ANATOMY QUESTIONS 1. The super superior ior bounda boundary ry of the the epiploi epiploicc foramen foramen:: A. free border of the lesser omentum containing co ntaining the portal triad B. inferior vena cava C. caudate process of the caudate lobe of the liver D. first portion of the duodenum 2. Less Less lie liely ly to to produc producee ascit ascites: es: A. hepatic cirrhosis B. cancer of the ovary
C. gastritis D. congestive heart failure
!. "mportant "mportant factor factor in the production production of an ulcer ulcer in the anterolate anterolateral ral #all of the the first part part of the duodenum: A. acid chime s$uired as the stomach empties B. high level of pepsin C. bile secretion after food intae D. digestive en%ymes e&creted out by the pancreas '. (hich of the the follo#ing follo#ing does does not contribut contributee to #hy the appendi& appendi& is is prone to infecti infection: on: A. it has a large amount of lymphoid tissue in its #all B. the lumen has a tendency to become obstructed by hardened intestinal contents C. it is supplied by a long small artery that does not anastomose #ith any other artery D. it is a long narro# blind)ended tube #hich encourages stasis of large bo#el contents *. +ccurring +ccurring at points points #here the the circular circular muscle muscle is is #eaest. #eaest. (here (here the blood blood vessels vessels pierce pierce the muscles, herniation of the lining mucosa through the circular muscle bet#een taenia coli occurs: A. volvulus C. diverticulosis B. intussusception D. achalasia
-. (hich is not true regardi regarding ng aneurysm aneurysm of the the abdominal abdominal aorta: aorta: A. usually occur belo# the origin of the renal arteries B. maority result from atherosclerosis #hich #eaens the #all C. occur most commonly in elderly #omen D. large aneurysms should be surgically e&cised and replaced #ith a graft Common cause of colic, /0C/T: A. compression of the inferior vena cava B. intestinal obstruction C. passage of gallstone in the biliary duct D. passage of the stone in the ureter . Total gastrectomy for gastric cancer does not include the removal of: A. lo#er end of esophagus C. head of the pancreas B. first part of duodenum D. spleen 3. 4erniorrhaphy of an indirect inguinal hernia h ernia constitute the repair of the floor of the inguinal canal, the floor is formed by: A. internal obli$ue C. lateral umbilical ligament B. inguinal ligament D. e&ternal obli$ue 15. (hile doing a spinal tap, the spinal needle is inserted in bet#een the: A. L1 and L2 vertebrae C. L! and L' vertebrae B. L2 and L! vertebrae D. L' and L* vertebrae 11. The cresenteric inferior border of the posterior rectus sheath: A. 6pigelian line C. semilunar line B. arcuate line of Douglas D. linea alba 12. "ntraperitoneal organ: A. lo#er third of rectum B. eunum
C. idney D. pancreas
1!. The femoral ring: A. is the medial opening of the inguinal canal B. is the base of the femoral canal C. forms the medial border of the 4esselbach7s triangle triangle D. contains the spermatic cord 1. "n the nec nec: A. the anterior rami of the C1)C' spinal nerves supply the sin antero)laterally B. the investing layer of the deep dee p cervical fascia forms the stylomandibular ligament C. the pretracheal fascia is attached superiorly to the hyoid bone D. all of the above are correct -'' 22. 8orms the floor of both the submental and the digastric digastric triangle: A. hyoglossus B. thyrohyoid C. mylohyoid D. geniohyoid -'! 2!. 6urgical procedures at the digastric triangle could possibly possibly inure the follo#ing follo#ing nerves, e&cept: A. vagus nerve C. hypoglossal nerve B. spinal accessory nerve D. glossopharyngeal nerve 931 2'. "n doing cricothyroidotomy, cricothyroidotomy, hemorrhage can occur from accidental inury inury to branches of: A. thyroidea ima artery C. superior thyroid artery B. superficial cervical artery D. e&ternal laryngeal artery 93* 2*. "n doing stellate ganglion bloc, the needle of the anesthetic syringe syringe is inserted through through the sin over the carotid carotid tubercle this carotid tubercle is a part of: A. cr cricoid oid ca cartilage B. 1st ri rib C. hyoid bone D. -th cervical vertebra 5* 2-. Due to the close pro&imity of their drainages in the nasal cavity, frontal sinusitis nearly al#ays involves this sinus: A. ma&illary C. anterior ethmoidal B. posterior ethmoidal D. sphenoidal --' 29. The trigeminal nerve provides sensory sensory innervation to the face e&cept for for a small area #hich is supplied by the: A. %ygomaticotemporal nerve C. great auricular nerve B. lesser occipital nerve D. auriculotemporal nerve -9* 2. +n its #ay to the the tongue, the chorda tympani: A. passes through the mastoid #all of the tympanic cavity B. enters the infratemporal fossa through the petrotympanic fissure C. oin a branch of the posterior division of mandibular nerve D. all of the above are correct -31 23. "n the living subect, the foramen lacerum of the cranial fossa is closed closed inferiorly by cartilage and fibrous tissue tissue above this closed inferior opening, foramen foramen lacerum receives the: A. carotid canal C. foramen cecum B. condylar canal D. inferior orbital fissure 95* !5. The artery supplying the ;leg area< of the the cerebral corte&: corte&: A. is the biggest branch of the internal carotid artery B. passes in the longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum C. is a component of the circulus arteriosus D. all of the above are correct --* !2. The sensory nerve supplying the tip of the nose is the distal continuation of the: A. infraorbital nerve C. anterior ethmoidal nerve B. long sphenopalatine nerve D. buccal nerve 91! !!. The follo#ing e&traocular muscle muscle is supplied by the most most slender cranial nerve: A. superior obli$ue B. superior rectus C. lateral rectus D. none 92' !'. The retina e&tends anteriorly as far as the: A. ora serrata B. ciliary processes C. iris D. limbus 929 !*. True regarding the #alls of the middle middle ear: A. the inferior #all transmits a branch from glossopharyngeal nerve B. the roof separates the middle ear from the temporal lobe of cerebrum C. the posterior #all contains the origin of stapedius D. all of the above are correct 5* !9. /pista&is usually occur upon rupture rupture of the anastomosing anastomosing branches of: A. greater palatine and sphenopalatine arteries B. sphenopalatine and superior labial arteries C. greater palatine and ma&illary arteries 2
1!. The femoral ring: A. is the medial opening of the inguinal canal B. is the base of the femoral canal C. forms the medial border of the 4esselbach7s triangle triangle D. contains the spermatic cord 1. "n the nec nec: A. the anterior rami of the C1)C' spinal nerves supply the sin antero)laterally B. the investing layer of the deep dee p cervical fascia forms the stylomandibular ligament C. the pretracheal fascia is attached superiorly to the hyoid bone D. all of the above are correct -'' 22. 8orms the floor of both the submental and the digastric digastric triangle: A. hyoglossus B. thyrohyoid C. mylohyoid D. geniohyoid -'! 2!. 6urgical procedures at the digastric triangle could possibly possibly inure the follo#ing follo#ing nerves, e&cept: A. vagus nerve C. hypoglossal nerve B. spinal accessory nerve D. glossopharyngeal nerve 931 2'. "n doing cricothyroidotomy, cricothyroidotomy, hemorrhage can occur from accidental inury inury to branches of: A. thyroidea ima artery C. superior thyroid artery B. superficial cervical artery D. e&ternal laryngeal artery 93* 2*. "n doing stellate ganglion bloc, the needle of the anesthetic syringe syringe is inserted through through the sin over the carotid carotid tubercle this carotid tubercle is a part of: A. cr cricoid oid ca cartilage B. 1st ri rib C. hyoid bone D. -th cervical vertebra 5* 2-. Due to the close pro&imity of their drainages in the nasal cavity, frontal sinusitis nearly al#ays involves this sinus: A. ma&illary C. anterior ethmoidal B. posterior ethmoidal D. sphenoidal --' 29. The trigeminal nerve provides sensory sensory innervation to the face e&cept for for a small area #hich is supplied by the: A. %ygomaticotemporal nerve C. great auricular nerve B. lesser occipital nerve D. auriculotemporal nerve -9* 2. +n its #ay to the the tongue, the chorda tympani: A. passes through the mastoid #all of the tympanic cavity B. enters the infratemporal fossa through the petrotympanic fissure C. oin a branch of the posterior division of mandibular nerve D. all of the above are correct -31 23. "n the living subect, the foramen lacerum of the cranial fossa is closed closed inferiorly by cartilage and fibrous tissue tissue above this closed inferior opening, foramen foramen lacerum receives the: A. carotid canal C. foramen cecum B. condylar canal D. inferior orbital fissure 95* !5. The artery supplying the ;leg area< of the the cerebral corte&: corte&: A. is the biggest branch of the internal carotid artery B. passes in the longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum C. is a component of the circulus arteriosus D. all of the above are correct --* !2. The sensory nerve supplying the tip of the nose is the distal continuation of the: A. infraorbital nerve C. anterior ethmoidal nerve B. long sphenopalatine nerve D. buccal nerve 91! !!. The follo#ing e&traocular muscle muscle is supplied by the most most slender cranial nerve: A. superior obli$ue B. superior rectus C. lateral rectus D. none 92' !'. The retina e&tends anteriorly as far as the: A. ora serrata B. ciliary processes C. iris D. limbus 929 !*. True regarding the #alls of the middle middle ear: A. the inferior #all transmits a branch from glossopharyngeal nerve B. the roof separates the middle ear from the temporal lobe of cerebrum C. the posterior #all contains the origin of stapedius D. all of the above are correct 5* !9. /pista&is usually occur upon rupture rupture of the anastomosing anastomosing branches of: A. greater palatine and sphenopalatine arteries B. sphenopalatine and superior labial arteries C. greater palatine and ma&illary arteries 2
D. facial and superior labial arteries 9'9 !. The vestibular ligaments of the laryn& represent the inferior margin margin of the: A. fibroelastic membrane of the laryn& C. $uadrangular membrane B. cricothyroid ligament D. false vocal cords 93- '5. 8rey7s syndrome is due to damage to the the follo#ing nerves: A. auriculotemporal and %ygomaticotemporal B. %ygomaticotemporal and %ygomaticofacial C. great auricular and auriculotemporal D. chorda tympani and buccal branch of facial nerve 2!- '1. "n the pelvic cavity, the ureter turns medially to enter the urinary bladder at the level of: A. greater sciatic foramen C. ischial spine B. sacral promontory D. upper border of symphysis pubis !5- '2. "n the Cald#ell)=oloy pelvic pelvic classification, a transversely transversely #ide pelvis is: A. gynecoid B.platypelloid C. android D. anthropoid !19 '!. Components of anorectal ring, e&cept: A. internal anal sphincter C. puborectalis B. e&t e&teernal nal an anal sp sphincter >d >deep pa part? D. va valves of of 4o 4ouston 23 ''. The follo#ing branches of internal iliac artery pass through the greater sciatic sciatic foramen, e&cept: A. supe superi rior or glut glutea eall B. infe inferi rior or glut glutea eall C. inte intern rnal al pude pudend ndal al D. obtu obtura rato tor r '*. "n the pelvic cavity, this structure lies at the ape& of the @)shaped @)shaped root of the sigmoid mesocolon: A. left ureter C. superior rectal artery B. origin of the internal iliac artery D. sacral promontory 2- '-. Boundaries of pelvic pelvic inlet, e&cept: A. sa sacral pr promontory B. sy symphysis pu pubis C. is ischial sp spine D. ar arcuate li line !2! '3. @oluntary control of micturition is done at the level of: A. internal urethral meatus C. fossa navicularis B. urogenital diaphragm D. ape& of the urinary bladder !-! *5. The pudendal nerve: A. has ! maor branches in the perineum B. passes out from the pelvic cavity via the lesser sciatic foramen C. enters the perineum via the greater sciatic foramen D. none of the above is correct *1. (hich of the follo#ing components of the respiratory tract #all increases in amount from trachea to alveoli: A. cilia B. elastic fibers C. smooth muscle D. cartilage *2. The presence of iron deposits in the cytoplasm of #hich of the follo#ing lung cell type is a diagnostic feature of congestive heart failure: A. oblet cell C. dust cell B. pneumocyte Type "" D. Clara cell *!. "n hypersensitivity reactions, this cell functions as an antigen)presenting cell in the sin: A. eratinocyte B. Langerhan7s cell C. melanocytes D. =erel7s cell *'. (hich of the follo#ing cell types comprises the visceral layer of Bo#mann7s capsule affected affected in glomerular filtration disorders: A. endothelial cell C. mesangial cell B. u&taglomerular cell D. podocyte **. (hich of the follo#ing hormone is most liely affected in hypothalamic tumors: A. AD4 B. ACT4 C. 864 D. T64 A. aorta C. thoracic duct B. medium si%ed artery D. vena cava *9. Diarrhea may result if #hich of the follo#ing organs fails to carry out its primary role in absorbing #ater from the feces: A. anal canal B. colon C. eenum D. ileum *. "ncrease a$ueous humor of the eye is due to the secretion by: A. ciliary epithelium C. 6chlemm7s canal B. choriocapillary layer D. corneal endothelium *5' *3. Contraction of the muscles of the forearm that commonly follo#s fractures of the distal end of the humerus or fractures of the radius and ulna: A. compartment syndrome of the forearm B. Dupuytren7s contracture C. @olmann7s ischemic contracture D. Bontonniera deformity *51 -5. 8racture of the distal end of the radius #hich occurs from a fall on the bac of the hand: han d: !
A. Colle7s fracture C. =onteggia7s fracture B. 6mith7s fracture D. Bennett7s fracture '3* -1. A young boy sustained a superficial laceration in front of his right #rist #hich #as bleeding profusely. profusely. 4e had sensory loss over the palmar aspect of the medial 1 fingers but normal sensation on the bac of o f these fingers over the middle and pro&imal phalanges. (hich of the follo#ing statements about the patient is true: true: A. the radial artery #as cut in front of the fle&or retinaculum B. the loss of sin sensation #as caused by b y the inury to the ulnar nerve as it crossed infront of the fle&or retinaculum C. there #as no sensory loss in the palm of the hand because the palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve #as cut D. this #ill lead to carpal tunnel syndrome '12 -2. (hich of the follo#ing is not part of the rotator cuff muscles: A. infraspinatus B. subscapularis C. supraspinatus D. teres maor -!. Tennis elbo# is characteri%ed by pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. "t is caused by: by: A. repeated friction bet#een the anconeus and abductor pollicis longus B. partial tearing of the e&tensor muscles from the lateral epicond yle of the humerus C. supracondylar fracture of the humerus D. dislocation of the elbo# oint '3 -'. lumpe7s palsy is characteri%ed by: A. uppe upperr les lesiion of the brac brachi hial al ple& ple&us us C. (aiter7 er7s tip tip posi positi tion on B. lo#e lo#err les lesio ions ns of the the bra brach chia iall ple ple&u &uss D. e&ces e&cessi sive ve trac tracti tion on or tear tearin ing g of of C* C* E C '* -*. (hich blood vessel passes along the deltopectoral g roove: A. a&illary artery C. cephalic vein B. suprascapular artery D. basilica vein *-1 --. Ferve supply of the anterior fascial co mpartment of the leg: A. deep peroneal nerve C. posterior tibial nerve B. superficial peroneal nerve D. sciatic nerve -22 -. A 19 year old boy #as crossing a busy street #hen he #as bumped by b y a car on the lateral part of his right nee. 0)ray sho#ed a fracture of the head of the fibula. The patient #as seen to be dragging his right foot and catches his toes on the ground as he #als. (hich of the follo#ing e&plains this: A. the patient inured his common peroneal nerve B. the medial meniscus #as inured C. sin sensation on the posterior leg is lost D. the patient #ill not be able to plantarfle& his right foot *1 -3. The dostalis pedis artery lies bet#een the tendons of e&tensor hallucis longus and: A. peroneus tertius C. e&tensor digitorum brevis B. e&tensor digitorum longus D. e&tensor hallucis brevis *3* 95. Arch of the foot #hich consists of the bases of the metatarsal bones and the cuboid and the ! cuneiform bones: A. medial longitudinal arch C. transverse arch B. lateral longitudinal arch D. posterior arch 123 9*. ain in myocardial infarction is referred to the areas of distribution of the follo#ing spinal nerves: A. C2 G C' B. C* G CC. T1 G T' D. T* G T3 111 111 9-. "n #hat division of the mediastinum is thoracic duct to the duct to the left side of the vertebral column: A. superior B. inferior C. middle D. posterior 1!5 9. A patient #ith cancer of esophagus develops hoarseness. This is suggestive of direct invasion of the follo#ing structures: A. laryn& C. left recurrent laryngeal nerve B. nasal cords D. bronchus 15- 1. 6ound of closure of the cardiac valve is heard best over ov er the sternal end of right 'th intercostal space: A. aortic B. pulmonic C. ventral D. tricuspid 15- 2. Ape& beat has the some auscultation area as the follo#ing heart valve: A. aortic B. mitral C. pulmonic D. tricuspid - !. Composed the medial and lateral bronchopulmonary segments: A. superior lobar C. middle lobar B. api apiccal br bronchopul pulmonary ary se segme gment D. inf infeerior lo lobar -* '. The cardiac area of dullness e&tends as far left as the: A. midclavicular line C. anterior a&illary line B. parasternal line D. mida&illary line '
-' *. At #hat reference line in the thora& #ould you find the lo#er border of the lung and its visceral pleura at the lo#er border of the th rib: A. midclavicular B. anterior a&illary C. mid a&illary D. scapular line -- -. The base of an adult female breast e&tends up to the follo#ing: A. lo#er border of clavicle C. 2nd rib B. 1st rib D. !rd rib -' 9. A stab #ound in an the anterior chest #all ust to the right of sternum at 'th "C6 #ould most liely inure the follo#ing structure: A. superior vena cava C. right ventricle B. right atrium D. inferior vena cava 55 3. A ' year old female teacher #as admitted to the hospital and diagnosed on a CT scan to have a thrombosis of pontine vessels supplying the medial left sector of caudal pons. /&pected neurologic findings of the patient #ould be: A. ipsilateral hemiplegia C. inability to close the right eye B. inability of the left eye to loo laterally D. dysphagia
CLINICAL NEUROANATOMY for MEDICAL STUDENTS By SNELL 5th edition 19* 35. "nitial manifestation of syringomyelia at the level of C- G T1 involves: A. flaccid paralysis at the level of inury B. positive Babinsi refle& on the ipsilateral side C. bilateral loss of pain and temperature at the upper e&tremities D. bilateral proprioceptive loss 195 32. ;Hpper motor neuron lesions< involving the spinal cord can be produced by the damage to the: A. spinothalamic tract D. spinocerebellar tract B. posterior columns /. Lissauer7s tract C. corticospinal tract
CLINICAL NEUROANATOMY for MEDICAL STUDENTS By SNELL 5th edition 29 3'. 6timulation of the middle frontal corte& >area I? of the cerebral corte& #ould most liely produce: A. contraction of the muscles of the contralateral leg B. visual agnosis C. auditory hallucination D. conugate eye movements
CLINICAL ANATOMY for MEDICAL STUDENTS By SNELL 6th edition !22 3*. The inferior angle of the trigone of the urinary bladder has openings for: A. urethra B. ureters C. renal papilla D. eaculatory ducts !9* 3-. Attached to the central tendon of perineum: A. bulbospongiosus C. superficial transverse perineal muscle B. e&ternal anal sphincter D. A,B,C !-! 3. The pudendal nerve andor its branches have the follo#ing characteristics, /0C/T: A. traverse the pudendal >Alcoc7s? canal B. enter the perineum through the lesser sciatic foramen C. give origin to the posterior scrotal nerves D. supply the ischiocavernosus muscle /. arise from 61, 2 and ! spinal nerves !!* 155. The broad ligament contains all of the follo#ing , /0C/T the: A. round ligament of the ovary D. uterine tubes B. uterine artery /. ureters C. round ligament of the uterus
Given a clinical scenario, identify the structure involved Application 1. A -5 year old man consults at your clinic #ith the complain of occasional deep)seated retrosternal discomfort radiating to the left shoulder, 2 months duration, associated #ith e&ertion.
Hpon auscultation, you tae note of bradycardia and dysrthmia. By incidence, the slo#ly occluding vessel #ould be the: A. Coronary sinus B. Jight Coronary artery C. Circumfle& artery D. Anterior Descending artery Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& ( ))'& C"ini#$" s#en$rio A(("i#$tion* 2. A 95 year old chronic hypertensive patient consults #ith you regarding difficulty of s#allo#ing solid food, ! months duration. Kou proceed to re$uest for a chest 0)ray and note of a 5.9 cardio) thoracic ratio. As far as the heart is concerned, the best e&planation you can give the patient regarding her s#allo#ing difficulty is: A. "mpingement of the vagus nerve by an overriding ascending aorta B. Compression of the thoracis esophagus by an enlarged left atrium C. Compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve u nderneath the aorta D. +verly stretched pericardiophrenic and pericardiosternal ligaments, compromising s#allo#ing Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& ( ))+& C"ini#$" s#en$rio A(("i#$tion* !. "n the emergency evacuation of a massive hemopericardium compromising cardiac and systemic circulation, the best and safest area to mae your access incision en route to the pericardial cavity is via: A. *th left "C6 immediately lateral to the sternum B. 9th left "C6 immediately lateral to the sternum C. -th left "C6 15 cm from the midsternal line D. "mmediately sub&iphoidal Answer D !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& ( ),'& C"ini#$" s#en$rio A(("i#$tion* Recall 1. A 95 year old male suffered massive myocardial infarction involving the right coronary artery. (ith your recent no#ledge, #ant parts of the heart does the right coronary artery supplies A. 6A node D. right ventricle B. A@ node /. All of the above C. right atrium Answer E !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& ( ))'& C"ini#$" s#en$rio Re#$""* 2. (hich of the follo#ing nerve #ill most liely to be inured in surgical repair of a patent ductus arteriosus A. right phrenic C. left phrenic B. right recurrent laryngeal D. left recurrent laryngeal th Answer D !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( ))'& C"ini#$" s#en$rio Re#$""* !. "f blood regurgitates bac in the right atrium during systole. (hich of the follo#ing valve is most liely to be damaged A. =itral C. aortic B. Tricuspid D. pulmonic th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( ))'& C"ini#$" s#en$rio Re#$""*
Identify anatomic landmarks used in Physical examination Recall 1. "n the auscultation of heart valves, #hat valve is heard best behind the right half of the sternum opposite the 'th intercostal space A. Tricuspid valve B. =itral valve C. ulmonary valve D. Aortic valve Answer- A !($.e )//*
2. The lo#er border of the heart is formed mainly by #hat structure A. Jight ventricle B. Left ventricle C. Jight atrium D. Left atrium Answer- A !0$.e )))*
Given a laboratory finding/ radiographic finding, identify the structure involved Xray findings Recall
1. An 5 year old presents to your clinic #ith the complaint of easy fatigability. Hpon auscultation of the left upper sternal border you note a systolic murmur. +n 0)ray of the chest, you observe a cardiothoracic ratio of .-5 #ith mainly right ventricular enlargement. These findings point to: A. Aortic stenosis B. ulmonary insufficiency C. Aortic insufficiency D. ulmonary stenosis Answer D !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& ( ))/& 12r$y findin.s Re#$""* Xray findings Application 1. A '5 year old male comes to you regarding di%%iness and occasional chest pain. Hpon auscultation you note a land apical murmur. 0)rays of the chest reveal normal cardio)thoracic ratio. This finding point to a: A. Aortic valve incompetence B. =itral valve stenosis C. ulmonary stenosis D. Tricuspid valve stenosis Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& ( ))5& 12r$y findin.s A(("i#$tion* Recall 1. (hich of the follo#ing structures prevents the spread of urine inferiorly to the thigh in case of ruptured penile urethra due to straddle inury A. Camper7s fascia C. conoint tendon B. 6carpa7s fascia D. rectus sheath th Answer B!C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( )55& C"ini#$" notes*
2. (hich of the follo#ing structures protects an abdominal viscus from herniation into the inguinal triangle A. inguinal ligament C. rectus abdominis muscle B. conoint tendon D. lacunar ligament th Answer B!C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( )36& C"ini#$" notes* !. The triangle of Calot is used to identify the: A. hepatic artery proper C. cystic duct B. bile duct D. cystic artery Answer D 1. The Celiac artery arises from the abdominal aorta appro&imately at the level of: A. TB. T C. T15 D. T12 Answer- D !0$.e /6)*
Application 1. A 2* year old female #as hit on her left side by a car and thro#n about 15 feet. Aside from multiple fractures, the patient #as diagnosed to have internal bleeding upon initial physical e&am. (hat organ #as most liely inured A. Liver B. idneys C. "ntestines D. 6pleen Answer- D !0$.e/34*
Given a laboratory finding/ radiographic finding, identify the structure involved Application 1. 6#allo#ed gas #ithin the pro&imal "T #ill almost al#ays collect in this region, as ap preciated on antero)posterior 0)ray vie#s of the abdomen: A. /sophageal hiatus C. cardia B. 8undus D. pylorus th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( /+4& 12r$y findin.s A(("i#$tion*
Identify anatomic landmarks used in Physical examination 9
Recall 1. (hat part of the posterior cranial fossa occupies the central area of the floor and transmits the =edulla oblongata A. Cerebellar fossa B. Tentorium cerebelli C. 8oramen magnum D. 8oramen rotundum Answer- C !0$.e '33* Application 1. A 25)year old male #as involved in a riot and #as allegedly hit by a baseball bat at the bac of the head. (hat inury #ould the patient sustain A. Jupture of the =iddle meningeal artery B. A large tear in the Circle of (illis C. Tearing of the 6uperior cerebral veins D. Jupture of the Lenticulostriate artery Answer- C !,'*
2. A 1*)year old girl consulted because of a gro#ing abscess on the side of her nose. The follo#ing statements are true, /&cept: A. The blood in the facial vein is unable to spread up#ard because of the presence of valves. B. The danger area is drained by the facial vein C. Cavernous sinus thrombosis can occur by the spread of infection by the venous blood D. The facial vein communicates #ith the cavernous sinus via the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins Answer- A !0$.e /,*
Given a laboratory finding/ radiographic finding, identify the structure involved Application 1. "schemia due to thrombosis in the anterior spinal artery #ould affect the follo#ing sensory modalities of that particular spinal segment, /0C/T: A. pain C. temperature B. light touch D. proprioception th Answer D !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( 345& C"ini#$" notes*
Given a patient problem, identify errors in development !germ cell, cell division, genetic disorders" Application 1. (hat congenital anomaly results from the failure of development of the spines and arches of one or more vertebra A. 6coliosis B. Anencephaly C. 6pina bifida D. Lordosis
Answer- C !0$.e 35+*
Given a clinical scenario, identify the structure involved Recall 1. Bone #ill be able to heal properly as long as #hich of the follo#ing structures remains intact A. epiphysis C. medullary cavity B. endosteum D. periosteum th Answer D !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( +'& C"ini#$" notes* 2. The muscle that initiates the first 1* degrees of shoulder abdu ction is the: A. trape%ius C. subscapularis B. supraspinatus D. deltoid th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( 43,& C"ini#$" notes* !. (hich of the follo#ing conditions is most liely to cause a loss of the median nerve function A. Dupuytren7s contracture B. Carpal Tunnel syndrome C. 8racture of the spiral groove of the humerus D. 8racture of the anatomical nec of the humerus Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& (5+ & C"ini#$" s#en$rio Re#$""*
'. 8emoral nec fractures may disrupt #hich of the follo#ing vessels A. femoral artery C. circumfle& femoral artery B. deep femoral artery D. artery to the head of the femur th Answer C !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& (6/ & C"ini#$" s#en$rio Re#$""* 2. "f the medial border of the cubital fossa is severed by a nife, #hich of the follo#ing structure most liely suffers damage A. radial nerve C. pronator teres B. brachioradialis D. ulnar nerve th Answer C !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& (5/) & C"ini#$" s#en$rio A(("i#$tion* !. To maintain balance and prevent the hips from tilting and sagging in the unsupported side of the pelvis #hile #aling, the muscle involved is the: A. gluteus ma&imus C. piriformis B. gluteus medius D. $uadratus femoris th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& (6,3 & C"ini#$" s#en$rio A(("i#$tion*
Identify anatomic landmarks used in Physical examination Recall 1. The bony protruberance on the dorsal aspect of the #rist is part of #hat bone A. Jadius B. Hlna C. halanges D. =etacarpals Answer- B !0$.e 46* Application 1. A patient suffering from ;(rist drop< is most liely caused by inury to the: A. =edian nerve B. Hlnar nerve C. Jadial nerve D. Lateral cutaneous nerve Answer- C !0$.e4/*
2. A patient suffering from ;Cla# hand< is most liely caused by inury to the: A. =edian nerve B. Hlnar nerve C. Jadial nerve D. Lateral cutaneous nerve Answer- B !0$.e4/*
Given a laboratory finding/ radiographic finding, identify the structure involved Recall 1. 8ractures of the surgical nec of the humerus #ill most liely inure #hich of the follo#ing nerves A. musculocutaneous C. a&illary B. median D. radial th Answer C !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( 46& C"ini#$" notes* Application 1. (hich of the follo#ing nerve is eopardi%ed in a fracture of the medial epicondyle >0)ray? of the humerus A. Hlnar C. median B. Jadial D. musculocutaneous th Answer A !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( 5/3& 12r$y findin.s A(("i#$tion* Application 1. A nife #ound immediately belo# the right 'th rib along the midclavicular line #ill most liely inure the follo#ing bronchopulmonary segment: A. apical and posterior segment C. medial basal and anterior basal B. medial and lateral segment D. posterior basal and lateral basal th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( '/& 3& C"ini#$" notes*
2. The driver of a van involved in a vehicular accident comes in #ith contusions in his anterior chest #all. +n 0)ray, you chec for rib fractures. The most liely portion of the rib to be fractured is the: A. nec C. anterior to the costal angle B. attachments to its costal cartilages D. posterior to the costal angle 3
Answer C !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& ( 6,& C"ini#$" notes*
Identify anatomic landmarks used in Physical examination Recall 1. The costal margin is the lo#er boundary of the thora&. "t is formed by the cartilages of the: A. th and 3th rib only B. 3th and 15th rib only C. th, 3th and 15th rib only D. th, 3th,15th rib and the ends of the 11th and 12th rib Answer- D !0$.e 6'*
2. The trachea e&tends from the lo#er border of the cricoid cartilage in the nec to appro&imately the level of the: A. 15th thoracic vertebra B. 6ternal angle C. 0iphisternal oint D. 6uprasternal notch Answer- B !0$.e ')*
Given a laboratory finding/ radiographic finding, identify the structure involved Recall 1. An impalement inury at the area of the sternal angle #ould most liely inure the follo#ing structures, /0C/T: A. T'T* "@ disc C. carina B. ascending aorta D. laryn& Answer D
Given a clinical scenario, identify the structure involved Recall 1. (hich of the follo#ing ligaments transmits the uterine artery as it supplies the uterus A. round ligament C. cardinal ligament B. broad ligament D. uterosacral ligament th Answer C !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( +3/& C"ini#$" notes*
2. (hich of the follo#ing provide dynamic support to the uterus A. position of the uterus relative to the uinary bladder C. uterosacral ligament B. transverse cervical ligament D. muscles of the pelvic diaphragm th Answer D !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( +3'& C"ini#$" notes* Application 1. "n females, the rectouterine pouch is best accessible to e&amination via: A rectal vault C. lateral vaginal forni& B. anterior vaginal forni& D. posterior vaginal forni& th Answer D !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( 4,5& C"ini#$" notes*
!. rostatic cancer cells metastasi%e to the sull via the: A. pampiniform venous ple&us C. lumbar nodes B vertebral venous ple&us D. internal iliac nodes th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& ( +)& C"ini#$" notes*
Identify anatomic landmarks used in Physical examination Recall 1. The normal anatomic position of the uterus is: A. Anteverted and antefle&ed B. Jetroverted and antefle&ed C. Jetroverted and retrofle&ed D. Anteverted and retrofle&ed Answer- A !0$.e +3/*
1. A culdocentesis #as performed on a 29)year old female suspected to have a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. 6he had a 15 #ee history of amenorrhea and presented #ith severe hypogastric pain. "n culdocentesis, blood pools in the area of the rectouterine pouch because: A. "t is the most dependent part of the entire peritoneal cavity 15
B. The pouch lies anteriorly to the vagina C. The pouch has a direct contact #ith the uterine tubes D. All of the above Answer- A !0$.e +3)*
Given a clinical scenario, identify the structure involved Recall 1. A 22 year old male #as rushed to the emergency room semiconscious #ith multiple hematomas on the right lumbar area of the posterior abdominal #all, right gluteal region and right lateral area of the thigh. The organ most liely to be traumati%ed is the: A. Liver C. ancreas B. idney D. 6pleen th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& (/'3 & C"ini#$" s#en$rio Re#$""*
2. 4aving inserted appro&imately 11)12cm. of the catheter, you note some difficulty in insertion. The catheter tip is most probably in #hat part of the urinary system A. 6pongy urethra C. rostatic urethra B. =embranous urethra D. Hrinary bladder th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& (4+6 & C"ini#$" s#en$rio Re#$""*
Identify anatomic landmarks used in Physical examination Recall 1. Jelative anatomy of the idney, /0C/T: A. Jetroperitoneal B. "n the aravertebral gutter C. At the level of T15 and L1 vertebral bodies D. Jight idney is lo#er than the left Answer- C !0$.e /)* Application 1. A **)year old man #as diagnosed to have ureteric stones. (ith your no#ledge in the anatomy of the ureters, the follo#ing are considered to be the anatomic narro#ings, e&cept:
A. The pelviureteral unction B. ass the level of L! C. The pelvic brim D. Hpon entering the urinary bladder Answer- B !0$.e /5* 2. The renal artery arises appro&imately from the level of the: A. L1 B. L2 C. L! D. L' Answer- B !0$.e //*
Given a laboratory finding/ radiographic finding, identify the structure involved Recall 1. A '5 year old male complained of episode of severe pain #hich starts in the costovertebral angle radiating to the left scrotal area. 4is urinalysis sho#ed microscopic JBCs. 4e is diagnosed to have ureterolithiasis >ureter stone?. Blood in the urine is most liely to come from the follo#ing vessels, /0C/T: A. Testicular C. 6uperior vesical B. Jenal D. Left colic th Answer D !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& (/4 & L$ findin.s Re#$""* Application 1. A HB)"@ #as done and sho#ed a dilated left ureter from the renal p elvis up to the level of L'. Kou then suspect the uterolith to be lodged in the: A. renal pelvis C. ureterovesical unction B. pelvic brim D. bladder th Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' ed R Sne""& (/6 & 12r$y findin.s A(("i#$tion*
2. (hich part of the pituitary gland is really a do#n#ard continuation of the hypothalamus A. Feurohypophysis C. both 11
B. Adenohypophysis Answer- A
D. neither
!. (hich of the follo#ing is F+T a part of neurohypophysis A. pituitary stal C. intermediate lobe B. posterior lobe D. all of the above Answer- C 9. The thyroid gland synthesi%es the follo#ing hormones, /0C/T for the: A. T! C. calcitonin B. T' D. melatonin Answer- D
Given a clinical scenario, identify the structure involved Application 1. Kou are manipulating the e&ternal ear canal of a - year old boy, attempting to remove an insect using a cotton bud. All of a sudden, the boy starts coughing continuously and the mother begins to sho# concern. Kou should assure her that this is merely due to: A. The insect beginning to enter the middle ear space B. 6timulation of branches of the vagus nerve C. Beginning effusion #ithin the middle ear cavity due to the presence of the insect D. Fone of the above Answer B !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& (+4 & C"ini#$" s#en$rio A(("i#$tion* Recall 1. "n chronic otitis media, the part of the ossicular chain that is usually first to undergo necrosis due to its poor blood supply is the: A lenticular process of the incus B stapes footplate C capitulum of the stapes D manubrium of the malleus Answer A !C"ini#$" An$to%y& ' th ed R Sne""& ( +3& C"ini#$" s#en$rio Re#$""*
Identify anatomic landmarks used in Physical examination Recall 1. The optic nerve enters the orbit passing through the optic canal is accompanied by the: A. +phthalmic artery B. 6uspensory ligaments of the eye C. +phthalmic vein D. Trochlear nerve Answer- A !0$.e /*
2. (hat structure in the middle ear separates the tympanic cavity from the meninges and temporal lobe of the brain A. 8loor of the middle ear B. Anterior #all of the middle ear C. Tegmen tympani D. =astoid antrum Answer- C !0$.e +4* Application 1. "nade$uate treatment of otitis media can result in acute mastoiditis due to spread via #hat structure A. 6emicircular ducts B. =astoid antrum C. etrous bone D. Tegmen tympani Answer- B !0$.e 4/*
Given a clinical scenario, identify the structure involved #istology 1. "n an asthmatic person, you e&pect the peripheral blood smear to have higher than normal amount of: A. Basophils C. Lymphocytes B. /osinophils D. Feutrophils 12
Answer- B 2. "n a person #ith multiple abscess formation due to bacterial infection, you e&pect the peripheral blood smear to sho# higher than normal values of: A. Basophils C. Lymphocytes B. /osinophils D. Feutrophils Answer- D
Given a clinical scenario, identify the structure involved #istology 1. +n surfaces constantly e&posed to abrasion, such as the sin and esophagus, the most suitable epithelium that can afford protection is: A. simple s$uamous C. stratified s$uamous B. transitional D. pseudostratified Answer- C
SIMPLE MULTIPLE CHOICE. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER. UPPER LIMB 1. A spiral fracture in te !i""le t# "istal tir" #f te u!erus !a$ in%ure tis structure& a. a'illar$ arter$ c. ra"ial arter$ (. ra"ial ner)e ". a'illar$ ner)e Capter * Pa+e ,-* THORA /. Cest ra"i#+rap ta0en "urin+ te inspirat#r$ pase #f respirati#n ill s# a )erticall$ el#n+ate" car"iac sa"# (ecause & a. te eart is c#!presse" ($ te e'pan"e" lun+s (. te 2(r#us pericar"iu! is a"erent t# te !e"iastinal pleura c. parietal pericar"iu! is fuse" t# te central ten"#n #f te "iapra+! ". #f increase" intrat#raic pressure Capter - Pa+e 134 -. Te #r!#ne calcit#nin is pr#"uce" ($ at particular en"#crine cell5 a. t$r#c$te c. paraf#llicular cells (. cief cell #f te parat$r#i" ". #'$ntic cells #f te prat$r#i" Capter Pa+e ,. Surfactant pr#"ucti#n is a functi#n #f ic #f te f#ll#in+ cells #f te pul!#nar$ s$ste!5 a. pneu!#c$tes t$pe I c. en"#teliu! (. pneu!#c$tes t$pe II ". Clara cells Capter - Pa+e 133 4. Te f#ll#in+ are features #f te ri+t pri!ar$ (r#ncus6 ECEPT tat& a. It is s#rter c. it is !#re )ertical (. It is narr#er ". It as - (rances Capter - Pa+e *3
7. Te (l##" suppl$ #f te eart are (rances #f& a. ascen"in+ a#rta c. t#raic a#rta (. arc #f a#rta ". (r#ncial arter$ Capter - Pa+e 118 8. A (l##" cl#t "etace" fr#! te ri+t )entricular all ill li0el$ cause #(structi#n t# te (l##" )essel tat suppl$ te f#ll#in+ #r+an& a. lun+s c. (rain (. 0i"ne$ ". li)er Capter - Pa+e 11/ 9. :e#'$+enate" (l##" fr#! te fetus is (r#u+ (ac0 t# te !aternal circulati#n tr#u+ te f#ll#in+ (l##" )essels a. "uctus )en#sus c. u!(ilical arter$ (. u!(ilical )ein ". )itteline )ein Capter - Pa+e 111
*. Sternal an+le #f L#uis refers t# a a. "epressi#n at te upper (#r"er #f te sternu! (. %#int (eteen !anu(riu! an" (#"$ #f sternu! c. %#int (eteen (#"$ an" 'ip#i" pr#cess #f sternu! ". %uncti#n #f 1 st ri(6 cla)icle an" !anu(riu! sterni Capter / Pa+e 78 HEA: AN: NEC; 13.Te f#ll#in+ intrinsic !uscles #f te lar$n' are supplie" ($ te recurrent lar$n+eal ner)e ECEPT te& a. #(li
!arc#pa+e s$ste! #f te li)er5 a. It# cells c. ;up?er cells (. @i(r#(last in te space #f :isse ". epat#c$tes Capter Pa+e /3.Te cells #f #na +l#!erul#sa #f a"renal c#rte' pr#ce"ure at #r!#ne tat in=uences te electr#l$te an" ater (alance #f te (#"$5 a. c#rtis#ne c. al"#ster#ne
(. )as#pressin Capter , Pa+e /18
". epineprine
/1.Te renal facia is "eri)e" fr#! te fascia #f te a("#!inal all a. lu!(#"#rsal c. ps#as (. trans)ersalis ". "iapra+!atic Capter 4 Pa+e /91 //.Wic #f te f#ll#in+ #r+ans is l#cate" anteri#r t# te ri+t 0i"ne$5 a. Pancreas c. "u#"enu! (. e%unu! ". spleen Capter 4 Pa+e /91 /-.Te arran+e!ent #f te structures in te renal pe"icle fr#! anteri#r t# p#steri#r is& a. )ein6 arter$6 ureter c. ureter6 )ein arter$ (. arter$6 )ein ureter ". )ein6 ureter6 arter$ Capter 7 Pa+e -48 /,.Wic #f te f#ll#in+ state!ent re+ar"in+ te (la""er is NOT true5 a. Its a !uscular receptacle f#r st#ra+e #f urine (. Te e!pt$ (la""er in a"ults is l#cate" entirel$ in te pel)is c. Its p#steri#r all is als# its (ase ". It is an intraperit#neal #r+an Capter 7 Pa+e -48 /4.Te (l##" )essels tat c#n)e$s 83D #f (l##" t# te li)er is te& a. epatic arter$ c. epatic )ein (. p#rtal )ein ". inferi#r )ena ca)a Capter 4 Pa+e /78 /7.A!#n+ te f#ll#in+ tri(utaries6 ic )ein %#ins te splenic )ein t# f#r! te p#rtal )ein a. left +astric )ein c. ri+t +astric )ein (. inferi#r !esenteric )ein ". superi#r !esenteric )ein Capter 4 Pa+e /88 /8.Wic #f te f#ll#in+ represents an internal "i?erence (eteen te s!all an" lar+e intestines5 a. L#n+itu"inal !uscle arran+e!ent c. plicae circulares (. Appen"ices epipl#icae ". intestinal sasculati#n Capter 4 Pa+e /74 /9.Te part #f te "u#"enu! ic is p#steri#r t# te fun"us #f te +all(la""er6 ri+t epatic l#(e an" trans)erse c#l#n an" anteri#r t# te iliu! #f te ri+t 0i"ne$ is& a. "u#"enal cap superi#rF c. trans)erse part (. "escen"in+ part ". ascen"in+ part Capter 4 Pa+e /,4 /*.Te structure al#n+ te +astr#intetinal tract tat is f#r!e" fr#! te !#st cau"al pr#ti#n #f te f#re+ut an" te !#st cepalic en" #f te !i"+ut is te& a. +astr#es#pa+eal %uncti#n c. il#ececal %uncti#n (. "u#"enu! ". left c#lic =e'ure Capter 4 Pa+e /-* PERINEUM AN: PELGIS -3.Te en"#crine part #f te testis tat secretes te #r!#ne Test#ster#ne5 a. sert#li cells c. sper!at#c$te (. L$e"i+ cells ". sper!at#+#nia Capter 9 Pa+e ,,9 -1.Te inte+rit$ #f te (l##"testis (arrier is a functi#n #f ic cell #f te !ale repr#"ucti)e tract5 a. sert#li cells c. +er!inal epiteliu! (. Le$"+ cells ". sper!at###ns Capter 9 Pa+e ,7* -/.After trau!atic rupture #f penile uretra "istal t# ur#+enital "iapra+!6 urine #ul" li0el$ e'tra)asate t# te& a. scr#tu! c. anal trian+le
(. p#steri#r a("#!inal all Capter 9 Pa+e ,-8
". "eep perineal p#uc
--.@ertiliati#n #f an e++ ($ a sper! n#r!all$ #ccurs at te& a. infus"i(ulu! #f te fall#pian tu(e c. ist!us #f te fall#pian tu(e (. a!pulla #f te fall#pian tu(e ". entrauterine p#rti#n #f te fall#pian tu(e Capter 8 Pa+e -,, -,.Te structure tat !aintains te n#r!al p#siti#n #f te uterus is te& a. (r#a" li+a!ent c. perit#neu! (. r#un" li+a!ent ". ureter Capter , Pa+e -*/ -4.Te )as "eferens en" ($ %#inin+ te "ucts #f te& a. epi"i"$!is c. (ul(#uretral +lan"s (. pr#state +lan" ". se!inal )esicles Capter , Pa+e 187 -7.Wic #f te f#ll#in+ parts #f te !ale repr#"ucti)e s$ste! is supplie" ($ a (ranc #f te a("#!inal a#rta5 a. epi"i"$!is c. se!inal )esicles (. )as "eferens ". pr#state +lan" Capter , Pa+e 18* -8.Te narr#est part #f te !ale uretra is te& a. Pr#static c. sp#n+$ (. !e!(ran#us ". e'ternal #ri2ce Capter 9 Pa+e ,-7 -9.Wen "#in+ $sterct#!$ #ne s#ul" (e careful in cuttin+ te f#ll#in+ li+a!ents (ecause it c#ntains te #)arian arter$ an" )eins an" !a$ cause (lee"in+ if ana")ertentl$ cut a. (r#a" li+a!ents c. r#un" li+a!ents (. suspens#r$ li+a!ents ". #)arian li+a!ents Capter , Pa+e -*8 -*.Tis uterine li+a!ent e'ten"s fr#! te uterus t# te la(ia !a%#ra a. trans)erse cer)ical li+a!ent c. r#un" li+a!ent (. uter#sacral li+a!ent ". (r#a" li+a!ent Capter 8 Pa+e -*,
INTRO:UCTION TO BASIC ANATOMIC STRUCTURES ,3.Te en"#teliu! #f capillaries is ell a"apte" f#r te functi#n #f e'can+e #f +ases an" nutrients (ecause it is !a"e up #f at t$pe #f epiteliu!5 a. strati2e" c. transsiti#nal (. psue"#strati2e" ". si!ple Capter 1 Pa+e /1 ,1.Te !ain cell in c#nnecti)e tissue in)#l)e" in tissue repair& a. plas!a cell c. 2(r#(last (. !ast cell ". a"ip#se cell Capter Pa+e ,/.Te t$pe #f specialie" c#nnecti)e tissue ic as a ri+i" c#nsistenc$ "ue t# "isp#siti#n #f in#r+anic salts& a. cartila+e c. !$el#i" (. (#ne ". (l##" Capter Pa+e BAC; ,-.Te spinal c#r" is anc#re" )erticall$ t# te c#cc$' ($ te& a. "enticulate li+a!ent c. 2lu! ter!inale (. cau"a e
(. t#racic Capter 1/ Pa+e *,1
". cer)ical
,4.Te lateral c#tic#spinal tract carr$ tese i!pulses t# te e?ect#r #r+ans& a. !#t#r c. s$s!patetic (. sens#r$ ". paras$!patetic Capter Pa+e ,7.Pain an" te!perature i!pulses #n te left s#le ascen"s t# te tala!ic are )ia& a. ipsilateral lateral spin#tala!ic tract c. ipsilateral p#steri#r c#lu!n (. c#ntralateral lateral spin#tala!ic tract ". c#ntralateral p#steri#r c#lu!n Capter 11 Pa+e 913 ,8.L#ss #f pain a" te!perature sensati#n at te le)el #f te u!(ilicus p#ints t# a lesi#n at tis c#r" le)el& a. T13 c. T9 (. L/ ". T1/ Capter Pa+e ,9.Te 2(er tract tat c##r"inates te functi#ns #f cranial ne)ers II6 IG an" GI& a. !e"ial le!niscus c. !e"ial l#n+itu"al fasciculus (. fasciculus +racilis ". lateral le!niscus Capter Pa+e ,*.Te e?erent nucleus #f te pupillar$ li+t re=e' is& a. lateral +eniculate (#"$ c. E"in+erWestpal (. #cul#!#t#r nucleus ". tr#uclear nucleus Capter Pa+e 43.CS@ =#s fr#! te - r" )entricle t# te , t )entricle )ia& a. @#r!ina #f M#nr# c. cere(ral a
9. ostoperative hoarseness after thyroidectomy results if one of the recurrent nerves is accidentally cut #hile ligating #hich of the follo#ing vessels A. superior thyroid artery C. superior thyroid vein B inferior thyroid $rtery D. middle thyroid vein age 9'-
3. (hich of the follo#ing nerves is the largest branch of the lumbar ple&us and supplies all the muscles of the anterior fascial compartment of the thigh A fe%or$" B. sciatic C. obturator D. deep peroneal age -21 15. A *5 year old male patient sustains an inury to the lateral aspect of the right nee. Due to the heavy impact on the inured area the nerve most liely to be inured is liely to produce: A ("$nt$r f"e7ion C. dorsifle&ion B. nee fle&ion D. foot enversion age -*!, -**)--5 11. The safest area to administer intramuscular medications in the gluteal area is at the 19
A. upper inner $uadrant B 8((er o8ter 98$dr$nt
C. lo#er inner $uadrant D. lo#er outer $uadrant
age -5 12. The medial umbilical fold in the posterior surface of the anterior abdominal #all covers the A. internal epigastric vessels C o"iter$ted 8%i"i#$" $rtery B. remnant of the urachus D. linea alba age !*2 1!. (hich of the follo#ing is an e&le of a saddle oint A #$r(o%et$#$r($" :oint of the th8% B. metacarpophalangeal oint of the inde& finger C. shoulder oint D. #rist oint age 19
1*. All of the follo#ing statements about the adrenal gland are correct /0C/T: A. They are retroperitoneal organs. B Both $dren$" ;eins dr$in into the inferior ;en$ #$;$ C. The superior adrenal arteries are branches of the inferior phrenic arteries. D. They are innervated predominantly by preganglionic sympathetic fibers. age 235)231 1-. (hich is an "FC+JJ/CT statement about an intervertebral disc A. during aging, fluid #ithin the nucleus pulposus is replaced by fibrocartilage B. atlanto)a&ial oint possesses no disc C. n8#"e8s (8"(os8s is %ost "i
C. bipolar cells D. oligodendrocytes
age !!5 Bloom and 8a#cett
2'. (hich of the follo#ing structures does not form the anterior surface of the heart A. right ventricle B. right atrium C. left ventricle D "eft $tri8% age 115
2-. An occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery #ould result in necrosis of of each of the follo#ing /0C/T the: A. ascending colon B re#t8% C. cecum D. ileum
age 2-1 29. 6pace bet#een the cornea and the iris and lens A $nterior #h$%er B. posterior chamber C. vitreous cavity D. a$ueos humor age !1)!2 2. A severe infection that obstructs the middle meatus #ould affect drainage from each of the follo#ing sinuses /0C/T the A. ma&illary sinus B. frontal sinus C n$so"$#ri%$" d8#t D. anterior ethmoid air cells age -5 23. A patient is unable to taste a piece of sugar placed on the anterior part of the tongue.#hich cranial nerve is liely to have a lesion A. hypoglossal nerve B. vagus nerve C. glossopharyngeal nerve D f$#i$" age 35' !5 (hen a patient attempts protrusion of the tongue,the tongue deviates to the right. This #ould indicate damage to #hich of the follo#ing nerves A. right glossopharyngeal B. left accessory C hy(o."oss$" D. left hypoglossal age 315 !1 "f a patient presented #ith a permanently dilated pupil, #hich one of the follo#ing nerves could be assumed to be involved A. optic B. sympathetic trun C. ophthalmic D o##8"o%otor age 35!
!!. Damage to the anatomic snuffbo& might be e&pected to inure the A ulnar nerve B median nerve C ulnar artery D r$di$" $rtery age *!! !'. 8ollo#ing a tonsillectomy, a patient noted loss of general sensation and taste from the posterior 1! of the tongue. "t could be assumed that the inured nerve #as a branch of the A ."osso(h$ryn.e$" ner;e B. facial nerve C. lingual nerve D. vagus nerve age 35' !*. A stab #ound on the nec #hich inures the spinal root of CF 0" results to the follo#ing signs and symptoms /0C/T: 13
A "oss of ($in sens$tion on the sho8"der $nd 8((er #hest B. drooping of the shoulder C. inability to elevate the shoulder D. #eaness and atrophy of the trape%ius
age 353)315
!. The cerebral a$ueduct is located in the C %idr$in A. cerebrum B. diencephalons D. pons age 15
'1. This histologic structure of the duodenum that neutrali%es the h ighly acidic content of the stomach: A. crypts of Leiberuhn7s C Br8nner=s ."$nd B. microvilli D. glycocaly& age -!!)-!* Bloom and 8a#cet '2. /&tensor compartment of the leg A $nterior #o%($rt%ent B. lateral compartement
C. peroneal compartment D. posterior compartment
age --5 '!. The thoracic duct passes through the diaphragm through the A $orti# hi$t8s C. caval foramen B. esophageal hiatus D. sternocostal hiatus age -2)-' ''. osterior to the nec of the pancreas this vessel is formed C (ort$" ;ein A. inferior vena cava B. celiac trun D. thoracic duct age 2-2)2-! '*. The sternal angle is a useful landmar in counting the intercostal space and it corresponds to the level of A. 1st costal cartilage C. !rd costal cartilage B /nd #ost$" #$rti"$.e D. 'th costal cartilage age -9
'9. Damage to the anterior division of the middle meningeal artery may results into #hat type of intracranial hemorrhage C. subdural hemorrhage A e7tr$d8r$" he%orrh$.e B. subarachnoid hemorrhage D. cerebral hemorrhage age 39 '. ranular leuocytes /0C/T: A. neutrophil B. basophil
C %ono#yte D. eosinophil
age 123 Bloom and 8a#cett
*5. Clinical findings of epista&is, cerebrospinal rhinorrhea or e&ophthalmos is due to fracture of the C. posterior cranial fossa A $nterior #r$ni$" foss$ 25
B. middle cranial fossa
D. none of the above
age 93 52 *1. The structure that serves as a landmar in doing pudendal bloc anesthesia through a transvaginal approach is the: A. iliac crest C is#hi$" s(ine B. ischial tuberosity D. sacral promontory age !!3 '2!
*!. To #hat vein does the left ovarian vein drain into A ren$" C. portal B. "@C D. iliac vein age!-
**. "n doing thoracentesis, #hich of the follo#ing layers is not penetrated by the needle A. intercostal muscles C. superficial fascia D ;is#er$" ("e8r$ B. endothoracic age -1 *3. The po#erful e&tension of the thigh re$uired #hen one is standing from the sitting position is the function of the A ."8te8s %$7i%8s %8s#"e B. psoas maor muscle C. piriformis muscle D. iliacus muscle age -5! -5. The osseous labyrinth of the internal ear consists of the A ;esti8"e B. sacculus C. semicircular duct D. utriculus age '2 -!. The main venous drainage of the heart is the A. great cardiac vein B #oron$ry sin8s
C. a%ygos vein D. inferior vena cava
age 121
-*. A patient #ith an isolated inury to the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve #ould present #ith A $tro(hy of the te%(or$"is %8s#"e on the $ffe#ted side B. flattened nasao)labial fold on the affected side C. numbness of the chee on the affected side D. A and C only age 9- --. 8or a soccer player to have a strong ic he must develop his A. hamstring muscles C 98$dri#e(s fe%oris B. pes anserinus muscles D. gluteal muscles age -2'
-. A massive infarction of the heart involving the septum, ape&, ventricle >left? is liely due to obstruction of the: A. right coronary artery C L2$nt des#endin. $rtery B. circumfle& artery D. right interventricularM age 113)125 95. 8ate of the raafian follicle immediately after ovulation A #or(8s "8te8% B. atretic follicle C. corpus albicans D. none of the above age 2*)2- Bloom and 8a#cett 91. 8ollo#ing a hard blo# to the anterior shoulder, a #eaness of the fle&ion of the arm at the shoulder oint #ould suggest damage to #hich of the follo#ing muscles A. rhomboid maor B. supraspinatus C. pectoralis minor D i#e(s r$#hii age *55 *5* 92. Loss of function of the muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg and the sole of the foot is associated #ith paralysis of A tii$" ner;e B. common fibular nerve C. deep fibular nerve D. superficial fibular nerve age --2 9!. All of the follo#ing forms the boundary of the perineum, /0C/T: A. pubic symphysis C. coccy& B. ischial tuberosities D s$#ros(ino8s "i.$%ents age '1-
9-. (hich of the follo#ing muscles #ill be paraly%ed if there is a lesion of the ulnar nerve A. medial t#o lumbricals and opponens pollicis B ($"%$r interossei $nd $dd8#tor (o""i#is C. dorsal interossei E lateral t#o lumbricals D. medial and lateral lumbricals age *'99. "n males, the mucus)secreting glands found #ithin the deep perineal pouch are the: A. seminal cuneatus C Cow(er>s ."$nds B. 6eneNs glands D. prostate glands age '!* 93. The follo#ing is a subdivision of the posterior triangle of the nec A. Digastric C S8#"$;i$n B. 6ubmental D. Carotid age 9!5 1. The gastrohepatic ligament attaches to this part of the stomach A. fundus C "esser #8r;$t8re B. greater curvature D. none of the above age 213
2. The follo#ing are sources of blood supply of the stomach /0C/T: C he($ti# (ro(er $rtery A. right gastric artery B. left gastric artery D splenic artery age 2!9
!. Lateral #all of middle ear: A ty%($ni# %e%r$ne B. tegmen tympani
C. carotid #all D. ventricular #all
age !' '. aranasal sinus that communicates #ith the nasal cavity through its opening in the superior meatus: A (osterior eth%oid$" C. frontal B. anterior ethmoidal D. sphenoid age -!)-'
*. This bone forms part of the nasal septum: A. sphenoid B. nasal bone
C eth%oid D. frontal
age 935
3. The dorsalis pedis artery is a terminal branch of the A $nterior tii$" $rtery C. peroneal artery B. posterior tibial artery D. saphenous artery age -29 35. 6tructure that is easily damagedcut during abd ominal hysterectomy A. obturator nerve C. internal iliac artery B 8reter D. umbilical artery age!39 3!. A '9 y.o. man #as riding his motorcycle #hen a ay#aler suddenly crossed his path. 4is sudden brae and turn caused him to lose control and he subse$uently fell hitting the pavement #ith his head and shoulder. +n e&amination his upper limb hung limply on the side, medially rotated and forearm pronated. Diagnosis: /rb)Duchenne alsy. (hich statement is true regarding /rb)Duchenne alsy A in;o";es 8((er r$#hi$" ("e78s B. caused by e&cessive abduction of the arm C. there is no paralysis of the arm muscles D. sin sensation of the #hole arm is intact age *99 3'. All of the follo#ing vessels are part of the Circle of (illis /0C/T: A. osterior communicating artery B. Anterior cerebral artery C L$ter$" stri$te $rteries D. osterior cerebral arteries age 1'
3-. =otor nerve supply of the face A. @" B?II
C. @""" D. 0
age 991)992
39. The origin of the a&illary vein : 2!
A. basilic vein B. subclavian vein
C. vena comitantes of brachial art. D A @ C
age '99 3. The unction bet#een the anterior 2! and posterior 1! of the tongue is mared by the A. circumvallate C. palatopharyngeal fold B s8"#8s ter%in$"is D. glossoepiglottic fold age '-
155. "n the cardiac silhouette of a radiograph the right border of the heart is formed by: A. right ventricle C. left atrium B $tri8% D. pulmonary trun
Clinical Anatomy for =edical 6tudents by Jichard 6nell, 9th ed.
Transection of the costocervical artery will disrupt blood flow to this artery A. 2nd posterior intercostal B. 3rd posterior intercostal C. 2nd anterior intercostal D. 3rd anterior intercostal M!"#.25
Ape$ beat of the heart is nor%ally located at the left A. 'th intercostal space B. 5th intercostal space C. 3rd intercostal space D. 6th intercostal space M!"(
enetratin) stab wound at the root of the nec* will li*ely in+ure the A. arch of aorta B. ape$ of lun) C. a,y)ous vein D. trachea M!"#.5
This structure is located between 2 ad+acent bronchopul%onary se)%ents A. se)%ental bronchus B. se)%ental vein C. se)%ental artery D. se)%ental autono%ic nerves M!"#.25
%bolus that for%s in the left ventricle will %ay enter the ff" structure /CT A. arch of aorta B. brachiocephalic artery C. left pul%onary artery D. ri)ht subclavian artery M!"(
0n+ury or disruption of the %oderator band will also disrupt this part of the conductin) syste% A. atrio1ventricular node B. ri)ht bundle branch C. left bundle branch D. D. ur*in+e fibers M!"#.5
The delay in i%pulse conduction thru the A node is necessary A. to stren)then contraction of atriu% B. adeuate fillin) of the ventricles C. prevent turbulent flow D. allow coronary blood flow M!"#.25
Mali)nant tu%ors of the %ediastinu% will result in A. pneu%othora$ B. paralysis of intercostal %uscles C. paralysis of diaphra)% D. pne%o%ediastinu% M!"#.5
(34ectus sheath he%ato%a sustained fro% trau%a to the abdo%en results fro% in+ury (6' to this vessel A. inferior epi)astric artery B. deep circu%fle$ iliac vein C. superficial epi)astric artery D. superficial epi)astric vein M!"#.33
The location of the superficial in)uinal rin) is A. e$ternal obliue aponeurosis B. internal obliue C. transversalis fascia D. Ca%pers fascia M!"#.33
An indirect in)uinal hernia passes thru deep in)uinal rin) lateral to this structure (-' A. superficial epi)astric artery B. deep circu%fle$ iliac artery C. rectus abdo%inis D. inferior epi)astric artery M!".#.5
This structure is located outside the fe%oral sheath A. fe%oral artery B. fe%oral vein C. fe%oral nerve D. ly%phatic vessels M!"#.33
Blunt trau%a to the anterior abdo%inal wall will %ost li*ely in+ure this part of the duodenu% A. first part 7 superior8 B. third part 7hori,ontal8 C. second part 7 descendin)8 D. 'th part 7 ascendin)8 M!"#.25
This structure can be traced towards the base of the appendi$ and be used as a )uide for loo*in) for the appendi$ A. haustra B. appendices epiplocae C. taenia coli D. %esoappendi$ M!"#.5
2#The presence of %esocolon in this se)%ent of lar)e intestine also %a*es it prone 25( to volvulus A. ascendin) colon B. cecu% C. descendin) colon D. si)%oid colon M!"#.5
True re)ardin) Mec*els diverticulu% A. its a pseudodiverticulu% B. possess )astric %ucousa C. located 2# ft. fro% the ileo1ceal valve D. due to persistence of urachus M!"#.5
The uadrate lobe of the liver is located at A. between the li)a%entu% venosu% and the inferior vena cava B. between the round li)a%ent and the )allbladder bed C. behind the porta hepatis D. lateral to the falcifor% li)a%ent M!"#.5
The fundus of the )allbladder is located at the level of A. &th costal cartila)e B. th costal cartila)e C. -th costal cartila)e D. 6t cartila)e M!"#.25
Most co%%on ori)in of the cystic artery A. celiac artery B. left hepatic artery C. ri)ht hepatic artery D. )astroduodenal M!"#.5
9hich is :;T true re)ardin) the blood supply of the pancreas A. inferior pancreatico1duodenal artery supplies the head B. venous draina)e is to the portal vein C. splenic artery )ives branches to the body D. ori)in of the superiorpancreaticoduodenal artery is the celiac artery M!"(
Branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery A. 0lio1lu%bar B. superior )luteal C. 0nferior )luteal D. lateral sacral M!"#.25
This nerve acco%panies the lu%bosacral trun* as it descends into the pelvis A. sciatic nerve B. obturator nerve C. pudendal nerve D. superior )luteal nerve M!"#.25
art of the urinary bladder that lie behind the upper border of the sy%physis pubis A. Ape$ B. base C. nec* D. lateral surface M!"#.5
This is true re)ardin) the relation of the prostate to other structures A. superiorly related to the uro1)enital diaphra)% B. inferiorly related to the perineal %e%brane C. anteriorly related to the levator ani D. posteriorly related to the Denonvilliers fascia M!"#.25
Durin) hysterecto%y the ureter is prone to in+ury at this level A. isth%us of the fallopian tube B. ovarian artery C. internal os D. body of the uterus M!"#.25
Content of the carotid trian)le of the nec* A. hypo)lossal nerve B. anterior belly of di)astrics C. sternothyroid D. inferior belly of o%ohyoid M!"#.5
The pulsation felt anterior to the crus of the heli$ of the ear is A. %a$illary artery B. facial artery C. posterior auricular artery D. superficial te%poral artery M!"#.33
Branch of the %a$illary division of tri)e%inal that supplies the s*in of chee* and nose A. infratrochlear B. e$ternal nasal C. infraorbital D. %ental nerve M!"#.5
This is a %uscle of %astication A. buccinators B. risorius C. te%poralis D. orbicularis oris M!"#.5
revents posterior dislocation of the %andibular head A. ty%panic plate B. lateral te%poro%andibular li)a%ent C. articular disc D. spheno%andibular li)a%ent M!"#.25
Tear in the superior cerebral vein results in he%orrha)e into the A. subarachnoid space B. epidural space C. subdural space D. intracerebral M!"#.5
!acerated wound up to the first layer of the foot will transect A. abductor di)iti %ini%i B. uadrates plantae C. fle$or di)iti %ini%i D. adductor hallucis M!"#.25
Most %edially located structure in the fe%oral trian)le A. fe%oral artery B. fe%oral nerve C. fe%oral ly%ph vessels D. fe%oral vein M!"(
Derived fro% the lateral cord of the brachial ple$us A. radial nerve B. %edian nerve C. ulnar nerve D. %usculo1cutaneous nerve M!"#.25
The thoracodorsal nerve is derived fro% this part of the brachial ple$us A. superior trun* B. posterior cord C. roots of ple$us D. %edial cord M!"#.25
$tra1occular %uscle of the eye is innervated by the trochlear nerve A. lateral rectus B. superior obliue C. superior rectus D. inferior obliue M!"#.5
The cell that secretes Calcitonin which lowers blood Calciu% level by inhibitin) the rate of decalcification of bone is" A. =ollicular B. rincipal C. arafollicular D. ;$yphil M!"#.5
The phase of the Menstrual cycle that coincides with the functional activity of the corpus luteu% and pri%arily influenced by pro)esterone secretion" A. Menstrual B. !uteal C. roliferative D.
The properties of %otility and ability to fertili,e an oocyte are acuired by %ature sper% cell in what portion of Male reproductive syste%> A. Ductus deferens B.
Destruction of these cells will lead to a clinical condition *nown as Multiple sclerosis" A. Astrocytes B. ;li)odendrocytes C. pendy%al cells D.
9hat cell for%s part of the Blood ? Testis barrier perfor%in) protective and :utritive functions for the developin) sper% cells> A.
The A.
The part of the Adrenal )land which secretes Aldosterone that functions in the control of blood pressure is" A. Adrenal %edulla B. ona =asciculata C. ona 4eticularis D. ona lo%erulosa M! "#.33
ar*insons disease is a slowly pro)ressive neurolo)ic disorder caused by loss of Dopa%ine secretin) cells in the of the brain. A. 4ed nucleus B. lobus pallidus C.
0n cases of nerve fiber in+ury what structure in the peri*aryon will be decreased in nu%ber> A. Mitochondria B. :issl body C. ol)i apparatus D. 4iboso%e M!"#.25
=ertili,ation occurs in what se)%ent of the Eterine tube> A. A.0nfundibulu% B. B.0sth%us C. A%pulla D. 0ntra%ural M!"(
lauco%a is a clinical condition resultin) fro% increased intraocular pressure as a result of obstruction of the draina)e or e$cessive secretion of Aueous hu%or. The structure that secretes Aueous hu%or is the" A. Ciliary processes B. Corneal stro%a C. Choroid D. 0ris M!"#.5
0nfections of the %e%branous labyrinth will result to what clinical condition> A. Di,,iness B. Conductive hearin) loss C. erti)o D.
0n older %en calcified and concentric la%ellated bodies *nown as Corpora A%ylacea are seen in the alveoli of what )land> A. ineal B. ituitary C. rostate D. Cowpers M!"(
Destruction of these cells in the ancreas leads to increase blood )lucose levels And presence of )lucose in the urine a condition *nown as Diabetes Mellitus. A. Alpha B. Beta C. Delta D.
4etinal detach%ent involves separation of the neural retina fro% what structure> A. i)%ent epitheliu% B. Desce%ets %e%brane C. Bruchs %e%brane D. Corneal epitheliu% M!"#.25
The s%allest of the neuro)lial cells that for%s part of the Mononuclear pha)ocytic
Melatonin which re)ulates daily body rhyth%s and day Fni)ht cycle is secreted by 655 9hat endocrine )land> A. ituitary B. Thyroid C. ineal D. Adrenal M!"#.5
!ac* of %enstruation durin) lactation and infertility e$hibited by fully breast ? feedin) wo%en is due to hi)h levels of rolactin which suppress secretion of" A. !uteini,in) hor%one B. =ollicle ? sti%ulatin) hor%one C. stro)en D. ro)esterone M!"#.33
0n raves disease these cells are sti%ulated and increased in nu%ber and si,e leadin) to abnor%al secretions of Thyroid hor%ones" A. arafollicular B. ;$yphil C. =ollicular D. Chief M!"#.5
The secretions of this endocrine )land prepares the body for G fi)ht or fli)htH response" A. Adrenal corte$ B. Adrenal %edulla C. Anterior ituitary D. osterior ituitary M!"#.5
9hat or)an syste% contains transitional epitheliu%> A. A.Cardiovascular syste% B. astrointestinal syste% C. :ervous syste% D. Erinary syste% M!"(
9hich of the followin) )astric cells secretes pepsin> A. Bet, cells B. ;$yntic cells C. !eydi)s cells D. y%o)enic cells M!"#.5
9here is the i%pulse conductin) syste% of the heart located> A. ndocardiu% B. picardiu%
C. Myocardiu% D.
9hich of the followin) cells contains Barr bodies> osinophil !y%phocyte
Mast cell
9hat is the principal or)anelle involved in deto$ification and con+u)ation of :o$ious substances> A. ol)i apparatus B. !ysoso%e C. Mitochondrion D. <%ooth endoplas%ic reticulu% M!"#.5
2. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the superior vena cava? A. It has a valve at the atrial orifice. B. It is formed ! the union of rachiocephalic veins. ". It conducts returning lood from the superior half of the od!. #. Its atrial orifice is at the level of the right third costal cartilage. Answer$ A% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p***
+. An intern would li,e to auscultate the aortic valve. -e should put his stethoscope at which of the following areas? A. right 2nd I"'% sternal margin ". right th I"'% sternal margin B. left 2 nd I"'% sternal margin #. th I"'% left midclavicular line Answer$ A% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p*22
/. Which of the following veins drain directl! into the right atrium? A. great cardiac ". smallest cardiac B. small cardiac #. posterior cardiac Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p*2*
(. Which of the following statements is T&0) of the tricuspid valve? A% It consists of + semilunar cusps. B. The ases of the cusps are attached to chordae tendinae. ". It guards the left atrio1ventricular orifice. #. The valve is open during diastole. Answer$ #% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p**2 . The aroreceptor within the wall of the internal carotid arter! is the? A. aortic od! ". carotid sinus B. carotid od! #. glomus Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p(+ Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% p22 7.
In8ur! to which of the following la!ers of the arterial wall would initiate pla5ue formation in atherosclerosis? A. asement memrane ". tunica adventitia B. smooth muscles of tunica media #. tunica intima Answer$ #% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% p22+ *6.
#uring fetal circulation% lood from the pulmonar! trun, goes to the aorta via the$ A. ductus arteriosus ". foramen ovale B. ductus venosus #. umilical vein Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p*+* *+. What structure passes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm? A. a9!gos vein ". phrenic nerve B. thoracic duct #. vagus nerve Answer$ #% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p:2 */. The lood vessel that ridges aove the hilum of the &I;-T lung is the$ A. aortic arch ". pulmonar! arter! B. a9!gos arch #. superior vena cava Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p7/
*. "hest <1ra! finding of a patient having difficult! of reathing showed lunting of the costodiaphragmatic angle. If the patient will undergo thoracentesis to evacuate pleural fluid% the ph!sician should insert the needle at the mida3illar! line$ A. :th I"'% midclavicular line% superior order of the lower ri B. (th I"'% posterior a3illar! line% superior order of the lower ri ". (th I"'% mida3illar! line% inferior order of the upper ri #. th I"'% posterior to mida3illar! line% inferior order of the upper ri Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p:* *:. Bronchopulmonar! segments are named after their corresponding$ A. secondar! ronchus ". pulmonar! arter! B. tertiar! ronchus #. pulmonar! vein Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p7( *(. What structure does NOT pass through the diaphragmatic opening at T*2 level? A. aorta ". esophagus B. a9!gous vein #. thoracic duct Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p:2 *. The hori9ontal fissure of the right lung meets the oli5ue fissure on which line of orientation ? A. anterior a3illar! line ". midclavicular line B. mida3illar! line #. right parasternal line Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p7:
*7. On deep inspiration% the tracheal ifurcation descends to which of the following verteral levels? A. T2 ". T: B. T/ #. T Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p76 26. A drun,en man% sitting upright% aspirates a peanut. Into which of the following ronchopulmonar! segments would it li,el! lodge? A. left inferior lingular ". right posterior asal B. left anteromedial asal #. right medial Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p7+ 2*. Blood from the pulmonar! arteries is eventuall! drained from the lungs primaril! through the$ A. a9!gos vein ". l!mphatic s!stem B. ronchial vein #. pulmonar! vein Answer$ #% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p*66 2/. An intern is tr!ing to elicit the presence of corneal lin, refle3 on a patient. Which of the following cranial nerves is the afferent arm of this refle3? A. II ". = B. III #. =II Answer$ "% "linical Neuroanatom!% &ichard '. 'nell% th )d.% p++( 2:. A patient with tertiar! s!philis has impairment of his sense of orientation and position in space. This is indicative of a damage to the$ A. p!ramidal tract ". antero1lateral spinothalamic tract B. dorsal column pathwa! #. corticospinal tract Answer$ B% "linical Neuroanatom!% &ichard '. 'nell% th )d.% p*6 2(. 'pecial somatic afferent fiers are found in which of the following cranial nerves? A. II ". =III B. =I # I< Answer$ A% "linical Neuroanatom!% &ichard '. 'nell% th )d.% p++2 +6. A lind1folded woman was made to guess the letter written on her palm. The second1 order neuron of the involved sensor! pathwa! is located at the$ A. dorsal horn ". nucleus cuneatus B. fasciculus cuneatus #. nucleus gracilis Answer$ "% "linical Neuroanatom!% &ichard '. 'nell% th )d.% p*61*2 +. Which of the following statements is NOT T&0) aout the ileum? A. It has fewer plicae circulares. B. It has fewer mesenteric arterial arcades.
". It has more fat. #. It has shorter vasa recta. Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p2/+12// +:. Which of the following est descries the inguinal canal? A. It is located parallel and aove the lacunar ligament. B. It transmits the ilioh!pogastric nerve. ". The deep inguinal ring is located lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels. #. The superficial inguinal ring is a defect in the parietal peritoneum. Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p*(21*(/ +(. The duodenum is identified histologicall! ! the presence of$ A. Brunner>s glands ". aneth cells B. ;olet cells #. e!er>s patches Answer$ A% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% p+* +. "hoose the "O&&)"T statement aout the -esselach>s triangle. A. It is the site of indirect inguinal hernia. B. The lateral oundar! is formed ! the inferior epigastric vessels. ". It transmits the spermatic cord. #. It is found elow the inguinal ligament. Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p*7/1*7: Atlas of -uman Anatom!% @ran, Netter% plate 2/+ +7. Which of the following arteries ma! e eroded in a patient with perforated ulcer on the posterior wall of the first part of the duodenum? A. right gastric ". gastroduodenal B. right gastroepiploic #. splenic Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p2/+ /*. Which of the following est descries the esophagus? A. It is lined ! simple columnar epithelium. B. It is entirel! made up of s,eletal muscle. ". Mucus secreting glands are found in the lamina propria and sumucosa. #. The adominal portion is covered ! adventitia. Answer$ "% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% p277 /2. The superior mesenteric and splenic veins unite at the region of the head of the pancreas to form the$ A. hepatic vein ". portal vein B. a9!gos vein #. inferior vena cava Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p2:212:+ /+. The superior mesenteric arter! was inadvertentl! cut and ligated. Which of the following structures would NOT e devasculari9ed? A. ascending colon ". descending colon B. 8e8unum #. appendi3 Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p2:* //. At the outpatient clinic% a patient came in with an anal mass. On further e3amination% ilateral inguinal l!mph nodes were palpated. This mass proal! originates from which of the following structures? A. rectum ". lower anal canal B. upper anal canal #. sigmoid colon Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p/26 /. While e3amining a patient with suspected appendicitis% there was tenderness noted on the right lower 5uadrant. This tenderness is due to irritation of which of the following structures? A. parietal peritoneum ". mesocolon B. visceral peritoneum #. A " are correct Answer$ A% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p2* /:. Which of the following structures arise from the midgut? A. pancreas ". duodenum B. liver #. stomach Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p2+12( /(. Which of the following statements is T&0) aout the sartorius? A. It roofs over the femoral triangle. B. It crosses oth the hip and ,nee 8oints. ". It fle3es the thigh ut not the leg.
#. It forms part of the triceps surae muscles. Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p:2* /. Which tendon of the following muscles is tapped to illicit the ,nee18er, refle3? A. 5uadriceps femoris ". sartorius B. tiialis anterior #. popliteus Answer$ A% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p:2/ /7. A laorator! technician not aware of the gluteal anatom! gave his friend a flu shot at the lower aspect of the right gluteus. Afterwards% his friend noted decreased sensation over the anterolateral aspect of the right leg and foot. Also his right foot was noted to drop and drag to the floor. Which of the nerves was proal! in8ured? A. common peroneal nerve ". sciatic nerve B. tiial nerve #. oturator nerve Answer$ A% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p(** 6. Which of the following veins is often harvested as grafts for coronar! arterial !pass procedures? A. cephalic ". lesser saphenous B. asilic #. great saphenous Answer$ #% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p:* *. A 26 !ear old patient sustains a deep cut on the volar surface of right wrist. Median nerve in8ur! would affect which of the following muscles? A. medial lumricals ". thenar B. dorsal interossei #. palmar interossei Answer $ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p/2 2. Which of the following ligaments is traversed ! the needle in performing a lumar tap? A. posterior longitudinal ". cruciate B. anterior longitudinal #. ligamentum flavum Answer$ #% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p7/ +. When a person>s nec, and trun, are fle3ed% as in preparation for a spinal tap% the spinous process of "( ecomes visile and it is for this reason that it is called$ A. spina ifida ". vertera prominens B. atlas #. interverteral disc herniation Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p72( /. In patient with fracture of the middle humerus the following muscles will e denervated )<")T$ A. triceps rachii ". e3tensior digitorum communis B. aductor pollicis revis #. supinator Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p// . Which ranch of the rachial ple3us #O)' NOT give off ranchCesD to the upper arm and shoulder? A. musculocutaneous nerve ". radial nerve B. ulnar nerve #. circumfle3 nerve Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p/+ :. Which of the following muscles of mastication protracts the 8aw? A. masseter ". lateral pter!goid B. temporalis #. medial pter!goid Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p(( (. Which la!er of the scalp contains the muscle responsile for raising the e!erows in e3pression of surprise or horror? A. connective tissue ". loose areolar tissue B. aponeurotic la!er #. pericranium Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% pp(:61(:* . The fle3or of the elow 8oint found at the lateral fascial compartment of the forearm is$ A. rachialis ". triceps rachii B. rachioradialis #. iceps rachii Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p+: 7. Midline calcified odies called corpora arenacea Crain sandsD visile on s,ull radiograph are structures found in which of the following organs? A. ineal gland ". -!pothalamus B. -!poph!sis #. )pithalamus
Answer$ A% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. : th )d.% p/2*
:(. @or the Efight% fright% flightF response which of the following cells would secrete epinephrine? A. ganglion cells of the medulla ". chromaffin B. follicular cells of the th!roid #. pinealoc!tes Answer$ "% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% p/*1/*7 :7. Which structureGs would most li,el! e in8ured if the doctor incorrectl! incised the superior half of the t!mpanic memrane? A. promontor! ". cone of light B. ossicles #. All of the aove Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p+/1+ (6. Which of the following e3traocular muscles are wea, if a patient has difficult! loo,ing straight down? A. superior oli5ue 1 inferior rectus B. medial rectus H superior oli5ue ". superior H inferior oli5ue #. lateral rectus H inferior oli5ue Answer$ A% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p27 (*. Optic nerves are formed ! a3ons of neurons found in the la!er of the retina. A. ganglion ". inner nuclear B. outer nuclear #. photoreceptor Answer$ A% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% p/(: (+. Which of the following structures forms part of the vascular coat of the e!eall? A. choroid ". retina B. con8unctiva #. sclera Answer$ A% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% pp/(61/(2 (/. Which of the following nerves suserveGs taste sensation from the posterior third of the tongue? A. =agus ". ;lossophar!ngeal B. @acial #. All of the aove Answer$ "% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p/( (:. Which of the following diameters is the narrowest A1 diameter of the true pelvis? A. ostetric con8ugate ". oli5ue B. interspinous #. posterior sagittal Answer$ A% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '. 'nell% (th )d.% p++/1++( ((. Which of the following muscles is NOT incised during a median episiotom! done during vaginal deliver!? A. Bulocavernosus ". superficial transverse perineal B. e3ternal anal sphincter #. ischiocavernosus Answer$ #% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '. 'nell% (th )d.% p/+ (7. Which of the following structures #O)' NOT form the urogenital diaphragm? A. sphincter urethrae muscle B. perineal memrane ". deep transverse perineal muscle #. "olle>s fascia Answer$ #% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p/+% p/+7 . The modified smooth muscle cells in the tunica media of the afferent arteriole are called$ A. macula densa ". 8u3taglomerular cells B. mesangial cells #. 8u3taglomerular apparatus Answer$ "% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% p+7/ . #uring dissection% M.". noticed a dilated portion of the spong! urethra. This is the$ A. e3ternal meatus ". urethral crest B. fossa navicularis #. veromontanum Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p/+: 7. Which of the following is related to the J)@T ,idne! anteriorl!? A. duodenum ". *2th ri B. spleen #. ascending colon Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% pp2*12+
76. "hoose the "O&&)"T statement regarding the autonomic suppl! to the ladder. A. '!mpathetic fiers come from '2% '+ '/. B. aras!mpathetic innervation promote empt!ing of the ladder. ". Both A B #. Neither A nor B Answer$ B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p+( 7*. &eferred pain secondar! to stones in the lower two1thirds of the ureter is J)A'T li,el! to e felt in which area? A. @lan, ". Thigh B. Anterior adominal wall #. ;roin Answer B% "linical Anatom!% &ichard '% 'nell. (th )d.% p2: 72. ;erota>s fasciaCrenal fasciaD is an effective anatomic arrier which tends to confine pathological processes in the ,idne! e3cept on which area? A. 'uperiorl! ". Jaterall! B. Inferiorl! #. Mediall! Answer$ B% Atlas of -uman Anatom!% @ran, Netter% plate +2 7. A9urophilic granules are onl! produced in what stage of granulopoiesis? A. m!elolast ". m!eloc!te B. prom!eloc!te #. metam!eloc!te Answer$ B% Basic -istolog!$ Te3t and Atlas% 4un5ueira and "arneiro. *6 th )d.% pp2:12(
*. A high velocit! ullet penetrates the posterior aspect of the shoulder and severel! in8ures the origin of the posterior cord of the rachial ple3us. )ach of the following nerves might possile e affected )<")T the A.
upper suscapular
medial pectoral
age '99)'5
A patient was noted to have atroph! of the temporalis and masseter muscles on one side of the face. -is corneal refle3 on the affected side was normal and he had no sensor! deficit in the chee, area. This patient most proal! has a lesion involving the A.
mandiular division of "N =
ma3illar! division of "N =
ophthalmic division of "N =
terminal ranches of "N =II
age 9--)9-
+. The following secretions are correctl! paired with their cells of origin in ever! pair )<")T
glucagon 1 pancreatic alpha cells
intrinsic factor1 parietal cells of the stomach
insulin 1 pancreatic eta cells
h!drochloric acid 1 chief cells of the stomach
age -52)-5', -3*
Tendinous center of the perineum which is an important structure in childearing women
A. B. C. D.
sphincter urethrae muscle bulbospongiosus transverse perineal muscle perineal body
age !3'
Netter (th edition
Bloom and 8a#cett Te&tboo of 4istology 12th ed
AF1. Neur#l#+ic e'a!inati#n #f a -8$ear #l" alc##lic !an it clu!siness #f is ri+t an" re)eale" p##r "#rsi=e'i#n #f te an" at te rist. He !#st li0el$ in%ure" is& A. !e"ian ner)e B. (raci#ra"ialis ner)e C. !uscul#cutane#us ner)e D. radial nerve AF,. Wic #f te f#ll#in+ state!ent is true re+ar"in+ transecti#n #f te #ptic ner)e5 A. "irect pupillar$ li+t re=e' #ul" (e una?ecte" B. the afected eye will be blind C. tere #ul" (e (ite!p#ral e!ian#psia :. c#nsensual li+t re=e' #ul" (e l#st #n te a?ecte" e$e J4. Wic #f te f#ll#in+ re=e'es is a !#n#s$naptic re=e'5 A. Achilles reex B. pupillar$ li+t re=e' C. c#rneal re=e' :. e'tens#r plantar re=e' IF8. Wic #f te f#ll#in+ (l##" )essels #ul" (e !#st li0el$ in)#l)e" in patient s#in+ #!#n$!#us e!ian#psia it !acular sparin+5 A. internal car#ti" arter$ B. posterior cerebral artery C. !i""le cere(ral arter$ :. anteri#r cere(ral arter$ J9. Wic #f te f#ll#in+ state!ents is true #f te !i""le cere(ral arter$5 A. it supplies te #ccipital an" p#steri#r p#rti#n #f te te!p#ral l#(e B. it is the continuation o the internal carotid artery C. it supplies te p#rti#n #f te !#t#r c#rte' c#rresp#n"in+ t# te le+s :. it +i)es rise t# te !e"ial striate arter$ J*. Wic #f te f#ll#in+ centers is l#cate" in te fr#ntal l#(e5 A. Broca’s speech area B. Werni0es speec area C. pri!ar$ )isual area :. pri!ar$ au"it#r$ area IF1-. A(#)e te arcuate line6 te ap#neur#sis #f tis !uscle splits t# f#r! te rectus seat& A. e'ternal #(li
J-3. Te interatrial c#!!unicati#n in te fetus tr#u+ ic ca)al (l##" is sunte" t# te left atriu! A. f#ra!en #)ale B. f#ssa #)alis C. "uctus )en#sus :. sinus )en#sus J-1. It "i)i"es te atriu! int# a sinus )en#sus an" auricle A. atrial septu! B. !uscul# pectini C. crista ter!inals :. tricuspi" )al)e J--. Te )isceral pericar"iu! is als# calle" te A. epicar"iu! B. en"#car"iu! C. !$#car"iu! :. 2(r#us pericar"iu! J-,. Wic #f te f#ll#in+ car"iac tissues as te sl#est c#n"ucti#n )el#cit$5 A. SA n#"e B. AG n#"e C. Pur0in%e 2(ers :. )entricular !uscle 2(ers J-4. Gal)es are present in A. capillaries B. !e"iu! cali(er )eins C. l$!patic "ucts :. )enules J-9. Te !#st acti)e site f#r e!#p#iesis in a"ults A. fe!ur B. ip (#nes C. s0ull (#nes :. ti(ia J-*. T L$!p#c$te "i?erentiati#n #ccurs in te A. (#ne !arr# B. l$!p n#"e C. t$!us :. (ursa e
C. ileal "i)erticulu! :. intestinal sten#sis J4*. Te par$n' %#ins it te es#pa+us at te le)el #f A. CB. C, C. C4 :. C7 J73. Te )al)es #f H#ust#n are f#un" in te A. ile#cecal %uncti#n B. rectu! C. p$l#rus :. ascen"in+ c#l#n AF71. A ,3 $ear #l" !ale sustaine" fr#! a !#t#r )eicular acci"ent resultin+ t# fracture #f te * t t# te 11t ri(s left p#steri#r. He is in $p#)#le!ic s#c0.Te !#st li0el$ #r+an in%ure" is te A. st#!ac B. li)er C. spleen :. pancreas AF7-. A -3 $ear #l" fe!ale it ist#r$ #f / ee0s fe)er "e)el#pe" perit#nitis an" as "ia+n#se" as T$p#i" @e)er it perf#rati#n. Te #r+an in)#l)e" is te A. st#!ac B. "u#"enu! C. %e%unu! :. ileu! IF74. Te es#pa+us is relate" t# ic p#rti#n #f te eart5 A. ri+t atriu! B. left atriu! C. ri+t )entricle :. left )entricle J77. Te )ein #f Ma$# is te anat#!ical lan"!ar0 "e!arcatin+ te A. es#pa+us an" st#!ac B. st#!ac an" "u#"enu! C. "u#"enu! an" %e%unu! :. si+!#i" an" rectu! J78. Te e'ternal e!#rr#i"al ple'us "rains int# te A. pu"en"al )ein B. internal iliac )ein C. !i""le rectal )ein :. superi#r rectal )ein J79. Wic is cl#sel$ relate" t# te fun"us #f te st#!ac5 A. %e%unu! B. ileu! C. si+!#i" :. spleen J7*. Te +astr#"u#"enal arter$ is a (ranc #f te A. ri+t +astr#epipl#ic B. epatic C. superi#r !esenteric :. splenic J81. As #ne pr#cee"s #utar" fr#! te renal !e"ulla6 te tree separate functi#nal la$ers #f te a"renal c#rte'6 in c#rrect #r"er6 are A. #na reticularis6 #na fasciculata ten #na +l#!erul#sa B. #na fasciculata6 #na reticularis ten #na +l#!erul#sa C. #na +l#!erul#sa6 #na fasciculata ten #na reticularis :. #na +l#!erul#sa6 #na reticularis ten #na fasciculate J8/. Te n#r!al 0i"ne$ #f an a)era+esie" a"ult !an ei+s appr#'i!atel$ A. 143 +!s B. -33 +!s C. 733 +!s :. 16/33 +!s J8-. Te l#cati#n #f te narr#est p#rti#n #f te ureter A. ureter#pel)ic %uncti#n B. acr#ss te iliac )essels C. ureter#)essical %uncti#n :. upper tir" J84. Te !ain (l##" suppl$ #f te pr#state +lan" is te A. uperi#r pr#static arter$ B. !e"ian )esical arter$ C. inferi#r )esical arter$ :. superi#r )esical arter$
AF87. A /9 $ear #l" !an sustaine" a pel)ic fracture "ue t# a !#t#rc$cle acci"ent. Wic p#rti#n #f te uretra as !#st li0el$ in%ure"5 A. pr#static uretra B. !e!(ran#us uretra C. (ul(#us uretra :. penile uretra J88. Te !#t#r ner)es suppl$in+ te urinar$ (la""er c#!e !#stl$ fr#! A. paras$!patetic ner)es B. pel)ic ner)es C. pu"en"al ner)es :. s$!patetic ner)es J8*. Te :art#s la$er (eneat te s0in #f te penis is c#ntinu#us it te super2cial la$er #f te anteri#r a("#!inal all fascia calle" te A. fascia lata B. ca!pers fascia C. (uc0s fascia :. scarpas fascia J93. Te "ull itis c#nnecti)e tissue c#)erin+ #f te #)ar$ is calle" A. tunica al(u+inea B. teca e'terna C. #na pelluci"a :. c#r#na ra"iata J9/. Te ri+t #)arian )ein "rains int# te A. ri+t renal )ein B. $p#+astric )ein C. inferi#r )ena ca)a :. c#!!#n iliac )ein J9-. L$!patics fr#! te )ul)a "rain int# te A. $p#+astric n#"es B. in+uinal n#"es C. paraa#rtic n#"es :. c#!!#n iliac n#"es J94. Te la$er #f en"#!etriu! tat re!ains t# re+enerate after !enstruati#n A. c#!pact la$er B. sp#n+$ la$er C. functi#nal la$er :. (asal la$er J99. Te !ale #!#l#+ue #f te Kartners "uct #f fe!ales A. epi"i"$!is B. in+uinal li+a!ent C. +u(ernaculu! testis :. )as "eferens IF9*. Wic #f te f#ll#in+ state!ents c#ncernin+ te "e)el#p!ent #f te repr#"ucti)e s$ste! in te fe!ale is c#rrect5 A. te clit#ris is anal#+#us t# te penis B. te uretral f#l"s fail t# fuse C. te uretral f#l"s f#r! te la(ia !in#ra :. All #f te a(#)e J*/. @ruct#se6 a s#urce #f ener+$ f#r te sper!at##a6 is pri!aril$ present in te secreti#ns #f A. se!inal )esicle B. epi"i"$!is C. (ul(#uretral +lan" :. )as "eferens J*8. In ic (#ne is te inner ear l#cate"5 A. spen#i" B. te!p#ral C. parietal :. #ccipital J*9. Re+ar"in+ te t$!panic ca)it$6 ic #f te f#ll#in+ state!ents isare true5 A. an air2lle" space in te petr#us p#rti#n #f te te!p#ral (#ne B. c#!!unicates it te par$n' )ia te eustacian tu(e C. #uses te incus6 !alleus an" stapes :. All #f te a(#)e J**. All are supplie" ($ te #cul#!#t#r ner)e6 !"#!$ A. superi#r rectus B. !e"ial rectus C. inferi#r #(li