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New collection of MCQ other thanthe 1000 of ALQASEM: ALQASEM: 1-initial regulation of BP in vascular sste! occur at : a- Arterioles "-Aorta an# its "ranches c-$eart #-Ca%illaries e-&ein an# venules ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''' '' (-he!atological #isease occurs in chil#ren treate# with he%arin an# fresh fro)en %las!a what is the #isease : A*he!o%hilia A B*he!o%hilia B C *&+N ,LL "ran# #isease #*.C thro!"osis /-Patient ca!e with low iron an# high AS an# high MC& no !egalo"lasts in the "loo# wt is the .2 Alcohol &ita!in &ita!in B1(#efecienc 3olic aci# #eficienc .ue to #rugs Patient with !acroctic ane!ia without !egalo"last4 ,hat5s the !ost li6el #iagnosis: a4 3olic aci# "4 &ita!in &ita!in B1( #eficienc c 4 Alcoholis! 7- %regnant la# with he%atits8 how to confir! # : a- ALP B-S9+ C-,BC .-ES E-;;; ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' <-which of the following anti#e%ressant #rugs causes agitation8 aniet : triA. 1 tetraA. SS =-P ,$ ASBES+SSLEA. + Plural calcification Plural effusion +r "ilateral fi"rosis >-which of the folowing is the !ost ra#iosenstive testicular tu!or a- se!eno!a "- olc sac tu!or
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c- ger! cell tuor #- choriocarcino!a e- i!!ature terato!a ?-ttt of %o#er!a gangrenosu! a- ss steroi#s "- !ethotreate ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''' @-ttt of foliculitis after shaving the "rea# " rea# a- oral steroi# "- to%ical steroi# c -oral anti"iotics !a "e there was to%ical antifungal "ut no to%ical anti"iotic choice 10- Ba" in NC has a heart h eart rate of /008 goo# "loo# %ressure level4 ,hat shoul# u #o: .C shoc6 & a!io#rane .igoin Caroti# !assage22 New"orn with /00 "%! 8 with nor!al BP 8 nor!al 8 what #o ou will #o for new"orn : atrial flutter* i!%4 Car#iac Car#iversion &er%a!il .igoin .ilt)a! iv if ou sus%ect atrial flutter : Consi#er #igoin if not alrea# in use "ecause it freDuentl increases the con#uction ratio an# #ecreases the ventricular rate4 8 Avoi# a#renergic an# atro%inic agents #uring se#ation or anesthesia for car#ioversion4 eta!ine is relativel contrain#icate# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''' ' ' ( the cause of %re!ature ventricular contraction2 #ecrease +( su%%l to the !uscle #ecrease "loo# su%%l to the !uscle the heart tring to "eat fast ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' 11-r ol# sustaine# trau!a to the chest %resent with severe short of "reath with canosis8 his rt lung is silent silent with h%erresonance4 he 3S ste% to treat this %t: a4 +( !as6
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!ost i!%ortant to "e #eal with : o"esit an# $N 222 s!o6ing an# o"esit s!o6ing an# $N 1/-"a" with stre%tococcal %harngitis: - tt after @ #as carries no ris6 of 9N - tt effective in %revention of 9N - Clin#a!cin effective against gra! Gve organis!s all choices are wrong 17- $ of trau!a in .Pfinger h%eretention*with %al! %ain: inco!%lateQ* - Etraarticular fracture in .P - ntraarticular fracture in P. - Su%erficial ten#on tears - en#on %rofun#us tear22 1<-%t with %ict of "ilateral %neu!onia 8 high gra#e fever 8 nor!al ,BC 4 organis! causing that: - Chla!#ia %neu!onae - Leigonella s%4 cause neutro%enia* - Sta%h %neu!onae ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''' 1=-ttt of col# in#uce# urticaria: - Ce!iti#ine -#i%henh#ra!ine4 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' 1>-!ethl-%rogesteron use# for PP$ what is contrin#ication : Pregnant with asth!a Pregnant with h%ertension Pregnant with .M / ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' 1?-what is the !ost co!!on cause of #eath #ea th in %atients with Lu#wigHs angina2 se%sis Su##en as%hiation ru%ture of the wall ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' 1@- 7 #as %ost c-section %t with %rofoun# h%otension a-nor!al saline
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S%lint4 Ban#age4 ce8 elevation an# "an#age Cast4 (1-%atient has co!%lete %tosis in hih rt ee4 %u%il is out an# #own8 fie# #ilate#4 restricte# ocular !ove!ents4 # a4 /r# n %als4 "4 7th n %als4 c4 /r# an# 7th4 #4 =th n %als ((-target lesion are foun# in erthe!a: a-annular "-!arginato! c-!ultifor! #-no#osu! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''' (/-%atient ca!e with cervical carcino!a net investigation : -cone "io%s - .irect "io%s -%a% s!ear ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' (7- the "est to give as .& %ro%hlais %ost surger which is cost effective8 safe with high efficac: a* LM,$ "* nfractione# $e%arin 7 c* as%rin #* ,arfarin ((- %t intu"ate# 8the !ost relia"le !etho# to !a6e sure for tu"e %ro%er %osition: - < %oint auscultation "ilaterall "reathing hear# - CF (>-(/ ears ol# fe!ale with regular !enses4 +n S8 she has a >c!
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#4another cancer /0- regar#ing %araceta!ol toicit: - Not toic if #ose ecee# 1<0-1?0 !g - Cause vo!iting an# neuro%ath - hera%eutic effect after 7 hours - se .eferoa!ine -the liver en)!e reach the !a4 Level 7-= hours after ingestion /1- (( r8 low $9B low PL an# high ,BC 8 %eri%heral s!ear shows "last cell with large nucleus an# scant cto%las! an# so!e nucleoli - %ositive !elo%eroi#ase test an# negative esterase 8 ..: - Acute l!%hoctic - Acute !eloctic - Acute !onoctic ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' /(chil# with h%ere!ia an# %ulging of t! !e! G ha# %revious histor of treate# i!%etigo so ttt is: - Cefuroi!e - A!oicillin not sure* - Erthro!cin - Ceftriaone - Ce%haleine ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''' < //-chil# 8 urine o#or li6e "urne# sugar: - Phenl6etonuria - Ma%le sru% urine #isease ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''' /7-70 o %resente# " h of snco%e when he #o ecurses an# there was hi of sa!e co!%lain when he on rest 4 an# there is chest %ain on e4 here was eIection sstolic !ur!ur (-7 #egree !ost si#e is lower lf sternu! not ra#iating to other site increase when he ling #own an# there is non s%ecific s an# t changing chang ing an# there is lf atriu! enlarge!ent Aortic stenosis %4s h%ertro%hic car#io!o%ath constrictive car#io!o%ath /<-Pt4 ha# chest %ain an# fainting 8 EC9 shows st- elevation an# significant Q wave in -v7 an# st-#e%ression in inferior lea#s : Ant4 M nf4 M
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will last for : A4 7? h B4 >/ h C4 (7 h .4 1( h E4 ? h />-n lung #iseases li6e %neu!onia8 it usuall affects certain site "ase# on the anato!8 this this is !ore o"vious in which of the following: ight u%%er lo"e ight !i##le lo"e ight lower lo"e Left u%%er lo"e Left lower lo"e /?-in lung #iseases li6e %neu!onia8 it usuall affects certain site "ase# on the anato!8 this this is less o"vious in which of the following: ight u%%er lo"e ight !i##le lo"e ight lower lo"e = Left u%%er lo"e Left lower lo"e /@-Pt4 a"ove 70 8 %regnant an# as6 ou for #own sn#ro!e screening : ri%le test S A!niocentisis Chorionicvillus 70-Jou 70-Jou receive# a call fro! a father how has a son #iagnose# # iagnose# recentl with .M- for si !onths8 he sai# that he foun# h is son ling #own unconscious in his "e#roo!8 ,hat ou will tell hi! if he is see6ing for a#vise: a4 Bring hi! as soon as %ossi"le to E "4 Call the a!"ulance c4 9ive hi! his usual #ose of insulin #4 9ive hi! M 9lucagone e4 9ive hi! Sugar in 3lui# %er oral ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' 71- Pt4 with hea#ache an# verte"ral lesion Moth-eaten*8nvestigation2 - Bone scan - ;;;;;;;;;; - ;;;;;;;;;;; 7(uveitis is treate# "
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7/-,hich #rug can use in acute "ac6 %ain .ia)e%a! Al%ro)a! Metoelen 77-%atint CKo !eno!entogia = !onth an# %elvic %ain 4all investigatin an# ea!inatin nor!al what is ttt Mafne!ic Co!%ine# %ill 7<- %t was P.. Gve 8 6now "eco!e ve 8 there is no s!%to!s 8 nor!al ra8 the !anage!ent : -eassure -ifa!"icin an# N$ for = !onth > -Stre%to!cine for > !onth ' rifa!"icin for = !onths ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' 7=' %t was P.. Gve 8 6now "eco!e ve 8 there is no s!%to!s 8 nor!al ra8 the !anage!ent : soni)e# an# rifa!%cin for = !onth soni)e# for = !onth soni)e# an# rifa!%cin an# stre%to!cin for 1( !onth the treat!ent of latent B: 1-N$ for =-@ !onths (-alternative is rifa!%icin 7-= !onth 7>'.uring "loo# transfusion 8 the %t #evelo% fever an# %ain at infusion site G our action: -slow infusionanti"iotic -slow infusion aceta!ino%hen -sto% infusion crstalloi# flui# - sto% infusion !annitolaceta!ino%hen ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''' 7?o #effrentiate "etween sinua arth!ia an# atrial fir"llation
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<0-Patient with seasonal water nasal #ischarge8 snee)ing an# nasal "loc64 ,hat shoul# ou give hi! as a treat!ent: o%ical steroi# .econgestants Antihista!ines Sste!ic Sterio#s <1chil# %resente# with #ecrease# hearing for 1 ear8 on ea!4 there is flui# "ehin# the ear #ru! an# a#enoi# h%ertro%h Dermatology7 14 A %icture of %soriasis %in6 scal lesions on the el"ow8 6neesand scalp. The question is asking how to prevent flares? a4 Avoi# Avoi# sun e%osure"4 Avoi# trau!ac4 trau!ac4 se steroi#s 2. Lichen planus is most commonly found in a4 Scal%"4 neec4 Buttoc6s#4 Buttoc6s#4 MouthMost co!!on sites of involve!ent wrists forear!s8 lu!"ar region8an# an6les8 !outh lesions are also co!!on /0->0O*4 Ref. Rooks * 3. A patient who is a known case of H! has a white patch in theoral cavity" what
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#. A middle aged patient with ata$ia% multiple skinpigmentations and decreased hearing% one of the family mem&erhas the same condition% what is the most likely diagnosis? a4
Al Ahsa’s Ahsa’s Ultimate Review for the SLE st Ed. 201!" '. A college student is complaining of severe itching in the ankleand &etween his fingers% this is the first attack% on e$aminationthe lesions are well demarcated. (hat is the most likelydiagnosis? a4 Sca"ies "4 inea ). A picture of a face with red scaly lesions on the nasal folds andaround the mouth% and the question is asking a&out thediagnosis. a4
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o%ical agents steroi#s8 retinoi#s8 an# !oisturi)ers* are use# for !il##isease8 o%ical %hotothera% for !o#erate #isease8 an# sste!ic agents!ethotreate8 cclos%orine an# retinoi#s* for severe #isease4 Steroi#sare the !etho# of choice in %reven tion of flares4 -. (hat is the treatment of sca&ies? a4 Per!ethrin /. A #2 years old patient with a '+days history of skin eruptionsinvolving hands and soles 0no other information1" what is themost likely diagnosis? a4 Erthe!a Multifor!e"4 3ie# #rug eru%tionc4 Pitriasis osea#4 &aricellae4 Erthe!a no#osu!
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