REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) VALENZUELA CITY )S.S. AFFIDAVIT OF NON-FILING OF INCOME TAX RETURN We, DANTE N. LAVARO and MARIA VICTORIA LEGASPI-LAVARO, both of legal ages, Filipino citizens, and residents of 100 J. Santiago St. Malanday, Valenzuela City, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and state: 1. That we are the parents of Daniel L. Lavaro 2. That Daniel L. Lavaro is currently enrolled as First year college student at Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng Valenzuela, Valenzuela City. 3. That our said son is applying in a Scholarship Program under the Ched Student Financial Assistance Program. 4. That one of the requirements is a proof of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) validated Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents/guardian. 5. That we did not file our ITR at the BIR because our income does not exceed Php 60,000.00, our job being helper and babysitter, respectively. 6. That we are executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of all the above facts and statements for all legal intents and purposes it may serve. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed this document this ____ day of June, 2015 in Valenzuela City. DANTE N. LAVARO Affiant
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____ day of June 2015 in Valenzuela City. Affiant exhibited to me their respective community tax certificates appearing below their respective signatures. NOTARY PUBLIC Doc. No. ____ Page No. ____ Book No. ____ Series of 2015
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) VALENZUELA CITY )S.S. AFFIDAVIT OF NON-FILING OF INCOME TAX RETURN We, BENIGNO D. LEGASPI and SOLITA BUENAVENTURA-LEGASPI both of legal ages, Filipino citizens, and residents of 100 J. Santiago St. Malanday, Valenzuela City, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and state: 1. That we are the parents of Kim Nicole B. Legaspi 2. That Kim Nicole B. Legaspi is currently enrolled as First year college student at Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng Valenzuela, Valenzuela City. 3. That our said daughter is applying in a Scholarship Program under the Ched Student Financial Assistance Program. 4. That one of the requirements is a proof of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) validated Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents/guardian. 5. That we did not file our ITR at the BIR because our income does not exceed Php 60,000.00, our job being helper and housewife, respectively. 6. That we are executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of all the above facts and statements for all legal intents and purposes it may serve. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed this document this ____ day of June, 2015 in Valenzuela City. BENIGNO D. LEGASPI Affiant
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____ day of June 2015 in Valenzuela City. Affiant exhibited to me their respective community tax certificates appearing below their respective signatures. NOTARY PUBLIC Doc. No. ____ Page No. ____ Book No. ____ Series of 2015