Department of Education Region VI-Western Visayas Division of Capiz
Daan Banwa Elementary Scool
!C"I#$ %&!$ I$ $'"RI"I#$ S( )*+,-)*+
.$B .!&$'"RI"I# $ 3Improper ealt practice 3&ow income 3%oor ealt a4its 3%overty
-Improve te ealt status of te pupils
3Call general assem4ly
"I.E 2R!.E
Sustain te Scool 2eeding %rogram
%romote %roper nutrition1 correct inta9e of food in te 4ody
%ERS#$S I$V#&VE #
!.#'$" $EEDED
S#'RCE #2 2'$D
%"C! Contri4ution
. Scool 6ead7 "eacers7 %arents7 Brgy3#8cials7 Sta9e 6olders %upils
3Weig pupils for nutritional status 3Identify target 4ene5ciaries 3Infuse ealt Values on te lesson 3Conduct an action researc 3#rganize volunteer parents to prepare feeding 3Construct functional vegeta4le garden 3Sustain food production 0enerate pro:ects for sustaina4ility 3Implement te 2eeding %rogram 3'tilize e;pertise of 63E and !griculture teacers 3Re
Scool 6ead7 "eacers7 %arents7 Brgy3#8cials7 Sta9e 6olders7 %upils
Scool 6ead7 "eacers7 %arents7 Brgy3#8cials7 Sta9e 6olders7 %upils
Brgy3#22ICI!&S Contri4ution
Income from VE0E"!B&E 0!RDE$
%repared 4y= %!"RICI! %!"RICI! 03BI$0!$ 6ead "eacer-II !pproved= .!3"6ERES! V3 VI&&!0R!CI! District Supervisor
Department of Education Region VI-western Visayas Division of Capiz "apaz West District D!!$ B!$W! E&E.E$"!R( SC6##&
Scool (ear )*+,-)*+ D!"E
SC6##& V!&'E
$'.BER #2 RECI%IE$"S
SI0$!"'RE #2 C&!SS !DVISER
CRIS"I$! 03 0!&!IS School Nutrition Coordinator
Noted: %!"RICI! 03 BI$0!$ `Head teacher-II
School Action Plan on the Implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program S.Y 2014-2015 School: Daan Banwa Elementary School Division Capiz !"S
%&ce'(ersons !esponsi)le
#ime *ine
Collect and monitor the accurate nutrition report o. the teachers
Severely wasted pupils o. Daan Banwa ES
DepEd/School Heads//teachers/0 parents/*12
3une 45,6 to 7arch 45,8 ( ,/95555
4 (artnership Buildin$
Solicit .eedin$ materials .rom *12s/(#" 0
"ll pupils
3une 45,67arch 45,8
!esource !e+mts
( ,8/55555
Success Indicator 7alnourished children had )een decreased .rom , to ,4 "c+uired .eedin$
Sta;eholder 9 Health and Nutrition Service Delivery 6 Sta@ Development
8 ?inancial 7ana$ement < "dvocacy 0 !esource 7o)ilization'*in;a$e A 7onitorin$ 0 Evaluation > Complementary "ctivities1ulayan sa (aaralan/canteen m$nt etc
(repared )y: Desi$nation :
Conduct .eedin$ pro$ram every 7onday and =ednesday "ll School Nutrition Coordinator attend seminar a)out Nutrition Education Soliciy .rom Br$yo&cials/N1%s/*12 s and sponsorin$ "$ency
Severely'=asted pupils
"s; assistance .rom N1% Conduct monitorin$ and evaluation
Improve 1ulayan sa (aaralan to support .eedin$ pro$ram
3une 45,67arch 45,8
( ,/>5555
3uly 45,6
( /,85555
3uly 45,67arch 45,8
( 48/55555 "ccomplished
3une-Sept 45,6
( 45/55555
(artially accomplished
( ,/85555
(artially accomplished
( 8/55555
(artially accomplished
(arents/#eachers and pupils
Br$y%&cials/N1%/ *12 N1%s School Head/#eachers
=asted pupils
(arents/Sta;eholde rs
.acilities in $rade < ?eedin$ pro$ram was conducted
%cto)er 45,6-7arch 45,8 School 3une 45,6Head/#eachers/(#" 7arch 45,8 o&cials and pupils
C!IS#IN" 11"*"IS #eacher III
(artially accomplished
"pproved )y : ("#!ICI" 1BIN1"N Desi$nation : Head #eacher II
SC6##& 2EEDI$0 %!R"$ERS S3( )*+-)*+> School : Daan Banwa Elementary School Division : Capiz
C*"SSI?IC"#I%N *12 / N1% /(!I"#E C%7("N/IN#E!N"#I%N" *
"((!%FI7"# E N27BE! %? SCH%%*S C%E!ED
#"!1E# BENE?ICI"!IES 1rade *evels and NS ClassiGcation
(!%1!"7 DESC!I(#I%N
(%SSIB*E ("!#NE! ?%! S 45,645,8 or F
"ll 1rade level
?eedin$ (ro$ram
4 7rs!ita Carnazo
(rivate (erson
1rade 4
?eedin$ (ro$ram
9 HonBo) 1ardose
ice 7ayor
"ll 1rade *evel
?eedin$ (ro$ram
6 Hon3ocelyn uidato
1rade 9
?eedin$ (ro$ram
8 Hon7erla alderrama
1rade ,
?eedin$ (ro$ram
< 7rs7yra 1ardose
1rade <
?eedin$ (ro$ram
(repared )y: C!IS#IN" 11"*"IS #eacher III