1.2 1.2
Hist Histor oric ical al back backgr grou ound nd of tour touris ism m
1.3 1.3
Scope of tourism in Nepal
1.4 1.4
Mean eaning ing an and obj objec ecti tiv ve of of tou tourrism ism
1.5 1.5
Prob Proble lems ms and and pro prosp spec ects ts of of tour touris ism m in Nepa Nepall
1.6 1.6
Expa Expans nsio ion n and and dive divers rsif ific icat atio ion n of tou touri rist st att attra ract ctio ion n
1.7 1.7
Objec jectiv tives of the the fie fieldwo ldworrk
Limitation of study
Need of study
1.10 1.10
Method Method of data data colle collecti ction on and and proce process ssing ing
Concept of tourism
Nature of tourism
Types of tourism
Importance of of to tourism
Tour Touris ism m dev devel elop opme ment nt usin using g var vario ious us plan plan peri period od
3.2 3.2
New New tou touri rism sm poli policy cy 19 1995 95 & its its obje object ctiv ives es
3.2. 3.2.1 1
Bas Basic Polic olicy y
3.2. 3.2.2 2
Poli Policy cy Stra Strate tegi gies es
3.3 3.3
Clas Classi sifi fica cati tion on of of tou touri rism sm ind indus ustr trie ies s
Manpower de development
Facil Faciliti ities es and incent incentive ives s to to the the tour tourism ism indust industry ry & busin business ess
3.6 3.6
Exist xistin ing g tou touri ris sm in instit stitu ution tion Public sector & private sector institution
4.1 4.1
Tou Tourist ist ar arriva rivall tr trend end in in Nep Nepa al
4.2 4.2
Tour Touris istt arr arriv ival al by purp purpos ose e of visi visitt
4.3 4.3
Tour Touris istt arri arriva vall by by the the mod mode e of tran transp spor ortt of air airli line nes s
4.4 4.4
Tou Tourist ist ar arriva rivall by by na nation tiona ality ity
4.5 4.5
Impact of of to tourism in in Ne Nepal Foreign exchange earning & employment generation
List of table Tourist arrivals (1962-2004) Tourist arrivals by month (2003 vs. 2004) Tourist arrivals by Age Group & Sex (2003 vs. 2004) Tourist arrivals by purpose of visit Tourist arrivals by mode of transport (2003 vs. 2004) Tourist arrivals by nationality (2003 vs. 2004) Foreign exchange earning from tourism (2002 - 2004) Employment generation
List of Diagram Tourist arrivals (1990-2004) Tourist arrivals of month (2003 vs. 2004) Tourist arrivals by Age group & Sex (2003 vs. 2004) Tourist arrivals by nationality in 2004
Employment earning from tourism (trend) Employment generation
N epal is one of the small but richest countries in the world in the in term of biodiversity due to its unique geographical position and altitude variation. It is one of the world's best places to explore as religious, culture and natural resources. Because of the presence of fine blend of art, culture and tradition along with natural beauty, with varieties of beauty and pleasure to offer, Nepal has a great potential to attract all types of tourist from all over the world. The main attraction of the tourist due to having following ingredients:
12 Nepal's Nepal's natur natural al attrac attraction. tion. 13 Resulting from physical, physical, historical historical and cultural monuments monuments and temples. 14 Art treasure treasure and and festivals festivals and its wildlif wildlife. e. 15 Himalaya Himalayas s and their scenic beauties beauties are also also the prominen prominentt attraction attraction to the visitors. 16 The land land of yeti yeti and and land of of Buddha. Buddha. 17 Peaked mountain mountain river and and lakes conductive conductive climate and mysterious mysterious charm.
Tourism is multifarious industry, which promotes cottage industries, trade and other series sector. It is the second largest sources of foreign exchange earning. The total percentage change of tourist arrivals from FY 2002/03 has increased by 22.7% and the foreign exchange earnings during the FY 2002/03 increased by 80.5%.
In 2002 the total number of tourists visiting Nepal reached 275463. Tourism has not been long. Since Nepal was opened to foreign tourist. But the tourist inflow rate of Nepal has been increasing day by day. According to the propose of visit, in 2002, 1101 11 0143 43
tour touris istt
visi visitt
Nepa Nepall
for for
holi holida day y
plea pleasu sure re,,
5927 59 279 9
for for
trek trekki king ng
and and
mountaineering, 16990 for business, 12366 for pilgrimage, 17783 for official and 58907 for others.
Considering the growing importance of tourist; government had formed different plan and polici policies es and and an implem implement entati ation on strate strategy gy provid provides, es, differ different ent facili facilitie ties s and incentives to develop the tourism sector. Besides these the institutional arrangement like tourism council, ministry of tourism and civil aviation, department of tourism and tourism development board have been created for its development. "Visit Nepal Year 1998" was one of the major steps by government in other to identify Nepal as one of the special tourist destination in the world. The main objectives of "Visit Nepal Year 1998" were to inflow of tourist to 5 million; attract quality tourists and increasi increasing ng their expenditur expenditure. e. Accordin According g to the governme government nt version version the "Visit "Visit Nepal Year 1998" was successful in attracting more tourists. Similarly the declaration of "2007" as the "destinations "destinations Nepal year" is aimed to attract more tourists in coming years.
1.2 1.2
Tourism Tourism is a human human activity, activity, which has proved important important for all nations nations since since it fosters international brotherhood and understanding. In Nepal, the modern concept of touris tourism m is a recent recent pheno phenomen menon. on. Alt Althou hough gh the inflow inflow of Vis Visito itors rs for differ different ent purpose was there for very early periods, the study of the inflow of foreign visitors to Nepal can be classified in the following three stages.
1.2.1 EARLY HISTORICAL HISTORICAL REVIEW OF TOURISM TOURISM IN NEPAL NEPAL Before the unification of Nepal by late king Prithivi Narayan Shah, tourism was closely related to religion, polities and business. Many visitors, namely from the neighboring countries of China, India and Tibet visited Nepal for religious purpose. Among are notable persons. But "Manjushree" is the first visitors in Nepal to make the valley fit or human habitation either India or China. During the time of Lichhavi rulers the famous famous Chinese Chinese traveler traveler Huich-Tsang Huich-Tsang and also Chinese Chinese envoy, envoy, Li-Y-Pio Li-Y-Pio and Wang Wang Hiuentse visited Nepal with his companions.
1.2.2 1.2.2 TOU TOURIS RISM M AFTER AFTER UNIFICA UNIFICATION TION OF OF NEPAL NEPAL After the unification of Nepal, visitors from Britain came to Nepal for political purpose. Among the Knox, Hamilton and captain Kirkpatrick were notable persons. During the region was vertically closed for outsiders, especially Europeans in other to preserve unity and independence. independence.
1.2.3 1.2.3 TO TOUR URIS ISM M AFTE AFTER R 1950 1950 1846: One of the important dates in Nepal's history: it marked the advent of the "RANA" regime that lasted until 1950; 104 years during which the successive Kings of Nepal, although formally remaining on their throne with all the external decorum were in fact relegated to purely nominal and honorific role, deprived of all power and authority. During that period, Nepal was a forbidden land for foreigners except for the small small trader traders s and and India Indian n pilgr pilgrims ims.. Outsi Outsider ders s were were locked locked upon upon with with an eye of suspic sus picion ion,, an accou account nt of close close relation relationsh ship ip with with the British British in India, India, only a few foreigners changed to visit Nepal. From time to time several distinguished botanists and naturalists including Sir Brian Hodgson, F.R.S. (who was resident from 18221843) and Sir Joseph Hooker F.R.S. who had made botanical surveys and collection of Nepal's flora and fauna, traveled the country. Among the European visitors, British King George v Prince of Wales came to Nepal for the purpose of hunting tigers in tarai tarai forest forest in 1911 and 1921 respectivel respectively. y. Due to the deliberately deliberately conservativ conservative e policy of Rana rulers, Nepal remained virtually isolated and unknown to the outside world.
From the point of view of tourism the great revolution of 1951 was a boon for Nepal. In the realization of this fact, Nepal obtained the membership of international union of official travel organization in 1959 and pacific area travel association in 1964. Even Nepal Nepal its door door since since 1951, 1951, promo promotio tion n of 1960's 1960's.. After After consid considera eratio tion n the great great importance of tourism. Development of tourism was established to make organized efforts at the government level for the development of tourism. A tourism centre was established to provide training facilities for tourism development. Tourism act was promulgat promulgated ed in 1964 because of the increasi increasing ng number number tourist tourist and importance. importance. Ministry of incentives to the tourism industry and business, industrial enterprises act and foreign investment and technology transfer act 1992 was promulgated in Nepal gazette by HMG.
In present present contest, the governme government nt and private sector jointly trying to develop develop the infr infras astr truc uctu ture re for for the the tour touris ism, m, Nepa Nepall
tour touris ism m boar board d
was was esta establ blis ishe hed. d. Many Many
international chains of hotels were organized, which represent "Nepal as world of its own".
1.3 1.3
In Nepal, tourism is not only important economic sources of foreign currency but also a major employment generator. By the medium of tourism people, can exchange
knowle knowledge dge.. An And d creat create e unders understa tandi nding ng among among the people people of the world. world. Touri Tourism sm provided us an opportunity to understand society, habits, food and the way of life style of different nations. Directly and indirectly Nepalese people are getting benefits from the tourism, many people are getting employment from this sector. Because of the demands of local local products, products, incentives incentives to the local crafts crafts and industries industries and artistic skills of the people is increased. Flock-lore, traditional ceremonies, art and industry are reviewed reviewed because because tourists are are interested in them. them.
Socially culturally, culturally,
Tourism is product, which encourages intellectual intellectual curiosity among people and nations and develops a healthy respect for another's beliefs and custom.
The directory meaning of the word Tourism is "organizing touring or other services for tourists". Generally, tourism is to travel abroad from country to country with a view to sightsee sightseeing, ing, trekking, trekking, mountaine mountaineerin ering, g, enjoying enjoying scenic scenic beauty, beauty, studying studying cultural heritage etc. All enterprises that are connected with and facilities traveling constitute the tourism industry.
At one one time time tour touris ism m was was conc concer erne ned d to trav travel el rela relate ted d jobs jobs only only.. Mass Mass competition developed the cut throat competitions and developed the concept of "survi "survival val of the fittes fittest", t", new idea idea and destin destinat ation ions, s, explor exploring ing virgin virgin lands landscap cape, e, providing but quality service and accommodation at best prices. The technique of managing all these aspects of travel related job is known as "Tourism".
In conclusion, "Tourism is all activities undertaken by people staying away from home for 24 hours or more, on holiday, visiting friends or relatives, at business or other conferences or any peoples other than for i.e. boarding education and semi permanent employment. It doesn’t include day trippers from a home address either outside the country or with in.
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Nepalese Economics by Prof. A. M. Shrestha Tourism Policy 2052
18 To establishe established d Nepal as a prime prime destination destination in the tourism market market through effective publicity and promotion.
19 To estab establis lished hed backwar backward d and forward forward linkag linkage e of touris tourism m sector sector with the natio national nal economy economy so as to develo develop p it an import important ant sector sector for the overa overall ll economic development.
20 To enha enhanc nce e empl employ oyme ment nt oppo opport rtun unit itie ies, s, inco income me gene genera rati tion on and and fore foreig ign n currency earning from the tourism sector and internal these benefits down to the village level.
1.5 1.5
In spite of tremendous importance and various efforts, Nepal does not seem to have been able to attain desired result in tourism development rapidly on the account of the following problems.
21 Limited tourist tourist spots which which are also not very very much developed. 22 Shortage Shortage of necessa necessary ry infrastruc infrastructure tures s for proper proper development development of existing existing as well as feasible tourists places. 23 Basic requirements requirements needs needs for the development development of tourism tourism are still inadequate. 24 Problem Problem of overcrowding overcrowding and environmen environmentt pollution, pollution, which which is hamperi hampering ng the tourism in Nepal. 25 World heritage heritage sites are are not properly properly maintained incase of culture culture tourism. 26 Lack Lack of appro appropri priat ate e progr programs ams to ins inspir pire e touri tourist st to stay longer longer in Nepal Nepal an spend higher expenditure. 27 Limited internal internal air services services which are also not not up to the required required standard. standard. 28 Probl Problems ems in adven adventur ture e touri tourism, sm, in terms terms of the develop developmen mentt of the new trekking routes and tourism spots. 29 Lack of person personnel nel secur security. ity. 30 Lack of clear-cut clear-cut and and comprehensive comprehensive national national tourism policy. 31 Lack of attention attention paid by HMG to maintain standard standard in tourism tourism industry. industry. 32 Government steps towards towards individual individual are still unsatisfactory. unsatisfactory. 33 Limited marketing marketing budget budget for the development development of tourism.
PROTEST OF TOURISM IN NEPAL Nepal is probably one of the most fascinating and beautiful countries in the world. Tourists visited Nepal to experience the world's famous Himalayan peaks; unique archit architect ecture ure reser reserve ved d in ancien ancientt towns towns and and the warm warm welco welcome me of ever ever smilin smiling g people. It posses numerous possibilities of developing tourist traffic because three are in the countr country y unique unique geogra geographi phical cal featur features es and cultur cultural al charm charms. s. The main main featur features es of touris touristy ty possib possibili ilitie ties s in the countr country y may be outlin outlined ed under under follow following ing points.
34 Because Because of unique situatio situation n on the southern southern sight sight of the mighty mighty Himalayan Himalayan of mounta mountain, in, there there are are numero numerous us scenic scenic beauti beauties es in variou various s sector sector of the country; there are snow capped mountain peaks with grand glaciers sliding down through narrow valleys. Some parts are bare rocky ranges with splendid landscape, some parts are forested ranges with charming scenery, some parts are spotted with pleasant lakes, springs and falls, some parts are curved by several winding rivers and river let's jumping down through steep mountain valley and in various mountainous parts of Nepal.
35 The main important important tourist centers centers are Kathmandu, Patan, Patan, Bhaktapur, Bhaktapur, Kirtipur, Kirtipur, Pokha Pokhara ra,, Lumbin Lumbini, i, Mana Manang, ng, Jomsom Jomsom,, Dhulik Dhulikhel hel,, Helam Helambu, bu, Gosain Gosainkun kunda, da, Nagarkot and so on.
36 These These are many famous temples, temples, stupas, stupas, holy centers centers and durbar squares squares in various zone of Nepal. Among them kumari temple is one of the famous living goddess's temple. The temple of Kathmandu valley is of great religious and cultural importance because their walls, windows, and doors have been so carve carved d and and paint painted ed as to presen presentt vario various us arts arts cultur culture e and and belief beliefs s of the ancient people in Nepal. There are also; laces of early kings in which are manifested several culture and architecture glories of ancient Nepal.
37 Furt Furthe herm rmor ore, e, Nepa Nepall is a coun countr try y wher where e land land rout route e foll follow ower er tour touris istt feel feels s trem tremen endo dous us reli relief ef to be here here and and find find peac peacef eful ul surr surrou ound ndin ing g and and good good envi enviro ronm nmen ent. t. Perh Perhap aps, s, it may may be due due to frie friend ndly ly Nepa Nepale lese se peop people le and and hospitable by nature, the tourist will have no difficulty in adjusting in general. These all are great attraction to tourist.
EXPANSION AND DIVERSIFICATION OF TOURIST ATTRACTION 38 The tourism tourism industry industry will be identifie identified d as a priority priority sector sector and the investment investment will be mobilized accordingly. 39 Emphas Emphasis is will will be given given to produ produce ce local local goods goods and handicr handicraft afts s for tourist tourist consumption. 40 Eco touris tourism, m, medica medicall touris tourism m confer conferenc ence e and conven conventio tion n touris tourism, m, cultur cultural al touris tourism, m, festiv festival al touris tourism, m, scien scientif tific ic touris tourism, m, villa village ge touris tourism, m, advent adventure ure touris tourism, m, holida holiday y touris tourism, m, sports sports touris tourism m and other other value value based based touris tourism m activities will be performed.
41 The participat participation ion of local local government government bodies, municipali municipalities ties,, vpcs and NGOS will will be sought sought to conser conserve ve and and develo develop p religi religious ous,, cultur cultural al and his histor torica icall heritage sites in the Kathmandu valley and outside. 42 Tourism product goods goods and services services will be categorized categorized and quality quality standards standards specified for each category. 43 A number of feasible feasible activities activities such as hot air ballooning ballooning,, hot spring, spring, honey hunting, bird watching, anthropological tours, rhododendrons tours and so on will be encouraged. 44 Compa Comparin ring g sites sites and other other faciliti facilities es on the trails trails will be maint maintai ained ned and conserved and the private sector encourages setting involved in operation. NGO' NGO's s and and loca locall comm commun unit itie ies s will will be mobi mobili lize zed d to mobi mobili lize ze to moni monito torr activities in the newly operated trekking trails. 45 Duty free shopping shopping and casino casino activities activities will be allowed to operate operate with proper proper safeguards. safeguards. Tours will be promoted cultural, archaeological, archaeological, historical areas as well as parks, museum and zoos. 46 Rivers will will be kept kept free from pollution for rafting purpose. purpose. Environment Environment impact assig assignme nment nt will will be made made a part part and and parce parcell for the opera operatio tion n of touris tourism m activities in conserved areas and their vicinities. 47 Guidelines and performance performance standards standards will be developed developed in collaboration collaboration with the private sector to encourage the quality and efficiency of the hotel and tourism industry. 48 Incentive Incentives s holidays and facilities facilities will will be tried tried to promote promote domestic domestic tourism in corporation with the private sector. 49 A fixed percentag percentage e of foreign foreign currency currency earned earned from the tourism industry industry will be allowed for discretionary expenditure by the industry. 50 The tourism tourism industry industry will be identifie identified d as a priority priority sector sector and the investment investment will be mobilized accordingly.
1.6 1.6
Every activity is performed with certain objective, which has to be achieved on these premises premises.. Similar Similarly, ly, this fieldwork fieldwork study study has also some objectives, objectives, which are as follows: 51 To highlight highlight upon the tourism tourism developme development nt and its aspect aspect in the context of Nepal. 52 To assess assess the the tourism tourism market market in Nepal. Nepal. 53 To identify and analyzed the major problem of tourism development development in Nepal. Nepal. 54 To evaluate the tourist inflow in Nepal and income generated generated through through them. 55 To assess assess the impact of tourism in in Nepalese Nepalese economy. economy. 56 To provid provide e specif specific ic sugge suggesti stion on for improv improveme ement nt of touris tourism m develo developme pment nt in Nepal. 57 To evalua evaluate te the plans plans,, progra programs, ms, facili facilitie ties s and incent incentive ives s develo developed ped by government and concerned tourism authority.
1.7 1.7
LIMIT MITATION OF THE STUDY 58 The study study mainl mainly y concen concentra tratio tion n on touri tourist st arriv arrivals als and its effect effect in foreig foreign n exchange earning. 59 The study study on developme development nt of tourism uses uses the trend of 10 years, 5 years years and 4 years only. 60 The study in same same causes suffered suffered from the lack lack of relevant relevant data as sought sought on classified as region wide basis. 61 Most of the data are of secondary secondary type. Which Which is available available from Nepal Nepal tourism board, immigration and other sources of books. 62 If focuse focuses s only only on some major major factor factor of touris tourism m relat related ed sector sector theref therefore ore overall. Position of development of tourism in Nepal can't be judged by this report.
NEEDS OF THE STUDY 63 The developme development nt of tourism helps helps to those people people who are unknown unknown about the tourism and its development in Nepal by providing required information. 64 Teac Teache hers rs and and stud studen ents ts also also may may obta obtain in a lot lot of info inform rmat ation ion's 's rega regard rdin ing g development of tourism account for proper study about it. 65 In the context context of modern economy economy of Nepal tourism tourism business business can play play a vital role the employment generation. 66 Gover Governme nment nt can can obtain obtained ed the requir required ed inform informati ation on throug through h it in other other to
amen amend d and and impr improv ove e the the rule rules s and and regu regula lati tion on of tour touris ism m to meet meet the the requirement of the country.
1.9 1.9
METH METHOD ODS S OF OF DAT DATA A COL COLLE LECT CTIO ION N & PRO PROCE CESS SSIN ING G 67 Some Some nece necess ssar ary y inte interv rvie iews ws and and obse observ rvat atio ion n have have made made unde underr prim primar ary y sources. 68 For the proper analysis analysis of the study, availab available le books, reports, reports, tourist arrivals arrivals statisti statistics cs of Nepal Nepal tourism tourism board, board, annual annual report report and other publicat publications ions of Nepal tourism board have been consulted under secondary sources. 69 The The coll collec ecte ted d data data are are re-a re-arr rran ange ged d and and tabu tabula late ted d wher where e nece necess ssar ary y to facilitate the purpose of the study. 70 The hypothesis hypothesis is tested tested by those those analyzed analyzed data and and information. information. 71 For analyzi analyzing ng and and interp interpret reting ing of data data differ different ent tools such as the financ financial ial tools and statistical requirement. requirement.
Chapter II
T he word "tourism" so popular today is derived from of the French word Tourism that origin originat ated ed in the 19th centur century. y. Touris Tourism m means means journ journey ey from from place place to place place for pleasure. Tourism has been defined in various ways. Some authors describe tourism as a system system consis consists ts of four four inter interrel relate ated d parts parts-ma -marke rket, t, travel travel,, destin destinat ation ion and and market marketing ing.. In genera generall Webste Webster's r's new inter internat nation ional al direct directory ory define defines s touris tourism m is "Traveling for recreation." recreation."
According to Edmend Picard, professor of economics at university of Brussels, "The function of tourism is to import currency from foreign resources into the country. Its impact is what tourist expenditure can do to the different sector of the economy and in particular the hotelkeepers". hotelkeepers".
In 1981, according to international international association of scientific exports on tourism (IASET) and tourism society Cardiff "Tourism may be defined in term of particular activities selected by choice and under taken outside the home environment. Tourism may or not involve overnight stay away from home".
Similarly, base on tourism statistical report 1965 of Nepal "The citizens of al the foreign foreign countries, countries, expect India visiting visiting the kingdom kingdom of Nepal for at lest 24 hours in the pursuit tourists interests such as recreation, health, study, religion pilgrimage, spor sports ts,, visi visitt to frie friend nds s and and rela relati tive ves, s, meet meetin ing g and and conf confer eren ence ce,, trek trekki king ng and and moun mounta tain inee eeri ring ng,, shor shortt dele delega gati tion on and and miss missio ion, n, excl exclud udin ing g the the pers person on on any any remunerative job and representative of staff or organization permanently located in Nepal". This definition is based on the decision made by the international union of
official official travel organization organization (IUOTO) at Rome in 1968. At present present however, however, Indian visitors are also considered to be tourists.
The travel and stay attributes of tourism are defined by the demand for the provision of a wide range of goods and services. In term of the tourist destination these can be grouped into five board sectors.
72 Attr Attrac acti tion on 73 Tran Transp spor ortt 74 Acco Accomm mmod odat atio ion n 75 Supportin Supporting g facilit facilities ies and, 76 Infra Infrastr struc uctur ture e
The attraction attraction help to encourag encourage e the tourists tourists to visit visit the country, country, transpor transportt service service enable enable them to do so, the accommoda accommodation tion and supportin supporting g faciliti facilities es (e.g. (e.g. shops, shops, restaurants, travel insurance, sports, banks and travel goods etc) cater for their well being, while infrastructure assures the essential functioning of all of these.
Tourism is a service industry. It represents one of the world's largest industries with nearly 700 million estimated international visitors arrivals in the year 2000. While a total of 25.5 million international tourist arrivals were recorded in the year 1950, their volume has increased to 692.7 million arrivals in 2001. Which are over 27 times increase over a period of 50 years. Similarly in terms of receipts from tourism, while 2100 million US Dollars were recorded in the year 1950, a total receipt of 516 billion dollars has been recorded in the year 2001 which is approximately 25 times increase in 50 years.
Tourism today has become a very complex activity encompassing a wide range of relations relationships hips.. Resulting Resulting in the improveme improvements nts in standard standard of living living and disposab disposable le income with more leisure time, the overall numbers of tourists are expected to grow further. Factors like availability of cheaper and convenient transport, no restrictions on travel, travel, availabi availability lity of informati information on on various various destinat destinations ions and new marketing marketing techniques contributed the growth of overall number of tourists in this modern world. Additionally, a number of socio demographic factors such as increased urbanization of population, higher educational standards, advancement in information technology, and increased paid holidays for the worker have strongly influenced the increased
growth of tourism. Tourism is a leisure activity, which involves a discretionary use of time time and money, money, and and recre recreati ation on is often often the main main purpos purpose e for partic participa ipatio tion n in tourism. Some of the main characteristics characteristics of tourism are:
77 Touris Tourism m arises arises from from a moveme movement nt of people people to, and their stay stay in, in, vario various us destinations. 78 There There are two elements elements in all tourism: tourism: the journey journey to the destinat destination ion and the stay including activities at the destination.
79 The journey and and the stay take take place outside outside the normal normal place of residence residence and and work, so that tourism gives rises to activities that are distinct from those of the resident and working population of the places, through which tourists' travels and in which they stay. 80 The movement movement of destin destinati ation on is of a tempor temporar ary y short short-te -term rm chara characte cter, r, with with intention the return within a few days, weeks or months.
81 Destin Destinati ations ons are visite visited d for purpose purposes s other other than than taking taking up perman permanent ent or employment remunerated from within places visited.
According to Young (1973): "Tourism as a heterogeneous group embracing a large variet variety y of trade trade and indust industrie ries s that that have have the supplyi supplying ng of travel traveler' er's s need need as a common function".
Touri Tourism sm produ product ct can be seen seen as s compos composite ite produ product ct with with the combin combinati ation on of attracti attractions, ons, transpor transport, t, and accommoda accommodation tion of entertai entertainmen nment. t. The individu individual al hotel, hotel, compan company, y, airli airline ne or there there suppli supplier er suppli supplies es each each of their their compon component ents. s. Some Some of SCHOLARS SCHOLARS conceptualiz conceptualize e tourism tourism product product as a bundle bundle of activiti activities, es, services services and benefits that constitute the entire tourism experience. The bundle consists of four components: destination attractions, destination facilities, accessibility accessibility image and the price.
Tou Touri rism sm prod produc uctt is perc percei eive ved d as an expe experi rien ence ce from from the the poin pointt of view view of the the consumer. This experience even in the tourist's product's ready-made package form is purely purely subjec subjectiv tive e and differ differs s in time time and place. place. Touris Touristt produc productt is essent essentia iall intangibl intangible. e. It cannot cannot be stored stored nor transport transported. ed. The intangible intangible nature nature of tourist's tourist's product product poses poses problems problems of measurem measurements ents.. It is just a perceptio perception n of individual individual or perceived as an experience from the viewpoint of the consumer. In tourism it is
necessary to transport the consumer to the product or services itself. The sellers of the tourist product, who can neither hold the stock of product nor display the product itself, have instead only representations in the form of brochures, catalogues, posters and other printed materials.
TOURISM: Tourism is often regarded as an extreme form of recreation, involving longer time periods, traveling longer distance and often staying overnights. The world is getting smaller everyday due to the rapid advancement of transport and communication. As a result man's life is getting busier. Man by nature cannot live within a certain limits. He likes changes. He always wants to experience a new taste of life. For to fulfill his desire he movers from one place to another place for various purpose like tot see his friends and relatives, visit different places, for relaxation, for study, health, religion, sport, business etc.
According to Valene L. Smith, "Tourist is a temporary leisured person who voluntarily visits a place away from home for the purpose of experiencing a change".
According to Ramesh Raj Kunwar in his book Tourism and Development: Tourism is the temporary temporary movement movement of people people to destinat destination ion outside their normal normal places of work and residence,. The activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations and the facilities created to cater to their needs. The study of tourism is the study of people away from their usual habitat, of the establishments, which respond to the requirements of travelers, and form of the impacts that they have on the economic, phys physic ical al and and soci social al well well bein being g of thei theirr host hosts. s. It invo involv lves es the the moti motiva vati tion ons s and and experience of the tourists, the expectations of and adjustments made by residents of reception areas, and the roles played by the numerous agencies and institutions, which intercede between them.
According to different authors, tourism can be classified into various types. But here is mention about 6 types of tourism base on the book of Yojna Raj Satyal. They are:
2.2.1 2.2.1 PLEA PLEASU SURE RE TOU TOURI RISM SM Under pleasure tourism, people go on holiday for enjoyment out of curiosity; to take
rest, observe something new, to delight of good scenery in unknown folklore. Some tourists tourists find pleasure pleasure in travelin traveling g to various various places. places. This type of tourism tourism usually usually depends upon different taste of different people.
2.2.2 2.2.2 RECREAT RECREATION IONAL AL TOU TOURIS RISM M Recreational tourism is mainly concerned with leisure and rest and to cover physical and psychical stamina. This type of tourist usually stays longer.
2.2.3 2.2.3 CULTU CULTURA RAL L TOUR TOURIS ISM M This type of tourism is motivated by the eagerness to learn the different cultures of different countries.
2.2.4 2.2.4 CONF CONFER EREN ENCE CE TOURI TOURISM SM This This type type of touris tourism m is organi organized zed in differ different ent countr countries ies when when such such conven conventio tion n facilities are available. These conferences are arranged in the cities best prepared to receive the delegates and to cover the low occupancy rate of the hotel in the low season. Such types of conference tourism are growing rapidly in the modern world.
2.2.5 2.2.5 SPOR SPORTI TING NG TOU TOURI RISM SM Sporting tourists are interested in two types sporting which are: 82 Visi Visiti ting ng spor sports ts even events ts like like Olym Olympi pic, c, Worl World d Cup Cup etc etc that that attr attrac actt not not only only sportsman to the host country but also a larger number of sport fans tourist to see these functions. 83 Visi Visiting ting well organized organized sporting sporting events events in countries countries,, which which have specializ specialized ed facilities such as winter sports, natural sports, fishing, mountain climbing etc.
2.2.6 2.2.6 BUSINE BUSINESS SS OR TECH TECHNIC NICAL AL TOURI TOURISM SM Tourists who come for business purpose are called business tourists. Business or industrialists industrialists or professionals visiting place of their interest or fairs and exhibitions or places of technical achievements are included under this category.
2.3 2.3
There is no doubt that tourism is one of the key economic sector in Nepal it is one of the the prof profit itab able le and and impo import rtan antt expo export rt indu indust stry ry whic which h is maki making ng a sign signif ific ican antt contributi contribution on in employmen employmentt and income income generati generation on as well as foreign foreign exchange exchange earning, so the promotion of tourism sector include a great multiplier effects in the economy in the economy as a whole. The various importance of tourism can be
defined as follows: 84 Tourism Tourism is a media through through which people people can share knowledg knowledge e and creates creates understanding understanding among the people of the world. It is becoming a more powerful tool of education education,, which which provides provides opportunities opportunities to understa understand nd the society, society, cultural, traditional traditional habits, foods, dress, and life styles of different countries. 85 It does not earn only huge huge amount of foreign foreign currency currency but also maintain maintains s the favorable balance balance which rose due to inequality in import and export trade. 86 It has special contributi contribution on towards employing employing people people at large. large. It includes includes all type type of produc productt planni planning ng and and activ activiti ities es implem implement entati ation on progr program ammed med for example. Manpower training development of handicraft, handicraft, business remote area development etc that begins economic benefits to the country. 87 Tourism Tourism creates creates an ample ample scope for product product development development opportunit opportunities ies and the concerned authorities should explore its possibilities as early as possible. 88 Tourism Tourism develops develops curiosity curiosity amongst amongst people abort others culture culture and traditio tradition n and that lead to travel and ultimately people comes to know the real meaning of their culture tradition and religion. Understanding of each other customs. Most important, it teachers tolerance. 89 It is a product, product, which creates creates the close relationship, relationship, develops develops healthy respects respects betw etween
diff ifferen erentt
coun ountrie tries. s.
also lso
vehic ehiclle
for for
inte interrnation tiona al
understanding by way of bringing diverse people face to face. It has been noted as a major contributor to international good will as a prime means of developin developing g social social and cultural cultural understa understanding nding among all the people of the world. 90 Tourism Tourism also plays plays a large large part in keeping family family and friends in contact contact and permits students and teachers exchanges.
Above all the growth of tourism creates the demands local product and increased incentives of local craft, industries and artistic skill of local people.
Chapter III
3.1 3.1
Tourism is one of the important contributors to economic and social development of a country like Nepal. Considering this HMG emphasized tourism development in every plan period. Realizing its great important, department of tourism established in first five-y five-year ear plan plan period period in 1959. 1959. The first first five five year year plan plan (1956(1956-61) 61) gave gave adequa adequate te emphasis emphasis to build build requisi requisite te infrastr infrastructur uctures es for electric electricity, ity, water, water, and construc construction tion airports etc which are also basic infrastructures for tourism development. The third five five year year plan plan (1956(1956-70) 70) aimed aimed to incre increas ase e the number number of touris touristt and foreig foreign n exchange earning as well as to develop tourism infrastructure by establishing hotel and and exte extens nsio ion n of avia aviati tion on faci facili liti ties es,, publ public iciz izin ing g Nepa Nepall abro abroad ad,, prod produc ucti tion on of promotional film relating to Nepal and distribution of tourism materials, conservation of temples and historical places and development development of Mahendra Museum and national archives.
The forth five years plan (1970-75) (1970-75) extended extended special special importance importance to the tourism sector. During this plan period, Nepal tourism plan was drafted.
The fifth five year plan (1975-80) aimed to earn more foreign currency and make balanc balance e of payme payment nt favora favorable ble by develo developin ping g touri tourism sm in this this countr country. y. This This plan plan emphasized on: 91 Developm Development ent of tourism tourism by developing developing historical, historical, cultural cultural and geographi geographical cal specialties. 92 Development of tourist centre outside outside of Kathmandu valley. 93 Develo Developin ping g necess necessar ary y facili facilitie ties s in touris touristt centr centre e and and extend extending ing traini training ng to develop skilled manpower. 94 Longing the day of stay stay of the tourist as far as possible.
Similarly, eight five year plan (1992-97) also gave emphasis to develop tourism. The major policies adopted in this plan period were historical cultural and environmental promot promotion ion by encour encourag aging ing priva private te sector sector the plan plan also also emphas emphasize ize to incre increas ase e governmen governmentt investme investment nt in physical physical infrastr infrastructu ucture. re. Emphasiz Emphasizes es to bring bring in more tourist and increase their average stay and expenditure, promotion of high quality
religious and increase their average stay and expenditure, promotion of high quality religi religious ous,, involv involveme ement nt of Nepal Nepalese ese diplom diplomat atic ic missio missions ns for touris tourism m promot promotion ion,, procedura procedurall simplific simplification ation adoption of open sky policy, policy, encourag encouragement ement of private private sector sector in aviation aviation,, consider consideratio ation n of tourism tourism as a priority priority sector and categori categorizing zing tourism sector loans as priority sectors loans. In spite of all this spreading benefits of tourism to local communities involving non-government organization (no) and local people in monitoring and managing adventure sites are other notable points of eight plans.
3.2 3.2
Tourism has competitively and rapidly developing in the world and due to specific nature nature hence hence in order to increase increase national national producti production on and income, to extend extend the earning of foreign currencies, to create opportunities for employment, to improver regional and imbalance and to develop the image of Nepal and the international community his majesty's government of Nepal, Ministry of tourism and Civil Aviation has recently introduced a new policy on 1995. This policy was passed by Tourism Council in the third meeting on the 14 th June 1995.
OBJECTIVES OF NEW POLICY 1995 95 To develop develop tourism tourism as a main economi economic c sector of the nation nation by establishin establishing g it's interrelation with other sectors of the country. 96 To incr increa ease se empl employ oyme ment nt,, fore foreig ign n earn earnin ings gs and and nati nation onal al inco income me and and to improve regional imbalance having expanded the tourism industry up to the rural areas. 97 To develop and expand expand tourism industry industry by promoting promoting natural natural cultural cultural and human environments of the country. 98 To maintain high image of the nation nation in international international community community by providing providing standard services and necessary security to tourists. 99 To develop and promote Nepal as as and attractive attractive tourist tourist centre. centre.
3.2.1 3.2.1 BASI BASIC C POLI POLICI CIES ES The new policy has given great importance to the role of the private sector in Nepal's tourism def. The new policy 1995 has eleven policies related to different sectors, which are as follows: 100In this policy, private sector's participation shall be highly encouraged in the development; and expansion of tourist activities/ his majesty's government's involved to increase tourism infrastructure and play a role of coordinator as
well as catalyst. 101F 10 1For or
the the
sake sake
sust sustai aina nabl ble e
deve develo lopm pmen entt
the the
tour touris ism m
indu indust stry ry,,
environm environmenta entall protectio protection n programm programmed ed shall shall be carried carried in an effective effective and integrated manner. 102Priorit 102Priority y shall shall be given given to new tourist spots particul particularly arly rural tourist spots having strengthened existing tourism infrastructure and facilities. 103Promoting and protecting famous religious pilgrimage places shall develop religious tourism. 104Nepal 104Nepal shall, gradually gradually be develope developed d and as and attractive attractive centre for the adventurous tourism. 105To standardized service and facilities provided by the tourism entrepreneurs and special provision for the security of tourists. 106While 106While developin developing g tourism tourism sector, sector, high attention attention shall be paid to improve improve regional imbalances. 107Nepal shall be developed as a principal tourism destination spot by promoting completive tourism in the markets where international international tourism is originated. 108Emp 108Emphas hasis is shall shall be given given for the develo developme pment nt of agroagro-bas based ed and and cotta cottage ge industry also by integrating them with the tourism industry. 109Ind 109Indige igenou nous s invest investmen mentt shall shall encour encourag aged ed in the servic service e orient oriented ed agenc agency y business where national investor have already been competent and attraction of foreign investment or participation shall be made in the tourism industries ice-hotel, resort, where foreign skill and technology is transferable and where large scale investment is required. 110Na 110Natio tional nal civil civil aviati aviation on policy policy shall shall be execut executed ed as an integr integral al part part of the tourism policy by coordinating them.
3.2.2 3.2.2 POLIC POLICY Y STRAT STRATEG EGIES IES The new tourism policy 1995 has following policy strategies: strategies: 111Diversification 111Diversification of tourism investment 112Development and provision of wild life by utilizing existing bio-diversity and opening up new trekking routes and climbing peaks in a phased and regional basis 113For protection, promotion and development, certain portion of income rose from the tourism spots prescribed as economically backward and promotes area. 114Encour 114Encourage age conferenc conferences, es, cultural cultural a youth youth festival festivals s internati international onal sports sports and innovative products.
115Land under the ownership of the government leasing out to ventures on the basis of their working plan having made it environmental environmental compatibility 116E 116Enc ncou oura rage ge rura rurall tour touris ism m bene benefi fiti ting ng the the loca locall and and as well well as nati nation onal al environmental environmental guidelines for environmental protection. 117Operation of tourism activities in an environmentally environmentally friendly way 118As mentioned above the main important strategies of the new policy is to seek involvement involvement of the private private sector sector for tourism tourism development development includin including g investme investment nt on tourism tourism infrastr infrastructur ucture e services services and facilitie facilities. s. The trekking trekking areas have divided into three, namely general, guided and controlled.
The new tourism policy 1995 has classified tourism industries in to the following categories: 119Classified hotels industry 120Resort 121Trade agencies 122Rafting 123Classified restaurants and bar 124Adventurous recreational tourism 125Business (Skating, Gliding, Cable car-complex, hot air blowing gulf course, polo, horse riding) 126Tourism related human resources development institutes/training centers.
3.4 3.4
In order order to increa increase se quali quality ty and and standa standard rd in touri tourism sm servic services es HMTTC HMTTC provid provide e manpowermanpower-trai training ning programm programmers ers and encourage encouraged d private private sectors sectors to conduct conduct such prog progra ramm mmer ers. s. The The emph emphas asis is also also will will be give given n for for the the empl employ oyme ment nt of loca locall manpower in travel trade services.
3.4 3.4
The new policy 1995 has provided following facilities and incentives to the tourism industry and business. 127Hotels and resorts are classified as national priority industries and are given the privileges as per the industrial enterprises enterprises act 1992. 128Facilities and incentives as prescribed by his majesty's government shall be provi provided ded to other other touris tourism m indust industrie ries, s, and and busine business, ss, exclud excluding ing hotels hotels and and
resorts, on the basis of value add, creation of employment and creativeness. 129Other 129Other prescrib prescribed ed tourism tourism industri industries es and business business shall shall consider considering ing their their working capacity and plans, be provided to import the prescribed goods at the confessional rate. 130On the priority priority basis, basis, tourism tourism industri industries es shall shall be provided provided communica communication, tion, equipments, electricity and water supply. 131Hotels, restaurants and resorts opened in the rural areas as prescribed by HMG and other tourism business shall be provided facilities and incentives as prescribed.
3.6 3.6
There are several public and private sector institutions in Nepal, which are directly and indire indirectl ctly y relat related ed to develo develop p touris tourism m in Nepal. Nepal. For the develo develop p of touri tourism, sm, tourism institution shall be arranged as follows:
A. Public Sector Institution According to new policy 1995, there are four institutions, which are directly related to tourism development.
132TOURISM COUNCIL In order to develop the tourism industry as a backbone of national development and to maintain coordination among various agencies related with the tourism industry, a high level "tourism council" was formed in April 1992 under the chairmanship of the prime minister. The function of this council is to remove difficulties raised in the tourism sectors, agencies and dot review related plane.
133MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION (MOTCA) The MOTCA shall, on the basis of the policy and guidelines of tourism council, design necessary policy for the development of tourism and to make necessary plans and to implement it through tourism development board and development of tourism. A monitoring work related the ministry of tourism and civil aviation should also carry out there-to. More over, the ministry of tourism and civil aviation shall carry out the functions of coordination and adjustment related with the tourism development and also the secretarial functions of the council.
134DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM The department of tourism (DOT) is the main government institution of Nepal, which
formulate formulates s and implemen implements ts tourism tourism developmen developmentt programs programs as per the stipulat stipulated ed policy, direction and guidelines given by the TDC and MOTCA. Once the tourism development board becomes competent to carryout its function the Department of tourism shall be dissolved as to remove duplication of the functions. After transfer of responsibilities to the tourism Development Board, function like registration to the tourism industries, regulation and facilities to be provided shall be performed by the MONTCA itself.
135TOURISM DEVELOPMENT BOARD TDB shall in accordan accordance ce with the policy, policy, direction direction and guidelines guidelines of the tourism council and the MOTCA, perform the above mentioned functions. The proposed board shall be autonomous body and flexible nature, it shall operate all activities related with the tourism expect those activities which are to be operated by HMG itself.
The board shall have a separated seal and also a fund, where contribution to have truanted by HMG and other amount to be made available from the private sector international international agencies and other sources shall be deposited. The board shall have full authority to with draw and spend any amount from the said fund scope of words powers powers,, respon responsib sibili ilitie ties s and and other other detai detaill parti particul cular ar shall shall be as prescr prescribe ibed d but separate.
B. Private Institutions There are several private institutions, which are related to develop tourism in Nepal. Thus are as follows: 136The Hotels Association of Nepal (HAN) 137The Nepal Association of Travel Agents (NATA) 138The Nepal Chapter of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) 139The Trekking Agents Association of Nepal (TAAN) 140Tour Guide Association of Rafting Agents (TURGAN) 141The Nepal Association of Rafting Agents (NARA) 142The Nepal Heritage Society (NHS) 143The Nepal Star Hotel Association (NSHA) and 144The Thames Tourism Development Committee (TTDC)
There are also NGO's which have been active in promotion cultural and main NGO's are the Annapu Annapurn rna a conser conserva vatio tion n Area Area Prope Properr (ACAP) (ACAP) implem implement ented ed by the king king Mahendra Trust for Natural Conservation (KMTNC). NHS has also been promoting
heritage heritage tourism in Nepal Nepal through through their programs programs of Repair Repair and Conserva Conservation tion of Ancient Monuments.
Chapter IV
The main objective of theist chapter is to present and analysis all the information and collected data and gets the result to meet the objectives of the study.
Table 4.1 Tourist Arrivals (1962 – 2004) Year
Total No.
Growth Rate %
1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total
6179 12567 45970 89938 156123 175448 223331 248080 265943 239945 254885 292995 334353 293567 326531 393395 393613 421857 463684 491504 463646 351237 275468 338132 385297 6913688
11.1 7.2 -9.8 6.2 15.0 11.1 -12.2 11.2 11.3 8.3 7.2 9.9 6.0 -5.7 -22.1 -23.7 22.7 13.9
By air No. 11206 36508 74170 130034 153509 182745 205611 234945 207907 226421 267932 300469 254140 289381 325035 343246 371145 398008 421243 376914 299514 218660 275438 297335
% of total 89 79 82 83 87 82 83 88 87 89 91 90 87 89 89 87 88 86 86 81 85 79 81 77
Average tourists arrival per year = 6913688/25 = 276547.52 Average length of stay
= 251.8/25 = 10.072
By land No. 1361 9462 15668 26089 21939 40586 42469 30998 32038 28464 25063 33857 39427 37150 38360 50367 50712 65676 70261 86732 61723 56808 62694 87962
% of total 11 21 17 17 13 18 17 12 13 11 9 10 13 11 11 13 12 14 14 19 18 21 19 23
Average length of stay 13.2 11.8 13.3 11.2 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 9.3 10.1 11.9 10.0 11.3 13.5 10.5 10.5 12.3 11.9 12.0 7.9 9.6 13.5 251.8
T o u r is is t A r r iv iv a l in in 600000 500000 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 300000
8 8 4 5 2
5 9 9 2 9 2
3 5 3 4 3 3
7 6 5 3 9 2
1 3 5 6 2 3
5 9 3 3 9 3
3 1 6 3 9 3
7 5 8 1 2 4
4 8 6 3 6 4
4 0 5 1 9 4
6 4 6 3 6 4
7 3 2 1 5 3
8 6 4 5 7 2
2 3 1 8 3 3
7 9 2 5 8 3
To ta l N
200000 100000 0 1
Year (1990 to 2 Figure: 4.1 (Source: Nepal Tourism Statistics)
4.1 4.1
TOUR TO URIS IST T ARR ARRIV IVAL AL IN NEPA NEPAL L (19 (1990 90-2 -200 004) 4)
The number of tourist arrival in Nepal is increasing progressively during the period 1990-2 1990-2004 004.. Howeve However, r, in the year year 1993, 1993, 2000, 2000, 2001, 2001, 2002 2002 there there are are declin decline e by -12.2%, -5.07%, -22.1% and -23.7%. Even through the number of tourist arrivals are increased but the growth rate are decrease in the year 1996 and 1999. The average tourist visit per year is 338327. But there has been comparative decrease in the year 1993, 2000, 2001 and 2002. The average length of stay is 11.107 days but there have been comparative decrease in the year 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2002 and 2003. It may be due to many responsible factors factors like: 145Lack of publicity in international tourism market 146Disturbance by golf war 147Increase in pollution and lack of facilities 148Lack of Derek Air-link between Nepal and West Europe 149Air fare difference between Europe destination South Asia 150Political revolution and instability in Nepal
The The total total number number of touris touristt arriv arrival al data data durin during g 12 months months of 2003 2003 vs. 2004 is presented as follows:
Table 4.2 Tourist Arrivals by Months (2003 vs. 2004) Month
2003 January February 24346 March 27737 April 25851 May 22704 June July 22661 August 27568 September 28724 October 45459 November 38398 December 33115 Total 338132
2004 % Change 21215 30988 35631 46.3 44290 59.7 33514 29.6 26802 18.0 20351 19793 24860 9.7 33162 20.3 25496 -11.2 43373 -4.6 36381 -5.3 31007 -6.4 385297 13.9
Overall tourist arrival unto June has marked as 2.7%, September has marked as 11.2%, October has marked as 4.6%, November has marked as 5.3% and December has marked as 6.4% decrease compared to the same period of last year.
The various possible causes of declining tourist arrivals during the subsequent strikes by some bad incidents in the valley, frequent Nepal Bandhs Bandhs called by various political parties and also the introduction of new frontier formalities for Indian tourist coming to Nepal have led down toward trend in the tourist arrival.
T ourist Arr Arrival ival in 2003 vs. vs . 2004
50000 . 40000 o N30000 l a t 20000 o T
10000 0
y r a u n a J
y r a u r b e F
h c r a M
l i r p A
y a M
e n u J
y l u J
Months Figure 4.2
r t e s b u g m u e A t p e S
r e b o t c O
r e b m e v o N
r e b m e c e D
Table 4.3 Tourist Arrivals by Age Group & Sex (2003 vs. 2004) Age group 0-15 years 16-30 years 31-45 years 46-60 years 61 & above Total Male Female
2003 16056 78357 99740 85753 58226 338132 204732 133400
2004 38734 84125 128267 96920 37251 385297 255303 129994
% Change 141.2 7.4 28.6 13.0 -36.0 13.9 27.4 -2.6
Tourist Arrivals Arrivals by Age Group 140000 120000 . 100000 o N 80000 l a t 60000 o T
2003 2004
40000 20000 0
0-15 years
16-30 years
31-45 years
46-60 years
61 & above
Age Group
Figure 4.3
4.4 4.4
It noted that, tourist-visiting Nepal indicates that main purpose of visited as sight seeing seeing and pleasure pleasure (holiday (holiday pleasure) pleasure) and the second main purpose purpose of visit visit as trekking trekking and mountain mountaineerin eering. g. In between between three years years (2002 to 2004), 2004), 37.57% 37.57% of overall tourist visited Nepal for holiday purpose, where as 19.46% visited for trekking and mountaineering and the minimum numbers of tourists visited are business and pilgrimage purpose, it covers only 5.03% and 7.9% respectively. respectively. It may be due to the lack of publicity and facilities provide by the government and private sector.
Table 4.4
Tourist Arrivals by Purpose of Visit (2002-2004) Year
2002 2003 2004 Total %
4.5 4.5
Trekking &
Busi usiness
Pleasure 110143 97904 167262 375309 37.57
g 59279 65721 69442 194442 19.46
Pilgrima imag
e 16990 19387 13948 50325 5.03
12366 21395 45664 79425 7.9
17783 21967 17088 56838 5.7
58907 111758 71893 242558 24.28
Nepal is a landlocked country. So, it has not the direct route to the sea transport. The only possible way of entering Nepal is either bevy road or by air. According to survey, the maximum tourist arrivals in Nepal are by the different airlines.
Table 4.5 Tourist arrivals by mode of transport (2003 vs. 2004) Airlines 2003 2004 % Change RNAC (RA) 70779 57678 -18.5 Indian Airlines (IC) 78461 78959 0.6 Thai Airlines (TG) 55102 58197 5.6 Qatar Airlines (QR) 26320 32866 24.9 Gulf Air (GF) 18532 16986 -8.3 Biman B'Desh (BG) 10882 9432 -13.3 Austrian Air (OS) 6228 6697 7.5 Druk Airlines (KB) 3343 4373 30.8 Pakistan International (PIA) 1910 Jet Airways (9W) 15101 China Southwest Air (SZ/CA) 3300 5841 77.0 Transavia Airlines (HV)* 2001 Others 490 9295 1796.9 Total By Air 275438 297335 7.9 Total By Land 62694 87962 40.3 Grand Total 998132 385297 13.9 (Sources: Nepal Tourism Board, Exhibition Road, Nepal Tourism Statistics 2004)
4.6 4.6
T ot a l
Nepal Nepal is a Himalaya Himalayan n country. country. It's natural beauties beauties and geographical geographical fitness can easily attract any even of the world. It is also a land of Yeti and birthplace of Gautam Buddha who is well known as "Light of Asia" in the world. The tourist who visited
275468 338132 385297 998897
Nepal, since it opened to the out side world are found to have belonged to rhea different regions. Because of the above regions the number of tourists is increasing every year.
Table 4.6 Tourist Arrivals By Nationality (2003 vs. 2004) Nationality 2003 2004 North America 22992 25505 South & Central America 2 2 62 43 73 Western Europe 95162 116505 Eastern Europe 64 5 1 76 6 1 Asia 200045 218387 Australia & Pacific 96 0 8 10947 Africa 1 61 2 1 1 61 Grand Total 338132 385297 (Source: Nepal Tourism Board, Exhibition Road, Nepal Tourists 2 004)
% Change 10.9 93.3 22.4 18.8 9.2 13.9 -28.0 13.9
Tourist Arrival in 2004 10947
North America
4373 116505
South & Central America Western Europe Eastern Europe Asia
218387 7661
Australia ustr alia & Pacific Africa
Figure 4.6
4.7 4.7
Tourism has ever been a medium to familiarize foreigners to Nepal. It is a highly profit profitabl able e and and boomin booming g busine business, ss, as it has has become become a major major source source of foreig foreign n exchange. Also tourism development indirectly helps the nation creation additional employmen employmentt opportuni opportunities ties tourism provides provides 19.6% of the total total foreign foreign exchange exchange earning from tourism will raise over by 30% annually. Approximately 460000 tourists come to veal everyone out of 10 is employed in this sector. So tourism has been recognized as a very important sector for good impact in enlistment of Nepalese economy.
4.7.1 4.7.1 FOR FOREIG EIGN N EXCHA EXCHANGE NGE EARNIN EARNING G Tourism Tourism is a major major source source of foreign foreign exchange exchange earning. earning. Foreign Foreign exchange exchange from
tourism has been increasing. The foreign exchange earning from tourism industry in 2002 to 2004 is shown in getable 4.7.1.
Table 4.7.1
Foreign Exchange earning from tourism
Ye a r
Total foreign exchange earning
(In Rs. 000) 2002 8300553 2003 14508396 2004 13146534 (Source: Nepal Tourism Board)
Total foreign
% Change in US $
exchange earning (In US $ 000) 106822 192832 179941
Tourism is one of the major employment generating sector developing countries like Nepal Nepal.. Emplo Employme yment nt genera generatio tion n from from touri tourism sm and touris tourism m relat related ed secto sectors rs were were together 1997/98. There were directly employed in tourism sector. 5% of these were employed in hotels, the rest in travel and trekking agencies and airlines. A survey made by Nepal Rastra Bank in 1989 said that till 1988, there was 1176 people’s employed in the tourism related sector, of which 61.7% where at the basic level and 29.2% 29.2% were were at top level. level. The employ employmen mentt genera generatio tion n from from touris tourism m and and touri tourism sm related sector is presented in table 4.7.2.
Hotel 5 91 2 Restaurants 6 93 Travel agencies 1 54 4 Airlines 2 73 8 Carpets 25 51 Trekking 9 78 (Source: Nepal Rastra Bank, 1990)
% Top 8.5 12.0 17.6 4.4 1.5
Level of employment %Middle % Basic Average 30.0 61.5 25 38.0 50.0 13 13.0 39.4 30 22.0 74.0 NA 5.0 94.0 NA 12.5 26.0 61.0 20
Total employment (Number) (Number)
978 978 2551 5912
2738 1544
Figure 4.7.2
Hotel Restaurants Travel agencies Airlines Carpets Trekking Trekki ng
Chapter – V
N epal though a poor country has been blessed with rich natural and cultural heritage and hence has opened gat of opportunities for her. Tourism has come long way with its root back developed in 50s. With its growing and valuable contribution toward the development of the Nepalese economy in context of increase in national production and income, creating employment opportunity, improving regional imbalance and to develop the image of Nepal. In an international community, made an immense need to promulgate different plans and programs, implementation strategies, strategies, facilities and incentives scheme creation of institutional arrangements, arrangements, develop and expand tourist attraction points. The recent success of “VNY 1998” has ventured to present “2002 as the Destination Nepal Year” to attract more tourist in the coming year with lots of opportunities placed in by tourism, it has made possible for putting the joint effort by the country people, government and other concerned sectors.
N epal is blessed with natural with natural and scenic beauty and has been successful in presenting herself the wonderful in front of the world. It is because of this, tourism and its development has been a subject of major concern. It is considered to be one of the powerful developing aspects for our country.
Analyzing upon the presentation and analysis part of here report, the number of the tourist’s inflow has subsequently increased during the recent 10 years except in 1993 i.e. form 2002-2004 with minor fluctuations. Tourist’s arrivals are found quantitative rath rather er than than qual qualit itat ativ ive. e. The The majo majorr purp purpos ose e of thei theirr arri arriva vall is sigh sightt seei seeing ng,, mountaineering and for pleasure.
Chapter – VI
T ourism ourism has has an import important ant role role to play play in uplift uplifting ing the Nepales Nepalese e Econom Economy. y. It is therefore, essential essential to consider all the aspects of tourism development to present the country the best place to travel explore and adventure. Though, the data so analyzed show the subsequent increase in the tourist arrivals yet the question of quality vs. quantity arises. The actual and the expected data do not match. It is because of certain weakness of our country possesses that are yet to be strengthened.
The lack of sound sound tourism tourism marketin marketing, g, planning planning,, processin processing g and research research system, system, Nepa Nepall coul could d not not achi achiev eve e bett better er resu result lt in tour touris ism m as per per its its pote potent ntia iali lity ty.. The The international tourism marketing was carried out without sound linkage between the produc products ts and their their targe targett marke market. t. The limite limited d funds funds and and scatte scattered red market marketing ing activities hardly achieve any desired targets. Due to the government instability and the bureaucratic procedures, tourism was hardly treated as a professional business sector that needs competitive marketing strategy.
The environment pollution and degradation hinder upon the natural beauty. Though tourism was pointed out as one of the major foreign exchange earning, the priority given to tourism sector was only after “the VNY 1998” that the realization of the importance of tourism spreads nationwide for greater and more and coordinate effort for tourism development. Therefore, the need for a planned tourism development has been been reali realized zed so that that touris tourism m develo developme pment nt progr program am could could be measu measura rable ble and and achievable. The creation of different institutional arrangement would be helpful for the development of tourism in Nepal.
Chapter – VII
I n order to attract tourist, government should have preserve existing culture, arts and movements and research in this field should be carried out to introduce new culture, best arts etc. Sanitation and hygienic are the major problems facing by tourist here. In order to improve these problems there are some major steps to be taken by governments for the development of tourism in Nepal, they are: 151T 151To o keep keep city city clea clean, n, to arra arrang nge e a clea clean n publ public ic toil toilet et;; to crea create te vari variou ous s destination interesting and pleasing way; and to preserve them. 152There are few proper hotels/lodges and other accommodation facilities and also they are situated at the Kathmandu valley only. Due to these problems tourists don’t like to go out side of the valley so, concern sector must give attention attention to make internationa internationall standard standard hotels and hotels hotels outside outside of the valley. 153To increase the foreign currency and number of tourist arrivals, concerned authority must give attention to lengthen their stay and provide good security for tourists. 154To develop develop tourism, tourism, tourist informati information on centers centers should should be establis established hed in different parts of Nepal so that tourists could easily get information about hotels, traveling routes trekking etc. 155The services and capacity of international international Airlines, which have direct flights in Nepal, are limited. So, the government should increase airlines capacity for direct linkages with different parts of the world. 156To developed tourism in Nepal political stability, concerned authority must implemen implementt tourism tourism awarenes awareness, s, proper proper educatio education n system system and new tourism tourism policies. 157In Nepal visa procedure is another problem, it is suggested to make visa grant process more lucid and practicable. 158Newness is a source of pleasure to tourist so; government should identify new places for resort area and mountaineering tourism for rapid development of
tourism in Nepal. 159The government only can’t develop tourism alone so; the government should coordinated local government municipality, NGOs/INGOs and private sector in Nepal.
160Hari Prashad Shrestha
“Tourism in Nepal”
161Yajna Raj Satyal
“Tourism in Nepal”
162A. M. Shrestha
“Tourism scene in Nepal”
163Hari Prasad Shrestha
“Nepalese Economy”
164Prem N. Kakar
“Tourism and its prospect in
Nepal” 165Tourism arrival declines by 11 166Digest Volume 8 167No. – 9, Jan 1 – 15, 2001 168Tourism policies and objectives
“Tourism Policy 2052”
169Statistical Data
To Tourism
Bo Board
Nepal Rastirya Bank (TIA) 170Institutional arrangement for – facilities and incentive to the tourism industry and Business 171Basnet Bagala Sustain Tourism Sector”.
“Human Resources Base to