Fantasy Introduction
Magic Costs
In this rules set, I have adopted the Warlord fantasy rules as they were released in the ―Blue Cover‖ Warlord rules. These cover both fantasy creatures and magic. They provide, as the basic rules do, the ability to create your own creatures , giving them the attributes you want.
Fantasy Rules Constitution Great heroes, famous characters and certain creatures are hard to kill. These figures may be given a ―constitution‖ value of 2, 3, or 4. Creatures must have a constitution value. Constitution is a ―bonus‖ saving throw. Whenever the figure fails a saving throw, instead of death, a constitution die roll is made instead. Roll 1d6, if the result is equal to or less than the constitution of the figure, it suffers a minor wound and continues fighting. If the result is greater than the constitution, the figure suffers a major wound and is rendered unconscious. Minor wounds do not affect a figure, and any number can be received. Major wounds render the figure helpless for the rest of the battle, and eventually ―dead‖. However, the figure can be carried off by friends or enemies. (takes two figures to move a wounded figure) , and thus rescued or captured. After the battle, roll 1d6. If the result is 1-4 the figure recovers. If the result is 5, the figure recovers but is crippled: missile, melee, and constitution values are reduced by 1. If the result is a 6, figure dies from the wounds. Fantasy Races Fantasy includes a wide variety of races besides human, including; Elves, Dwarfs, Halflings, Goblins, Orcs, etc. Normally, members of other races are considered just like humans but in their own armies, due to the differences in languages, customs, etc. Additional point cost can be used to add wings and/or constitution, to represent unique racial characteristics. In all other respects, simply select normal missile, combat, armor, and moral values. Heroes A hero is any character with special abilities. A hero figure cannot be a creature, cannot have c morale, and must have a constitution. In addition, they add 2 inches to movement and 2 strikes in combat. The strikes can be directed at one opponent or two.
Type Fighting Value (FV) 1-5*
Cost Example/Description Wizards 2xFV
Fighting Value of 3 costs 6 points
Armor Value (AV) 1-4 Missile Value (MV) 1-3 Morale Value (MoV) 1-5 Constitution
2xAV Armor Value of 3 costs 6 points 2xMV Value of 3 costs 3x’s, else 2x 2xMoV 2xCnV
Novice Intermediate Advanced
10 pts 30 pts 50 pts
Spells Teleportation:
15 pts
Aura of Fear: Phantasmal Vines:
15 pts 15 pts
Evoke Storms:
15 pts
Evoke Fortitude
15 pts
Mind Control:
15 pts
Summon Undead:
20 pts
Wizard’s Duel
20 pts
Fantasy Figure Costs Type Fighting Value (FV) 1-5* Armor Value (AV) 1-4 Missile Value (MV) 1-3 Morale Value (MoV) 1-5 Constitution Flying Ability Frightening Aspect Lightning Mind Control Crusher Jump Breath Weapons
Cost Example/Description Creatures 2xFV
Fighting Value of 3 costs 6 points
2xAV Armor Value of 3 costs 6 points 2xMV Value of 3 costs 3x’s, else 2x 2xMoV 2xCnv 2x Total Costs 2x total cost. 10 pts 20 pts 20 pts 20 pts 10 pts 20 pts
Fantasy Creatures These are any large and formidable creatures. The player assigns the below characteristics to them and pays the point cost. Requirements A Creature requires at least a 1.5 ― by 1.5‖ base. It always has a constitution of 2,3, or 4. Movement Creatures move on the ground at 6‖ per turn. Creatures have a 4‖ charge bonus. Creatures may have wings and move at 10,12, or 14 based on armor values of 12, 3-4, 5 respectively. Combat Creatures have 3 attacks, with at least 2 of them to the front of the figure. Creatures can use an attack to batter down doors or structures of wood or earth, but they can not enter a normal structure. Missiles A creature may be equipped with a hand hurled missile weapon with a rating of 1 to 4. This represents things like dragon flame, poison spines , etc. Bow and crossbow types of weapons cannot be used. Fighting A monster my strike three times each melee phase. One of these strikes can be to the rear, the other two must be forward. Strikes may be at the same or different targets. Superior Elevation In combat, a creature always has superior elevation over any other figure eacept when the creature is on the ground fighting a winged creature.
Armor A creature can not use a shield, but the natural body armor can be formidable. Armor values can be 1-5.
Fantasy Creatures continued Fear of Creatures Whenever the monster contacts any enemy figure (non creature), the enemy figure must immediate check morale. Command A creature can only be commanded be a like creature ignore all other leaders. Special Abilities Breath Weapons—There are 3 types of breath weapons that a creature can possess, fire, ice , or gas. Fire or Ice: This ability enables the creature to fill a cone with fire or ice. All figures caught in the must make a morale check at +2 to their normal die roll. This type of breath attack may not be used if the creature was engaged at the beginning of the turn. The cone dimensions are 2‖ at the base, 6‖ long, and 4‖ wide at the end. Gas: This ability enables the creature to fill a cone with deadly gas. All figures caught in the cone must make their normal armor and shield saving throw or die. This ability can be used even if the creature is engaged. The cone is the same as the fire and ice. Lightning: this ability enables the creature to throw a lightning bolt with a missile value of 4. The maximum range is 14‖. The lightning bolt may be thrown at one figure, if hit the target has its armor value halved, rounding up. Flight: Creatures have the ability to fly. (note: apply to ―human‖ figures too) 10‖ for armor value of 5. 12‖ for armor value of 3 or 4. 14‖ for armor value of 2. 16:‖ for armor value of 1. As in normal movement, armor counts only body armor, not shields. Figures flying have an 8‖ charge bonus. Flying figures can not take off or land within 1‖ of a forest. They must land an inch away from a non flying figure and then advance to combat. There is no combat between a flying and non flying creature. Bows can be used at a range of 14‖.
Roster Figure
Pt Tot s pts
Wizards and Spells Summon Undead: Area of effect— Any graveyard Range— 18‖ This ability enables the Wizard to summon the dead from graveyards. Roll 3d6 for number of zombies. If successful, owning player controls, if not, opposing player controls. Zombie characteristics are FV 2, AV 3, Move 6‖, No Morale checks. Zombies are moved as regular figures. 20 pts Wizard’s Duel Area of effect— Any other Wizard Range— 18‖ A Wizard can challenge another Wizard to battle. This ability enables the Wizard to fight any other Wizard, one to one with fireballs. If Successful, the Wizard selects opponent and the duel commences. Each Wizard rolls 1d6 for each level they are. (novice gets 1d6, advanced gets 3d6) This is the number of fireballs they have. The combat is done in a number of rounds with the Wizard able to fire up to 3 fireballs a round. Repeat each round until one of the Wizards is dead or fireballs run out. The attacks are simultaneous. Fireballs hit on a 3 or less. Normal saving throws are made. 20 pts
Fantasy Creatures continued Mind Control: This ability enables a creature to take control of a figure’s mind. The maximum range is 14‖. Roll 1d6 with a 1-3 being successful. If the creature takes control of a figure it will do anything the creature wishes! A figure may break this mind control by rolling it morale value during the morale phase. This is done at the beginning of movement. Crusher: This ability enables a creature to have one of its 3 attacks be even more deadly. A creature with Crusher must declare which of the 3 attacks will be the Crusher before rolls are made. If hit, the target’s armor value is halved rounding down. Jump: A creature can jump obstacles a maximum of 4‖. This negates the movement penalty of the object and is considered part of normal movement. Fantasy Mounts Certain fantasy characters or races may use mounts other than horses, including wolves, lions, unicorns, lizards, and various winged creatures. Great warriors might ride on trained war horses. These rules allow a mount to have additional attributes. A single mount could have just one , or any combination of the attributes below. Winged Mounts: If the mount can fly, use Creature Flight rules. Ferocious Mount: A mount may itself be able to strike in combat. In this case, the figure gets another strike., with a separate fighting value for the mount. Ferocious mounts are uniquely difficult to control. Only a hero figure may ride them. Frightening Mount: Some fantasy mounts are extremely frightening . Historically, camels had this effect on horses. Fantasy creatures can do this as well. These creatures cause a moral check when contacting another figure. A figure only checks once a turn for a specific frightening mount.
Wizards and Spells The principles of magic are any figure may be a wizard. The figure must then be given 2 additional attributes to make them a wizard. The first is to make that figure a wizard, and the second is the spells that wizard can use. Magic Level A wizard’s level of skill determines whether or not the spell they cast is successful. There are 3 levels: Novice : success on a 1 or 2. 10 pts Intermediate: success on a 1 to 3. 30 pts Advanced: success on a 1 to 4. 50 pts Spell Casting A spell may be cast either in the movement or in the missile phase. Only one spell per turn. If successful, the spell is carried out, if not, nothing happens and the Wizard may not perform any other action that turn. Armor for Wizards Wizards normally do not wear armor, however you can equip your wizard with whatever armor you wish, but it costs you double! Spells The following spells are allowed. Teleportation: Area of effect - Wizard and anybody in contact with the Wizard. Range— Unlimited This spell allows a Wizard to move from the current position to any position on the board. However, there are hazards in this travel. A Wizard is lost in the void if a 6 is thrown on the dice. He may attempt to rematerialize on the next movement turn by throwing a 1. The Wizard will rematerialize within 6‖ of the original spot. The Wizard may attempt to recover each turn. Thrown at the start of movement. 15pts
Wizards and Spells Aura of Fear: Area of effect— All figures within 3‖ of the aiming point Range— 18‖ If successful, the Wizard selects a point that the spell will cover. All figures within 3‖ of that point check morale. They may attempt to recover the next turn. Thrown at the start of movement. 15 pts Phantasmal Vines: Area of effect— All figures within 3‖ of the aiming point Range— 18‖ If successful, the Wizard selects a point that the spell will cover. All figures within 3‖ of that point are grasped by vines and can only move 1/2 that turn, no charging. Lasts for that turn only. Thrown at the start of movement. 15 pts Evoke Storms: Area of effect— All figures within 6 ‖ of the aiming point Range— 18‖ If successful, the Wizard selects a point that the spell will cover. A figure may not fire missiles, if in, or firing through the storm. All movement through is at 1/2 speed. Lasts for that turn only. Thrown at the start of movement. 15 pts Evoke Fortitude: Area of effect— All figures within 3 ‖ of the aiming point Range— 18‖ If successful, the Wizard selects a point that the spell will cover. All figures in that area that are routed, rally automatically. Thrown during rally of figures. 15 pts Mind Control: Area of effect— Individual Figure Range— 18‖ This ability enables the Wizard to take control of a single figure’s mind. If spell roll is successful, figure rolls its morale –1, if it fails the Wizard takes control of the figure and moves it as it wishes. A figure may break this mind control by rolling its morale value during the morale phase. This is done at the beginning of movement. 15 pts