Timing Marriage Marriage with Tithi Pravesha Pravesha Principles Principles This is in continuation continuation to my earlier writings writings on Tithi Tithi Pravesha principles. principles. This This time, I would like to take an example chart for which I have predicted the marriage timing. Let me give a recap of the principles again for the first time readers. Tithi Pravesha Pravesha (TP !hakra Principles"# Principles"# Pravesha Pravesha means entry entry or return. return. Tithi Pravesha Pravesha !hakra is the chart drawn for the $irth moment of Tithi return every year. If the angle from %un to Moon matches that in the natal chart, it means that the Tithi running is the same as $irth Tithi and also the fraction of Tithi remaining is the same as at $irth. %o, the definition of the annual $irth moment is the moment when %un transits its natal sign and the Moon is at the exact displacement angle from %un (degrees, minutes & seconds as at $irth. This is a very simplistic definition of Tithi Pravesha !hakra. The annual chart chart is interpreted interpreted 'ust like like the natal chart, chart, $ut there are some some special considerations. considerations. In addition, all the principles applica$le in natal horoscopy will apply in annual horoscopy including the rudha Padas and special lagans such as )hatika Lagna ()L, %ree Lagna (%L and *ora Lagna (*L etc., +e have to keep in mind the following principles while analying the nnual Tithi Pravesha !hart"# (- +eekday" Take the ruler of the weekday running at the commencement of ew /ear. If he is a $enefic with respect to natal Lagna, it will $e a favora$le year. If he is a malefic with respect to natal Lagna, it will $e an unfavora$le year. (0 Lagna" Take the sign occupied $y Lagna in the annual chart. If it is a 1uadrant or a trine from natal Lagna, the year will $ring the fruits of good actions actions of the past, i.e. it will $e a favora$le year. If it is a 2usthana from natal Lagna, the year will $ring the results of evil actions of the past, i.e. it will $e a year of o$stacles. (3 *ora" Take the ruler of the *ora (hour running at the commencement commencement of ew /ear. This planet will $e the most important planet during during the year, even more important than Lagna lord. The houses owned and occupied occupied $y this planet will set the tone for the main events of the year. The strength, placement and yoga4s of this planet will have a tremendous impact on the main events of the year. ow let us take an example chart and apply these principles to time a 'o$. The native $irth $irth details are" are" 2ate" pril -5, -567 Time" 8"39":: 8"39":: Time ;one" 9"3:":: 9"3:":: (
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0::7 nnual Tithi Pravesha details calculated using F*ora software are"# - Aaara Lord is Gu'a who is 3rd and -:th lord placed in 9th house of Mithuna. This Aaara lord is $eing aspected $y )uru, 6 from 2hanus and %ukra and BL from Meena rasi $y rasi drishti. %o this is indicating a marriage during this year. ow, let us see other principles too. 0 atal Lagna is Mesha, which is --th from nnual TP ?asi Lagna of Gum$ha. In the TP ?asi !hart, the Lagna lord %hani is placed in 6th house of %imha. This %hani is $eing aspected $y )uru who is 6 and BL4s lord too. %o this is another good placement and will $ring the fruits of good actions of the past, hence it will $e a favora$le year for the native in terms of marriage. 3 *ora Lord will set the tone for main events of the year. *ora Lord is %urya who is 6th lord and placed in 3rd house owned $y Aaara Lord of Gu'a. gain this %urya $eing aspected $y )uru who is 6 and BL4s lord too. %o this is indicating for a marriage to this native during this year. D To time the marriage, I am using Tithi Pravesha !hakra=s along with the avamsa !hart. It is recommended to use the Tithi stottari 2asa system with TP !hart analysis, $ut we can also use my favorite arayana 2asa as well to time the event. I will write a$out this arayana 2asa usage in my upcoming article. Tithi shtottari 2asa of Fanma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha charts" %at M2" 0::7#:8#03 (00"D5"90 # 0::7#:6#07 (03":9"37 Aen 2" 0::7#:6#:3 (7"90"09 # 0::7#:6#:5 (03"-5"03 %un P2" 0::7#:6#:3 (7"90"09 # 0::7#:6#:3 (-8"99"-5
6 In the annual TP4s avamsa !hart 2asa of %hani is conducive to give the marriage to the native. %hani is the nnual ?asi chart4s 6 th lord and placed in 0 nd house of nnual avamsa chart. This %hani is placed in Mithuna rasi in navamsa where BL is also placed and $eing aspected $y %hukra, )uru and %L from 2hanus and also aspected $y 6 from kanya rasi $y rasi drishti. %o these com$inations will give marriage to the native during this %hani maha dasa. 7 ow regarding the antar dasa, %hukra is the candidate $ecause again %hukra is placed in 2hanus with )uru and %L and $eing aspected $y 6 from Ganya and aspecting the BL and %hani $y rasi drishti. lso %hukra is also aspecting the %hani $y graha drishti too. 5 ow the Pratyantar dasa point of view, %urya is a candidate to give the marriage $ecause, he is the *ora lord and placed in Mesha rasi with Getu who is also co#lord of nnual TP navamsa 6 th house. This %urya is also having argala too. %o all the a$ove com$inations are confirming that the native will get married during the a$ove mentioned period. %arvam %ri Mahaalaskhmi rpanamastu
@$servations on dusthanas" 8th *ouse (Part#:- )eneral" This paper is written in order to $ring forth the awareness on some important practical aspects of dusthanas and to understand the implications indicated $y these houses in a chart. n effort is made to present the relevance of dusthana from the simplest approach. The ela$oration of dusthanas and its 'udgment methodology is $eing done in separate papers planned
to $e pu$lished one after the other with a few example cases in the last paper. This is to maintain $revity of the contents in each paper. %age Parashara has categoried the trio of 8#7#-0 th houses as The 2usthanas or Trika *ouses. *e, as well as the su$se1uent writers recognised dusthanas in a chart as the malefic houses in principle and the remaining as the $eneficEneutral houses. Thus the demarcation of evil and good houses in a chart emerged. +hatever said and done, each house in a chart has $oth the good and $ad portfolios attached to it and in the same spirit, even dusthanas have a lot of usefulness. %ince, dusthanas are said to hold more of malefic traits rather than the $enefic ones, the ancient scriptures have considered them as malefic to the native in general. The 8th *ouse" The 8th house offers an interesting study. !lassically, the 8th house is said to indicate the misfortunes, struggle, enemies, de$t, disease, sufferings and opposition. It also indicates the working environment, disappointments, dissatisfaction, humiliation, su$ordinates, servants, litigation, theft, maternal uncles and pet animals. To add more on the list, it also indicates worries, anxieties, anger, cruelty, the mindset or ha$its more of vicious nature which are necessary to pull down others, fear from calamities, anguish of mind, step mother and wounds. The wounds represented $y this house may $e understood to $e due to in'uries, during fighting or wounds received through surgical treatments. Hrom the point of view of prara$dha karmas, which a native $rings with him in the present $irth, the 8th house $rings with it the poison of negativities and the compulsions that caused the $irth 'ust like the 9th house that $rings punyas in the form of $lessings out of the sanchit karmas of the past $irths. The 8th house represents shadripus the six enemies or the six weaknesses, which the prara$dha $rings with it, involving five senses and mind. It would $e interesting to note that the 9th house receives the argala from the 8 th house and this is where, the 8th house representing our weaknesses overtakes the fructification of poorva#punya (9th house, thus dictating the poorva#punyas to discharge their roles under the shade of the shadripus (8th house. Thus, it may $e said that the 8 th house dictates in dispensing the results of the 9 th house. Perhaps, $ecause of this account, the realied people of past generations were very conscious to devote much time in remedial measures through vrata and tapas to cleanup the past sins (8 th house in order to dispense the 1uota of $lessings (9th house. This is the house, which indicates our visi$le enemies, de$ts and disease contents. In principle, the sufferingsEfrustration of any nature take starting kick from the 8 th house only. s an example, for cancer lagna natives, if Fupiter gets placed in exaltation in lagna, it would cause misera$le sufferings
($ecause of $eing 8 th lord in strength in lagna and would surface a lot of frustration in ceremonising the event of marriage, primarily $ecause of Fupiter as 8 th lord powerfully aspecting the 6 th house. This is the only dusthana out of 8#7#-0th houses, which shares the portfolio of $eing an upachayasthana as indicated $y %age Parashara. The upachaya houses are designated as the houses of growth and progress where free will is likely to $e exercised. Hor a ready reference, the 3#8# -:#--th houses constitute the upachayas. 3 rd house indicates efforts, 8 th indicate material gains at the cost of others, -:th is the actual doing and -- th is the fruits of efforts reaped as the dividend of the -: th house. It is paradoxical that although the upachaya is meant for the growth and progress, the 8 th house has yet not $een admitted as a $enefic house $ut is considered to $e an evil house in its entirety, perhaps from holistic karmic angle. Let it $e seen in some details. The 8th house is the house of growth $ut of materialistic nature. If we want to gra$ other4s cash and kind or other4s credit, this is the house par excellence. This goes with the simple logic that any thing gained (8th house is at the cost of loss caused to whomsoever we interact (6th house. The placement of $enefics in the 8th house is considered good as it softens the sufferings, softens the way of approach and makes life holistic whereas the malefic influence on this house makes the situation reverse $y resorting to the aggressive ways the native follows to receive gains, though inviting the wrath of mighty opposition as well. In totality, the 8th house adds a lot of malicious kriyaman karmas, if it is under malefic influence. %ince, the kriyaman karmas done in this $irth add to the already existing sanchit karmas of the past $irths, the gains o$tained through 8 th house under malefic influence particularly cause negativities on the karmic profile and with this intent, perhaps, the 8 th house has $een $randed as the evil house in general, even though it is an upachayasthana. The 8th house happens to $e one of the rtha#Trikona (0#8#-:, hence this house $ecomes instrumental to control the financial prospects for the native. This seems to $e 'ustified from the fact that the 8th house is -: th from 5th house from where the destiny of Garma is ruled $y this house as well as $eing 5th from the -:th house ruling the luck of the profession. The 8 th house $eing the 9th of the 0nd house indicates the wisdom of earning and receiving the gifts etc. In all pursuits, the 8 th house happens to $e an important house to deal with the material status of the native and thus gets 'ustified to $e the upachayasthana indicating the growth and progress in the material pursuits. The 8th house indicates the competitive environment as its most important portfolio and it therefore indicates the progress through the process of competition and rivalry. There, it means that the success in competitions whether $e it for exams, admission, race for promotion, litigation or any facet of similar nature re1uire the strong 8 th house as a must for ascending the road of success. It is $ecause of this virtue that the 8th house may $e considered as a $enefic house for the present day world, which is full of desires of competition in all walks of life.
It may $e pertinent to mention here that the ancient living ordeal did not want much materialism to come in the way of the life pattern of the self realiation and of highest virtues. %ince the materialism was o$viously the hurdle for the pious attri$utes of the ancient living, this was perhaps the good reason for considering the 8 th house as an evil house in its general definition. *owever, in the present scenario of today4s age, $lessed are the ones who have strong the 8 th house to win over the others and $ecome financially sound at the cost of others. +ould you now consider the 8 th house good or $adJ @ne of the important portfolios ruled $y the 8 th house is the support from relatives particularly the maternal sided relations. It would $e worthwhile to note that if the 8 th house is well disposed from Lagna, the dasha periods of 8 th lord $ring in the role of some relative or a friend to help the native at the time of need. %imilarly, a relative or a friend may spoil the credits of the native in the similar periods if the 8th house is $adly disposed or the 8th and Lagna lords are placed in mutual hostility. In conformance of the $enefic nature of the 8 th house, we may $e reminded of the Kuote from Bttarakalamrita, !hapter D, shloka D that The ra'a yoga of the decreasing order gets manifested to the native $y the con'unction of the lords of 5 th and -:th house as seen from Lagna, 5th house and -: th
house which mean the con'unction of the Lords of 5#-: th, 9#8th and 8#6th houses from lagna. This also amply esta$lishes that the 8 th house has a lot of $enefic attri$utes and may do well to the native, of course from materialistic angle. The 8th house is said to represent su$ordination, indicating the su$ordination, which the native is su$'ected to and the 1uality of su$ordinates the native has. In a parallel meaning, the servantsEmaids are represented $y the 8 th house. The meaning of su$ordination may $e extended to mean the service (paid salaried 'o$ $eing either of the government (where the native is generally called as a government servant or that of the private sector. In this context, the 8th house taints the service conditions and a strong 8 th house in good relation with the Lagna makes a native comforta$le in the 'o$. @n the negative side, the 8th house in the conventional way is the house of harm from the opponents and indicates fight and rivalry where the native could $e let down. In this way, strong malefics in the 8th house cause strong enemies and strong opposition causing harm to the native. s an example, Pramod Maha'an ()emini lagna had strong Mars in his 8 th house and his rivalry surfaced $y his own younger $rother (Mars $eing the karaka of the younger co#$orn and caused a disaster of his death $y shooting (a perfect way that Mars operates. %ince, 8th house mo$ilies the six weaknesses (shadripus within the native, it is sufficient to cause dis#ease to the physical self, causing disease and suffering. It may $e interesting to note that all
disease and sufferings originate from the 8 th house and unless a planet gets linked with the 8 th houseElord, it does not cause disease. n important facet of the 8th house is raising funds through loan. This attri$ute of loan may $e generalied to mean the financial commitment $orn $y the native himself or it could $e carried forward through the parental lineage. Thus, any financial loan raised for any purpose necessarily involve the 8th house completing the signification of de$ts indicated $y the 8 th house. The native who have the linkage of 8th house with the -- th house and 0 nd house have strong tendencies to $ury themselves in the voluntary financial de$ts caused $y multiple loans raised from various financial institutions. Medically, the 8th house stands for the diseases and its recovery in general, represents the um$ilical region, disorders pertaining to respiration and phlegm, tu$erculosis, tumorus growth, skin disorders involving rashes such as measles#small pox etc, disorders of eyes, intestinal disorders such as the complaints of hernia, urinary ailment and dysentery. It also represents the six flavours as advocated in yurveda. The 8th house stands as the 7th from --th house and -0th from 6th house. In accordance to it, the 8th house there$y indicates the difficulties in material gains and pro$lem to the one of marital life respectively. The 8th house when gets weak and gets linked with the malefics or with the other 2usthanas (7th and -0th house make a real havoc and most of its negative 1ualities get surfaced. ### to $e continued to part#0