American Idioms

English of american styleFull description...
Author:  babsankaran

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A simple note as a reference for students learning these English Expressions.Descripción completa


Example of idioms. Can be used in composition for SPM.

a book with several types of phrasal verbs

a book with several types of phrasal verbsDescripción completa

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idioms for CAEDescripción completa

Most commonly used CAE idioms with pictures , examples and translations into Spanish.Descripción completa

Descripción: phrasal verbs and collocations

Descrição: Korean idioms and slang used in daily life. The texts are in both Korean and English. It's not for beginner learner. Suitable for intermediate up learners and those who want to add some colors to ...

Most commonly used CAE idioms with pictures , examples and translations into Spanish.Descripción completa

Descripción: In this lesson you will be able to use common idioms like an 'English' person. For more great lesson please visit

Most commonly used CAE idioms with pictures , examples and translations into Spanish.