happy be>ase no one is happy; from the Iing Hown to the worIer. ,e have been missing bEiss be>ase we have been sear>hing for it in things whi>h are not permanent; whi>h are not eternaE; whi>h appear anH Hisappear. nEy bEiss is missing. !Jisten>e >an be fonH in ro>Is; in animaEs; in trees. ,e are hman beings; a sper spe>ies among D.G miEEion spe>ies. &his is the spreme form; the most bEesseH form; in whi>h it is possibEe to Inow that we are &hat. o not postpone the right se of a hman form ntiE the neJt Eife or the neJt Hay. &omorrow wiEE never >ome. &his is not Hiffi>Et; not Eo>ateH miEes away from yo. %t is here; now; nearer than yor own breath. %t is behinH the retina. %t is that whi>h shines throgh the eyes. %t is that whi>h even snshine >annot rea>h; nor the moon; nor the stars; nor fire. o are &hat. m -are m. 1< 'ay; 199C @@@
Who am I? ,ho are yo ,here Ho yo >ome from "nH where are yo going !J>ept by a very few; a finger >ont; these Mestions have never been >onfronteH sin>e time immemoriaE. o are here now; so Eet s try to soEve them. ,e His>ss this everyHay: o have forgotten who are yo. o have forgotten that yo are home; yo have forgotten yor Hestination; where yo have to go. &his is why we sffer again anH again. 'iEEions of years have passeH anH we have not yet soEveH these Mestions. %t is so simpEe no time or pra>ti>e is neeHeH. ,e are simpEy otherwise engageH. ,e are bsy with aEE or o>>pations; with wanting this anH that; with hoEHing to the iHea that; &his is mine.8 anH % beEong to this.8 3inH ot who yo are anH who are yor reEations. !very night when yo sEeep yo eJperien>e Eeaving everything behinH — yor reEations anH frienHs; yor hose; yor >ontry; the montains; anH rivers. o HonLt see anything when yo are asEeep anH yo have no trobEeO yo are happy. &his is a very short eJperien>e whi>h we have every night He to the >ompassion of yor own eEfO giving yo a hint to His>over !ternaE BEiss. &his is for a very short time. ,hen yo go to sEeep yo are at pea>e. &he onEy trobEesome states are waIing anH Hreaming. ,ho waIes p anH gets into trobEe ,ho Hreams &he Hreamer gets into trobEe; bt no one Inows who they are anH where they have to retrn to. &his is so simpEe that every reasonabEe person >an soEve it; here anH now. ,e speaI every Hay abot this whi>h has been Eost. o trn otsiHe to a giHe who is He>eiving yo anH yo trst that giHe. ,ho is that giHe %t is yor own minH. "Ethogh he has aEways He>eiveH yo; yo retrn to the same giHe be>ase yo are seH to him. -e has been yor giHe sin>e the beginning; bt he has aEways He>eiveH yo. *ow asI 67
yorseEf the Mestion; ,ho am %8 for the first time. &his Mestion has never been asIeH. o have simpEy trsteH the minH to teEE yo what to Ho anH yo have obeyeH. &his is the time for aEE of s here to asI this Mestion. o away with this giHe anH yo wiEE retrn to yor !ternaE -ome; to !Jisten>e; to 2ons>iosness; to BEiss. %s there any time when yo are not in the minH; when yo stop yor ra>e after pEeasres of the senses; when yo simpEy see 5eep stiEE anH this giHe Hisappears; simpEy with the Mestion; ,ho are yo8 &hen yo wiEE Inow what the minH is; anH it Hisappears. &his Mestion has never been asIeH. &his giHe has never been >haEEengeH before. ,herever yo have gone ntiE now yo have aEEoweH it to He>eive yo. %t has toEH yo this or that is gooH; anH yo a>>epteH it — that this is a worEH of pEeasre; anH yo a>>epteH it — that these goHs wiEE give yo pEeasres in heavens; anH yo a>>epteH it. ,hen yo >haEEenge the minH it Hisappears instantEy. &his is why every Hay we emphasiKe the Mestion; ,ho are yo8 &he MaEifi>ation neeHeH to asI this Mestion is His>rimination — the abiEity to Inow the reaE from the nreaE; the eternaE from the faEse; the pre from the impre. is>rimination mst first be HeveEopeH; anH it wiEE EeaH to the >apa>ity to asI the Mestion whi>h HissoEves aEE that is faEse. ,hen yo asI this Mestion with His>ernment yo wiEE >ome to Inow what is reaE anH what is nreaE. &rn to any thing whi>h has name anH form anH see where this name anH form >ame from. ,as it eternaE or HiH it appear in the past a few years ago; anH wiEE it Hisappear after a few more years !verything wiEE Hisappear. %n fa>t the whoEe worEH Hisappears when yo sEeep. ,hatever is eternaE mst remain >onstantEy. %t never Hisappears. &hat whi>h appears anH Hisappears is faEsehooH. "EE reEationships p to this point have been with appearan>es anH Hisappearan>es; anH so there has been no reEationship with that whi>h is !ternaE; whi>h is yor own -ome; whi>h is yor own eEf; yor own 3rienH; yor "tman; whi>h is !Jisten>e itseEf. !Jisten>e wiEE remain aEways. %t wiEE never be>ome non=eJisten>e. 2ons>iosness wiEE aEways remain >ons>iosness. %n the waIing state yo are >ons>ios of Hoing this anH that. %n the Hream state yo are >ons>ios of the Hreamer Hoing something. %n the sEeep state yo are >ons>ios of not Inowing anything; of enjoying the bEiss of Heep sEeep; yo are aEso very m>h >ons>ios of this. !Jisten>e is there aEways; >ons>iosness is there aEways; anH bEiss >an aEso be there aEways. %n the waIing state; pEeasre is mistaIen for bEiss. PEeasre is temporary. ,e may >aEE it bEiss; bt bEiss is eternaE. %t is yor natre. %t is yor "tman; yor own eEf. ,e may stmbEe on Hifferent eJperien>es bt we are stiEE sear>hing for the same thing. &he one who is sear>hing — the seeIer itseEf — is what is neeHeH. ,e are Eost in a sear>h withot Inowing who it is that is enjoying aEE this. ,e are atta>heH; so we attribte the sor>e of this joy to the obje>t withot Inowing the enjoyer. %t is the eEf — the "tman — who is enjoyingO not the obje>t. *o obje>t has any >apa>ity to give yo happiness. %t is N% who enjoys the obje>t; whatever obje>t it may beO anything; any reEation; any iHea; any >on>ept; the sor>e of their joy >omes from N%; not from the obje>t or iHea or notion. ,hen yo riH yorseEf of aEE notions; aEE intentions anH iHeas; this wiEE be reveaEeH. top for a whiEe. 4ive an instant to yor own eEf — jst an instant that yo have never fonH time for so far. o have spent A< miEEion years for others; seeIing Eove; seeIing beaty; seeIing rest; anH yo have not got it. o have been hit>hhiIing miEEions of times anH yet again yo are here. %f this sonHs gooH yo >an go throgh it anH it is Hone; not by any IinH of pra>ti>e for yo have Hone enogh. ,hat haH to be Hone is Hone now. %t is finisheH. ,hat haH to be 68
attaineH is attaineH. o are here in satsang. %n satsang no pra>ti>e is neeHeH; nothing is Hone. nEy yo are asIeH to Ieep Miet. nEy yo are asIeH to Ieep stiEE. nEy yo are asIeH not to stir a singEe thoght. "nH wait... &rn yor ba>I on whatever appears in front of yo. *ow is the time to trn yor ba>I on what yo have Hone in the past. &rn yor fa>e to what has not been Hone before. &rn yor fa>e towarHs yor own atman for the first time anH trn yor ba>I on this name anH form. 1D 'ay; 199C @@@
$ou 0eed emindin# 'nly 'ne! o onEy have to be reminHeH on>e of who yo are. o Ho not have to Ho a nything. o Ho not have to reaH any booI or Eisten to any >assettes or tapes. @st a reminHer or even overhearing is enogh. % wiEE teEE yo a story abot a baby >hiEH. &here was a Iing who was fonH of hnting game. ne Hay the Meen aEso insisteH on a>>ompanying the Iing for the hnt. he He>iHeH to taIe her baby boy aEong with her aEso; anH they starteH ot. %n the evening they pit>heH a tent in the forest so they >oEH go ot in the night; riHing on an eEephant to finH some game. 4eneraEEy hnting is Hone at night be>ase aEE the animaEs go ot for fooH then. &he yong prin>e was Iept nHer the >are of nrses anH sentries were posteH otsiHe the tent. o the Iing anH Meen anH aEE their retine went ot the whoEe night hnting for game anH retrneH to the tent at abot ten neJt morning. &he Meen fonH that her son was missing. %n the night the nrses anH the garHs haH faEEen asEeep. &he boy haH woIen p; anH not finHing his mama Eying neJt to him he haH waEIeH ot of the tent anH Heeper anH Heeper into the forest in sear>h of his mama; the Meen. &he Meen >ame ba>I anH feEt very saH. !veryone was eJhasteHO they haH not sEept the whoEe night. Bt she saiH she woEH not even eat breaIfast ntiE she haH seen her son again. ome saiH that he haH been eaten by a woEf or a hyena; bt the Meen saiH that there woEH be marIs of bEooH insiHe the tent or nearby. " sear>h was monteH to finH the bones. &he Meen saiH that if the bones were proH>eH she >oEH be sre that her son haH been IiEEeH by a wiEH animaE anH she woEH a>>ept the sitation. &hey EooIeH aEE aronH the tent for a miEe in aEE Hire>tions bt they HiH not finH any tra>e of bEooH stains. &hey haH to retrn to the >apitaE; bt the Iing He>iHeH to senH sear>h parties in aEE for Hire>tions throghot the >ontry anH instr>teH them not to retrn ntiE they fonH the boy; or at Eeast a >Ee as to his fate. &he parties were Hispat>heH to >onsoEe the Meen. 'onths anH years passeH. &he boy was onEy three or for years oEH when he wanHereH into the forest HresseH onEy in his nHerwear. " potter who EiveH on the farther siHe of the forest was >oEEe>ting >Eay to maIe his pots anH fonH the boy >rying. -is famiEy haH no >hiEH so they were very happy to finH this >hiEH; a gift from goHs — very hanHsome boy. &hey broght him home; gave him a bath anH fooH anH new >Eothes. &he boy grew p with his new famiEy; heEping his foster father by >oEEe>ting >Eay anH bringing it home to heEp the famiEy maIe the pots. &weEve years passeH anH the teams of poEi>e were stiEE sear>hing for the prin>e. ne sear>h party was very thirsty so they stoppeH at a weEE where this boy was >oEEe>ting water to taIe home to his famiEy. &he poEi>emen saw the boy with a b>Iet anH asIeH him for a HrinI. -e gave them a >p of water anH they were thanIfE. T,hat is yor 69
nameT they asIeH the boy. T'y name is @ngEee.T he repEieH. @ngEee means forester in -inHi. &he famiEy gave him this name be>ase they fonH him in the jngEe. &he poEi>e were very shrewH. &hey asIeH him; T&his is very rare name. ,e have never hearH of anyone with the name @ngEee before. ,ho are yor parentsT Tr hose is over there. ,e maIe pots. 'y parents are at home;T repEieH the boy. &hat was aEE he >oEH say — he haH forgotten aEE abot his past. &hey were very sspi>ios abot this boyLs name. &hey wanteH to see his parents anH finH ot why they nameH him @ngEee. eeing the poEi>e party the parents be>ame very afraiH. &hey asIeH the father; T,ho is this boyT T-e is or son;T >ame the repEy. T%s he yor son ,hen HiH yo beget himT they asIeH. o the potter toEH his story: T"bot 1C years ago % was waEIing to the forest to fet>h some >Eay anH this boy was >rying. % broght him home anH for the East 1C years he has been with s. -e is not or son bt we have broght him p with great Eove anH >are be>ase we HiHnLt have a >hiEH of or own.T o the poEi>emen eJpEaineH what haH happeneH anH who this >hiEH was; anH the boy >oEH overhear the entire >onversation. 3inaEEy the poEi>e toEH the boy to >ome with them anH they woEH taIe him to the Iing. &he foster father was onEy >rying ot in fear; T%t is not or faEt; itLs not or faEt. ,e have fonH the boy.T "t that point a party of boys arriveH to >aEE @ngEee for a game whi>h they haH aEE Eeft nfinisheH from the night before. T2ome; @ngEee. 2ome to finish the game we HiH not finish East night.T &his boy haH onEy overhearH what the poEi>e haH saiH to his f ather. To yo Inow that he is the prin>eT &hey haH saiH; T-e is the prin>e. 2ome with s anH yo wiEE be rewarHeH. o have no reason to fear.T &he boy onEy overhearH the >onversation; that is aEE; bt he trneH to his frienHs who were >aEEing him to pEay anH toEH them; Tht p? %LEE have yo arresteH by my poEi>e? 5eep Miet or %LEE have yo arresteH?T -e be>ame the prin>e by simpEy overhearing what haH been saiH. -e HiH not meHiate to be>ome a prin>e nor HiH he reaH any stra or any booI. -e simpEy overhearH the trth of his sitation from an athority anH immeHiateEy he be>ame the prin>e. n>e yo hear from an athority that yo are &hat; it is Mite enogh. o Ho not neeH anything more. verhearing the worHs of an athoriKeH sor>e is enogh to Inow the trth. Bt not aEE who hear the trth responH in the same way. ome are very sharp witteH — they are EiIe >amphor to>hing a fEame. "EE is over; nothing is Eeft. &hey beEong to a very sperior MaEity of seeIer — in going to the tea>her; on>e they to>h the worH anH the ego is HestroyeH EiIe >amphor. thers are EiIe firewooH — they wiEE aEso be graHaEEy >onsmeH. &hey beEong to a se>onH type of person; a miHHEe MaEity. &he thirH type aEso to>hes the fire anH they taIe some time to brn anH to be>ome fire itseEf. &hose are the ones who are postponing; taIing their time. &hey wiEE aEso be>ome the fEame itseEf bt it wiEE taIe some time be>ase they are bsy He>iHing. &hey are EiIe >hiEHren who maIe sanH >astEes on the bea>h anH get Eost in their pEay tiEE the high tiHe >omes. ome wise >hiEHren see that their mother is waiting anH Ii>I over what they have biEt with HobEe pEeasre anH meet their mother before the high tiHe >omes. !verything wiEE be swept away by the high tiHe. Before it >omes it is better to retrn home; yor mother is >aEEing. &he thirH type is that >ategory whi>h Hoes not move — they are EiIe stone. %f yo pt a stone in the fire nothing wiEE happen. &he stone wiEE remain a stone — there wiEE be no ignition. &here are these three >ategories; anH aEE three >ategories are representeH here in this satsang; anH in the worEH: tamasi>; rajasi>; anH sattvi>. "EE neeH to be free. ome have a brning Hesire of freeHom — they neeH to meet a tea>her onEy on>e. " perfe>t tea>her anH a perfe>t Eonging for freeHom is aEE that is neeHeH. ome who >ome to see me here say; T% have it? % got it? Bt now % >annot He>iHe whether to Eeave yo or whether to stay 70
Eonger to stabiEiKe what % have got.T &here is no Mestion of stabiEiKation here. ne gEimpse of atman is enogh to give yo Eight. ne gEimpse is more than enogh. " smaEE winHow is enogh to aEEow the rays of the sn to >ome into the room. " smaEE hoEe is enogh to aEEow yo to eJpose yor fa>e to the sn. &hat Eight is M ite enogh to bring yo home. ome peopEe wait here anH say they might Eose what they have gaineH. % teEE them that yo wiEE sreEy Eose what has been gaineH. Bt how >an yo Eose anything whi>h yo have not gaineH ,hen yo have nothing in yor po>Iet how >an yo Eose it o Ho not have to gain anything. o have >ome to Eose aEE the brHens that yo have been >arrying on yor shoEHers sin>e A< miEEion years. &here were on>e two tea>hers in 2hina with ashrams abot <00 miEes apart. PeopEe seH to traveE from one ashram to the other. ne tea>her was prea>hing that it was ne>essary first to prify the minH EiIe a mirror — to wipe the Hst from the mirror so that yo >oEH see yor fa>e >EearEy. -e haH a great foEEowing. -is stHents aEE got invoEveH in >Eeaning the mirror for their whoEe Eifetime. &he other tea>her on the other siHe of the montains haH a very Hifferent tea>hing. -e HiH not say anything abot any mirror to be >EeaneH. &he first tea>her HiH not nHerstanH: %f the mirror is not >EeaneH; if there is Hst on the mirror; if there are weeHs in the EaIe; how >an yo see yor own refEe>tion o he sent one of his >Eosest stHents who was spposeH to have graspeH the tea>hing; to go anH finH ot what the other tea>her was tea>hing. -e haH fEE >onfiHen>e in this stHent. &he man arriveH in the other monastery. &he His>ipEes of the se>onH tea>her >ame to the master. Tome peopEe say this man is a very >onfiHent stHent; nmber one after the tea>her. &he tea>her has sent him here to steaE yor tea>hings.T &he master >ame to Inow abot it so he >aEEeH the man. " master has to speaI to everyone; whoever >omes. &he master asIeH this man: T"re yo a spyT Tes; 'aster; % >ame as a spy. % was sent by my master;T repEieH the man. TBt staying here with yo % am no Eonger a spy of my masterO % am yor stHent; bEess me. 'y master Hoes not tea>h this tea>hing. -e onEy says; L4o on rbbing the mirror. *ow yo teEE me there is no mirror anH no Hst to aEight on it. -ow simpEe? ,hen there is no mirror where is the Hst going to aEight &his is a very beatifE tea>hing. 'aster; % am going to stay with yo — pEease a>>ept me. Bt first pEease aEEow me one thing. 'y master is very beEoveH to me. % spent eighteen years with him. % am very gratefE to him. % have some responsibiEity; some gratitHe; some Hty to pay off this Hebt. o Eet me go anH give this tea>hing to my tea>her.T &he master saiH TIay; yo >an go; yo >an go.T o the stHent retrneH to his oEH tea >her. T,hat is the tea>hing that he givesT he was asIeH. T*o tea>hing? *o tea>hing? &here are so many mirrors we have been trying to >Eean. &hey wiEE never be >Eean. ,hen there is a mirror there wiEE aEways be Hst to aEight. &his master asIeH me; L,hen there is no mirror where is the Hst going to aEightL 2ome with me; 'aster? -e is a very beatifE tea>her with no tea>hing at aEE?T &he tea>her anH aEE his stHents >ame to see this master with no tea>hing. ,e are here for 3reeHom. r aim is freeHom bt we get Eost in saHhanas; pra>ti>es; yoga methoHs anH reaHing booIs. ,hy HiH yo >ome here ,hat was the prpose of wearing this hman boHy whi>h so pre>ios among D.G miEEion spe>ies; the highest tempEe n>e in A< miEEion years yo wear this beatifE form — HonLt waste it. o onEy neeH to be reminHeH EiIe this prin>e; anH yo are the prin>e. o have been saying; % am the boHy; % am the minH; % am the ego; % am the senses; % have obje>ts to enjoy.8 ,ith this brHen how >an yo fa>e yor own natre; how >an yo get on the throne -ow >an sit on the throne of the emperor if yo have forgotten who yo are o have to be reminHeHO yo Ho not neeH to perform any pra>ti>es.
,e speaI here of !Jisten>e; 2ons>iosness; BEiss. ,hen are yo not that ,hen was the time when yo were not that ,hen wiEE the time >ome when yo wiEE not be that -ow >an yo Eose !Jisten>e itseEf -ow >an yo Eose 2ons>iosness -ow >an yo Eose BEiss o have been Eost somewhere eEse so yo Ho not Inow who yo reaEEy are. 19 'ay; 199C @@@
0o &ratie is 0eeded ifferent pra>ti>es have been Hes>ribeH whi>h are being foEEoweH in the worEH. ne is gyanamarg — the path of InowEeHgeO one is bhaIti; or HevotionOanH one is Iarma. #itaEs; yoga; rajyoga; InHaEini yoga; piEgrimages to shrines; worship of the personaE Heities; re>itation of the hoEy booIs; repetition of the sa>reH formEas; anH many other types of eJer>ises; or saHhanas are being pra>ti>eH. &he Mestion is: ,hat is the goaE that yo have seEe>teH to arrive at ,hat Ho yo want ,hat is yor aim 3or Hifferent aims there are Hifferent roaHs; Hifferent pra>ti>es. -ere we are mainEy HeaEing with Brahman. % wiEE se the worH LBrahmanL; rather than LeEfL; be>ase in aEE other Eangages LseEfL >an be aEso be seH for the inHiviHaE soE; for the inHiviHaEity. Brahman is that whi>h is withot any attribtes — InowEeHge itseEf whi>h has no asso>iation; with no HaEity whatsoever. Brahman is the worH that has been seH in the booI of InowEeHge. ,e are worIing here on how to arrive at that attribte=Eess Brahman whi>h is beyonH the rea>h of the minH anH the inteEEe>t. %t is saiH by those who have gone beyonH anH reaEiKeH this goaE; that this is where the inteEEe>t anH its asso>iates EiIe minH; senses; anH so on beat a retreat. &hey >annot go there be>ase it reveaEs %tseEf by itseEf. o neeH no agent; no=one to taIe yo there; neither the inteEEe>t; nor the minH; nor the senses; nor any IinH of pra>ti>e; be>ase it is seEf= reveaEing. o neeH a >anHEe to finH something in a HarI room. o neeH the Eight of the sn in the Hay or of the moon in the night; anH if they are not there yo neeH a >anHEe or a Eamp in the hose. Bt yo HonLt neeH a >anHEe to see a Eamp — it is Eight itseEf. %t is seEf= reveaEing. %t is seEf=Eminos. *o asso>iation is possibEeO it is attribte=Eess. %t is aHviseH to reaEiKe the attribte=Eess Brahman; imma>Eate Brahman; e ternaE Brahman; or to aHopt a pra>ti>e whi>h is very near to yor goaE. !verything eEse — EiIe piEgrimages; prifi>ation; visiting >hr>hes — may Ho some benefit. ,orship of the Heities may aEso give yo some temporary reEief; >hanting of hoEy booIs may fo>s yor minH on one obje>t. Bt with aEE these pra>ti>es the minH is not yet obEiterateH. &he pra>ti>e nearest to trth for those few who want to reaEiKe absoEte Brahman is meHitation onEy on attribte=Eess Brahman itseEf; withot a ny obje>t of >on>entration. ,hen peopEe start to meHiate they Ho something; they hoEH some image in the minH or some worH. &hat may be sefE; bt it is even better to thinI of attribte=Eess Brahman; to aEways Ieep aware of the attribte=Eess Brahman Hring meHitation; Inowing that; % am Brahman.8 withot fo>sing on any obje>t of the past; present; or ftre. &his is the nearest pra>ti>e. %f yo want to Ho any pra>ti>e; to meHitate on attribte=Eess Brahman; imma>Eate Brahman; whi>h is none other than yor own "tman — yor own fnHamentaE natre. %f yo are not abEe to reaEiKe the trth instantEy yo >an >ontine this pra>ti>e for a whiEe. EowEy yo wiEE see that the meHitator anH the meHitateH pon vanish. *either attribte=Eess Brahman nor meHitation pon attribte=Eess Brahman has anything to Ho with a meHitator or something meHitateH pon.
o this >onstant eJer>ise is aHviseH; >onstant saHhana on attribte=Eess Brahman; thinIing; % am Brahman.8 %f yo want to thinI something; why thinI; % am the boHy8 &he boHy Hoes not East. ,hy thinI; % am this.8 or % am that8 %f yo want to have a thoght at aEE anH yo >annot Eive withot thinIing; then have this spreme thoght: % am Brahman.8 &his is the eJer>ise whi>h is nearest to yor goaE of Brahman itseEf. &he meHitator anH the meHitateH pon wiEE vanish. &his is the goaE that we starteH meHitation for. *o other saHhana or eJer>ise is as near as this for one who wants to be free of this samsara; from this going again anH again from Heath to birth anH birth to Heath. &his is how to breaI the >y>Ee. &here is onEy one way anH this is this way. &his >an >ontine aEways wherever yo are. o Ho not neeH to go to any ashram; be>ase noboHy there Inows how to sit Miet. %n every ashram anH >enter re>entEy Hifferent therapies have been introH>eH. &here shoEH be at Eeast one person who >oEH tea>h yo siEen>e; pea>e; anH tranMiEity; anH Hire>t yo to that pEa>e. -e shoEH be in the Inow of things himseEf; bt noboHy is there EiIe that. &herefore wherever yo go; some IinH of therapy has been introH>eH in every ashram. Be>ase no one tea>hes; it Miet anH HonLt Ho anything.8 %f a >enter were to Ho that what woEH be the se of that >enter " >enter is there for some >ommer>iaE reason; for some materiaE gain. &his is the onEy tea>hing that is not pra>ti>eH anywhere in the worEH? ,hat better tea>hing >oEH there be; or what better tea>her who teEEs yo; 5eep Miet?8 &his was the tea>hing of my master. *oboHy eEse has taght this re>entEy; in this >entry. &here were a few tea>hers aEso in the past bt not in this >entry. %n the twentieth >entry he aEone was the tea>her who >oEH say; 5eep Miet?8 &o Ieep Miet is the onEy goaE that yo have to pra>ti>e to Ho away with this >y>Ee. %f yo >anLt Ieep Miet; then the pra>ti>e >Eosest to this Mietness is pres>ribeH: &o repeat; % am Brahman.8 &here is no harm in this; be>ase when yo tter the worH Brahman8 it has neither name nor form. &his Brahman worH is not a name; be>ase name anH form go together immeHiateEy. ,hen yo tter a name there is a form. &here is no form to a>>ompany this name; so the minH is again formEess anH nameEess. &his Hoes not Hepi>t any obje>t or any sbje>t. &his pra>ti>e is not even a pra>ti>e. %t >an be >ontineH at home with whatever yo are Hoing in yor rotine of Eife. @st Ieep this thoght here anH Ho whatever yo want. &his is the way whi>h is nearest to yor own "tman. %n this Eife a hman boHy is very rare so we have to maIe the best of it. n>e Eost it >annot be regaineH. ,e woEH have to go aronH again. o are here from many >ontries; so Eet s finH some way to be happy in orseEves; to be pea>efE orseEves; anH taIe this message ba>I to or >ontry anH spreaH it. *ow is the time. ,e Inow what is happening in the niverse. ,e >an onEy Ieep Miet anH wish that sanity Hes>enH on hman beings. ,e senH gooH vibrations of pea>e anH Eove every morning. $et s behave at Eeast as hman beings; worIing for or own gooH anH for that of the worEH. BHHha has Hone it. @anaIa has Hone it. agnavaEIa has Hone it. +asishtha has Hone it. "nH hiIaraj has Hone it. +ishvamitra anH many others have Hone it. o why >anLt yo Ho it %f yo are bent pon Hoing it; it is here anH now.
C 'ay; 199C @@@
Why )re $ou %ere *or "atsan#? ,e are here in satsang to save orseEves from the sffering of repeateH rebirths. ,e are hereU we are >ompEeteH at Eeast one ronH of thirty five miEEion years. %t happeneH to D.G miEEion Hifferent IinHs of spe>ies that we aEE Inow; anH if we miss this >han>e again we have to go ronH. o Eet s maIe p some IaEpa this time — no repeateH birth — anH pray the aEmighty Hivine >omes from 'ont Prity to EeaH s from ignoran>e to Eight — britmam amritam astmont satgarm. &his shoEH be the aim of or satsang anH we are speaIing here every Hay. "nH yo are here from aEmost aEE >ontries of the worEH with Hesire to be free. "nH some of yo have aEso been to severaE ashrams in or >ontry anH aEso in many >enters in other >ontries too. !very >ontry is nowU is having yoga >enters anH Hifferent IinH of therapies; anH yo have been traveEing into those >enters aEso anH wherever yo have gone yo have been toEH; o this anH Ho that.8 " one year oEH baby is proviHeH with the baby waEIer by the parents. &he >hiEH Eea rns how to waEI anH throws away the baby waEIer anH is very happy for the first timeO anH EooI at its majesti> waEI. Bt in those >enters anH those ashrams on>e this baby waEIer is given to yo; yo are so m>h atta>heH with this yo HonLt get riH of it; anH yo are not aEEoweH to Ho it. o have to waEI on the baby waEIer. &his is the tea>hing in every ashram. "nH this is the His>ipEine anH this is the saHhana. "nH yo are no more a baby; why get atta>heH to the baby waEIer "nH even if yo >an waEI as a symboE yo have to >arry this on yor shoEHers. Be>ase yo often speaI in s>h anH s>h ashram; ,e have been toEH to Ho this; we have been toEH to Ho that.8 &here was one >enter in 2hina. &he tea>her was prea>hing; 3irst of aEE yo have to prify yor minH EiIe a mirror.8 anH he haH a great foEEowing. o have to >Eean; >Eean the mirrorO wipe ot the Hst from the srfa>e of the mirror so that yo >an see yor fa>e.8 o this was the tea>hing of this tea>her anH he haH foEEowing. &here was another tea>her abot five hnHreH miEes away on the other siHe of the montains. &he peopEe seH to visit both of these >enters anH speaI abot these tea>hers. o some tea>hers woEH >ome from this; this other >enter — go to this >enter hoEHing mirrors in their hanHs anH wiping ot the Hst. &hey speaI; &hat >enter; that tea>her HoesnLt asI s to >Eean yor mirror; to prify yor minHs. &his tea>her says ,hat IinH of tea>hing >oEH it be %f yor minH is not pre how >an yo have refEe>tion %t sonHs Mite reasonabEe.8 o he sent one of his most trsteH stHent. T4o visit; >ome ba>I anH teEE me what is the tea>hing of this tea>her.T T-e HoesnLt tea>h anythingO he sits Miet. "nH there are some stHents who sit too.8 o go anH HonLt His>Eose that yo are from s>h anH s>h tea>her.8 "nH heLs stiEE sitting on the thirH Hay anH this tea>her asIeH; To areU yo beEong to 2%" not this tea>her. o are inteEEigen>e reporter.8 -e saiH: T*o sir. % >ame as the 2%" of my tea>her; no Hobt. -e toEH me to >ome here anH see whatLs going on here. "nH % have >ome for that prpose to teEE my tea>her. Bt now % am no more a 2%" agent. *ow % am yor His>ipEe. % stayeH with this tea>her for forty two years >Eeaning the mirror; again Hst wiEE aEight. ,herever there is mirror there Hst has to arise; aEight on itO bt here when % finH yor tea>hing is; N&here is no mirror at aEEO anH where the Hst is going to aEight &hat was aEE; my Hear master. %t openeH p to me. % am free. *o mirror Ho % neeH now to >Eean. &here was no mirror at aEE. "nH now pEease aEEow me to see my tea>her; Eet me go ba>I. Be>ase % promiseH to my tea>her; anH % wiEE speaI to him be>ase; N&his no tea>hing; no way; no saHhana is not Inown to him. o % wiEE teEE to my tea>her anH >ome ba>I soon.T
o he says; T4o; my son; go.T -e teEEs to the tea>her; T&his tea>her was very gooH person. -e aEso nHerstooH; he saiH. Be>ase my tea>her toEH him to go on wiping the mirror anH my granH tea>her aEso was Hoing the same thing; anH we beEong to that Eineage of Hst >Eeaners.T o Eistening to this he aEso foEEoweH. "nH some of his stHents who are very arrogant — they HiHnLt Eisten. &he tea>her foEEoweH the stHent anH stayeH here — weE>omeH. o a>taEEy the Brahman; atman; is omnipotent; omnis>ient; seEf=effEgent. %f there is a >anHEe yo HonLt neeH yor tor>h in hanH to finH where the >anHEe is in the room be>ase its Eight itseEf. o HonLt neeH anyU any eJtra Eight to see the Eight. $ight is the same. $iIe this; yor atman is seEf effEgent; eternaE; beaty; Eove; anH >ons>iosness; bEiss; eJisten>e. o HonLt neeH to Ho anything abot it. nEy yo get riH of yor arrogan>e; yor separation that yo are not this; anH it wiEE reveaE itseEf to the seEf. o for the East two Hays; repeateHEy % have been asIeH to g ive yo some pra>ti>e. *ever HiH % speaI abot any IinH of pra>ti>e in my Eife. 3or the East fifty years % never speaI abot pra>ti>e. PeopEe are here who have spent mintes; hors. "nH here aEso yo have seen a man from ,ashington 2 stay two hors — immeHiateEy woIe p anH the satsang is stiEE going on. % thoght; Perhaps he has to >at>h his fEight.8 % saiH. % have never asIeH him a name aEso; anH his bag was aEso aEongsiHe him. "nH then he jst prostrates anH he goes p. "nH someone asIeH him; T,hy yo are in a hrry to go in>e yo have >ome yo >an stay for at Eeast one satsang.T T%tLs no se to stay here;T he says. T%tLs no se. %Lm >oming from &haiEanH; anH twenty siJ years % have spent from >enter to >enter; anH this >opEe of hors is Mite enogh. ,hat more >oEH any tea>hing be %tLs enogh.T "nother man — he was o>tor @ames. %n 19onferen>e in BangIoI. 3rom there he >omes anH % was worIing in BangaEore for a shipping >orporation anH this man straight away waEIs to my offi>e anH he >ame; he >ame by a taJi anH he was very Hsty; yo see. % saiH; To go anH have a hot shower; have a >p of >offee; anH we speaI.T T*o; no; no; % have to asI. "nH if yor frienHs who are seateH here; they eJ>se me; %LEE asI yo a Mestion.T "nH then % saiH; T2arry on. "sI me.T -e asIeH one Mestion anH % repEieH anH the taJi was in front of the Hoor itseEf. -e saiH; T% am going now.T % thoght; -e is not satisfieH.8 -e saiH; T*o; % HonLt want to waste yor time. @st five mintes it tooI me; be>ase % spent many years. % have seen many tea>hers in 2hina; @apan; &haiEanH anH the rest of the >enters in %nHia; *epa E; Bhtan; anH other >ontries aEso. &his straight=away — no tea>hing — thereLs no tea>her at aEE. o % wiEE write to yo before % go; even in eEhi if % have time between my fEights. % wiEE go ba>I to $onHon anH % wiEE write.T "nH he HiH write. &his eJperien>e he wrote to me. o here this HepenHs pon how serios yo are. &he peopEe who want to hang on postpone their Hesire for freeHom. &here are thosanHs ashrams here. &hey >an go there if they HonLt nHerstanH these things. &hey >an go if they want to foEEow any pra>ti>e. &hey >an go there. &here are many peopEe there yo see. !ven $orH BHHha himseEf. -e was a prin>e — marrieH to the beaty of the EanH; bEesseH with a sonO anH this Hesire for freeHom arises in the miHnight — waIes p; riHes on the horse. (2onti> was its name.) !ven that horse whi>h roHe him ot of the paEa>e is now immortaE horse. -e went from ashram to ashram; many Hifferent IinH of tapas; saHhanas were being pra>ti>eH anH aEways he saiH; *ot it. %tLs not it. &his shoEH not be EiIe this thing.8 PeopEe were hanging heaH Hown feet tieH to the bran>h of a tree anH Hoing penan>e; tapas for freeHom. ,hat reEation has this IinH of tapas with the freeHom -anging EiIe a monIey from a treeU bran>h of a treeU anH wanting to be free; has got no reEation. et this is being pra>ti>eH even now. o Hifferent IinH ofU he went
ronH Hifferent pEa>es. -e reje>teH aEE ashrams anH then finaEEy he goes to BoHhgayaO sat Hown by himseEf nHer the boHhi tree anH fonH it; yo see. &his is the Hesire who is yor tea>her itseEf — this Hesire is yor tea>her itseEf; yor giHe itseEf. "nH this wiEE bring yo to yor own eEf. "nH it wiEE not faiE yo if yo have He>iHeH very weEE; % want to be free.8 Bt if yo are egoisti>; arrogant; having Hesire for the things whi>h are not eternaE; happiness that faHe away every moment. or reEationship with those whose Eegs are in the moth of the >ro>oHiEe of $orH ama; isnLt it. %f yo want to Eove; if yo want to be reEateH; why not reEate yorseEf with yor own eEf "nH this reEationship is the onEy reEationship whi>h is going to heEp yo. %tLs not going to He>eive yo at aEE anH yo wiEE not appear ag ain into this EanH of sffering. %t >an be haH instantEy yo see; the peopEe have Hone it anH every Hay % teEE yo the stories howU how peopEe have won this freeHom instantEy. n>e there was Iing; Iing of the +eHas — very nobEe Iing. esire arises in his minH to be free. -e neeHs a tea>her now. o he sent worH aEE over the >ontry to hoEH a >onferen>e so then he inviteH the enEighteneH peopEe of this >ontry to EeaH him to freeHom. Bt his >onHition was he wants to be free in an instant. "nH what was that 2onHition: as Mi>I as to embarI on a horse. o many peopEe from the >ontry — say abot five thosanH saints; sages; yogis — assembEeH in this >amp beEonging to Hifferent views; Hifferent shaHes; Hifferent se>ts. "nH the Iing stooH there aEso; anH there was a horse; anH he saiH; T"s a toIen of my HeHi>ation — gr HaIshina — % wiEE give eEeven hnHreH >ows; goEH pEateH horns; garEanH of goEH >oins aronH their ne>I anH a EanH at the banI of river 4anga. "nH % wiEE biEH an ashram who gives me gyanam as Mi>I as % riHe this horse whi>h stooH jstU jst neJt to him. "nH five thosanH peopEe assembEeH there. &hey are EooIing to ea>h other; speaIing to ea>h other; &his Iing is not reasonabEe. $ooI % have been Hoing meHitations in the -imaEayas siJty years. % have grown gray bearH anH yet % Ho not Inow what is freeHom.8 o they are His>ssing; T&his Iing is not reasonabEe.T speaIing between themseEves. &here >omes one very Hirty EooIing yong boy. *He he was; aEso HeformeH — in physi>aEEy HeformeH. -e HiHnLt Inow whatLs going on here in this >ongregation. -e EooIeH insiHe. 'any peopEe were there — he aEso entereH. "nH where the Iing stooH on one foot; the Eeft foot in his stirrp anH the right was to go on the saHHEe. T-ow m>h time is neeHeH to jst embarI on the saHHEeT &hat was the >onHition of the Iing. &his man stooH p nHe; HeformeH; Hirty; anH peopEe were Eaghing at him: T-e HoesnLt Inow; heLs insane; heLs maH boy.T -e aHHresseH themU aHHresseH them first of aEE: T,hy Ho yo EaghU why Ho yo Eagh at me. eeing my boHy yo Eagh. eeing my Heformity — seeing this physi>aE form whi>h is sIin or Eeather — yo are Eeather mer>hants. o are Eeather mer>hantsO yo have no bsiness to >ome here in satsang.T he saiH. To go anH Ho yor traHe in the Eeather marIet.T &hatLs aEE he saiH. &hat is aEE he saiH to five thosanH peopEe. To are EooIing at my physi>aE form anH yo are Eaghing; yo are joIing. o EooI after yor bsiness. o Inow this is satsang;T he saiH. T*o other taEI is aEEoweH here — not EooIing at the form. %n satsang if yo EooI at the form yo are in yor saE profession.T *ow he aHHresses to the Iing: Tes sir; now yo >ome aEong to me. 2ome; % wiEE give yo freeHom. Bt now % am yor tea>her anH yo are my stHent. "nH yo have a>>orHing to %nHian >stom yo have to give me gr HaIshina in aHvan>e; be>ase after; yo are free V after; yo are enEighteneH — then me anH yo are eMaE. % >anLt asI anything from yo be>ase yo are eMaE to me anH yo wiEE not give anything to me. ,e both are eMaE. &herefore now yo want something from me; therefore % am yor tea>her anH yo are my stHent. 4ive me gr HaIshina. -e says: T-ere are the >ows. -ere are the >ows; here is the EanH % promiseH.T TBt that EanH HoesnLt beEong to yo. o want InowEeHge of yor eEf; anH this EanH before it beEongeH to yo to whom HiH it 76
beEong "nH these >ows; too. &his is pbEi> property. &his EanH; this IingHom; was rEeH by yor father; isnLt it "nH before yor father; who was the Iing hereT -e saiH: T'y granHfather.T T"nH after yoT T'y sons;T he saiH. To yo are jst a manager EooIing after a property. 4ive me something that beEongs to yo.T -e says; T%f yo give me InowEeHge % wiEE serve yo aEE my Eife. "EE my Eife % wiEE serve.T -e saiH; T-ow -ow yo are going to serve me %f yo want to serve me physi>aEEy; yo are aEreaHyU this boHy yo have aEreaHy pEeHgeH to yor wives isnLt it o haH an oath in front of the fire at the time of marriage; isnLt it "nHU anH they sayU aEE yor Meens; they >aEE yo Nmy Iing; my hsbanHL isnLt it o yor boHy beEongs to yor MeensO anH aEso the pbEi> when they say yo are their Iing. or boHy beEongs to the pbEi>. %t HoesnLt beEong to yo. 4ive me something that beEongs to yo itseEf. BoHy beEongs to pbEi>O boHy beEongs to yor MeensO boHy beEongs to yor >hiEHren. %ts not yor own. -ow >an yo give me something whi>h yo have aEreaHy soEH to others &he Iing was very wiseO very nobEe Iing was he; very inteEEigent. -eLs now thinIing that he has onEy one thing on whi>h noboHyU noboHy >an >Eaim. %t beEongs to me. % may be beEonging physi>aEEy bt insiHe me there is something whi>h % Inow is onEy me.8 "nH then he saiH; T% have one thing; sir; that % have for yo anH this is my minH. % srrenHer my minH nto yo.T -e saiH; &hen Eet s have this >eremony. $et yo bring 4anga water anH repeat thri>e so that this agreement of His>ipEe anH stHent is to be >ompEeteH; so that yo HonLt withHraw from this; anH maIe sanIaEpa. -ere Ho % srrenHer to yo; 'aster. % have given yo this toIen of my present; my gr HaIshina; anH yo impart me InowEeHge. "nH then after this >eremony is over nowO anH this boy waEIs ot of the tent anH goes away — HisappeareH. !veryboHyU this >ongregation of five thosanH peopEe EooIingU Ho not nHerstanH. &his boy is very fnny. "fter this >eremony is over he HisappeareH. 5ing is aEso thinIing nowO Iing is aEso thinIing now. ne foot; Eeft f oot in the stirrp — right is to embarI on the saHHEe of the horse. $ooI at his Eonging anH EooI at his HeHi>ation aEso. is>ipEeship has been a>>epteH; >eremony is over; a nH this man HisappeareH. o he is astonisheH. -e >anLt heEp. "nH heLs EooIing throgh the hoEe of the tent. &his Iing is thinIing something. *ow he is otsiHe anH now Iing thinIsU Iing is now is thinIing himseEf; within himseEf that; T% have srrenHereH the minH anH % am feeEing in this agreement.T -e was very wise man. o he instantEy thinIs; T% have no bsiness to mentate. % have no bsiness to mentate; even to start a singEe thoght — why this man has gone ot of the tent.T &here he stoppeH thinIing. &he Iing stoppeH thinIing; yo see. *o thoght is there in the minH of the 5ing. -ere is the point whi>h we speaI every Hay abot. &here he >omes anH from the fa>e yo >an very weEE Inow when yo thinI; when yo start a thoght in the minH. "nH what is this thoght anH where are yo &his thoght taIes yo straight away to the graveyarH; minH yo. &his thoght — any thoght that rises in yor minH — is itU isnLt it a pastO isnLt it a past 'inH itseEf is past. &hoght itseEf is past. ,hatever yo thinI is past. "nH what is past is g raveyarH. &herefore yo are in the graveyarH. o are not Eiving being; yo are speaIing to the HeaH. ,hat is HeaH 'emory. 'emory is graveyarH. %tLs not satsang. -ere now satsang is going to taIe pEa>eO give me yor attention. o that fa >e is very Hifferent when yo have no thoght — that fa>e yo have been seeing. esterHay aEso peopEe were here. %nstantEy this same Mestion was there abot enEightenment. % Ho not Inow that man. Perhaps if this yong man from 4ermany anH the other one from weHen; % wiEE >aEE them anH see whatLs happening with them toHay. "nH now thisU this yong person; he arrives in front of him — one foot in the stirrp; other was to go on the other siHe on the stirrp to embarI on the saHHEe. &hat was the promise anH this is the time. *o thoght in the minH of this Iing. ,hen thereLs no 77
thoght anH this previos thoght; % want freeHom; first of aEE.8 !veryone is bonH be>ase we separate orseEves fromU from or own eJisten>e; >ons>iosness anH bEiss — bEiss. omehow; we thinI anH we >aEE: *ow we are bonH.8 &he wave rises from the o>ean anH separates anH sear>hes; ,here is the o>ean8 ear>hes Hay anH night — the wave is sear>hing; ,here is the o>ean8 $iIe this aEE this manifestation we are aEE sear>hing; ,here isU where is >ons>iosness anH where is eJisten>e anH where is bEiss8 &his is whatLs going on here; so when % am bonH %ts very few peopEe who have this >on>ept who have sperimposeH bonHage on them — sperimposition that aEso — anH then they wiEE give rise to another sperimposition of freeHom. -e whoLs bonH; very few wiEE aspire for Eight; wisHom. o when yor thoght stops; minH stoppeH; bonHage vanish; aEso the freeHom f reeHom vanisheH; isnLt it &here is no minH. %t was the minH that trobEeH yo V % am bonH.8 2an yo sEeep *either yo are bonH nor yo are free be>ase minH is not there. o when this Iing stooH p thoghtEess; his rge for freeHom aEso HisappeareH; bonHage HisappeareH; aEso the freeHom HisappeareH. *ow at that time; what eEse >oEH be &hat is beyonH Hes>ription. -e who has this eJperien>e wiEE Inow how to Hes>ribe it anH this 5ing has Hes>ribeH very weEE; yo see. -e broght b roght the other foot whi>h was pEanteH into this stirrp ba>I on the He>I itseEf; prostrateH in front of him three times; went ronH three times; anH he bEesseH him anH he went away. -e HisappeareH; yo see. &his is over. o % starteH this; this morning satsang; this pra>ti>e; be>ase many peopEe want. o %U so % have to agree to them be>ase they want some Hire>t pra>ti>e. o have % toEH them yesterHay; Hay before yesterHay; tiEEU tiEE yo >anLt waEI on yor own Eegs yo >an pra>ti>e on eJisten>e — on !Jisten>e. % am eJisten>e. % am >ons>iosness. % am bEiss.8 &o have yor reEation with what reaEEy yo are. &his aEso is >reating Inower; Inowing anH Inown. o finaEEy they have to merge into that where there is no HaEity at aEE. -ow Eong yo >an Eive in HaEities — Inower; Inowing; Inown. %f yo want some spport thereLs no probEem; yo see. o >an have insteaH of Hoing any other eJer>ise. &his is a>>eptabEe in the shtees; anH the sages aEEow it — to Ho it; therefore % >an agree. % am eJisten>e.8 ,ho >an Heny; % HonLt eJist.8 first of aEE o yo ever go anH a sI someone; To % eJist or notT o yoU Ho yo asI; T"m % >ons>ios or notT o HonLt asI this Mestion. %f yo asI yoLEE be sent to *ermnser here. o Ho not Inow whatLs *ermnser. omeone who beEongs to this taEI; they wiEE Inow it. 3irst of aEE; those peopEe who are there who >anLt Heny; % am that.8 %n the an>ient times aEso; the stHent who has a brning Eonging for freeHomO he goes to the tea>her in the forest anH jst asIs a sIs this Mestion. T-o hamT &his Mestion he HoesnLt Inow; T'aster; save me? % am affEi>teH with this serpent of samsara. *ow % am feH p again; again; anH again appearing; Hisappearing. %n so>iety % have been trobEeH. h masters; save me. -o ham. ,ho am %T T'y Hear son; why notT -e gives inHi>ation; T&ho art &hat; thatLs aEE. &ho art &hat.T -e foEEows f oEEows &hat. %nstantEy he saysU instantEy he finHs it is &hat — finger pointing to the moon. -e wiEE see the moon that ta Ies yo to yor own eEf; anH he agrees. &hen he says: T% am; a m; % am; % am; % am.T &his moment wiEE never >ome again; minH yo. &his moment whi>h is passing in front of yo is gone; as father who is HeaH wiEE never >ome ba>I again. &his moment jst in frontU jst in frontU in front of yo is possibEe; is not going to maIe the best of it. "nH best of it; best se of it is onEyU onEy to get into it. 4et HrowneH into this momentU &his 'oment — not the previos; not the neJt. &his is what happeneH to the 5ing of the ehas; this what is happeneH. -e HiHnLt sitU he HiHnLt sit for meHitation. *either has the tea>her toEH him to meHitate now. &he reaE tea>her has no tea>hing. &here may be prea>hers who teEE yo Ho this anH Ho that. Perhaps in my own worHs % >aEE them mrHerers; bt>hers. &hey bt>her yo; they 78
mrHer yo who teEE yo Ho this anH Ho that; yo see. &ea>her has no tea>hing. -e HoesnLt give yo tea>hing be>ase yo are that aEreaHy. ,hat the tea>her is going to teEE yo; o are aEreaHy that.8 ,hat >an she teEE yo Histra>ts yo anH every eJer>ise; every saHhana; every pra>ti>e is Histra>tion from yor own eEf; be>ase yo get otherwise engageH anH yo are aEreaHy affEi>teH by thirty five miEEion years. "re yo not affEi>teH EiIe to aHH something more on it ,hy not to throw away this brHen on>e for aEEO anH here goes. " very sharp one has to have this InowEeHge now itseEf — in this moment — anH yo have been seeing the resEt. &he HEE ones have no pEa>e in this satsang. 3irst of aEE the HEE H EE ones have no pEa>e in this satsang. &he sharp witteH person; inteEEigent person EiIe "shoIa; >h>IEeQ yeah; hanIara; one worH; even +iveIenanHa re>entEy; #am &irtha re>entEy; yo see. o this satsang % HonLt thinI is for the HEE peopEe. % teEE every Hay anH so many peopEe are here there mst be something wrong going on here nHer this roof. *ever it has happeneH in the past; so many peopEe >oming for satsang. nEy one tea>her; one stHent. !ven hanIara haH onEy for stHents; yo see. o sometimes % thinI; ,hy these peopEe are here ometimes five hnHreH; for hnHreH peopEe here. ome faEsehooH is being pra>ti>eH here. % shoEH taIe >are of it.8 ,herever there is someone Han>ing there wiEE be >rowH of it. ,here trth is being spoIen who >oEH be there; yo see. *ow itLs some Han>e is there on the roaH; yo >an see everyone wiEE Hisappear. ,ho wiEE be with me; yo see ome Han>ing yo see on the roaH; yo wiEE jst give a test yorseEf. %ts not satsang; yo see. o those few peopEe; % HonLt some get into trobEe anH then theyU they neeH this be>ase this is a fire. &his is a fire f ire whi>h wiEE brn everything. &hey >anLt stay in satsang; therefore yo see some peopEeU some get p anH Hring the satsang Hisappear. &he neJt Hay they HonLt >ome. o are seeing every HayO yo are seeing every Hay. ome are here sin>e a year; two years. ome reaH the papers; some magaKines; anH >ome from far off >ontries yo see. ome >ome here; anH yo wiEE see new fa>es who are to >ome for the first Hay anH % garantee tomorrow they are not >oming here. o have been teEEing every Hay; isnLt it Be>ase this is a jmp into their arrogan>e. Be>ase their arrogan>e isU is str>I at the root. ,ho wants to separate from his arrogan>e; % am so anH so. % am this m>h; % am that m>h from the banI. &his my EanH; this is my apartment; this is my ninety=three moHeE BenK.8 &hatLs aEE what everyboHy wants. % thinI one satsang is Mite enogh. %f yo He>iHe on going f or satsang HonLt tie yor rope. ome have tieH even toHay. &hey have fiJeH p their appointment with their wives; with their offi>es; %LEE be ba>I at eEeven thirty.8 isnLt it &ieH a rope a sU as yo sEiHe a b>Iet into the water anH the b>Iet things are very happy in this shower=bathO the b>Iet is very happy into the weEEs of the water. tsiHe is GG Hegrees (>eE>is) anH this b>Iet is very hot. "nH this IinH man has pt me Hown to weEE. *ow % am very happy bt she HoesnLt Inow. he is tying me with the rope. he is jst taIen in. $iIe this everyboHy is sitting for that b>Iet. &hey tie the rope aronH their waist with something or the otherU appointment. "fter this satsang % wiEE meet yo;8 isnLt it %f yo >t yor rope on>e onEy V on>e — that is Mite enogh. o neeH not >ome again anH again — onEy one time. n>e jst for f ive mintes be>ase yor atman is not away from yo; onEy yo are Hriven by the rope. !veryboHy is thinIingU everyboHy is thinIing; %ts getting Eate. Papaji is getting too m>h time. %snLt it &ying a rope anH >oming to satsang; many peopEe say. ne man >ame who is here who Eives in %nHira *agar; in this L"L BEo>I itseEf. -e jst >ame anH he reMesteH that; T% want to see Papaji before satsang.T % saiH; -e may have a Mestion.8 ,hen he >ame in % asIeH; $et him >ome before satsang anH % want to Inow if he has a spe>iaEU he wants spe>iaE time. % wiEE give him.8 -e asIeH me; he wiEE get smmer va>ation in >tober. ,iEE % be here in >tober T,here Ho yo EiveT -e saiH; T% Eive here itseEf. % Eive here; % Eive here.T % saiH; "ttenH this satsang. o >ome here.8 T*o; no; n o; no. %Lve not >ome for satsang; % jst >ame to maIe inMiry.T % saiH; T"re yo -ave yo a garantee that yo 79
wiEE Eive in >tober; or wiEE % have a garantee wiEE % Eive in >toberT o see; % >annot Inow whatLs going to happen neJt moment; yo see. < @ne; 199C @@@
Make the /eision to Be (ree! o have to He>iHe right now to be free on>e anH for aEE. !veryone who has fonH freeHom in this Eifetime has haH to maIe this He>ision. % HonLt finH see probEem for anyone here to be free in this Eifetime. "gain anH again; % teEE stories abot peopEe who have fonH freeHom. &hey have to be repeateH be>ase the minH is not reaHy to Eisten or a>>ept. ome peopEe onEy neeH to be toEH on>e by the tea>her. " few HonLt even neeH to be toEH: 3reeHom rises p by itseEf. ome peopEe write to me saying that they starteH the sear>h for freeHom at a very yong age — seven or eight years oEH; even two or three? &his is the psh of Iarmas of previos Eives. ome maIe the He>ision EaterO some never maIe the He>ision at aEE. o >an teEE them again anH again bt they HonLt Eisten. &here are aEso tea>hers anH beatifE stras avaiEabEe bt they HonLt maIe se of them. ,e are a very smaEE >ommnity here anH itLs gooH that there are onEy a few of s. ome peopEe who >ome here >ompEain of arrogan>e; reEationship trobEes; egotism anH greeH; asIing how to get riH of these things. &hey wiEE aEE sEowEy Hisappear in satsang. &his atmosphere wiEE not aEEow the minH to Eive. &his is where the Heath of the minH taIes pEa>e. &he minH >annot srvive in satsang; jst as a Heer >annot fa>e a tiger. &hese few here mst maIe the He>ision to be free. % was onEy a >hiEH when it happeneH to me. % was stiEE at s>hooE anH % HiHnLt Inow anything abot freeHom. % HonLt Inow how or why it happeneH — % jst feEE in Eove with the greatest tea>her in the worEH. 'y parents anH tea>hers reaH the same booIs; my tea>hers were tea>hing the same things year after af ter year anH werenLt personaEEy benefiting at aEE. % >anLt eJpEain why. n seeing a pi>tre of BHHha sitting in meHitation % feEE in Eove with him; anH withot Inowing anything abot him % promiseH myseEf to Ho jst as he HiH. % starteH sitting whenever % haH free time. % HiHnLt even Inow what what % was Hoing or what it was abot. % feEt so m>h Eove in meHitation that % >oEH not es>ape. %n fa>t it was meHitation that feEE in Eove with me; tooI hoEH of me at that yong age; not me with it. % HiHnLt reaEEy Inow what was going on. % seH to get p in the miHHEe of the night anH meHitate? "t the age of 1C or 1A % seH to go ot begging in the streets; even thogh % >ame from a miHHEe >Eass famiEy. PeopEe seH to >ome anH Eisten to me speaIing; aEthogh % HiHnLt Inow what % was saying. 'y parents seH to worry abot me when % got p in the miHHEe of the night anH sat on the >oEH winter gronH. &his is >aEEeH satsang — Eove — this is something that Hrives yo. o >an sit Hown anH >Eose yor eyes; bt if the minH is rnning aronH aEE over the pEa>e it is not meHitation. % HiHnLt Inow what meHitation was. % HiHnLt have any intentions. % HiHnLt maIe a He>ision to go anH sit in a >ertain position anH meHitate. 'eHitation jst whispereH in my ears; T4et p boy. %t is miHnight. 4et ot of beH. it Hown on the gronH anH meHitateT. % woEH EiIe this to happen to everyboHy. %t trobEeH BHHha. %t trobEeH me anH a few f ew others too. ,hy HonLt we aEE get into this trobEe % HonLt have any reason to beEieve a man who >ompEains of ego anH other trobEes. ,hat Hoes it mean when a man says; T% am trobEeH by my ego. % have been here for 1< or C0 Hays anH my ego is not HisappearingT reEy it means that he wants something that 80
is not gooH for him. o have to He>iHe. is>riminate with a >ooE heaH. it Hown anH He>iHe what is gooH for yo anH foEEow that. onLt Eisten to anyone eEse — the whoEe worEH is He>eiving yo. &he whoEe worEH may be against yo so yo have to maIe yor own He>isions. onLt Eisten to yor parents; yor so>iety or yor prea>hers. @@@
&here were two tea>hers of Hifferent se>ts who hearH of a sage Eiving in the forest. &hey both went to him anH asIeH; Tir; how >an we have joy in or EivesT &he saint repEieH T@st Ieep yor boHies heaEthy. &his is the sor>e of joyT. -earing this they both went ba>I to their tribes anH starteH prea>hing. &he first saiH to his peopEe; T% have been to see a saint. -e says yo have to enjoy this worEH. o have to Ieep yor boHy weEE: eat; HrinI anH be merry. !njoy everything to the maJimm be>ase this worEH wiEE not be avaiEabEe to yo againT. &his se>t foEEoweH thisO they ate; HranI anH were merryO they pampereH the boHy. &hey are stiEE Hoing this now — they are stiEE prea>hing this toHay: 99W of peopEe beEong to this se>t; EooIing after the boHy with f ooH; sEeep anH seJ. &he other EeaHer aEso went ba>I to his peopEe anH toEH them the same thing; bt they MestioneH the tea>hing. -owever harH they trieH to Ieep the boHy heaEthy; it stiEE be>ame si>I; anH even when the boHy was heaEthy; there was stiEE something amiss: the minH was stiEE trobEeH. o after siJ months; the EeaHer of this se>t went ba>I to the saint to asI if there haH been some IinH of mistaIe. &his time the saint weE>omeH him saying; T+ery gooH; my Hear boy; now go anH EooI after yor minH. @st maIe sre that the minH is >omfortabEe; thatLs aEET. &he EeaHer went ba>I to his peopEe anH they trieH. Bt they fonH that however harH they trieH — however m>h they >on>entrateH or meHitateH — the minH >oEH not be broght nHer >ontroE. "nother siJ months passeH; anH again he retrneH to the saint. By this time the first EeaHer haH stiEE not been ba>I to the saint anH has not been ba>I to this very Hay; after miEEions of years. &hose of his tribe say happiEy; T% am arrogant. %Lm an egoist. %Lm in grief; anger; jeaEosy. %Lm a hypo>rite...T "nH theyLre aEE very proH of it; even toHay; miEEions of years Eater. o after siJ months the se>onH EeaHer retrneH to the saint anH toEH him that he >oEHnLt Ieep the minH nHer >ontroE. T+ery gooH; weEE Hone;T repEieH the sage. T&he minH is very fi>IEe. %t is EiIe air. o >anLt Ieep it nHer >ontroE. *ow; above the minH there is a power >aEEeH inteEEe>t; the power of His>rimination. !very man has this power of jHgment. 4o ba>I anH finH ot what is reaE anH what is not reaE; then >ome ba>I anH teEE meT. "gain he went away; he trieH; anH he >ame ba>I. T% have been trying with the inteEEe>t. % starteH with the obje>ts of the worEH whi>h we per>eive throgh the five senses. "EE these sense obje>ts appear anH Hisappear. &hings % saw some time ago have aEreaHy HisappeareH. o the inteEEe>t is not reEiabEe be>ase it atta>hes itseEf to things whi>h vanish anH Hisappear. %t Eoves things whi>h are not eternaE; anH this Hoes not bring pea>e; happiness; bEiss; or >ons>iosness. % have His>overeH this abot the inteEEe>t bt stiEE the attention goes ot to obje>ts.T Iay +ery gooH;T the tea>her saiH again. " tea>her wiEE tea>h yo onEy to the eJtent that yo are reaHy to re>eive. &hose who are reaHy see what happens. &he man went away; anH starteH to witness the inteEEe>t; the minH; the senses anH their obje>ts from somewhere behinH them. -e saiH to himseEf; T*ow %Lve Hone it. % am the witness of the inteEEe>t itseEf. % >an see my He>isions very >EearEy anH % >an jHge whether they are gooH or baH. % wiEE not >Eing to the impermanent; to that whi>h is not eternaE or to that whi>h Hoes not bring bEiss.T 81
n>e again he retrneH to the tea>her anH asIeH; T%s there anything Heeper than this; anything more pre>iosT -e asIeH for giHan>e. "gain the saint repEieH T$eave everything. 4et riH of yor inteEEe>t; minH; ego; boHy; senses anH obje>ts. -ave the firm >onvi>tion that yo are eJisten>e; >ons>iosness anH bEiss itseEf. o not se yor inteEEe>t; yor minH or yor senses. @st merge into eJisten>e; as we are speaIing now; anH be>ome one with eJisten>e. -ave the firm >onvi>tion L% am eJisten>e; % am >ons>iosness anH % am bEissL.T &his is as far as a tea>her >an tea>h. &here is another part to the tea>hing; however; another se>ret. &his se>ret is so sa>reH — it is the se>ret of aEE se>rets. *oboHy Inows who hoEHs the Iey to this se>ret. % have never hearH of anyone going beyonH anH then retrning to the tea>her anH saying; T% have been beyonH anH that is the enH of the matter.T %t is fathomEess V fathomEessness. *one >an measre its Hepth. &he o>eans; the sIies; the pEanets; the soEar system anH even the CC other soEar systems with their own sns; moons; pEanets anH stars have aEE been measreH; bt this has never been measreH. &he more yo go into it; the more yo want to Inow it. Bt who goes there PeopEe >ome here saying; T% am arrogant; %Lm an egoist; % have a probEem with reEationships.T ,hy Ho they >ome here &here are booIs; psy>hoEogists anH Ho>tors in *ew orI; ,ashington anH 2aEifornia. ,hat brings them to $>Inow &o Inow the trth anH the trth aEone; to Inow >ons>iosness anH >ons>iosness aEone: &his is satsang. 1C @ne; 199C @@@
)ll 1his is Mind )ll this is mind= Whatever you see is mind= " notion arises anH that parti>Ear obje>t manifests in front of yo. &his is tre of any obje>t: past; present; anH ftre. &he whoEe manifestation is jst a notion — obje>tifieH minH — nothing eEse. nEess we are aware of this minH there >an be no pea>e; so we often speaI abot this. !ven yor boHy is a notion of the minH anH yo >aEE it reaE. &hen yo be>ome this obje>t anH other reEations aEso be>ome reaE. *o one is wiEEing to taIe the retrn jorney — ba>I to the beginning; to where the notion arises; be>ase or senses are otgoing. ,hen a notion arises an obje>t whi>h is manifesteH is the Hesire of yor own minH anH it be>omes absoEteEy reaE. !ven yor boHy is a notion. $et s start with this. %f yo HonLt give rise to the notion; T% am the boHy;T there is no boHy. &his boHy is an obje>t of the minH; a thoght in the minH; in>EHing the senses anH aEE their a>tivities moving towarHs Hifferent obje>ts of sight; sonH; hearing; tasting; anH to>h. &his whoEe manifestation in front of yo is onEy yor notion — a>taEEy it HoesnLt eJist. nEy when we s>>essfEEy nHerstanH this wiEE yo have tremenHos pea>e anH eternaE happiness. &hat has aEways been yor fnHamentaE natre. -ow HiH this manifestation arise in the beginning %f yo foEEow the tra>I ba>IwarHs anH His>over its sor>e — the pEa>e where it is rising from — yo might finH ot for yorseEf; by yorseEf; withot any effort or thoght. &here mst have been a time when there was no >reation anH no >reator. !verything is rising from that pEa>e whi>h yo Ho not Inow. !veryboHy wants to be happy; wants to be bEissfE; wants to be eternaE; wants to avoiH HeathO be>ase this is or natre. eath is not or natre. r natre is eternity — to be free of Heath anH rebirth; of sorrow anH sffering. ,e avoiH Heath; Hisease; anH 82
sffering be>ase this is a natraE instin>t in everyboHy. *either man; nor animaEs EiIe to sffer. &here was a time when there was onEy pea>e — this is >aEEeH shanti. *othing eEse was there. !ven the >reator was not >reateH at that time; Eet aEone the >reation. nEy by retrning there wiEE we finH pea>e; not by sitting in meHitations or Hoing anything eEse. -ere anH now we >an again try to His>over this sor>e; this fontain from where this minH itseEf anH aEE thoght arises. ,ith this Mestion yo wiEE have to go to the root of thoght itseEf. oing this eJer>ise yo Ho not stir a thoght; or mentate; or a>tivate the minH; or maIe any IinH of effort. ,e speaI again anH again of this be>ase eJ>ept in this methoH yo are wasting yor time in postponements. %t wiEE taIe yo this instant of time to Inow who yo are. %t taIes this very instant of time. %n this same instant of time the >reation began anH EiveH anH is HestroyeH. %t is the same instant. "nH it is the same instant that Iept yo bonH in a never=enHing >y>Ee of in>arnations of birth anH Heath. &his is the same instant. "nH aga in it is going to taIe yo the same instant to retrn home. %t is aEE in this instant. &his instant is beyonH time. &ime is aEso a notion of the minH. &he minH is aEso a notion; EiIe a wave rising from the o>ean. &hat o>ean of eternaE pea>e is yo. ,hat is the Hiffi>Ety that we sffer from %t is that we seeI pea>e eEsewhere anH Ho not eJperien>e that we are pea>e in>arnate itseEf. ,e Ho not have to finH pea>e; we Ho not have not to attain pea>e. ,e are pea>e itseEf; anH perhaps even beyonH it. &his Hoes not taIe time. " few of s have Hone it here in orseEves. ,e are happy; anH we wiEE be happy if the whoEe worEH is happy. &his is what we spea I of again anH again. % am not going to give yo any methoH whi>h wiEE maIe yo waste yor time anH postpone this proje>t for the neJt Eife. o it here anH now. ,hen % teEE yo that it is this instant why HonLt yo maIe se of this instant o wiEE not throgh any methoH — not by Hoing anything nor by Hoing nothing. @st stay Miet anH yo wiEE see what the se>ret has been that yo have been missing. &he treasre was within yo anH yo were begging. C9 @ne; 199C @@@
My Meetin# 6ith amana F: &oHay is #amanaLs birthHay. %LH EiIe to asI yo to say something abot #amana. Papaji: &his is a Eong story so % wiEE teEE yo in a short version abot my >onta>t with him; anH something of what >ame before aEso. #amana was the son of an aHvo>ate. -e was stHying in a mission s>hooE. %n his boyhooH; one Hay he was going to s>hooE on the Hay when the fees were He. -e haH taIen money anH was going to s>hooE to pay his fees. n the way he feEt as thogh he were Hying. -e Eay Hown on the roaH on the way to anH began to inMire: LT,ho is HeaH ,ho is HeaH &he boHy is Eying here; bt % see % am not HeaH. &his boHy is HeaH anH % am >ons>ios that % am not HeaH.T &his was his eJperien>e. -e fonH the !ternaE 2ons>iosness whi>h never Hies. &he boHy may Hie; EiIe >Eothes. ,orn ot >Eothes are thrown away anH yo get new ones to be worn again. %t starteH EiIe this; bt then he wanteH to finH ot what it was. &here was noboHy to speaI to him. "fter this eJperien>e he wanteH to see what this eJperien>e was. -e 83
HisappeareH from the town of his parents. -e haH hearH peopEe speaIing of a piEgrimage pEa>e >aEEeH 'ont "rna>haEa. -e wanteH to go there anH he haH the fees in his po>Iet. o he went to the raiEway station anH the money HiH not >over the whoEe jorney. -e toEH the booIing >EerI; T4ive me a ti>Iet as far as my money goes.T -e boght a ti>Iet to a pEa>e >aEEeH &irIaEr; C0 miEes short of his Hestination. -e was wearing goEH earrings; so when he got Hown at the station he was abEe to seEE them to someone anH to >ompEete his jorney. -e starteH meHitation to Eo>ate what the >ons>iosness was. 3or years he was not hearH of. ometimes he was going to beg for bi>Isar. *o one Inew who this person is. "fter many years peopEe starteH going to him. ,hen the Eight shines everyone is attra>teH. PeopEe from aEE over the worEH went to him anH stayeH. &here are stiEE peopEe there. %t was a forest on the sEopes of this hiEE; anH now it has be>ome an internationaE >entre. 'any peopEe were seeing him; many peopEe were going to him; Iings anH presiHents of other >ontries were going to him. % never Inew be>ase he was in the oth of %nHia anH % was in the *orth. % was sear>hing for a gr bt somehow % HiHnLt EiIe any of them be>ase % fonH onEy >ommer>iaEiKation. % went to the -imaEayas. % went aronH to aEE the weEE Inown grs. % went to #ishiIesh; to ttarpashi; to &apawanm; to -ariHwar. % aEso went to traHitionaE grs. % wanHereH by the banI of 4anga; to 5ashipri. % went Hown to the Hesert; Hown to the oth — % went everywhere. !verywhere % went they wanteH to initiate me anH asIeH me to Ho saHhana. ,hen % haH gone anH sat with them my Mestion was onEy; T2an yo show me 4oH -ave yo seen -im %f yo have seen -im; >an yo show me ,hat fees Ho % have to pay yo %f yo have not seen anH yo >annot show me; teEE me straight forwarH that yo have not seen -im anH yo >annot show me.T Bt this m>h noboHy HareH to teEE. &hey woEH say; To have to sit Hown anH Ho saHhana.T % saiH; T,hy saHhana ,hen % go to a shop % have money in my po>Iet; he has the >ommoHity % want. -e wiEE not teEE me. Lo first meHitate in front of the shop then % wiEE give it to yo.T *oboHy wiEE say this. %f yo have something give it to me a nH asI me any pri>e; % wiEE pay the pri>e. % wiEE serve yo aEE my Eife.T Bt they woEH onEy say; To have to go throgh a Eong saHhana.T %n #ishiIesh a man haH been Hoing saHhana for <0 years. -e was pointing at me saying; T$ooI at this man?T !veryone was Eaghing. T&his man is stanHing in an army Hress. Nhow me 4oH; he says.T &hey were mo>Iing me. &hey were maIing a joIe of me; stanHing asIing them to show me 4oH. T%s not something to be shown. -e HoesnLt go throgh saHhanaO he Hoes not agree with saHhana.T &here was one swami in &apowan. -e was very weEE Inown anH very oEH; abot DD years oEH. Bt then % saw he was having a >ort >ase with one very poor saHh jst o>>pying a that>h ht. -e saiH; T-e is o>>pying my pEa>e. -e HoesnLt va>ate. % wiEE get an aHvo>ate.8 -e haH pEenty of EanH anH this was onEy one man not harming anyone; onEy meHiating aEone. -e was Eiving there in a pEa>e ten feet by ten feet in one >orner of the EanH. &he swami wanteH to maIe a waEE there. omehow % HiHnLt EiIe; he wanteH to throw this saHh ot. ,hen he has abot ten a>res of EanH why HoesnLt he aEEow him a spa>e ten feet by ten feet. "fter aEE; he is a saHh. -e was bringing an evi>tion orHer anH aEE that. % HiHnLt EiIe. % saw so many peopEe EiIe this anH % retrneH ba>I home. +ery m>h HisappointeH anH Heje>teH % retrneH home. "nH the money that % haH saveH % spent aEreaHy.
ne Hay % was going to taIe En>h anH % saw a man stanHing otsiHe. % asIeH him; T%f yo want to taIe; >ome in anH taIe fooH with me. "nH if yo want monetary heEp % wiEE heEp yo. %f yo want fooH >ome in.T -e >ame in. % asIeH my mother to bring another pEate of fooH anH gave it to him. "nH then % asIeH him; T"re yo a sannyasin o mst traveEing throghot the >ontry. -ave yo >ome a>ross any person who is 4oH= reaEiKeH; who is enEighteneH anH free -ave yo seen anyone %f yo have; give me the aHHressO % wiEE go to see him.T -e gave me an aHHress anH % noteH Hown for the first time the name of a town >aEEeH &irvanamaEai; anH he toEH me how to get there. &hen he went away. % He>iHeH not to teEE my wife or my parents what haH happeneH. % went ot to the town. % haH no fnHs as % haH spent everything in my sear>h for a gr anH my father woEH not give me any money. ,hen % was waEIing in the town an oEH frienH >aEEeH ot to me — we haH Hone physi>aE eJer>ises together. To have not been seen aronH here. % hearH that yo haH joineH the army anH sin>e then we have not seen yo.T % sat Hown with him anH saw an oEH Pnjab newspaper Eying in his shop on the tabEe; the EH &ribne was the name. %mmeHiateEy my eye went to the wanteH aHvertisements. %t was written; they reMireH one eJ=army offi>er to worI in or 2B% stores to sppEy army sppEies to some British shipment. &hey were >ontra>tors in Pishawar anH one nit was going to 'aHras. % saw a man was aHvertising for an eJ=army offi>er to serve in 'aHras. o % appEieH anH they sent me money to >over my first >Eass ti>Iet; anH gave me one monthLs time to report. % saiH to myseEf %Lve got money now.T ,ith that money % went straight in sear>h of #amana 'aharshiLs ashram at "rna>haEa. % got Hown at the raiEway station anH booIeH a bEEo>I >art; whi>h was the Eo>aE transportation. % went to the ashram; anH Eeft aEE my baggage otsiHe. % was going to start my worI in 'aHras so % haH aEE my beHHing with me. % Eeft it otsiHe anH went into the haEE where a man was sitting. "s soon as % saw this man % re>ogniKeH that it was the same man who haH given me the aHHress in Pnjab. % be>ame very angry with him. % HiHnLt go to see him. % HiHnLt even enter the haEE. % jst went to finH another >art to go ba>I to the raiEway station. &here was a Parsi man thereO his name was &hromji. $ater on we be>ame frienHs. -e >ame to me anH saiH; To seem to be a *orth %nHian.T Tes; % am;T % repEieH. T&hen how is it that yo have jst arriveH anH now yo are going ba>IT % toEH him; T&his man is a fraH? -e met me jst fifteen Hays ago in Pnjab anH he ga ve me his own aHHress that he is a 4oH=reaEiKeH man.T T*o; no;T he saiH. %tLs not possibEe. o are maIing a mistaIe.T % saiH; T-ow >an % maIe a mistaIe % am not maH. -e is the same man. % am Mite fit; both in boHy anH minH. % >annot maIe s>h a mistaIe. %n onEy fifteen Hays % >annot forget. -e is the same man.T -e saiH; T*o. &his man has not moveH from this pEa>e in <0 years. o >an asI anyone. !ither yo have seen someone eEse anH yo are mistaIing the iHentity; or this man mst have appeareH to yo throgh his own power to heEp yo. ,e have hearH of some three or for instan>es. o >ome with me; % wiEE introH>e yo to the manager of this ashram anH yo >an stay in the gest hose.T o he tooI me anH insisteH that % went there; anH they give me a pEa>e to stay. &hen % went insiHe. -e was not speaIing to anyboHy. !veryboHy was Miet; bt something was going on in this siEen>e. 3or the first time % saw this happening withot taEIing. omething was thereO some vibration was there whi>h was entering into my heart. "fter abot 10 mintes there was a beEE for En>h. 'aharishi got p; everyboHy got p — there were maybe 1< or C0 peopEe there — anH we aEE went in the haEE to taIe En>h together. &hen 'aharshi went ba>I to his haEE aEoneO no one eEse foEEoweH him. "fter En>h 'aharshi tooI rest; anH then peopEe >ame again in the haEE at C:A0. % never Inew this rEe. o seeing him aEone % went in straight away; bt as % was going in the attenHant stoppeH me. -e saiH; To >ome ba>I at C:A0.T 'aharshi was EooIing anH he signaEeH me to >ome in. 85
% went insiHe anH asIeH him; T%t was yo wasnLt it; who saw me anH gave me yor own aHHress in PnjabT -e Iept Miet. T%f it was yo why HiHnLt yo teEE me % wanteH to see 4oH. ,hy yo HiHnLt Ho it there; anH why have yo >aEEeH me here % have >ome here anH yo HonLt speaI with me. % Ho not nHerstanH.T tiEE he was siEent. % saiH; T% Ho not nHerstanH yor siEen>e. PEease speaI to me.T tiEE he was siEent. tiEE he was siEent; so % was not very happy. % was in Eove with $orH 5rishna sin>e my boyhooH. %t was a >onstant for>e in my Eife. o % saiH; TI; this pEa>e is very ni>e; % EiIe this pEa>e. &his montain is very beatifE; there are forests; there are monIeys; there are pea>o>Is. % wiEE Eive here. % wiEE go to the forest anH stay there.T % went to the forest. % haH a month before % haH to join my Hties anH % haH seH p onEy five Hays. o % went to the other siHe of the hiEE for some time; Inowing % >oEH join my Hties Eater on anH Inowing % was in a gooH pEa>e. &hen the time >ame for me to go; so % He>iHeH to go anH prostrate before him anH then to Eeave. % >ame to him. -e was there again; anH on>e again he was aEone. +ery few peopEe went to see him; very few. -e asIeH me; T,hy HiHnLt yo >ome for so many HaysT % was very proH. % saiH; T% have been pEaying with my 4oH.T T+ery gooH; very weEE.T -e saiH. To have been pEaying with 4oHT Tes; % was. % have aEways been.T To yo see him now o yo see him nowT T*ot now;T % saiH. T*ot now. ,hen % have vision % see him; sometimes in the night aEso. ,hen % have vision % see him; not aEways. &hatLs why % want to see him aEways.T &hen he saiH; T4oH Hoes not appear anH Hisappear.T 3or the first time % hearH this: T4oH is reaEity itseEf. 4oH HoesnLt Hisappear. -e is appearan>e itseEf. o what appears anH Hisappears is onEy mentaE; is onEy imagination.T % HiHnLt EiIe this phiEosophy that % was hearing. T&he goH appeareH anH HisappeareH. "nH the seer is stiEE here; he who has seen goH is stiEE here. 3inH ot who the seer is.T % haH never been >onfronteH at any time by anyone with this Mestion before. *either the Eiving saints nor any of the past saints % haH hearH abot >oEH >onfront yo EiIe this; with this Mestion: T3inH ot who the seer is. 3inH ot who yo are. &hat Hoes not Hisappear. "Eways it is there; whether yo are awaIe or Hreaming or asEeep. &his seer is aEways there. *ow yo teEE me who this seer is.T *o answer >ame for this Mestion bt % haH an eJperien>e to finH ot the sor>e of N%. %t worIeH it my >ase. n my first trip to the gr % fonH it. ">taEEy the seer was aEways thereO the sor>e of N% was aEways there. -e simpEy asIeH me to; T3inH ot who the seer is.T &hatLs what he saiH. %n his presen>e % eJperien>eH the seer; what it was. %t was so Mi>I. 'y boHy was vibrating anH be>ame ne. % HiH not nHerstanH this tremenHos bEiss; this tremenHos happiness; this beaty; in jst an instant. &his tea>hing is the Etimate tea>hing; whi>h % try to present to yo every Hay. % HonLt thinI any other tea>hing is worth striving for eJ>ept to His>over yor own eEf. $ater on; if yo neeH anything eEse yo may go in sear>h of it. -ere anH now finH ot who yo are. &his is the Etimate #eaEity; this is the Etimate tea>hing. % HonLt thinI any other tea>hing >an srpass this tea>hing. 5now yor eEf anH then Inow the rest; if it is neeHeH. &his faEse appearan>e wiEE Hisappear in the re>ognition of yor own eEf. &his faEse appearan>e wiEE not show p again when the #eaE is reveaEeH to yo. &hat has no form anH no nameO &hat has no geographi>aE Eo>ation anywhere; neither insiHe n or otsiHe. &his is !ternaE #est. !a>h of yo is aEreaHy in this. &he onEy impeHiment is yor preo>>pation with something eEse; with something nreaE. &hat is the onEy hinHran>e. therwise this 3reeHom; this ,isHom; this Beaty; this $ove is aEways inviting yo. o onEy have to trn yor attention within yor own eEf anH yo see that yo have aEways been free. &his is yor own natre. 86
&here is no neeH to seeI; no neeH to hnt it Hown anywhere eEse. %t is aEreaHy here. o onEy have to abanHon the notion that; T% am bonH. % am sffering. % am born. % have to Hie.T &his is simpEy a notion that yo have entertaineH somehow; He to yor nminHfEness. &his wiEE Hisappear instantEy when yo want it to; when yo neeH it to; when yo Hesire it; instantEy this is here. o Ho not neeH to go anH sear>h f or it — it is not an obje>t to sear>h for. %t is yor very inner natre. %t is very >Eose; >Eoser even than yor breath. ,hen something is >Eoser anH nearer than the breath what effort Ho yo neeH to meet it %t is so near; so Hear; so intimate to yo; bt yo are Eost in fEfiEEing yor Hesires with those things or peopEe whi>h are not worth maIing frienHs with. &hey appear anH Hisappear — they are not permanent; they are not reaE. o what is the se of that hnt whi>h is not abiHing; whi>h is not Eiving; whi>h is not eternaE; whi>h is Histrbing %tLs not wise to pr>hase Histrban>e for nothing. %f yo are a gooH byer yo wiEE maIe a bargain for those things whi>h Ho not Hisappear. &hat wiEE be the reaE HiamonH; anH having that yo wiEE not see yor poverty. % went away to 'aHras anH joineH my Hty. &hey gave me a very gooH bngaEow anH a >ar. !very atrHay we haH haEf Hay of worI; anH nHay was a fEE Hay off. o % starteH >oming every weeIenH for a Hay anH a haEf. ,henever % got hoEiHays % went there for some months. &hen the partitioning of %nHia was going to taIe pEa>e anH some frienHs Eiving permanentEy in the ashram asIeH me whi>h part of Pnjab % beEongeH to; to the ,est or !ast % saiH: T,est; other siHe of the river.T To yo Inow that pEa>e is now PaIistanT % was not reaHing any papers; nor interesteH in poEiti>s. % never Inew anything. -e asIeH me; T,hat abot yor famiEyT % saiH; T!veryboHy is in Pnjab; in ,est Pnjab. *oboHy is in %nHia eJ>ept myseEf.T -e saiH; T,hy HonLt yo go anH taIe >are of themT % saiH; T*o; itLs over nowO my >onne>tion with my famiEy is over. "fter seeing this man; % have no >onne>tion whatsoever with anyboHy.T -e toEH 'aharishi what % haH saiH. o as % was going on my evening waEI 'aharishi was there with a few peopEe. -e asIeH 'aharishi abot my sitation; that %nHia was going to be partitioneH anH my famiEy was in PaIistan. 'aharishi asIeH me; T,hy HonLt yo goT "nH % saiH; T%t was a Hream. %t was a HreamO % haH a wife; % haH >hiEHren anH % haH parents; % have reEations. %t was a Hream. 'y Hream is over now.T Th; very gooH if yor Hream is over. " Hream is a Hream; so why are yo are afraiH of a Hream %f yo Inow it is a Hream go anH see the Hream then.T % saw he was winning a point anH % woEHnLt aEEow it. o % saiH; T*o. *ow % am physi>aEEy atta>heH to yo; % have physi>aE atta>hment. % >annot Eeave yo. % want to stay with yo. %LEE Eet anything happen; whatever it is. % >anLt save anyboHy.T &hen he EooIeH at me anH saiH; T% am with yo wherever yo are.T &hese are the worHs in my minH. &hey heEpeH me even when % Eeft. &here was no trobEe for any of my famiEy. % broght ba>I them ba>I to $>Inow in "gst of LG7. &here was no trobEe. &here was trobEe aEE aronH bt it was very safe for s. &he gr; the master heEps everywhere. @@@
/riven by the Beast o* /esire ,ho feeEs that we are bonH $et s eJamine this important sbje>t. ,hen obje>tivity arises in >ons>iosness it be>omes >onHitioneH; EimiteH. &his is bonHage. ,hen it is abanHoneH; when yo be>ome withot obje>tivity; when there is no obje>t in the minH; yo >an >aEE this no=minH. *o=minH is Eiberation; freeHom; eman>ipation. &here is no Hifferen>e between *o=minH anH >ons>iosness.
-ow is it possibEe to avoiH this obje>t ,hat is this obje>t &his obje>t arises in or >ons>iosness. @st as a beast; an oJ or bEE is Hriven by a herHsman from behinHO so >raving is Hriving everyboHy. ,hen yo say; T% enjoy this; % enjoy that.T it is not that yo are enjoying; bt yo are Hriven EiIe a beast by >raving. o are Hriven by this >raving from behinH anH yo go to meet the obje>t EiIe a beast. o be>ome a beast of this >raving. o say; T% am enjoying; this is my Hesire.T bt this is not so. o have been Hriven anH >ompeEEeH by the obje>t; by yor >raving. &his >raving is yor herHsmen from behinH. o are Hriven by any IinH of Hesire. "Emost aEE beings beEong to this >ategory: men; Hogs; aEE are Hriven by >ravings of this worEH anH aEso of the neJt worEH. &hey are Hriven by this >raving anH therefore they sffer enHEessEy. -ow is it possibEe to avoiH this >raving o have been Hriven by this obje>t; by this >raving; by this Hesire sin>e time immemoriaEO yo Ho not remember. o have spent miEEions of years with this >raving bt ea>h time yo forget. o have spent miEEions of Eifetimes. ,here are the >ravings; where are the obje>ts; where are those reEations of yor in>arnations prior to this one o have been behaving in this way many times before. *ow this wiEE aEso Hisappear anH yo wiEE begin another manifestation EiIe this one. %t is a never enHing pro>ess. &his worEH >y>Ee is a never enHing. -ow is it possibEe to enH it @st by no Eonger giving rise to this >raving. %t is the easiest thing anH the most Hiffi>Et a Eso. % say it is the most Hiffi>Et be>ase we see very few who have been abEe to Ho it; therefore there mst be some Hiffi>Ety. % say it is aEso the most easy; be>ase if a man of reason >hooses to be free he has to jst get riH of this >raving anH it wiEE enH. o some say it is easy anH some say it is Hiffi>Et. %t is Hiffi>Et for those who are beasts of >raving; for those who have atta>hments; for them it is Hiffi>Et. Bt in their f inaE in>arnation or in the >ompany of some gooH person; in >onta>t with a sage; they wiEE nHerstanH how to get riH of this >raving. taying near a sage they wiEE >ome to Inow. &his >an be Hiffi>EtO this >an be very easy. % remember a story. &here was a Iing who EearneH from his gr how to be free; anH he be>ame free. "s a Iing he was free. -is wife; the Meen; aEso seH to go to the sage anH she was aEso free. &hey haH two sons. &he eEHer aEso be>ame free bt the yonger was too yong. -e haH been hearing abot the same sbje>t bt he >oEH not Ho it. -e was not very m>h atta>heH. -e haH Eost abot fifty per>ent of his ego bt yet he was somewhat atta>heH. ne brother was in Hiffi>Ety; the other haH Hone his worI; anH both parents haH Hone it. &he Iing; the father of these two boys; HieH. &he Meen was very fonH of her hsbanH. he saiH; T,hy shoEH % Eive here now ,e have EiveH together; why HonLt % go to this Iing %LEE give him >ompany.T he Inew how to Hispose of the eEements. r boHies are >omposeH of five eEements: earth; water; fire; air; anH aIash; or spa>e. &hat is what or boHy is maHe of; anH that is what is otsiHe of s. !arth; water; fire; air anH aIash are aEE otsiHe of s. @st as we borrow some money from or frienHs anH retrn it; so we have borroweH these eEements to fEfiEE or pEa>e. ,e borrow earth from earth; water from water; fire from fire. &his Feen Inew the art of Hisposing of her boHy anH she trneH ba>I the Eoan. &hat whi>h haH been taIen from the earth; the earth part of the boHy; is retrneH to the earthO the EiMiH of the boHy is retrneH to water; fire to fire; the air that we breath in anH ot is retrneH to air; anH spa>e to spa>e. o she aEso HisappeareH. &his is an art. %t beEongs to yoga bt everyboHy >an pra>ti>e itO it is not very Hiffi>Et. 5abir HiH it re>entEy in his Eifetime; anH many other peopEe who prefer to Hisappear in this way have Hone it. "t 5abirLs Heath the -inHs >EaimeH he was a -inH a nH wanteH to >remate him; anH the 'sEims saiH he was a 'sEim anH wanteH to bry him. o they were having a Hispte. -is boHy was >overeH anH they went near the boHy to Hrag it 88
away anH there were onEy two fEowers? -is samaHhi is near here in P near 4oraIprO he EiveH nearby in 'agar. o one fEower was >remateH; the other fEower was brieH? $iIe this the Meen HeparteH. &he eEHest son performeH the >eremony whi>h has to be performeH for HeparteH parents with great honor anH respe>t. -e HiH not feeE any IinH of sorrow. T'y parents were enEighteneH. % am aEso enEighteneH by my enEighteneH parents. &hey are happy. &hey have gone to the region beyonH this >on>ept anH % >an see where they are.T &he yonger brother was >rying anH sobbing. -is brother was asIing; T'y Hear brother; why are yo sobbing ,hy ,hats the matter with yoT Bt he HiHnLt Eisten. -e saiH; Tor parents were enEighteneH peopEe. &hey are not to be born again. o shoEH be happy.T &he yonger brother HiHnLt Eisten. -e saiH; To are >rying for those who are very happy at this time. "nH yo have haH many parents EiIe these yor re>ent parents. o mst >ry for them aEso. o have been a tiger; what abot yor tiger parents o have been a fish; what abot yor fish parents o have been a mosMito; what abot yor mosMito parents o have been a tree; what abot yor tree parents o mst >ry for them aEso. ,hy HonLt yo >ry % >an show yo aEE yor miEEions of parents now; yo >an see them. % >an aEso show yo yor re>ent parents now. % >an see them anH yo HonLt be>ase yo are not an enEighteneH person. &herefore; yo are >rying; yo are sffering. o wiEE have to sffer.T &his boy nHerstooH his brother. ,e >an aEso enH bonHage if we give p >raving for obje>ts. -ow is it possibEe to stop this >raving -ow HiH this boy Ho it -ow HiH his parents Ho it ,hen the >raving arises in >ons>iosness it has to arise from somewhere. T% want this. % want that.T is aEE in=between. ,hen yo be>ome an eJperien>er yo want to enjoy obje>ts of eJperien>e. &o have enjoyment of any obje>t yo mst first be>ome the eJperien>er anH >reate an obje>t of eJperien>e. &hese two things mst be there: &he seer anH the seen. Between the eJperien>er anH the eJperien>eH there is eJperien>ing. o are that eJperien>ing aEone. o are neither the eJperien>er nor the obje>t of eJperien>e. &his is misseH. T% am eJperien>ing both the seer anH the seen. % am seeing.T &his yo forget. o thinI; T% am the seer anH this is the obje>t of sight.T ,e miss what is in between. %f yo stay between them in eJperien>ing — this is >ons>iosness. !veryone is having this eJperien>e of >ons>iosness aEways. o wiEE have to Mestion this e Jperien>e; between eJperien>er anH eJperien>eH. ,hat is this whi>h is eJperien>ing whi>h is neither sbje>t nor obje>t o wiEE have to inMire into this. r Hire>tEy asI yorseEf; T,ho am % ,ho am % ,ho am %T 'any peopEe have Hiffi>Ety in nHerstanHing this. !very Hay % re>eive Eetters from peopEe who finH it Hiffi>Et to foEEow this. *ot everyone is >apabEe of arriving at this nHerstanHing or maIing this inMiry. %t neeHs some His>ipEine; some gronH that has not been fEfiEEeH. %t is not possibEe to be engageH anH bsy with enjoyment of the senses anH fEfiEEing yor >ravings on the one hanHO anH aEso wanting to be free; wanting to attenH satsang; wanting to maIe this Mest for seEf=InowEeHge on the other hanH. &his Hiffi>Ety eJists for those who are not free of rnning after Hesires anH >ravings. %t is not possibEe to have both things at the same time. %f yo want to enjoy the worEH noboHy is stopping yo. &he worEH is there to enjoy; so enjoy it? "nH if yo are aEreaHy satisfieH then retrn now to yor own eEf for enjoyment; having enjoyeH yor own beaty; yor own >ons>iosness; yor own bEiss; yo have enjoyeH everything. !ither this is the time of satisfa>tion or yo rn after things. *oboHy has ever been satisfieH rnning after these obje>ts. "s one obje>t is fEfiEEeH in the minH there are thosanHs waiting in Mee. o have spent miEEions of years pi>Iing p one obje>t after another. &hose peopEe who have fonH that these >ravings >annot be fEfiEEeH are fit for the instr>tion of the tea>her. &hey >ome; saying; T*ow Eet me have InowEeHge.T &hey have >ome for instr>tion anH it wiEE worI. " HEE minH whi>h is engageH somewhere eEse is 89
not Eistening to the instr>tion of the tea>her anH wiEE not get the tea>hing aEthogh the tea>hing is the same. %t is saiH that those who Eisten to the tea>hing; those who >ome to the tea>her; those who have satsang are in their East in>arnation. &hey have trieH everything eEse withot finHing satisfa>tion. &hey >oEH not finH it East time so they have retrneH with onEy this Hesire for freeHom. ,hen there is onEy the Hesire for freeHom they wiEE attain freeHom. ,hatever age they may be they wiEE set off one Hay to f inH the tea>her; anH sitting with the tea>her this instr>tion wiEE Hrive Heep into their heart. &hey wiEE see that here is wisHom anH here is Eight. &robEe >omes for those who are engageH eEsewhere anH stiEE say; T,e want to be freeT. &his is not going to pay them at aEE. %f yo have amritam anH >yaniHe in the same >p it wiEE not worI. %f yo have to taIe >yaniHe; taIe it >EeanEy anH see the resEt. &hat is the resEt that yo have aEways been seeing. *ow is the time to taste a Hrop of amritam; of ne>tar; of bEiss. ,hat is this ne>tar %t is bEiss; it is >ons>iosness; it is eJisten>e. *e>tar is that whi>h; having tasteH it; yo get >ompEete satisfa>tion with no more sear>hing; with no more >oming anH going. &he onEy trobEe is this: o >annot at the same time have enjoyment of the senses anH freeHom. o wiEE have to He>iHe. r se p yor Eife anH have another EifeO there is no probEem. !a>h one of s has aEreaHy EiveH D.G miEEion in>arnations to be here toHay. %f this is enogh then Eet s now aspire for freeHom anH for freeHom aEone; anH Eet s see what happens. ,e are not speaIing of any methoH anymore — yo have haH enogh methoHs. 2ertainEy no methoH is going to give yo freeHom be>ase every methoH wiEE neeH boHy; minH anH senses. ,hatever yo Ho — whether yo traveE to hoEy shrines; to hoEy rivers; to tempEes; pra>ti>e ritaEs or yoga — yo neeH a boHy; yo neeH a minH; yo neeH senses. &his minH is the root of the probEem itseEfO this minH is samsara. %t is a Hemon A< miEEion years oEH. o are waEIing hanH in hanH with this f rienH sin>e time immemoriaE anH yo Ho not Inow who this feEEow is. tiEE yo Ho not Inow. ,hy HonLt yo part >ompany with him jst for five mintes anH see — see how free yo are withot minH? ,e have seen that when aEE obje>ts are abanHoneH from >ons>iosness yo have no minH. ,hen there is no obje>tifi>ation in >ons>iosness yo are immeHiateEy free. 3or some this is very easyO Eistening to the instr>tion of the tea>her aEone is enogh. 3or some Hispassion anH effort is aHviseH; Hispassion anH saHhana is aHviseH. &his saHhana is: %f yo forget yorseEf; again anH again retrn to &his. "gain retrn to &his. o wiEE get riH of this minH. ,hat is the minH @st one thoght is minH. &his one thoght is manifestation; is A< miEEion years. "banHonment of this one thoght is freeHom. o this is very easy or very Hiffi>Et. ,hen yo tter the worH N% it taIes yo ba>I A< miEEion years: jst the thoght of N%. "s far ba>I as yo go yo wiEE finH an enHEess past in this one N%. o wiEE f inH the ftre anH the present aEso >ontaineH in this N% thoght. &his one N% thoght has >reateH miEEions of peopEe. %t has >reateH heaven anH heEE. &his one thoght is aEso the Iey to enHing past; present anH ftre. %t >an aEso Eiberate yo. &o abanHon this one N% thoght is EiberationO to >Eing to it is bonHage. ne is easy; other one is Hiffi>Et. &his is yor >hoi>e anH yo have to maIe yor >hoi>e this instant. o are free from the beginning. ,ho toEH yo that yo are bonH o have >hosen to be bonH be>ase of >raving to enjoy; anH yo are not satisfieH so far. *ow Eet s sit together anH heEp ea>h other to get riH of jst this one N% thoght. -ow >an this be >aEEeH Hiffi>Et; jst to get riH of this N% thoght ,here Hoes it eJist ,hen yo sear>h for it or try to see it or to>h it or feeE it or even >on>eptaEiKe it; it Hoes not appear. ,e never EooI for this N% thoghtO we EiIe to be >haseH by it EiIe a beast. CC @ne; 199C 90
/oubt $et s speaI together abot Hobt. % teEE yo when attenHing satsang; not to bring Hobt aEong with yo. % re>eive many Eetters Hes>ribing beatifE eJperien>es; bt they aEE enH with: T"m % on the right pathT "Eso the peopEe who Eeave here begin to eJperien>e Hobts. %t is EiIe someone going to Hig rbies in the river in Bihar tate; where rbies are fonH. " man finHs a rby on the sanH at the riversiHe bt he throws it away. -e Hobts his E>I; T-ow >an % finH it so easiEyT he says; so he throws it ba>I in the river. TPeopEe aronH me are Higging for 1<0 feet anH they stiEE have not fonH anything; so % wiEE throw it away.T -e Hobts; T%s it a rby or a pie>e of gEassT obt is the onEy thing that is trobEesome. &he booIs of InowEeHge give yo the highest tea>hing Hire>tEy; onEy Hobt stanHs between yo anH that tea>hing. in>e time immemoriaE they have been passing this an>ient tea>hing from >hest to >hest that To are &hat.T &he tea>hing was >oming Hire>tEy; onEy Hobt eJists between yo anH &hat. e>onHEy it is taght that T% am Brahman.T anH thirHEy T"EE this what % see; feeE; hear; to>h anH taste is aEE myseEf.T Bt Hobt is in the way so that we HonLt beEieve. %t is tre of aEE the tea>hings: if we Eisten withot Hobt one worH is Mite enogh. ,hen yo >ome to satsang Ho not entertain Hobt by Mestioning; T%s it going to happen to meT o not se the inteEEe>t as a test stone; be>ase it wiEE not give yo the >orre>t inHi>ation of goEH. &hrow it away. Bt many are not reaHy to Ho that so they wiEE not get the point. &hey wiEE taIe this tea>hing anH >ontine to sffer enHEessEy; for immeasrabEe time. or sffering wiEE not enH nEess yo remove this Hobt from within yo. omehow; sin>e my >hiEHhooH % have not >arrieH any Hobt. % HiHnLt have Hobt; % haH never hearH of Hobt; be>ase my first tea>her was my own mother. ,hatever she toEH me instantEy happeneH to me. % was a >hiEH anH % never Inew or hearH abot Hobt. % got it instantEy. he seH to teEE me stories anH they manifesteH in front of me instantEy be>ase % haH no Hobt whether this reaEity or not. saEEy when yo hear a story yo entertain Hobts. % teEE yo stories here as the mothers teEE stories to their >hiEHren; bt they are not reaEEy stories. &his is trth in an essen>e; in simpEe worHs; spoIen in story form. % wiEE teEE yo a story abot Hobt whi>h % have hearH from my mother when % was siJ or seven years oEH. %n an>ient times peopEe seH to go to satsang earEy in the morning; at for in the morning; before going to their bsiness or offi>e. %n my own town in PaIistan there was a banI manager. -e seH to >onH>t satsang in his own hose from for to five. "bot twenty peopEe seH to gather anH he seH to speaI on a booI >aEEeH +i>har agar; % remember. %tLs a very an>ient booI of Hire>t tea>hings from +eHanta; written by a Pnjabi saHHh >aEEeH *i>hiEHas. % seH to attenH that morning meeting when % was very smaEE; maybe seven or eight. &his was happening every morning anH evening. &here seH to be gatherings in my own town; veHanta tea>hing; HevotionaE tea>hing; yoga tea>hing anH InHaEini yoga. "EE these Hifferent tea>hings were there. &here were aEso His>orses in the evening. &his was onEy 70 or D0 years ago. PeopEe seH to taIe their fooH anH sit near their Eane to attenH the atsang tiEE 10:A0 or 11:00 anH then >ome ba>I home. 'orning anH evening satsang were a mst for everyboHy. -e may be an offi>e boy; he may be a bsiness man; he may even be a worIer. !ven peopEe who were Hriving hanH >arts seH to attenH. "bot one banHit V robber — this was aEso a profession. ome go for satsang anH some go for their game in the night; so he goes. o one Hay he was passing; he jst hearH 91
someone speaIing abotU abot a yong boy having a HiamonH paHHeH >ap on his heaH anH a garEanH of >eEestiaE gems aronH his ne>I anH thatLs aEE he hearHO anH he stoppeH. -e sat Hown near the gathering anH EisteneH. o at abot 10:A0 this satsang was over anH the priest has >oEEe>teH whatsoever money was given to him after. "fter satsang some moneyLs Eeft for the priest anH some gift aEsoO so he >oEEe>teH anH pt them in a bag. "nH everyone is Eeaving for his hose anH heLs Eeaving for his hose — his fa miEy is waiting. &his is his profession; to re>ite stories in the evenings. "nH heLs going his way anH this man the banHitQ jst went to himU asIeH him; 4ive me the aHHress of this boy yo spoIe abot V having the HiamonH imbeHHeH >ap anH the garEanH of gems aronH his ne>IU a garEanH. 4ive me this aHHress.8 *ow this Brahmin priest; heLs reaHing a story. &his man teEEs him; T4ive me the aHHress of this boy.T -e says; To Inow that path going to the river amna; that siHe. "t that time he goes for bath every morning at for oL>Eo>I. o go there anH yo wiEE see him.T TIay; EetLs finH. Bt % >annotU % >annot re>ogniKe him. %Lve not seen him. o >ome with me.T o he saiH; 'y famiEy is waiting for me anH Eater on yor famiEy; yo Inow.8 &hen he pt the pistoE on the >hest anH he gave his introH>tion now: T% Ho not Inow him. o >ome with me anH yo simpEy teEE me this man; thatLs aEE; anH then yo go. Bt two >annot hiHe behinH one tree. o stay in that tree anH % in this tree. o simpEy point ot this is the boy anH then thatLs aEE. &hen % wiEE >ome.T "nH then he tieH him with the rope so that he HoesnLt rn away. &ime is now 11 p.m. -e robberQ has tieH him priestQ. -eLs hiHing anH now the time is passing — 11 to G. &his man spoIe EiIe this is a story; anH this man says; -e HiHnLt taIe it as storyO he tooI itLs a fa>t.8 "nH this priest is >onting every minte of his Heath; anH this robber is >onting every minte of his E>I; % wiEE have this HiamonH. %LEE be very ri>h; yo see. %LEE be very ri>h.8 o heLs totaEEy >on>entrateH. *othing eEseU nothing eEse between him; anH his minH is onEy >on>entrating on the HiamonH anH this boy whi>h he Hes>ribeH — a yong boy wearing a >ap imbeHHeH with HiamonHs; garEanH aronH his ne>I. &ime is passingU time is passing now. &his thoght that this boy having HiamonHs aronH his ne>I. *ow the time is now G oL>Eo>I. "nH now this thoght itseEf has manifesteH. o >an aEso manifest what yo thinIO yo are not away from yor thoght. o are a thoght itseEf — yo be>ome what yo thinI. o be>ome what yo thinI instantEy. oU yo are thoght. o have >onvi>tion; % am the boHy.8 so yo are. o Eisten every Hay; o are eJisten>e; >ons>iosness; bEiss.8 &his is aEso a thoght; nothing eEse. Be>ase >onvi>tion of the boHy is stronger than this >onvi>tion that; % am >ons>iosness. % am bEiss.8 o whatever is the stronger thoght so yo be>ome. &hereLs no Hobt — yo are thoght itseEf. o at G a.m. this manifesteH itseEf. &he boy >omes in front of him anH gave him the garEanH anH the >ap he was wearing himseEf. o itLs very ni>e of yo; bt waitU HonLt go awayU be>ase % HiHnLt have yor aHHress. &here is another partner in this HeeH anH yo have something eEse that % HiH not hear. % onEy hearH >ap of the HiamonHs anH the garEanH bt yo have something on yor arm aEso. o this % wiEEU this gift % wiEE give to this priest. o >ome with me.8 o he tooI this boy in front of that one. -eLs stiEE tieH with the rope. -e thoght; -eLs now going to IiEE me. -eLs going to IiEE me.8 Bef ore rea>hing him he foEHeH hanHs; ir; % toEH yo a story from the booI. onLt IiEE me. 'y wife; my >hiEHren are waiting for me. onLt IiEE me now. % toEH a story — it was a story onEy.8 &hen he says; *o; no; no. o were right. %Lm very thanIfE to yo. !Ja>tEy at that time here is the boyO here is the boy anH here are the HiamonHs. "nH % >an onEy taIe garEanH anH onEy the >ap bt here is something on his arm aEso; so % wiEE give yo this gift. tiEE he HoesnLt beEieve. -e saiH; onLt; HonLt; HonLt bEff me pEease. o have to IiEE nowU IiEE me now; thatLs aEE. 5iEE me.8 o HonLt see8 *o; no; no; % HonLt see. % HonLt see.8 &hen he says; o see thisU yo see this hanH8 ,ith the to>h of his hanH he saw who this boy wasU who this boy was. "nH this Brahmin; this priest; now immeHiateEy saw; % am >onfronting him.8 -e ntieH the priest anH this priest prostrateH 92
in front of this banHit anH never retrneH home. "nH this man — this is a tre story — he is Inown as BanHit aint. -e is Inown as BanHit aint stiEE. o % am jst speaIing abot Hobts yo see. &his Hobt is the onEy thing that gives yo trobEe; so withot Hobt if yo have straight away this tea>hing as the story has been toEH to yo; yo jst Eisten. "nything if it is even faEseEy toEH to yo it wiEE materiaEiKe. o simpEy hear the worHO it wiEE manifest. $et the tea>her teEE yo; o are >ons>iosness.8 anH yo simpEy hear withot Hobt V anH whatLs going to happen o Eisten from the tea>her that yo are eJisten>e; yo are >ons>iosness; yo are eternaE; yo are HeathEess; yo are not the boHy. ,hat Hoes he teEE yo that is wrong Bt yo HonLt Eisten to him. ,hat wrong is there Bt yo have a >onvi>tion; % am sffering; % am born; % have to Hie be>ase % have EisteneH from my parents; % have EisteneH from my priest. o nothing is going to worI.8 o itLs not gooH to have any Hobt in yor minH when yo speaI abot it; yo see. "nH it is so simpEe not to have Hobt — itLs so simpEe. o simpEe anH there is no >onfsion if yo HonLt entertain Hobt that yo are what yo are. nEy this veiE is a Hobt yo see. o this veiE; this Hobt has be>ome this manifestation anH this is yor own >reation; this is yor own >reation; yo see. "nH if yo HonLt have this Hobt of; ,here is the >reation; anH who is the >reator8 then instantEy yo wiEE Inow who yo reaEEy were anH are. A @Ey; 199C @@@
1urn the Mind to (ae its "oure ,hen yor minH is not >Einging to any obje>t; to any person or iHea; its fa>e is trneH towarHs its or>e. &his is very simpEe. 'iEEions of booIs abot enEightenment anH freeHom have been written anH are avaiEabEe in the worEH; anH what is the resEt PeopEe have been worIing for enEightenment; freeHom; Eiberation; eman>ipation; moIsham; sin>e thosanHs of years. ,hat is the resEt !verything that yo Ho; everything that yo have been toEH to Ho; it is with the minH. ,hen yo reaH a booI yo are reaHing with the minH. ,hen yo are meHitating yo are meHitating with the minH. ,hen yo are Hoing anything yo are aEways Hoing it with the minH. &his is why there is no resEt. istra>t the minH immeHiateEy from any obje>t; person; or iHea. %t is that simpEe. &hen the fa>e of the minH is trneH towarHs its sor>e for the first time; anH a refEe>tion from somewhere n=toEH; n=Hes>ribeH wiEE faEE on this minH whi>h is not HweEEing on the past. "EE obje>ts; iHeas; anH peopEe beEong to the past. *ow for the f irst time the minH has been Hire>teH towarHs its own native pEa>e; its own aboHe. ,ith the refEe>tion of beyonH it Eoses its entity as the minH. %t be>omes no=minH now. %t is satyam — trth; shivam; anH snHaram. ther than this % am not aware of any other pro>ess by whi>h yo >oEH be free. %f yo have any iHeas; any atta>hments to anything — in>EHing yor own boHy; yor minH; yor inteEEe>t or anything eEse — how >oEH yo be free @st by giving rise to one thoght of the minH — the N% thoght — anH there is instantEy past; present; ftre; manifestation; sffering anH a >y>Ee of in>arnations; never enHing rein>arnations. %f yo so >hoose; if yo so Hesire; it >an be pt to an enH right now. Bt yo have not taIen that He>ision so far. o have been postponing this He>ision anH passing throgh miEEions of births; taIing miEEions of years anH this He>ision stiEE is waiting. % Ho not Inow what yo are EooIing for or why yo are afraiH to retrn to yor own native pEa>e; to the 93
aboHe of aEE aspi>iosness; happiness; Eove; anH beaty. ,hy are yo shirIing yor responsibiEities 9 @Ey; 199C @@@
-onsiousnes o have hearH the worH 2ons>iosness. ,hen a finger is pointing to the moon; yo see the moon. ,hen yo hear this worH V >ons>iosness — where is it pointing to &he finger pointing to the moon shows yo the moon. *ow the worH N>ons>iosness is seH pointing to something. "fter having hearH this worH what Ho yo see ,hat Ho yo per>eive ,ho are yo o are aEways >ons>iosness: o have been; yo are; anH yo aEways wiEE be. ,here is the Hiffi>Ety in a>>epting the trth anH what is reaE ,ho toEH yo that yo a re ignorant ,here HiH this ignoran>e arise from in the first pEa>e "gain anH again yo have affirmeH; T% am ignorant; % am ignorant; % am ignorant.T anH then we sffer. ,ith the repeateH affirmation; T% am bonH.T anH T% sffer.T this niverse is >reateH with enHEess sffering; in>arnation; rein>arnation; anH enHEess birth anH Heath. omehow this >y>Ee has starteH. ,ho is responsibEe for it %t is onEy yor affirmation that this is reaE; this ignoran>e is reaE; this snaIe is reaE. &here arises the fearO this snaIe has >on>eaEeH the reaEity of the rope. -ow is it possibEe to remove the >on>ept of the snaIe ,ho wiEE remove this Hobt *ow yo >annot see the rope be>ase yo are atta>heH to the iHea of the snaIe. Bt there was never any snaIe. %n the same way; yo >annot see >ons>iosness be>ase yo are atta>heH to the imposition of ignoran>e. &here was never any ignoran>eO yo are >ons>iosness itseEf. &he snaIe wiEE be removeH by reasoning; not by sitting near it anH meHitating. 'eHitation wiEE not remove the snaIe. o wiEE have to see throgh reason that the snaIe is not moving. o are in sho>I; yo are sffering; yo are trying to pi>I p a stone or sti>I to beat the snaIe withO that is how yo are engageH here. o have not seH reason; anH this is >aEEeH ignoran>e. 'ove towarHs it; EooI at it >arefEEy; or Eisten to someone >oming from the other siHe who teEEs yo that this is not a snaIeO it is jst a pie>e of string Eying here. -e haH not seen the snaIe; so on hearing his worHs the snaIe vanisheH be>ase it never eJisteH. &here was onEy a rope nHerneathO throgh ignoran>e yo tooI it to be a snaIe. %n the same way; throgh Ea>I of reasoning yo have a>>epteH yor affirmations that T&his samsara is reaE.T anH T% am bonH.T %t may never have eJisteH at aEE. it Hown MietEy anH reason it ot. &hrogh this reasoning yo wiEE finH ot who has >on>eaEeH >ons>iosness anH >reateH ignoran>e. r Eistening to someone who Inows it was a rope >an remove yor Hobt. n hearing this on>e from a responsibEe person the snaIe wiEE Hisappear anH yo wiEE see that it was a rope; that T% am >ons>iosness.T *ow as % say the worH N>ons>iosness; pt it to the test stone anH see if this worH is >orre>t. 4o near anH see if ignoran>e is reaE or not. nEy then wiEE yo Inow that yo are >ons>iosness anH &rth itseEf. o are satyam; shivam; snHaram. o have been toEH from the very beginning that ignoran>e eJists; anH now this has be>ome a reaEity. &his ignoran>e Hoes not eJist at aEE. ,hen yo sit MietEy where is the ignoran>e omehow we have a>>epteH it; so the Mestion now is how to remove this ignoran>e. ,hen yo aHH wooH to a fire it be>omes fire anH brns >ompEeteEy; so that there is no more wooH Eeft. "nH when aEE the wooH has be>ome fire; when there is no more feE; the fire aEso goes ot. ,hat is the f ire that wiEE remove ignoran>e anH retrn yo ba>I to yor own stats; to yor own aboHe; to atman; to Brahman 94
&here is reaEEy no name for yor originaE natre bt we have to >onverse. % say the worH N>ons>iosness. %t is perhaps a finger pointing to the moon; bt the finger is not the moon. %t is onEy pointing to the moon be>ase yo >anLt see the moon. omeone who has seen it points his finger. %f yo >Eing to the finger yo >anLt see the moon. 'ost peopEe >Eing to what they have Eearnt; they >Eing to a tea>hing anH start meHitating. &hey be>ome so interesteH in the means that they forget why the means was neeHeH — the finger was neeHeH onEy to see the moon. 'eHitation is a finger pointing to freeHom. Bt everyboHy got atta>heH; anH now Hifferent so>ieties are rnning meHitation anH noboHy speaIs abot enEightenment. &he onEy fire whi>h >an brn everything is the fire of inMiry. "ny pra>ti>e whi>h yo perform is with the minH; anH the resEt wiEE be onEy mentaE. &he trobEe is with the minH; so we mst finH ot how to get riH of the minH itseEf. &he whoEe >reation of past; present; ftre; heEE; heaven; >reator; preservation anH Hestr>tion is jst minH. &he minH is simpEy a thoght. &here is no Hifferen>e between a thoght anH the minH. &here is one prime thoght that be>omes the minH; that be>omes the ego; boHy; senses; manifestation anH time. "EE these miEEions of niverses are hanging EiIe Hst parti>Ees in one thoght. 4ive rise to the thoght — L%L — anH everything arises. %n this one thoght eJists the past; present; miEEions of niverses; heEEs anH heavens; anH goHs anH >reators; preservers anH Hestroyers. -ow >an this L%L be arresteH %f this L%L >eases; everything >eases. ,hen L%L arises; everything arises in front of yo. *ow everything has arisen be>ase yo se the worH L%L; bt when there is no L%L there is nothing. ,hen yo enter into the Heep sEeep state withot even any Hreams yo Ho not see any obje>t; yo Ho not see any sbje>t; yo Ho not see any manifestation — no >reator nor >reation. &his is a HEE state be>ase there is no awareness at aEE so yo may not re>ogniKe it. %n Heep sEeep yo forget yorseEf >ompEeteEy. &here is no boHy; there are no senses; there are no obje>ts. *othing is there be>ase there is no L%L thoght there. ,hen yo waIe p in the morning the first thoght to arise is the thoght L%L. o thinI; T% am so=anH=soT; anH instantEy the whoEe worEH arises before yo. -ow is this thoght to be >he>IeH &here is a fire in this inMiryO if yo simpEy inMire; T,ho am %8 &his is a fire whi>h wiEE brn everything: aEE the moHifi>ations of the minH; past; present anH ftre. @st these three worHs: T, are a fire whi>h wiEE brn everything; as the fire we taEIeH of earEier. "fter having brnt past; present; anH ftre; they wiEE aEso brn the memory. "nH this inMiry wiEE aEso be brnt as wooH brns >ompEeteEy in a fire. &he L%L thoght whi>h went to inMire into its own natre is no Eonger to be fonH; anH in this yor tre natre is reveaEeH. &his inMiry >an be >onH>teH in this very instant. %t is not a Eong pro>eHre; it is not a pra>ti>e. o Ho not have to Ho anything for this inMiry. o simpEy neeH to investigate; to inMire withot thinIing abot anything anH withot performing any IinH of pra>ti>e. *o effort or thoght is invoEveH. &his is the inMiry that % speaI abot: to f inH ot what this L%L is whi>h has >reateH this manifestation. "fter having maHe this inMiry; Ieep Miet. %f yo Ho not thinI; anH Ho not maIe any IinH of effort that whi>h yo have never hearH Hes>ribeH; that whi>h >annot be a>hieveH or attaineH wiEE reveaE itseEf. %t wiEE reveaE itseEf on>e yo have >onH>teH this inMiry anH given p aEE IinHs of thoght anH effort. &his aspi>iosness is yor own swarpam; yor own eEf; yor own atman; yor own Brahman. %t is that whi>h is everywhere. &his is very simpEe for those who >an hear inno>entEy; withot worIing the thinIing pro>ess anH the memory. o >an postpone this; bt sooner or Eater yo wiEE have to retrn homeO anH whenever this happens it wiEE be this very se>onH. o >an postpone this se>onH enHEessEy anH enHEess niverses wiEE 95
arise. %t is p to yo. e>iHe now. o >an enH it in this very se>onH or yo >an >reate more niverses. &his very se>onH is ot of time be>ase L%L is time; minH is time. ,hen yo inMire into this L%L it is gone. ,hat happens is a reveEation whi>h Hoes not taIe pEa>e in time at aEE. %t trans>enHs time; ego anH everything. impEy Ieep Miet anH Ho not Ho anything at aEE. 17 @Ey; 199C @@@
1he -onditions *or (reedom ,hat are the >onHitions or reMirements that are neeHeH for freeHom or enEightenment &rEy speaIing; there are no harH anH fast rEes or >onHitions that yo have to be fEfiEEeH to be free. Bt % wiEE >ite one eJampEe of a Iing. ,hen the Mestion of enEightenment >omes % Ho not Inow why Iings are aEways mentioneH. ,e have hearH that in an>ient times enEightenment was won onEy by Iings anH not by worIers. +aishista was a Iing; +ishwamitra was a Iing; agnavaEIa was a Iing; 4yanasrti was a Iing; BHHha was a prin>e. &here may be something in this be>ase they have fEfiEEeH their vasanas anH Hesires. Perhaps those who have not Hone enogh to fEfiEE their vasanas >annot renon>eO they are aHHi>teH to vasanas. &herefore we aEways hear that Iings have won freeHom: @anaIa was a Iing; asaratha was a Iing; #ama was a Iing; 5rishna was a Iing. %t >an be won by everyone bt the story goes in favor of the Iings. &here was a Iing who spoIe to his wife; T'y hairs are getting gray now.T %n an>ient times; when peopEe were seeing gray hairs on their heaH they reje>teH everything anH went to the forest or to some rishiLs ashram to sit with him anH to be free. &his Iing was very m>h atta>heH to his wife; she to him. Bt on this morning he saiH; T'y Hear Meen; % wiEE Eeave yo now.T T,hy are yo going to Eeave meT he asIeH; To toEH me that there is nothing eEse more beatifE than me. iHnLt yo say thatT Tes % HiH;T the Iing repEieH. T&hen why shoEH yo Eeave me nowT "nH he saiH; T'y Hear Meen; my beEoveH one; my Hear one; there is something eEse that % >annot attain here with yo on the throne. o % Eeave yo anH % go.T -e HiH not Eisten to the MeenLs besee>hing. &he Meen saiH; T% >an tea>h yo InowEeHge. % Inow that whi>h yo want to Eearn anH % >an tea>h yo. % HiH not speaI on this matter ntiE now be>ase the time was not ripe. o were yong; yo haH vasanas; anH the time haH not >omeO bt now % >an tea>h yo.T tiEE the Iing HiH not Eisten. -e saiH; T,hat yo >an tea>h ,hat is a woman going to tea>h me % am going now. -ere are the ministers who are very abEe. &hey wiEE heEp yo in government. -ere are the treasres. % am giving yo everything. % wiEE go now.T &his Meen haH been going to satsang sin>e >hiEHhooH in her parents hose; anH she was enEighteneH. Bt the Iing was not in a sitabEe >onHition to Eisten to her instr>tion. %t is most important that yo be in very gooH shape to be benefiteH by satsang. -e HiHnLt Eisten. -e waEIeH ot anH went away anH HisappeareH into the forest. &he Meen haH aEso EearneH yoga; so she sat in samaHhi anH her sbtEe boHy went aEE over the pEa>e to finH ot where the Iing was sitting in meHitation EooIing for freeHom. "nH she saw him Eiving anH meHitating in a that>heH ht. o the Meen thoght; T&his is the right time for me to tea>h.T 96
he HisappeareH in the night anH went in the Hisgise of a yong saHh — HresseH p as a saHh; as a man. he He>EareH that she beEongeH to +aiInth $oIa. T% have >ome be>ase yo have reje>teH everything;T she saiH. T% have >ome be>ase yo are a very serios seeIer of trth anH % wiEE tea>h yo.T -e was very happy. -e prostrateH before the saHh anH weE>omeH him; saying that this was the time he neeHeH a tea>her. o every night she woEH Hisappear from the paEa>e anH go anH tea>h. &he saHh toEH a whoEe story to him; how he was the Iing of a >ertain >ontry; he haH a Meen anH everything bt he reje>teH everything. &he saHh toEH the Iing; Tor renn>iation is not yet >ompEete be>ase what has to be renon>eH is not yet renon>eH. o renon>eH yor paEa>e bt insteaH here is a that>heH ht. &hereLs no Hifferen>e between a paEa>e anH a that>heH ht. o have the same atta>hment now with the that>heH ht. %nsteaH of yor royaE robes yo are now wearing this soiEeH robe of a renn>iate.T &he Iing Eeft the ht anH threw off his robe; so he was stanHing nHe. T*ow is my renn>iation >ompEeteT T*ot yet; not yet. tiEE yo are atta>heH to something; anH with atta>hment; freeHom is not possibEe.T TnEy the boHy is Eeft;T saiH the Iing. TnEy my boHy is there; so % am going to throw my boHy into the fire.T T,ait;T saiH the saHh. T,ait. ,hat harm has this poor boHy Hone to yo o Ho not neeH to throw it away. Perhaps throgh this boHy yo >an attain freeHom. &his boHy is inert. ,hy Ho yo want to throw it away &his is a beatifE >han>e for yo to worI throgh this boHy. omething eEse has to be renon>eH; not the boHy. !ven in yor sEeep yo have no boHy; stiEE yo are not enEighteneH anH yo are not free. ring sEeep yo Ho not see anyboHy; yet yo are not free. !ven at Heath yor boHy is >remateH; yet yo are not free. o have to renon>e that whi>h has to be renon>eH.T &he Iing HiH not nHerstanH what has to be renon>eH. To have to renon>e that throgh whi>h yo are renon>ing everything; anH throgh whi>h yo thinI that yo are going to have eman>ipation anH wisHom. &hat has to be renon>eH. ,hat is that 'inH. &he minH has to be renon>eH. o HiH not Ho it when yo were in the paEa>e anH aEso here yo >annot Ho withot it. o have not won freeHom Eiving in the paEa>e anH aEso here yo are stiEE bonH. ntiE yo renon>e minH yo >annot be free.T &he Iing agreeH to Ho this; bt how to Ho it -ow is it possibEe to renon>e the minH -e HiH not Inow how to renon>e the minH. o the saHh taght him. !very night this yong saHh appeareH before him; spent the whoEe night; anH then fEew ba>I to the paEa>e in the morning to attenH to the affairs of the >ort anH the Iing. he haH a very a>tive Hay anH aEso a very a>tive night. "t night she was a grO in the Hay she was a Meen. he toEH him what has to be Hone. he toEH him to sit Miet anH she toEH him how to get riH of this minH. T&he minH is a vasana — a Hesire. ,hose Hesire 'y Hesire. &his minH is jst a thoght. &he prime thoght; the first thoght; is onEy the N% thoght. &here is no Hifferen>e between N% anH minH. T%;T ego; anH minH are aEE the same thing. o how is it possibEe to get riH of this N% &he Iing saiH; T-ow >oEH % get riH of this N%8 %n everything — in anything that yo Ho — the N% is aEways maintaineH. &herefore there is no possibiEity of s>>ess. *o one >an win freeHom; whether he be in an ashram or worIing by himseEf aEone on the heights of the -imaEayan montains. &he N% is stiEE maintaineH. % am meHitating. % am performing piEgrimages. % am Hoing aEE these things. % am >hanting s>h=anH=s>h a formEa.8 &he N% is stiEE there. nEess this N% is IiEEeH there is no se of any saHana that yo Ho.T &his yong saHh now toEH this yogi; T% wiEE teEE yo a way how to get riH of this minH in the shape of L%.L 3inH ot where this L%L is rising from. Festion yorseEf; L,here is this L%L 97
rising fromLT T%t is very Hiffi>Et to finH;T saiH the Iing. T%t is very Hiffi>Et be>ase % have never hearH abot this before. *o one ever toEH me abot it. *o one ever asIeH me to Mestion where this L%L is rising from.T ,e are worIing with this Mestion here every Hay. ome say that it is very Hiffi>Et; that they HonLt get it; they HonLt nHerstanH. " few are abEe to Ho it for some time; anH % am gEaH. Bt again; after a weeI or so they say that the oEH tenHen>ies >ome ba>I. &he whoEe=hearteH jignasa — the fire of Hesire for freeHom that is neeHeH — is not there. %tLs onEy for fnLs saIe; reaHing some booIs anH hearing from so=>aEEeH tea>hers; going to so=>aEEeH >enters in the worEH whi>h tea>h freeHom. PeopEe are attra>teH there anH sit with a tea>her who HoesnLt Inow himseEf — he is not free himseEf. -e HoesnLt beEong to the traHition of grsO neither HiH he have a gr; so he has no right to speaI on gyana — InowEeHge. o have to see the Eineage of the gr; to whi>h Eineage Hoes the tea>her beEong therwise yo are misEeH; misgiHeH anH Eost forever. o not waste yor Eife this time; this hman in>arnation. %t is very Hiffi>Et to maintain the Hesire for freeHom in hman Eife. 'ost hman beings are jst two=EeggeH animaEs; two=EeggeH beasts interesteH onEy in seJ; fooH anH sEeep. &his is what animaEs anH man have in >ommon: fooH; seJ anH sEeep. &he onEy Hifferen>e between animaEs anH man is that we have the option; we have His>rimination; to tiEiKe this bEesseH hman tempEe of 4oH for the saIe of freeHom. ,e have haH better seJ as a pig. ,e have haH better fooH as a woEf. %f yo overeat yo have to go to the Ho>tor in the evening. ,e HonLt even have the stamina to eat that a woEf Hoes. "nH animaEs sEeep m>h better that we Ho. 'an has to se sEeeping piEEs anH other Hrgs to be abEe to sEeep. 2oming ba>I to the story; the Iing was sEowEy EearneH from the yong saHh anH he >ame to Inow the &rth. -e saiH; T#espe>teH gr; % prostrate before for yo. % sear>heH; % have fonH the pEa>e where this L%L is rising from; anH % HonLt see a nything there.T &his is the eJperien>e of everyone who >omes anH sits in front at satsang. esterHay % re>eiveH a Eetter from a girE was here anH has now gone ba>I to -oEEanH. he wanteH some >Earifi>ation. T% EearneH; anH % am pra>ti>ing here aEso; bt % HonLt f inH anything. % HonLt finH anything. % HonLt see anything. % jst see that % am very happy in this moment. %s this the right state or is there any mistaIe in thisT &hose who have this eJperien>e have to stay a EittEe Eonger so that they Ho not forget it. ,hy not finish p the whoEe thing here anH now %t HoesnLt taIe time. o have >ome for this prpose anH % am very happy that we are here to share or e Jperien>es with ea>h other. ,e have to maIe sre that we are aEE happy so that we >an go ba>I home anH heEp or frienHs aEso. %n this way this wiEE spreaH throgh the whoEe worEH EiIe a wiEH fire. &his is the right time. % am seeing the resEt. ne singEe person who goes from here is Mite enogh. &his Iing toEH the saHh; T% am very happy abot what has o>>rreH; bt what is freeHom ,hat was this iHea of freeHomT &he saHh repEieH; To have entertaineH a >on>ept that yo were bonH. o were bonH so yo wanteH to be free. &his is the Hire>t path to freeHom where this >on>ept of bonHage has now vanisheH. ,hen the >on>ept of bonHage has vanisheH the >on>ept of freeHom aEso goes. ,hiEe waEIing barefoot in the forest we may be pri>IeH by a thorn in the foot. o we try to taIe another thorn to taIe the first thorn ot; anH then we throw both of them away. %n the same way; bonHage is onEy a >on>ept. &o remove this thorn we neeH another >on>ept of freeHom. ,hen the time >omes that both the thorns are thrown away we Ho not Inow anything; we Ho not Inow what happeneH. *ow yo wiEE have to pt aEE yor strength to not be re>aEEeH by habits whi>h are miEEions of years oEH. &hese oEH habits are aEso a
>on>ept. ,here Ho the habits go when yo sEeep &hen there are no oEH habits anH no new habits either. &here is no bonHage anH aEso there is no freeHom.T &he Iing was staying in this state anH the saHh was stiEE waiting with him. ne weeI passeH in this state anH he was absoEte bEissfE; in a stateEess state. o the saHh >ame anH asIeH him; T,hat more Ho yo want ,hat more Ho yo neeH &his is freeHom. #emain as this wherever yo are; even sitting in the paEa>e with yor Meen. %snLt this possibEeT T% was very atta>heH to my Meen; anH these atta>hments >oEH not have heEpeH me;T the Iing repEieH. T&herefore % haH to reje>t them aEE. % Ho not Inow if she >oEH have taght me. he was a stpiH woman anH saiH she >oEH tea>h me InowEeHge. %tLs a gooH thing that it was my gooH Iarma to be bEesseH by yo; my satgr.T &hen he prostrateH again anH againO he went aronH the saHh many times. &he Meen saiH to herseEf; T-eLs aEE right now.T anH removeH her Hisgise. he removeH the appearan>e of saHh anH be>ame his Meen anH prostrateH before the Iing. T$et s retrn to or paEa>e;T she saiH. &he Iing wonHereH to himseEf; T,hy % HiHnLt Eisten to yo thenT -e He>iHeH it HiHnLt matter. &he Iing anH Meen were both enEighteneH anH in >onstant satsang. esterHay someone asIeH abot harmonios Eife. " Mestion arose in my hose abot the harmonios Eife between a wife anH hsbanH; anH we haH a H is>ssion abot this over En>h. !veryone is Eiving in great fear. " harmonios Eife means Eiving together in wisHom; nHerstanHing or reEationship with or partners; with or f rienHs; with or reEations. &his >an be >aEEeH a harmonios Eife. ,e are here from aEE over the worEH. 2oEH there be any better bonH of Eove between aEE of s PeopEe are Eiving here as more than brothers with brothers; anH sister with sisters; anH parents with parents. ,hat better harmonios Eife >oEH there be than satsang " harmonios Eife is onEy when both ofU when aEE of s have the same enterprise; the same thing; the same path; the same goaE. ,hen we are aEways speaIing abot that: &his is going to be a harmonios Eife. &here >an be no other harmonios Eife in the worEH than sitting in satsang; in great Eove with ea>h other. &o be prepareH for satsang we have to be wiEEing to reje>t aEE or past vasanas. ,e Inow that or vasanas are finisheH be>ase this Hesire for freeHom wiEE >ome onEy on>e in a >y>Ee. *ot on>e in a Eife; on>e in a >y>EeO whi>h means A< miEEion years. nEy then wiEE this Hesire for freeHom ariseO anH whenever it >omes maIe the best of it. it Hown wherever yo are so that this moment is not gone. %mmeHiateEy; this is the right time to win freeHom. o not postpone for the neJt moment or for the neJt Hay. &his is the right time — when this Hesire arises — not that yo reaH it in a booI; not that yo were toEH to >ome; not that someone saiH; T% wiEE give yo enEightenment.T not that it was imposeH on yo. %t has to >ome on its own. %t has to >ome from within. &he wave has to rise from the o>ean; not from the Hesert. %f it Hoes >ome from the Hesert it is something eEse anH not a>taEEy the wave. ,henever this Hesire for freeHom >omes; sit Hown where yo are anH Ieep Miet. &his is the right time. C1 @Ey; 199C @@@
$ou %ave &ostponed Lon# Enou#h &he aboHe of Pea>e; 2ons>iosness; anH BEiss is here. o are onEy reMireH to have a firm >onvi>tion. @st as yo have a firm >onvi>tion that; T% am the boHy anH this is mine.T so haEf of that >onvi>tion given to Inowing; T% am >ons>iosness; % am pea>e.T wiEE Ho. 99
&here are siJ ways; % thinI; throgh whi>h yo >an attain freeHom. ,hat we speaI of here is a very Hire>t way: %t is >aEEeH Brahma viHya — Hire>t awaIening. &here are aEso other ways; EiIe pranayama; there is yogaO there is InHaEiniO anH there is aEso bhaIti yoga. "EE these methoHs are sefE. ,hatever is sitabEe to yo — whatever yo EiIe — yo >an s>>eeH with. ,hat we mostEy speaI here is Brahma viHya; Hire>t awaIening throgh vi>har — reason. ,e EooI obje>tiveEy at how to arrive at prsha; the absoEte trth whi>h is one withot a se>onH; n>hanging. ,hatever >hanges is not reaE. tarting with the boHy it >hanges; from >hiEHhooH to yoth to oEH age to Heath it >hanges. !ven the whoEe worEH >hanges with earthMaIes; with >y>Eones. &he worEH whi>h was here a hnHreH years ago or a thosanH years ago is not now. !ven money >hanges; anH whatever >hanges is not the trth. &he minH is aEso >hanging. ometimes it is pea>efE; sometimes it is restEess. &he states that yo pass throgh every Hay aEso >hange. ,e have a firm beEief that what we see in the waIing state is reaE. &his reaEity Hisappears in the Hream state. Both waIing anH Hreaming Hisappear in the sEeep state; anH sEeep aEso Hisappears in the neJt waIing state. ,hat is aEternating is not reaE. &his is a fa>t. ,henever there is a >hange there mst be an nHerEying sbstratm whi>h Hoes not >hange; on whi>h these >hanges are taIing pEa>e. ,hen yo see a >Eay jar; instantEy yo have a >ons>iosness of earth. ,hen yo see a ring; instantEy yo are >ons>ios of goEH. ,hen yo see a tabEe; instantEy yo are aware that it is a wooH. $iIe this there mst be some sbstratm whi>h has taIen a Hifferent shape anH a Hifferent name. ,hatever >hanges has a sbstratm. ,hatever yo >an obje>tify anH eJternaEiKe; Ho it. 3inaEEy yo wiEE rea>h the boHy itseEf. ,hatever yo see mst be eJternaE to yo. %f yo see the boHy it is eJternaE; anH something mst be internaE — something mst be inner. &hat is why yo >an see thingsO be>ase whatever yo see mst be eJternaE; mst be an obje>t. !ven in a Hream everything is eJternaE to yo. &here are montains; there are rivers; men; treesO aEE are eJternaE to yo. &he sEeeping man is not affe>teH by the Hream; he is onEy seeing. o now we are aHviseH to His>over the >hangeEess on whi>h these >hanges are taIing pEa>e. -ow is this to be Hone By reje>ting. ,hatever >hanges; reje>t it. it Hown >ooEEy for some time anH see. ,hatever yo see; whatever yo per>eive or >on>eive or feeE >an be reje>teH. omething wiEE be Eeft whi>h yo >annot reje>t. &hat is the permanent aboHe of eJisten>e; >ons>iosness; bEiss anH freeHom. &his >an be Hone instantEy or this may taIe ages. 2entries ago peopEe seH to go anH Eeave their homes. 5ings woEH renon>e their IingHoms anH go to the forest for freeHom; for penan>e. 'any peopEe Eeft. ,henever the Mestion of freeHom arose instantEy the thoght >ame; T$et me go to forest; Eet me go to the montains.T &hat has nothing to Ho with it. &hat is onEy rnning away from yor own eEf. &he things that trobEe yo wiEE go aEong with yo. ,hatever is trobEesome here wiEE aEso trobEe yo in the montains. -ow is that to be renon>eH o wiEE have to He>iHe now to sit Miet; >ooEEy; wherever yo are — in the thi>I of a >rowH; at worI; at home — it HoesnLt matter. o want to postpone this anH yo have Hone it before. ,e have be>ome eJperts at postponement; whi>h is why we are here after A< miEEion years on>e again. ,e have traveEeH aEreaHy for A< miEEion years; anH now we have enogh eJperien>e. -ow are we going to pt an enH to this tay a whiEe. 5eep Miet anH see what is rising within yorseEf. ,hat is rising in yor minH; anH who is per>eiving this rise 3inH ot what is arising anH go to the sor>e from where it is arising. &hat is aEE yo have to Ho. &hose who >an nHerstanH this have Hone it very weEE. !very Hay yo see it here. &he oEH Hays are over where yo were aHviseH to go to the forest. "nH tea>hers were very harHO they 100
woEH not teEE yo anything nEess they testeH yo. &ea>hers were very harH then. &hey woEH not show yo the HiamonH so easiEy. @st a hnHreH years ago there was a Iing who hearH of a saint Eiving in his own IingHom. &he Iing was very restEess insiHe anH wanteH pea>e of minH; so he He>iHeH to go anH see this saint. Be>ase he was a Iing he haH to go with Eots of presents EoaHeH on eEephants. -is Meens aEso a>>ompanieH him; aEso his ministers anH se>rity for>es. &he 5ing was going to see a saint. &he saint was Eiving in a very poor hermitage with that>heH hts anH a few His>ipEes were Eiving with him. &he Iing arriveH anH asIeH one of the His>ipEes of the saint to pass on a message. T%nform him that the Iing of this >ontry has >ome to pay his respe>ts. 2an he >ome ot of his htT &he His>ipEe went insiHe to asI. T&he Iing is here anH he is stanHing otsiHe with his Meens anH ministers anH presents.T &he saint saiH to this; T&eEE the Iing to nEoaH everything nHer the tree anH wait. % wiEE teEE him when % am free anH % wiEE see him.T o everything was Iept nHer the tree; anH the saint toEH his His>ipEes; T4ive him two meaEs a Hay; jst as they are >ooIeH in this ashram. 4ive him En>h anH Hinner; thatLs aEE.T o the Iing anH the Meens anH the minister waiteH tiEE night. tiEE there was no orHer. o the Iing saiH; T,e have to rn the government.T -e sent the ministers anH Meens ba>I. -e saiH; T% wiEE stay aEone. % wiEE have the Harshan of the saint anH onEy then wiEE % retrn.T &hat night passeH. ays passeH. -e stayeH for fifteen Hays with onEy his fooH nHer the tree. "gain he asIeH; T%Lve waiteH here for fifteen Hays. 4o anH asI the saint if % may see him now.T &he repEy >ame; To wiEE have to wait for another three Hays.T -e waiteH for another three Hays. T*ow again three Hays have passeH;T he saiH. T*ow wait for another Hay;T he was toEH. "nother Hay passeH. "fter that Hay he sent a man teEEing him; T4o anH finH ot; when >an % see him.T T@st one hor;T >ame the repEy. ne hor passeH. &hen he saiH; T,hen shoEH % see himT T"fter five mintes;T he was toEH. T"fter five mintes;T >rieH the Iing. T"f ter five mintes? 3ive mintes is too m>h to wait? % >annot wait? % >annot wait?T "nH he rsheH in immeHiateEy withot asIing anyoneLs permission anH he prostrateH. %t was his arrogan>eO it was his ego that tooI time. &he saint was sitting in a that>heH ht with no HoorO he >oEH go in at any time. ,ho stoppeH him -is a rrogan>e saying; T% am a Iing;T was aEE that was in the way. ,hat stops yo from retrning to yor >ons>iosness %t is onEy yor arrogan>e; yor ego; the iHea that; T% am the boHy.T &his is yor IingHom. o are enthroneH in this IingHom anH aEE yor vasanas are yor Meens; anH TthisT anH TthatT are yor ministers. o when yo are reaHy; wherever yo are; withot asIing anyoneLs permissionO finH ot where this prsha is; where this aboHe is; where yor own aboHe of rest is. ,henever yo >on>eive of the boHy there mst be some >on>eaEing sbstratm nHerneath; throgh whi>h yo are abEe to imagine that there is a boHy. Before the >on>ept of the boHy there mst be something >hangeEess >on>eaEeH nHerneath from where this wave is arising that; T% am the boHy.T -ow Ho yo miss it $iIe the Iing yo are spenHing miEEions of years anH no one stops yo. @st now — rsh in. %n previos times yo haH to go to the -imaEayas for forty; fifty or siJty years in yor oEH age; anH even then yo might not finH trth. "fter Eeaving the paEa>e the BHHha aEso went to many pEa>es. -e saw many very harH anH Hiffi>Et penan>es. %n some ashrams he saw peopEe tying their feet to the trees anH hanging heaH Hown; performing penan>e. BHHha asIeH what was going on anH they toEH him; T,e want f reeHom?T &hey 101
were hanging EiIe monIeys? &his IinH of pra>ti>e is being pra>ti>eH even now wherever yo go. %n any ashram yo go to the tea>her wiEE pres>ribe yo to sit Hown in this parti>Ear postre with the spine in a straight Eine; anH to thinI of this. %f yo are reaEEy serios abt this yo Ho not have to wait. or aboHe is within yo — nearer than yor own breath; nearer even than where the breath rises from; it is behinH the retina. o very near; anH stiEE we have been postponing this for miEEions of years. ,hose faEt is this ,e are pEaying EiIe >hiEHren on the bea>h maIing sanH hoses; forgetting to retrn home. &he high tiHe >omes anH sweeps everything away whiEe yo are sEeeping. &he high tiHe has to >ome. Before this high tiHe >omes retrn home. or mother is waiting for yo; anH yo are bsy with yor sanH hoses. 1D "gst; 199C @@@
0o E**ort o mst have >ome here for freeHom; to get riH of sorrow; to get riH of sffering. $ife is a repeating >y>Ee of Heath; Hisease; anH oEH ageO bt yo >an abanHon this by simpEy Eistening. $isten to me; Eisten to what % am saying anH aEE is over. % HonLt give yo any tasI or any worI to Ho. &his is not the Eympi>sO yo HonLt have to rn. &his is satsang. *o eJertion is neeHeH here. ,ithot even neeHing to thinI a singEe thoght yo >an be EiberateH this moment. %f yo are not reaHy in this Eife yo might as weEE wait a thosanH Eives. o simpEy neeH to Eisten very >arefEEy. %t is very easy for those who are serios; sin>ere; anH HevoteH to themseEves. PeopEe who >ome for tamashia wiEE not get the point. o have to simpEy be>ome aware of the movement of the minH; whi>h begins this enHEess trobEe. &hat something is a>taEEy arising ot of >ons>iosness is onEy a >on>ept; anH it is this whi>h gives rise to the myth of an inHiviHaE iHentity. -ow m>h time Hoes it taIe for the minH to arise or for it to be stoppeH ne movement of thoght >ases this enHEess >reation to appear; >ompEete with its >reators; preservers; anH Hestroyers. %f the minH is >he>IeH it is aEE over. Bt it is not going to enH on its own. %f it were reaE it >oEH enH; bt be>ase it is onEy a notion it wiEE enH onEy if yo see the sor>e of the notion as it is arising. &he iHea that; T% am so=anH=soT anH To are so= anH=soT is the movement of the minH. T% amT is the f irst movement of the minHO anH from here arises the trobEe. ,hen yo get p in the morning yo feeE resteH anH happy. &here is a movement in >ons>iosness anH yo >aEE this the waIing state. &he worEH appears to yo with its montains; rivers; forests; peopEe; birHs anH animaEs; anH yo >aEE it waIing p. &he same thing happens at night in Hreams. &here are no obje>ts to eJperien>e; bt even in sEeep the minH is not MietO it >reates another worEH. ,ho is responsibEe for that >reation ,ho o >annot say 4oH; or the 2reator; or any other person. %t is yo who are sEeeping >omfortabEy; bt yo >annot rest even in sEeep anH so yo >reate another worEH within yorseEf. o see montains; rivers; eEephants; tigers; a Ethogh they are not there in yor apartment — yo are aEone. *either are there obje>ts nor is there any sbje>t. nEy the ego is proje>ting its own worEH. @st EiIe the >hi>Is retrn in the evening nHer the wings of the mother hen the ego says; 5eep Miet.8 Be>ase of ego; HarIness; neJt morning they wiEE jmp ot of the wings of again the same thing; yo see. &he minH is eJhasteH from the transa>tions of sbje>t=obje>t reEationship. 4ive it a EittEe rest. 102
&rans>enHing these three states yo wiEE finH another state where yo have pea>e. 3ew peopEe Inow this pea>efE state of >ons>iosness; of happiness; of bEiss; of eJisten>e. !ven beyonH this triya there is yet another state whi>h a few rare ones rea>h anH retrn to speaI abot it. %n this His>overy everything enHs — from here aEE aEso starts. &his is the sbstratm whi>h has aEways been >on>eaEeH by thoghts; from where they arise. &his spreme state of >ons>iosness is >on>eaEeH by >on>eptaE nHerstanHing itseEf. %f % show yo a hanHIer>hief yo wiEE see its form; its Eength; wiHth; thi>Iness; its ses; anH its name V hanHIer>hief.8 o wiEE not see the >otton from whi>h it is maHeO yo wiEE not >aEE it T>otton.T %f % show yo this Ier>hief even — this is a Ier>hief — Eength; wiHth; height; its ses; name is Ier>hief8. 3orm is this yo see; bt yo Inow the >otton yo >anLt see. 2otton is not seen. *o one >an say itLs >ottonU Ier>hief? %f yo remove the name anH form yo wiEE see the >otton. %f yo remove the name anH form; aEE that yo see here anH now — whatever yo see — remove the name anH form. o are in that state beyonH the forth whi>h % Hes>ribeH; yo see. %t wiEE appear itseEf. %t is here. &hatLs not to be gaineH; it is aEreaHy there. Be>ase yo are aEreaHy otherwise engageH in yor fantasies yo have no time to EooI. ,hat is >on>eaEeH o onEy give importan>e to what is seen. %mportan>e to form anH yor notions; yo see. o; if yo >he>I yor notion — one worH — if yo >he>I yor notion anH intention simpEy for that reason. onLt aEEow any notion to arise or any intention in the minH; yo see; for jst this instant of time. ,hatLs going to happen o this is one worH. -ow to Ho it *ot to give rise. o mst asI me Mestion; why -ow to Ho it -ow not to give rise to this movement at aEE; yo see. o this >an be Hone when yo maIe inMiryU when yo maIe inMiry into this pro>ess of movement. ,hat is the movement going on &hatLs aEE yo have got to Ho it. "nH this inMiry is enogh instr>tion from someone; anH this is enogh to Eisten from someone. &hatLs aEE yo have to Ho as a stHent; anH this is enogh for the tea>her to speaI; anH thereLs nothing beyonH this to speaI; anH nothing beyonH this to Eisten either. ,hat eEse >an yo reaH in any booI if yo HonLt Eisten to this &hat; % have to inMire into the movement of the minH itseEf — striIe at the root of the minH. %f yo see a mango tree in the seeH yo HonLt see Eeaves nor the frits bt in the seeH; in the smaEE seeH of a tree there are Eeaves; there are bran>hes; there are fEowers; there are frits that yo >anLt see; yo see. o to see this yo have to inMire. &his is the mintest of the minteO may it taIe a miEEionth part of the tip of yor hair. &hatLs what is saiH. &he miEEionth part of the tip so minte; so sbtEe it is. "nH onEy how wiEE yo rea>h it o >anLt see with yor eyes; yo >anLt to>h with yor hanHs. nEy by inMiry yo are going to rea>h the most sbtEe pEa>e anH it is rea>hing yo there. %nMire. &his inMiry is not going to enH. &his inMiry is not going to enH nEess this sbje>t who is inMiring is itseEf >onsmeH into the inMiry. 3irst Eet the inMirer >onsme itseEf into the inMiry itseEf; anH then the inMiry wiEE be >onsmeH into that whi>h has not yet been Hes>ribeH — anH yo are that. *ot that yo are going to be>ome something eEse at some other time. *o; yo are aEreaHy that. oLre not going to gain anything. *ot going to gain anything; not to a>hieve anything; not to Eearn anything. %f yo get riH of aEE that yo have EearneH tiEE now; hearH tiEE now; reaH tiEE now; seen tiEE now; whatLs Eeft "EE what yoLve a>MireH is onEy hearsay. o have borroweHU yo have borroweH from someone eEse. %tLs not yor natreO itLs not yor tre eEf. o wiEE retrn to yor own eEf anH noboHy Inows what the eEf is. o attribte eEf to some parti>Ear form or name that >an be seen; smeEt; to>heH or hearH abot whi>h >annot be seen or to>heH; that % am going to refer. o; how to Ho it impEy inMire into the natre of what is seen; what this niverse is; anH what its origin. 103
%ts origin is not other than yor own notion be>ase yo have be>ome first; T% am so anH so;T anH then there is the worEH. &here are reEations anH this is the worEH; anH itLs yor notion. *ow if yo finH ot the sbstratm of the notion; the sor>e of the notion; anH how to Ho it By simpEy inMiring; T,hat is the sor>e of the notionT impEy EooI Hown — thereLs no other way. o HonLt neeH Ho anything. impEy Ieep Miet anH HonLt thinI. &hatLs aEE. o have not to Ho anything. o have not seen this moment of Mietness for the East miEEions of years — yo have never been Miet. "nH we are going to speaI of this Mietness whi>h is yor natre anH whi>h is the sbstratm of everything that is seen. ,ithot this we >annot have rest. "nH this is what is >aEEeH 3reeHom; !nEightenment; ,isHom; !Jisten>e=2ons>iosness= BEiss; satyam=shivam=snHaram; whatsoever yo >aEE it — anH yet it has no name. et it has no name — not even >ons>iosness. %t is so empty of even emptiness how >an yo Hes>ribe it ,hen yo see a star; yo >an see a star be>ase of the sIies. o >anLt see a star withot the ba>IgronH of sIy. ,hen yo see the niverse there mst be something V >ons>iosness — whi>h >ompeEs yo to see the niverse. ,hen yo see yor own boHy there mst be >ons>iosness throgh whi>h yo have eJperien>e of yor boHy. ,hat is this >ons>iosness o have never before thoght of it. ,hat is the basis that yo see !ven to start with yor boHy; how this boHy is seen &here mst be some basis throgh whi>h yo are aware. &here mst be some sbstratm; some sor>e throgh whi>h yo are eJperien>ing the boHy itseEf. ,hat is that %f yo Ieep Miet; then onEy yo wiEE Inow itO not with the moving of the minH. %f yo move the minH there is boHy; anH if yo move the minH to Inow the >ase; the sor>e of the boHy; yo mEtipEy it. o; how to Ho it By not Hoing anythingO not thinIing anything. @st imagine if yo Ho not thinI — jst to see the sor>e of the boHy yo have not to thinI. ,hat is the sor>e now o are mEtipEying onEy. o if yo nHerstanH this thing; even if yo nHerstanH yo miss it. o have not to nHerstanH it. %f yo nHerstanH yo are thinIing; stiEE yo are thinIing. o free. o have to be so free not even to pt a>tivity to even yor nHerstanHing — so free. *o one has seen this freeHom before. o wiEE reaEEy enjoy whatever yo Ho in the worEH. % HonLt aHvise yo to rn away from yor a>tivity. 'ay yo be a>tive; whatever yo are Hoing aEreaHy C00W better than other peopEe are Hoing. ther peopEe wiEE be sffering. o >anLt pay attention if reEaJeH EiIe this. o have to pay absoEte attention. ome say; T%LEE jst finH ot what has been spoIen. %LEE jst go b a>I to the hoteE anH finH ot.T &hat wiEE not Ho; yo see. ,hatLs the se of the rain when the >rop is HrieH p. %tLs no se. &his moment is very important. o >an after aEEU yo neeH onEy one; this instant is neeHeHO anH if this instant yo >anLt be Miet whatLs the se of >oming here ome; if not now; after aEE yo have to get onEy one worH toHay; now; toHay; tomorrow; Hay after. !veryHay; same thing % am saying be>ase yo have to get at it some worH; someHay — now. o have to get one worH. %t wiEE ignite EiIe eJpEosive. %t wiEE ignite. Be>ase yo are not Eistening; not paying attention therefore itLs not worIing. %t has to worI; it has to worI. -ow m>h time Hoes it taIe to brn %nstantEy; instantEy it has to brn. $iIe that yo have to reaHy; when the satsang is there yo mst be very reaHy. 2ome; >ome — be igniteH EiIe >amphor? &his worH; this instr>tion is fire — Eet it ignite yor heart EiIe >amphor anH Hestroy yor HarIness? %f a room has been sht p for twenty or thirty years anH yo swit>h on the Eight the HarIness in the room wiEE not say; T% wiEE Hepart sEowEy. % have been here for thirty years.T ,hen yo swit>h the Eight on there is Eight immeHiateEyO the HarIness wiEE not Einger simpEy be>ase she has been there for thirty years. o may have EiveH in HarIness for thirty five miEEion years; bt 104
one >Ei>I of the swit>h >an swit>h on the Eight anH instantEy Hestroy the whoEe forest of ignoran>e. &his is the power of the tea>her: to remove ignoran>e instantEy. %f the fire Hoes not brn the >amphor something is wrong somewhere. !ither the fire is not fire or the >amphor is a stone. %f it Hoes not rea>t instantEy something is wrong somewhere. o wiEE feeE the presen>e of a tre tea>her — he wiEE ignite yor heart. CG "gst; 199C @@@
;eep uiet! ;eep uiet! ;eep uiet! " man wrote to me from 4ermany; saying: T"Ethogh we have never met physi>aEEy; % have hearH yor worHs on a viHeo tape. &he worHs were; L5eep Miet; Ieep Miet; Ieep Miet.L % >anLt Hes>ribe the effe>t these worHs have haH; or what has happeneH to me sin>e hearing them. % have never hearH this Mietness Hes>ribeH before in any of the booIs % have reaH in my Eife. ther tea>hers HonLt speaI in this way. ome for>e has haH a tremenHos effe>t on me; s>h that % was abEe to Ieep Miet.T ,e wiEE eJamine this: the natre of this Mietness: -ow to have it. -ow to pra>ti>e it. even thosanH years ago; "rjna asIeH 5rishna how to Miet the minH. T%t is jst EiIe the winH;T he saiH. To >anLt hoEH it in yor fist. %t is so trbEent; how >an it be >ontroEEeHT 5rishnaLs answer was simpEe: %t >an be Hone throgh Heta>hment anH pra>ti>e. &hese two worHs are very signifi>ant. -ow >an one easiEy His>over viragya; Heta>hment !veryone wants to enjoy the obje>ts of the senses — seeing; hearing; smeEEing; to>hing; tasting — that is aEE they are interesteH in. o how >an the minH be Heta>heH from its sense obje>ts; anH broght to Mietness %t wiEE happen onEy when yo Inow that aEE these obje>ts Ho not bring abiHing pea>e anH rest; that thinIing again anH again of yor Hesires >annot bring satisfa>tion. &hrogh repeateHEy seeIing pEeasre anH never finHing pea>e yo are >reating some sort of HispEeasre with these things. *atraEEy yo want to Heta>h yorseEf from the things whi>h have not broght yo pea>e anH rest. &here was a famos saint; a poor man; abot five hnHreH years ago nameH &hyagaraya. PeopEe interesteH in msi> Inow his name. -e is the Iing of artists; the Iing of singers anH msi>ians. -e says; antham EaIa soIhyam EaH. ,hen there is no Mietness; even IingHoms wiEE not bring yo happiness. ,hen we Inow that sense obje>ts >annot bring s permanent happiness; the minH wiEE sEowEy withHraw from these obje>ts. %n the +eHas it is He>EareH; T*eti neti.T *ot this; not that.Q ,henever the minH goes ot to an obje>t of the senses bring it ba>I to pea>e; bring it ba>I to Mietness. ,henever it goes ot; Miet it Hown. Be very >arefE to bring it ba>I be>ase yo have seen that the obje>ts of the senses have not given yo pea>e. &his is the rahasya; the se>ret whi>h 5rishna gave to "rjna — Heta>hment. ,herever the minH goes; Heta>h it from its respe>tive sense obje>ts again anH again. eta>hment mst eJist siHe by siHe with gyana; with InowEeHge of Brahman; with InowEeHge of freeHom. &he Hesire for freeHom anH Heta>hment from the senses mst 105
rn >on>rrentEy. eta>h yorseEf from those things whi>h are not permanent; anH rest in that whi>h is aEways permanent. $et yor fo>s be aEways on this — on Brahman; on the Hesire for the attainment of enEightenment. #emain here in this Hesire for freeHom. #efEe>t >ontinosEy from here on this. &he Hesire to be free has aEreaHy arisen in yor minH. o have spent miEEions of years so this Hesire for freeHom f reeHom >an arise. *ow Eisten to it; refEe>t on it >ontinosEy; meHitate in it. &his pro>ess has to >ontine >onstantEy. 'any peopEe asI me what wiEE happen when they retrn home. &hey say they are aEE right here be>ase they are repeateHEy hearing this trth every Hay; bt refEe>tion has to >ontine aEE the time. ,herever yo are; when yo sit; meHitate on the eEf; on Brahman; on &rth; on Pea>e; on hanti. 2ontempEate this aEE the time; speaI abot this among yorseEves. &his is how yor time in this niverse is to be spent. &hose who >an instantEy embra>e this trth >arry a montain of merits as Earge as a s the -imaEayas. &hey are EeH to satsang. &hose who >annot re>ogniKe this wiEE have to wait. ome >ome to satsang anH want to es>apeO they want to go g o somewhere eEse. omething in>ompEete is >arrieH from previos Eives anH this Iarma is taIing them to their neJt birth; hen>e they es>ape from satsang. % hear of peopEe who want to retrn to their previos >enters anH ashrams. &hey haH fonH f onH m>h pea>e; happiness; anH joy there from their frienHs. % aHvise them that this satsang is not for everyone. % HonLt finH faEt with them. &his is the weight of Iarma. &hey have some more worI to Ho; some more in>arnations. %t HoesnLt matter; yo >an worI some more. ooner or Eater yo wiEE have to arrive in satsang. &hose who >ome to satsang are not >oming for the first f irst time. &hey have merits. &hey have aEreaHy >ompEeteH miEEions of in>arnations anH it is that whi>h is now >ompeEEing them to sit here in satsang. %t may be very few bt that HoesnLt matter. "EE others wiEE have to waitO satsang wiEE not worI for them now. !very reaEiKeH saint has He>EareH that yo neeH gooH Iarma — eJperien>e of satsang in previos in>arnations that wiEE bring yo here for satsang; for f or Mietness. BHHha was born as a prin>e; 4atama iHHhartha. n his f irst visit otsiHe of his fatherLs paEa>e he was >onfronteH for the first time with Hisease; oEH age; anH Heath. %nstantEy he He>iHeH to Ieep Miet. &his is what % mean by Heta>hment from the enjoyment of sense obje>ts. "s soon as he was fa>eH with the reaEity of Eife otsiHe he He>iHeH; T*o; % HonLt want this IinH of Eife.T -e retrneH home anH a Heta>hment arose towarHs his Eife. &Iaram; a great saint; says that man be>omes atta>heH to his hose; to his wife; to his son. &his is what aEE the saints have saiH. &Iaram aHviseH wat>hing aEE these IinHs of atta>hment. -e says that for a man there is no greater atta>hment than to his wifeO f or a woman there is no greater atta>hment than to her hsbanH. &he same is tre of prosperity; the Hesire for a hose. "nH every man has a great Hesire for a son; to >ontine his Eineage. &hese three worHs mentioneH by &Iaram: spose; hose; anH >hiEHren >omprise the whoEe arena of atta>hment. BHHha retrneH anH woIe p from aEE this. -e saw the natre of Eife anH he withHrew from the atta>hment to his wife; to his son #ahE; to his paEa>e anH EJries. -e Iept Miet. nHer the boHhi tree he Iept Miet anH he was free. &his is what is meant by Ieeping Miet. 5abir says; 2hit thir man thir bHhi thir. Fiet Hown yor minH; yor spee>h; inteEEe>t; anH then... finH ot what happens. < eptember; 199C @@@ 106
1he /esires )re /anin# &he Hesires are Han>ing. $et s see this Han>e. &his niverse is onEy the Han>e of Hesires. ,hatever yor Hesires are; they manifest as obje>ts so yo >an enjoy this Han>e. or own Hesires are Han>ing in this samsara; in whatever yo see in this manifestation; in aEE these obje>ts. &he rise of this everEasting Han>e HepenHs pon ignoran>e. amsara is jst ignoran>e. ,e observe observe this Han>e be>ase of ignoran>e. -ow -ow is it possibEe to get riH of this Han>e bje>ts attra>t the minH anH we rn after these obje>ts — we rn after or proje>tions. &hen the minH joins >ompany with these obje>ts; with this Han>e; anH forgets how to waIe p. &his Hrama anH this Han>e >an onEy enH when the sn rises. ,hen the sn rises this Hrama wiEE be over. &his sn is inMiry — vi>har. ,hen the sn of vi>har rises in yor minH this Hrama immeHiateEy enHs there; anH it >an not enH otherwise. ,e have >ome here for freeHom f reeHom onEyO to enH this Hrama. &herefore again a gain anH again we are >oming anH going. ,e forget why we >ame anH we get Eost in the enjoyment of the senses. % remember a story. &here was a Iing who haH no isse; no son. -e was getting oEH so he He>iHeH to aHopt a prin>e to s>>eeH him as the Iing after his Heath. -e fiJeH a Hate with his sentries that on a parti>Ear Hay the gates of the paEa>e woEH be open from eight in the morning tiEE eight at night. &he Iing woEH be seateH in the paEa>e anH he woEH >onH>t interviews to finH the most sitabEe person to be >hosen as his prin>e. o on this Hay the gates were openeH anH peopEe went insiHe. !veryboHy was aEEoweH to enter anH see the Iing in person. ,hen the gates are openeH to see the Iing yo have to be EooIing yor best. o a very gooH shower=bath was arrangeH for everyone who entereH the paEa>e anH then there were aEE IinHs of perfmes for them to se. &hen there was a pEa>e with many Hifferent IinHs of very eJpensive Hresses. o shoEH be weEE HresseH to see the Iing; so yo >oEH >hoose yor own >Eothes from a hge variety of Hifferent IinHs of goEH anH siEver gowns anH Hresses. &hen some En>h was arrangeH; to be weEE feH before seeing the Iing. "nH then there was msi> anH then Han>ing. "fter aEE this yo are reaHy to see the Iing — yo are fEEy satisfieH. ome peopEe who were entering the paEa>e pa Ea>e were very fonH of showers; so they spent their time in the sana anH taIing Hifferent IinHs of baths anH showers. ome were fonH of perfmes; so they were trying ot aEE the Hifferent perfmes that were there. ome were bsy with aEE the Hifferent IinHs of Hresses. ome were gEttonsO they were very fonH of eating anH HrinIing; so they were trying aEE the Hiffe rent varieties of fooH anH Hifferent Hishes whi>h were there. -ere in %nHia when fooH is serveH there are a hnHreH anH one types of Hishes in a gooH En>h; anH everything e verything was in>EHeH here. "fter En>h there was msi> anH then Han>ing. !verything was proviHeH beatifEEy by the Iing. &he time was getting >Eose to eight oL>Eo>I so a siren aEerteH everyone to get reaHy to Eeave. &he peopEe who were fonH of perfmes haH >oEEe>teH bottEes anH haH fiEEeH their bags with those perfmes. &hose who were fonH of fooH haH taIen something for their wives anH other reEations anH frienHsO f rienHsO they were pa>Iing fooH to taIe away. &hose who were fonH of Hresses were >arrying bnHEes of Hresses on their shoEHers. ome were Eistening to the msi>; some were Han>ing. &he sentries of the paEa>e toEH them; T*ow yor time is p. o have to Eeave. oLre not aEEoweH to taIe anything away with yo. o were spposeH to onEy eat anH to se the perfmes here anH enjoy the msi>.T Bt peopEe were so engageH; Th Eet me sit a EittEe Eonger. %tLs s>h ni>e msi>.T &hose who were Han>ing saiH; TPEease Eet s have some more time for Han>ing. ,e >annot Eeave this >ompany.T Bt nothing was aEEoweH. &hey were aEE psheH ot of the gate. &he time was D p.m. 107
&he Iing >aEEeH his se>retary anH asIeH; T,hat happeneH *o >ame to me for an interview. ,hat happeneH iH yo open the gatesT Tes; yes; the gate was open for tweEve hors;T repEieH the se>retary. T-ow is it that no one has >ome to see meT asIeH the Iing. T&hey were engageH in their own EJries anH neeHs;T >ame the repEy. T,e Ho not Inow if anyone went to see yo or not.T amsara is eJa>tEy EiIe this. *o one went to see the Iing. %f someone haH gone anH haH been a>>epteH everything woEH have beEongeH to him. %t is not aEEoweH to taIe anything away from this. ,e >ame here to see the Iing bt we got Eost in EJries; in fEfiEEment of Hesires. ,hen the time >omes for the gates to be >EoseH we wiEE not be abEe to >arry anything with s. &he Iing is waiting bt no one goes. &his Han>e Hrama is eJa>tEy EiIe that. ,e >ame here to meet the Iing anH sit on the throne; bt we forgot why we >ame anH we got Eost in infinite Histra>tions. PaEa>es; yo see; many paEa>es are here in %nHia. o >an go to eEhi; @aipr anH other pEa>es. o see how >omfortabEy the Iings wanteH to Eive. "nH they are Eying thereU they are Eying there HeaH. *oboHy >oEH re>reate permanen>y; anH they haH HiamonHs. &he Iings haH everything. *o one >oEH taIe anything; yo see. !ven the greatest >onMeror of the worEH; "EeJanHer; who haH >onMereH three forths of the worEHO onEy 2hina was Eeft; yo seeU 2hina was Eeft. Bt He to some si>Iness he haH to go ba>I to 4ree>e. n the way he HieH. &hatLs a Eong story; how he went ba>I. %tLs a Eong story % have toEH yo aEreaHy. -e met some yogi anH toEH this yogi; T% am going. % am waiting for the monsoons. "fter the enH of the monsoons % wiEE >ross the river @iEam (sin>e Pnjab haH aEreaHy been >onMereH by him) anH then % wiEE pro>eeH to 2hina.T &hat was his intention. "nH then there was one yogi who was sitting at the banI of river @iEam; meHitating. "EeJanHer haH never seen anyboHy in this postre; sitting Hay anH night. o some of his army men informeH "EeJanHer; T&here is one man who is aEways sitting EiIe this thing; not moving.T "EeJanHer saiH; TIay; yo bring him to me. % wiEE asI him what is this; what is he Hoing.T "nH they tooI one interpreter. &hey shooI the yogi anH asIeH him; T&he Iing of this EanH; "EeJanHer the 4reat; wants to see yo. o pEease >ome.T -e says; T&he traHition of this >ontry; the traHition of %nHia is; whosoever wants to see someone; it is he who shoEH go to the other person. % HonLt neeH to see him. %f he neeHs to see me Eet him >ome anH see me.T &hatLs what he saiH. o they saiH; Iay; he has to be for>efEEy removeH. o some five; siJ peopEe trieH to Eift him by hanHs anH feet; fee t; to taIe him to the >amp where "EeJanHer was staying. "nH then a man who was >arrying him by the hanH; the hanH >ame ot of the boHyO the feet; the Eeg >ame ot of the boHy anH the boHy resteH on the gronH anH they were taIing onEy EegsO anH they were afraiH anH they threw the boHy parts anH ran away. &hisU this has happeneH. *ow "EeJanHer himseEf opteH to >ome anH see this man; anH again he was sitting EiIe this thing. Be>ase of "EeJanHerLs tea>her; a His>ipEe of o>rates; yo see; who toEH him; T,hen yo go to %nHia yo wiEE see some yogi.T -e was not happy with his tea>her. (&tor he was; yo see.) -e was not happy be>ase when he toEH his ttor; T% want to >onMer the whoEe worEH;T the ttor repEieH; To >onMer the minH. o >onMer the minH anH everything is >onMereH.T "EeJanHer saiH; To are stpiH;T anH he pt him into prison. TIay. ,hen yo go to %nHia pEease see some saintU some saint in %nHia; anH bring me 4ita from this >ontry — 4ita; booI of InowEeHge — anH a part of 4anga water.T &hat was what he wanteH. TIay; % wiEE Ho that.T o this was the first instant he saw this yogi; so he goes there. &he yogi is sitting anH "EeJanHer is stanHing with his army generaEs; yo see. 108
T,ho are yoT T% am "EeJanHer; from 4ree>e.T T,hat for yo are hereT T% have >onMereH aEE !ropeO now % have to >onMer %nHia. Be>ase of the monsoon this river is in spate; so % am waiting for the river to >ome Hown anH then % wiEE go to 2hina.T &hatLs what he saiH. T$isten; Eisten my Hear boy. %n twenty Hays yo have to Eeave this worEH. &hatLs how it wiEE be.T "EeJanHer saiH; T$et him be arresteH.T be>ase he was very yong. "t that time thirty=three years oEH. T$et him be arresteH; bt may be tre anyway. 'y mother toEH me; L,hen yoLre si>I; yo feeE that yor Heath is >oming near; yo >ome to yor own >ontry anH Hie.LT yo see. o then he goes on very fast horses to rea>h 4ree>e. n the way at Barbarn; % thinI thatLs where; he has a very simpEe Hiarrhea. -e is Hying; anH the generaEs asI; T,hat is yor wiEE ,hat is yor East wiEET -e says; T5eep my hanHs ot of myU ot of the >off in so that the peopEe wiEE Inow % am not >arrying anything with me.T &hatLs what his Hesire was. "nH this monar>h; "EeJanHer the 4reat; haH to Eeave this Hrama empty=hanHeH. o >oming to the point; as Eong as yor vasanas are Han>ing; samsara is going to stay forever. o >anLt have rest with this Han>e — yo >annot have rest. ,ho is there in the worEH; from Iing to a worIer; who says; T% am happy; % am in pea>eT *o one wiEE teEE yo; yo see. !ven if yo may be Iing; no one is happy; yo see. *ow aEso yo go aronH anH see Hifferent >ontries anH the heaHs of the >ontries; how happy they are; yo see. &ension. o onEy one thing wiEE heEp yo to be happy; that is to >he>I this vasana; >he>I this vasana; >he>I this Hesire for enjoyment; anH perhaps yo wiEE have the highest Hegree of enjoyment if yo >he>I yor Hesire. %f yo HonLt give rise to Hesire yo wiEE have tmost pea>e; Eove anH beaty yo wiEE see for the first time; anH even with yor Hesire something what happens %n Hesire aEso; it is the enH of Hesire that gives s pea>e. pposing yo neeH something. T% neeH a new moHeE >ar. o % am not happy be>ase % want to have one; so % go to EooI at it. % have no money so % borrow money from the banI; from frienHs. *ow the >ar is in front of my hose.T o are happy. -as the iron given yo this happiness r the rbber tires r the benKene ,hat has given yo happiness Be>ase the Hesire to have the new moHeE &oyota is now over. o then this Hesire is gone then yo are happy. o for aEE — every Hesire; in every >ase; yo see — it is not the obje>t that yo Hesire. -aving that obje>t wiEE give yo happiness onEy be>ase yor Hesire has enHeH. "fter the Hesire has enHeH anH that emptiness is giving yo happiness; yo see. %f yo Inow it was the emptiness; it is the HesireEess=ness; thoghtEess=ness that gave me happiness; why not have this happiness here anH now by not giving rise to a thoght "ny thoght; yo see. 3irst thoght is; T% am the boHy; % am minH; % am inteEEe>t; % am senses.T o even this: %f yo HonLt give rise to thoghtU anH then yo have to Inow how to Ho it aEso — inMire. &here >an be no any other methoH; maybe yoga; or anything eEse; even going to the piEgrimages; or >hanting the formEas; meHitating; pra>ti>es — nothing is going to heEp yo. nEy yo have to inMire at the root of the first thoght. &hat is; we every Hay speaI abot %=thoght; yo see; so this N% anH samsara. &here is no Hifferen>e; yo see. &o >reate samsara there mst be rise of N%. &hen onEy yo see samsara. "nH when yo HonLt give rise to this %=thoghtU in the sEeep there is no samsara; no obje>ts; no birth; no Heath; nothing ever; yo see. o this N% itseEf; jst N% is samsara. &o get riH of aEE this sorrows anH trobEes anH miseries anH what is >aEEeH >y>Ee of birth anH Heath; for IaEpas it has to stay — it is going to stay; minH yo; biEEions of years. &his samsara is there biEEions of years. !ighty=five biEEion years is the age of this samsara; 109
a>>orHing to East resEts. !ighty=five biEEion years; bt these biEEions of years are aEso a >on>ept onEy; yo see; is aEso a >on>ept. nEy with the rise of the N% yo >ont biEEions of years. ,hen yo HonLt give rise to simpEy N% there are no biEEions anH no miEEions; be>ase this minH instantEy wiEE >reate past; present; ftre; anH this bonHage is minH onEy; yo see. o anyone who Hesires; he >an stop it here anH now; anH those who want to pEay; they are very; very weE>ome to pEay anH Han>e a Han>e. %f theyLre happy Eet them Han>e. Bt % HonLt thinI — no goHs are even happy in this; no goH even is happy. o sit Miet; yo maIe a try. %f not for Eong; for few mintes yo spenH anH see — jst for a minte; yo see. it Miet — HonLt give rise to thoght anH first of aEE yo see whatLs going to happen. o Eistening is not going to heEp yo. %mmeHiateEy yo have to get into it. o have to beU be it. "nH this happiness is yor natre. 2ons>iosness is yor natre. !Jisten>e is yor natre. $ove is yor natre. Pea>e is yor natre; yo see. o yo >an Ho whatever yo want. o the sages; they sggest to be happy. ,e have to get riH of vasanas; yo see. !nogh of the vasanas; yo see. 'iEEions of years we have spent with the vasanas anH we have been trobEeH; anH now we have a very beatifE hman in>arnation; very gooH intention V bromjignasa — very gooH intention. ,hat more yo neeH T*ow % want to be free.T +ery gooH; eJ>eEEent vasana. o yo are most E>Iy; merits are great; therefore yo are here in satsang; anH % HonLt thinI yo wiEE Eose anything; anH or ga in anything. o wiEE retrn to yor own IingHom whi>h is yor birthright — not to sffer sffering. ,e simpEy imagine that there is sffering be>ase we want to pEay with the proje>tions of or own minH. ,e want to have swim into the mirage; haEE>ination; iEEsion. o on>e we He>iHe; T% want to be free.T itLs enogh. % want to be free.8 &his He>ision has to be very firm He>ision; as firm as this niverse is reaE. 3irm He>ision; firm >onvi>tion; &his is reaE;8 yo see. o we have this IinH of firmness in or *ow. +ery new Hesire; T% want to be free.T &his Hesire we HiH not Hesire; yo see; previosEyO anH now we are here be>ase we have He>iHeH to be free this time. &herefore; my Hear frienHs; He>iHe on>e anH for aEE that we are here anH freeHom is or right. "nH we have to win it — jst Hoing nothing; jst to get riH of this one vasana — one vasana — get riH of one vasana onEy: T% want this.T &hatLs aEE. % want this.8 "nH perhaps if yo HonLt give rise to this vasana everything wiEE be aHHeH onto yo. !ven if yo HonLt want; it wiEE be offereH to yo. &he IingHom of three niverses wiEE be offereH to yoU so m shanti. 1D eptember; 199C @@@
/eath ,e are going to speaI: ,hat is Heath 3ear of Heath &here are beings; boHies everywhere — nHer the water; nHer the gronH; over the earth; in the air. &hey >annot be >onteH — biEEions; triEEions of boHies. "EE have to Hie. "nH this Heath is after ea>h boHy. !ven after Heath anH this Heath is foEEowing this boHyO even after; Heath wiEE bring another boHy anH then again Heath. &hatLs repeateH for miEEions anH miEEions of years nEess yo remove this fear of Heath. Be>ase what is boHy !arth; water; fire; air — thatLs aEE. &his is the boHy anH these are the eEements otsiHe aEso. omehow integration has taIen pEa>e of earth; water; fire; airO anH then yo have to Hisintegrate at the time of Heath. o if we reaEiKe it; aEways 110
nHerstanH it V &hese are the eEements; bt % am not the eEements. % am not this boHy. % am not perishabEe. % am imperishabEe V Brahman8. &hen perhaps yo have soEveH this probEem on>e anH for aEE anH yo wiEE not wear this boHy on>e again. "nH how to Ho it 3irst of aEE; when yo have fonH >onvi>tion of N% HonLt taEI of reaEity. ,hen yo speaI: % am this N%.8 ,hen yo se; % am this N%.T anH yo have firm >onvi>tion of N% — anH this N% is iHentifieH with the boHy — HonLt taEI of enEightenment; freeHom or reaEity or trth or bEiss or ananHa whatsoever. %tLs not possibEe. "nH this N% is niverse; bonHage. ,hen N% arises the niverse arises; the bonHage arises. "nH when there is no N% — no >on>ept of N% — thatLs >aEEeH f reeHom. o how to get riH of this >on>ept of N% &here are varios ways Hes>ribeH in the booI of InowEeHge; panishaHs; stras aEso. o everyboHy says; % am...8 everyboHy says; % am so anH so; yo are so anH so; he is so anH so; anH this is the worEH.8 *o one ever Mestions; T,hat am % ,here Ho % >ome from ,here Ho % retrn to ,hat is the prpose of my >oming here ,hat have % HoneT o this Mestion is never asIeH. T,ho am %T is never asIeH. o yo have to Mestion; T,ho am %T "nH then yo have to sear>h for its answer by yorseEf here anH now. "nH this is going to free yo. "nH throgh yoga aEso yo >an Ho it. @st with the >ont of e ight breaths — inhaEing; eJhaEing — jst for D times. -ow m>h time it taIes ne minte yo have 1 breaths; one minte — jst haEf a minte anH yo are free. -ow ring these D inhaEings or eJhaEings Ho not asso>iate with any obje>t anH yo are free. o >an Ho it here anH now. @st for D >onts of yor inhaEings; no asso>iation with any obje>t anH yo are free. 3reeHom is here anH now; aEways; everywhere. o have been postponing for miEEions of years be>ase of vasanas — T% want this; % want that. % am atta>heH to this person; anH that person is very m>h atta>heH to me.T &his is aEE anH this is >aEEeH the >y>Ee of birth anH Heath; anH this is niverse; anH this is bonHage; sffering. "nH a>taEEy it HoesnLt eJist — onEy vasana. &here is no Hifferen>e between vasana anH samsara. +asana is; T% want this.T &hatLs aEE. ,hen yo HonLt give rise to simpEy; T% want this or that.T ,here is samsaraO where has it gone to o this vasana is samsara; anH this vasana is time; this vasana is minH — whi>h is past. amsara is past. 'inH is past. +asana is past. o we have never EooIeH into this present moment; not ever. ,e have never trieH it. ,e have never been toEH; no one ever taght s; what is Presen>e. ,e speaI aEways of past anH ftre. !verywhere there is a taEI of past anH ftre. ,ho >oEH speaI of this presen>e "nH this presen>e; this present instant is >aEEeH freeHom; enEightenment; wisHom; bEiss. "nH yo >an Ho it withot any effort; here anH now. ,ithot any effort anH withot starting any thoght either. *o thinIing. o simpEe it is. "nH this simpEi>ity has not been re>ogniKeH therefore we have to sffer enHEessEy. !ven this sffering Hoes not eJist. "s in the Hream where we are atta>IeH by robbersU atta>IeH by robbers; anH we are sffering. &hey are threatening s with revoEvers in hanH so we want some heEpU noboHy heEps. ,hat >an anyboHy Ho o there >omes a tiger — a roar of the tiger? &he robbers rn away; fearing their own Heath. "nH with the roar of the tiger this man who was atta>IeH by the robbers waIes pU waIes p; yo see. *ow where are the robbers ,here is the fear ,here is the tiger ,here is the sffering %n the Hream everything was there. &here were robbers; fear; tiger. !verything was Hream visions; iEEsions; haEE>inations. Bt on waIing p; nothing eJisteH. $iIewise; the same is the >ase here. &here is no Hifferen>e at aEE. o yo are aEE sEeeping; anH when we Hream we mst have previosEy sEept. Before we mst have been sEeeping; 111
then in the sEeep we Hream. %n the Hream we see obje>ts — sEeep; Hream; obje>ts; yo see. o when we see obje>ts we are Hreaming. ,hen we are Hreaming we are sEeeping. o here aEso; when we see obje>ts we are Hreaming anH we are sEeeping. ,aIe p? ,hat is this waIe=p now %s the roar of the tiger that maHe yo waIe p from the Hream; from the sEeep; EiIe this thing ,hen yo want to be free; T% want to be free?T is the roar of the tiger. 3irst of aEE; no one wants to be free anH this is a fa>t. *o one wants to be free. ome fear is there. &hey neeH some heEp. 4o anH join meHitation retreats. 4o to some tea>hers for some heEp. -eEp to soEve their probEems; not for freeHom. ,ho ,ho >omes for freeHom; first of aEE ,e are biEEion peopEe tonight. -ow many are there -ow many bHHhas -ow many enEighteneH peopEe have we proH>eH for Mite biEEions of years now Be>ase we HonLt want freeHom we want to enjoy; anH this enjoyment; anH this enjoyment. !a>h time is taIing away from sO then again we maIe p or minH. &he Hesires nfEfiEEeH are waiting wiEE give s neJt birth to enjoy the sameO again not fEfiEEeH. ,hose Hesires are fEfiEEeH *ot even the emperors have fEfiEEeH their Hesires; not even the Iings. *oboHy has fEfiEEeH their Hesires. o ea>h man thinIs; T% wiEE fEfiEE my Hesires.T anH Eater on no one speaIs of freeHom at aEE. ome fear there; perhaps no one wants freeHom. "nH this is a fa>t; be>ase he who wants freeHom has to be free in the same moment when he wants to be free. Be>ase the wave rises from the o>ean; is the o>ean; within the o>ean — not separate. o when the Hesire for freeHom arises it arises from 3reeHom itseEf; from eEf itseEf; anH is the eEf itseEf; yo see. %f it is an o>ean there has to be a wave not separate from the o>ean itseEf. "nH in the Hesert if it arises itLs a mirage. %n the Hesert aEso there are waves. PeopEe rn after it to have a soothing bath; swim in that. o that aEso is a river with waves bt it is not reaE. %t was not there in the morning neither in the evening; onEy for some time it is there. o this pEeasre is for sometime. @st in the waIing state or in the Hream state that yo >an e njoy is not abiHing; is not permanent; is not eternaE pea>e. "nH after having enjoyeH anH fonH pea>e; yo want to rn for something eEse. o itLs not pea>e at aEE. Pea>e — on>e attaineH — yo are pea>e itseEf. o when yo rn here; there; it is something eEseO it is sensaE pEeasre; not pea>e; not bEiss — sensaE pEeasre be>ase it is the natre of the minH. -aving enjoyeH one thing it wants something eEse anH then something eEse; anH this is >aEEeH samsara. o if yo Hesire freeHom maIe p yor minH; if not toHay maybe at the e nH of this Eife if not neJt Eife. onLt postpone it. &his postponement is >aEEeH samsara. amsara means postponement. "nH if yo stanH on yor toes anH He>iHe; T% want to be f ree.T who >an stop it; first of aEE e>iHe on>e anH for aEE: % have to be free.8 Be>ase freeHom is within anH when yo say; T% want to be free.T who speaIs ,ho is it that wants to be free 3rom where Hoes it rise !ven this Hesire — % want to be free — where Hoes it rise from ,here Hoes it stanH ,here Hoes it sbsiHe to @st yo have to nHerstanH this thing: o have not to go anywhere. !ven yo have not to Hesire anything. nEy jst nHerstanH that yo are not bonH. % am sffering; % am bonH;8 yo have hearH from someone eEse. %tLs not reaE eJperien>e. o finH ot yorseEf. &his sffering; this Heath; these tensions; yo have hearH from someone eEseO itLs not yor eJperien>e. Be>ase when yo sEeep aEE what yo have hearH; of what yo have reaH; is not thereO anH yo are happy even in sEeep; thogh this is ignorant state. o are happy be>ase aEE that yo have reaH or hearH; eJperien>eH; anH tasteH anH smeEEeH anH seen is no more there; anH yo are happy. o if yo free yorseEf of what yo have seen; smeEEeH; hearH; tasteH or to>heH; jst for one se>onH — maybe haEf of the se>onH; maybe haEf of the haEf wiEE Ho. &hatLs how; yo see. 112
,hat isU % remember jst now in this >onteJt; !Ientari. % wiEE transEate -aHigari: "Hi se pni aab. ngabetiHe saH Ii; botIatain abraH. o he says; ne instant or one se>onH; haEf of the se>onH; haEf of the haEf of the se>onH. %f yo asso>iate with a saint; a perfe>t tea>herO perhaps yo are aEE the IaEpas; bt aEE the bonHages are >ompEeteH; severeH away anH yo are free. &hatLs what 4oswamittishiHa says. "nH 5abir aEso says the same thing; yo see. -e aEso says; 2hetiter; manter; boHiter. -e was an iEEiterate man. 5abir was iEEiterate. -e says that; % have never to>heH inI on the paper; nor have % heEH pen in my hanH.8 &hatLs what he says — that was his eH>ation. 2hetiter; manter; bHiter; isfaEavsheriH. Bat>he; bat>he haEfIerain; Iahat 5abir 5abir. o he says — % wiEE transEate: o not start a thoght in yor minH. 5eep yor inteEEe>t Miet. 2hetiter — minH — aEso Miet. enses aEso Miet. "nH then enEightenment itseEf wiEE be >aEEing yo from behinH. !nEightenment itseEf wiEE be inviting yo from; ain ohIabir — ,ait; % am foEEowing yo.8 &hat is how it happeneH. o HonLt start a thoght; one singEe thoght. onLt His>riminate between this anH that; anH no mentation; anH one se>onH; haEf se>onH; haEf of the haEf. -ow >oEH it be Hiffi>Et now %t is Hiffi>Et for those who are yet atta>heH to something more pre>ios than their own eEf — more pre>ios; more beatifE; more worth a>Miring than yor own wisHom; than eEf; than eternity; than bEiss. &herefore how >an they asI for freeHom o he who wants — whatever he wants — he is Hrawn by that parti>Ear obje>t; yo see. o wherever yor atta>hment is; wherever the obje>t of yor atta>hment is; there yo are. oesnLt matter where yo areO yo may be in satsang. C9 eptember; 199C @@@
Worship ring the Eifetime of some enEighteneH beings worship began. !ven Hring the time of $orH BHHha peopEe worshippeH stpas; worshippeH states of the BHHha. ome peopEe HonLt beEieve in worship throgh states. &hose who invaHeH %nHia at the time when BHHhist Hharma was strong; HemoEisheH most of the states anH BHHhist monasteries were brnt. Bt Hring the time of BHHha himseEf he a>>epteH Hharma anH sangha. 'onasteries were estabEisheH Hring the time of "shoIaO states anH stpas were biEt.
!ven toHay in many >ontries states of BHHha are being biEt. #e>entEy a state 0 feet high was biEt in BoHhgaya by the @apanese. ,orship has been aHviseH from time immemoriaE. -ere we generaEEy speaI abot >ons>iosness; whi>h is omnis>ient; omnipresent; in everything; every atom. &here is no pEa>e where there is no >ons>iosness. o what Hoes worship mean 'any peopEe get >onfseH. &hose who have been enEighteneH; free; they have worshippeH throgh stpas; throgh states; anH that is how Hharma has been Eiving tiEE toHay anH it wiEE Eive. % Ho not Inow of any reEigion whi>h has not in>EHeH worship. BHHhism is aEreaHy C;00 years oEH. +eHi> harma is C<;000 years oEH. %n Per they have fonH a hiva Eingam C<;000 years oEH. ,e are HeaEing with >ons>iosness onEy; bt itLs very important to >onsiHer this matter. 'any peopEe write to me from &he tates anH !rope. &hey say they are aEE right here; bt when they retrn they forget it they Eose pea>e anH >ons>iosness. % aHvise them to pEayfEEy worship whatever >omes into their Hay=to=Hay Eife. ,hatever they see has to be worshippeH as the same >ons>iosness — it >annot be other than >ons>iosness. !ating fooH; whatever yo Ho. $istening to msi>; worship throgh the ears. ,hatever yo see; it has to be worshippeH; aHoreH; honoreH. $iIe this; yo wiEE not forget >ons>iosness. ,hen yo see that >ons>iosness is everywhere this 2osmi> Being has to be aHoreH anH worshippeH in every being; every non=being; in every sitationO when yo are happy; in happinessO when yo are not happy; in nhappiness. %n aEE sitations engage yorseEf. PeopEe say; Tometimes % am happyO sometimes % Eose it.T BeyonH both is >ons>iosness; their own eEf. &he eEf reveaEs itseEf to itseEf. &his 2osmi> Being whi>h resiHes in aEE beings; in hman beings; anH animaEs; anH birHs; in everything — is >ons>ios within yo. %n the >ave of yor heart is the 2ons>ios Being that Hire>ts yo to see; smeEE; hear; a>tivate yor a>tivities. &his has to be worshippeH; aHoreH; honoreH wherever yo go; whatever yo Ho; whatever yo hear; whatever yo see. &hen how >an yo forget ,herever yo are yo are in >ons>iosness anH >ons>iosness is within yo. ,orship this prsha — this >osmi> being within yo. % Ho not Inow how this >osmi> being has be>ome an inHiviHaE being. %f it has be>ome an inHiviHaE being then the >osmi> being is resiHing within it. &his InowEeHge that; T% am inHiviHaE being.T mst be in the >osmos. &his >osmi> being has entereH the >avity of yor heart. omehow yo feeE separateH. o feeE that; T% am an inHiviHaE being; a Hifferent personaEity.T ,here Hoes this InowEeHge that; T% am an inHiviHaE being.T >ome from &his InowEeHge is Mite enogh to be worshippeH. ,orship this InowEeHge at Eeast; that T% am this inHiviHaE being.T %f yo >anLt agree that; T% am >osmi>.T 'any times %Lve maHe attempt to eJpress. % have faiEeH. %t is saiH the minH >annot rea>h; the senses >annot Hes>ribe. omehow % have to Ho it. &his Eonging wiEE arise — it is not enogh. o wiEE have to go a nH see a tea>her anH Eisten to the tea>her. 3irst yo >hoose; T% have to retrn to effortEessness; % want to be free.T &his Eonging is not enogh. &his Eonging rises from ignoran>e onEyO itLs not wisHom. "ny >hoi>e is from ignoran>eO any Eonging is from ignoran>e. 4ooH Eonging aEso is ignoran>e; bt it taIes yo to a tea>her who teEEs yo whatever he teEEs yo; anH that is aEso ignoran>e. %t is ignoran>e be>ase it >annot be >onveyeH throgh worHs. or minH >an Eisten. &his eJperien>e >annot be haH by the minH or senses. ,hen the minH anH senses aHmit their Hefeat; then yo wiEE have this eJperien>e. $et the inHiviHaE HissoEve anH aHore the preme Being. $et it merge into the spreme being from where it arose. %nHiviHaEity mst >ome from somewhereO a wave arises from somewhere. &he inHiviHaEity rises when yo say; Tthis inHiviHaE.T o have retrneH with this thoght. *ow; this moment; where HiH this thoght rise from %nHiviHaEity. &his moment go ba>I anH see. onLt maIe any effort — it wiEE Hrop by 114
itseEf. onLt maIe any effort; HonLt thinIO it wiEE Hrop by itseEf. or Eonging wiEE >ease. 'y instr>tion wiEE >ease. 17 *ovember; 199C @@@
Beyond /eli#ht, Beyond Bliss ">tion whi>h originates from the minH withot atta>hment we >an >aEE *on=a>tion. %n fa>t this a>tivity arises withot minH at aEE. ,e >an >aEE this *o=minH. o may be Hoing many things in the worEH; bt if there is no atta>hment to the ot>ome; to the obje>ts of a>tion; yo remain free. &he HeEight whi>h >omes from sensory eJperien>e is aEways fEeeting. ,hen an eJperien>e is repeateH an earEier Hesire whi>h haH been storeH in memory is re>aEEeH to repeat the eJperien>e. &he HeEight HeriveH from f rom that eJperien>e is aEreaHy past — not fresh — be>ase it has been re>aEEeH. 3irst yo neeH Hesire; then an obje>t of Hesire; then eJperien>e throgh the senses. nEy an nwise person p erson seeIs to repeat eJperien>e. " wise person Inows that every eJperien>e; every HeEight; is fEeeting anH wiEE not to>h it. !veryone in the worEH is nhappyO not a singEe person finHs happiness be>ase they HeEight in oEH eJperien>e. *o one asIs for anything fresh; not onEy the >ommon man bt even Iings; even HiamonH mer>hants. 5ings want HiamonHs EiIe the 5ohinoor to be happy. *o=oneLs Hesires are fEfiEEeH. &here is something very pre>ios whi>h is not storeH in the memory. 4ive it any name or no name; it wiEE bring satisfa>tion anH bEiss. %t wiEE taIe yo beyonH bEiss. &his is or topi> here: first HeEight; then bEiss; anH then beyonH. *oboHy gets ot of this trap of HeEight: !veryboHy is >aght in it. o EooI f or bEiss bt where is it to be fonH BEiss means anything not re>aEEeH from memory. &his wiEE never be His>overeH on yor own be>ase it is fonH onEy throgh asso>iation with a sage; a perfe>t person; one who has Inown it anH >an enabEe yo to have this eJperien>eO or from the re>orHeH eJperien>es of an>ient sages in athoriKeH stras. ,ith the heEp of yor own Hesire for abiHing happiness; for abiHing bEiss; f or freeHom; yo wiEE His>over something beyonH that whi>h >an be >aEEeH >ons>iosness. &hereLs nothing beyonH >ons>iosness. n>e yo attain >ons>iosness thereLs nothing more to be attaineH. "nything that >an be attaineH wiEE be Eost. 2ons>iosness is EiIe the 5ohinoor; the worEHLs most pre>ios HiamonH. *o one has yet attaineH it yet it has to be aspireH for; to rea>h for something fresh; something new. -ow >an it be nattainabEe anH yet be HesireH Be>ase in its attainment the Inower; the Inown anH the means of Inowing aEE merge into &hat itseEf. o it is b oth attaineH anH yet never attaineH. %n the reaEiKation of >ons>iosness yo have attaineH everything that is worth attaining. %t is >ompEete anH perfe>t. %t is moIsham — Eiberation. %t is eman>ipation; it is perfe>tion. o >an >aEE it bEiss; yo >an >aEE it b eyonH bEiss. PeopEe >aEE it emptiness; peopEe >aEE it fEEness; yet it is beyonH worHs. %t has never been Hes>ribeH so far. %t is &hat whi>h has to be aspireH a spireH for — something whi>h yo have never hearH Hes>ribeH before. %t >annot be heEH in memory; nor >an it be seen; hearH; to>heH or thoght abot. ,hen the minH bEinIs for a moment everything arises. &his manifestation is the resEt of jst one bEinI of the minH. %f yo HonLt winI winI for this singEe moment everything everything wiEE >ease. %f yo HonLt stir the minH jst for this instant — this f inger snap — that whi>h % 115
speaI abot is here anH now. "nH; my Hear frienHs; yo are &hatU yo are &hatU yo are &hat. %f yo have hearH these worHs withot them EanHing anywhere — withot them to>hing yor memory — yo have gone beyonH. %f somehow this has penetrateH into the memory; trespasseH there; then yo wiEE have to faEE in Eove with it; Ieep fEEy HevoteH to it. ,aEIing; taEIing; sEeeping; Hreaming; on awaIening ea>h Hay — aEways Ieep in to>h with it — thinI of it; speaI to it; worship it even. &his whi>h is beyonH everything is the onEy thing to be worshippeH. onLt be afraiH to worship this; be>ase aEE things are within &his whi>h % speaI abot. a bot. !verything is to be worshippeH. !verything whi>h yo worship is &hat itseEf. ,hat eEse >oEH there be %f yo have some goEH yo >an maIe any shape ot of it — any animaE or birH — bt its essentiaE goEH=ness wiEE not be Eost. nEy the name anH f orm >an >hange; the goEH=ness >annot be Eost. %f yo nHerstanH this with yor totaE >ons>iosness yo wiEE see that everything whi>h eJists in >ons>iosness mst be >ons>iosness itseEf. !verything in the river; every wave; every bbbEe; every tiHe mst be maHe of the same sbstan>e whi>h is EiMiH; whi>h is water. $ooI at the river anH not its eJpressions; EiIe bbbEes anH waves. 5nowing this yo HonLt neeH anything eEse. &his singEe instr>tion is Mite enogh for f or those who have HeserveH it; earneH ea rneH it throgh eons of time. ome wiEE stiEE postpone for a year or tiEE the e nH of this in>arnation. Bt why yo are here o are aEive jst to Inow who yo have been; who yo woEH be; anH who yo are now. o have Eost tra>I of it so yo neeH some giHan>e. 3inH a giHe anH Eisten to him on>e. 3oEEow him anH yo are ot of this trap. %f yo HonLt want to Eisten it HoesnLt matterO for after aEE; how Eong >an this trap remain a trap omehow its trap=ness wiEE have to be HissoEveH anH soEveH on>e anH for aEE. ne satsang is Mite enogh. 5nowing this trth yo are aEways in satsang. atsang means to Eive as &rth itseEf — whi>h means to Eive as the eEf; to Eive as >ons>iosness. ,ho >an say; T% am not my eEfT -e who Inows; T% am the eEf.T is in satsang. "nH if someone says; T% am not the eEf.T it is stiEE eJ>eEEent — he is stiEE in satsang. %f the fish f ish in the water >an >ry; T% am thirsty;T it means she is aEive a Eive in the water — sheLs not thirsty. %n satsang yo are not toEH to Ho anything — to pra>ti>e anything — be>ase there are no moHifi>ationsO it is imma>Eate; it is pre; it is prity itseEf. o a re pre. o may have been taght to beEieve that; T% am impre; % am bonHT bt it is onEy taEI. -ow >an T% am.T be impre or bonH &o say T% am.T a m.T is enogh. %f yo aHH something to it there wiEE be trobEe. 'aIe the best of this time — HonLt postpone. &his postponement is >aEEeH manifestation; is >aEEeH bonHage. %f yo HonLt postpone yo are here anH now — yo are f ree. &his postponement is >aEEeH minH whi>h says; T% wiEE Ho it EaterO % wiEE Ho tomorrowT. 'inH is past. Past is memory anH memory is niverse; manifestation; anH repetition of births anH Heaths; sffering anH tension. Bt jst to Inow: T% am sffering;T is enogh to enH sffering. o mst simpEy Inow what that T% amT is. %t is not the boHy nor the minH nor the inteEEe>t. %f yo say; T% am;T >an yo show this % am %tLs not the boHy. o >an jst investigate: @st finH ot where this N% am is. o wiEE not finH it — yo wiEE not finH f inH N% am anywhere — onEy worHs. o after sometime %Lm speaIing abot this happiness; anH Inowing this is >aEEeH eManimity; pea>e; bEiss. "nH before that was HeEight. "nything that is fEeeting is >aEEeH HeEight. "nything that is abiHing is not HeEightO so here yo are at pea>e. !Manimity is there anH yo a re bEiss. -ere is the bEiss. o Ieeping p this for some time in this state anH not EooIing for; not Hesiring for anything from the memory of the past staying for sometime here anH yo wiEE be thrown 116
or >aEEeH from somewhere eEse by someone eEse into somewhere eEse whi>h yo have never hearH before. Be>ase what yo hear is onEy abot waIing; Hreaming; sEeeping — thatLs aEE yo have Inow so far. "nything that speaIs to yo in this physi>aE form is waIing state. btEe form that yo Hream in the night is Hreaming state. &here aEso yo have got reEations anH we see montains anH rivers anH forests anH animaEs... sbtEe form. "nH then aEso we have eJperien>e; anH then in sEeep aEso. &hatLs aEE the three states we Inow. &herefore we have HeEight in one anH we have bEiss in the sEeep state. "gain we repeat the same >ir>Ee enHEessEy. o staying here in this state yo wiEE be >aEEeH from somewhere eEse into somewhere eEse. &hat state is not a state. tates are onEy three. BeyonH that yo >anLt >aEE it a state. &hat is; yo >an >aEE it a worH. %f yo have to se worH % beEieve the sansIrit worH is pragya. Pragna is beyonH that; beyonH states yo see. BeyonH the beyonH is >aEEeH pragna. o that state is beyonH the HeEight anH beyonH the hap piness anH beyonH the bEiss even. %t is not even thisO it is not even eEf. %tLs not even %t. ,hat has been given in some stras %t8 worH is seH. &hat worH is seH; tat is seHO not even that. &hat >annot be >omprehenHeH by minH nor eJpresseH; nor Hes>ribeH; nor eJperien>eHO be>ase for any IinH of HeEight; bEiss; enjoyment; yo neeH someone to eJperien>e. 'inH HoesnLt go thereO senses Ho not present themseEves there. o when aEE these beat retreat — minH; inteEEe>t; senses — when they beat retreat; that beyonH is >aEEeH... tita is the worH. ome say; TBeyonH.T $et beyonH be beyonH. % HonLt to>h it. Be>ase % re>eive many EettersO even toHay % wiEE see. &he Eetters aEways mention: ,e Eose what we get in the satsang when we retrn ba>I home. ,e Eose it after some time; anH then we Ho not Inow what to Ho.8 o it means anything that yo hear in satsang yo have storeH in the minHO so that is what we are His>ssing abot anH this thing that yo are storing in the minH. o want to >aEE for anH repeat it. ,hen yoLre here Ho not store in the memory so that yo Eose it. "nything >an be >aEEeH ba>I from memory. ,hen it HoesnLt EanH in the memory yo >anLt >aEE ba>I. o theyLre in trobEe. &hey >anLt >aEE ba>I therefore they taIe to some other eJer>ises. o one of these Eetters % wiEE reaH: "fter the satsang in $>Inow % Eost it in a month.8 o % am jst speaIing abot this thing. o not try to grab it; grasp it anH store it into the memory. "nything storeH in the memory is not satsang. %tLs >aEEeH Eearning — itLs >aEEeH InowEeHge — that yo go to the niversities anH get a Ho>torate ot of that whi>h is storeH in the memory. %tLs not that tha t InowEeHge. %t >annot be storeH in the memory; yo see. *ever it has been Hone. o Eet the worH pass throgh anH throgh. Pier>e throgh the minH anH throgh the inteEEe>t anH Eet it go from f rom where it >ame. ne worH; any one time; whatever; whenever; wherever possibEe — it is that one worH whi>h wiEE worI. o % am again trying to >Earify: onLt try to nHerstanH what is spoIen here. @st Ieep Miet. onLt try to Eisten even. @st Ieep Miet anH Eet it go. ,hat is happening; yo HonLt be >on>erneH of it. &hat is some higher spreme power. o are in the Eap of spreme power. onLt se yor inteEEe>t here. %t is he who wiEE taIe >are of yo. %t is -e who wiEE taIe >are of yo. %t is %t that wiEE taIe >are of itseEf. ,ho are yo to nHerstanH it o Ieep Miet for on>e. onLt bEinI anH HonLt winI anH Ieep Miet for one singEe se>onH. therwise yo wiEE have notions anH eJpe>tations anH iHeations. &hatLs what yo wiEE maIe ot of this satsang. onLt try to have any notion; any hope that here we have >ome with the hope that we wiEE be free. 4ive p this hope e ither. *o hopes anH no notions anH no tensions aEso. *o iHeas abot what it is. onLt form any iHeas abot it; yo see. &his is >aEEeH Mietness; eManimity; siEen>e anH pea>e. &hen the spreme itseEf wiEE enter into yor open heart anH sit Hown there permanentEy; be>ase it is aEreaHy there anH yo are otherwise engageH. &herefore it is >on>eaEeH by some other Hesire: T% want this; anH % want that;T yo see.
o Ho what yo have to Ho "nything to whi>h yo have >amofEageH or >on>eaEeH the originaE Etimate natre of yor own eEf has to be His>overeH; n>overeH; or to be reveaEeH. %t has to reveaE itseEf by itseEfO not by any effort. *ot by any effort. *ot even to thinI abot anything of the past; present anH ftre. *o thoght anH no effort. &hat is the reMirement. -ow this pre>ios gem where it is >on>eaEeH by yo — how it wiEE reveaE itseEf. &he gem HoesnLt neeH yor >anHEe to be seen. %t has its own Ester; seEf= effEgent. $iIe; yo wiEE not see the sn throgh the Eight of yor >anHEe bt throgh its own rays. ,ho neeHs a >anHEe to see the sn -e HoesnLt neeH be>ase the sn has the Ester of Eight itseEf. o anything whi>h is Eight yo HonLt neeH any eff ort to see. o HonLt neeH to Ho anything. impEy Ieep Miet — aEEow it to reveaE itseEf. %f yo haH Iept Miet even for a singEe instant; for a finger snap; with a winI of yo eye — on>e — Hring this traveE that yo have Hone for A< miEEion years; my Hear frienHs who are here. &his is aEE a bEinI of the minH; anH now if we are Miet it has to reveaE. %t is seEf= effEgent. *ever it has been >on>eaEeH. Bt when the Hesire is there then it is >on>eaEeH be>ase we Hesire something eEse. "nH that something eEse we Ho not Inow — that something eEse is aEso the same thing. ,hat eEse yo >an aspire ,here from Ho yo get anything eEse whi>h is not aEreaHy there ,here from ,ho are yo o this is so simpEe. &he trobEe is with its beaty anH simpEi>ity anH seEf=effEgen>e. o pEease merge into it — jmp into it. &hatLs aEE. @mping into the EaIe of ne>tar; EaIe of amritam; who wiEE Hie "nH we are afraiH. %n ambrosia — HrinIing ambrosia — % wiEE Hie... -ow riHi>Eos. C1 *ovember; 199C @@@
0otions -reate the Mind %t is very important to eJamine the natre of notion; be>ase whatever is >reateH — whatever yo see — is a notion. &his may be srprising to yo. &aIe a tiny seeH in the paEm of yor hanH. %n %nHia the mstarH seeH has been given as an eJampEe be>ase it is the smaEEest seeH avaiEabEeU or a banyan seeH. %n the ,est taIe any seeH yo >an finHO it HoesnLt matter what IinH. *ow what Ho yo see in this seeH o yo see a hge tree; a granH trnI; fEowers; miEEions of frits; with again biEEions anH triEEions of seeHs insiHe o yo see aEE this is a tiny seeH o Ho not f inH aEE this insiHe the seeH; yet when the seeH >omes into >onta>t with the soiE it sprots. &he same is tre with notion. *otion is now sproteH as this niverse; time anH spa>e that yo see; as past; present anH ftre. 'en; animaEs; montains; rivers; forests are aEE >ontaineH in this tiny seeH=EiIe notion. &his notion wiEE sprot when it to>hes >ons>iosness; anH from this arises minH. "EE this Hiversity is >reateH ot of the singEe notion; T% sffer. % am happy. % am bonH. % want to be free.T &hese are aEE notions. " sage is one who Inows that these are aEE notions anH is hen>e free from them. &hose who are yet to be enEighteneH are not yet free from this notion anH therefore thinI that they are bonH; that they are sfferingO they wiEE have to be>ome enEighteneH somehow Eater on. ,e mst finH ot how to get riH of this notion. " notion is jst a thoght — it is yor own thoght; whi>h mst be rising from somewhere. @st as a seeH to>hes the soiE; it sprots anH be>omes a tree; so this notion to>hes >ons>iosnessO it sprots anH be>omes minH. ,hat eJisten>e >oEH the minH have withot >ons>iosness as its sbstratm ,here >oEH it stanH withot some fonHation; some soiE in whi>h to sprot 118
&hose who Inow the sbstratm; who see how the minH rises; wiEE never sffer. &hose who ignore the sbstratm however; those who begin from the sprot; from the notion itseEf; those who EooI at the bran>hes; frits anH fEowers; at the sfferings; happiness anH joys of Eife — they wiEE sffer enHEessEy be>ase they Ho not Inow the sbstratm of aEE this. &hoght is the sbstratm; thoght is the minH; minH is time anH spa>e; minH is past. -ow Hoes the minH arise ,hen it rises it seems to be >reateHO aEthogh it is not reaEEy tre to say that it is >reateH or not; that it arises or not. Both are seen simEtaneosEy. ,hen yo see a mirage in the Hesert yo see a river rnning in the Hesert; in the sanHs. &he river whi>h is rnning >an be saiH to eJist; anH it >an a Eso be saiH that is Hoes not eJist. Both are tre. PeopEe wiEE go rnning to have a swim in it be>ase it EooIs EiIe a reaE river. "nH at the same time it is tre that it Hoes not eJist; there is onEy sanH; there is no river at aEE. Both are simEtaneosEy tre. o yo >an say that this is samsara; this is the worEH. r yo >an say tha t this Hoes not eJist at aEE. Both are simEtaneosEy reaE. %f yo a>>ept this; then to say; &his is not reaE.T is treO anH to say; T&his is reaE.T is aEso tre — jst EiIe the mirage. &his is aEE reaE be>ase it sproteH from >ons>iosness; anH it is not reaE be>ase it is onEy a notion. 3rom the notion arises the ego; the observer; the observation anH the observeH. %t is from here that the trobEe starts. 3or the sage this trobEe is not thereO his observer; observation anH observeH are aEE the same anH therefore he is happy. -e who is yet to be awaIeneH thinIs; T% am the observer. &his obje>t whi>h % am observing gives me happiness. % eJperien>e that happiness.T -e is in trobEe. -e wiEE have to get riH of his own notions somehow; either by sitting with a saint or throgh investigation with his own His>rimination anH His>ernment; or with the heEp of some wise peopEe. o in investigating how to get riH of this ego whi>h brings Hiversity there are two perspe>tives. %n one there is no Hiversity. %n the other; Hiversity anH nity are the sameO EiIe the river in the Hesert whi>h is both reaE anH not reaE. %n this there may be many Hiversities; bt if yo Inow their basis — the sbstratm from whi>h they arise — yo Inow them aEE. &he waves in the o>ean are no Hifferent from their sbstan>e — water. 'any waves >an eJist withot the oneness of the water being Eost. %n this Hiverse worEH peopEe may EooI Hifferent with Hifferent views; Hifferent shapes; Hifferent forms; bt their essen>e is stiEE one. &hat essen>e is the same in aEE beings anH non=beings. %f yo are aware of this yo are free; yo are happy. o are eternaEEy bEissfE be>ase bEiss >omes if yo are aware of >ons>iosness. &here is no Hifferen>e between bEiss anH >ons>iosness. %f yo Inow that the origin of aEE Hiversities anH sfferings is >ons>iosness; yo wiEE not have any probEem. o mst arrive at this; yo mst nHerstanH this; yo mst rea>h this — that the nHerEying gronH; the nHerEying essen>e is >ons>iosness. ,hen yo EooI at peopEe; when yo EooI at montains; when yo EooI at a river; when yo EooI at yor boHy yo mst be >ons>ios; yo are >ons>ios. o are >ons>ios when yo sEeep; yo are >ons>ios when yo are awaIe; yo are >ons>ios of obje>ts; yo are >ons>ios of yor a>tivities. ,hen yo Hream yo are >ons>ios of sbtEe a>tivities; yo are aware of reEationships within the Hream. o are >ons>ios of sbje>ts anH obje>ts; of eJperien>es anH obje>tivity; yo are >ons>ios of sbje>tivity. &he basis of aEE a>tivity is >ons>iosness. "Eso in Heep sEeep yo are >ons>ios for yo waIe p Inowing that yo sEept; that yo haH a pea>efE sonH sEeep; yo are >ons>ios. "EE these three states are proje>tions of >ons>iosness. %t is within >ons>iosness that aEE these things are fEoating — they are aEE proje>teH in front of it. &hat >ons>iosness yo are. &rans>enHing these three states there is a forth state Inown as triya. %n this trans>enHentaE state yo are aEso aware. BeyonH the forth state; beyonH triya; there is that whi>h is not Inown to anyone. %t is not Inown be>ase that is the Hepth of 119
>ons>iosness. !ven the worH T>ons>iosnessT is no more fonH there. *o worHs; no eJperien>es; no T%; yo; he; or sheT ever eJisteH in this. &his is yor tre natre. &his is the &rth. &his is Etimate nHerstanHing. &his is aEways eternaEEy present. &his is presen>e itseEf. %t is never absent at any time. &his is >aEEeH &rth. &his is >aEEeH 3reeHom. &his is >aEEeH ,isHom. ,hatever &rth is mst aEways be there; be here; be now; be everywhere. %t mst be mnis>ient. %t mst be mnipresent. &hat whi>h yo are is mnis>ien>e anH mnipresen>e. o have to Eive pEayfEEy aEong with aEE these waves in Hifferent forms anH enjoy this — yor happiness. CA *ovember; 199C @@@
&ratie and 0on<&ratie Both pra>ti>e anH non=pra>ti>e are faEse iHeas. "banHon aEE His>ssions; His>riminations; >on>epts from the minH anH yo wiEE possess aEE the HharmasO anH s>h=ness; ths=ness wiEE possess yo. !verything that yo Ho thereafter wiEE be in a>>orHan>e to Hharma anH yor Iarmas have >easeH to fn>tion. $iIe the BHHha; he may have pra>ti>eH when he Eeft his paEa>e. -e has gone to Hifferent >enters; ashrams; tea>hers. -e fonH that is not the way to be free. ne af ter the other he went on reje>ting; anH the East one was: they were Hoing very severe penan>e; very severe penan>e they were Hoing; bt even that he reje>teH — that was not the way to be free; he He>iHes himseEf. o he went to BoHgaya. "nH % HonLt thinI the peopEe attribte that he pra>ti>eH meHitation. % HonLt thinI it was a meHitation. % thinI he was very free at that time. "nH he rose p. "nH it was "nanHa who asIeH him; T'aster; whatLs yor eJperien>eT -e Iept Miet. "nH this Mietness is not yet nHerstooH. ,hy HiH not repEy -e gets p anH then he went ronH the boHhi tree anH prostrating in e>stasy; yo see; be>ase he fonH freeHom. o EiIewise; if we pra>ti>e we have aEreaHy HiviHeH between s anH reaEity. ,e have >reateH a waEE between trth anH orseEves; anH we have pre>on>eiveH the resEt. ,hen we sit for meHitation aEreaHy we have pre>on>eiveH the resEt; the goaE; the iHeaE whi>h we are going to attain after sometime. o what we thinI has to happen; so that pre= >on>ept is now postponement; anH we are satisfieH. reEy thatLs not going to be freeHom; maybe a >on>ept of freeHom. 3reeHom is absoEteEy imma>Eate; free of any iHeas; any notions. &hatLs >aEEeH 3reeHom; yo see. &herefore by pra>ti>e; if yo pra>ti>e anH we win freeHom; freeHom is not the resEt of any pra>ti>e; yo seeO be>ase it is here anH now. o whatever we attain after pra>ti>e so it wiEE beU it wiEE be; yo >an say withinU within the pra>ti>e that we have attaineH freeHom. o freeHom >annot be heEH within any pra>ti>e; yo see. Be>ase pra>ti>e wiEE EeaH yo to something that >an be attaineH whi>h was not attaineH before. 2an we a>hieve it "fter pra>ti>e. Bt freeHom is not a >on>ept; not an iHea. %s aEreaHy there before even yo thinI anH start pra>ti>e; freeHom was aEreaHy there. o yo >reateH Hivision when yo pra>ti>eH; yo see. o freeHom >annot be pra>ti>eH. o when we give p the >on>ept of freeHom — absoEteEy no iHea; no >on>ept of anything to attain or a>hieve — then we a re empty=minHeH. *ow in the emptiness — in this emptiness; within the emptiness V thereEE be wave whi>h wiEE rise from within the emptiness — its not from yor siHe — that wiEE be >aEEing yo. o >an >aEE it sor>eU sor>e. "nH if yo Hire>t yor minH towarHs this within the emptiness that wiEE pEE yo to freeHom; yo see. o it neeHs some absoEte prity; absoEte prity; absoEte Hevotion; absoEte srrenHer to sor>e — to freeHom itseEf; yo see. ,ithot it; itLs not going to happen.
!verywhere peopEe are pra>ti>ing. !verywhere pra>ti>e is going on; in %nHia anH abroaH. o there was one man who pra>ti>eHO for nmber of years he was pra>ti>ing anH in the enH what happeneH ne thoght >omes in his minH anH he rose p anH retrneH ba>I to his previos habits; yo see. o; yo >anLt sppress it aEso. ,hen the minH is there; T% want to be free.T anH if yo pra>ti>e it wiEE not worI. o have to wait for miEEions of years to win freeHom. o have to wait. %ts better to wait anH not impose on yo; T% have to be free this time.T % see many peopEe; T% want to be free. %n Hifferent >enters we have been pra>ti>ing freeHom.T % HonLt beEieve with this IinH of behavior with this IinH of >hara>ter; with this IinH of reEationship; how Hare they >an say; T,e have been pra>ti>ing freeHom anH enEightenment.T %ts a very Hifferent story; yo see — few here; there. -ow many bHHhas we have proH>eH &his niverseU how many bHHhas have been proH>eH by this niverse "t any >enter everyboHy says; ,e went there.8 'iEEions. ne tea>her has miEEions of foEEowers; yo see; anH everyboHy says; T,e went for freeHom.T "nH they have been >oming here in Earge nmbers anH saying; T,e >ame for freeHom.T !veryboHy saiH to s; T,e >ome for freeHom.T "nH they >ame sMeeKeH; absoEteEy sMeeKeH of their boHies; sMeeKeH of their minHs; anH sMeeKeH of their inteEEe>ts. o have to be very heaEthy in minH; very heaEthy in boHy aEso. Perhaps there wiEE be very heEpfE for yo to He>iHe; T% want to be free.T with the for>e of yor previos Iarmas. "nH then yo have to sit Miet. " monIey >annot sit Miet; sreEy not? -is habits have to be a banHoneH. 'inH is monIey; yo see. -ow it >an Ieep Miet; yor see o in satsang; this monIey >an be traineH — the monIeys >an be traineH. Bt it is the satsang; in the satsang; >ome to satsang anH HonLt inHEge for sometime. 5eep Miet. "fter aEE we are not Hoing any gymnasti>s here. "nH not therapies are worIing here; as most of yo have been Hoing — >oming for freeHom; Eost in the therapies. -ow yo >an >Eaim that we are in this ashram to win freeHom onLt He>eive yor eEf. o >an He>eive others; yo >an He>eive yorseEf; bt yo >annot He>eive yo own eEf within. o yo have got to be honest. %f there is time for yo to be free; >ome to satsang. therwise enjoy the worEH; enjoy the garHen. &his worEH is enogh for those who are thirsty of sensaE pEeasre. !njoy as best as yo >an for miEEions of years; yo see. o if yoLre feH p with this; >ome here — sit Miet — anH it HoesnLt taIe time. 3reeHom is aEreaHy there; yo see. o have onEy to Inow that yo are free. o have never been bonH. %t was the Hesire; T% want this.8 anH % want that.T that yo have to abanHon. "nH seeU after this see; if yo abanHon this Hesire anH then if the resEt is not gooH retrn ba>I to the worEH. %tLs aEways there. ,hen yo are not Miet there is worEH. ,hen yo are Miet; if yo HonLt EiIe retrn ba>I — if yo EiIe; stay on. %f yo stay on yo wiEE see anH yo wiEE noti>e for the first time that it never eJisteH — nothing ever eJisteH — before; now anH Eater. &his is the Etimate trth that yo have to be toEH. ,hen yo see any form there is faEsehooH. ,hat yo have to Ho %f yo simpEy get riH of one thing — jst form — for one instant of time yo jst abanHon the >on>ept of form from yor minH — for one se>onH — anH see if yo are not happy. "nH form is faEsehooH. ,here thereLs a form thereLs faEsehooH; yo see. "nH aEE forms are seen in ignoran>eO anH in wisHom thereLs no form; in Eight there is no form. o thereLs no pressre on yo. o as yo EiIe. IayU *amasIar. 1 >tober; 199C @@@
1he Work Is -ompleted 3rom iEen>e yo >ame anH to iEen>e yo retrn. &his is the Etimate &rth. &he >on>ept that there was any worI to >ompEete has in itseEf been >ompEeteH. &his is aEE. ,hat is there to >ompEete ,hat was the worI &o Ieep Miet. ,hen yo Inow this yo have >ompEeteH everything. therwise yo wiEE be hit>hhiIing for miEEions of years thinIing that yo have not >ompEeteH yor worI. &here is no worI to be >ompEeteH. &he iHea that yo have to >ompEete some worI — that yo are bonH; that yo have to be free — is aEE >on>eptaE. o are fnHamentaEEy free aEE the time; anH to Inow this is the >ompEetion of everything. &he onEy hinHran>e was that yo thoght that yo were bonH. &hat was the obsta>Ee. #emoving this obsta>Ee yo >an >aEE; T>ompEetion of the worI.T PEease remove aEE Hobt by Eeaving it nowhere to resiHe. o >aEE it Hobt bt there is no Hobt at aEE. ,hat is meant by Hobt ,iEE yo have any Hobt if someone says; To are not >aEEeH so=anH=soT o Inow what yor name is. %n the same way yo are &hat itseEf. %n a Hream yo forgot yor reaE natre anH Hobt arose. o wiEE have to e ither remove Hobt by yorseEf; or go to one who Inows how to remove it — to one who wiEE heEp yo remove yor Hobt. *oboHy >an >hange yoO yo wiEE remain what yo are. " Hobt arose: T% am not what % am.T &he iHea that T% am the boHy.T was this Hobt. o are the in=HweEEer of the boHy; not the boHy itseEf. &his simpEe nHerstanHing >omes easiEy in satsang; bt it wiEE not arise otsiHe in the worEH — or it wiEE taIe miEEions of years — simpEy be>ase everyboHy is >Einging to the >on>ept that; T% am the boHy.T %n a>taEEy yo are not the boHyO yo are the one who is aware of the boHy. ,hen yo are aware of something it is an obje>t in awareness. o are aware of everything in>EHing the boHy. ,hat is this awareness ,ho is aware o not thinI. o not even meHitate. 'eHitation means postponing for oEH age or at Eeast for neJt year that whi>h is avaiEabEe now. 'eHitation means reje>ting the rose fEower anH hnting for the thorn. onLt meHitate here. @st now? it MietEy? onLt thinI? ,henever yo meHitate yo are postponing *ow? ,hy postpone this ntiE some other time; ntiE some other moment -ave yo ever seen the neJt moment ,hy not now %snLt it avaiEabEe now ,hat IinH of meHitation Ho yo neeH &here are peopEe here who have been meHitating for many years with aEE the tea>hers of the worEH anH stiEE they are not free. 'eHitation is onEy postponement. o may have maHe a habit of sitting in meHitation every morning from siJ to eight; bt the minH is very happy to have >heateH yo. o >an Ho everything — there are some very professionaE meHitators here — bt stiEE there is nothing insiHe. o >an >ompEete this instantEy be>ase the eEf — the "tman — is ever present. 3or whom are yo seeIing throgh methoH; throgh meHitation; throgh thoght 3or whom %t is here anH now. !ven before yo sit for meHitation it is aEreaHy here. !ven the instin>t to meHitate >ame from the same sor>e; to finH the same thing. o are rnning away from it; never trning ba>I. ,hatever thoght >omes; whatever it is; even the thoght of meHitation: top. is>over the sor>e of these thoghts: T% have to meHitate; % have to be free. % neeH freeHom.T 5eep Miet anH wait. 3inH ot from where these thoghts are >oming. #etrn ba>I to the sor>e of these same thoghts anH teEE me what yo see. ,hat Ho yo >aEE this ,here wiEE it EeaH yo %t wiEE striIe at yor minH forever anH yo wiEE be>ome what yo have aEways been. o wiEE not finH this throgh any methoH. onLt be He>eiveH on>e again by yor minH. o are here to be free in this very instant withot Hoing anything; withot even stirring a singEe thoght. &hatLs why yo are here. % HonLt teEE yo to go to the -imaEayas or to the >aves or to the forest. % have seen many peopEe with heaH hanging Hown Hoing penan>e. % have seen many in the higher aEtitHes of the -imaEayas. &hey HiH not 122
His>over freeHom. %t is here anH now. ,hat is there to thinI abot this !ven withot thinIing yo are &hat. &he habit of thinIing; of Hoing something; is yor onEy impeHiment. 4ive at Eeast one se>onH to yorseEf withot Hoing anything; withot even thinIing. o not maIe any IinH of effort; anH see the resEt. < e>ember; 199C @@@
id the Mind o* /iseases ,e >annot meHitate be>ase of the Hiseases of the minH. &hese Hiseases are attra>tion anH aversion; atta>hment anH hate; anger anH greeH. 3or meHitation yo neeH a very heaEthy minH. ,e have to get riH of these Hiseases of the minH. -ow >an we meHitate when or minH is HiseaseH ,hiEe meHitating yo have to be very aEert; vigiEant anH wat>hfE so that for a EittEe time Hring meHitation these Hiseases HonLt show p. %n the beginning they may trobEe yo; they may rise p; bt graHaEEy they wiEE go on vanishing. ,hen they have vanisheH yo wiEE enjoy meHitation whiEe sitting; whiEe waEIing; whiEe taEIing; anH at worI. &hen meHitation wiEE be>ome yor natre — wiEE be spontaneos withot any effort of sitting meHitations. &here yo wiEE see yor own eEf whi>h HoesnLt neeH any meHitation. o wiEE be one with the -eart — the minH wiEE merge into the heart anH heart into the eEf; anH eEf is aEways free. &he eEf is aEways wisHom; Eight anH freeHom itseEf. o have to be >arefE whiEe meHitating that these notions of atta>hment; hatreH; greeH anH Est Ho not to>h yo. @@@
$ou %ave a a*t to -ross "EE the beings are wanHering in this o>ean of samsara. *o one is happy; H e to psy>hoEogi>aE perversions; Hesires anH hopes. *o one >an attain happiness ntiE wisHom is attaineH — ntiE eEf=InowEeHge is attaineH. ,e have spent miEEions of years sear>hing for pea>e; anH we have not been s>>essfE so far be>ase of hope; Hesire; Hiseases of the minH. %t is not possibEe to get riH of this Hisease withot eEf=InowEeHge; withot wisHom. !veryone is spenHing years wanHering enHEessEy. 3ortnate is the one who Inows that he has a raft to >ross this o>ean; aEthogh most peopEe Ho not maIe se of it. &his hman boHy >an be seH as a raft to >ross this miserabEe o>ean where miEEions of jivas are wanHering in a bEinH weEE; withot any resEt. &he vehi>Ee that yo possess now >oEH not be biEtO this hman boHy is not avaiEabEe to the eight miEEion IinHs of jivas ot there in the worEH; whi>h we have passeH throgh one by one. ,e have haH every IinH of eJperien>e as we have passeH throgh eight miEEion spe>ies. &he raft of this hman boHy was never avaiEabEe before; anH if we HonLt maIe se of it we may not f inH it again. 'aIe the best of what is avaiEabEe to yo to finH wisHom; happiness; weEE=being anH beaty. %t is easiEy avaiEabEe: &he moment yo give rise to the Hesire for freeHom; from that moment yo are on the raft. %t is this Hesire whi>h EeaHs yo in sear>h of a tea>her; to sit with the tea>her anH finH the way to be happy.
o may Inow how many peopEe in the worEH from where yo >ome from; the >ontry; >an give rise to this Hesire; T*ow % want to be free.T o they go to sear>h for a tea>her anH to sit with the tea>her anH to >onsEt with himO sit with him anH f inH ot the way how to be happy. "nH yo >an Ho it wherever yo are. %f there are two gooH frienHs; by mere >onversation yo >an Ho it yorseEf. 'ere >onversations wiEE be aEright be>ase if someone has gone to a parti>Ear >ontry anH yo have not gone; anH he >an eJpEain to yo by a map anH yo >an get at the map yo wiEE not have Hiffi>Ety. o this mapping of the asso>iation of some of yor best frienHs with the >onversation is >aEEeH satsang. 2onversation with yor own frienHs; >onversation with the tea>her; wiEE heEp yo anH this is >aEEeH the raft to >ross over this miserabEe samsara. ,ithot this Hesire % HonLt thinI that it is possibEe for any being to get ot of this. "EE beings are >aght p in Hifferent IinHs of Hesires for sense pEeasres whi>h are impermanent. &hey are satisfieH with that withot Inowing the >onseMen>es. " man was waEIing in the forest anH feEE into a weEE whi>h was >overeH by an overgrowth of Eeaves anH s>rbs. ,hiEe faEEing he >aght hoEH of the root of a tree whi>h was growing into the weEE anH so he feEt safe. $ooIing Hown; he fonH that there was a >ro>oHiEe in the weEE whi>h was waiting for him with open jaws. -e feEt very afraiH. $ooIing p he fonH a tiger EooIing over the siHe of the weEE. &he tiger was hnting in the night for some fooH in the forest anH saw this man; bt aEmost immeHiateEy he feEE into the weEE. &hen he EooIeH at the root he was hanging from anH saw two rats g nawing at it. Bt there was a beehive on a tree above the weEE anH Hrop by Hrop the honey was tri>IEing Hown into his open moth. -e was very happy Ei>Iing the honey. &his is or Eife. ay anH night are the two rats >tting throgh the >reeper of yor Eife. !very Hay anH night that passes >ts into the >reeper on whi>h this Eife is hanging. BeEow is Heath: the fear that T% am going to Hie.T: the >ro>oHiEe waiting tomorrow. "bove is the tiger: the fear of what is going to happen toHay. Bt we are happy Ei>Iing the honey: enjoying the pEeasre of the senses. &his is everyoneLs sitation — ignoring the trobEe that is aEE aronH; trappeH in the bEinH weEE of the minH. &he raft to save yo is this boHy; the He>ision: T% have to be free Hring this in>arnation somehow.T 'aIe p yor minH. o have Hone very weEE to be here. t of siJ biEEion peopEe; how many even aspire for freeHom o have to be free right now; be>ase yo wiEE not finH it eEsewhere. o have not yet EooIeH into yor own treasreO yo have EooIeH eEsewhere anH sffereH. &he treasre is within yo; the HiamonH is within yo; so HonLt beg. $ooI within anH instantEy yo are ri>h. *o one Inows this. ,ith this treasre within s we have stiEE sffereH He to the baH habits of wants anH hopes of the minH. &his is the Hisease of the minH. n>e yo have fonH that yo are atman; tha t yo are the sbstratm; yo are at pea>e within yorseEf. &hen everything that arises from the eEf wiEE be fEfiEEeH. %t is not >oming from the minH. &hat whi>h arises from the minH anH hope wiEE never satisfy yo. ,e neeH some reEiabEe person to set s straight. &here was a man who seH to go on a piEgrimage to a oth %nHian tempEe from the north. %n %nHia peopEe go from the soth to the north; from the east to the west for piEgrimagesO from 5ashi to #ameshram; from PoEi to warIa. PeopEe woEH maIe frienHs on s>h piEgrimages anH every five or ten years they woEH maIe a trip together to see some hoEy pEa>es anH saints. &his man be>ame frienHs with someone in the sothO he seH to stay with him when he was on his piEgrimage. "fter an intervaE of ten years he went to the same famiEy to visit. &he manLs wife was there bt in a miserabEe >onHition. he was worIing at the grinHing miEE; washing the Hishes of the neighbors. -e inMireH abot his frienH.
&he wife toEH him; T-e HieH some seven years ago anH now we are in trobEe. % bring some grains anH maIe fEor ot of it. % bring some >Eothes to wash or go to worI in nearby hoses; be>ase % have three >hiEHren who have not >ompEeteH their eH>ation. % have to earn money for their eH>ation. *ow they are Hoing weEE at s>hooE; so % wiEE be abEe to finH jobs for them.T &his man inMireH; TiHnLt my frienH speaI to yo abot anythingT T*o; no he HiHnLt speaI abot anything;T repEieH the wiHow. T,hy; he simpEy HieH.T &he man who HieH haH toEH his frienH that he haH some goEH whi>h he haH hiHHen so that his >hiEHren woEH go to s>hooE anH not thinI that their father haH enogh money to spport them. -e wanteH them to worI. %n oEHen times parents woEH often hiHe their money so that the >hiEHren woEH get a gooH eH>ation. "nH onEy after that woEH they wiEE give it to them; after the >hiEHren were weEE eH>ateH anH >apabEe to >onH>t a bsiness or whatever they wanteH to Ho. &hen the father woEH hanH over the money anH waEI away into the forest. &his was the traHition that was Iept p f or many years. &his frienH of the famiEy then toEH the wiHow that jst nHer the spot where she was grinHing the fEor in the miEE there was hiHHen a pot fEE of goEH. ,ith this worH aEone she jmpeH; even thogh the pot of goEH was not yet fonH. @st the worH of an athoritative man; a frienH of the famiEy; broght great pEeasre. he >aEEeH her sons. T$ooI; EooI; yor n>Ee has >ome? -e says that we are very ri>h. &here is goEH hiHHen here. Bring a spaHe?T o they Hg a few in>hes beEow the gronH where she haH been toiEing Hay anH night anH she fonH the pot of goEH. %nstantEy she be>ame very ri>h. he haH been wiEEing to Eive in povertyO grinHing at the miEE; sffering greatEy to proviHe enogh >Eothing for the >hiEHren. "t that same spot there was poverty a few in>hes above the gronH; anH ri>hes >on>eaEeH a few in>hes nHerneath. %n this same way an athoritative person wiEE teEE yo that there is a HiamonH within yo; that there is treasre within yo. ,ith this assran>e aEone a man >an be>ome very happy. ig it p? &aIe yor spaHe anH Hig. o wiEE finH the treasre anH then >eEebrate. -ere we >eEebrate every Hay; even thogh peopEe Ho not nHerstanH why. &his is >ase to >eEebrate: T% have fonH the treasre.T therwise yo wiEE be EiIe someone who finHs a HiamonH anH HoesnLt Inow it is a HiamonH. &here was a very poor man who seH to bring bri>Is from the IiEn to the biEHing site; jst maIing a few >ents a Hay. ,hiEe Higging in the sanHs of the river he fonH a HiamonH; bt stiEE he was very poor. -e tieH the beatifE stone aronH the ne>I of his HonIey anH >ontineH his miserabEe Eife. " mer>hant was passing anH saw the sitation. T$ooI at that stpiH man;T he thoght to himseEf. T-e is H oing meniaE worI aEthogh he owns this HiamonH.T -e asIeH the Eaborer how m>h he wanteH for his HonIey. T3ive HoEEars;T saiH the Eaborer. &hat was the pri>e of HonIeys at that time. &he mer>hant paiH the pri>e anH the Eaborer was very happy. &hen he removeH the string with the HiamonH from aronH the ne>I of the HonIey anH waEIeH away. T,hat a fooEish man;T thoght the Eaborer. T,hat abot the HonIeyT he asIeH. T% HiHnLt pay f or the HonIey;T saiH the mer>hant. To >an Ieep the HonIey with yo; bt % wiEE stiEE pay yo a few hnHreH HoEEars for yor stpiHity.T Both were happy. ome who >ome to satsang say they feeE very happy here bt when they go ba>I to their >ontry they are the same as before. &his is the same stpiHity — not Inowing that the treasre is within yo. n>e yo Inow from an athority that this is the treasre it wiEE shine by itseEf. &he HiamonH wiEE shine from its own Ester; withot EooIing for any heEp from anyone. o wiEE not neeH to asI any Mestions. o wiEE faEE in Eove with it anH perhaps yo wiEE not trn yor attention away from it again; be>ase it is so beatifE. &hen yo wiEE never maIe a mistaIe again. 125