Select skills you will teach based on teaching task
hat products students will produce in mini-task o
&le - what is the product or testing critical design components. (s it lab notes. a table. a paragraph.
hat it looks like to be successul on mini-task
hich mini-tasks you will use to really check in on student progress
&les esearch notes0 decision making matri& with evidence0 data tables
Questions I have
Questions I have
$urther 1esh out mini-tasks #clariy your instruction%
Take Take notes! "ost "ost comments/ re1ections o2 to the side or in the re1ection area as you are implementing3 #hat would you change, how did you modiy%
Save at least +-4 student products rom key $ini%tasks #upload them in your module%
Save fnal papers 5 save 6 to 7 di2erent pieces o student work #upload them to your module%
8C9 :;T when you need support or have uestions!
"articipate in
virtual check in
onsite support
What shoul& I save an& 'e ()e(a)e& to sha)e on ece$'e) *th+
$inal student design reports 5 save 6 to 7 di2erent pieces o student work
=ou =ou can upload these directly in the module and mini-tasks #in CoreTools%3