Stage 1: Going on a trip 1 Go to unit 1.4. Going on a trip in the Knowledge
environment and develop the following activities:
a. Post the indicated activities (pronunciation –do not record yourself, just write the exercise in the forum and !riting" from the unit in the forum.
Nota: Los e jercicios en línea del entorno de conocimiento no se guardan en la plataforma. Para los ejercicios que ene que hacer
para cada etapa, usted debe publicar las respuestas de los ejercicios indicados en el foro o tomar pantallazos. No enviar las respuestas al correo del tutor. olo publicar en el foro las acvidades que la guía indica.
Hi Mum, John and I are having a wonderful time here in Ireland. Every day we got up early and go for a long walk in the country. When we returned we usually had a very big Irish breakfast which normally consists of two eggs, three slices of bacon, toast and am. We usually ordered a cup of coffee after breakfast! "olombian coffee, of course. #fter breakfast, we sometimes go swimming in the river. We often met children who like to swim there. $hey were very nice. #t night, we nearly always drank a few pints of %uinness in the pubs bar before went to bed. We always slept well after that, I can assure you.
b. Write a short note in the forum telling what you did last vacation/holidays/weekend.
U' ()' )*+,'+ -'' / 1.4
T' '/56: 70 8+ W+' *;: Where did you go?, How long did you stay there?, Who did you go with?, How much did you pay for that?, Which place did you like the most?
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Stage : What!s the weather like" 1.# Go to unit 1.#. What$s the weather like" in the Knowledge
environment and develop the following activities:
Post the indicated activities from the unit in the forum.
Problem 1: What
should children do when there is a thunderstorm&
'olution! When there is a thunderstorm, it is important that children not go outside.
Problem 2: What
should people do when it is sunny&
'olution! (eople should go out
Problem 3: What
should you do when it is windy& I should fly a kite
'olution! I should fly a kite
Problem 4: What
should city officials do when a hurricane is coming&
'olution! $hey should help the people.
Problem 5: What
should we do when there is a bli))ard&
'olution! We should stay in the house
Problem 6: What
should schools do when it is e*tremely warm&
'olution! 'chools should not open
Problem 7!
What should they do when it is cold&
'olution! $hey should take a coffee.
#escri$e the weather in the place you visited and use the
following voca$ulary: %xample: The weather in Bogotá changes every day. In the morning, it is usually cloudy, but it becomes sunny at noon. Answer: 6' 8'*6'+ / S*/ A/+' I 8/'+@. I/ 6' )+//5 */ 6' /56 *= ;+''=? / 6' *'+// 6' 8'*6'+ //=. I +'<))'/' 6* 6' '' ' * ' <6'
!hat do you recommend to do in your city& ('ee the 'u$junctive in unit .)" %xample: It is recommended that people wear an umbrella in Bogotá.
It is recommended that …
It is necessary that … It is
Post your description and recommendations in the forum. Your description:
1. I +'<))'/' 6* '' ' <* @+ 6' < / /*. 2. I +'<))'/' 6* 86'/ ))'+ '' ' H6+. 3. I >'+= /'<'*+= @+ '' ' );+'* / +*/= '*/? ''<*= / B=*<. 4. I )+*/ 6* '' 8'*+ ; / +*/= '*/
Stage #: %ou should keep your passport& Go to unit 1.. %ou should keep your passport& in the
Knowledge activities:
Post the activities from the unit in the forum.
!hat should people do in the place you visited last vacation& %xample: People should go to Monserrate in Bogotá. 'nswer:
People should go to visit the *+organ ave* in 'an -ndres. People should eat *ond/n* in 'an 0uis 1illage hotel in 'an -ndres. People should try delicious drin2s in 'an -ndres. People should dance *+a3urca* on the $each of 'an -ndr4s.
!hat shouldn5t people do in the place you visited last vacation& %xample: People shouldn’t go to Monserrate by cable railway in Bogotá.
Stage 4: (onsolidate an infographic) brochure or poster
-ccording to the previous writing exercises, you will design a $rochure, infographic or poster where you: . *ell an e+perience of trip. 1,, words -nit 1.4Stage 10. 'nswer:
6n the island, there are many activities you can do. 7t8s just a matter of having good money, the last vacation !e arrived at the small and warm airport of 'an -ndr4s, Gustavo ojas Pinilla. !e had rented a couple of rooms for the family, the hotel is a simple place, $ut with everything you need. 6nce installed, the first thing we wanted was to go out to eat, the gastronomy is very delicious, then we went to the $each where we saw that the sea was very $eautiful, the next day we went to see an a9uarium in that wal2 we could say that the !e passed very rich, the people of 'an -ndres are very 2ind. . Give ; tips or recommendations related to what to do in the place you descri$ed (
people can go to #ive and play snor2eling in 'an -ndres. 7t is recommended that tourists ta2e good care of their money. =ou must $oo2 your reservation $efore to travel 7f you are traveling $y plane, you must $e calm. 7f you are going to travel to hot climates you should apply all the injections. =ou have to pac2 your $ags with enough time =ou should loo2 for a cheap or expensive hotel on internet people should ta2e care of children on these trips.
). Give advice related to what people should or shouldn5t do in that place (
People People People people people People People People
should should should should should should should should
$ring sunscreen to the $each. $ring light clothes to 'an -ndr4s. wear sunglasses for the $each. go to the a9uarium caya in 'an -ndres. go to the >otel 'ol ari$e ampo. dance *+a3urca* on the $each of 'an -ndr4s. not enter the $each if they can not swim. not throw gar$age on the $each.
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Stage : pload the final product in the 2onitoring environment.
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#id 7 develop the activities of the unit .?& #id 7 post the 'pea2ing and !riting activities from the unit .? in the forum& #id 7 write a short note in the forum telling what 7 did last vacation@holidays@wee2end& #id 7 develop the activities of the unit .)& #id 7 post the 'pea2ing activity from the unit .) in the forum& #id 7 descri$e the weather in my city using the voca$ulary given in the unit .)& #id 7 give recommendations related to the place 7 visited using the given structure in the unit .)& #id 7 post my description and recommendations in the forum& #id 7 develop the activities of the unit .& #id 7 post the Practice F and writing activity from the unit . in the forum& #id 7 give recommendations related to what people should and shouldn5t do in the place 7 visited& #id 7 post my recommendations in the forum& #id 7 design an infographic, $rochure or poster&
x x x
#id 7 tell an experience of a trip in a maximum length of BB words and ta2ing into account what 7 did in stage & #id 7 give B tips or recommendations related to what to do in the place 7 visited, and ta2ing into account what 7 did in stage & #id 7 give advice related to what to should and shouldn5t do in the place 7 visited, and ta2ing into account what 7 did in stage )& #id 7 use real pictures&
#on5t forget to add this chart at the end of the !ord document.
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