Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 22:23:26 -0700 From:
[email protected] Subject: Eatshit interview To:
[email protected] Jan Ag, Here are questions for you to answer for an interview in Eatshit Magutzine vol.2 issue 1. Any logos, artwork, or photos you could send as well would be helpful. Also let me know as soon as you get this as I will be waiting, and if i don't here from you I will resend it. thank you, FarceSNP
Cheers amigo here it is... jan ag
Eatshit: Who are you and what do you you do? Jan AG: Since September 2008, after the suicide of Tony (bass), the AG line up is: Bram on bass, Nils on drums/voice and me on guitar/voice.
Eatshit: Where are you from? What's it like there? Jan Ag: We all live in a city called GEEL (around 40 000 people) which is in the north of Belgium. In the Flemish speaking speaki ng part of Belgium (we have three languages in Belgium). It’s 20 minutes from Holland and 40 minutes from Germany. Germany. It’s a little littl e city, city, really nice to live in and we have a great youth centre for making gigs and for rehearsing and recording. Eatshit: How many projects are you currently involved in? Jan AG: Besides AG, I am doing a solo-unit and also a band called THE GAJNA. Nils, our drummer, is drumming from time to time in Czech grind band ONANIZER and in the Tunesian grind band HUMAN SCUM. Bram has no other projects. Eatshit: How many projects have you been in over the years? Jan AG: I have played in bands such as HELLSAW, HELLSAW, FAGX, EXTREEM BLOEDBAD, MENSTRUAL GARBAGE, MSD, BLOODRED BACTERIA, OUT OF ORDER, ACOUSTIC
GRINDER,…. Nils has played in bands such as as GI JOKE, DECLAIMED, DECLAIMED, TARPETUM, TARPETUM, …. Bram was in HEARTWORK and T TARPETUM, ARPETUM, I believe. Eatshit: How many releases releases have Agathocles put out, how long has the band been together, and is it all original members or does the lineup change a lot? Jan AG: I don’t know exactly how many releases we have done so far. far. CD and vinyl releases must be around 300. I don’t know about the tapes, but quite many as well. The band started in 1985, as a two piece band (Erwin and me). Nils joined in 2006 and Bram in 2008. I am the only one from 1985. Eatshit: What do you do when your not mincing it up with the band? Jan AG: Nils and me are social workers. I work for/with people with a disability. Nils works for/with people who are homeless. Bram is a sound engineer. engineer. Besides that, I like work in my garden and when the garden looks nice, have some beers in the garden and relax and enjoy the singing of the birds. Eatshit: What is your stance on religion? Jan AG: All religions are a fraud, in my opinion. I don’t need any religion….well, so far I don’t need any, any, hahaha. Organized religions commit organized crime. It’s the source of a lot of problems on this globe, as we all already know too well.
Eatshit: How about politics? Jan AG: The older I get, the more disgusted I have become with all political movements. Power corrupts completely, completely, in every political movement, left or right, it doesn’t matter. matter. I still have some sympathy for some political ideologies and parties, but count me out when they ask for active support. Maybe I will wil l give some support to the less evil ones. Eatshit: The Occupy movement has gained a lot of momentum in the states. How about over there. Does the local media cover such things? Jan AG: Well yes, now the mainstream media does cover things like this even when such movements have always been around here. But now, mainstream media gives at least a little positive covering about what these movements are about. Eatshit: How do you feel about what has been going down in Greece? Jan AG: Too Too much, I guess. I won’t won’ t tell anything because it’s not useful to tell in a few lines. Eatshit: Do you feel that revolution is at hand? Jan AG: Revolution is always at hand. Now it seems it is more surfacing. Eatshit: How do you feel about the progression of grindcore since we spoke last over ten years ago? Jan AG: GRIND doesn’t have to progress… GRIND is radical music and radical
comes from RADIX, which w hich means “root”…. “root”…. Musically, I don’t see no need in using the advanced technology which many self-claimed “grind” bands swing high. GRIND is like blues…… Who the fuck fuc k wants to hear Leadbelly record in a 200 track digital studio. As for lyrics and activism, times goes on, same problems stay. Eatshit: Can you tell us a good gig story? Jan AG: No, not really. Eatshit: Do you feel like the music scene where you live is different than in other places? If so how and why? Jan AG: For sure it is, in Belgium we have always been in such a luxury environment to play punk or whatever. whatever. We didn’t have to “fight” “fight ” to play what we play (well, we got beaten up from time to time), but look at the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and still actual bands who are playing in some countries in south America, exUSSR,….. THEY REALLY HAVE TO FIGHT. SO much respect for them. Instead of buying another AG shit release, write those bands and support them. Eatshit: Do you think punk, metal, and grindcore musicians care more or less about important issues than they did a decade ago? Jan AG: I really don’t know because I am not into conversations with punk, metal, grindcore musicians…. I prefer talk with people, not “musicians”. “musicians”. Besides, I am not a musician. Eatshit: Why do you think that is? Jan AG: Because I prefer talk with people, not “persons in a position”. Eatshit: Are you planning any tours? tours? Please say a U.S. tour. tour. Jan AG: We have a Balkan tour planned and some gigs in Czech Rep and Poland. No USA tours. Eatshit: If you had to pick one Agathocles album to represent your music which would it be (and don't say Mincecore anthology). I'm keen on Superiority Overdose; From the intro to the final blow that album is amazing. Jan AG: GRIND IS PROTEST album from 2008. I love that one…. Also the last recordings of TONY. Eatshit: After all these years do you think you are as enthusiastic about the music as you were in the beginning? Jan AG: No, I am not. But the bands I love and listen to are all gone and dead…so I need to continue make noise for their sake. Eatshit: Any closing comments? comments? and how can our readers contact contact you? Jan AG:Thanx for your interest. Good luck with your activities ! Up the raw noise punx.