Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters who guide and help with the expansion of Light on this planet are God-Free Beings, not bound by time and space !a"ing come into embodiment, as you and # through the portals of birth, They wal$ed the earth fulfilling the inner calling of Their God %resence day by day, lifetime after lifetime They mastered all the lesser things of this world, learning the lessons of Life, balancing $arma, fulfilling Their earthly mission and manifesting and becoming God in action At the completion of Their mission They achie"ed the ultimate &ictory through the Ascension, the permanent integration with the Light of Their own true reality, Their Mighty # AM %resence They continue to stand ready to assist the man$ind of earth to accomplishing this same Goal and will continue to extend the Fires of Their !earts till all are recei"ed into the Brotherhood of Light Jesus Set The Example
'esus came forth to re"eal the (onscious )ominion and Mastery that is possible for e"ery human being to attain and express, while still here on earth !e showed the )ominion of the Ascended Masters, and pro"ed to man$ind that it is possible for each person to so call forth his God *elf that each one can consciously control all things human The Ascended Masters Are Real Beings
The !ost of Ascended Masters are tangible Beings of Great Light+ They are real, "isible, glorious, li"ing and caring friends of old who ha"e such Lo"e, isdom and %ower that the human mind gasps at its immensity They wor$ e"erywhere in the uni"erse with complete Freedom and limitless %ower, to do naturally all that the a"erage indi"idual would consider supernatural They Have Transcended All Human Limitation
An Ascended Master is an indi"idual who by *elf (onscious effort has generated enough Lo"e and %ower within himself to snap the chains of all human limitation, and so stands free and worthy to be entrusted with the use of forces beyond those of human experience !e realies himself to be the .neness of .mnipresent God - /Life0 !ence, all forces and things obey his command because he is a *elf-(onscious Being of free will, controlling all by the manipulation of the Light within !imself "Mastery" and "Ascension"
These Glorious Beings, who guard and help the e"ol"ing human race, are called the Ascended Masters of Lo"e, Light, and %erfection They are all
As they continuously help us it is our holy duty to help them !e can distriute Light thru Light#or$
L%R& '(TH(M) A*(12)1) MA*T13* !#13A3(!4 .3L) T1A(!13
56T!6M# The Ascended Master '(TH(M) has een a !orld Teacher together #ith JES(S* since +,-. '(TH(M) is the leader o/ the 0athedral o/ 1ature* in 'ashmir* )ndia* and head o/ the Brothers o/ the 2olden Roe '(TH(M) maintains a /ocus at Shigatse* Tiet* #here he plays sacred classical music o/ East and !est* and compositions o/ the heavenly hosts as #ell as o/ earth3s
early root races on an organ $eyed to the music o/ the spheres* dra#ing souls y the sacred sound that is 2od out o/ the astral plane into the etheric retreats o/ the Brotherhood '(TH(M) #as emodied as4 TH(TM%SES )))* pharaoh* prophet* and high priest in the period o/ the 1e# 'ingdom 56THA2%RAS* the 2ree$ philosopher 7-89:c : -;< B0= BALTHA>AR* one o/ the Three !ise Men S)R 5ER0)?AL 75ar@i/al= o/ 'ing Arthur3s 0amelot 7i/th 0entury A&= 7SA)1T= RA10)S % ASS)SS) 7++8+ or ++89 : +99. A&= ERASM(S % R%TTER&AM 7+., : +-C. A&= SHAH JAHA1* Mogul emperor o/ )ndia* #ho uilt the TaD Mahal* +-,9:+... A&=
TaD Mahal '%%T H%%M) LAL S)12H 7'H=* Shigatse* Tiet )n +8<- he /ounded #ith EL M%R6A* the Theosophical Society '(TH(M) ascended in +88,