ATPL Table 1 Chart Classifications...............................................................................................2 Table 2 Radio Spectrum Classification................................................................................3 Table 3 Radio Emission Classification................................................................................3 Table 4 ! !re"uenc# Classification...................................................................................3 Table $ Loadin% T#pe Classification...................................................................................4 Table & A' Turnin% Errors....................................................................................................4 Table ( )etstreams and *lobal Latitude Reference..............................................................$ Table + ,acro Atmosphere Structure..................................................................................& Table - Troposphere Structure.............................................................................................& Table 1 Pressure /atum Relationships 0!!..........................................................& Table 11 !ire and E5tin%uisher Classifications...................................................................( Table 12 Pre6'n%nition and /etonation Characteristics.......................................................( Table 13 E"uipment Re"uirements......................................................................................( Table 14 Supplemental 75#%en Re"uirements....................................................................+ Table 1$ Safet# E"uipment Re"uirements...........................................................................+ Table 1& Reportin% Re"uirements.......................................................................................+ Table 1( Separation uestion ,atri5..................................................................................Table 1+ Separation...........................................................................................................1 Table 1- Li%ht Si%nals.......................................................................................................1 Table 2 'CA7 Anne5es....................................................................................................11 Table 21 Licensin% Re"uirements......................................................................................11 Table 22 6 8isual !li%ht Rules............................................................................................11 Table 23A'P Contents and Subdi9ision.............................................................................12 Table 24 ATS and SAR Classification...............................................................................12 Table 2$ oldin% Speeds...................................................................................................12 Table 2& 'ntenational Con9entions....................................................................................12
Pa%e 1 of 12
Table 1 Chart Classifications
RL Convergency
Radio Bearings GC
Other ariants
Scale at :; < 1Scale=Cos:; 0/i9 b# Cos :; if %oin% to>ard e"uator. 7r Scale at A=Cos?
E5pands outside standard @@s Contracts bet>een correct at std @@. @@ of ori%in sli%htl# orth of midpoint. ,a5 Lat spread 24; 23 inside 1& ea outside. Conca9e to pole
Strai%ht 0see belo> for 9ariants Correct at tan%enc# 0Std E"uator T8, 6 central meridian B e"uator 7, 6 *C tan%enc# and poles.
Polar Stereo E5pands a>a# from pole. Radius of @@ of lat is 2R tan0co6lat2. !or scale map R <2$,Scale. Co6lat is -;6lat; 0ie. de%rees to pole Conca9e to pole
Chart Con9er%enc# ∆lon%itude 0ie. Sin ∆lon%itude0mins = Sin @@ lat< 1 of ori%in. Same formula for %rid con9er%ence. Con9er%enc# D Add con9ersion ∠ to all on Con9er%enc# D station to A/! AR. station to A/! AR. Std 7ther>ise onl# to A/!AR. Pole>ard of RL Pole>ard of RL Pole>ard of RL Conca9e to point of Conca9e to point of Conca9e to point of accurate con9er%ence accurate con9er%ence 0@@ accurate con9er%ence 0E"uator of ori%in 0meridian sable to (;BS and sable +;BS. sable &$ up.Li%ht 3$nm either side of *C shone from opposite of tan%enc#. pole Trans9erse F Central Simple F Cone touches meridian of lon%itude is earth once std < ori%in tan%enc#. *Cs are strai%htish conca9e to central meridian. RLs conca9e to pole. @@s of lat are elipses 5cpt e"uator. 7bli"ue F Specific Route
Pa%e 2 of 12
Table ! Radio S"ectr#m Classification 8L! 8er# 363G
!re" a9elen%th
Space a9es SH# a9es Surface a9es 'onos /uct Atmos. Attn Surface Attn 'onos Attn Static ses
,! ,ed 3G6 3, 1Gm6 1m ecto
! i%h 3,6 3, 1m6 1m /eca
4nm 1nm 3nm
1Hm6 1Hm ,#ria
L! Lo> 36 3G 1Gm6 1Gm Gilo
Loran /? 1-H
/? 1($H
8! 8er# 3,6 3, 1m6 1m ,etric
! ltra 3,63*
S! Super 3*63*
1cm6 1cm Centi
Comms Comms *ldslp 2+$G6 11+,6 *PS 22, 13(, 1.$*0L1CA 1.2*0L2 SSR /,E
E! E5tra 3*6 3* 1cm6 1mm ,illi
Radalt 4.3* ,LS ATC5 Radar -61*
Table $ Radio %mission Classification :$% &Comms' ) ! SS? Sup Carr A 8! /S?
(:) + 'LS - 87R
P /,E /? Carrier
1 /? 'dent 2 Alt /? 'dent
Table , -. .re#ency Classification Lo>est sable ! Static B 'onospheric attenuation
,a5imum sable !re"uenc# ?est combination F use hi%hest fre"uenc# that >orHs
Pa%e 3 of 12
7ptimum !re"uenc# End of sHip distance F a bit temperamental
Table 0 Loading Ty"e Classification Airplane incl unusable fuel B oil Cre> B cre> Iero !uel ,ass ba%s caterin% special e"uipment Passen%ers B !rei%ht
?asic Empt# ,ass
8ariable Load
Traffic Load !uel
Table (2 T#rning %rrors Pitch 79er
Pa%e 4 of 12
/r# 7peratin% ,ass 0et if includes !uel All p ,ass
seful 0/isposable Load
Table 3 4etstreams and Global Latit#de Reference
6 6 7*81!* 7*81!* 9 9 91!* 9!/$** 9
,* ,* $0 $0
9!*+: 9 9:1*+ 9!0/0* 9 9 9!0/$0 90S 9or) 910S
5* 0 0
9*/3* 9*/3*
!* !* 1* 1* 1* 1* !* !* $0 $0 ,* ,* 0 0 5*
/isturbed Temperate 0Tra9ellin% esterlies
Europe 0,adrid Rome 'stanbul to Arctic Circle Russia
*reenland Canada orthern Territories thn California to J orthern S States AlasHa Canada
Temperate Transitional 0,editerranean
Southern med 0Lisbon Athens 'Kmir Tehran Gabul
,id California Colorado 8ir%inia
Arid Subtropical i%hs /esert
th Africa 0,orocco Al%eria Sthn California Te5as Lib#a E%#pt Saudi ,iddle *eor%ia ,e5ico Cit# B th East ,e5ico Oman; S#dan ,auretania C#ba Sthn ,e5ico Central Sene%al ,ali i%er Chad America Carribean Jemen S facin% strip of Africa orthern S America &Lagos' to orn &(ddis 0Panama 8eneKuela to mid (baba' Con%o to TanKania ?raKil An%ola Iambia Southern ?raKil ?oli9ia S ,oKambi"ue Peru amibia Sth Africa ru%ua# Ar%entina
i%hs Li%ht Easterlies
Tropical Transitional Sa9annah B Trades E"uatorial Easterlies >eaHer e9en 9 li%ht >esterl# in >inter. Tropical Transitional Sa9annah B Trades Arid Subtropical i%hs /esert Temperate Transitional 0,editerranean /ist Temp Polar
,id Ar%entia Chile Sth Ar%entina Chile Tierra del !ue%o Antarctica
.ar %ast/Pacific ,on%olia GaKaHhstan B Russia 0SaHhalin GamchatHa )apan 0oHHaido China 0?eiin% to :ian )apan 0onshu ToH#o Gorea Sthn China 0:ian to G 'ndia 0Gashmir to ,umbai 'ndia 0M#mbai to ?an%alore Thailand Laos 8ietnam. Singa"ore ,ala#sia 'ndonesia Sri LanHa B Sthn tip of 'ndia th Australia Central Australia to S#dne#Perth ,elbourne AucHland I orth 'sland I South 'sland Tasmania Antarctica
=?omba#7manSudan Cuba is northern limit of tropical easterlies in summer =La%os Addis AbabaPanamaSin%apore is northern limit of tropical easterlies in >inter
Pa%e $ of 12
Table 7 Macro (tmos"here Str#ct#re /iscontinuit# ! La#er 0Appleton E La#er 0Genell#6ea9#side ,esopause / La#er 0/a# 7nl# Stratopause
ei%ht 22$Hm 01$63$Gm 12$Hm 0161$Gm +Hm ($Hm 0$61Hm $Hm
Thermal Character Temp Rises Temp Rises Temp falls
'SA Limit
Temp rises at .3C1ft Temp stead# 6$&.$ under 'SA drops at 2C1ft under )SA tr Temp drops at 1&H 2C1ft
7therotes i%h 'on /ensit# ,ed 'on /ensit# Lo> 'on /ensit#.
nless tropopause hei%ht specified. Then use actual tropopause temp. 2$ft 64$C Pole 4ft 6$$C mid lat $$ft 6($C e"uator
Table 7 Macro (tmos"here Str#ct#re /iscontinuit# ! La#er 0Appleton E La#er 0Genell#6ea9#side ,esopause / La#er 0/a# 7nl# Stratopause
ei%ht 22$Hm 01$63$Gm 12$Hm 0161$Gm +Hm ($Hm 0$61Hm $Hm
Thermal Character Temp Rises Temp Rises Temp falls
'SA Limit
Temp rises at .3C1ft Temp stead# 6$&.$ under 'SA drops at 2C1ft under )SA tr Temp drops at 1&H 2C1ft
7therotes i%h 'on /ensit# ,ed 'on /ensit# Lo> 'on /ensit#.
nless tropopause hei%ht specified. Then use actual tropopause temp. 2$ft 64$C Pole 4ft 6$$C mid lat $$ft 6($C e"uator
Table 5 Tro"os"here Str#ct#re ei%ht.
Press∆t per Pa
P dominates T affects ∆P∆
$+ft 4-ft 43ft 4ft
3+ft 3$ft 3ft 2$ft 22ft
1+ft 1ft $ft Sea Le9el
$mb4+ft (mb3&ft +$mb31ft 113mb2(ft.
eed radiation monitorin% +612secs 2secs
M6Nmin N61min 264min 46+min
3mb(3ft 3(&mb
3min 'ndefinite
this for =!***ft>
?elo> 'SA !! !!
72 under pressure re"uired 73 a problem to ($ft
3$mm in lun%s unconsciousness $mm in lun%s
1&mm but onl# 1mm in lun%s due 27 B C72
Table 1* Press#re ?at#m Relationshi"s &@+-/@..' Abo9e ,SL ?elo> ,SL
0÷2 if from (6+ft cabin alt
Abo9e 'SA !! !!
Pa%e & of 12
Table 11 .ire and %Ating#isher Classifications ater
Class A Solid Class ? Li"uid*as Class C Electrical Class / ,etal
!oam 0oilfuel not braHes
/r# Po>der 0metalbraHes
Carbon /io5ide 0en%ineelec
?C! 0elec fire in cabin
0or 27 atomiser
Table 1! Pre82ngnition and ?etonation Characteristics Pre'%nition otspots in c#linder cause mi5ture to i%nite before sparH ?efore SparH orsens
Cause Timin% 'ncreasin% RP, ,i5ture sensiti9it#
/etonation ,i5ture detonates rather than burnin% After SparH 'mpro9es eaH mi5tures
Table 1$ %#i"ment Re#irements ,ultiTurbine ith O- seats Altitude Alertin% *PS 1 /!/R
1h Apr-+ 7n
T#pe '' 2$h All AC )un- 7n Turbine onl# ?4 )un- 2hrs Apr-+ 7n 3 min ?4 Apr-+ )etturbo plus all ac O1seats b# 2$ e> et turbo from 23
T#pe '
3m )an- 7n
indshield >ipers 'ntercom
1$H%s or 3 seats
AR All
,a5 Cert T7, O$(H%s
$(H%s pressurised seats ma# use stormscope
arnin% Re"uired 8isual up Aural do>n. Aural
0Enh. Rec.
)etturbo b# 2$
Aural and 9isual >ith displa#
7r 1- seats
O- Seats at ni%ht or ',C >here TS e5pec.
Pa%e ( of 12
Table 1, S#""lemental OAygen Re#irements 79er 1ft
79er 13ft
After 3 mins After 3 mins After 3 mins
Entire time Entire time
79er 14ft
79er 1$ft
,inimum ≤2$Hft O2$Hft 3min 2hr 3 min
Entire time
1 min
Press#rised !li%ht /ecH Cabin Cre> 1Q Pa5 3Q Pa5 1Q Pa5
Entire time
1Q Pa5 1Q Pa5
Entire time After 3 mins After 3 mins
Entire time Entire time
Table 10 Safety %#i"ment Re#irements Pa5 Seats (63 316& &162 2163 3164 416$ $16& O&1
!ire E5tin%uishers 07f Crash a5e >hich ?C! 1 1 2 01 3 02 4 02 2 $ 02 & 02 ( 02 + 02 Plus 1 ?C! in CocHpit
,e%aphone decH
!irst Aid Gits
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Table 1 Re"orting Re#irements Subect nla>ful 'nterference a9 'rre%ularit#,et e%. 8A Radiation Accident Emer%ence# >hich endan%ers safet# B tereb# 9iolates local re%s or procs
Reportin% ASAP ASAP ucHest a9ailable means Local authorit# >ithout dela# if re"uired b# state to appropriate authorit# then to state of ori%in in >ritin% >ithin 1 da#s. !li%ht 'ncidents >hich 0ma# endan%er safe ops Authorit# >ithin (2 hours Technical defects and e5cess of tech limitations Recorded in tech lo% Air Traffic 'ncidents endan%erment b# other fl#in% 'CA7 PAS RAC de9iceATC etc. ?irdstriHe ASAP ATC
Pa%e + of 12
Table 13 Se"aration @#estion MatriA
Pa%e - of 12
Table 17 Se"aration T#pe
ertical Lateral Longit#dinal
/escription /urin% ascent or descent 1$ mins >hilst 9ertical separation does n ot e5ist do>n to 1 >here na9aids permit or $minutes if less than 1 minutes of an actual timed position report. OR/R+( 1$° more than 1$nm from facilit#. +?B 3° more than 1$nm from facilit#. ?R 4$° more than 1$nm from intersect ?M% 07n tracH 2nm or 1nm >here front ac is 2Ht faster. Also 1nm >hen climbin% or descendin% throu%h le9el. Timing 6 1$mins do>n to 1mins if na9aids permit do>n to $ mins if front ac is 2Hts to 3mins if 4Hts. Mach n#mber 16$mins. Each minute less than 1 re"uires an additional . 1, from leadin% ac startin% at .2, up to .&,.RA8 +nm.
R+P R+( +nm 0RP 2 9erified e9er# hour $nm 0RP $ 9erified
Table 17 Se"aration T#pe
/escription /urin% ascent or descent 1$ mins >hilst 9ertical separation does n ot e5ist do>n to 1 >here na9aids permit or $minutes if less than 1 minutes of an actual timed position report. OR/R+( 1$° more than 1$nm from facilit#. +?B 3° more than 1$nm from facilit#. ?R 4$° more than 1$nm from intersect ?M% 07n tracH 2nm or 1nm >here front ac is 2Ht faster. Also 1nm >hen climbin% or descendin% throu%h le9el. Timing 6 1$mins do>n to 1mins if na9aids permit do>n to $ mins if front ac is 2Hts to 3mins if 4Hts. Mach n#mber 16$mins. Each minute less than 1 re"uires an additional . 1, from leadin% ac startin% at .2, up to .&,.RA8 +nm.
ertical Lateral Longit#dinal
R+P R+( +nm 0RP 2 9erified e9er# hour $nm 0RP $ 9erified e9er# N hour. 7ther>ise +nm >hen same on6tracH >a#point.
Radar Se"aration F $nm standard 3nm >hen conditions allo> 0G 4nm )ae T#rb#lence
from radar head and 2.$nm on localiserapproach 0$nm on localiser for >aHe turbulence. ?e"art#re Li%hter A/ from intermediate part of run>a# 03min
2mins LESS
(rrival L'*T behind hea9ier 03min 4$& B $nm
1 2 $mins. 1 if tracHs di9er%e b# 4$° or more. 7n same tracH 2 if speed difference of 4Hts $ other>ise. 1 minute if taHin% off in different directions. $ mins ma5 bet>een departin% and arri9in% traffic
Table 15 Light Signals *reen Red !lashin% Red !lashin% hite !lashin% *reen Red p#rotechnic
To An ac on the %round *o 0cleared taHe off Stop *et clear of landin% area. *o to start Cleared to ta5i
To an ac in the air *o 0cleared to land Stop 0ie circle and %i9e >a# Sta# clear of landin% area 0ie do not land *o to start 0ie land here but a>ait si%nals Come bacH and a>ait si%nals ?ela# pre9ious instructions 6 do not land for the moment.
Pa%e 1 of 12
Table 2 'CA7 Anne5es Anne5 Subect 1 Personnel Licensin% 0*ettin% a license is m# umber 1 priorit# 2 Rules of the Air 02 Sets of Rules 8!R and '!R 3 ,eteorolo%ical Ser9ices 03;C1ft /ALR 4 Aeronautical Charts 04 Cardinal Points $ /imensional nits 0CRP $ & 7peration of Aircraft 0/C& ( ationalit# and Re%istration ,arHs 0The Lea%ue of Se9en ations + Air>orthiness 0LooHs liHe a propeller !acilitation 0E' in *erman F 'mmi%ration 1 Aeronautical Communications 01 for the 7perator 11 Air Traffic Control Ser9ices 01 to 1 Personal Ser9ices 12 Search B Rescue 0The one before Accident 'n9esti%ation 13 Accident 'n9esti%ation 0nlucH# for some 14 Aerodromes 014 Aerodromes around eathro> 1$ Aeronautical 'nformation Ser9ices 0LooHs liHe 'S 1& En9ironmental Protection 01& A%e of Consent use protection 1( Securit# 01(ft securit# fence re"uired 1+ /an%erous *oods 0At 1+ #ou can drinH but its /A*ER7S to dri9e
Table !1 Licensing Re#irements ATPL 0216$- $ ,PA Transport Cate%or# ac CPL 01+6 $#rs PPL 01(6 'R 0A for CPPL
Total ours P'C ours 1$ 2$ P'CP1s 1 sim 1 P'C 2$ Proc trainer
:C ours 2 1 P'CP1s
i%ht ours 1 P'CP2
'nstrument ours ($ 3 %round
2 3nm fli%ht
$ $ !ST7L as P'C
1 $ *round
$ P'C 1 in Airplanes
Table !! 8 is#al .light R#les ei%ht 8isClass +Hm D O 1ft
? Clear
$Hm D <1ft
7f Cloud
C/E Clear of Cloud b#
1$m oriKontall# 1ft 8erticall#
Pa%e 11 of 12
3Hm D 3ft C7C'S7S 14Ht
Table !$(2P Contents and S#bdivision A'P Section *E
Co9era%e Location 'ndicators 01.$& Char%es for aerodromes and air na9i%ation 0&.&( S'*,ET Ser9ice Prohibited and /an%er Areas oldin% Approach and /eparture procedures /etailed description of met info at A/ and indication of met office responsible. Refuellin% Ser9ices
Table !, (TS and S(R Classification Air Traffic Ser9ices 0ATS ATC
!li%ht 'nformation Alertin% Ser9ice
Area Control Approach Control Aerodrome Control Attempted communications failslate ATS RCC Apprehension F init b# !l%t 'nfo or ATC /ama%ed ac impaired needs immediate assistance
ncertaint# Alert /istress
Table !0 -olding S"eeds ormal 1(Hts 0AB?23Hts 24Hts 2&$Hts
≤ !L14 ≤ !L2 ≤ !L34
Turbulent 1(Hts 0AB?2+Hts 2+Hts 2+Hts
Table ! 2ntenational Conventions
Subect ithdra>al
arsa> 01-2& Liabilit#
ToH#o 01-&3 a%ue 01-( iacHin% )urisdiction 'nform 'CA7
,ontreal 01-(1 on6 iacHin% & ,onths notice to contractin% states
Pa%e 12 of 12
Rome 01-333+$2 *round /ama%e