The Urilian Lexicon: Tongue of the Jinn The following following information information pertains to the use of the the mystical and sacred language language of primordial forces that existed before the creation of mankind, also known as the tongue of the gods. An important aspect of the divine language that must be understood is that it is not limited to the reactionary process of sound. A sacred tongue is a telepathic process, as all experiences and impressions are. This is how everything in nature is able to relate to itself. Originally, the gods taught their progeny a code of sounds with the intent to uplift man to the state of telepathic communication. The Genesis account of the Tower of Babel metaphorically reveals how certain nitiates used this form of communication communication in a corrupted corrupted way and because of this spiritual crime, a once uni!ed esoteric school of science became fragmented. The linguistic code, used as a tool to raise the nitiate"s way of thinking from man to deity was lost, and man"s longevity was shortened by his use of fragmented forms of communication. must warn the reader that the use of the following by the uninitiated can be disastrous disastrous for it is an aid in employing the chthonic mind and one must !rst be initiated by the Gelal and the #ilit. t should also be noted that the words are said in reverse, when using the $% &ames of &amtar. The forward spelling is a blind to those who are not initiated in our ways. 'owever, must also state that the forward spelling and pronunciation can be used in regular correspondence. This will be explained further in the writing.
The Urilia Alphabet
()st* +hee. t is the !rst letter appearing in the rilia language. t means light of the goddess. goddess .
(-nd* Aum, or Om. t is the second letter in the language of rilia. rilia. t can be used to carry the powers of the !rst symbol to any distant location. t can also be used to send and read the thoughts of others.
(rd* Tuu. t is a symbol of protection and increases vitality. t is the third letter in the holy language. &othing more can be said about this symbol.
(/th* 'mu. ncreases sexual energy and the eyesight. t is the fourth letter in the rilia language. 0ome have used this letter to travel to other worlds.
(1th* Bnhu. t is the !fth letter in the rilia language, and controls all things concerning the increase of ones wealth. t can also connect the user to the language of plants, and knows how to heal the internal organs of the body.
($th* 2he. t is the sixth letter in the language of rilia. t a3ects the 4uality of the emotions and useful for the arts of levitation.
(5th* &6u. t is the seventh letter in the language of rilia. 7an be used as a protective shield, or to heal cuts and wounds.
(8th* ewhu. t is the eighth letter in the language of rilia. t is used in initiating one to the divine energies of the stars.
(9th* 0hki. t is the ninth letter in the language of the rilia, and pertains to putting someone in a :ar, or a gate, or a vessel. t can also be used to send death energy into an event, person, or ob:ect
The Urilia Language Glossary 2
The rilian language can be spoken in two di3erent distinct styles, which we will expound upon further in our discussion. Below is a simple glossary of terms and that the nitiate would do well to understand as these words and ob:ects as they appear to them in dreams.
“But my bargaining was with the Powers that reside in each of these countries. And soon, I came to understand many things which before I had no knowledge, except perhaps in dreams.”
A Abiding ; shki
Balance ; phe
7 call, called ; n6u darkness ; shki<6heen6u
die ; shki
fat ; hmu
G gathering ; n6u
happy ; phe
nner ; phe
#oud ; hmu
2oison ; lewhu
0tand ; n6u
U nderneath ; phe
V Henus ; 6hee
W Iait ; phe
Y Jear ; 6hee
Grammar and ronunciation The language of the Cinn is a very mystical tool that can be used for the spiritual evolution of the practitioner. ?ach letter and grapheme is called an asaru. The asaru are activated by its proper pronunciation, which is reversed to how the letter is written. 'ere are a few example of how the language is written versus its pronunciationK The term star as translated from the rilian Glossary is zhee-shki-tuu-phe, but the pronunciation is in reverse and as followsK
Thus we !nd that the asaru are activated by a reverse pronunciation of the written term. Ihile the reader may !nd it diLcult to remember the terms in the rilian Glossary, and then have the task of pronouncing each term in reverse, there is a very simple method of employing the language of dreams that every nitiate must remember,
'mu ; “Increases se"ual energ! and the e!esight” Therefore, the ?nglish term god is translated into the rilain language as #zu-$he-%mu meaning, a protective shield a3ecting the emotions, increasing sexual energy. 'owever, we can get a more exact meaning by reducing the sum of these asaru to its lowest value, which would be &6u (5* M 2he ($* M 'mu (/* e4uals )5. Ie would then take )5 and reduce it as followsK +hee ()* M &6u (5* e4ual 8. Therefore, a clear de!nition of god is e4ual to 8, or the asaru #ewhu, pronounced oo-he-wool. The attribute of #ewhu are as followsK “It is used in initiating one to the divine energies of the stars.”
Thus, we !nd that the rilian de!nition of god in the nitiate who uses the divine energies of the stars. t is important that the nitiate of the &ecronomicon Tradition understand the importance of using this formulae to translate mystical incantation, such as those appearing in the 0imon &ecronomicon, using this method of mathematics. t doesn"t really matter if the human language is di3erent than ?nglish, for it is the numeric value that is important. Femember, the Ead Arab states the following in the Book of ?ntranceK
“..but the sight of the Ancient "nes is a blasphemy to the ordinary senses of a man, for that come from a world that is not straight, but crooked, and their existence is of forms unnatural and painful to the eye and to the mind, ..”
By use of the mathematical language of dreams, the nitiate can also interpret and communicate with the same forces that heshe are being inuenced by, and what deity that they may call upon for clarity.
W! A"! T#! L$%T $&!% 'rom a Time before Time 'rom a Land beyond the %tars 'rom the Age (hen A&U (al)ed the earth *n company of +right Angels, We ha-e sur-i-ed the .rst War +et(een the o(ers of the Gods And ha-e seen the (rath of the Ancient $nes /ar) Angels Vent upon the !arth W! A"! '"$0 A "A1! +!Y$&/ T#! WA&/!"!"% $' &*G#T, We ha-e sur-i-ed the Age (hen A+%U ruled the !arth And the o(er destroyed out generations, We ha-e sur-i-ed on tops of mountains And beneath the feet of mountains And ha-e spo)en (ith the %corpions *n allegiance and (ere betrayed, And T*A0AT has promised us ne-ermore to attac) With (ater and (ith (ind, +ut the Gods are forgetful, +eneath the %eas of &A" 0ATTA"U +eneath the %eas of the !arth2 &A" 0ATTA"U +eneath the World lays sleeping The God of Anger2 /ead but /reaming The God of 1UT#ALU2 /ead but /reaming3 The Lord of 4U"2 calm but thunderous3 The $ne5!yes %(ord2 cold but burning3
Written 16
Warloc) Asylum