Astro Reiki - Manual Romana

Author:  ovidiu7101

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Now into area of universal energy (Reiki, Kundalini, Chi, etc). This is a good read to have some understanding of one branch of Reiki.

Now into area of universal energy (Reiki, Kundalini, Chi, etc). This is a good read to have some understanding of one branch of Reiki.Full description

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My manual for Rebecca Doolin's system of Elemental Reiki.Full description

This is my 2nd Reiki manual for learning Level 2 Okuden (oral transmissions). The Reiki 2 attunement allows for a more intense beam of energy to radiate from the palm chakras. You learn to let the ...

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It is an Ancient Egyptian based energy particularly connected to Isis and Bast. Their energy is very strong when using this energy and they tend to come to help. It s a simple system, usin…Full description

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