ALARM DESCRIPTIONS FOR ERICSSON 3G NODE-B The following alarms were seen during the WCDMA RAN Rollout on the RNC/RXI/RBS. RNC/RXI/RBS. This doument will !e u"dated an# time new alarms with wor$arounds ome in.
ALARM: Synchronization (RBS Mostl# s#nhroni%ation alarms are one of the following &oss of Tra$ing T' S#nh Referene &oss of Signal (D) &oss of Signal or (D) &oss of *rame or onl# &oss of Signal or &oss of *rame In most ases+ the node lost one of the s#nhroni%ation referenes and the node needs to !e res#nhed • • •
T' S#nh Referene &oss of Signal, T'B or CB' doesn-t get the signal he$ the in"ut "ort+ a!les+ !oards themseles &oss of Tra$ing, Node is not in lo$ed mode !ut in holdoer mode reset&oss0fTra$ing1 reset&oss0fTra$ing1 on S#n M0 2use &DN of ""3 and ""4 whih are the s#n referenes (D) &oss of Signal/*rame or &oss of Signal/*rame, 5T doesn-t detet the signal he$ "ort+ a!les+ !oard 2"ut a!le !etween T6 and R6 on the 5T7+ if eer#thing is o$+ then remoe this "ort from the s#n referene
ALARM: Lo!! o" C#$$ D#$in#ation This an ha""en for the IMA lin$ or the se"arate T3 he$ status of T3s+ their ross onnetion+ onfiguration he$ the lin$ "erformane 25S and S5S7 on 53(h#s(athTerm for that lin$+ if the num!ers are inreasing+ then the networ$ is not sta!le+ if it is not inreasing+ then there might !e a )W issue 25T !oard7 5T "ort might !e hanging+ thus restart the "ort
ALARM: Carri#r%R&Di'#r!ityLo!t This alarm will ause a degraded arrier he$ whether the R' or *' is lo$ed if onnetion is o$+ tr# to restart the "ort for that setor lhsh 883488/666 restart1 might !e om!ined with antenna alarm 2AiDeie9AntennaS#stem(ro!lem 2AiDeie9AntennaS#stem(ro!lem or TmaDeie9AntennaS#stem(ro!lem7+ TmaDeie9AntennaS#stem(ro!lem7+ see !elow for more info
ALARM: AiD#'ic#%Ant#nnaSy!t#Pro)$# or TaD#'ic#%Ant#nnaSy!t#Pro)$# Whih alarm shows u" de"ends on whether the antenna is onneted to a TMA he$ the antenna+ :um"er a!les+ a!le onnetions isuall# and also !# swa""ing them among the setors and see whether alarm moes he$ *' he$ the alue of the su"erision su"erision "arameter 2should !e ;<+ !ut if set to 8 no alarm is re"orted7 restart the R'
ALARM: Carri#r%R#*#ctSi+na$Fro, This alarm is issued from seeral )W+ mainl# R'+ TX!oard and RR' insert new )W if this doesn-t hel" re!oot the RBS 2there has !een a CSR whih re=uires re!oot7
ALARM: R/D#'ic#Gro/0%G#n#ra$,1Error This alarm indiates "ro!lems with the om"onent 2written at !eginning of alarm+ in this ase R'7 restart R' "ort+ restart whole R' !oard if doesn-t hel"+ re"lae R'
ALARM: AiD#'ic#%E2t#rna$nitFai$/r# This alarm a""ears if the feeder or :um"er a!le is onneted inorretl# or damaged or the TMA an !e fault# he$ the antenna+ :um"er a!les+ a!le onnetions isuall# and also !# swa""ing them among the setors and see whether alarm moes he$ the TMA
ALARM: E2t#rna$Ta%LnaFai$/r#BranchA This alarm omes u" when the two transistors am"lif#ing the R* signals in the TMA fail. The ell an still arr# traffi as long as !ranh B is wor$ing+ howeer+ the RX might !e degraded. >? run sri"t to modif# the TMA "arameters
ALARM: N)a0 (in RNC OR E4/i0#nt "or RD#'ic#Gro/0 (in RBS Che$ in 5MAS the e=ui"ment iew for the RBS Restart the s"eifi R'/*' in RBSSu!ra$
ALARM: Carri#r%L%GainPro)$# Che$ attenuation in B5MAS+ RBS needs one of eah+ D(C&+ T(A+ TR
ALARM: Carri#r%L%GainTr/ncat# Che$ whether feeder loss is outside the ae"ta!le range 2ma6 is @d!7 Che$ "ower Are R' !oards stead#
ALARM : A/2P$/+Innit%Pi/Conn#ctionLo!t (iu "owered off Ca!le "ro!lem *'/R' >? Che$ a!61
ALARM: Ta%LnaFai$/r# Che$ oltage 2what TMA gies out7+ if too low >? he$ *' 2!ad or short iruit7 >? restart *' if 8 >? he$ if internal"ower is set to #es 2in 56ternalTma M07 he$ urrent 2what antenna "ulls out7 >? he$ if also AiDeie 2antenna7 alarm
ALARM: CL%Lo!!o"Main &ost "ower+ node is in !a$u" mode
ALARM: FC%D#'ic#Gro/0%N/)#ro",1Entiti#!Mi!atch Was )W re"laed It then might hae a different reision >? restart (luginunitM0 for that "iee
ALARM: FC%D#'ic#Gro/0%FanFai$/r# 3 *C' has fan+ if ena!led and unlo$ed+ restart it
ALARM: R&Di'#r!ityLo!! Che$ if *' Is lo$ed
ALARM: Carri#rR#*#ct If )SD(A is ena!led+ disa!le it+ the alarm will then go awa#
ALARM: IMAGro/0In!/""ici#ntLin5! IMArou"Insuffiient&in$sat*ar5nd IMA is usuall# disa!led+ !ut IMA lin$ is ena!led >? delete/rereate IMA+ if that doesn-t hel"+ >? or lo$ the atie !oard 2fore it to go oer to the redundant one7+ unlo$ after 2so it goes !a$7 >? or reset the "roessor on !oard
restart (S'Deierou"
ALARM:Carri#r%Sin+a$NotR#c#i'#1ithinTi# i.e. Setor>3+ Carrier>3 >? is TX!oard u" >? disa!le )SD(A+ t6deiegrou" on slot 38
he$ oltage on !atter#+ should !e around 8+ if not a restartAu6'nit Au6(lugIn'nit1 2from (S37
ALARM: tranC#$$%N)a0M#!!a+#Fai$/r# (in RNC AIDeie956ternal'nit*ailure E CarrierRe:etSignal*rom)W 2in RBS7 Che$ if antenna feeder is too low in tFe Che$ *'
ALARM: tranC#$$%N)a0M#!!a+#"ai$/r# (RNC Ai9Deie956ternal'nit*ailure 2RBS+ e=ui"ment malfuntion+ *'G aideie>37 Carrier9Re:etSignal*rom)ardware 2RBS7 In RBS tFe, antennafeeder low/high turn off TMA "ower
ALARM: RBS%Loca$C#$$notA# (RNC or NBa0M#!!a+#Fai$/r# (RNC RBS has no alarms ells are disa!led+ in RBS+ t6!oard is down
ALARM: tranC#$$%Int#rna$R#!o/rc#na'ai$a)$# or tranC#$$%N)a0M#!!a+#Fai$/r# wor$around to reload the module where the RBS is The module an !e found in the "ro"erties of the RBS in 5MAS under iu!9lin$s in the Radio Networ$ iew. 0r it an !e found using Moshell on the RNC ?"r iu!lin$ *ind the RBS in the list and do a +#t on it. Read the module !ased on a!oe info.
ALARM: AiD#'ic#%Ant#nnaSy!t#Pro)$# 'se the following RBS ommand, Moshell lt antennabranch get antennabranch antennaSupervisionThreshold lt tma get tma power In the RBS there is feature to measure the SWR 2oltage Standing Wae Ratio7. In sim"le words+ the SWR is a measure of the refletion in the R* "ath aused !# fault# e=ui"ment !etween the RBS and the Antenna. In ase of nonHTMA sites+ the RBS has another feature all DC resistane. See the following ta!le to see whih features are used for the S ar5#t.
Ta)$#: 6a$i "or F78 79 an F78 ;< - = not !/00ort#
F###r Po.#r S/00$y S6
DC Ant#nna S6
6S1R Ant#nna S6
3. 0nl# antenna
4. R5T/RI'+ no ASC/TMA
!ranh A
J.TMA+ e6ternal "ower su""l#
;. TMA+ "ower su""l# !# *'/AI'
Note, 0!sere that when TMA is defined Branh B has N0 su"erision. If the antennasu"erisionthreshold is not set orretl# 2general alue is ;<7 then we see this alarm. The formula for the different t#"es of su"erision is in M0M and gien !elow as well, When DC resistane su"erision is used the threshold ma"s to a resistane 2R7+ R > 2383HantennaSu"erisionThreshold7K8.3 ohm When SWR su"erision is used the threshold is ma""ed to a return loss 2R&7+ when "erformed !# ASC, R& > ; E 8.3KantennaSu"erisionThreshold dB when "erformed !# *', R& > J.J E 8.44KantennaSu"erisionThreshold dB SWR > 23E38L2HR&/4877/23H38L2HR&/4877 The threshold alue 8 means that the su"erision is t/rn# o"" . In this ase as$ the AS( to "ut dumm# loads on the RBS to eliminate alarms with the Antenna.
ALARM, E2t#rna$TMA%#+ra#>Fai$# Moshell cabx The a!6 "rintout has (0RT information at the end. *or a J setor site there are @ (0RT information. 0ne line for R' and *' deies 2J R'EJ*'7. The printout shows the port, for example, ==================================== SMN APN PORT BOARD ==================================== 0 12 port_0_dev_8 RU22 0 12 port_0_dev_8 FU 0 12 port_4_dev_9 RU22 0 12 port_4_dev_9 FU 0 12 port_8_dev_10 RU22 0 12 port_8_dev_10 FU ------------------------------------
lhsh 001200/port_x_dev_ !ui get devstat get "ort information from a!6 5nsure that the destat "rintout from a!oe has 3@888m for eah setor and the urrent is !etween 8mAH488mA+ if and onl# if the site has TMA! #"in# and is !eing 0o.#r# !# the 'MTS RBS 2M0,e6ternalTMA+ Attri!ute,internal"ower7. 5ah RBS in the 'S mar$et+ has threshold when this alarm is generated. These thresholds are in"ut into the RBS using sri"ts. The thresholds ar# for single !and TMAs and dual !and TMAs. Ma$e sure that the right threshold is set for the t#"e of TMA. Below is the threshold sri"t for =ui$ referene.
acc SystemConstants=1 writeConst y 300 00001 acc SystemConstants=1 writeConst y 301 135 acc SystemConstants=1 writeConst y 302 270 acc SystemConstants=1 writeConst y 303 135 acc SystemConstants=1 writeConst y 304
*or more information a!out the thresholds "lease see the following doument.
5,O(ro:et9doO 'MTS9dosO Referen
ALARM: Carri#r Di'#r!ity Fai$#>D#+ra# In the RBS antenna !ranh A is TX/RX while !ranh B is RX onl#. )ene there are two RX "aths 2RX diersit#7. The RBS monitors the two RX "aths and om"ares the signal reeied from !oth of these "aths. If there is signifiant mismath1 !etween these "aths 2li$e TMA failure on !ranh B. Remem!er !ranh B has no su"erision7 then this alarm is generated. This alarm is su""ressed if there is a higher "riorit# alarm suh as the AI9Deie9antenna9s#stem9"ro!lem. ie lgar ommand in moshell to see if this alarm was raised and su""ressed.
ALARM: IMA NSABLE Alarms on RBS Sy0to: 1arn IMA Lin5 R#c#0tion n/!a)$# at Far En r#ot#%no#%tran!i!!ion%#rror IaGro/0=7-7ia7
Make a cv on the RBS and cold restart RBS to clear alarms for imalink=3 and imalink=4. cvms acc 0 restart
A$ar: Carri#r%LGainTr/ncat# Symptoms The RBS sectors which have lon feed ca!les with feeder loss !ier than "d! et alarm #arrier$%&'ainTruncated( Bad #overae on %)
The *arameter ulfeeder+tteunation should !e set accordin to the actual feeder lenth( even if the feeder attenuation is reater than "d!.The TRs ,'-4/ and ,'""" 12Rad-05/6 have !een o*ened in 7&M. The *ro!lem occurs at sites with feeder losses !ier than "dB and it is the entered feeder loss value that triers this alarm. The alarm doesn8t *oint out a real error 1e9ce*t in the case that the o*erator enters a value that are !ier than "dB !: mistake6( its more of an information that the feeder are lare and *erformance can et deraded with lare feeder losses.
This is a warnin alarm issued when the %& am*lification internall: in the RBS cannot com*ensate for the attenuation in the +ntenna eeder #a!le. *timal sensitivit: is no loner o!tained. othin in the RBS chanes state !ecause of this situation and trafic handlin continues. The e9ternal attenuation( that is the com!ination of the ain of the TM+ and the %& +ttenuation of the +ntenna eeder 1+nteeder#a!le6( is larer than what the &ow oce +m*lifier 1&+6 on the % can com*ensate for. 2hen that situation arise( the alarm #arrier$%&'ainTruncated is issued. +cce*t the *resence of the warnin alarm. The ul+ttenuation of +ntennaeeder#a!le shall not !e chaned to a false value( as that im*acts the *ower measurements. This alarm is *lanned to !e removed in a later sw revision on the RBS. The correction to this fault( 2Rad-05/( will !e delivered !: #R 2Rad-44 in RBS #7 0- 050 R30+( included in R+ 4.0.- which is *lanned to !e released on ?une . The 7/)@ *ackae name is not known at the moment !ut will !e released at the same time as the 74 *ackae.
ALARM: Lo!! o" Trac5in+ @ Lo!! o" Synch R#"#r#nc# R#/nancy RBS a$t 799-78-37 87:??:7; M Lo!! o" Trac5in+ r#0$ac#a)$#%/nit%0ro)$# Synchronization=7 799-78-37 87:?:7; . Lo!! o" Synch R#"#r#nc# R#/nancy r#0$ac#a)$#%/nit%0ro)$# Synchronization=7
RBS $0r !ync 8@8P38H38,3@,@ 3Q4.48.44<.QJ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ro6# M0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 384 5=ui"ment>3+Su!ra$>3+Slot>3+(lugIn'nit>3+C!u>3+Timing'nit>3+TuS#nRef>3 73 Tran!0ortN#t.or5=73+RBS666S#nhroni%ation>3 33@; NodeB*untion>3+Iu!>RBS+NodeS#nhT">3
RBS +#t 73 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 38J Trans"ortNetwor$>3+S#nhroni%ation>3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S#nhroni%ationId 3 degradationIs*ault 8 2degrNot*ault7 s#nRefAtiit# iP > 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 s#nRef(riorit# iP > 3 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 s#nRefStatus iP > 4 J 8 8 8 8 8 8 s#nReferene P > ??? s#nReferene > 5=ui"ment>3+Su!ra$>3+Slot>3+(lugIn'nit>3+C!u>3+5tm3>3+T3(h#s(athTerm>""3
??? s#nReferene > 5=ui"ment>3+Su!ra$>3+Slot>3+(lugIn'nit>3+C!u>3+5tm3>3+T3(h#s(athTerm>""4 ??? s#nReferene > ??? s#nReferene > ??? s#nReferene > ??? s#nReferene > ??? s#nReferene > ??? s#nReferene > s#stemClo$A 4 2lo$edMode7 s#stemClo$B Q 2notA""lia!le7 s#stemClo$Redundan# 8 2SST5M9C&0C9'S5RS9'S59(&AN59A7 user&a!el >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Total, 3 M0s
RBS ac$ 73 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ro6# M0 Ation Nr of (arams >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 38J S#nhroni%ation>3 addS#nRefResoure 4 38J S#nhroni%ation>3 hangeS#nRef(riorit# 4 38J S#nhroni%ation>3 remoeS#nRefResoure 3 38J S#nhroni%ation>3 reset&oss0fTra$ing 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
RBS acc 73 r#!#tLo!!O"Trac5in+ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 38J Trans"ortNetwor$>3+S#nhroni%ation>3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ar# yo/ S/r# y>n y >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ro6# M0 Ation Nr of (arams >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 38J S#nhroni%ation>3 reset&oss0fTra$ing 3 (arameter 3 of 3+ s#nReferene 2moRefHManaged0!:et7, 5nter mo &DN, 5=ui"ment=7 null >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Total, 3 M0s attem"ted+ 3 M0s ationed
RBS acc 73 r#!#tLo!!O"Trac5in+ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 38J Trans"ortNetwor$>3+S#nhroni%ation>3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ar# yo/ S/r# y>n y >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ro6# M0 Ation Nr of (arams >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 38J S#nhroni%ation>3 reset&oss0fTra$ing 3 (arameter 3 of 3+ s#nReferene 2moRefHManaged0!:et7, 5nter mo &DN, E4/i0#nt=7 null >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Total, 3 M0s attem"ted+ 3 M0s ationed RBS a$t A$ar !ho/$ )# +on#
ALARM: T&#'ic#%+ro/0 (RBS The alarm is related to the )SD(A "roessing on slot "osition on the digital su!ra$ (roessing alarm •
TXDeie9grou", RBS not "roessing )SD(A traffi Che$ the slot "osition indiated on the alarm iew. (h#sial swa" the "ostion of the TX and TXH)S ards The alarm should lear !# now.