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The Colour theory Based on the significant significant discoveries made by 2 French Scientists Scientists in the 19 50s about the laws of energy quality, we will explore the theory and explain how the ancient knew and used these forces for their benefit and how we can too.
In 1930, two French researchers, Leon Chaumery and Andre De Belizal discovered that both the circle and the sphere manifest a spectrum of 12 energy qualities, qualities, each of which have specific vibrational vibrational qualities. These energy qualities qualities are in res onance with the colours of the spectrum, but are m any octav octaves es higher in terms of actual
The Colour theory theory Vi deos
Li nks
Negative ions and EMF protection
Right opposite the sun, below the sphere, lay a mysterious and powerful vibration which later on, caused Leon Chaumery’s death. Since it is opposite the position for 'Green', it was called 'Negative Green' (-G), Although there is nothing negative about it. These energies were near impos sible to study because they would continuously rotate with the sun. The French team found that by cutting the sphere in half, they could lock these energies in place. With this discovery it became pos sible to study these energies in detail. Look at the image below to find where each vibration is l ocated on the hemisphere
Orgone Pyramides & Cones
This became the key to re-discovering the lost knowledge of the Ancients, particularly that of the Egyptian tradition. The hemisphere is a powerful emitter of Negative Green energy (-G) What is Energy Quality ? We are very familiar with Energy Quantities. We routinely talk about $10, 10Km, 10 apples, 10Watts or 240Volts, these are quantities. But we are not so familiar with Energy Qualities. I will us e an example to explain: If you are a musician, you will relate well to this: The note A (3rd octave) has a frequency of 440 Hertz. The sam e note A, at one octave higher, has a frequency of 880 Hertz , and one octave lower is 220 Hertz. So here we have 3 different quantities of frequency, yet a musician will detect these 3 quantities as the same quality, the quality of the note A. Obviously, something within us is able to recognise the s ame quali ty, regardless of the quantity associated with it. Relationship between Sound and Light Using the above example, and moving the frequency up many octaves higher, one octave at a time, the quality of the note A will cease to be som ething we can hear. It will m ove into ultra sounds , radio frequencies, VHF, UHF, microwaves, colours and then higher harmonics of colours. Yet each value will retain the same quality of the note A, as picked up by the relevant sense, like the sens e of sight for the colours. The colour which has the same quality as the note A is indigo. Here is a table showing the relationship between colours and sounds
The Veggigone Plate
The Chembuster
The Chembuster and its environement
As you can see from the tabl e below, as freque ncies i ncreas e, the signal m oves into a different realm of perception , until it leaves this physical realm altogether. The red arrow below is pointing upward, but ultimately we mus t ask: where are these qualities, carried from octave to octave, generated ? It seems that the obvious answer is from higher realms, "As above, so below" Thus the divine generates and permeates the entire physical realm.
Relationship between Colours and Angles In a prism we can see white light being s eparated into its original components
The angles at which the various colours exit the prism express a relationship between angles and colours. Leon Chaumery used this principle to design the Virtual Cone Pendulum where the angle generated by the position of the s liding plate, corresponds to the angle of the colour detected by the pendulum. Here we s ee the exact relationship:
Each of the 12 energy qualities we have talked about on the previous page, are made up of several waves. The 2 most important ones for us right now are the Vertical and Horizontal waves. Of course this is sim ilar to electromagnetic waves since everything in the universe exist in waves. For the technically minded, the Vertical wave is called 'Electric' and the Horizontal is called 'Magnetic' wave. The Negative Green If you remember, Negative Green is the energy quality which was responsible for the scientist Leon Chaumery's death. The French team felt that this was the most powerful wave vibration with the shortest wavelength in the Universe. They believed it is related to cosmic rays. The Negative Green (-G) band contains the Spiritual carrier wave. Its ability to penetrate all matter allows it to carry energy, information and consciousness from any spiritual or physical location to another. The spiritual connection was discovered by the Russian healer Enel. While living in Egypt he explored and m easured the tombs of the coptic saints and found enormous amount of Negative Green there. Negative Green (-G) is created anywhere there is friction between two mediums, this is why you feel great at the seashore where land and sea meet. On 2-D material it is generated when 2 media meet and is the secret behind emiss ions in drawings and spiritual art. It is the carrier wave responsible for the radionic devices operation.
The emiss ion of –G is so powerful that it can penetrate thickness of lead. It was us ed in Egypt to create mum mification. Mumm ies s hould never be dowsed, as they contain so much -G that it would un-balance your health. Perhaps this is what was really the 'curse of the mumm ies', radiations left over from the mummification process, perhap 1000's of years ago. As you can see -G is emitted right above the chest of the mumm y
Now for the interesting part: The Horizontal wave is the beneficial vibration par excellence. This is the vibration of GOOD. It re-establishes health. The Vertical wave is the most noxious vibration. This is the vibration of HARM. It destroys health by unbalancing the vibration of the cell. When they are in balance, the 2 waves are part of nature, but when only one of them is present, the resulting vibration has very distinct different effects, see below: Lets explore the H orizontal Wave: This is a Spiritual carrier wave creating an energy connecting the spiritual and physical worlds. It contains two other vital energetic components of spirituality: the Higher Harmonic of Ultraviolet (HHUV) and the Higher Harmonic of Gold (HHG). These energy qualities can easily be detected with the Virtual Cone Pendulum. They can be detected separately: Ultraviolet (HHUV) on the UV setting and Gold (HHG) on the Indigo settings (or Orange, if the colour violet present). The Horizontal wave is beneficial to human and dogs , but detrimental to ants, termites and cats. If your dog sleeps on your bed, you can assume that either he loves you very much, or there are radiations beneficial to humans in that location. Lets explore the Vertical Wave: Anything giving toxic radiation has easi ly detectable em iss ions o f Vertical Negative Green(V-G). This i ncludes technological energies (EMF, ULF) and toxic earth energy lines. V-G has a strong mum mifying energy, it dehydrates and pres erve tiss ues. This is why people now carry bottles of wa ter, your body gets de hydrated when exposed to V-G. Twenty years ago the EMF radiation levels around us were much lower, and we did not feel the need for water. The Vertical wave is detrimental to humans and dogs, but beneficial to ants, termites and cats. The Vertical Wave is the component of the Negative Green which killed Leon
that he was playing with a dangerous unbalanced radiation. Because so much of our modern technology emits only the Vertical wave of the -G (unbalanced energy quality) an environment is created which favours ants, termites etc, This is the reason why so m any trees are being damaged by termites. We have created an environment which is beneficial to them, while being detrimental to us. I have noticed that in the last 15 years, so many parks in Sydney have lost more the half their trees to the termites. If your cat sleeps on your bed, you can assume that either he loves you very much, or there are radiations beneficial to it (and detrimental to you) in that location. These radiations may originate from EMF, earth energies, earth lines, like Hartman or Curry grid lines, (we will explore these later on) and these exposures to unbalanced energies could affect your health. You may want to move your bed as soon as you can. Both waves co-exist naturally, as they do in domes and pyramids. Ancient builders knew this and used variations of the dome s hape in the design of their temples , mos ques and church designs, but they altered the dome shapes to prevent V-G emissions. The dome shape was altered by adding a spire at the top, a rim at the bottom, or by adding a bit more at the bottom so the shape is not just half a sphere. These alterations do transmute the Vertical component of the Negative Green into the Horizontal component, and powers the building to create a carrier wave connecting the congregation with the higher realm s. This would als o strengthen the building agains t the ravages of time, as the material itself would benefit. In the photo on the left, the patterns located below the rim are mos t likely part of the transmutation mechanism , as -G is generated when 2 medium s m eet and in this way, the patterns would help in the balancing process. The pyramid s hape expresses the same qualities as the hemis phere and carries the same danger. Unknowingly many people have tried to meditate under a pyramid, but the ancient Egyptians knew better. Have a look at the Great Pyramid photos below, the view seen from above reveals that the builders cleverly included a small angle on each face to transmute the detrimental V-G into beneficial Horizontal Negative Green (H-G).
On the right, you can see a diagram of the radiations pattern emitted by a pyramid. A pyramid could be used as a compass sim ply by measuring the emis sions , which are always in a fixed orientation versus the magnetic poles. You could meas ure the side emitting -G and you would have found the direction of the south. The ancient Egyptians were m aster dowsers, pendulum s have been found in their priests tombs , and it is quite possi ble that they used this feature of the pyramid for navigational purposes . You can see on the left a picture of a table artefact Leon Chaumery, the French Scientist, found in the Louvres Museum in Paris, in the Egyptian section. He realised that this was a device to dehydrate food (a sort of fridge). The ancient Egyptians used their advanced Science of Forms to create strong emis sions of V-G on the front and back sides of the table, using the 4 hem ispheres. They used the Ankh shape, which cancels the -GV emissions, on the other sides to protect the operator. If you are using a pyramid, you can see below how to correct it to make it safe to use.
Cancelling toxic emanations from pyramids
If the pyramid is solid, scratch a line on each face of the pyramid, from the apex to the middle of each face. If the pyramid is made of wires or rods then etch a groove on the center of each base. You can use the Virtual cone pendulum to verify that the emissions are corrected, (they are actually transmuted). You can use the pyramid emis sion diagram above on the right to locate each emission.
The dangers to humans come from invisible parameters affecting the quality of the environment, like exposure to Geopathic Energies, Earth Grids Radiations and Electromagnetic Radiations. We will explore each one of these here: Geopathic Stress The most comm on cause of geopathic stress i s underground water, usually due to an underground stream flowing beneath a house, or a road. The water rapidly flowing through rock gives rise to an electrical field which can affect the health of those living above. it may also carry minerals or pollutant energies from nearby garbage dumps, electrical transformers, Power stations etc. Geopathic stress can also arise from underground geological fault lines,(like a deep cracks in the bedrock), which allows radiation from deep within the earth to come up to the surface. It can als o be a pressure l ine where continental plates move against each other. These energies carry unbalanced emi ssi ons of V-G. Often antities us e the locations where these energies are l ocated, as they contain the carrier waves which allows them to stay in our realm (remember -G is a carrier wave, a comm unication medium between realms). These s ituations are aften found at 'black spots' on roads where unusual num ber of accidents happen at the sam e place. Clearing the energies will rem ove the black spot. Earth Grid Radiation The earth is a living being, with its own l ines of energy, a little like acupuncture meridians in hum ans. These lines form multiple grids on the surface of the earth. The most well known are:
Ley lines (lines of spiritual energy) Hartmann grid lines (yellow emanations) Curry grid lines (red emanations) Benker grid lines (yellow emanations) Ley Lines Ley lines are lines of high spiritual energy used since the prehistorical times. They cross at hi ghly energised locations, usually marked by places of worship (where pilgrims have come for centuries), stone alignments, or holy wells. On the left is a photo of Mont St Michel, in France where the Apollo a nd Athena Ley lines cross. I have drawn the location of the lines over the photo. You can see in red the Athena Ley line and in blue the Apollo. They meet inside the original chapel, now buried below the m ore recent cathedral. This amazing place, called Notre Dame Sous La Terre, can be visited on request. More on Ley lines.
technological areas, but at leas t in Europe, most are experiencing a renewal of attention and activation, particularly after the work of Hamish Miller in re-discovering their locations and effects. People praying at these locations seems to affect the line and energise it to the extent that the energy pattern of the next node is a ffected. We do not know if these li nes existed prior to si tes being built on the earth, or if the creation of the si tes generated the lines. In many instances, the sites were built at the request of angelic beings like Archangel Michael. This is the case at Mont St Michel in France, at Mount St Michael i n Cornwal l and i n Monte San Angelo in Italy, on the Apollo / Athena Ley line. The Hartman Grid Discovered by Dr Hartman, a German doctor, it is made of parallel energy waves rising vertically from the ground up to several miles high. In Australia the lines are about 10-15 cm wide and form rectangles of 2.0 by 2.2 meters. The width shrinks towards the poles. The lines are alternatively positive and negative, running at 90 degrees, north to south and from east to west. Negative crossings irritate the nervous system and create rheumatic illnesses as well as undermine the immune system, if a person is exposed to it for long hours (ie. in bed or at a workstation). As you can see from the pi cture, you have alternating double positive, double negative and mixed crossings . The Hartmann Grid has been defined using the Chines e terms of Yin and Yang. The Yin (North-South lines) is a cold energy which acts sl owly, corresponds to winter and i s related to cramps , humidity and all forms of rheumatism. The Yang (East-West lines) is a hot, dry rapidly acting energy. It is related to fire and is linked to inflammation.
The Benker Grid The Benker grid is s uperimposed over the Hartman grid, it is found every 5 Hartman lines (every 10 metres approximately), to form larger box patterns with floors. The ancient were extremely accurate in their measurem ents, and it is thought that the leveling of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, for example, was done using the grid l ines as levels. It generally carries more
Except for the Benker grif, these energy lines themselves are not seen as a problem, only the points where they intersect each other. As the lines are electrically charged, the intersecting points are either double pos itives, double negatives or one of each. When the intersections of several grid li ne are located at the s ame place, this location becomes very detrimental to human health.
The Curry Grid The Curry grid was first discovered by Dr. Manfred Curry and Dr. Wittmannrun. The lines run diagonally to the poles, they are about 3 metres apart, running at 45 degrees . This dis tance shrinks towards the poles. They are generally softer than the Hartman grid lines. From his studie, Dr. Curry felt that the positively charged spots lead to a proliferation of cells, with the possibility of cancerous cell growth, whereas the negatively charged spots could lead to inflammation.
EMF Exposure We have talked earlier about the Negative Green energy quality and how it contains 2 waves, one beneficial (Horizontal -GV) and one detrimental (Vertical -GH). Unfortunately most of the electric and electronic technology our civilisation has developed so far, has very unbalanced emissions when the -GV prevails. Remember that the -GV is a carrier wave, so that it will find its way, via the airwaves, into all our television, radio, wi fi, bluetooth and other technologies. Our society is increasing the amount of carrier waves for our wireless communication every day into earth’s atmosphere. These electromagnetic waves are thousands of times stronger than the level us ed in our body cells inter-comm unications . The problem is not the saturation of the earth’s atmosphere through quantity, but the fact that these carrier waves have very penetrating properties. They can be viewed like spam (as in our email system) which interferes in the operation of our own cells comm unication system (the hormones) As an exampl e: when several stones are thrown into a pond, you see the various wave expending an d meetin g each other. At the meeting po ints you have a situatio n where each wave adds to the others, creating hot spots . Simila rly, Electromagnetic hot spots exists around us, which are very detrimental to humans, to the point where people can become 'Electro-sensitive', a condition where the s lightest exposure becomes noticable, unplaisant and m ay be even painfull.
3 type of solution are generally proposed: 1- Blocking 2- Diverting 3- Balancing Blocking This solution us es copper rods, copper coils, crushed calcite and other material to block the unbalanced energies from entering a house or property. The copper rods and copper coils are planted into the ground on the path of the energy to block its horizontal travel. These solutions work for a while, but after a period of time they start to impregnate and start emitting more bad energy than the original problem did. So this s olution requires regular interventions. The calcite crush is used as a layer deposited below a house for example. So far I know this solution is permanent. Diverting The idea if to divert the bad energy to a place where it will not affect you. If your neigbours are very close, like in cities, this is not a very nice thing to do. Your neighbour may want to do the same to you later on. Balancing This the best m ethod as you benefit from bal anced energies around you, and they benefit others down the line. Thes kind of tools are created by people who understandthe concept of the Negative Green and the armful 1/2 of it, called the Vertical Wave. These tools transmute the vertical wave into horizontal turning the exposurte from armfull to beneficial. Because it does not take much energy to do this, these devices pack a lot of effect into small sizes compared to the radiation they are balancing. How much do I need This is a very commum question I get asked all the time. Let me give you an example to illustrate my point. You want to go outside, where it is cold, but you do not know how cold it is. So you put a jumper on and go outside. If you still feel cold, you will come back in and put another jumper or a coat on, and so on until you feel comfortable. Every one has a different way of percieving cold, some people are not affected at all, othere are always cold no matter how warm it is. So....How much orgonite do you need for your home? As in our example start with a small amount of feel the difference. You could start with a simple HHG placed in the middle of your home or flat. If it still does not feel right, get a pack of TB and sprinkle them around your home as wel l. If you are concerned in protecting your entire property, try a set of 4 Georesonators. Though they work on a completely different princip le, they are very effective and can cover a large area . For your mobile phone (cell phone) a SafeSpace patch will do Computers generate quite a lot of radiations over a broad spectrum of frequencies, a SafeSpace II will balance these very well. You could even keep one in your pocket so that where ever you go, that protection is there and it is a lot smaller than carrying a TB around. Orgonite works in a particular way by drawing DOR and turning it into good Orgone. Safe Space technology works by using holographic templates to re-structure energies. Basically thgey both transmute the armfull Vertical Negative Green into
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