Indian economy is one of the world’s fastest growing economies with special growth of banking sector in the past few decades. Banking sector is the backbone of any economy. The Indian banking sector has experienced considerable growth since the int
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The customer uses the banking services through online banking, mobile phone banking and automated teller machine these were are called as 'E Banking. This study aimed to describe the customer view about the banking services through E banking. Custome
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between new technology implementation in banking sector and customers. How they are aware about the technologies and how they are using it. Data for this study was collected from the customers
1. Introduction The Indian Banking Sector is quite different from the banking system in the rest of Asia, because of the distinctive geographic, social and economic characteristics of the countr...
Capital Market is a sine quo non for speedy growth and development of a country's economy and India is no exception to it. Capital market has two components i Primary Capital Market and ii Secondary Capital Market. Transactions in the Secondary Capi
pp. 68-77
Digital transformation is far beyond just moving from traditional banking to a digital world. It is and other financial institutions learn about, interact with and satisfy customers. An efficacious digital transformation begins with an understanding
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altered customers preferences and demands. The main purpose of the study is to know the impact of digitations in context to e banking services. Traditionally the relationship between the bank and its customers has been on a one to one process. The go
In order to improve the customer service, book keeping and MIS reporting, the need for computerization was felt in the Indian banking sector in late 1980s. Reserve Bank of India set up a Committee headed by Dr. C. Rangarajan on computerization in ban
The aim of this work is to assess the degree of customer satisfaction in the banking sector in Mongolia based on customer perceptions of service quality. The questionnaire was personally conducted on a sample of 150 bank customers. This document make
Kx' Hfrgec O' Rojeg
Fhpfber 25# 2>??
HMO^PER FGE AGPRF@UHPAFG ?'? Bohljrfug` fi pme Xpu`q
Ohhfr`agj pf Xoxmlag# -?11=! Ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp fr ~orpaha~opaye `ehaxafg kolagj ax geapmer o gez fr xak~ce kogojekegp hfghe~p' Ek~cfqee ~orpaha~opafg ax o hfk~ce} kogojekegp pffc pmop fyer 5> qeorx fi rexeorhm mox ~rfyeg pmop# zmeg o~~cae` ~rf~ercq# hog be eiiehpaye ag ak~rfyagj ~erifrkoghe# ~rf`uhpayapq og` dfb xopaxiohpafg' Ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ax o perk uxe` pf e}~rexx pme zoqx ag zmahm gfg+kogojeraoc xpoii hog kole oupfgfkfux `ehaxafgx zapmfup hfgxucpagj o bfxx&kogojer' Pmexe xeci+ zacce` `ehaxafgx hog be xkocc fr corje `e~eg`agj u~fg pme `ejree fi ~fzer zapm zmahm pme hfk~ogq hfk~ogq zaxmex zaxmex pf agyexp agyexp ek~cfq ek~cfqeex' eex' Ek~cfq Ek~cfqee ee ek~fze ek~fzerke rkegp gp hog bejag bejag zapm zapm proagagj og` hfgyerpagj o zmfce hfk~ogq pf og ek~fzerkegp kf`ec' Hfgyerxecq ap koq kerecq keog jayagj ek~cfqeex pme obacapq pf kole xfke `ehaxafgx fg pmear fzg' Pme pmaglagj bemag` ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ax pmop ap jayex ~fzer pf pme ag`aya`uoc og` pmux kolex ifr mo~~aer ek~cfqeex' Bq fiieragj ek~cfqeex hmfahe og` ~orpaha~opafg fg o kfre rex~f rex~fgxa gxabc bcee ceye ceyec# c# pme pme ek~c ek~cfq fqee eexx ore kfre kfre agye agyexp xpe` e` ag pmea pmearr hfk~o hfk~ogq gq## og` og` yaez yaez pmekxecyex ox o re~rexegpopaye fi xuhm' -^opperxfg# ?11=! Ifr ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp pf zfrl xuhhexxiuccq# pme kogojekegp peok kuxp be prucq hfkkappe` pf occfzagj ek~cfqeex pf kole `ehaxafgx' Pmeq koq zaxm pf `eiage pme xhf~e fi `ehaxafgx ko`e' Buac`agj `ehaxafg+kolagj peokx ax fipeg fge fi pme kf`ecx uxe` ag ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp# behouxe ap occfzx ifr kogojerx og` zfrlerx pf hfgprabupe a`eox pfzor` `arehpagj pme hfk~ogq' -Hmraxpegxeg# 2>?>! Oupfhropah Oupfhropah kogojerx# zmf ore kahrfkogojerx kahrfkogojerx## peg` gfp pf be obce pf upacate ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' ek~fzerkegp' Pmexe pq~ex fi kogojerx kogojerx peg` pf fyerxee occ ox~ehpx ox~ehpx fi fpmerx‑ zfrl# og` uxuoccq zacc gfp jaye u~ hfgprfc' O kogojer `e`ahope` pf ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp kuxp be zaccagj pf jaye u~ hfgprfc fi xfke ox~ehpx fi zfrl ~rf`uhpafg' ~rf`uhpafg' Zmeg ek~cfqeex ieec ox pmfujm pmeq moye hmfahe og` hog kole `arehp `ehaxafgx# pmax `fex fipeg ceo` pf o ?
jreoper ieecagj fi xeci+zfrpm' Ag o kf`ec zmere ~fzer ax hcfxecq pae` pf xegxe fi xeci# moyagj moyagj xfke ~fzer ax o yocuobc yocuobcee pmagj' pmagj' Og ek~cfq ek~cfqee ee zmf `fex gfp ieec hfgxpo hfgxpogpc gpcqq zophme` og` hrapahate` ax kfre calecq pf hfgxa`er zfrl ox o ~fxapaye egyarfgkegp# ropmer pmog o gejopaye fge' -Hmraxpegxeg# 2>?>! Ohhfr`agj pf Orkxprfgj -2>>5! fge eoxq zoq pf bejag ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ag pme zfrl~cohe ax pf agxpocc o xujjexpafg bf}# zmere zfrlerx hog kole xujjexpafgx zapmfup ieor fi ~ugaxmkegp fr reprabupafg' Mfzeyer# xak~cq ~cohagj o xujjexpafg bf} xfkezmere ax fgcq pme iarxp xpe~' Kogojerx kuxp pmeg be zaccagj pf reo` og` hfgxa`er xujjexpafgx' Pmeq kajmp ~rfya`e o ifruk zmere uexpafgx fr xujjexpafgx reheaye o rex~fgxe# cale o zeelcq fr kfgpmcq gezxcepper' Ag o``apafg# kogojerx hog mfc` o fghe kfgpmcq keepagj f~eg pf ek~cfqeex zmere occ xujjexpafgx ore o``rexxe`' Xfke xujjexpafgx moye pf be o~~rfye` ag fr`er ifr ek~cfqeex pf ieec pmop pmeq ore moyagj xfke ak~ohp fg pmear hfk~ogq' hfk~ogq' Ioacure Ioacure pf o~~rfye fr ak~cekegp ak~cekegp ogq xujjexpafgx reagifrhex reagifrhex pmop occ pme ~fzer becfgjx pf pme kogojerx og` gfp pme zfrlerx' Ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp fi ogq ifrk hog fgcq zfrl zmeg kogojerx ore zaccagj pf be f~eg pf gez a`eox og` xpropejaex' Ai gf xuhm zaccagjgexx e}axpx# ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ax calecq pf be gfg+e}axpegp' Bfgf og` Meccer -2>>5!# gfpex pmop# *ek~fzerkegp* axg*p duxp o kopper fi `ecejopagj dfb oupmfrapq pf pme dfb+mfc`erx' Ap keogx pmop *eyerqfge hog pole ohpafg pf egmoghe max fr mer zfrl# eapmer ag ~erxfgoc fr frjogaxopafgoc perkx*' Agxpeo` fi pme pro`apafgoc bureouhrohq# zapm zapm apx apx ek~m ek~mox oxax ax fg hfgp hfgprf rfc# c# xpog xpog`o `or` r`at atop opaf afgg og` og` fbe` fbe`ae aegh ghe# e# Brfz Brfzg+ g+bc bcex exxe xe`` ek~fzer ek~fzerkeg kegpp hog fgcq fgcq pmraye pmraye ag pme caberop caberope` e` xurrfug` xurrfug` fi aggfyo aggfyopaf pafg# g# ice}a ice}abac bacapq apq## hfkkapkegp# terf `eiehpx og` hfgpagufux ak~rfyekegp' Ek~cfqee agyfcyekegp ax hreopagj og egyarfgkegp ag zmahm ~ef~ce moye og ak~ohp fg `ehaxafgx og` ohpafgx pmop oiiehp pmear dfbx' Ek~cfqee agyfcyekegp ax gfp pme jfoc gfr ax ap o pffc# ox ~rohpahe` ag kogq frjogatopafgx' Ropmer# ap ax o kogojekegp og` ceo`erxma~ ~macfxf~mq obfup mfz ~ef~ce ore kfxp egobce` pf hfgprabupe pf hfgpagufux ak~rfyekegp og` pme fgjfagj xuhhexx fi pmear zfrl frjogatopafg' Mfz pf agyfcye ek~cfqeex ag `ehaxaf `ehaxafgg kolagj kolagj og` hfgpag hfgpagufux ufux ak~rfye ak~rfyekeg kegpp ohpaya ohpayapae paexx ax pme xpropej xpropejah ah ox~ehp ox~ehp fi 2
rezor`&hfk~egx rezor`&hfk~egxopafg# opafg# frjogatopafg frjogatopafg xpruhpure xpruhpure og` frjogatopaf frjogatopafgg hucpure hucpure moye terf yocuex# yocuex# ek~cfqee ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp yocue zfuc` be 0'?:9' Ap ax ocxf expobcaxme` pmop o ugap aghreoxe ag proagagj# zmace mfc`agj fpmer iohpfrx hfgxpogp# zfuc` rexucp ag o >':?8 aghreoxe ag ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' Pmax xpopaxpah mo` o p+yocue fi ?'8=: op >'>28 xmfzagj pmop pme xpopaxpah ax xajgaiahogp op 15% hfgia`eghe ceyec'
Mfc`agj fpmer iohpfrx hfgxpogp# o ugap aghreoxe ag rezor` zfuc` houxe og aghreoxe ag ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp bq >'018' O p+yocue fi 2'>5= zox expobcaxme` op >'>0: errfr korjag' Pmax xmfzx pmop pme xpopaxpahx zox xajgaiahogp op 15% xajgaiahoghe ceyec' O ugap aghreoxe ag frjogatopafg xpruhpure zfuc` ceo` pf o >'598 aghreoxe ag ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' O p+yocue fi >'55? zox expobcaxme` op 15% hfgia`eghe ceyec -~;>'>05!' Pmax yoraobce mox o cfp fi agicueghe pf ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp zapmag pme boglagj xehpfr' O ugap aghreoxe ag frjogatopafg hucpure zfuc` ceo` pf o >'9=5 aghreoxe ag ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' O p+yocue fi >'091 zox expobcaxme` op 15% hfgia`eghe ceyec'
Pmax hmo~per jayex o xukkorq fi pme iag`agjx# hfghcuxafg og` rehfkkeg`opafgx' Pme rexeorhm agpegpafg zox pf `eperkage pme iohpfrx oiiehpagj ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp zapmag pme boglagj xehpfr og` pme ifccfzagj ax o xukkorq fi iag`agjx'
5'2 Xukkorq fi Iag`agjx 5'2'? Pf agyexpaj agyexpajope ope zmepmer zmepmer proagagj proagagj agicueg agicueghex hex ek~cfqe ek~cfqeee ek~fzer ek~fzerkeg kegpp ag og frjogatopafg'
Pme xpu`q ifug` fup pmop o jff` gukber fi pme fbxerye` boglx pmere ek~cfqeex zere yerq iokacaor zapm kopperx fi ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ox fbxerye` ag pme ogocqxax zmere bq kodfrapq zere yerq iokacaor' Ap zox gfp yerq hceor fg mfz ~rexeghe fr cohl proagagj og` `eyecf~kegp agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp hfgxa`eragj xfke fi pme fbxeryere` boglx zere `fagj iage ag perkx fi ~erifrkoghe meghe ap zox gfpe` pmop proagagj ~reyoace` ag xfke frjogatopafgx zmace fpmerx zere fg `e~orpkegpoc boxax' Proagagj og` `eyecf~kegp agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ag og frjogatopafg ag pme xegxe pmop iughpafgx og` `upaex ag pme bogl `f `aiier meghe fge `e~orpkegpx proagagj gee`x hog gfp o~~cq pf fpmer `e~orpkegpx meghe keoxure fi ek~fzerkegp hog gfp be ocajge` pf be pme xoke' 5'22 Pf expobcaxm pme e}pegp pf zmahm rezor` agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ag og frjogatopafg'
Pme e}pegp pf zmahm rezor` fr hfk~egxopafg agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ag og frjogatopafg zox fbxerye` pf be op o yerq majm e}pegp bq 90% fi pme rex~fg`egpx' Pme 5>
xpu`q pmereifre gfpex pmop rezor`&hfk~egxopafg ax hfgxa`ere` pf yerq ak~frpogp og` `eperkagex mfz zfrl ag pme frjogaxopafg ax ~erifrke`' Ap ax ocxf hfgxa`ere` pf ohhfk~ogq og` rex~fgxabacapq fi poxl oxxajge` ag pme fbxerye` frjogatopafgx' Pme xpu`q gfpe pmop rezor` ax o iohpfr pmop hog be hfgxa`ere` pf ohp ox og agicueghe pf ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp bup ag xapuopafgx zmere xocoraex ore zecc morkfgate` pmeg ap‑x gfp o iohpfr pf be fi jreop fr kodfr agicueghe' Ag`ahopfrx fg rezor` og` hfk~egxopafg pmop jreopcq jreopcq agicue agicueghe ghe ek~cfq ek~cfqee ee ek~fzer ek~fzerkeg kegpp ore gfpe` gfpe` ox aghegp aghegpaye ayexx ~oq ~cog# ~cog# zoje zoje xuryeqx# Dfb eyocuopafg og` dfb ogocqxax' 5'28 Pf `eperkage zmepmer pme frjogatopafg xpruhpure agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ag og frjogatopafg'
Frjogatopafg xpruhpure agicueghe ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ag pme frjogatopafg' Ap zox gfpe` pmop pme frjogaxopafg frjogaxopafg xpruhpure ax o xfurhe fi ek~fzerkegp ek~fzerkegp jayeg pmop ap accuxpropex accuxpropex zmf ogxzerx pf zmfk fr zmf ax egpapce` pf zmop iughpafgx ag pme frjogaxopafg' Xfke frjogat frjogatopa opafgx fgx oxxfhao oxxfhaope pe pmere pmere xpruhp xpruhpurex urex pf ek~fze ek~fzerke rkegp gp zmace zmace fpmerx fpmerx `fg‑p' `fg‑p' Pme rex~fg`egpx zere ag xu~~frp fi pmere frjogatopafgx `ex~ape fi ogq hmoccegjex pmop kajmp be ag e}axpeghe' Pme iag`agjx xmfz pmop ek~fzerkegp ax ~frproqe` ag pme xpruhpure fi qfur frjogatopafg zmfeyer yorae` f~agafgx zere gfpe` hfgxa`eragj kogq gfpe` pmop pme xpruhpure ax o zoq fi re~frpagj og` gfp gehexxoracq o keogx fi ek~fzerkegp'
5'2'0 Pf iag` fup mfz frjogatopafg hucpure agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ag og frjogatopafg'
Pme iag`ag iag`agjx jx ag pme xpu`q xpu`q ifug` ifug` pmop pmop pmop pmop frjogat frjogatopa opafg fg hucpur hucpuree agicue agicueghe ghe ek~cfq ek~cfqee ee ek~fzerkegp' Hucpure ag pme frjogaxopafg ax hfgxa`ere` pf be o zoq fi e}haxagj oupmfrapq og` zfrl ag pme frjogaxopafg meghe ap xeryex og agicueghe pf ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' Frjogaxopafg hucpure apx xeci occfzx ifr e}axpeghe fi ek~fzerkegp ag pme frjogaxopafg' Hucpure okfgj ek~cfqeex ag og frjogaxopafg ceo`x pf o jff` zfrlagj recopafgxma~' Pme e}pegpx pf zmahm hfk~ogaex zapm yerq xprfgj og` x~ehaiah hucpure iag` ap mor`er pf
ek~fzer ogq mfz ox pmere ore xep hucpurex pf be ifccfze`' Ap ax gfpe` pmop xep zoqx og` ~rohpahex fi `fagj pmagjx ag pme frjogaxopafg kole ap `aiiahucp pf ~rohpahe ek~fzerkegp' 5'8 Hfghcuxafgx
Pme xpu`q hfghcu`e` pmop bfpm pme ek~cfqeex og` pme ek~cfqer ore yerq iokacaor fg kopperx rejor`agj ek~fzerkegp' Ap zox gfp yerq hceor fg mfz ~rexeghe fr cohl proagagj og` `eyecf~kegp agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp hfgxa`eragj xfke fi pme fbxeryere` boglx zere `fagj iage ag perkx fi ~erifrkoghe' Proagagj og` `eyecf~kegp agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp ek~fzerkegp ag pme boglagj xehpfr' Pme rejrexxafg xpopex pmop proagagj og` `eyecf~kegp ax fi jreop ak~ohp pf ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' Pme Pme xpu`q xpu`q ocxf ocxf hfghc hfghcu`e u`e pmop pmop e}peg e}pegpp pf zmah zmahmm rezo rezor` r` fr hfk~ hfk~eg egxop xopaf afgg agic agicue ueghe ghexx ek~c ek~cfq fqee ee ek~f ek~fze zerk rkeg egpp ag og frjo frjoga gato topa pafg fg ax op o yerq yerq majm majm e}pe e}pegp gp og` og` pmop pmop rezor`&hfk~egx rezor`&hfk~egxopafg opafg ax hfgxa`ere` hfgxa`ere` pf be yerq ak~frpogp ak~frpogp og` `eperkagex `eperkagex pme ceyec fi zfrl zaccagjgexx' Pme xpu`q hfghcu`ex pmop rezor`&hfk~egxopafg ax o iohpfr pmop hog be hfgxa`ere` pf ohp ox og agicueghe pf ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp bup ag xapuopafgx zmere xocoraex ore zecc morkfgate` pmeg ap‑x gfp o iohpfr pf be fi jreop fr kodfr agicueghe' Ap ax pmereifre gfpe` pmop rezor`&hfk~egxopafg ax fi oyeroje eiiehp pf ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' Pme xpu`q hfghcu`ex pmop frjogatopafg xpruhpure agicueghe ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp zapmag pme boglagj xehpfr' Xfke frjogatopafgx oxxfhaope pmere xpruhpurex pf ek~fzerkegp zmace fpmerx `fg‑p' Iagocc Iagoccqq ap ax hfghcu hfghcu`e` `e` pmop pmop frjogat frjogatopa opafg fg hucpur hucpuree agicue agicueghe ghe ek~cfq ek~cfqee ee ek~fzer ek~fzerkeg kegp' p' Hucpure ag pme frjogaxopafg ax hfgxa`ere` pf be o zoq fi e}haxagj oupmfrapq og` zfrl ag pme frjogaxo frjogaxopa pafg fg meghe meghe ap xeryex xeryex og agicue agicueghe ghe pf ek~cfq ek~cfqee ee ek~fzer ek~fzerkeg kegp' p' Jayeg Jayeg og ag`aya`uoc frjogatopafg ~erx~ehpaye pme ceyec op zmahm pme yoraobcex oiiehp ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp zacc be yorae`' Ifr o xuhhexxiuc ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp fbxerye` yoraobce ag pme xpu`q kuxp be hfgxa`ere` bq pme rex~ehpaye frjogatopafgx'
5'0 Rehfkkeg`opafgx
Pme xpu`q rehfkkeg`x pme ifccfzagj< Pme iag`agjx irfk pme xpu`q ag`ahope pmop pmere ore iohpfrx pmop moye og agicueghe fg egxurag egxuragjj ek~cfq ek~cfqee ee ek~fze ek~fzerke rkegp gp ore fbxerye` fbxerye`'' Pme iohpfrx iohpfrx ore hfgxa`e hfgxa`ere` re` pf be og agicueghe pf pme xpope` fr fbxerye` yoraobcex' Xfke fi pme iohpfrx ~up fg rehfkkeg`opafg ore xuhm ux< Proagagj xmfuc` be fbxerye` op occ ceyecx fi kogojekegp ag pme frjogaxopafg hfgxa`eragj pme gopure fi `e~orpkegp‑x f~eropafgoc ohpayapaex' Rezor` fr hfk~egxopafg xmfuc` be `fge ag o morkfgate` zoq pf ho~pure occ pme dfb hopejfraex ag pme frjogaxopafg hfgxa`eragj ap ax o iohpfr pmop agicueghex ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' Pme frjogatopafgx xmfuc` egxure pmop pmere zfrl&rfce xpruhpurex `f gfp hfgicahp zapm zfrl occf occfhop hopaf afgx gx ag pme pme frjog frjogax axop opaf afg' g' Iagoc Iagoccq cq hucp hucpur uree moya moyagj gj beeg beeg fbxery fbxerye` e` ox o xep fi ~erifrkagj zfrl ag pme frjogaxopafg# pme boglx xmfuc` hfgxa`er horrqagj fup e}hmogje ~rfjrokkex fr dfagp ~rfjrokkex pmop zacc u~caip zfrl recopafgxma~ ag pme xehpfr og` hfke u~ zapm hucpurex pmop ore rexucpx&~erifrkoghe fraegpe`'
5'5 Oreo ifr Iurpmer Xpu`q
Pmax zfrl koq xerye ox o boxax ifr iurpmer xpu`aex ag ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp' @ue pf pme gopure fi boglagj og` hfk~epapafg pme xpu`q zox cakape` ag `opo oyoacobacapq meghe pme xoke xpu`q hog hog be o`f~pe` ag o `aiieregp `aiieregp frjogaxopafg frjogaxopafg fr xehpfr xehpfr xep u~' Pme xpu`q zox zox ocxf cakape` pf ifur yoraobcex frjogaxopafg hucpure# frjogaxopafg xpruhpure# proagagj og` rezor`' Kfre yoraobcex hog be aghfr~frope` ag pme kf`ec'
Ookf`p# K'J' -2>>:!' Ag`uxpraoc frjogatopafgoc ~xqhmfcfjq4 ~xqhmfcfjq4 Og o~~cae` O~~rfohm'5pm e`apafg' Pmfkxfg Zo`xzfrpm' O`okx# D'X' -?195!' – Ageuapq ag xfhaoc e}hmogje‛' e}hmogje‛' O`y' E}~' Xfh' ^xqhmfc' 924885+808' Horrecc O`er# M' D'# Keccegberjm Keccegberjm## J' D'# ) Mog`# @' D' -2>>=!' –O`yaxagj fg rexeorhm kepmf`x‛4 kepmf`x‛4 O hfgxu hfgxucp cpog ogp*p*xx hfk~ hfk~og ogaf afg' g' Muat Muateg eg## Pme Pme Gepm Gepmer erco cog` g`x4 x4 Dfmo Dfmogge ggexx yog yog Lexxe Lexxecc ^ubcaxmagj' Orkxprfgj K og` Xpe~meg P -2>>5! –O mog` bffl fi Ek~cfqee Rezor` Kogojekegp og` ^rohpahe‛# iarxp e`apafg# Cfg`fg' Lfjog ^oje Cakape` Orpmur# @' -?115!' "Proagagj og` @eyecf~kegp"' Kogojagj Mukog Rexfurhex ag Xkocc ) Ka`+Xate` Hfk~ogaex' Hfk~ogaex' OKOHFK @ay Okerahog Kjkp Oxxg' Opokog# J' -2>>8!' –Mukog Rexfuxe Kogojekegp irfk og frjogaxopaufgx ^erx~ehpaye‛ QoqĿcĿk `agokalcera' Fgera# 5-?1!# ?8+?1' Bfrg Bfrg## C' ) Kfcc Kfccek ekog og## E' -?11 -?119! 9!'' – Ek~fze Ek~fzerke rkegp gp og` Rezor` Rezor`x‛ x‛44 o Hoxe Hoxe Xpu` Xpu`qq' Ek~fzerkegp ag Frjogatopafgx# 0-8!# 8> +88' Bro`p# R' -?11=! Yarpuoc Frjogatopafgx4 O Xak~ce Po}fgfkq# Po}fgfkq# Agif pmagl Buxagexx Dfurgoc Pme Oho`ekq fi Kogojekegp Reyaez' 8< 24 2>2+2?>' Burgx# P ) Xpocler# Xpocler# JK -?19?!# Pme kogojekegp fi aggfyopafg# aggfyopafg# Poyaxpfhl ^ubcahopafgx# Cfg`fg' Rog`fk Mfuxe # ~ubcaxmerx Burkog# R' ) Eyogx# O'D' -2>>=! Porjep Terf4 O Hucpure fi xoiepq# @eieghe Oyaopafg Xoiepq Hegpre Dfurgoc' 50
Horr Horrec eccc K'R' K'R'## ) @app @appra rahm hm## D'E' D'E' -?1: -?1:=! =!'' Eua Euapq pq Pmef Pmefrq rq44 Pme Pme Rehe Rehegp gp Cape Capero ropu pure re## Kepmf`fcfjahoc Hfgxa`eropafgx# og` Gez @arehpafgx' Pme Oho`ekq fi Kogojekegp Reyaez' 8< 24 2>2+2?>' Heqcog# Heqcog# O' -2>>2!' –Mukog Rexefurhe ^coggagj‛ ^coggagj‛ Putco Bùcjexag`ela Bùcjexag`ela Pahora Boglocor`o Bar OroŖpĿrko' Ùger a#a# 5-?:!# ??8 +?2>' Hmopurye Hmopurye`a# `a# Y' -2>>=!' -2>>=!' – Ek~cfqeex Ek~cfqeex Ek~fzerkegp‛' Ek~fzerkegp‛' O leq pf agprag agpragxah xah kfpayo kfpayopaf pafg# g# Kogojekegp Orpahcex# Orpahcex og` ^o~oerx bq Iohucpq fi Kogojekegp Agxpapupex# 2>>=# mpp~4&&zzz'ag`aogkbo'hfk&IohucpqVHfcukg&IH:=?&ih:=?'mpkc# Hmraxpegxeg# P' E -2>?>!# – Ek~cfqee Ek~fzerkegp‛' Buxagexx Reyaez Dfurgoc Zaxe Jeel @a~exm X' ^ -2>?>! – Buxagexx Dfurgoc‛# Dfurgoc‛# Iokacq Bogl# Goarfba Legqo @ruhlr ^' -?111!' –Pme Hfkagj fi pme gez Frjogaxopafg‛ Moyor` Buxagexx Reyaez' Eckupa# @' -?11:!' –Xeci+ko –Xeci+kogoje` goje` Zfr` Peokx O~~rfohm‛4 O~~rfohm‛4 Hreopaye Kogojekegp Pffc fr o io`' Kogojekegp @ehaxafg# @ehaxafg# 85-8!# 288+ 281' Juerrerf#E' Juerrerf#E' -2>>:!' –Hcfxe Eghfugperx4 Hfkkugahopafg ag Recopafgxma~x‛# 2g` e`apafg' Xoje ^ubcahopafgx# Agh' Juggexfg# OF -?11:!# –Progxapafgagj –Progxapafgagj pf ojacapq4 hreopagj pme 2?xp hegpurq egper~raxe‛# egper~raxe‛ # O``axfg+Zexceq# Reo`agj# Koxx' Meater D' ) Reg`er B' -2>>5! – Ek~cfqee ek~fzerkegp‛ Egcorjagj ek~cfqee dfbx' ^cog+ @f+H mehl + Ohp Zocper Xmezmorp# o ~afgeer ag uocapq kogojekegp # # + Xga~~ep yaez Mfgf Mfgfc` c`## C' -?11 -?11:! :!'' O Reya Reyaez ez fi pme pme Cape Capero ropu pure re fg Ek Ek~c ~cfq fqee ee Ek Ek~f ~fze zerk rkeg egp' p' Ek~fzerkegp ag Frjogatopafgx# Frjogatopafgx# 5-0!# 2>2+ 2?2' 55
Ayogheryahm' D' -?11=!' Mukog Rexfurhe Kogojekegp ' Popo KhJroz+Macc ^ubcaxmagj Hfk~ogq Cakape`4 Cfg`fg' Df~~e Df~~e## K' -2>>> -2>>>!' !' Pme Rexeor Reprae aeye ye`` Iebruo Iebruorq rq 25# 25# ?11= ?11=## irfk irfk## Rexeorhm hm ^rfhex ^rfhexx' x' Repr mpp~4&&zzz'rqerxfg'ho&wkdf~~e&r~'mpk Laguxa K' G -2>?>! Boglagj Xehpfr ag Legqo# Agxpapupe fi Kogojekegp # Kogojekegp Dfurgoc# Goarfba Lfêec# P' -2>>8!' –Cobfur Kogojekegp‛' ľŖcepke QùgepahacaĖa' QùgepahacaĖa' 1' BoxlĿ' ľxpogbuc4 Bepo QoqĿgcorĿ' Lolupoga K' -2>>1! Hfghe~puocatopafg "Pme "Pme Ero fi O`o~pagj _uahlcq"# Pme Gez Qfrl Pakex