Living Your Best Year Ever outlines the specific plan that Darren developed for himself, synthesizing hundreds of books, seminars, trials, errors and victories into the best and proven strategies o...
The title expresses more than it is neccessary to say. Perhaps, it is worth sparing some of you time for reading this stuff. Hope to enjoy it.
Living Your Best Year Ever outlines the specific plan that Darren developed for himself, synthesizing hundreds of books, seminars, trials, errors and victories into the best and proven strat…Full description
"Color-Coded Arabic English Translation This package in PDF format is Color-Coded Quran in Arabic Text with a corresponding English Text translation. The purpose is to provide for Computer, ...
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The Best Chess Books Ever (IM Silman)Full description
T(e Duestion is really ="(y does it remem%er so muc( t(at /e never try to remem%er and 5or!et so muc( t(at /e need to recall+> More importantly “How can we fix it?”
Simle Trics To "ix #our $emor% First it’s important 5or you to kno/. It can %e 5ixed. You can learn to recall practically anythin! /it( minimal e55ort. I’m livin! proo5. I 5ixed my memory in colle!e /it( a 5e/ Simple Tricks. I could call t(em =tec(niDues> or =met(ods> or =al!orit(ms> %ut t(at /ould %e overstatin! it. T(ese are tricks8 a%out as di55icult as learnin! to stick a dryer s(eet under t(e 5ront seat o5 your car as an inexpensive deodori)er or usin! t(e sticky part o5 a post@it note to clean %et/een your key%oard keys. Tricks are simple. Tricks are easy to learn. Tricks are Duick. Tricks are /(at t(ese are. on’t %e 5ooled t(ou!(. Because a trick is simple doesn’t mean it isn’t po/er5ul. Eery %ery po/er5ul. Since I 5irst learned t(ese memory tricks at t(e end o5 my ?unior year at Texas $ 9 M :niversity I’ve %een a%le to teac( t(em to t(ousands and t(ousands o5 students 5rom kinder!artners to colle!e students. So /(at’s t(e pro%lem+ "(y can’t you make your %rain Duickly and easily recall t(at or!anic c(emistry 5or your next mid@term or t(at eDuation 5or
#ou&ve Been 'oin( It )ron( Have you ever cau!(t a scent and it suddenly %rin!s to mind somet(in! you (aven’t t(ou!(t o5 in years+ 7er(aps you catc( a /(i55 o5 rose@scented per5ume and t(e smell o5 %acon 5ryin! and suddenly you 5eel like you’re 5ive years old and standin! in your !randmot(er’s kitc(en a!ain. T(e smell e55ortlessly and completely %rin!s %ack t(e memory as i5 you /ere t(ere. Ho/ does it do t(at+ id you spend (ours and (ours re(earsin! t(at %it o5 in5ormation+ &This smell should make me remem$er my !randmother's kitchen" This smell should make me remem$er my !randmother's kitchen" This smell should make me remem$er my !randmother's kitchen"( id you en!a!e in late@ni!(t cram sessions to !et t(at t(rou!( your (ead+ id you (ave 5las( cards+ "ere t(ere pa!es o5 notes+ id you (ave a study !roup+ You did none o5 t(ose t(in!s. Your %rain memori)ed t(at smell and associated it /it( your !randmot(er’s kitc(en /it(out you ever revie/in! it even once. You must %e some sort o5 !eniusA
/it( t(e 5eel o5 t(e s(oes on (er 5eet8 s(e al/ays /ore t(ose. S(e didn’t associate t(e rattlesnake /it( rocks in !eneral8 t(ose are every/(ere. S(e didn’t necessarily associate t(e rattlesnake /it( t(e 5eel o5 (er o/n %reat(in!8 a!ain t(at’s al/ays t(ere. 3ur %rains tend to i!nore t(e ordinary in 5avor o5 t(e unusual. Her %rain selectively picked out t(e t(in!s t(at /ere un@ordinary a%out t(e situation. T(ose /ould %e t(e most likely clues to (elp (er avoid anot(er rattlesnake in t(e 5uture. I’ve %een re5errin! to situations o5 5ear or ot(er ne!ative emotions. But t(e %rain also pays attention to positive emotional situations. It recalls t(at 5at red apples taste %etter t(an t(e little !reen ones. It remem%ers t(at t(e man /it( t(e 5unny (at and t(e cane made you lau!( and t(at you sa/ t(at attractive person in t(e !reetin! card aisle at Tar!et. T(is is also 5or survival. Great@!reat@etc. !randdad (ad to remem%er /(ere (e sa/ !reat@!reat@etc. !randmom or you /ouldn’t %e (ere. He also (ad to remem%er /(ere to 5ind t(e tastiest %erries to o55er a potential mate and (o/ to make !reat@!reat@etc. !randmom lau!( or "e never (ad to 5orce ourselves to revie/ t(ese t(in!s. T(ey /ere very important and stuck in our %rains a5ter a sin!le occurrence. *ot so /(en it comes to muc( o5 /(at /e learn in sc(ool.