Advanced Mechanics I Post Graduate studies in the Human Design System
Ra Uru Hu
International Human Design School
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED MECHANICS I ................................................. xi
Lecture One........................................................................................... 1 The Fourth Color ........................................................................................... 1 The Monopole Simply Captures .................................................................... 1 Everything Carries Some Kind of 4th Color Value ............................................ 2 The PHS 4th Internal Color is a Universal Principle .......................................... 3 All Things are Externalized Out of the 4 ........................................................ 4 Everything is about Getting the Tone to the Line ............................................ 5 The Master/Novice is the Universal Element .................................................. 6 Color Brings the Cognitive Information ......................................................... 8 The Homogenized World is Furniture ............................................................ 9 The 4: The Great Furniture Number............................................................ 10 The Importance of the Correct Relationship of the Color to the Line................ 10 The 4 Brings a Certain Flavor .................................................................... 11 The Wave of the 4: Kindness/Meanness ...................................................... 12 The DreamRave ....................................................................................... 13 Without the 4 There is No Frequency for the Monopole to Capture .................. 13 Living Your Lines ...................................................................................... 13 The Journey Demands Much of the Individual .............................................. 14 Standing Alone is Very Courageous ............................................................ 15 Two Ways to Live Life ............................................................................... 16 The Consequences of Seeking Differentiation are All Social............................ 16 Look at Your 4s........................................................................................ 17
Lecture Two ........................................................................................ 19 The Four-ness of the Future ......................................................................... 19 The 4 Controls the Way in which the Frequency is Released .......................... 19 The Angle of Neutrino Reception Shifts the Release ...................................... 20 The 4 Holds the Mystery of the Evolution of Cognition .................................. 21 A Rave History Course .............................................................................. 22 The High Ground is Very Important for the Rave .......................................... 22 Nervous Eating ........................................................................................ 23 The Heating-Up Process Since 1781 ........................................................... 23 The Culmination of the 4 in its Cycle .......................................................... 24 The Return to Eden .................................................................................. 25 The Door is Closing .................................................................................. 26 We are the Library ................................................................................... 27 The Turning of the Wheel .......................................................................... 27 The Trans-Auric Aura ................................................................................ 28 The Potential of Cognition ......................................................................... 29 Be Ready to Help Someone Else ................................................................. 29 The Rave Children .................................................................................... 30
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ADVANCED MECHANICS I A Digital Book for Advanced Students
The Nature of Penta ................................................................................. 30 The Conscious Penta ................................................................................ 31 We Have a Responsibility .......................................................................... 32 This is the Best Time to be Aware .............................................................. 33 What We Don't Know by 2027 We’ll Never Get to Know ................................ 33 Outer Authority ........................................................................................ 34 The State of Religion ................................................................................ 35 A Deep Shattering is Coming ..................................................................... 36 The 16 Variables ...................................................................................... 37 Embrace the Knowledge as Deeply as You Can ............................................ 38
Lecture Three ...................................................................................... 39 Link Nodes and Variables ............................................................................. 39 Seeing History through Incarnation ............................................................ 39 The Program Sets Up All Circumstance through Incarnation .......................... 40 The Variables (2008–2027) Graph .............................................................. 41 The DLL-PLL (1781–2027) Graph ............................................................... 43 The DRR-PRR (1781–2027) Graph .............................................................. 44 The Plutonic Interregnum .......................................................................... 44 Incarnation is Orchestrated ....................................................................... 46 Link Nodes and the Incarnative Purpose...................................................... 46 Design Rules the South Node - Personality Rules the North Node ................... 49 The Four Transformations ......................................................................... 50 The Uranus Opposition.............................................................................. 51 Nodal Definition: No Linear Way One's Perspective Develops ......................... 52 There are Endless Areas to Explore ............................................................ 54 The 40.3: A Denial Body ........................................................................... 54 The Perception......................................................................................... 55 The Moon ................................................................................................ 56 Base is Deeply Integrated into Every Design ................................................ 57 The Nine-Centered Uranian Life ................................................................. 58 Signposts for Conditioned Beings ............................................................... 59 Dietary Regimen is the Key ....................................................................... 60 The Variable Process has to be Lived Deeply................................................ 60 Two Kinds of Approaches in Human Design ................................................. 61 You Can Only Become Aware by Yourself .................................................... 62 Q & A ........................................................................................................ 62 Timing of the Development of the Nodes ..................................................... 63 Signpost for Design Node linking to the Personality Node .............................. 64 Nodal Phases—You Can’t Go Back .............................................................. 64
Lecture Four ........................................................................................ 67 North & South Tonal Transposition ................................................................ 67 The Link Nodes ........................................................................................ 67 Base Orientation ...................................................................................... 68 Design Rules the South Nodes; Personality Rules the North Nodes ................. 69
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Archetype of the Holistic Being ............................................................ 70 Tonal Transposition .................................................................................. 71 Linkage between the Body and the Personality ............................................ 72 The Cognitive Architecture ........................................................................ 74 Tonal Transposition is the Key Ingredient for Life ......................................... 75 The Nodes are the Instruments of the Monopole .......................................... 75 Significance on the Surface ....................................................................... 76 Be Careful about the Attention Paid to the Personality Nodes ......................... 77 Frequency: View Affects the Body which Affects the View .............................. 77 Subtle Differences in the Way This is Interpreted ......................................... 78 Synthesizing the Elements ........................................................................ 79 The Hierarchy in Nodal Transposition .......................................................... 79 Look at Your Life Story and How You Get There ........................................... 80 Everything is Built on the Link Nodal Formula .............................................. 81 Operating Out of the Mind Distorts Tonal Cognition ...................................... 82 Advanced Analysis ................................................................................... 83 Alignment to Orientation Changes Aspects of the Perspective ........................ 84 Look at the Non-Linked South and North Nodes ........................................... 85 The Point is Navigation not the Design ........................................................ 86 The Adjectives: The Backdrop of the Story Line ........................................... 87 The Link Nodes: The Inherent Intelligence .................................................. 87 Seeing the Surface from the Cognition Point of View .................................... 89
Lecture Five ........................................................................................ 91 Story Line and Cognitive Potential ................................................................. 91 Link Nodes: The Instrument of Creating the Holistic Life ............................... 91 Variable .................................................................................................. 91 The Life Force of the Independent Variable .................................................. 92 The PHS Side of the Independent Variable .................................................. 93 The Personality Side of the Independent Variable ......................................... 93 Tonal Transposition .................................................................................. 95 An Analytical Formula: The Story Line ........................................................ 97 Tonal Transposition Brings a Way Design and Personality Can Align ............... 98 Tone Infuses Everything with Cognitive Potential ......................................... 99 The Design of the Cognitive Potential: The 30.6 ......................................... 101 Tonal Transposition of the 55th Gate Design South Node ............................. 102 Cognitive Potential is Tonal—Story Line is Shaped by Color ......................... 103 A 20 Year Story Line............................................................................... 104 The Example: The 55.4 ........................................................................... 105 The Underlying Theme of What the Story Will Be Built On ........................... 106 The Personality North Node 29.6 Story Line............................................... 107 The Design is Always Going To Tell the Story ............................................. 107 You Cannot Compare Yourself with Anybody Else ....................................... 108 Everybody's Process is Unique: You Need Your Own Signposts..................... 108 Inner Authority ...................................................................................... 109
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
ADVANCED MECHANICS I A Digital Book for Advanced Students
When You're Correct You Can Just Sit and Watch ....................................... 110 Q & A ...................................................................................................... 111 The Phases of the 6th Line: The Environment is their Roof ........................... 111 Is Distraction Important Before the Saturn Return? .................................... 111 Distraction from the 1st Line to the 4th Line in a Child.................................. 112 A Question on the Story Line and Cognitive Potential .................................. 112 A Question on Cognitive Potential............................................................. 113 The Emanation Coming From Nodal Connectedness with People ................... 114 Is the Sun/Earth the Costume of the Role Play? ......................................... 115 The G Center Itself is Not the Identity ...................................................... 116 What is Key for Teenagers to Understand? ................................................ 116 North Node Migrating to the Unconscious Side? ......................................... 117
Lecture Six ........................................................................................ 119 Story Line and Nodal Statistics .................................................................... 119 The Two Sides of Link Nodes ................................................................... 119 5,000 Basic Story Lines .......................................................................... 120 The External is a Duality ......................................................................... 121 The Information is for Those Deeply Involved in Human Design ................... 122 Story Line does not Transpose ................................................................. 122 Resonance to Your Story Line Happens Only When You're Ready ................. 123 Valleys: Seeing the Possibilities within the Environment .............................. 124 The Need to Live the Basic Theme of Color ................................................ 125 The Design South Node in the 56th Gate.................................................... 125 2nd Line Body has to be Very Careful to Answer the Right Call ...................... 126 The Personality North Node 61st Gate ....................................................... 127 The 6th Line Personality........................................................................... 128 The Chart of Ben Affleck ......................................................................... 129 The Story Line Sets Up Your Life .............................................................. 129 Cognitive Potential ................................................................................. 130 The Personality South Node 62nd Gate ...................................................... 131 The Design North Node 60th Gate ............................................................. 132 The 2nd Line .......................................................................................... 132 We All Have a Story Line and Cognitive Potential ....................................... 133 Resonance ............................................................................................ 133 Statistical Charts.................................................................................... 134 Nodal Tone Transposition: Design to Personality (2008-2027) ..................... 134 Nodal Tone Transposition: Design to Personality Left-Right ......................... 135 Nodal Gate Activations in Defined Centers (2008-2027) .............................. 136 Nodal Gate Activations in Defined Centers Pie Chart ................................... 137 Nodal Gate Activations in Open Centers (2008-2027) ................................. 138 Q & A ...................................................................................................... 139 Link Node Chart in MMAI ......................................................................... 139 Linking of the Bases ............................................................................... 139 Personality 4th Tone ................................................................................ 139
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
People with the Same Variable/Brown Study ............................................. 140 The Relaxation of the Body when Sitting Beside the Same Variable .............. 141 The South Node and the Story Line .......................................................... 142 Attachment to the Not-Self...................................................................... 143 The Work on the Psychological Side.......................................................... 144 Distortion on the Personality Side ............................................................ 145 Distraction after the Saturn Return........................................................... 145
Lecture Seven ................................................................................... 149 Variables: Following the Story Line, Part 1 ................................................... 149 Exploring the Way a Fractal Works ........................................................... 149 Secret of the Fractal is Visible on the Surface ............................................ 150 A Synthesizing Holistic Process ................................................................ 150 A Surface Frequency .............................................................................. 151 The Four Journeys .................................................................................. 152 The School of Enlightened Selfishness ...................................................... 152 The Left/Left, Left/Left ............................................................................ 153 The Right/Right, Right/Right .................................................................... 154 Variable Represents the Road Map for the Transformative Journey ............... 154 The Archetypal Journeys Bind Us in a Very Special Way .............................. 155 Deconstructing the Left/Left Variable ........................................................ 155 The Surface is the Place Where We Can Actually Meet ................................ 156 Planting Your Cross ................................................................................ 156 The Graph: Variable 1781-2027 ............................................................... 157 The Blue Zone ....................................................................................... 159 What are We Looking At? ........................................................................ 160 Seeing the Way the Program Controls the Way Life Develops ...................... 161 No Single Variable Carries all Possible Story Lines ...................................... 161 A Gateway of Understanding How to Decode a Magic Square ....................... 162 Every Variable has to be Anthropomorphized ............................................. 163 The Way in Which Evolution is Controlled .................................................. 164
Lecture Eight ..................................................................................... 165 Variables: Following the Story Line, Part 2 ................................................... 165 Developing the Integrity of the Authority of the Individual .......................... 165 The Seven Year Marker is Very Important ................................................. 166 The Nine-Centered Being is Here to be Aware ............................................ 167 Planting Your Cross ................................................................................ 168 Hundreds of Thousands Differentiated Story Lines ...................................... 169 The Movement between Saturn and Kiron Sets the Foundation .................... 169 Story Lines per Cognitive Family (2008-2027) Graph .................................. 170 The Evolutionary Pattern: Moving Away from the Left to the Right ............... 171 The Interconnectivity of the Variables to Each Other .................................. 173 Crosses Distinguished by Where They’re Planted ........................................ 174 Post-Kiron ............................................................................................. 174 Following Your Own Inner Authority ......................................................... 175
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
ADVANCED MECHANICS I A Digital Book for Advanced Students
Everything is Within Variable ................................................................... 176 Q & A ...................................................................................................... 178 Variable Represents the Synthesis of the Synthesis .................................... 179 Variable Relationships............................................................................. 180 Interactions between None-Resonant Variable Types .................................. 181 The Program Dictates Everything ............................................................. 182 Practical Surrender ................................................................................. 183 Comfort Level with the Rights .................................................................. 184 Study of the Students over the Last 19 Years ............................................ 185 Colors of the Charts ............................................................................... 185 Design Left/Right Nodal .......................................................................... 186 The 16 Bundles Related to the 16 Families ................................................ 187 Left Personality and Design with Both Right Nodes ..................................... 187 Maintaining the Dignity and Integrity of What We Are ................................. 188
Lecture Nine...................................................................................... 189 Dependent Variables and Angle ................................................................... 189 Through Angle the Passenger is able to Align to its Perspective .................... 190 Human Design Incarnation Cross Orientation Graph ................................... 190 Personal Destiny .................................................................................... 192 The Voice said Jupiter was the Center of the Solar System .......................... 193 The Link Nodes Bind the 2nd and 3rd Transformations Process ...................... 194 The Four Quarters of Saturn .................................................................... 195 The First Saturn Quarter ......................................................................... 195 The Second Saturn Quarter ..................................................................... 196 Teenagers ............................................................................................. 196 The Dependent Variable Drawing ............................................................. 196 Personality Fits its Angle into the Story Line .............................................. 197 An Incredible Cognitive Potential in Every Human Being .............................. 198 The Whole Individual Program ................................................................. 199 The Dependent Variable & Cross Angle (2008-2027) Graph ......................... 200 The Last Generation with the Nodal Cycle of Inner Truth ............................. 201 The Greatest Signpost of All .................................................................... 202 Q & A ...................................................................................................... 202 Kumud's Comment on Her Story Line ....................................................... 202 South Nodes Dominate at the Beginning of the Journey .............................. 204 Teenagers and Design ............................................................................ 204 The Basics for Teenagers: Type, Signature, Strategy and Authority .............. 205 Individuality and Melancholy ................................................................... 206 Planets in the Nodal Positions .................................................................. 207 Both Nodes and Design Sun/Earth in 43/23 ............................................... 208 Left Nodes with a Right Mind ................................................................... 208 Melancholy in a Double 3/60 Design ......................................................... 209 Discussion Groups .................................................................................. 209 Intellectual Information for the Passenger ................................................. 210
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
Right Angle and the Ability to See Oneself ................................................. 211 Question on DRR/PLR ............................................................................. 211 Environment and Personality Nodes.......................................................... 212
Lecture Ten ....................................................................................... 213 Variable Statistical Graphing ....................................................................... 213 Variable is the Key to Order .................................................................... 214 Evolutionary Views ................................................................................. 214 The Variable and Reflector Graph ............................................................. 215 The Variable and Projector Graph ............................................................. 219 The Variable and Generator Graph ........................................................... 221 The Variable and Manifesting Generator Graph .......................................... 222 The Variable and Manifestor Graph ........................................................... 223 The Independent Variable DL–PL and Cross Angle Graph ............................ 225 The Independent Variable DL–PR and Cross Angle Graph ............................ 226 The Independent Variable DR–PL and Cross Angle Graph ............................ 227 The Independent Variable DR–PR and Cross Angle Graph ............................ 227 The Independent Variable and Cross Angle Graph ...................................... 228 Q & A ...................................................................................................... 229 Seeing, Seeing, Seeing ........................................................................... 229 Changing the Future ............................................................................... 230 Anomalies ............................................................................................. 231 Generators and the First World War ......................................................... 231 A Quad Right Manifestor ......................................................................... 232 Manifestor Children ................................................................................ 232 A Quad Right Manifestor: Sensitive and Closed Off ..................................... 233 The Program and Profile Numbers ............................................................ 234 BG5 and Variable?.................................................................................. 235 Manifestors and Penta ............................................................................ 235 Statistics Beyond 2027 ........................................................................... 236 Results of the Breakdown of the Cross of Planning ..................................... 236 The Stock Market and Neptune in the 49 ................................................... 238 Will the Markets Ever Come Back Up? ....................................................... 239 The Source of the Crash is Housing; The Tribe in the 49 ............................. 240
Illustration Library ............................................................................ 241 Lecture 1: The Fourth Color ........................................................................ 241 Example Activations of a Gate ................................................................. 242 Base 4 .................................................................................................. 243 Lecture 2: The Four-ness of the Future ........................................................ 244 The Four Controls the Way the Frequency is Released ................................ 244 The Variable Grid ................................................................................... 245 Lecture 3: Link Nodes and Variables ............................................................ 246 Variables 2008-2027 Birth Rate Percentages ............................................. 246 PLL DLL Birthrates Percentages ................................................................ 247 PRR DRR Birthrates Percentages .............................................................. 248
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
ADVANCED MECHANICS I A Digital Book for Advanced Students
Independent Variable Link Nodes ............................................................. 249 Binary and Focused Base ........................................................................ 250 Lecture 4: North and South Nodal Transposition ........................................... 251 Link Nodes and Base Orientation .............................................................. 251 Example Chart ....................................................................................... 252 Tonal Transposition South ....................................................................... 253 Tonal Transposition North ....................................................................... 254 Lecture 5: Story Line & Cognitive Potential ................................................... 255 Independent Variable and Base Orientation ............................................... 255 Example Chart ....................................................................................... 256 Tonal Transposition South ....................................................................... 257 Tonal Transposition North ....................................................................... 258 The Story Line and Cognitive Potential ...................................................... 259 Lecture 6: Story Line & Nodal Statistics ....................................................... 260 Example Chart ....................................................................................... 260 Nodal Base Configuration ........................................................................ 261 The Story Line and Cognitive Potential ...................................................... 262 Nodal Tone Transposition % Graph 2008-2027 .......................................... 263 Nodal Tone Transposition % Pie Chart 2008-2027 ...................................... 264 Nodal Gate % Activations in Defined Centers Graph ................................... 265 Nodal Gate % Activations in Defined Centers Pie Chart ............................... 266 Nodal Gate % Activations in Open Centers Graph ....................................... 267 Lecture 7: Variables Following the Story Line Part 1 ...................................... 268 Variable Grid for the Four Corners ............................................................ 268 Variable % Chart ................................................................................... 269 Variable Grid Symmetry .......................................................................... 270 Variable Grid for Most and Least Story Lines .............................................. 271 Lecture 8: Variables Following the Story Line Part 2 ...................................... 272 Variable by Family – Story Lines % Graph ................................................. 272 Variable Grid Story Lines......................................................................... 273 Lecture 9: Dependent Variables & Angle ...................................................... 274 Dependent Variable % by Angle Graph ..................................................... 274 Dependent Variable and Cross Angle ........................................................ 275 Variable Configuration for PLL DRL Chart .................................................. 276 Lecture 10: Variable Statistical Graphing ...................................................... 277 Variable and Reflectors ........................................................................... 277 Variable and Projectors ........................................................................... 278 Variable and Generator ........................................................................... 279 Variable and Manifesting Generator .......................................................... 280 Variable and Manifestor .......................................................................... 281 Independent Variable DL – PL and Cross Angle .......................................... 282 Independent Variable DL – PR and Cross Angle .......................................... 283 Independent Variable DR – PL and Cross Angle .......................................... 284 Independent Variable DR – PR and Cross Angle ......................................... 285 Independent Variable and Cross Angle ...................................................... 286 ~
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
Advanced Mechanics I and II are dedicated to the elaboration of themes introduced in advanced programs during the last two years (2006-2007). Ra continues the exploration of diverse themes from Base Orientation and Link Nodes to Variable and Capture Theory. This is a transcript of the Advanced Mechanics I, a 10-week lectures series. Following this book is Advanced Mechanics II, a 5 week program. This program is open to PHS and Rave Psychology third year students, PHS & RP Graduates, DreamRave Analysts, and students who have taken Base Theory, The History of Geometry, Variables, and Lunar and Planetary Color. This is a transcript of the original 10 week course taught in the Fall of 2008.
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One The Fourth Color As I said, I'm going to start you off with a blockbuster. That is, one of those things that is really deeply fascinating and it has to do with the nature of life itself, it has to do with the nature of the illusion of this life that we live. This illusion that's us, it's the Monopole that does this work. It's the Monopole, and we've had enough discussions of this, the Monopole that holds us together in the illusion of our separateness. And how does the Monopole do that? It does that through capture frequency. What is it capturing? This is really where it all begins. If you go back to my earliest discussions about the nature of Color and my earliest comments about the various Colors, one of the things I stressed from the beginning is that the whole nature of transference, all of that, and the fact that it is the transference that allows the capture frequency to operate, all of that is because of the 4th Color; all of it.
The Monopole Simply Captures zLet's think about it for a moment in terms of what's really going on here in this illustration. You have something taking place at incredible speeds at a subatomic level. It is graphically simple for us to be able to do Base, Tone and Color and say entry frequency, inner frequency and exit frequency. But it's something to really understand that at that level, at that dynamic, at that speed, that the exit frequency, it is going to be incredibly difficult to distinguish any difference between the exit frequency going out of one of my crystals and the exit frequency going out of one of yours. This is the first thing to grasp. In other words, there is a generic frequency, if I can put it that way, a quality perhaps in frequency that is what, in fact, the Monopole is going to connect to. One of the most difficult things to grasp about this illusion is
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
ADVANCED MECHANICS I A Digital Book for Advanced Students
how does that actually work. It’s not like the Monopole is distinguishing between nuances of Color. It isn't. The Monopole is simply capturing. It's not intelligent; after all, it's just a mechanism. So it's capturing. It has the ability to capture something. That something is a quality that is inherent in that exit frequency. But that exit frequency, as I said, would be extraordinary difficult, other than with the knowledge that we have, to actually be able to tell the difference in the exit frequencies because every single exit frequency, regardless of what the Color is underneath, all carry the same quality, a quality that is essential otherwise it can't be captured. And where does that come from? Let's go back a step. This is the 4th Color in this schematic. And there is something to grasp about the 4th Color, what it means for everything else underneath and what it means for everything else above. Remember, this is deeply nuanced, this knowledge. One has to be careful about the way in which you translate this.
Everything Carries Some Kind of 4th Color Value But the first thing I can say to you is that there is only one Color. That's the thing that's so interesting, isn't it? It isn't to say there aren't variations. But in essence everything carries some kind of 4th Color value. And that 4th Color value, it's that value that the Magnetic Monopole recognizes and the Magnetic Monopole captures. The thing to understand about the 4 is that everything is of it. So the themes of 4 transference that we talked about, the way in which the 4 can transfer not simply to the 1 which is opposite to it, but it can transfer in all these different directions not because it is going to them, but in a sense they are already of it. In order for the Monopole to be able to do its job and to be able to capture, it has to have this quality.
Advanced Mechanics I is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation