SCALED BIO GAS PLANT Submitted in partial fulfilment of the reuirement! for
DEPART#ENT O' #EC$ANICAL ENGINEERING (A))redited b% NBA* +,-./+,-01 B2#2S COLLEGE O' ENGINEERING (Autonomou! Colle3e under &T"1 BENGAL"R" / 45,,-0 No67 +,-4
DEPART#ENT O' #EC$ANICAL ENGINEERING (A))redited b% NBA* +,-./+,-01 B2#2S COLLEGE O' ENGINEERING (Autonomou! Colle3e under &T"1 BENGAL"R" / 45,,-0 O)t7 +,-4
Thi! i! to )ertif% that the follo8in3 !tudent! mentioned in the li!t en)lo!ed ha6e !ubmitted their pro9e)t report in partial fulfilment of IC en3ine! )our!e
Si3nature of Staff in )har3e ( Dr2RS:1
B%; -2 Narendra Pandit S +2 Sh%am Chafe=ar <2 Rh%thm A3ar8al .2 Tau!if Ahmed # 42 Sura9 Simha SG 52 Niti!h :ini " ?2 Prad%ot Sat%appana6ar >2 Anup :amath 02 Ara6ind :oti $R -,2 #ani!h Su6arna --2 Pr P ra!idh N :u!ha6ar -+2 Pra=har Ra8al -<2 Rohit Anil -.2 Nihal &erma -42 Shi6a=umar -52 Sh Shre%a! A :unte -?2 Dodda #ano3na ->2 A%u!h :ohli -02 Pr Pradeep Di6ata3i +,2 Rahul Potdar +-2 "d%anth &aid%a ++2 #D #D Saif "r Rahman +<2 #o # ohammed $u!!ain C +.2 Amith Jo!hi
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
-B#-<#E,5+ -B#-<#E-,, -B#-<#E,>< -B#-<#E--, -B#-<#E-,> -B#-<#E,5? -B#-<#E,?< -B#-<#E,++ -B#-<#E,+. -B#-<#E,44 -B#-<#E,?5 -B#-<#E,?4 -B#-<#E,>5 -B#-<#E,5. -B#-<#E,04 -B#-<#E,05 -B#-<#E,<0 -B#-<#E,+? -B#-.#E.-< -B#-<#E,>, -B#-<#E--5 -B#-<#E,4> -B#-<#E,5, -B#-<#E,-.
The bio/3a! produ)ed from food 8a!te* de)ompo!able or3ani) material and =it)hen 8a!te* )on!i!tin3 of methane and a little amount of )arbon di o@ide i! an alternati6e fuel for )oo=in3 3a! (LPG12 Al!o* the 8a!te material! )an be di!po!ed off effi)ientl% 8ithout an% odor or flie! and the di3e!ted !lurr% from the bio/3a! unit )an be u!ed a! an or3ani) manure in the 3arden2 The ma9or )omponent! of the bio/3a! plant are a di3e!ter tan=* an inlet for feedin3 the =it)hen 8a!te* 3a! holder tan=* an outlet for the di3e!ted !lurr% and the 3a! deli6er% !%!tem for ta=in3 out and utiliin3 the produ)ed 3a!2 Thi! pro9e)t i! al!o u!eful for !tudent! to ha6e a hand!/on learnin3 e@perien)e in )on!tru)tin3 a #ini Bio/Ga! Plant* u!in3 lo)all% a6ailable material2 Bio-gas Composition
Bio3a! t%pi)all% refer! to a mi@ture of different 3a!e! produ)ed b% the brea=do8n of or3ani) matt matter er in the the ab!e ab!en) n)ee of o@% o@%3en2 3en2 Bio3 Bio3a! a! )an be prod produ) u)ed ed from from ra8 mater material ial!! !u)h !u)h a! a3ri)ultural 8a!te* manure* muni)ipal 8a!te* plant material* !e8a3e* 3reen 8a!te or food 8a!te2 It i! a rene8able ener3% !our)e and in man% )a!e! e@ert! a 6er% !mall )arbon footprint2 Bio3a! )an be produ)ed b% anaerobi) di3e!tion 8ith anaerobi) ba)teria* 8hi)h di3e!t material in!ide a )lo!ed !%!tem* or fermentation of biode3radable material!2 Bio3a! i! primaril% methane (C$.1 and )arbon dio@ide (CO +1 and ma% ha6e !mall amount! of h%dro3en !ulphide ($ +S1* moi!ture and !ilo@ane!2 The 3a!e! methane* h%dro3en* and )arbon mono@ide (CO1 )an be )ombu!ted or o@idied 8ith o@%3en2 Thi! ener3% relea!e allo8! bio3a! to be u!ed a! a fuel it )an be u!ed for an% heatin3 purpo!e* !u)h a! )oo=in32 It I t )an al!o be u!ed in a 3a! en3ine to )on6ert the ener3% in the 3a! into ele)tri)it% and heat2 Durin3 )ombu!tion of bio3a! )ontainin3 !ilo@ane!* !ili)on i! relea!ed and )an )ombine 8ith free o@%3en or other element! in the )ombu!tion 3a!2 Depo!it! are formed )ontainin3 mo!tl% !ili)a (SiO+1 or !ili)ate! (Si xO y1 and )an )ontain )al)ium* !ulfur* in)* pho!phoru!2 Su)h white mineral depo!i depo!it! t! a))umu a))umulate late to a !urfa)e !urfa)e thi)=ne!! thi)=ne!! of !e6eral !e6eral millimete millimeter! r! and mu!t be remo6ed b% )hemi)al or me)hani)al mean!2 'or -,,, =3 (8et 8ei3ht1 of input to a t%pi)al bio/di3e!ter* total !olid! ma% be <, of the 8et 8ei3ht 8hile 6olatile !olid! ma% be 0, of the total !olid!2 Protein 8ould be +, of the 6olatile 6olatile !olid!* )arboh%drate! )arboh%drate! 8ould be ?, of the 6olatile !olid!* and finall% fat! 8ould 8ould be -, of the 6olatile !olid!2 CO#PONENTS
C$. 6ol CO+ 6ol N+ 6ol O+ 6ol $+O 6ol TOTAL 6ol $+S m3m< N$< m3m<
4, / 5, <> / <. 4/, -/, 5 (appro@2 at <-< :1 -,, -,, / 0,, /
ASTEATER TREAT#ENT PLANTS SL"DGE 5, 7 ?4 << 7 -0 -7, F ,24 5 (appro@2 at <-<:1 -,, -,,, 7 .,,, /
5, / ?4 << / -0 -/, F ,24 5 (ap (appr pro@ o@22 at at <-<: <-<:11 -,, <,,, / -,,,, 4, / -,,
ASTE O' AGRI/ 'OOD IND"STR 5> +5 / / 5 (app (appro ro@2 @2 at <-< :1 -,, .,, /
Aromati) m3m< ,/ +,, Or3ano)hlorinated -,, / >,, or or3anofluorated m3m< Physical characteristics
/ /
/ /
/ /
A))ordin3 to it! )ompo!ition* bio3a! pre!ent! )hara)teri!ti)! intere!tin3 to )ompare 8ith natural 3a! and propane2 Bio3a! i! a 3a! appre)iabl% li3hter than air* it produ)e! t8i)e a! le!! )alorie! b% )ombu!tion 8ith eual 6olume of natural 3a!2 TPES O' GAS
PCS =hm < PCI =hm< Den!it% #a!! (=3m<1 Inde@ of obbe
BIOGAS $O"SE$OLD ASTE 5, C$ . << CO+ - N+ , O+ 5 $+O 525 52, ,20< -2+520
BIOGAS + NAT"RAL NAT"RAL GAS GAS AGRI'OOD ASTE ASTE 5> C$. +5 CO+ - N+ , O+ 4 $+O ?24 52> ,2>4 -2-> 2-
0?2, C$ . +2+ C+ ,2< C< ,2- C$ .H ,2. N+ --2< -,2< ,24? ,2?< -.20
(The obbe Inde@ (I1 or obbe number i! an indi)ator of the inter)han3eabilit% of fuel 3a!e! !u)h a! natural 3a!* liuefied petroleum 3a! (LPG1* and to8n 3a! and i! freuentl% defined in the !pe)ifi)ation! of 3a! !uppl% and tran!port utilitie!21 Various chemical process in biogas production
fermenta entatio tion* n* hap happen pen!! 8he 8hen n a)id a)id/for /formin min3 3 ba) ba)teri teriaa o@i o@idie die the !im !imple ple Acidogenesis* or ferm )ompound! formed durin3 h%drol%!i! to )reate )arbon dio@ide* h%dro3en* ammonia* and or3ani) a)id!2 Acetogenesis i! the )on6er!ion of or3ani) a)id! into a)eti) a)id2 A)eti) a)id i! the main in3redient in 6ine3ar and i! the food for the final !ta3e of de)ompo!ition 8ithin the 3enerator2 A)id/formin3 ba)teria are fa!t/breedin3 and heart% heart %* produ)in3 lot! of CO+2 Methanogenesis i! the )reation of methane/produ)in3 mi)robe!* or methano3en! (!in3le/ )elled* )ell ed* no nonba nba)te )terial rial mi) mi)roo roor3a r3ani! ni!m! m! fro from m the 3ro 3roup up Ar)ha r)haea12 ea12 #et #ethan hano3e o3en! n! )om )ombin binee h%dro3en and CO+ produ)ed durin3 the a)id/formin3 pha!e! to )reate methane2 In )ontra!t to the a)id former!* methano3en! are !lo8 to reprodu)e and e@tremel% !en!iti6e to temperature* p$* and the pre!en)e of o@%3en2
8ell ll/m /man ana3 a3ed ed 3e 3ene nerat rator or ma% pr prod odu) u)ee Rule of th Rule thum umb b fo forr bi biog ogas as pr pro odu duct ctio ion: n: A 8e appro@imatel% it! o8n 6olume of bio3a! ea)h da%2 To put thi! in term! of ener3% produ)tion* a bit of math i! reuired; •
A 44/3allon drum ha! a 6olume of about ?2<4 )ubi) feet2
One )ubi) foot of methane met hane )ontain! -*,,, Btu! of ener3%2 ener3%2
Bio3a! )ontainin3 5, per)ent methane offer! 5,, Btu! of ener3% for ea)h )ubi) foot2
?2<4 )ubi) feet @ 5,, Btu! per )ubi) foot .*.-, Btu!2
A t%pi)al 3a! )oo= !to6e burner mi3ht burn throu3h -4*,,, Btu! of fuel per hour on ma@imum ma@im um heat2 At thi! rate* a 44/3al 44/3allon lon methane 3enerator )an poten potentiall% tiall% produ)e enou3h 3a! in a da% to !uppl% the burner for about -> minute!* allo8in3 %ou to boil about + 3allon! of 8ater (a!!umin3 a 5,/per)ent tran!fer effi)ien)% bet8een the ener3% in the flame and the 8ater in %our pot12 Thi! mi3ht be enou3h in !ome )a!e!* but in a pra)ti)al !en!e* a !mall famil% 8ith mode!t dail% )oo=in3 need! 8ill reuire the output of a 8arm* 8ell/fed* +,,/3allon (+?/)ubi)/foot1 methane 3enerator at a minimum2 Thi! mu)h bio3a! repre!ent! about -5*,,, Btu! and offer! about one hour of )oo=in3 time* or enou3h ener3% to boil around > 3allon! of 8ater2 The uantit% and ualit% of methane %ou ma=e depend! on the nutrient 6alue of the feed!to)= and ho8 8el 8elll the mi) mi)rob robe! e! )on )on6er 6ertt the a6a a6ailab ilable le nut nutrien rient! t! int into o met methan hane2 e2 'or pra)ti)al pra)ti)al purpo!e!* bio3a! produ)tion and ualit% are fun)tion! of %our !pe)ifi) re)ipe and 3enerator mana3ement2 Important thin3! to under!tand about 3eneratin3 bio3a! are;
Construction Construction of biogas extraction plant
The main )omponent! of bio3a! plant! are; -2 +2 <2 .2 42
Bio Bio 8a! 8a!te te dump dumpin in3 3 uni unitt Ga! fl flo8 pi pipe Non Non retu return rn 6al6 6al6ee Ga! Ga! )ol )olle le)t )tio ion n tan tan= = Outlet 6al6 al6e
-2 Bio Bio 8a! 8a!te te dum dumpi pin3 n3 unit unit;;
Thi! unit i! the pla)e 8here 8a!te i! dumped for !%nthe!i! of bio3a!2 Thi! )ontain! remo6able lid for dumpin3 the 8a!te and remo6in3 the re!idue at the end of !%nthe!i! of bio 3a!2 It ha! an outlet )onne)ted to 3a! )olle)tion )hamber 8ith a non/return 6al6e in bet8een* 6ia a 3a! flo8 pipe
+2 Ga! flo8 pi pipe
Ga! flo8 pipe )onne)t! bio3a! dumpin3 unit 8ith the )olle)tion )hamber2 A non/return 6al6e i! )onne)ted at the end of the pipe 8hi)h i! pla)ed in!ide the )olle)tion )hamber
<2 Non Non retu return rn 6al6 6al6e; e;
Non/return 6al6e i! ba!i)all% a " bend in the pipe 8hi)h allo8! flo8 of of bio3a! in onl% one dire)tion2 It doe! not allo8 8ater to flo8 ba)= throu3h it2 .2 Ga! )olle )olle)ti )tion on Cham Chambe ber r
It i! a 8ei3hted in6erted )%linder 8ith an outlet deli6er% 6al6e on the top of it2 The 8ei3ht of the )%linder i! re!pon!ible for the produ)tion of pre!!ure in bio3a!2 42 Outl Outlet et Del Deli6e i6er% r% &a &al6e l6e
It )ontrol! the flo8 rate of bio3a! flo8in3 out of the )olle)tion )hamber2 Working of biogas plant
The model bio3a! plant i! de!i3ned !u)h that it u!e! no mo6in3 part! to )olle)t and pre!!urie the bio3a!2 Thi! t%pe of plant )an be u!ed in both lar3e !)ale produ)tion unit! and !mall hou!ehold !%!tem!2 The plant ba!i)all% )on!i!t! of < !%!tem!* -1 Generation )hamber +1 Colle)tion )hamber <1 filtration unit2 Generation Chamber It i! a hu3e pit du3 into the 3round* in thi! 6ariou! bioma!! are mi@ed 8ith eual part! of 8ater and mi@ed thorou3hl%2 The !lurr% need to brea=do8n anaerobi)all% under the a)tion of 6ariou! mi)robe!2 Thu! the tan= need! to be du3 into the 3round 8ith )hannel! to feed it !lurr% at the lo8er le6el!2 Thi! !lurr% i! then abandoned in the pit for + month!* the bioma!! de)ompo!e to relea!e methane (C$.1* )arbon dio@ide* and h%dro3en !ulphide ($ +S12 Amon3 the!e methane i! the )ombu!tible fuel2 fuel2 The 3eneration )hamber i! )onne)ted to the )olle)tion )hamber 6ia pipin3 8hi)h ha! a 6al6e2 Thu! the 3eneration )hamber i! =ept dormant for + month! all the 8hile the 3a! i! !lo8l% )olle)ted in the )olle)tion )hamber b% openin3 the 6al6e periodi)all%2 Colle)tion )hamber; Stru)turall% thi! i! made of t8o )%linder! in6erted onto one another* one of the )%linder! i! filled 8ith 8ater almo!t to it! brim 8hile the !e)ond i! in6erted onto thi! 8ith an openin3 at it! top !o that it 3et! immer!ed to !ome e@tent2 The top openin3 i! then )lo!ed 8ith the u!e of a 6al6e2 The bio3a! i! let into the tan= 8ith throu3h throu3h a one 8a% deli6er% 6al6e 8hi)h doe! doe! not allo8 8ater to flo8 ba)= into the pipin32 The 3a! bubble! throu3h the 8ater and 3et! )olle)ted )olle)ted into the air 3ap of the !e)ond )%linder2 )%linder2 Be)au!e Be)au!e of the 6olume of 3a! )olle)ted )olle)ted the top )%linder be3in! to ri!e* and in effe)t due to the 8ei3ht of the )%linder the 3a! al!o de6elop! a pre!!ure 8hi)h i! reuired2 And !in)e the 3a! i! bubbled into the )hamber there i! no )han)e of ba)= flo82 The 3a! )an be harne!!ed b % openin3 the deli6er% 6al6e thu! 3i6in3 a !tead% !uppl% of pre!!uried 3a!* on)e the 6al6e i! opened and a! 3a! be3in! to !tart flo8in3 out the )%linder )%linder be3in! be3in! to drop thu! maintainin3 maintainin3 )on!tant pre!!ure output (i2e2 eui6alent eui6alent to 8ei3ht of the )%linder1 The harne!!ed bio3a! i! then u!ed dire)tl% or loaded loaded onto !mall )%linder! dependin3 dependin3 on the area of u!e * thi! )an either be u!ed for heatin3 * )oo=in3 or in !ome )a!e! to run en3ine! Bio as !urification
orld8ide* there are about -,*,,, bio3a! dri6en )ar! and bu!e!* plu! an additional <2> million million natural natural 3a! fuelled CSANR Re!ear)h Re!ear)h Report Report +,-, 7 ,,- Climate 'riendl% 'armin3 Ch2 0 Compre!!ed Bio #ethane Pa3e + 6ehi)le!* mainl% in Ar3entina* Brail* Pa=i!tan* Ital%* India and the "2S2 To help de6elop appropriate bio3a! purifi)ation te)hnolo3ie! for farm/ !)ale !)ale anaero anaerobi) bi) di3e!te di3e!ter!* r!* a!hin a!hin3to 3ton n State State "ni6e "ni6er!it r!it% % e6alua e6aluated ted 6ariou 6ariou!! method method!! for remo6in3 remo6in3 a)idi) impuritie!* impuritie!* and de6eloped de6eloped and te!ted ab!orption ab!orption to8er te)hnolo3ie! te)hnolo3ie! for appli)ation to a farm/!)ale anaerobi) di3e!ter2 Purified bio3a! pro6ide! redu)tion! in G$G emi!!ion! a! 8ell a! !e6eral other en6ironmental benefit! 8hen u!ed a! a 6ehi)le fuel2 Bio3a! emit! le!! nitro3en o@ide* h%dro)arbon and )arbon mono@ide mono@ide than 3a!oline 3a!oline or die!el* and en3ine! fuelled b% purified purified bio3a! are uieter uieter than die!el en3ine!2 Refuellin3 8ith bio3a! pre!ent! fe8er en6ironmental ri!=! than refuellin3 8ith 3a!oline or die!el* be)au!e it )an be done at !mall unit! lo)ated at an o8nerK! home or bu!ine!!* minimiin3 the potential impa)t! if lea=! or !pill! o))ur2 'ea!ible bio3a!
purifi)ation te)hnolo3ie! e@i!t for lar3e/!)ale !e8a3e and bio/8a!te di3e!ter!* and the te)hnolo3ie! for up3radin3 bio3a!* )ompre!!in3* !torin3 and di!pen!in3 bio methane are 8ell de6eloped2 de6eloped2 If )o!t/effe)ti6 )o!t/effe)ti6ee method! method! for up3radin3 up3radin3 bio3a! bio3a! )ould be de6eloped de6eloped for the farm/ !)ale* bio3a! purifi)ation )ould pro6ide dair% farmer! 8ith re6enue to )omplement ele)tri)al po8er !ale!2 !ale! 2 Thi! i! e!pe)iall% e! pe)iall% )riti)al in the Pa)ifi) North8e!t* 8here lo8 po8er rate! ha6e pre6ented )o!t )ompetiti6e po8er from farm/!)ale anaerobi)/di3e!ter!* limitin3 total dair% deri6ed po8er2 En3ine )on6er!ion to a))ommodate bio3a! al!o repre!ent! a potential barrier* but be)au!e bio3a! ha! the !ame propertie! a! natural 3a!* it )an be ea!il% u!ed b% 6ehi)le! 8hi)h are )onfi3ured for natural 3a!2 Methods of !urification of Bio as "# Water and !ol$eth$lene l$col %crubbing !rocess# !rocess ater !)rubbin3 i! u!ed to remo6e CO + and $+S from bio3a! !in)e the!e 3a!e! are more !oluble in 8ater than methane2 The ab!orption pro)e!! i! purel% ph%!i)al2 "!uall% the bio3a! i! pre!!uried and fed to the bottom of a pa)=ed )olumn 8hile 8ater i! fed on the top and !o the ab!orption pro)e!! i! operated )ounter/)urrentl%2 ater !)rubbin3 )an al!o be u!ed for !ele)ti6e remo6al of $ +S !in)e $+S i! more !oluble than )arbon dio@ide in 8ater2 The 8ater 8hi)h e@it! the )olumn 8ith ab!orbed CO + andor $ +S )an be re3enerated and re/)ir)ulated ba)= to the ab!orption )olumn2 Re3eneration i! a))ompli!hed b% de/pre!!urin3 or b% !trippin3 8ith air in a !imilar )olumn2 Strippin3 8ith air i! not re)ommended 8hen hi3h le6el! of $ +S are handled !in)e the 8ater ui)=l% be)ome! )ontaminated 8ith elementar% !ulfur 8hi)h )au!e! operational problem!2 hen )heap 8ater )an be u!ed* for e@ample* outlet 8ater from a !e8a3e treatment plant* the mo!t )o!t effi)ient method i! not to re/)ir)ulate the 8ater Pol%eth%lene 3l%)ol !)rubbin3 relie! on the !ame underl%in3 me)hani!m a! 8ater !)rubbin3* 8ith a ph%!i)al ab!orption pro)e!! that 8or=! be)au!e both CO+ and $+S are more !oluble than methane in the !ol6ent2 Sele@ol i! the trade name for one of the )ommon !ol6ent! u!ed for thi! pro)e!!2 Ad&antages The bi3 differen)e bet8een 8ater and !ol6ent! i! that CO + and $ +S are more !oluble in Sele@ol 8hi)h re!ult! in a lo8er !ol6ent demand and redu)ed pumpin32 Remo6in3 $ +S beforehand i! an alternati6e2 The ad6anta3e! of !)rubbin3 are no !pe)ial )hemi)al! reuired and remo6al of both CO + and $+S2 The di!ad6anta3e! of 8ater !)rubbin3 are that it reuire! a lot of 8ater e6en 8ith re3eneration* a! 8ell a! limitation! on $ +S remo6al* be)au!e the CO + de)rea!e! p$ of the !olution and )orro!ion to the euipment )au!ed b% $ +S2 '# Chemical Absorption !rocess in a (utshell Chemi)al ab!orption in6ol6e! formation of re6er!ible )hemi)al bond! bet8een the !olute and the !ol6ent2 Re3eneration of the !ol6ent* therefore* in6ol6e! brea=in3 of the!e bond! and )orre!pondin3l%* a relati6el% hi3h ener3% input2 #EA !olution )an be )ompletel% re3enerated b% boilin3 for 4 min and i! then read% for re/u!e2 The ad6anta3e! of )hemi)al ab!orption are )omplete )omplete $+S remo6al* remo6al* hi3h effi)ien)% effi)ien)% and rea)tion rea)tion rate! )ompared to 8ater !)rubbin3* !)rubbin3* and the abilit% to operate at lo8 pre!!ure2 Be)au!e of the!e ad6anta3e!* the pro)e!! i! )ommonl% u!ed in indu!trial appli)ation!* in)ludin3 natural 3a! purifi)ation2 The di!ad6anta3e! are the additional )hemi)al input! needed and the need to treat 8a!te )hemi)al! from the pro)e!!2
!ressure %)ing Adsorption !rocess Pre!!ure Pre!!ure S8in3 S8in3 Ad!orption Ad!orption (PSA1 i! a te)hnolo3% te)hnolo3% u!ed to !eparate !eparate !ome 3a! !pe)ie! from a mi@tur mi@turee of 3a!e! 3a!e! under under pre!!u pre!!ure re a))ordi a))ordin3 n3 to the !pe)ie! !pe)ie! mole)ul mole)ular ar )hara)t )hara)teri! eri!ti)! ti)! and affinit% for an ad!orbent material2 It operate! at near/ambient temperature! and !o differ! from )r%o3eni) di!tillation te)hniue! of 3a! !eparation2 Spe)ial ad!orpti6e material! are u!ed a! a mole)ular !ie6e* preferentiall% ad!orbin3 the tar3et 3a! !pe)ie! at hi3h pre!!ure2 The pro)e!! then !8in3! to lo8 pre!!ure to de!orb the ad!orbent material2 The PSA pro)e!! relie! on the fa)t that under pre!!ure* 3a!e! tend to be attra)ted to !olid !urfa)e!* or Mad!orbedM2 The hi3her the pre!!ure* the more 3a! i! ad!orbed 8hen the pre!!ure i! redu)ed* the 3a! i! relea!ed* or de!orbed2 PSA pro)e!!e! )an !eparate 3a!e! in a mi@ture be)au!e different 3a!e! tend to be attra)ted to different !olid !urfa)e! more or le!! !tron3l%2 If a 3a! mi@ture !u)h a! air* for e@ample* i! pa!!ed under pre!!ure throu3h a 6e!!el )ontainin3 )ontainin3 an ad!orbent ad!orbent bed that attra)t! nitro3en more !tron3l% than it doe! o@%3en* part or all of the nitro3en 8ill !ta% in the bed* and the 3a! )omin3 out of the 6e!!el 8ill be enri)hed in o@%3en2 hen the bed rea)he! the end of it! )apa)it% to ad!orb nitro3en* it )an be re3enerated b% redu)in3 the pre!!ure* thereb% relea!in3 the ad!orbed nitro3en2 It i! then read% for another )%)le of produ)in3 o@%3en enri)hed air2 $o8e6er* durin3 bio3a! purifi)ation* the ad!orption material ad!orb! $ +S irre6er!ibl% and thu! i! poi!oned b% $ +S2 'or thi! rea!on* a preliminar% $ +S remo6in3 !tep i! often in)luded in the PSA pro)e!!2 PSA u!in3 eolite! or a)ti6ated )arbon at different pre!!ure le6el! i! an effe)ti6e method for the !eparation of CO+ from methane2 A)ti6ated )arbon impre3nated 8ith pota!!ium iodide )an )atal%ti)all% rea)t 8ith o@%3en and $+S to form 8ater and Sulphur2 Sulphur2 The o rea)tion i! be!t a)hie6ed at ? to > bar and 4, to ?, C2 The a)ti6ated )arbon bed! al!o need re3eneration or repla)ement 8hen !aturated2 The ad6anta3e! of PSA te)hnolo3% are more than 0? C$ . enri)hment* lo8 po8er demand* and lo8 emi!!ion and remo6al of nitro3en and o@%3en2 The main di!ad6anta3e of PSA te)hnolo3% i! an additional $ +S remo6al !tep needed before PSA2 Al!o* tail 3a! from PSA !till need! to be treated2 Conclusion
Bio Bio 3a! 3a! i! an effe effe)t )ti6 i6ee rene8 rene8abl ablee !our !our)e )e of ener ener3% 3% 8hi)h 8hi)h )an be appl applie ied d to 6ario 6ariou! u! appli)ation!* it i! )o!t effe)ti6e and )an be implemented in man% )ondition!2 The lo8 )o!t fa)tor of bio3a! ma=e! it a 6er% a popular !%!tem in rural area!* in urban )ondition! it )an be u!ed a! 8a!te treatment plant 8hi)h al!o produ)e! u!able methane fuel * the abo6e mentioned model i! effe)ti6e in a lar3e !)ale and )an be implemented