The Astrological Houses is an in-depth essay which includes a explanation of the astronomy of the houses, a detailed description of each house, and a summary of the house systems. It also in…Full description
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Astrological Astrological Houses, page 1
Astrological houses are the twelve twelve divisions of the visible visible sky, sky, xed from the local horizon. There's six houses above the horizon, six below. below. Stand out of doors and a nd oint straight u. That's the !"th house cus #more #more or less$. %oint to the eastern eastern horizon. That's the Ascendant, or rst house cus. &t extends down into the ground. The sky immediately above it is art of the !th house. hous e. Somewhere between the !"th and !st houses are the !!th and !th house boundaries #cuss$. These boundaries, one about every (" degrees, stay in the same lace all day with resect to the horizon. They're xed. As the earth turns around its axis, the sun and lanets, rising in the east and setting s etting in the west, aear to wander through them during the course of the day. day. These twelve sections of the daily sky color the lanets as they ass through them. This will not be surrising to those who know the di)erence between the colors of sunrise and sunset. Indicates a book on our Top Ten list. If you would like to nd more books like it, click on the star.
THE HOUSE CONNECTION: CONNECTION: How to read the houses in an astrological chart - aren Ha!a"er-#ondag, $1%&'( Contents: List of charts & gures Astrological Astrological signs & symbols Foreword
)art 1: Theor*: 1. Tyes Tyes of o f ruler rule r !. "ouse connections #. Imortant houses $. "ouse rulers in asect %. The role of house ruler in comle interretation interretation )art +: House connections:
'. "ow house connections work (ibliograhy Inde About the author
Comment: )f this book, *aren *aren herself has this to say, from the Foreword+ Foreword+ I hae been working with house connections eer since I began my astrological studies, and this book is the distillate of my ndings. -othing could ersuade me to omit this articular facet of interretation, interretation, and I am in full agreement with the sontaneous comment of a student who once said, If you oerlooked oerlooked the house rulers & house connections or did not know how to deal with them, you would not be able to derie one /uarter of the information from the chart you derie from it now. 0age iii "amaker23ondag "amaker23ondag was insired by the 0rather sketchy accounts she found in orin. *aren says says we had to wait until the adent of sychology before astrological house interretation could be fully deeloed. I am of the oinion the delay was due to the earlier inade/uate house systems, a roblem that 4lacidus soled, but /uite by accident. 0"e was hoing to nd an easy way to calculate )ri!ar* irections . As a result, the otential of the 4lacidian house system remained unreali5ed until /uite recently, i.e., until *aren6s book. I am making this dogmatic statement because, many years ago, I used to make informal rectications rectications using the house ta.les I had aailable, and with good success. I once tried the same thing with och houses, only to discoer that *och would not rectify rectify a chart. 7er since then, I hae had a healthy resect for the di8erent di8erent things that di8erent house systems can do, and an awe of 4lacidus. For her art, all the charts in this book are set in 4lacidus, which *aren does not note, I resume because she, like so many of us, has neer tried any other system. (ut enough reamble. The remise of the book is that the lanets which rule the signs on the arious house cuss, also rule the houses concerned. 9rucially, these lanets rule by means of their sign and house lacements. The ruling lanets bring the sign and house they are osited in, to the houses they rule. As /o.son remarked, remarked, the ruling lanet is the landlord of the house he rules. 4lanets in the house are tenants. The ruling lanet sets the scene. "e has control. "e is the ulti!ate ulti!ate authorit*. 7en
'. "ow house connections work (ibliograhy Inde About the author
Comment: )f this book, *aren *aren herself has this to say, from the Foreword+ Foreword+ I hae been working with house connections eer since I began my astrological studies, and this book is the distillate of my ndings. -othing could ersuade me to omit this articular facet of interretation, interretation, and I am in full agreement with the sontaneous comment of a student who once said, If you oerlooked oerlooked the house rulers & house connections or did not know how to deal with them, you would not be able to derie one /uarter of the information from the chart you derie from it now. 0age iii "amaker23ondag "amaker23ondag was insired by the 0rather sketchy accounts she found in orin. *aren says says we had to wait until the adent of sychology before astrological house interretation could be fully deeloed. I am of the oinion the delay was due to the earlier inade/uate house systems, a roblem that 4lacidus soled, but /uite by accident. 0"e was hoing to nd an easy way to calculate )ri!ar* irections . As a result, the otential of the 4lacidian house system remained unreali5ed until /uite recently, i.e., until *aren6s book. I am making this dogmatic statement because, many years ago, I used to make informal rectications rectications using the house ta.les I had aailable, and with good success. I once tried the same thing with och houses, only to discoer that *och would not rectify rectify a chart. 7er since then, I hae had a healthy resect for the di8erent di8erent things that di8erent house systems can do, and an awe of 4lacidus. For her art, all the charts in this book are set in 4lacidus, which *aren does not note, I resume because she, like so many of us, has neer tried any other system. (ut enough reamble. The remise of the book is that the lanets which rule the signs on the arious house cuss, also rule the houses concerned. 9rucially, these lanets rule by means of their sign and house lacements. The ruling lanets bring the sign and house they are osited in, to the houses they rule. As /o.son remarked, remarked, the ruling lanet is the landlord of the house he rules. 4lanets in the house are tenants. The ruling lanet sets the scene. "e has control. "e is the ulti!ate ulti!ate authorit*. 7en
though, in the ma:ority of cases, he will not be hysically resent in the house itself. itself. -or will he necessarily hae any formal asect to the cus, or to the lanets residing in his house. 0The ruler is een stronger when he does, of course. (ut, regardless, regardless, the house, and all lanets in it, are a re su.ordinate to hi! . This is "amaker23ondag6s House Connection theor*, as clearly as I can state it. 0The author herself uts a sychological gloss on it. There are are seeral signicant etensions etensions to this theory. theory. In chater #, I!portant Houses, *aren traces the chain of disositors around the chart+ For eamle, eamle, we could discoer the following chain+ the ruler of 1 is in ;, the ruler of ; is in <, the ruler of < is in !, the ruler of ! is in 11, the ruler of 11 is in ;. This series roides us with an insight into a reaction attern attern that, for this erson, is related to the 1st house 0we always begin with the 1st house. 0g. !; =hat this articular eamle also means, as I hae learned from eerience, eerience, is that when an indiidual, long single, gets married, married, he becomes a radically di8erent erson as a result. This is also a lso true of chains that include the >un with the ;th. *aren goes on to the natural wheel, in other words, that the rst house always relates to Aries & ?ars, the second to Taurus & @enus. ?yself, I dislike all things that muddle houses with signs. I nd the angular houses 01, $, ;, 1, like cardinal signs 0Aries, 9ancer, Libra, 9aricorn, to be actieB succedent houses 0!, %, C, 11, like ed signs 0Taurus, Leo, >corio, A/uarius, to be conseratieB and cadent houses 0#, ', <, 1! to be like mutable signs 0Demini, @irgo, >agittarius, 4isces, in other words, to be areas oer which we hae little control. I also a lso nd that signs are su.ordinate to houses, in other words, a ma:ority of lanets in cardinal signs but in cadent houses leads to a life of uncontrolled uncontrolled chaos, the cardinal signs acting owerfully 0cardinal 0cardinal in uncontrolled uncontrolled 0cadent ways. I am this way myself, with ed signs in cadent houses. InterretationE I6m :ust trying to hang on "ow about mutable signs on angular housesE That would be someone who neer knows what6s going on around him. (ack in the mid 1<<6s, I glanced at this book 0as is my wont long enough to understand the basic concet. I hae been running with it eer since. In )art +, "amaker23ondag "amaker23ondag gies cookbook delineations. Guler Guler of the rst in the rst, ruler of the rst in the second, ruler of the fourth in the eleenth, etc. "er unstated unsta ted baseline for her delineations is the >un, since ?ars ruler of the third in the 1!th
would make for far too large a book. It is therefore imortant that you take *aren6s wonderful theory & appl* what *ou "now to it. To do this, you will need to generate a basic list of keywords for the arious lanets & houses. >unHlife, ?oonHmoods, ?ercuryHcommunication, etc. =hen you do this with the houses, you will, erforce, eand your ideas about them. The third house, for eamle, goes from reading & writing & schoolwork & brothers & sisters & errands, etc., to, being busy around town, which incororates all of the aboe. =hen we do this, we sometimes end u with #rd houses as (.?.).9., i.e., (ig ?an Around Town 0originally+ )n 9amus. Gegrettably, and to my surrise, *aren6s gras of houses is not great. =hat fascinates me about The "ouse 9onnection theory is that it can be eanded almost foreer. After you6e mastered the sign on the cus & the sign of the ruling lanet, you go back to the sign on the cus & start all oer again. Is the sign cardinal, ed or mutableE Is it re, air, earth or waterE Is the degree early or lateE Is the ruler direct or retrogradeE It turns out that eerything you learned about astrology, e0er* single thing suddenly takes on new life, new meaning. A mutable sign on the second house cus throws his money away. A ed sign won6t let go of it. A water sign on the second takes his ossessions ersonally. An air sign on two has no idea what he ossesses. An early degree means that one is :ust getting started & has a long way to go in that articular house. A late degree means it6s done & oer & too late, etc. =hich is nothing more than lugging horar* ideas into your natal delineations. This stu8 is that owerful. "amaker23ondag has a strongly sychological orientation, which I myself do not care for. >he somehow manages to miss lanets in mutual recetion, which I hae found to tie the two houses together, as if the houses themseles had actually merged. ebilitated lanets, another area that *aren misses, are /uite fascinating. ebilitated lanets, by denition, rule the sign, and therefore the house, oosite to themseles. =e can see this /uite clearly in the chart of former J> 4resident (ill 9linton. "e has >aturn debilitated in Leo in 11. That >aturn wants to be in % in A/uarius, where it has, his entire life, got him in trouble eery time he so much as looked at a girl. Another case, also of a debilitated >aturn in Leo, was Adolf "itler, who had it in the 1th. The classic shorthand says that >aturn in 1 always fails. The full story is that >aturn in 1, when debilitated or retrograde, comulsiely takes on resonsibilities until
it collases from the sheer weight of it all. =hich, whateer you think of him, was certainly true of ?r. "itler. In his case, >aturn6s rulershi of his $th droe him to settle his country6s territorial 0$th house matters. =hich, as >aturn was debilitated, came to recisely the same end as ?r. 9linton6s a8airs. -ote that this debilitated concet also alies to all those, like myself, who hae >un in A/uarius. =e6d really all rather be somewhere, anywhere, as far away as we can get. 7en with its Kaws, how imortant is this bookE =hen it went out of rint a few years ago, I emailed the author & asked for ermission to rerint. >he ointed me in the direction of her utch ublisher, who had the rights. =hich led to =eiser, which had become Ged=heel, who had the rights to the translation. =ho neer got back to me. =ho hae now rerinted this book. After you6e bought your basic chart interretation tetbook, after you6e bought a good ehemeris & a table of houses, after you6e got your feet wet, this is the ery net book. It6s that fundamental. Ged=heel H =eiser, !%% ages.
Gead the bookE =ant to tell the worldE "ow many stars 012% would you gie this bookE Tell us
THE HOUSES: Te!ples o2 the S"* - e.orah Houlding, $+(&33 Contents: Foreward by Gobert "andB Introduction+ =heels & signs+ theories on house diisionB 4reliminary guide to diisions of the celestial shere 1. !. #. $. %. '. ;.
Introducing the houses+ An historical oeriew The angles+ >ignicance of 7gytian solar hilosohy Asects & gates+ The !ndHCth house ais 4lanetary :oys+ %thH11th house ais The king & /ueen+ The #rdH
C. Technical basis & the inherent diculties of house diision <. 4tolemy6s owerful laces Aendices* A. Dlossary of traditional & technical terms (. The lanetary hours 9. Al (iruni6s adice on nding the hour of your birth =orks citedB Deneral indeB "ouse rulershi inde.
Comment: From the back coer+ The astrological circle of houses is erceied as a wheel of life, coering the full sectrum of human eerience from formation of character through to death. =hy did the ancient astrologers deise the scheme in such a way that it does not seem to follow the natural order of lifeE =here do the meanings of each house come from and how hae they been adated oer the centuries 2 more imortantly, whyE )ther books hae attemted to resole these issues, but none hae roided ade/uate answers. In The Houses: Te!ples o2 the S"* eborah "oulding6s clear narratie & original research into the history & deeloment of house meanings elores the symbolic threads that are embedded into the hilosohy of houses, strengthing our understanding of their use in ractical alication. The book starts with a refreshing statement of rinciles+ "ouses are not signs, signs are not houses. 0They hae ery little in common, actually. -or do the houses suceed each other in anything like a logical fashion+ The regnant %th recedes marriage of the ;th, death in the Cth comes before worldly success in the 1th. The chaters on oosing houses are an ecellent analysis. 9hater ;, "ouse Gulershis In 4ractice, gies a house2by2house delineations for ?ain rulershis, "orary astrology, ?undane astrology, Lawsuits, 7ents, ?edical, 9ommerce, 9olour, Mualities, irections, Associated lanets & signs, and, nally, -ames. >he follows this with chaters on how arious systems calculate houses, and what 4tolemy really said 2 and meant 2 about houses in Tetra.i.los .
All in all, by far the best book I hae seen on houses. =esse Astrologer, 1C' ages.
HOUSES O4 THE HO/OSCO)E - 5ill, $+6&'( Contents: )art 1: Theor* 7 techni8ue: 4reface to 4art 1 1. The logic of houses !. The twele areas of eerience+ Indiidual house /ualities, traditional meanings, contemorary meanings #. Jsing the houses $. )ther ways to use houses %. Technical s+ human issues
)art +: Interpretations 4reface to 4art ! '. First house ;. >econd house C. Third house <. $th house 1. %th house 11. 'th house 1!. ;th house 1#. Cth house 1$.
Comment: The late -eil ?ichelsen rst ublished this book, back in 1 edition, each ossible
combination of lanet & house got its own full age. >un in the third, a full age. ?ercury in the 1!th, full age. Nuiter in the second, full age, etc. All the same tet is here in the new edition, but the slightly smaller format means the indiidual delineations no longer t neatly on a single age. =hat do I think nowE =ell, if you need a good, basic book on what lanets mean when they fall in secic houses, this book will do. "erbst understands that houses are not the same as signs, though his gras of houses is not as strong as I would like. In laces theory gets in the way of a good delineation. "ere is art of ?ars in the $th+
"inner link" parent "ere we see a contradiction, a masculine symbol in the mother6s area. It can indicate a number of distinctly di8erent ossibilities. If your mother was feminine on the surface, you still felt her masculinity assert itself often. >he might hae been a woman of high energies, the natural ruler of the roost, someone who could easily hae moed her talents into the eternal world of cultural ower. )n the other hand, your father may hae taken oer some of the classical duties of motherhood. )r you could hae imrinted on the urgency of your relationshi for him, with desire silling oer into interaction. This lacement sometimes indicates long2standing disagreement or bitterness with arents, often resulting from a conKict in the arent2child roles. "oweer, een when that is the case, there is a sense of strength that erades the imrints. 0gs. !$#2$ And here, for contrast, is Alan O"en+ ?ars in the Fourth "ouse as a constant undertone of high2 strung emotions, irritability, or the urge to dominate. A oorly asected ?ars in this osition can ofen indicate strife in the domestic shere, an oerly dominant arent, or certain diculties surrounding the changing of residences. 0 Alan O"en9s Co!plete Astrolog*, g. #!; )ken has the better gras, but you hae to hunt through his book to nd it. "ere are some of "erbst6s rules for :udging houses+ In an 7?4TO house, the sign in which the lanetary ruler is
laced accounts for aroimately 'P of the eerience of an emty house, while the sign on the cus contributes only about $P of the meaning. In an )99J4I7 house, those roortions of interretation by sign ary according to the number & weight of lanets that occuy the house and that are found on the cus. 0g. 11$ An occupied house is an area of your life that contains a siritual challenge. The ruled house is the area where you see the results of how you6re dealing with that challenge. 0g. 11' Guled houses are the sychic barometer of our rogress in the challenging eeriences of occuied houses. 0g. 11C Oou sort of wish he would :ust write about lanets in houses & leae the metahysics aside. In this book "erbst ascribes dreams as a contemorary meaning of the twelfth house. "e oerlooks, or does not know, that dreams were traditionally gien to the ninth house. To each house, "erbst assigns a ruling lanet. These are the lanets which are normally associated with the signs of the natural wheel, where Aries Q rst house, etc. From g. $+ .... there is the natural linkage of lanets with houses. This is analogous to the concet of lanetary rulershi in the zodiacal signs. The lanet +ars bears a certain tonal similarity to the rst sign of the zodiac, Aries. Therefore, it carries that same similarity in its emhasized relationshi to the !st house. This is, in fact, incorrect. 4lanets hae no natural or accidental anity to houses, only to signs. Failure to understand this key oint criles the ability to work with cusal disositors, as one is constantly alying lanetary energies 0?ars to the rst, @enus to the second, ?ercury to the third, etc. which do not eist in the chart under study. Jnless, of course, that chart actually has Aries rising. )n gs <2!, "erbst has a section entitled, houses are not signs, but with lanetsQhouses already established, he cannot get beyond simle mechanical di8erences between houses and signs. If your astrological theory says that lanets rule both houses as well as signs, then it will conse/uently be hard to distinguish houses from signs, try though you might. Towards
the end of this section, he remarks, The literature of astrology is ockmarked with disgracefully shoddy writing and dangerously sub-ective content that is widely acceted as truth. 0g. erendiity 4ress, $#< ages.
HOUSES, HICH 7 HEN - E!!a 5elle onath, $1;&33 If you6e eer been u55led why there6s so many di8erent ways to diide the sky into twele sections 0houses, get this book and nd out how the di8erent methods comare. iscussed are 7/ual, 4orhyry, 9amanus, Gegiomontanus 0Gational, ?orinus, 4lacidus, >olar 7/uilibrium, "amburg ' house system, )ctoscoes 0systems of C houses, Toocentric & *och. Find out how your customary house diision system comares. Aendi+ birth data for eamles. 111 ages including bibliograhy. AFA, aer.
THE %TH HOUSE: )owers o2 the Soul, Se< 7 one* - arc /o.ertson, $16&33 Contents: &n this book there is no table of contents, but there are ages with big rinting on them. So & have adated some to t the bill* )ut of the darkness of self >imle transits for timing inestments The signs of business The soul & Cth house mysteries ying a little 4owers of C in transit actiation & deeloment (ecoming an indiidual through se
Comment: )nce you get ast the crude, distracting "7O L))* AT ?7 tyesetting, you will nd this to be an ama5ingly good book. @asty better than "aydn 4aul6s e8ort 0immediately below. Gobertson starts with inestment 2 Cth house. "e then looks at transcendence, ie, the ability to change the urely hysical into the wholly siritual, which is Cth house. Gobertson fudges the Cth house & death 0well, wouldn6t we all like to fudge :ust a bit right about hereE but he does say you won6t get through the Cth house unscathed, nor should you. Gobertson says he always feared >etember, but was always grateful when )ctober came round. As the author died some years ago, I took the time to nd his date of death+ >etember !', 1e, is eactly right. >e for the sake of amusement is %th house. >e as something that changes you foreer, that6s Cth house, and the concet is brilliant. "ere, Gobertson delineates signs on the cus, and airs them with the comlimentary signs on the !nd. A book full of ideas & insights. AFA, ;' ages.
=ATE O4 /E5I/TH: Astrolog*, regeneration 7 %th house !*steries - Ha*dn )aul, $+'&'( Contents: 1. The underworld of the Cth house !. ?yths of rebirth, renewal & regeneration #. 4ersonal & lanetary alues 2 shared resources $. 4ower, maniulation, comulsion, obsession %. >eual & emotional union 2 crisis & catharsis '. Gaising the dark side 2 reression & taboo ;. 4lanetary guides & inner contacts C. The initiation of death 2 the rocess of renewal <. The wounded healer (ibliograhy Inde
Comment: This blast from the ast was rst ublished in 1<<#, and is now 0!< again in rint. The book deals with Cth house issues from a sychological and new age oint of iew. The Cth house is broken down into arius categories, as you can see by the table of contents, aboe. In each, a general discussion of the toic, followed by the e8ects of the arious lanets 0signs in the house. In the fth chater, on se, the introductory remarks are etensie, followed by etensie remarks on each of the lanets, and then discreet delineations of the twele signs. >e is the rimary focus of the book as a whole. This is true, een in chater C, on death, where the format changes a bit & we are now gien delineations of transiting lanets in the Cth house. Transiting >aturn, among other things, limits our ability to hae se, though the author is not /uite so blunt as that. I regret to say there is nothing at all in this book about your artner6s ances, nor is there any serious mention of hysical death 0far less, any discussion of it, and only assing remarks as to Cth house sychism. "ere is an ecert+ 9aricorn, from chater %, on se+ 4assion & 9aricorn are uncomfortable comanions, and you may feel ulnerable to emotional inolement, as indicated by inner
shields against 7ros6 arrows of loe. =hile there can be an earthiness & hysicality about your seuality, engaging feelings can instigate withdrawl & fear, marked by self2reression, assiity, and restrained caution in a8airs of loe. The /ualities of this 9aricorn inKuence are more easily dislayed in worldly matters 2 by rationality, disciline, and organi5ation 2 and these fail when faced with uncontrollable emotions. If ermanent relationshis become committed & legali5ed, then you easily gie loyalty & delity, as marriage conforms to accetable social behaiorB the main diculty can lie in the aroach to deeer leels of intimacy. 0g. !$ The comlete tet on 9aricorn in this chater is e times as long, this is only the beginning. =e can see the author6s writing is abstract, and often formalistic. I could wish for better. =eiser, #1$ ages.
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INTE/CE)TIONS, C>C?ES O4 S)I/ITUA? UN4O?ENT - u"e e4aria, $13&'( 9ontents+ In the beginningB The intercetionB 9ycles of intercetionB The rebirthB The illumination haseB The ascending eriodsB ?a:or cycles and the intercetionB The delay factorB Interceted lanetary sign rulersB Interceted solar returnsB 4lacidus and *och house intercetionsB The soul eerience and the intercetionB The higher selfB Interceted signs, houses, lanetsB Linked housesB 9ase studies. Aendi+ interceted2 lanets, north lunar nodes, sign ais, house ais. 1%1 ages including references. *osmic 4ress, aer.
E@UA? HOUSES - 5eth och, $1(&33 From the introduction+ =hat sets the 7/ual "ouse system aart from other methods of creating the ring of houses is+ 1 its basic nature 0e/ual houses are drawn from their relationshi to the Ascendant alone.... ! each house is indeed e/ual 0there are no interceted signs and the same degree of each successie sign aears on each successie cus.... # the Imum 9oeliH?idheaen ais does not usually align with the fourth houseHtenth house cuss. 9ontents+ 9reating an e/ual house chartB Geading the e/ual house chartB ?ore on the midheaenB ?ore on the ascendantB 7amle in the e/ual house systemB Transits through the e/ual house chart. '< ages including bibliograhy. AFA, aer.
The Twel0e Houses: A eeper ?oo" - ohn illner, $%&33 ontents* ForewordB )b:ectiesB A new way of looking at the 1! houses 0or domains adds clarity of meaningB 3odiac sign boundaries hae been obsered to be absoluteB 9onclusions. omment* This book is a useful aid in rectifying horoscoes. Among other obserations, Angular houses 01, $, ;, 1 reresent the resentB >uccedent houses 0!, %, C, 11 reresent the futureB 9adent houses 0#, ', <, 1! reresent the ast. 4lanets in airs of houses, contrasted 0eg, 1 & !, ! & #, # & $, etc.. This is useful in rectifying charts when one is trying to determine if Nuiter 0for eamle should be in the %th or 'th house. There is a section describing the e8ects of each of the 1! signs on each of the house cuss. A small but useful book. AFA, %1 ages, comb2bound.
Comment: I susect a lot of you will buy this, because there is so little aailable about houses, they form such a large art of astrology, and there
are so many emty houses. =hen I read charts, I suck a lot of meaning from emty houses, but it seems I am fated to not write the denitie book on the sub:ect. >ince Gui5 has, or has attemted to do so, I only wish the AFA had held her feet to the re & made her nish what amounts to a romising start. )nly the rst house does Gui5 treat in a comrehensie fashion+ 7mty Aries rst house, ruler ?ars in each of the twele houses, emty Taurus rst house, ruler @enus in each of the twele houses, etc. For the remaining eleen houses, she is sketchy. 7mty second house with Aries on the cus+ A note that one is likely to be an imulse sender, and, oh, by the way, if ?ars is in the 11th, or is asecting -etune, this or that situation may arise. This is hardly more than a tease. Gegrettably, this is how she treats emty houses !21!. >he also fails to note the obious+ If Aries is on the cus of the second, then the 11th house ?ars may well be ealted in 9aricorn, adding its >aturnine Kaor to the mi. >he uses Jranus as ruler of A/uarius, -etune of 4isces, 4luto of >corio. )n the other hand, ?aybe the limitations of this book will encourage you to do the work & gure it out for yourself. (ack in the mid21<<6s, I did. -ow I ama5e eole with what I can tell them about their emty houses. They are a fascinating study. AFA, !1 ages.
THE HOUSES O4 THE #OIAC - Ale< ise, $1+&33 Contents: 4refaceB The The The The The The The The The The The
Comment: isaointed with Gui56s book on emty houses 0aboe, I found this one in the AFA6s backlist. 4ublished in 1o the rst chater is Aries on the rst, Aries on the second, Aries on the third, etc. To read an indiidual chart, your own, for eamle, you must go from chater to chater. For nearly all the 1$$ combinations, he gies eamles of eole who had that lacement. And though he could hae limited himself to only a do5en di8erent natiities 0one for each of the rising signs, he in fact has a hundred or more eamles. Oou will nd in this book many eole with house cuss similar to yours, in other words. The writing is uneen. >ome good, some not /uite. AFA,
Houses, page +
UN?OCIN= INTE/CE)TIONS - Helen Ada!s =arrett, $1+&'( Contents: i8erent "ouse >ystems Intercetions Through the "ouses FirstHseenth houses >econdHeighth houses ThirdHninth houses FourthHtenth houses FifthHeleenth houses >ithHtwelfth houses ?ultile Intercetions Ten signs interceted in two houses ?ore on Intercetions >ummary of Interretation ?ethod.
Comment: Darrett is the rst 0and only author I hae found who understood the mechanics of intercetions, which gies her small book a great adantage oer all others. Doing chater by chater, the rst chater, on house systems, is a tyical, and unsatisfying, surey of arious house methods. Darrett, like most, has no concet of indiidual house systems, they are all :ust retty faces in a crowd. This is a ity, because not only do intercetions change from house system to house system 0mine change from 4lacidus to *och, but intercetions also change when charts are rectied. These oints Darrett does not coer. Instead, we are told, again and again, that almost all house systems fail aboe '' degrees north latitude 0also beyond '' degrees south latitude, but are neer told there are ery few eole born at such latitudes, irtually no signicant eents which haen at such latitudes, and that the eoles who lie in these etreme laces rarely enture ery far south and so are irtually unknown to the rest of us. 0Few eole, small towns, no transortation, etc. =hy there is such fuss made about '' north I do not know. (ack when I ran charts for a liing 0some 1, charts oer four years, 1he was -orwegian, I remember her well. >he was a fre/uent customer, I had to set all her charts in 7/ual. In Darrett6s list of InterceptionHouse S*ste! 4acts on gs. $ 2 %, of the 1! oints, four of the oints deal only with etremely rare olar charts. In chater !, we get rules. "ere, Darrett shines. Intercetions are things that are, well, interceted. Instead of the /uarterback assing the ball to the wide receier, his ass is interceted by the oosing team. The result is interrution, interference, misdirection. Darrett6s rules are simle & direct+ =hat areas of life, in other words, what houses hae the intercetionsE =hat signs are intercetedE These are what are missing in your life. =here are the rulers of the interceted signsE This tells who or what are resonsible 0from gs. 1211 Darrett then hits on two ery imortant oints+ =hen the ruler of the interceted sign is itself interceted, and when the ruler of the interceted sign is found in one of the airs houses which hae dulicate signs on them. Darrett6s basic concet is that interceted signs come to light when the house cuss behind them, by
rogression, catch u and change signs. Thus, if you hae an interceted sign in the rst house, you fundamentally changed when the ascendant rogressed into the net sign. >ome hidden art of you became aarent at that time. 7ery chart with a air of interceted signs also has two air of houses with the same signs on them, s/uare 0more or less to the interceted signs. >o if you hae Aries & Libra interceted, you will hae the signs of 9ancer & 9aricorn each claiming two houses. Darrett says the rulers of the dulicated houses 09ancer & 9aricorn, in this case, will unlock the interceted Aries & Libra. I6m not sure how this would work. Includes many chart eamles to illustrate her ractical ideas. A common2sense aroach to one of the mysteries of chart construction.
Darrett makes a good start. I would add the following+ If intercetions unlock when the house cus rogresses to meet them 01 degree a year, more or less, then by the age of ten all intercetions will be unlocked, as the house cuss in /uestion are inariably !% degrees or greater. (ut this is only otential. >ubse/uently there must be some sort of rogressed asect, either to the rogressed cus itself, or to the ruler of the sign, to trigger awareness of the underlying change. This would usually be done ia the rogressed ?oon. This is, in fact, how one becomes aware his retrograde ?ercury, retrograde at birth, has gone direct by rogression. First it goes direct. Awareness of the fact comes some time later, when the rogressed ?oon makes an asect to it. This haened to a friend of mine with a natal ?ercury retrograde in 1. "e was shy until two or three years after it went direct by rogression 0in his late !6s, when he suddenly discoered not only an ability to seak before the ublic, but an actual leasure in doing so. >uch is what I would guess would be the case with intercetions, but the fact that I am still wondering, age %<, about my interceted 11th house with interceted Nuiter smack in the middle of it 0where are my friendsEEE, means this theory, while logical, cannot be relied uon. Intercetions can be ranked. >ome are more imortant than others. I am of the oinion that interceted signs that hae no lanets in
them can be ignored. -o lanet means no weight, means no interest in the a8airs of the sign, so why botherE If the >un or ?oon are in interceted signs, the a8airs of the houses they rule are blocked. >ecically, the ad:oining houses with Leo and 9ancer on the cuss are stranded. As nature abhors a acuum, I would eect the a8airs of the oosite houses, the ones with 9aricorn and A/uarius on the cuss, to dominate them, as eressed by the house & sign of their ruler, >aturn. If the ruler of the ascendant is in an interceted sign, I would eect such a erson to be unknown and not a little mysterious. -ormally the house and sign of the ruler of the ascendant tells us how he eresses his ascendant. =hen the chart ruler is interceted, we are denied that. As I hae remarked elsewhere my own riate work suggests that interceted signs, with planets in the!, are areas of life which were not under our direct control as of the end of the reious life. =hich is why they are now interceted. (y the end of our reious life, we had needlessly thrown the ball to the oosing team and, in this life, they are now running with it. =e must struggle to reassert control. The houses ruled by interceted lanets are those areas of life, the interceptions the!sel0es are the means by which they gained control. If those houses 0the ones ruled by interceted lanets themseles hae lanets in them, the result can be /uite comlicated. This is not a theory that can be easily roen one way or the other, but Darrett does gie this entrancing hint+ There is no indication that an intercetion is foreer. It is only interruted or taken away for a while after the team lost its ball to the other team. =e hae to wait for the roer time to earn the right for what the intercetions reresents. Intercetions are karmic. 0g. < "elen Adams Darrett died in !!. I am surrised, and leased, to see eanded ersions of her books. AFA, ;% ages.
Gead the bookE =ant to tell the worldE "ow many stars 012% would you gie this bookE Tell us
/U?E/S O4 THE HO/OSCO)E: 4inding *our wa* through the la.*rinth - Alan O"en, $1'&'( Contents: List of eamle horoscoes Acknowledgments Foreword Introduction
1& )eeling the onion: 4lanets, signs, houses, asects, /ualities, elements, gender, summary +& )lanetar* dispositors deDned: "idden rulers reealedB 4lanetary mutual recetionB etermining the relatie strengths of lanets in mutual recetionB 78ects of asects between lanets in mutual recetionB ?ultile mutual recetionB Final disositorB 4lanets as nal disositors in the natal chart. & House dispositors 7 planetar* rulers: )eriewB ?utual recetion by houseB Linkages by same house rulershiB -atural & natal house relationshisB >trengths & weaknesses of lanets when osited in their houses of honor or dishonorB Asects between house rulers. 6& The ruler o2 the horoscope 7 its dispositor: etermining the ruler of the natal chartB The sign on the ascendant & the delineation of the rulerB Intent & theme of the ascendantB 7ssential meaning of the ruling lanet & its e8ects on the horoscoeB Guling lanet by signB Guling lanet by houseB Guling lanets in the housesB >econdary disositorshi. (& The ruler o2 the horoscope 7 its aspects: =hen the ruler of the horoscoe is a lanet con:unct the ascendantB =hen the lanet con:unct the ascendant is the ruler of the sign on the ascendantB Final disositor & the lanetary rulerB Assessing the anities between ruler of the horoscoe & its disositorB Assessing the e8ects of other asecting lanets to the ruler of the horoscoe.
;& Su!!ar* o2 rulership 7 planetar* co!pati.ilities: Leo rising 0>unB 9ancer rising 0?oonB Demini or @irgo rising 0?ercuryB Taurus or Libra rising 0@enusB Aries or >corio rising 0?arsB Aries rising 0?arsB >corio rising 0?arsB >corio rising 04lutoB >agittarius rising 0NuiterB 9aricorn rising 0>aturnB A/uarius rising 0JranusB 4isces rising 0-etune. F& The place!ent o2 the rulers in the astrological houses: >ummary of astrological keywords & hrasesB The nature of the second houseB The nature of the third houseB The nature of the fourth houseB The nature of the fth houseB The nature of the sith houseB The nature of the seenth houseB The nature of the eighth houseB The nature of the ninth houseB The nature of the tenth houseB The nature of the eleenth houseB The nature of the tenth house. Gecommended reading list Inde
Comment This book tells how signs relate to each other by means of the lanets that rule them. This is accomlished by an understanding of lanetary disositors. In other words, this sign is disosed by that lanet in that sign. In other words, @enus in >corio can make a mess of Taurus. )ken does this art ery well. =hen he tries to add houses, he stumbles, as he does not hae a clear understanding of them. =hich surrised me, frankly, as I know how brilliant he is. "e lists keywords for lanets, signs & houses. "is house keywords are sign2based, and ecessiely simlistic. "ere are his keywords for the third+
The Houses - from a more Socially Evolved Perspective ... Third =hat I think & seek to communicate to others 0g. 1<# )n the net age we hae+ The Houses - from a More Traditional, strolo!ical Perspective ... Third method of communication, early education & enironment, brothers & sisters, close friends 0g. 1<$ )ken then roceeds to use the socially evolved ersective as if it was the only one. "ere is the start of Guler of the second in the third+ ...the nature of one6s self2worth or actual substance of alue 0money, for eamle has to be communicated. The need to connect with eole or with life situations that amlify one6s
oortunities is essential. Any lanet found in the Third "ouse is used to make connections. =hen it is the ruler of the >econd, then such connections are sought that may increase the otential uses of one6s ersonal talents & resources. If that lanet is aRicted, then there is a limitation or diculty with the connection2making rocess.... 0gs 1<'2; Oes, all of this is true, but, well, yes, houses two & three are more than this and, yet, less than this, too. =hich means that )ken understands his socially evolved keywords, but, by what he does not say, seems not to understand those of the traditional astrological ersective. In this book are a great many useful ideas & techni/ues that are grounded in astrological basics. Things you always knew but neer knew what to do with, at least, not like this. >tudy of this book will be rewarding, u to the oint where one grows frustrated with )ken6s rather limited gras of the houses, which undergirds his toic. At that oint, this becomes the most ecellent of all ecellent books+ )ne that forces you to go beyond what the author has written. IbisH-icholas "aysH=eiserHGedwheel, #1; ages.
)art 1:The landscape o2 li2e: 1. (asic remises !. >ace, time & boundaries )art +: apping the ourne*: #. The ascendant & the rst house $. The second house %. The third house
'. The Imum 9oeli & the fourth house ;. The fth house C. The sith house <. The descendant & the seenth house 1. The eighth house 11. The ninth house 1!. The midheaen & the tenth house 1#. The eleenth house 1$. The twelfth house 1%. Drouing the houses
)art : A guide to li2e9s possi.ilities: 1'. Deneral guidelines+ The lanets & signs through the houses 1;. Ascendant tyes 1C. The >un & Leo through the houses 1<. The ?oon & 9ancer through the houses !. ?ercury, Demini & @irgo through the houses !1. @enus, Taurus & Libra through the houses !!. ?ars & Aries through the houses !#. Nuiter & >agittarius through the houses !$. >aturn & 9aricorn through the houses !%. Jranus & A/uarius through the houses !'. -etune & 4isces through the houses !;. 4luto & >corio through the houses !C. The ?oon6s nodes through the houses !<. The ossible e8ects of 9hiron through the houses #. A case study 9oncluding thoughts Aendices+ 1. The twele houses+ A summary of key concets !. The /uestion of house diision -otes >uggested reading >ources for chart references
e# in the $lare edition Gemembering "oward >asortas+ arby 9ostello Laura (oomer2Trent
7rin >ullian ?elanie Geinhart Inde
Comment: This is one of the longest books eer written on houses. >asortas oerlays sychology onto the usual lanetHsign airings 0?ercury, Demini & @irgo all being about the same, for eamle, see the list of contents, aboe, as well as the usual rst house is sort of like Aries, the second is kinda like Taurus, the third must be like Demini, etc. >ecically, we are born, take our rst breath on the ascendant & foreer after, that is how we see the world, through our ascendant. 0&sn't that backwards/ &sn't the ascendant how others see us/ 0evermind. The second house is when the newborn infant discoers it has a body, the third is when it learns to walk. The fourth is home. The fth is fun. The sith is a reaction to the fth, the seenth is a contrast to the rst, the eighth is what we share with a artner, the ninth is our reward for utting u with the eighth, the tenth is the ninth brought down to earth 0E, or what we want to be known for, or maybe how we ackge our career. The 11th is the JranianHA/uarian house where we want to be bigger than ourseles. It is full of inisible organi5ing elds, and, oh, yes, friends. The twelfth is Dod & the =omb, which takes us back to where we started, ie, the ascendant 0the ending of *ubrick6s !1, anybodyE And karma & reincarnation & all of that. >uch are >asortas6s fundamental iew of the twele houses, in brief. A good eamle of >asortas6s oint of iew comes in chater 1%, =rouping the Houses. The nd 1th s2uare* A number of conKicts can be stirred if lanets in the !nd s/uare lanets in the %th. The need for security & a regular income 0!nd could interfere with time sent on more creatie & recreational actiities 0%th. 9onersely, the struggling artist or 6resting6 actor 0%th often su8ers from the lack of a stable income 0!nd. >ome eole with s/uares between the !nd & the %th derie their sense of ower, worth & imortance 0%th solely through what they own & ossess 0!nd. 9hildren 0%th might be treated as ossessions 0!nd or eerienced as a drain on resources. 0g. <# All of this may be true, but rst we need to determine the secic
signs which are in s/uare to one another, and then consider the lanets forming the s/uare. In chater 1% we also learn that houses 1, % & < are re, houses !, ' & 1 are earth, houses #, ; & 11 are air, and $, C & 1! are water. =hich is the houses as signs arallel. The nal section of the book, giing delineations of each of the lanets through each of the houses, is reasonably good. =hen >asortas attemts to delineate signs on the cuss, the results are largely unsatisfactory. Sa"oian 7 Ac"er do a better :ob of that. The roblem with lanet2in2house delineations, in general, is that they are only a fragment, a frustrating fragment, of the whole. )n ages 1<211, >asortas coers my own ersonal method of reading houses, but does so in a cursory fashion, as if he had neer actually tried the techni/ue. For eamle, In the eamle chart, the sith house is emty. Following the three stes outlined aboe, much can be learned about that house. >agittarius is on the cus of the 'th house+ on one leel, this could mean that 7lliot should deelo skills 0'th of a >agittarian nature 2 techni/ues for eanding or broadening the ision of other eole, for instance. The ruler of >agittarius is Nuiter, which is laced in the 11th house of grous. The grou setting could be an aroriate lace to emloy his skills 0ruler of the 'th in the 11th. >ince Nuiter is in Taurus & con:unct ?ars, his temerament is suited to leading 0?ars the grous he might establish 0Taurus. (ut we mustn6t forget that 9aricorn is also in the 'th house. Therefore >aturn6s osition in the chart will eert inKuence in relation to the 'th house as well.... 0g. 11 If "oward had eer actually tried this techni/ue, he would hae discoered it to work rather well. "e would hae discoered, for eamle, that the tiny fragment of 9aricorn in the 'th 0the last 11 degrees has no signicant e8ect, at least, so far as the 'th is concerned. (ut he also would hae been writing actual delineations, which, from the books of his that I6e looked at, he rarely attemts. >agittarius, for eamle, is rst of all about enthusiasm. Guler in the 11th, 7lliot takes his enthusiasm for foreign foods & new medical techni/ues & shares them with his many friends. )r tries to, as ?ars, debilitated in Taurus, hammers ceaselessly on frontal attack+ Oou must like this new dish A Kaw which Nuiter, only one degree away, magnies to 7lliot6s detriment. "oward uses this as an eamle of how to read an emty house. To me, 7lliot6s chart is more interesting for the mutual recetion between ?ars, in Taurus, and @enus, in Aries. =atch out for mutual recetions between those two
In sum, this book reminds me of ane Gudhyar, in that you will nd all manner of things, many of them useful, if you read the book through. Flare 4ublications, #!# ages.
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>OU/ HIEN )OE/S: Intercepted Signs 7 /etrograde )lanets - oan ic"en.urg, $+3&33 Contents: To the reader
Intercepted Signs: En0iron!ent 0ersus destin* Introduction to interceted signs 1. =hat6s it all aboutE "ouse systems !. Detting started #. 4olarity of the signs $. Gulershis & retrogrades %. ulicated signs or interceted houses '. Are you out of your elementE ;. 4lanets 0in interceted signs C. Asects & hases <. Gelocation charts 1. Transits & intercetions+ Inner lanetsB )uter lanets 11. 7nironment s+ destiny charts 1!. Intercetions in reiew
/etrograde planets: >our hidden powers Introduction to retrograde lanets
1#. "ow lanets retrograde 1$. The retrograde dilemma 1%. 7ight stages of cyclic unfoldment 1'. The lanets+ • • • • • • • • • • •
9onclusion Aendi+ Getrograde ehemeris, 1
Comment: ecember, !C+ A customer brought this book to my attention a few days ago. "ere are my notes on interceted signs+ ?y iew of interceted signs is that they are house2based. Oou hae one way of dealing with the house from the sign on the cus. (ut for unclear reasons this doesn6t work all that well & so, erhas in your teens or early !6s, you found a work2 around, by means of the sign interceted inside that house. Oou are then unaware you hae two di8erent ways of dealing with matters of that air of houses. =ickenburg is grasing+ "oweer, when signs are interceted, instead of roiding constructie feedback and encouraging you to inestigate the needs of your interceted signs ... to dele more deely into the eeriences aailable through your interceted signs ... to uncoer the hidden otentials they dene ... the enironment challenges you to moe on to the net obvious ste in life 0the eeriences of the net house. The enironment simly does not see, or understand, the degree of comleity inoled with nding fulllment in the areas of life shown by the houses
containing interceted signs. ue to lack of encouragement, feedback or role models o8ered by the outside world, the needs of these signs are often hidden until later in life when some crisis 0brought on by transits brings them to the surface. The needs & otentials of interceted signs, and the owers of interceted lanets, are sometimes delayed in eression because of lack of eternal stimuli. 2 0g. 1C, emhasis & ellises in original. This is a nice idea, but only half thought through. >he6s saying that a house with an interceted sign inside it won6t work all that well, and I agree. >he then says a8airs of this house will be ignored, and here I disagree. There are only twele houses. Interceted signs come in airs. )ne of them might ossibly be ignored. )ne of them cannot be. All you need do is consider the si ossible airs. 1 & ; E Try to ignore the rst It may be that one is unaware of the diculties with the interceted sign until it is touched o8 by some transit, but it may also be the interceted sign is a long2running sore that neer /uite goes away. I do not think that resolution of this roblem waits until one is % or '. The roblem is soled much earlier, but awareness of that solution may not come until much, much later. In my case, Libra & Aries, in houses % & 11, are interceted. >aturn sits in Libra, Nuiter in Aries. I was aware of %th house roblems, I was aware of a >aturnian inKuence in it, before I was 1%. 0ecades before I knew anything about >aturn or astrology. ?y rst e8orts to work with the sign on the cus of %, @irgo, did not haen until I was in my $6s. I did not become aware of the true situation, ie, the dual nature of the house, until my %6s. I hae still not gured out what is going on with Aries in 11. =ickenburg6s notes on interceted houses 0gs. %! 2 %C are theoretical. In theory, houses with the same signs on them would be linked in some fashion, but we need to nd the ruling lanet & note the house & sign it is in, as well as any tight asects it may hae. /o.ert 5lasch"e has tightly linked !nd & #rd houses, by means of disositors in mutual recetion 0his chart is ublished, which, for him, means the harder he works 0#rd house the more money he makes 0!nd. 0Gead his book on the self2emloyed astrologer. I hae the same signs on ! & # 09ancer, but I am not so drien 0#rd, nor do I get rewarded 0!nd when I am. In my case, the ruler, the ?oon, is in
oosition to the >un, which disoses it. The olarity between the >un6s house & the ?oon6s house, fueled by the luminaries themseles, dominates the entire chart. =ickenburg6s retrograde theory is that the rst of the two signs a lanet rules is its rimary. The second is its retrograde osition. ?ercury is naturally Demini. =hen it is retrograde, it functions more like @irgo. >aturn is :ust ne as far as 9aricorn is concerned, but if you hae it retrogarde, you hae to deal with A/uarian issues. Jranus, when direct, functions like A/uarius. =hen retrograde, like 9aricorn. 0=ould this not make Jranus the higher octae of >aturnE irect -etune is 4iscean, retrograde, >agittarian. irect 4luto is >corionic. Getrograde, 4luto functions in an Aries fashion. This is a noel theory. The author coers the eight stages of retrograde. =hich are+ 1. >olar con:unction 0suerior to retrograde 5one !. 4re2retrograde to retrograde station #. Getrograde station $. First half of retrograde hase %. The solar oosition or 0?ercuryH@enus inferior con:unction '. >econd half of retrograde hase ;. >tationary direct C. >tationary direct to solar 0suerior con:unction 0g. 1#1 =ickenburg6s writing on the arious lanets when retrograde is /uite good, and almost comletely free of mythical references, which I found a welcome relief. The retrograde aendi gies the datesHlocations the lanets enter their retrograde 5one 0ie, area of the sky they are about to back oer, the datesHlocations of the retrograde station, the solar con:unctionHoosition, the date the lanet goes direct, and the datesHlocations the lanets left the retrograde 5one. All of which will hel you to focus more clearly on retrogrades. AFA, !!# ages, aer.
UNE/STANIN= INTE/CE)TIONS, A e* to Unloc"ing the oor - I&I& Chris c/ae, $++&33 Intercetions are what haens when you hae the same sign of the 5odiac on two house cuss, and elsewhere in the chart, two oosing signs missing. The further your birth from the e/uator, the more common this becomes. This ecellent new book eamines this in detail. 9ontents+ @alue & e8ect of intercetionsB 78ect of house systemsB "ow much of the chart is a8ectedB 78ect on signs, >trength of rulerB Intercetions deeloed by transit & rogressionB Interretation of interceted 0missing signs in airs 0eg, AriesHLibra, TaurusH>corio, etcB Interretation of reeated signs, in airsB Interceted lanetsB 7lements 0air, re, water, earth & modes 0cardinal, ed, mutableB "orary & electional alications. !' ages including bibliograhy. AFA, aer.
4/O ONE HOUSE TO ANOTHE/ - Sophia ason, $11&'( Contents: Introduction First house >econd house Third house Fourth house Fifth house >ith house >eenth house 7ighth house -inth house Tenth house 7leenth house Twelfth house >amle charts
Comment: From the introduction+ -ew astrologers often anticiate a certain transiting asect to a natal lanet, only to hae it ass without any noticeable e8ect. Then, after a few days or weeks hae assed, faorable news is heard regarding a family member or friend. If the indiidual were to reeamine the natal chart and correctly aly the transiting asect to its roer house, it would be
iewed with a di8erent ersectie. This book tell how transits to your natal houses e8ect those in your enironment. Ie, synastric use of transiting lanets in houses. If you neer thought to ask yourself this, well, maybe you should. The introduction continues+ There are no elanations as to why natal & transiting lanets are able to reeal the a8airs of others through one6s own horoscoeB we know only that it works with ama5ing accuracy. The slower moing lanets 0Nuiter, >aturn, Jranus, -etune & 4luto are more at to inKuence the a8airs of others, than are the faster lanets. This is due to the many asects that the slower lanets are likely to receie during their rolonged stay in one house. Jsing transiting -etune in >agittarius as an eamle, suose it were transiting through your second house of money. To a certain etent -etune will hae an illusie e8ect on nances during its fourteen year stay in %the second house. )n the negatie side, you must guard against ossible theft, decetion, confusion & being easily led or inKuenced nancially. )n the ositie side, -etune will introduce a new and uni/ue way of earning money. Oou may, for one reason or another, hae to kee ersonal nances a secret. To determine the illusie energy of -etune6s a8ect on the rest of the chart+ First, determine which indiiduals are goerned by each house. >econd, nd the section of each chater entitled, Oour second house is their... and read it from the ersectie of the indiidual in /uestion. For eamle, after reading the ninth house section, one notes that in2laws and grandchildren are listed. Oour second house is their sith house of health & work. It is ossible that -etune6s stay in your second house will bring into iew an illusion that is dicult to diagnose or a hosital stay for either or erhas both of these indiiduals. 0gs. ii2iii =hich makes this book an eamle of chart2turning, for those of you who use that techni/ue. AFA, aer, ;$ ages.
)?ANETS IN HOUSES, Eour En0iron!ent /o.ert )elletier, $+6&'( Contents: Foreword, by ?ichael ?unkasey Introduction First house >econd house Third house Fourth house Fifth house >ith house >eenth house 7ighth house -inth house Tenth house 7leenth house Twelfth house Aendi+ Thoughts on the use of house systems, by ?ichael ?unkasey
Comment: From the back coer+ "e discusses the meaning of each lanet in each house as deried by counting from each of the other eleen houses, and he discusses the meaning of each house osition in relation to the other houses with which it forms trines, setiles, s/uares and oositions, incon:uncts and setiles. In each chater, wheel symbols grahically show the seenteen di8erent house relationshis delineated for each lanet. Finally, 4elletier delineates the >un2?oon olarities in terms of the wheel of houses....The introductory material includes a discussion of such toics as hemisheres and /uadrants, emty houses, lanets transiting houses, the lanetary ruler of the sign on the cus of a house, direct and retrograde lanets in houses, and the meaning of houses in circumstances, character and urose in life. I am trying, again, to understand this book. "ere is the author6s elanation of how houses work+
The ruler of the house 2 the lanet ruling the sign on the house cus 2 has authority oer the a8airs of that house, whether the house is emty or occuied, and is an actie etension on those a8airs. >ince each lanet rules one or two houses, the a8airs of the ruled house are necessarily imlicated in the a8airs of the house occuied by the lanets. If a lanet is not in the house it rules, it must adat to the circumstances of the house it is in, which modies what it can do. For eamle, if the >un is in the twelfth house, the solar energy is modied, and the indiidual must make certain ad:ustments in his or her self2eression. If the >un is the ruler of the seenth house, then a erson6s self2 eression relates to the welfare of others. The more lanets that there are in one house, the more comle are the circumstances. )n the other hand, when there are no lanets in a house, the circumstances reresented by that house re/uire less direct attention than the areas of actiity indicated by the houses that do contain lanets. The a8airs of the unoccuied houses are woen into those of the occuied houses through the lanets ruling the emty houses. Any actiity that relates to an unoccuied house is integrated into the actiity of the house in which the ruler is located. 0g. $ In my iew, this is backwards, and muddled as well. =hich is why I neer understood the book, and maybe why nobody else eer has, either. The rst roblem is that lanets do not rule houses, they rule signs. This is fundamental. A lanet does not adat to the house it is in, as much as it dominates the house0s that bear the sign0s which it rules. It dominates by means of the sign 0rimary and house 0secondary in which the ruler is laced. (y means of its rulershi, it dislaces whateer lanets may be in the house0s it rules. 0=hich, of course, nd themseles occuied with the signsHhouses which they rule. In the case of stelliums, the a8airs of the houses ruled by the stellium are dominated by the sign 0rimary and house 0secondary where the rulers are located. =hich is why stelliums are so owerful. ?ost of the chart can nd itself wraed into a single house. That can be intense. In 4elletier6s eamle, if the >un is in the 1!th & ruling the ;th, the seenth house has Leo on the cus, which uts the >un in 9aricorn in 1!. If this is a female natiity, her husband 0or artner works 09aricorn /uietly behind the scenes 01!th, as the >un in a female chart reresents the men in her life. If it is a male natiity, his domineering 0Leo wife 0;th house must ut u with his own self2imosed obscurity 01!th & the work 09aricorn
which he nds there. 4erhas she rescues him from institutional life, or maybe she :oins him there. 0Let keywords be your guide. >huRe them about until they make a story. (ut you want to hear it from 4elletier. >o be it. From Se0enth House Se8uence: )luto:
+nd to the ;th: Oou generally know how to conince eole of your skills, and you hae the romotional ability to win their atronage for your serices. (ut remember that without customers, you6re out of business, so be sure to gie them eerything they ay for. 0g. !' "uhE 4e.ruar*, +311: I had a look at the >un2?oon olarities. 7ach chater ends with >un in that house, ?oon in each of the other houses. >ince most of us hae >un here & ?oon there, it makes it a sna to look u one6s own >unH?oon olarity. >o I looked u mine, >un in <, ?oon in #. "ere is what I read. 4elletier is in italics, my comments are in regular tye+ 3our faith in your ability to succeed is a strong oint in your favor. . . 2 The olarity in this case is about raw knowledge. < & # are cadent. 9adent houses are the least likely to succeed. but it does not comletely override your anxiety about being ready when an oortunity is resented.. Aniety would be an asect from >aturn. -ot an oosition from the ?oon, as oositions are always ob:ectie, ie, certain. >/uares can roduce aniety. )ortunity comes from angular houses, not cadent ones. 9adent houses get dragged willy2nilly. onse2uently you strive to imrove your 2ualications by nding additional ways to use your creative ideas.. Mualications are angular. 9adent houses don6t hae /ualications, they :ust try to hang on as best they can. ?oreoer, cadent houses don6t use anything ery much. These two articular houses 0# & < roduce ideas. They hae no idea how to use them. To do this, you might form associations. Swhich is 11th house, not #H< with eole S#H< are not eole houses. # is kin, but that6s a restricted use of eole who are already involved in elds that interest you, so you have access to the means for romoting your
ideas in the future.. 2 This again confuses #H< with 1H1. 3ou may also have to coe with owerful arental conditioning . . .. =ell, -). And now the roblem has become clear. 4elletier is subordinating the house to the lanet which is in it. >un & ?oon Q addy & ?ommy. I really wish that would get thrown out. A lot of other folks say that >aturn is addy. 9an addy be both >un & >aturn, or are we grasing at strawsE
)lanets are 8ualities& The* are ne0er persons, nor things nor places nor an*thing concrete& The >un is authority. The ?oon is recetiity. 4ut the >un in < and, other things being e/ual, if you make an e8ort you will become an authority on religion, or hiloshy, or foreigners, or trael 2 or astrology, etc. If your >un is in <, these toics will occuy a lot of your time. (ut the >un in < as a descrition of your father & what he eects of youE -o. ?y father left school in the
o far as I can tell, he was only semi2literate. "e was born, raised and died 9atholic. "is one big tri in life was to moe from ?innesota to *ansas shortly after he got married. =here he stayed. "e neer isited me while I studied at uniersity, where I sent e years. "e had no interest in languages, nor foreigners, nor did he eer meet any, so far as I am aware. Houses are concrete areas o2 li2e& )eople, places and things& addy has a house. Traditional astrologers think it6s the $th. ?oderns think it6s the 1th, as they hae a simlistic understanding of the sub:ect. In my case, as it haens, my
un rules my $th. >o shouldn6t this hae resulted in a home enirionment 0$th house that had a erasiely
un is in A/uarius, which means it is debilitated. ae6s Gule says debilitated lanets want to be in the house oosite 0which would be the #rd, not the $th, but ae6s rule does not work when the sign the debilitated lanet seeks is not actually on the oosite house cus. "ouse cuss function as lanetary anchors, so if Leo is not on the cus oosite, then the >un has nothing to grab on to. >econdly, the house the >un is in, and the house it rules, the house with Leo on the cus, are incon:unct, < to $. Incon:unct literally means, no asect. -o asect means no inKuence. In this
case, the >un6s anchor sign, Leo, is beyond the >un6s gras. Third, the sign on the cus of the
un is in does not control the house the >un is in. =hich further strands the >un. 9aricorn on < is not comatible with >un in A/uarius. In this case, the cus will not let the lanets in its house get comfortable. 7cet for cadent houses, I say that lanets in this situation want to be in the net house, are running to get into the net house, in this case the house with A/uarius on the cus, but this does not work with cadent houses and angles. The angles of the chart are walls. Oou6re either in the angular house, or you6re not. =hen lanets in cadent houses are not in the same sign as what is on the cus 0#, ', <, 1!, they are stranded+ Little ower in the house they are in, no ower in the nearby angular house. This is uni/ue to the cadents, it6s what the angles steal from them in order to be angles. The net e8ect, in my ersonal case, is that I6e neer really felt at home 0$th house, but, >un debilitated 2 and stranded 2 in <, the >un could neer /uite manage to nd a life abroad, either. O7> O)J 9A- read this leel of detail in a chart. In fact you should be unsatised if you cannot. 4elletier6s book is from 1<;C. To think what he wrote was the best that could be done makes me sad. Nudging by the books I see on my sheles, I6m not certain we6e come ery far since. For some years now I hae been trying to nd the concets which will make this clear to you. =hitford, #'' ages, aer.
HOUSES O4 THE HO/OSCO)E, An Introduction - Alan O"en, $1(&'( Contents: Introduction =hat are the houses of the horoscoeE A house diided The name, address & /uality of a house
The The The The The The The The The The The The
rst house+ I am myself second house+ I am my alues & resources third house+ I am my mind fourth house+ I am my family fth house+ I am my creatiity sith house+ I am my health & work seenth house+ I am myself with you eighth house+ I amtransformed ninth house+ I am my beliefs tenth house+ I am my rofession eleenth house+ I am my asirations twelfth house+ I am the unierse
The secondary meanings of the houses Geference guide
Comment: The word, Introduction in the title fairly sums u the book. First ublished in 1<<<, this is essentially an eanded treatment of what the author had reiously ublished in the early 1<;6s, as art of Alan O"en9s Co!plete Astrolog* . And while that6s one of my to icks for introductory astrology books, in a seciali5ed book, such as this, from an author twenty years more eerienced, I eect something more than a warmed2oer resentation of old material. 7en ecusing the dated materials & limited scoe, this is not among the best books on houses, and this desite the fact that Alan )ken is one of the ery few astrologers to hae imressed me with his wit & sheer brilliance. In addition to delineating the arious lanets in the arious houses 0lifted, with little change, from his earlier book, he also gies delineations of the arious signs on the arious cuss. Alas, in this )ken is bettered by >akoian & Acker6s Gising >ign )erlays in their Astrologer9s Hand.oo" 0another of my to icks. The chater on secondary meanings is, I regret to say, merely the keywords that )ken used in the earlier chaters, ie, he resents nothing new. =hile )ken says that eerything in the world can be found in one house or another 2 which is true, by the way, the houses are much richer than )ken6s meager descritions.