Hackerspaces@The Beginning: 108 pages chronicling the beginnings, challenges, and successes of hackerspaces around the world - providing inspiration for others to take up the challenge and begin co...
The Beginning of Masonry by Frank C. Higgins: "If the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry may be openly expressed in a few words, it will be these: The entire course of nature is mani...
Let us compose ourselves for a moment, in the presence of Allah. The ‘ulama state, "bithikrihim tunzil al-rahma" by merely mentioning them, the rahma, the compassion, the sweet loving kindne…Full description
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The Beginning of Masonry by Frank C. Higgins: "If the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry may be openly expressed in a few words, it will be these: The entire course of nature …Full description