List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) Sr. No.
Doc Areviation
Doc !it"e
#ns$ection $rocedure
272 273 2!% 2!1 2!3 2!4 2!+ 2! 2!7 2!) 2)% 2)1 2)2 2)3 2)4 2)+ 2) 2)7 2)! 2)) 3%% 3%1 3%2 3%3 3%4 3%+ 3% 3%7 312 313 3! 37+ 377 431 4++ 4) +22 +2 +2) +3% +71 +72 +73 +7! +7) +!% +!1 + 7% ) )! 74) !%1 !4% )3+ )4%
34-SAMSS-117 34-SAMSS-11! 34-SAMSS-31! 34-SAMSS-31) 34-SAMSS-+11 34-SAMSS-+12 34-SAMSS-+14 34-SAMSS-+1+ 34-SAMSS-+17 34-SAMSS-11 34-SAMSS-12 34-SAMSS-17 34-SAMSS-1) 34-SAMSS-21 34-SAMSS-22 34-SAMSS-23 34-SAMSS-24 34-SAMSS-2+ 34-SAMSS-34 34-SAMSS-711 34-SAMSS-71 34-SAMSS-717 34-SAMSS-71! 34-SAMSS-!1+ 34-SAMSS-!2% 34-SAMSS-!21 34-SAMSS-!3% 34-SAMSS-!31 34-SAMSS-)11 34-SAMSS-)13 AA-%313%-%%1 AA-%314-%%1 AA-%31)7-%%1 AA-%34+4-%%1 AA-%33!-%%2 AA-%3!+)-%%1 A5-%3%1)-%%1 A5-%3%33-%%1 A5-%3%)4-%%1 A5-%3%)4-%%2 A5-%34%!-%%1 A5-%3414-%%1 A5-%3414-%%2 A5-%34)2-%%1 A5-%34)2-%%2 A5-%34)3-%%1 A5-%34)3-%%2 A,-%3413-%%1 A,-%3413-%%2 A,-%34+-%%1 A,-%3)+%-%%1 A"-%3%%4-%%1 A"-%34)1-%%1 A(-%3%4-%%1 A(-%3+4)-%%1 AL(*T-)3-%%1 AL(*T-)3-%%+
Turbine Flow Meters in Liquid Servie Positiv e "is#lae$ent Meters Auto$ati Tan& 'auging (qui#$ent *adar Tan& 'auging (qui#$ent ,ro$atogra#s ./0gen Anal0ers ,o$bustible 'as and 0drogen Sulfide Monitors Moisture Anal0ers "ensit0 Meters Safet0 *elief alves ,onventional and 5alaned T0#es Safet0 *elief alves Pilot .#erated T0#es Fla$e Monitoring S0ste$s 5urner Manage$ent S0ste$s for 6atertube 5oilers (S" S0ste$s - ard-6 ired - Solid-State 8on#rogra$$able9 (S" S0ste$s - (letro$agneti *ela0 Progra$$able ,ontroller 5ased (S" S0ste$s 6ellead ,ontrol: Monitoring and Sutdown S0ste$s Mainer0 Protetion S0ste$s Loal ; ,ontrol S0ste$s ,ontrol alves Pneu$ati Atuators .n-.ff Serv ie 0drauli alve Atuators S0ste$s (letri Motor .#erated alve Atuators Annuniators
1%4+ 1%4+ 1%4 1%4!
"A-) "A-)+% +%%2 %2!!-%% %%1 1 "A-)+%%32-%%1 "A-)+%%+-%%1
1%4) 1213 1214 121+ 121
"A-)+%%+-%%2 "5-)+%%27-%%1 "5-)+%%3)-%%1 "5-)+%%4-%%1 "5-)+%%47-%%1
Loal Sut-"own ,abinet wit Partial Stro&e Test Single Ating - S#ring *eturn Atuator Sub$arine Pi#eline Flange 'uard 3% ,orroso$eter ,orrosion Probe (/tension ,able
1217 1217 121! 121) 122% 1221 12+2 12% 121 12!1 12!2 12!3 12!4
"5-) "5-)+% +%%4 %4!!-%% %%1 1 "5-)+%%+%-%%1 "5-)+%%+4-%%1 "5-)+%%++-%%1 "5-)+%%++-%%2 "5-)+%1%-%%2 "5-)+%12)-%%1 "5-)+%12)-%%2 ",-)+%%4%-%%1 ",-)+%%41-%%1 ",-)+%%42-%%1 ",-)+%%43-%%1
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List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 12!+ 12! 12!7 12!! 12!)
",-)+%%4+-%%1 ",-)+%%+1-%%1 ",-)+%%+7-%%1 ",-)+%%+)-%%1 ",-)+%%%-%%1
12)% 12)1
",-)+%%1-%%1 ",-)+%%2-%%1
12)2 12)2 1322 1341 1342 1343 1344 134+ 13)7 13)! 1)41 1)47 1))3 1))4 1))+ 1)) 1))7 1))! 1))) 2%%% 2%%1
",-) ",-)+% +%% %33-%% %%1 1 ",-)+%1+%-%%1 ""-)+%%2+-%%1 ""-)+%%2+-%%2 ""-)+%%+3-%%1 ""-)+%%+-%%1 ""-)+%%+!-%%1 "(-)+%%2-%%1 "(-)+%%4-%%1 SA-2+%4 SA-2+17 SA-2773 SA-2773-M SA-277+ SA-277+-M SA-2777 SA-2777-M SA-277! SA-277!-M SA-27!%
2%%2 2%%3 2%%4 2%%+ 2%% 2%%7 2%%! 2%%) 2%1% 2%11 2%12 2%13 2%14 2%1+ 2%1 2%17 2%1! 2%3 2%37 2%3! 2%3) 2%4% 2%41 2%42 2%43 2%44 2%4+ 2%4 2%47 2%4! 2%+4 2%++ 2%+7 2%+! 2%+) 2%% 2%1 2%2 2%3 2%4 2%7+ 2%!7 2%)2 2%)3 2%)4 2%)+ 21%! 211) 2133 2134 213+
SA-27!%-M SA-27!1A SA-27!15 SA-27!1, SA-27!1" SA-27!1( SA-27!-M SA-27!7 SA-27!7-M SA-27!! SA-27!!-M SA-27)% SA-27)%-M SA-27)3-M SA-27)4 SA-27)4-M SA-27)) SA-317+ SA-317 SA-317-M SA-317A SA-3177 SA-31!+ SA-31!+-A SA-31! SA-31!-M SA-31!! SA-31!!-M SA-31)+ SA-31)+-M SA-+))4 SA-+))4-1 SA-%7! SA-%7!-M SA-%7) SA-%7)-M SA-%!% SA-%!%-M SA-%!1 SA-%!1-M SA-23) SA-7%7 SA-74% SA-74%-1 SA-74%-2 SA-74%A SA-7)%7 SA-7)1! SA-7)23 SA-7)24 SA-7)24-1
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List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 12!+ 12! 12!7 12!! 12!)
",-)+%%4+-%%1 ",-)+%%+1-%%1 ",-)+%%+7-%%1 ",-)+%%+)-%%1 ",-)+%%%-%%1
12)% 12)1
",-)+%%1-%%1 ",-)+%%2-%%1
12)2 12)2 1322 1341 1342 1343 1344 134+ 13)7 13)! 1)41 1)47 1))3 1))4 1))+ 1)) 1))7 1))! 1))) 2%%% 2%%1
",-) ",-)+% +%% %33-%% %%1 1 ",-)+%1+%-%%1 ""-)+%%2+-%%1 ""-)+%%2+-%%2 ""-)+%%+3-%%1 ""-)+%%+-%%1 ""-)+%%+!-%%1 "(-)+%%2-%%1 "(-)+%%4-%%1 SA-2+%4 SA-2+17 SA-2773 SA-2773-M SA-277+ SA-277+-M SA-2777 SA-2777-M SA-277! SA-277!-M SA-27!%
2%%2 2%%3 2%%4 2%%+ 2%% 2%%7 2%%! 2%%) 2%1% 2%11 2%12 2%13 2%14 2%1+ 2%1 2%17 2%1! 2%3 2%37 2%3! 2%3) 2%4% 2%41 2%42 2%43 2%44 2%4+ 2%4 2%47 2%4! 2%+4 2%++ 2%+7 2%+! 2%+) 2%% 2%1 2%2 2%3 2%4 2%7+ 2%!7 2%)2 2%)3 2%)4 2%)+ 21%! 211) 2133 2134 213+
SA-27!%-M SA-27!1A SA-27!15 SA-27!1, SA-27!1" SA-27!1( SA-27!-M SA-27!7 SA-27!7-M SA-27!! SA-27!!-M SA-27)% SA-27)%-M SA-27)3-M SA-27)4 SA-27)4-M SA-27)) SA-317+ SA-317 SA-317-M SA-317A SA-3177 SA-31!+ SA-31!+-A SA-31! SA-31!-M SA-31!! SA-31!!-M SA-31)+ SA-31)+-M SA-+))4 SA-+))4-1 SA-%7! SA-%7!-M SA-%7) SA-%7)-M SA-%!% SA-%!%-M SA-%!1 SA-%!1-M SA-23) SA-7%7 SA-74% SA-74%-1 SA-74%-2 SA-74%A SA-7)%7 SA-7)1! SA-7)23 SA-7)24 SA-7)24-1
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List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 2142
"ata Seet - *ei#roating ,o$#ressor: Proess Air and 'as Servie
2143 2144 214+ 214 2147 214! 214) 21+% 21+1 21+2 21+3 21+4 21++ 21+ 21+7 21+! 21+) 21% 211
SA-!%%1-M SA-!%%2-1 SA-!%%2-2 SA-!%%2-3 SA-!%%2-4 SA-!%%2-+ SA-!%%2- SA-!%%2-7 SA-!%%2-! SA-!%%2-) SA-!%%2-M-1 SA-!%%2-M-2 SA-!%%2-M-3 SA-!%%2-M-4 SA-!%%2-M-+ SA-!%%2-M- SA-!%%2-M-7 SA-!%%2-M-! SA-!%%2-M-)
"ata Seet - *ei#roating ,o$#ressor: Proess Air and 'as Servie Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9 ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "ata Seet Metri9
"ata Seet - 'ear =nit For
213 214 21+ 21 217 21! 21) 217% 2171 2172 2173 2174 217+ 217 2177 217! 217) 21!% 21!1 21!2 21!3 21!4 21!+
SA-!%%3-M SA-!%%4-1 SA-!%%4-2 SA-!%%4-3 SA-!%%4-4 SA-!%%4-M-1 SA-!%%4-M-2 SA-!%%4-M-3 SA-!%%4-M-4 SA-!%%)-1 SA-!%%)-2 SA-!%%)-3 SA-!%%)-4 SA-!%%)-+ SA-!%%)- SA-!%%)-M-1 SA-!%%)-M-2 SA-!%%)-M-3 SA-!%%)-M-4 SA-!%%)-M-+ SA-!%%)-M- SA-!%1% SA-!%1%-M
"ata Seet - 'ear =nit For
21! 21!7 21!! 21!) 21)% 21)1 21)2
SA-!%12 SA-!%14 SA-!%14-M SA-!%2%-111 SA-!%2%-111-M SA-!%2%-112 SA-!%2%-113
S#eifiation for ,o$#ressed Air "r0er "ata Seet - Foundation "esign "0na$i "esign9 "ata Seet - Foundation "esign "0na$i "esign9 Metri9
21)3 21)3 21)4 21)+ 21) 21)7 21)! 21)) 22%% 22%1 22%2 22%3 22%4 22%+
SA-! SA-!%2 %2%%-1 114 SA-!%2%-11+ SA-!%2%-11+-M SA-!%2%-11 SA-!%2%-11-M SA-!%2%-117 SA-!%2%-117-M SA-!%2%-11! SA-!%2%-11) SA-!%2%-12% SA-!%2%-121 SA-!%2%-122 SA-!%2%-124
22% 22%7 22%! 22%) 221% 2211 2212 2213 2214 221+ 221 2217
SA-!%2%-124-M SA-!%2%-2%% SA-!%2%-212 SA-!%2%-213 SA-!%2%-312 SA-!%2%-314 SA-!%2%-31! SA-!%2%-31) SA-!%2%-32% SA-!%2%-4%% SA-!%2%-413 SA-!%2%-41+
S#eifiation Seet - *estrition .rifie ,alulation and S#eifiation Metri9 S#eifiation Seet - Pressure Trans$itters - S$art A5S: 'A'(: and "P9 S#eifiation Seet - Pressure and "ifferential Pressure 'auges S#eifiation Seet - Pressure and "@P Swit S#eifiation Seet - Lev el 'auge 'lasses S#eifiation Seet - Lev el
Page 3 of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 221! 221) 222% 2221 2222 2223 2224 222+ 222 2227 222! 222) 223%
SA-!%2%-41+-M SA-!%2%-41 SA-!%2%-41! SA-!%2%-41!-M SA-!%2%-41) SA-!%2%-41)-M SA-!%2%-+11 SA-!%2%-+12 SA-!%2%-+14 SA-!%2%-+1+ SA-!%2%-+17 SA-!%2%-+2+ SA-!%2%-%+
S#eifiation Seet - Ter$oou#le T@,9 Asse$bl0 Metri9 S#eifiation Seet - *esistane Te$#erature "etetor *T"9 S#eifiation Seet - Ter$owell S#eifiation Seet - Ter$owell Metri9 S#eifiation Seet - Te$#erature Monitor S#eifiation Seet - Te$#erature Monitor Metri9 S#eifiation Seet - ,ro$atogra#s S#eifiation Seet - ./0gen Anal0er S#eifiation Seet - ,o$bustible 'as and 0drogen Sulfide Monitors S#eifiation Seet - Moisture Anal0ers S#eifiation Seet - "ensit0 Meter for 'as and Liquid Servie S#eifiation Seet - 0droarbon Liquid Sa$#ling S0ste$s S#eifiation Seet - Surge *elief alves
2231 2232 2233 2234 223+ 223 2237 223! 223) 224% 2241 2242 2243 2244 224+ 224 2247 224! 224) 22+% 22+1 22+2
SA-!%2%-11 SA-!%2%-11-M SA-!%2%-12 SA-!%2%-13-1 SA-!%2%-13-2 SA-!%2%-14 SA-!%2%-17 SA-!%2%-23 SA-!%2%-2+ SA-!%2%-34 SA-!%2%-711 SA-!%2%-712 SA-!%2%-713 SA-!%2%-71 SA-!%2%-717 SA-!%2%-71! SA-!%2%-!1+ SA-!%2%-!2+ SA-!%2%-!27 SA-!%2%-!2! SA-!%2%-!3% SA-!%2%-!31
S#eifiation Seet - Pressure *elief alves ,onventional and 5alaned T0#es S#eifiation Seet - Safet0 *elief alves Metri9 S#eifiation Seet - Safet0 *elief alves Pilot .#erated S#eifiation Seet - Pressure @ auu$ *elief alves S#eifiation Seet - Pressure @ auu$ *elief alves S#eifiation Seet - *u#ture "is&s S#eifiation Seet - Fla$e Monitoring S0ste$s S#eifiation Seet - Progra$$able ,ontroller 5ased (S" S0ste$s S#eifiation Seet - Mainer0 Protetion S0ste$s S#eifiation Seet - Loal ; ,ontrols S#eifiation Seet - 'lobe @ Angle ,ontrol alves S#eifiation Seet - 5all ,ontrol alves S#eifiation Seet - 5utterfl0 @ *otar0 Plug ,ontrol alves S#eifiation Seet - Pneu$ati Atuators .n-.ff Servie9 S#eifiation Seet - 0drauli alve Atuators S#eifiation Seet - (letri Motor .#erated alve Atuators S#eifiation Seet - Annuniators S#eifiation Seet - (letro$agneti *ela0s S#eifiation Seet - Solenoid .#erated alves S#eifiation Seet - Transduers Signal ,onversion9 S#eifiation Seet - Progra$$able ,ontroller S#eifiation Seet -
22++ 22+ 22+7 22+! 22+) 22% 221 222
SA-!%2%-!47 SA-!%2%-)13 SA-!11% SA-!11%-1 SA-!11%-2 SA-!111 SA-!111-1 SA-!111-2
223 224 22+ 22 227 22! 22) 227% 2271 2272 2273 2274 227+ 227 2277 227! 227) 22!% 22!1 22!2 22!3 22!4 22!+ 22! 22!7 22!! 22!) 22)% 22)1 22)2
SA-!114 SA-!117-M SA-!11! SA-!13%-1 SA-!13%-2 SA-!13%-M-1 SA-!13%-M-2 SA-!1+% SA-!1+%-M SA-!172 SA-!173 SA-!213 SA-!213-1A SA-!213-2 SA-!213-3 SA-)247 SA-)+24 SA-)+24-1 SA-)+24-2 SA-)+27 SA-)+41 SA-)+43 SA-)+44 SA-)+47 SA-)+4! SA-)+4) SA-)+1 SA-)+2 SA-)+7% SA-)+!%
(letrial Load Tabulation - Sie CAC "ata Seet - ,entrifugal Fluoroarbon *efrigeration =nits "ata Seet for 0drostati Test *e#ort - Sub$arine Pi#elines Side (ntr0 Mi/er - "ata Seet Side (ntr0 Mi/er - "ata Seet Side (ntr0 Mi/er - "ata Seet Metri9 Side (ntr0 Mi/er - "ata Seet Pa&aged
"rawing ,o$#letion ,ertifiate ",,9
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List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 22)4
8on-$aterial *equire$ents for =ninterru#tible Power Su##l0 =PS9
8on$aterial *equire$ents for *etifiers@5atter0 ,argers
(ngineering "rawing Aess *equest
22)7 22)! 22)) 23%% 23%1 23%2 23%3 23%4 23%+ 23%
SA-)%1 %recommissioning SA-"-%%1 SA-"-%%2 SA-(-%%1A SA-(-%%15 SA-(-%%2 SA-F-%%1 SA-F-%%2 SA-'-%%+ SA-'-%% SA-'-%%7
Preo$$issioning - Pressure essels Preo$$issioning - Storage Tan&s Preo$$issioning - eat (/angers Preo$$issioning - Fin Fan Preo$$issioning - 5lowers Preo$$issioning - Furnaes And eaters Preo$$issioning - 5oilers Preo$$issioning - ,entrifugal Pu$#s Preo$$issioning - Positive "is#lae$ent Pu$#s *ei#roating9 Preo$$issioning - Sub$ersible Pu$#s
23%7 23%! 23%) 231% 2311 2312 2313 2314 231+ 231 2317 231! 231) 232% 2321 2322 2323 2324 232+ 232 2327 232! 232)
SA-'-11% SA-?-%%1 SA-?-%%2 SA-?-%%3 SA-?-%%4 SA-?-%%+ SA-?-%% SA-?-%%7 SA-?-%%! SA-?-%%) SA-?-%1% SA-?-%11 SA-?-%12 SA-?-%13 SA-?-%14 SA-?-%1+ SA-?-%1 SA-?-%17 SA-?-%1! SA-?-%1) SA--%%1 SA--4%2 SA--4%3
Preo$$issioning - 'ears Preo$$issioning - Trans$itters Preo$$issioning - Transduers Preo$$issioning - Swites Preo$$issioning -
233% 2331 2332 2333 2334 233+ 233 2337 233! 233)
SA--+%1 SA--+%2 SA--+11 SA--%% SA-L-%%1 SA-L-%%2 SA-L-%%3 SA-L-%%4 SA-P-%%% SA-P-%%1
Preo$$issioning - Stea$ Turbines Preo$$issioning - ,o$bustion 'as Turbines Preo$$issioning - "iesel (ngine Preo$$issioning - Mi/ers Preo$$issioning - Pi#ing: 'eneral Preo$$issioning - Pi#ing: S#eial Pur#ose Preo$$issioning - alves Preo$$issioning - Plu$bing and 8on-(letri =tilities Preo$$issioning - Testing 'uide Lines Preo$$issioning - 5atter0 S0ste$
234% 2341 2342 2343 2344 234+ 234 2347 234! 234) 23+% 23+1 23+2 23+3 23+4 23++ 23+ 23+7 23+! 23+) 23% 231 232 233 234 23+ 23 237 23! 23)
SA-P-%%2 SA-P-%1% SA-P-%11 SA-P-%12 SA-P-%2% SA-P-%21 SA-P-%22 SA-P-%23 SA-P-%24 SA-P-%3% SA-P-%31 SA-P-%32 SA-P-%33 SA-P-%4% SA-P-%41 SA-P-%42 SA-P-%+% SA-P-%+1 SA-P-%+2 SA-P-%% SA-P-%1 SA-P-%2 SA-P-%3 SA-P-%7% SA-P-%71 SA-P-%72 SA-P-%!% SA-P-%!1 SA-P-%!2 SA-H-%%1
Preo$$issioning - =ninterru#tible Power Su##l0 S0ste$ Preo$$issioning - Protetive *ela0s Preo$$issioning -
Page + of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 237% 2371 2372 2373 2374 237+ 237
SA-H-%%2 SA-H-%%3 SA-H-%%4 SA-H-%%+ SA-H-%% SA-H-%%7 SA-H-%%!
Preo$$issioning - ,atodi Protetion Potovolti Power S0ste$ Preo$$issioning - ,atodi Protetion Plant Potential Surve0 Preo$$issioning - ,atodi Protetion (/ternal Tan& 5otto$ Potential Surve0 Preo$$issioning - ,atodi Protetion Tan&
2377 237! 237)
Preo$$issioning - ,atodi Protetion .ffsore Platfor$@6ell ,asing Potential Surve0 Preo$$issioning - .nsore Anode 5ed ,o$$issioning "ata Seet Preo$$issioning - .ffsore Anode 5ed ,o$$issioning "ata Seet
23!% 23!1 23!2 23!3 23!4 23!+
SA-H-%%) SA-H-%1% SA-H-%11 &ES! %'A!#E SA5P-A-%%1 SA5P-A-%%2 SA5P-A-%%+ SA5P-A-%%7 SA5P-A-%%! SA5P-A-%%)
23! 23!7 23!! 23!) 23)% 23)1 23)2 23)3 23)4 23)+ 23) 23)7 23)! 23)) 24%% 24%1 24%2 24%3 24%4 24%+ 24% 24%7 24%!
SA5P-A-%11 SA5P-A-%12 SA5P-A-%13 SA5P-A-%14 SA5P-A-%1+ SA5P-A-%1 SA5P-A-%1! SA5P-A-%1) SA5P-A-%2% SA5P-A-%21 SA5P-A-%22 SA5P-A-%23 SA5P-A-%24 SA5P-A-%2+ SA5P-A-%2 SA5P-A-%2! SA5P-A-%2) SA5P-A-%3% SA5P-A-%32 SA5P-A-%34 SA5P-A-%3 SA5P-A-%37 SA5P-,-%%1
(nerg0 ,onservation *equire$ents in Saudi Ara$o (ngineering Standards and Materials S0ste$ S#eifiations 8ew Proets (nerg0 (ffiien0 .#ti$iation *eview Metodolog0 ,orrosion ,ontrol in A$ine =nits At$os#eri .il "egassing: S#eroids and Stabiliers ,orrosion ,ontrol ,e$ial
2 4% ) 241% 2411 2412
S A5 P-" -% %1 SA5P-(-%%2 SA5P-(-%%3 SA5P-F-%%1
'uidelines for Tenial Assess$ent of Manufaturers of Pressure essels and Storage Tan&s 'uidelines for *etubing eat (/angers Perfor$ane (nane$ent to (/isting Air-,ooled eat (/angers Proess eaters .#ti$iations
2413 2414 241+ 241 2417 241! 241)
SA5P-F-%%2 SA5P-F-%%4 SA5P-'-%%1 SA5P-'-%%2 SA5P-'-%%3 SA5P-'-%%+ SA5P-'-%%
'uidelines for ,onduting eat Transfer (qui#$ent Manufaturing Failit0 Tenial Surve0 Sootblowers .#eration:
2 42 % 2421 2422 2423 2424 242+ 242 2427 242! 242) 243% 2431
S A5 P-' -% %7 SA5P-'-%%! SA5P-'-%%) SA5P-'-%%)A SA5P-'-%1% SA5P-'-%11 SA5P-'-%12 SA5P-'-%13 SA5P-'-%14 SA5P-'-%1+ SA5P-'-%1 SA5P-'-%17
2432 2433
SA5P-'-%1! SA5P-'-%1)
Torsional Anal0sis *equire$ents for S0nronous Motor "riven ,o$#ressor Train *otord0na$i "esign *eview - Lateral Anal0sis
2 43 4
S A5 P- -% %1
Seletion and A##liation of *einfored Fiber 'lass La0 u# S0ste$ for *e#air of Storage Tan& and essels
243+ 243 2437 243! 243) 244% 2441 2442
SA5P--%%3 SA5P--%%4 SA5P-?-7%1 SA5P-?-711 SA5P--%%1 SA5P--%%2 SA5P--%%3 SA5P--1%%
'uidelines for Surve0ing ,arbon Steel Pi#e ,oating A##liators and ,oating Manufaturers *oboti ,oating A##liation on
Pol0tioni Aid S,, Mitigation Load Manage$ent for (nerg0 (ffiien0E Pu$#s and ,o$#ressors Bui& (nerg0 Assess$ent Metodolog0 for (nerg0 (ffiien0 .#ti$iation Stea$ Tra# Manage$ent for (nerg0 (ffiien0 Load Manage$ent for (nerg0 (ffiien0E eat Transfer (qui#$ent Pin Tenolog0 for (nerg0 (ffiien0 .#ti$iation
Page of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 2443 2444 244+ 244
SA5P--4%1 SA5P-L-%%1 SA5P-L-%%2 SA5P-L-%%3
Site Perfor$ane Testing of ,entrifugal ,o$#ressors 6all Ti&ness Seletion of Trans#ortation Pi#elines "esign of Sub$arine Pi#elines 'uidelines for ,onduting Pi#e Mill Surve0
2447 244! 244) 24+% 24+1 24+2 24+3 24+4 24++ 24+ 24+7 24+! 24+) 24% 241 242
SA5P-L-%%4 SA5P-L-%%+ SA5P-L-%% SA5P-L-%%7 SA5P-L-%%! SA5P-L-%%) SA5P-L-%1% SA5P-L-%12 SA5P-M-%%1 SA5P-M-%% SA5P-M-%%7 SA5P-P-%%1 SA5P-P-%%2 SA5P-P-%%3 SA5P-P-%%4 SA5P-P-%%+
'uidelines for Surve0ing Manufaturing Failities of *einfored Ter$oset *esin Pi#ing Pi#ing ibration Measure$ents and Assess$ent Pi#ing Stress Anal0sis *eview 'uidelines for ,onduting Flanges Manufaturing Failit0 Tenial Assess$ent 'uidelines for ,onduting Tenial Assess$ent of Fitting Manufaturing Failities Pi#ing S#ring Su##orts "esign: ,onstrution:
2 4 3 244 24+ 24 247
S A5 P-P -%% SA5P-P-%%! SA5P-P-%%) SA5P-P-%1% SA5P-P-%11
S0nronous 'enerators and Assoiated ,ontrol (qui#$ent "ataseets *equired for Power S0ste$ Transient Stabilit0 Studies
24! 24) 247% 2471 2472 2473 2474 247+ 247
SA5P-P-%12 SA5P-P-%13 SA5P-P-%14 SA5P-P-%1+ SA5P-P-%1 SA5P-P-%17 SA5P-P-%1! SA5P-P-%1) SA5P-P-%2%
Pre#aration > A##liation Proedure for ig oltage
2477 247! 247)
SA5P-P-%21 SA5P-P-%22 SA5P-P-%23
'uidelines for Minor and Maor Preventive Maintenane PM9 of =PS S0ste$s
A##endi/ AE Minor PM quarterl0 =PS s0ste$ in o#eration
A##endi/ 5E Maor PM - annual =PS s0ste$ sutdown
24!3 24!4 24!+
SA5P-P-%24, SA5P-P-%3+ SA5P-P-%3
A##endi/ , 'uidelines for Motors and 'enerators ,ondition Assess$ent Switgear and ,ontrolgear ,ondition Assess$ent 'uidelines
5atter0 ,ondition Assess$ent
'uidelines for te ,ondition Assess$ent of =ninterru#table Power Su##l0 =PS9
24!! 24!)
SA5P-P-%3) SA5P-P-%4%
'uidelines for te ,ondition Assess$ent of *etifiers@5atter0 ,argers Adustable Frequen0 "rive: A##liation Bualifiation Proedure
24)% 24)1 24)2 24)3 24)4 24)+ 24) 24)7 24)! 24)) 2+%% 2+%1 2+%2 2+%3 2+%4 2+%+ 2+%
SA5P-P-%41 SA5P-B-%%1 SA5P-B-%%2 SA5P-B-%%3 SA5P-B-%%4 SA5P-B-%%+ SA5P-B-%% SA5P-B-%%7 SA5P-B-%%! SA5P-B-%%) SA5P-B-%1% SA5P-T-%%1 SA5P-6-%%1 SA5P-6-%%2 SA5P-H-%%1 SA5P-H-%%2 SA5P-H-%%3
'uidelines for ,onduting Ar Flas aard Anal0sis Anor 5olt "esign and
2 +% 7 2+%! 2+%) 2+1% 2+11
S A5 P-H- %%4 SA5P-;-%%1 SA5P-;-%%2 SA5P-;-%%2A SA5P-;-%%25
Plants Surve0 and Tenial Assess$ent of ,atodi Protetion (qui#$ent and Materials Manufaturers Plant
Page 7 of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 2+12 2+13 2+14 2+1+ 2+1 2+17 2+1! 2+1)
SA5P-;-%%2, SA5P-;-%%2" SA5P-;-%%2( SA5P-;-%%2F SA5P-;-%%2' SA5P-;-%%2 SA5P-;-%%2< SA5P-;-%%2?
Funtional S#eifiation for "istributed ,ontrol S0ste$s ",S9 Funtional S#eifiation for ($ergen0 Sutdown S0ste$s (S"9 Funtional S#eifiation for ,o$#ressor ,ontrol S0ste$s ,,S9 Funtional S#eifiation for "ata Aquisition and istoriation S0ste$s "AS9 Funtional S#eifiation for Alar$ Manage$ent S0ste$s ALMS9 Funtional S#eifiation for S0ste$ "esign "ou$ent S""9 Funtional S#eifiation for Maintenane Training S0ste$ MTS9 Funtional S#eifiation for .#erator Training S0ste$ .TS9
2+2% 2+21 2+22 2+23 2+24 2+2+ 2+2 2+27 2+2! 2+2)
Funtional S#eifiation for Su#ervisor0 ,ontrol and "ata Aquisition S0ste$s S,A"A9 Funtional S#eifiation for *e$ote Ter$inal =nit *T=9 Funtional S#eifiation for Lea& "etetion S0ste$s L"S9 Funtional S#eifiation for Ter$inal Manage$ent S0ste$ TMS9 Funtional S#eifiation for Prodution .#eration Manage$ent P.M9 Funtional S#eifiation for Maintenane .#eration Manage$ent Mn.M9 Funtional S#eifiation for Bualit0 .#eration Manage$ent B.M9 Funtional S#eifiation for
2+3% 2+31 2+32 2+33 2+34 2+3+ 2+3 2+37 2+3!
SA5P-;-%%2 SA5P-;-%%2L SA5P-;-%%2M SA5P-;-%%28 SA5P-;-%%2S SA5P-;-%%2T SA5P-;-%%2= SA5P-;-%%2 SA5P-;-%3% SA5P-;-%31 SaudiIAra$oI(ngineeringIProedures SA(P-1%2% SA(P-1%21 SA(P-1%24 SA(P-1%2+ SA(P-1%2 SA(P-1%27 SA(P-1%2! SA(P-1%3 SA(P-1%+%
2+3) 2+4% 2+41 2+42 2+43 2+44 2+4+ 2+4 2+47 2+4! 2+4) 2++% 2++1 2++2 2++3 2++4 2+++ 2++ 2++7 2++! 2++) 2+% 2+1 2+2 2+3 2+4 2++ 2+ 2+7 2+! 2+) 2+7% 2+71 2+72 2+73 2+74 2+7+ 2+7 2+77
SA(P-11% SA(P-11%1 SA(P-11%2 SA(P-11%3 SA(P-11%4 SA(P-11%+ SA(P-11% SA(P-11%7 SA(P-11%! SA(P-11%) SA(P-111% SA(P-1111 SA(P-1112 SA(P-1113 SA(P-1114 SA(P-111+ SA(P-111 SA(P-1117 SA(P-112+ SA(P-1131 SA(P-1132 SA(P-1133 SA(P-1134 SA(P-113+ SA(P-114% SA(P-1141 SA(P-1142 SA(P-1143 SA(P-1144 SA(P-114+ SA(P-114 SA(P-11+% SA(P-11+2 SA(P-11+4 SA(P-11% SA(P-111 SA(P-11) SA(P-12 SA(P-12%
Saudi Ara$o Standard "rawings 6elding Test Su##le$ent S%1 for SMA6: ,arbon and Low Allo0 Steel Pi#e: =#ill 6elding Test Su##le$ent S%2 for SMA6: ,arbon and Low Allo0 Steel Pi#e: "ownill 6elding Test Su##le$ent S%3 for SMA6: Stainless Steel: Single Sided 6elding Test Su##le$ent S%4 for SMA6: Stainless Steel @ 8i&el: 5a&ing 6elding Test Su##le$ent S%+ for SMA6: 8i&el: Single Sided 6elding Test Su##le$ent S% for 'TA6: Alu$inu$ wit 5a&ing 6elding Test Su##le$ent S%7 for 'TA6: ,arbon: Low Allo0 and Stainless Steel Pi#e 6elding Test Su##le$ent S%! for 'TA6: 8i&el 6elding Test Su##le$ent S%) for 'TA6: Alu$inu$: Single Sided 6elding Test Su##le$ent S1% for SA6: ,arbon and Low Allo0 Steel Pi#e 6elding Test Su##le$ent S11 for SA6: .verla0: ,arbon and Low Allo0 Steel Pi#e 6elding Test Su##le$ent S12 for SMA6: ,aron Steel: S$all "ia$eter 6elding Test Su##le$ent S13 for F,A6: ,aarbon Steel 6elding Test Su##le$ent S14 for SMA6: ,arbon and Low Allo0 Steel Plate 6elding Test Su##le$ent S1+ for SMA6: Stainless Steel La# 6elding Test Su##le$ent S1 for SMA6: 8i&el La# 6elding Test Su##le$ent S17 for SMA6: 6et 6elding 5raing Test Su##le$ent S2+ wit T5: ,o##er and ,o##er Allo0 Tubing Pressure *elief "evie Autoriation troug SAP 6or&flow <9 *e#orting Proedure Pre#aration of Saudi Ara$o Materials S0ste$ S#eifiations Proet (/eution Plan Seurit0 "rawings for Saudi Ara$o Failities
2 +7 ! 2+7) 2+!% 2+!1
S A( P-1 2% % SA(P-121 SA(P-122 SA(P-12+
Proess Flow *equire$ents for Bualifiation Proedures of
2+!2 2+!3 2+!4 2+!+ 2+! 2+!7 2+!! 2+!)
SA(P-127 SA(P-13 SA(P-133 SA(P-134 SA(P-13+ SA(P-13+% SA(P-13 SA(P-14
Seurit0 and ,ontrol of Saudi Ara$o (ngineering "ata Proet (nviron$ental <$#at Assess$ents
,a#ital Progra$ Planning Surve0ing Servies "ivision Proet ,ontrol ,e$ial ,leaning of 8ew Stea$ 'enerating (qui#$ent ,e$ial ,leaning of 5oilers 5oilers La0-=# Proedures Pressure *elief alve ,onventional and 5alaned T0#es ,e$ial ,leaning and Flusing of Lube@Seal .il and Fluid Power S0ste$s Metri =nits of 6eigts and Measures 'uideline for "isaster *eover0 Plan "evelo#$ent for Proess Auto$ation S0ste$s
Page ! of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 2+)% 2+)1 2+)2 2+)3 2+)4
SA(P-14% SA(P-1+ SA(P-1+1% SA(P-1 SA(P-11%
Proet Training <$#at Assess$ent Pre#aration of *estrited endor Lists for Proess Auto$ation S0ste$s Proess Auto$ation *L Manage$ent Proedure Proet (/eution 'uide for Proess Auto$ation S0ste$s Pre#aration of Funtional S#eifiation "ou$ents
2+)+ 2+) 2+)7 2+)! 2+)) 2%% 2%1 2%2 2%3
SA(P-122 SA(P-124 SA(P-12 SA(P-12! SA(P-13% SA(P-134 SA(P-13 SA(P-13! SA(P-1+%
Pre#aration of tenial 5id (valuation Plan "ou$ent for Proess Auto$ation S0ste$s Pre#aration of S0ste$ "esign "ou$ents ,onfiguration and 'ra#is 'uidelines Pre#aration of
2 % 4 2%+ 2% 2%7 2%! 2%) 21% 211 212 213 214 21+ 21 217 21!
S A( P-1 + 2 SA(P-11 SA(P-12 SA(P-13 SA(P-14 SA(P-2% SA(P-2%1 SA(P-21 SA(P-22 SA(P-2+ SA(P-2+% SA(P-2 SA(P-27 SA(P-2! SA(P-2)
Proess Auto$ation Tenolog0 Fous Tea$ PATFTT9 Tenolog0 Seletion Proedures and *es#onsibilities 6aste Mini$iation .##ortunit0 Assess$ents ,leaning of eat (/angers and =nfired Plant (qui#$ent "esign 'uidelines for 'as .il Se#aration Plant '.SP9 "esign 'uidelines for ,rude .il Stabilier (qui#$ent erifiation ,a#ital Proet 5en$ar&ing 'uidelines Pi#elines@Pi#ing 0drauli Surge Anal0sis *adar Tan& 'auging (qui#$ent erifiation *equire$ents 'eneral
22% 221 222 223
SA(P-3%2 SA(P-3%2A SA(P-3%25 SA(P-3%3
224 22+ 22 227 22! 22) 23% 231 232 233
SA(P-3%+ SA(P-3% SA(P-3%A SA(P-3%! SA(P-3%) SA(P-31 SA(P-31% SA(P-31%1 SA(P-31%1A SA(P-31%15
Saudi Ara$o Librar0 "rawings Assess$ent of te *e$aining Strengt of ,orroded Pi#es Assess$ent of te *e$aining Strengt of ,orroded Pi#es .#erations
2 3 4 23+ 23 237 23! 23)
S A( P-3 1% 1, SA(P-31%1" SA(P-31%1( SA(P-31%2 SA(P-31%2A SA(P-31%25
A##endi/ , -
2 4 % 241 242
S A( P-3 1% 2, SA(P-31%2" SA(P-31%2(
A##endi/ , -
243 244 24+
SA(P-31%3 SA(P-31%3A SA(P-31%35
(qui#$ent and S#are Parts "ata *equire$ents for Pro#onent@M*. .riginated *equisitions A##endi/ A - 'lossar0 of Ter$s A##endi/ 5 - S#are Parts "ata Pa&age Status *e#ort SP"PS*9 *equired For$
2 4 247 24! 24) 2+% 2+1 2+2 2+3 2+4 2++ 2+ 2+7 2+! 2+) 2%
S A( P-3 1% 3, SA(P-31%3" SA(P-31%3( SA(P-311 SA(P-31 SA(P-317 SA(P-31! SA(P-31) SA(P-31)A SA(P-32 SA(P-321 SA(P-322 SA(P-323 SA(P-324 SA(P-32+
A##endi/ , - <9 of Sell and Tube eat (/angers Pressure *elief alve Progra$ Autoriation for
21 22
SA(P-327 SA(P-32)
"is#osal of 6astewater fro$ ,leaning: Flusing and "ewatering Pi#elines and essels Proet ,lose-.ut *e#ort
Page ) of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 23 24 2+ 2 27 2! 2)
SA(P-32)A1 SA(P-32)A2 SA(P-32)A3 SA(P-332 SA(P-332A SA(P-333 SA(P-333A
Proet ,lose-.ut *e#ort Proet ,lose-.ut *e#ort Proet ,lose-.ut *e#ort ,atodi Protetion ,o$$issioning ,atodi Protetion ,o$$issioning ,atodi Protetion Monitoring ,atodi Protetion Monitoring
27% 271 272 273 274
SA(P-334 SA(P-33+ SA(P-33) SA(P-34% SA(P-341
*etrieval: ,ertifiation and Sub$ittal of Saudi Ara$o (ngineering > endor "rawings 5oiler ,ondition Assess$ent Marine "redging and Landfilling A##roval and Per$itting Air Bualit0 <$#at Anal0sis and Assess$ent (qui#$ent Life ,0le ,ost Proedure
27+ 27 277 27!
SA(P-342 SA(P-343 SA(P-34+ SA(P-347
(ngineering "rawings ($ergen0 "eliver0 Plan *is&-5ased
27) 2!% 2!1
SA(P-34! SA(P-34) SA(P-3+
,e$ial ,leaning: "isinfetion: Post Treat$ent and Storage of *everse .s$osis Me$branes Advaned Proess ,ontrol AP,9 S0ste$s alves andling: auling: *eei#t Tests and Storage
2!2 2!3 2!4 2!+ 2! 2!7
SA(P-3+% SA(P-3+1 SA(P-3+2 SA(P-3+4 SA(P-3++ SA(P-3+7
*egular Maintenane and Testing for
2!! 2!) 2)% 2)1 2)2 2)3 2)4
SA(P-3+! SA(P-3 SA(P-3% SA(P-31 SA(P-33 SA(P-34 SA(P-3+
Manage$ent of Tenologiall0 (naned 8aturall0 .urring *adioative Material 8.*M9 Proving S0ste$s ,alibration *equire$ents Proet Planning 'uidelines Storage: andling and
2)+ 2) 2)7 2)! 2)) 27%% 27%1 27%2 27%3 27%4 27%+ 27% 27%7 27%! 27%) 271% 2711 2712
SA(P-3 SA(P-37 SA(P-3! SA(P-37 SA(P-37% SA(P-371 SA(P-372 SA(P-373 SA(P-374 SA(P-37+ SA(P-37 SA(P-377 SA(P-3!% SA(P-3!1 SA(P-3)% SA(P-4%% SA(P-4%%A SA(P-+%
*oles > *es#onsibilities of ,o$#an0 .rganiations for Seis$i *is& Assess$ent > Mitigation Progra$ S*A>MP9 alue <$#rove$ent Pratie *equire$ents Alar$ S0ste$ Manage$ent Pi#elines *esidual Magnetis$ *e$oval Trans#ortation of *adioative Material earing ,onservation Progra$ ,P9 Maintenane *e#orting *equire$ents ig Bualifiations (qui#$ent "efiien0 *e#ort Proet Bualit0
2713 2714 271+ 271 2717 271! 271) 272% 2721 2722 2723 2724 272+ 272
SA(P-+%% SA(P-+%1 SA(P-7%1 SA(P-7%7 SA(P-717 SA(P-744 SA(P-74 SA(P-)) Engineering re$orts SA(*-23+ SA(*-+24! SA(*-+317 SA(*-+347 SA(*-+3!2 SA(*-+437
Saudi Ara$o Motball Manual 6ater Ter$inolog0 *elief S0ste$ (valuation Abu Ali
2 72 7
S A( *-+ ++ !
Suse#tibilit0 of Losing (letrial Substations "ue to Transfor$er Fires Part - 2 E Surve0 Finding Tables9 *evD 1
Suse#tibilit0 of Losing (letrial Substations "ue to Transfor$er Fires Part - 2E Surve0 Finding Tables9
272) 273% 2731 2732 2733 2734
SA(*-+++!-2 SA(*-+++ SA(*-++73 SA(*-++7) SA(*-++) SA(*-+!
Suse#tibilit0 of Losing (letrial Substations "ue to Transfor$er Fires Part
'uidelines for Sreening and Bualifiation of ,e$ials for 0drate and ,orrosion
Page 1% of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 273+ 273 2737 273! 273) 274% 2741
SA(*-+7%1 SA(*-+711 SA(*-+7+2 SA(*-+7)! SA(*-+!%% SA(*-+!%3 SA(*-+!!3
Surg*is Motor Monitoring Tenolog0 Sub$arine Pi#eline (ngineering 'uidelines *as Tanura *efiner0 Plant 1+ *is&-5ased Assess$ent Pilot Stud0 Field alidation of te
2742 2743 2744 274+
SA(*-+)2+ SA(*-+)41 SA(*-+)42 SA(*-+)+7
Manage$ent of (letrial (qui#$ent .bsolesene at Saudi Ara$o
274 2747
SA(*-+)74 SA(*-+)))
=se of ig Strengt Steel 6 > 6T Sa#es Per ASTM A-))2 to *e#lae ASTM A-3 Steel *e$ote Motor Monitoring Tenolog0
Strutural ,alulations for te Standard 1% Metre 6ide Preast ,onrete Substation 5uilding
274) 27+% 27+1 27+2
SA(*-%2! SA(*-%43 SA(*-%1 SA(*-%!)
Strutural ,alulations for te Standard 1+ Metre 6ide Preast ,onrete Substation 5uilding ig
27+3 27+4 27++
SA(*-114 SA(*-11) SA(*-123
Proess Auto$ation <-Field@S,A"A@*e$ote Sites9 ,o$$uniation 8etwor& Ariteture 'uidelines for *e$oval or *e#lae$ent of alon 13%1 Fire (/tinguising S0ste$s Proess Auto$ation 8etwor&s Firewall (valuation ,riteria
2 7+ 27+7 27+! 27+) 27% 271 272 273 274 27+ 27 277
S A( *- 14 3 SA(*-143A1 SA(*-143A2 SA(*-143A3 SA(*-1435 SA(*-143, SA(*-1+7 SA(*-1 SA(*-1! SA(*-1!A SA(*-17+ SA(*-24!
'uidelines for te ,lassifiation: Loation: and *es#onse Ti$es of Saudi Ara$o Fire Stations Fire Training 'round (volutions Plan Fire Training 5uilding Floor Plan (volutions "efinitions ,lass 5 Fire Station So#e of 6or& ,lass , Fire Station So#e of 6or& (nerg0 Saving Module (SM9 for A, A##liations Proess Safet0 Ti$e Stud0 for Progra$$able ,ontroller 5ased (S" S0ste$s (ngineering *eview *e#ort for .il0 6ater Lift Stations .il0 6ater Lift Stations .6LS9 Surve0 A##endies A - '9 .nline Solenoid .#erated alve Testing for S$art ; A##liations T
27! 27) 277% 2771 2772
ealt ,e& Standard Metodolog0 =se of Sub-standard Fire "a$#er in A, S0ste$s at Saudi Ara$o Failities Siing (letrial (qui#$ent - 5asis for Standards *equire$ents Tunable "iode Laser Moisture Anal0er P*A- %@%7-T9 ,orrosion ,ontrol "ou$ent - S'P ,,"-1 S'P 'as Treating =nits 1@2@3@4
2773 2774 277+
SA(*-2+! SA(*-22 SA(*-2! SA(*-33) SA(*-344 SaudiAramcoEngineeringStandards SA(S-A-%%4 SA(S-A-%%+ SA(S-A-%%7
277 2777 277! 277) 27!% 27!1 27!2 27!3 27!4 27!+ 27! 27!7
SA(S-A-%2% SA(S-A-1%% SA(S-A-1%2 SA(S-A-1%3 SA(S-A-1%4 SA(S-A-1%+ SA(S-A-1%) SA(S-A-111 SA(S-A-112 SA(S-A-113 SA(S-A-114 SA(S-A-11+
(qui#$ent S#eifi P><" Te$#lates (SPT9 Surve0 ,oordinates: "atu$Gs and "ata For$ats A$bient Air Bualit0 and Soure ($issions Standards "isarges to te Marine (nviron$ent 6astewater Treat$ent: *euse and "is#osal 8oise ,ontrol Site Planning for Pra0er Selters 5orrow Pit *equire$ents Meteorologial and Seis$i "esign "ata 'eotenial (ngineering *equire$ents (/avation and 5a&fill 'roundwater Monitoring 6ell "esign:
27!! 27!) 27)% 27)1 27)2 27)3 27)4 27)+ 27) 27)7 27)! 27)) 2!%% 2!%1 2!%2 2!%3 2!%4 2!%+ 2!% 2!%7
SA(S-A-2%2 SA(S-A-2%4 SA(S-A-2%+ SA(S-A-2% SA(S-A-2%7 SA(S-A-2%! SA(S-A-21% SA(S-A-3%2 SA(S-A-4%% SA(S-A-4%1 SA(S-A-4%3 SA(S-5-%%+ SA(S-5-%% SA(S-5-%%! SA(S-5-%%) SA(S-5-%14 SA(S-5-%17 SA(S-5-%1! SA(S-5-%1) SA(S-5-%+3
Saudi Ara$o (ngineering "rawing Pre#aration Pre#aration of Strutural ,alulations .ilfield ,e$ials Positive Material
'eneral *equire$ents for Pressure Testing Safet0
Page 11 of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 2!%! 2!%) 2!1% 2!11 2!12 2!13 2!14 2!1+ 2!1 2!17 2!1! 2!1)
SA(S-5-%+4 SA(S-5-%++ SA(S-5-%+7 SA(S-5-%+! SA(S-5-%% SA(S-5-%1 SA(S-5-%2 SA(S-5-%3 SA(S-5-%4 SA(S-5-%7 SA(S-5-%! SA(S-5-%)
Aess: (gress: and Materials andling for Plant Failities Plant La0out Safet0 *equire$entsE *efrigerated and Pressure Storage Tan&s and essels ($ergen0 Sutdown:
2 !2 % 2!21 2!22 2!23 2!24 2!2+ 2!2 2!27 2!2! 2!2) 2!3% 2!31 2!32 2!33 2!34 2!3+ 2!3 2!37 2!3! 2!3) 2!4% 2!41 2!42 2!43 2!44 2!4+ 2!4 2!47
S A( S-5 -%7 % SA(S-,-%%1 SA(S-"-%%1 SA(S-"-%%! SA(S-"-1%% SA(S-"-1%1 SA(S-"-1%! SA(S-"-1%) SA(S-"-11% SA(S-"-11 SA(S-(-%%4 SA(S-(-%% SA(S-(-%%7 SA(S-(-%14 SA(S-(-%1+ SA(S-(-1%1 SA(S-F-%%1 SA(S-F-%%7 SA(S-'-%%+ SA(S-'-%% SA(S-'-%%7 SA(S-'-1%1 SA(S-'-11+ SA(S-'-11 SA(S--%%1 SA(S--%%2 SA(S--%%2 SA(S--%%3
Fire and Safet0 *equire$ents for 5ul& Plants: Air Fueling Ter$inals and Sulfur andling Failities Proess "esign of Tra0s and Pa&ing "esign ,riteria for Pressure essels *e#airs: Alterations: and *e-rating of Proess (qui#$ent "esign ,riteria of At$os#eri and Low-Pressure Tan&s *egulated endors List for Pressure essels and Tan&s *e#air: Alteration and *eonstrution of Storage Tan&s "esign of S$all Metalli Storage Tan&s "esign of Fiberglass-*einfored Plasti F*P9 Storage Tan&s =nderground Storage Tan& S0ste$ "esign ,riteria of Sell and Tube eat (/angers "esign ,riteria of "ouble Pi#e eat (/angers "esign ,riteria of Air-,ooled eat (/angers "esign ,riteria of Plate and Fra$e eat (/angers "esign ,riteria of (letri eat (/angers *egulated endors List for eat Transfer (qui#$ent "esign ,riteria of Fired eaters S0ste$ "esign ,riteria of Flares ,entrifugal Pu$#s Positive "is#lae$ent Pu$#s - ,ontrolled olu$e Sub$ersible Pu$#s and Motors for 6ater 6ell and .ffsore Servie *egulated endors List for Pu$#s and Meanial Seals Lubriation: Saft Sealing and ,ontrol .il S0ste$s ,leanliness Standard for Lube@Seal .il and Fluid Power S0ste$s ,oating Seletion and A##liation *equire$ents for
2 !4 ! 2!4) 2!+% 2!+1
S A( S- -% %4 SA(S--1%1 SA(S--1%2 SA(S--2%%
Protetive ,oating Seletion and A##liation *equire$ents for .ffsore Strutures and Failities A##roved Saudi Ara$o "ata Seets - Paints and ,oatings Safet0 *equire$ents for ,oating A##liations Storage: andling and
2 !+ 2
S A( S- -2 %1
'eneral S#eifiations for .ver-te-"it (/ternal and
2!+3 2!+4 2!++ 2!+ 2!+7 2!+! 2!+) 2!% 2!1 2!2 2!3 2!4 2!+ 2! 2!7 2!! 2!)
SA(S--2%4 SA(S-<-%%1 SA(S-<-%%2 SA(S-?-%%1 SA(S-?-%%2 SA(S-?-%%3 SA(S-?-%%4 SA(S-?-%%+ SA(S-?-1%% SA(S-?-2%% SA(S-?-3%% SA(S-?-4%% SA(S-?-+%2 SA(S-?-+%4 SA(S-?-+%+ SA(S-?-%% SA(S-?-%1
'eneral S#eifiations and A##liation Proedures of eat-Srin& Sleeves to ,oated Pi#e (SP S0ste$ - "esign and Proure$ent (SP S0ste$ - Su##lier
2!7% 2!71 2!72 2!73 2!74 2!7+ 2!7 2!77 2!7! 2!7) 2!!% 2!!1 2!!2 2!!3 2!!4 2!!+
SA(S-?-%2 SA(S-?-%3 SA(S-?-%4 SA(S-?-%+ SA(S-?-%7 SA(S-?-7%% SA(S-?-!%1 SA(S-?-)%1 SA(S-?-)%2 SA(S-?-)%3 SA(S-?-)%4 SA(S-?-)%+ SA(S--%%1 SA(S--%%2 SA(S--%%3 SA(S--%11
5urner Manage$ent: ,o$bustion and 6aterside ,ontrol S0ste$s for 6atertube 5oilers Proess eaters Safet0 S0ste$s Protetive and ,ondition Monitoring (qui#$ent for *otating Mainer0 Surge *elief Protetion S0ste$s 5urner Manage$ent S0ste$s for S*= Trains ,ontrol alves ,ontrol 5uildings
Page 12 of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 2!! 2!!7
SA(S--1%% SA(S--1%1
Saudi Ara$o Meanial A,9 ,ode *egulated endors List for eating: entilating and Air ,onditioning A,9 (qui#$ent
2!!! 2!!)
SA(S--11% SA(S--11+
*egulated endors List for ,o$#ressors: (/#anders: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines *egulated endors List for ,o$bustion 'as Turbines
5asi Seletion of ,o$#ressors
,entrifugal ,o$#ressors
*ei#roating ,o$#ressors
2!)3 2!)4 2!)+ 2!) 2!)7 2!)! 2!)) 2)%% 2)%1 2)%2 2)%3 2)%4 2)%+ 2)% 2)%7 2)%! 2)%) 2)1% 2)11 2)12 2)13 2)14 2)1+ 2)1 2)17 2)1! 2)1) 2)2% 2)21 2)22 2)23 2)24 2)2+ 2)2 2)27 2)2! 2)2) 2)3% 2)31 2)32 2)33 2)34 2)3+ 2)3 2)37 2)3! 2)3) 2)4% 2)41 2)42 2)43 2)44 2)4+ 2)4 2)47
SA(S--+%1 SA(S--+%2 SA(S--+11 SA(S--%% SA(S-L-1%% SA(S-L-1%1 SA(S-L-1%2 SA(S-L-1%+ SA(S-L-1%! SA(S-L-1%) SA(S-L-11% SA(S-L-12% SA(S-L-12+ SA(S-L-131 SA(S-L-132 SA(S-L-133 SA(S-L-13 SA(S-L-14% SA(S-L-1+% SA(S-L-31% SA(S-L-3+% SA(S-L-41% SA(S-L-42% SA(S-L-44% SA(S-L-4+% SA(S-L-4% SA(S-L-1% SA(S-L-2% SA(S-L-+% SA(S-L-!1% SA(S-L-!+% SA(S-M-%%1 SA(S-M-%%+ SA(S-M-%% SA(S-M-%%) SA(S-M-1%% SA(S-8-%%1 SA(S-8-%%4 SA(S-8-1%% SA(S-8-11% SA(S-8-12% SA(S-8-13% SA(S-8-14% SA(S-.-2%1 SA(S-.-2%2 SA(S-.-2%3 SA(S-.-2%4 SA(S-.-2%+ SA(S-.-2% SA(S-.-2%7 SA(S-.-2%! SA(S-.-2%) SA(S-.-21% SA(S-.-211 SA(S-.-212
Stea$ Turbines ,o$bustion 'as Turbines "iesel (ngines Side-(ntr0 Mi/ers A##liable ,odes and Standards for Pressure Pi#ing S0ste$s *egulated endors List for Pi#es and Fittings *egulated endors List for alves Pi#ing Material S#eifiations Seletion of alves Seletion of Flanges: Stud 5olts and 'as&ets Li$itations on Pi#e ?oints and ,o$#onents Pi#ing Fle/ibilit0 Anal0sis Safet0
2)4! 2)4)
SA(S-P-1%% SA(S-P-1%1
5asi Power S0ste$ "esign ,riteria *egulated endors List for (letrial (qui#$ent
=PS and ", S0ste$s
6iring Metods and Materials
.veread "istribution S0ste$s
2)+3 2)+4
SA(S-P-111 SA(S-P-113
'rounding Motors and 'enerators
2)++ 2)+ 2)+7
SA(S-P-114 SA(S-P-11 SA(S-P-11)
Power S0ste$ and (qui#$ent Protetion Switgear and ,ontrol (qui#$ent .nsore Substations
Page 13 of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 2)+!
Transfor$ers and *eators
2)% 2)1 2)2 2)3 2)4 2)+ 2) 2)7 2)! 2)) 2)7% 2)71 2)72 2)73 2)74 2)7+ 2)7 2)77 2)7! 2)7) 2)!% 2)!1 2)!2 2)!3 2)!4 2)!+ 2)! 2)!7 2)!! 2)!) 2))% 2))1 2))2 2))3 2))4 2))+ 2)) 2))7 2))! 2))) 3%%% 3%%1 3%%2 3%%3 3%%4 3%%+ 3%% 3%%7 3%%! 3%%)
SA(S-P-12 SA(S-B-%%1 SA(S-B-%%4 SA(S-B-%%+ SA(S-B-%% SA(S-B-%%7 SA(S-B-%%) SA(S-B-%1% SA(S-B-%11 SA(S-B-%12 SA(S-*-%%4 SA(S-*-%%4A SA(S-*-%%45 SA(S-*-%%4, SA(S-S-%%7 SA(S-S-%1% SA(S-S-%2% SA(S-S-%3% SA(S-S-%4% SA(S-S-%+% SA(S-S-%% SA(S-S-%7% SA(S-T-%%% SA(S-T-%1! SA(S-T-1%1 SA(S-T-1+1 SA(S-T-3% SA(S-T-4!1 SA(S-T-4)2 SA(S-T-4)3 SA(S-T-4)4 SA(S-T-+%% SA(S-T-+21 SA(S-T-+++ SA(S-T-++ SA(S-T-+7% SA(S-T-%3 SA(S-T-24 SA(S-T-2+ SA(S-T-2! SA(S-T-2) SA(S-T-31 SA(S-T-32 SA(S-T-33 SA(S-T-34 SA(S-T-744 SA(S-T-7)+ SA(S-T-!2% SA(S-T-!3% SA(S-T-!!3
Power S0ste$ Auto$ation ,riteria for "esign and ,onstrution of ,onrete Strutures
3%1% 3%11 3%12 3%13 3%14 3%1+ 3%1 3%17 3%1! 3%1) 3%2% 3%21 3%22 3%23 3%24 3%2+ 3%2 3%27 3%2! 3%2) 3%3% 3%31 3%32 3%33 3%34 3%3+ 3%3 3%37
SA(S-T-!!7 SA(S-T-)%3 SA(S-T-)% SA(S-T-)11 SA(S-T-)12 SA(S-T-)14 SA(S-T-)1 SA(S-T-)1) SA(S-T-)2% SA(S-T-)2! SA(S-T-)3! SA(S-6-%1% SA(S-6-%11 SA(S-6-%12 SA(S-6-%13 SA(S-6-%14 SA(S-6-%1+ SA(S-6-%1 SA(S-6-%17 SA(S-6-%1) SA(S-H-3%% SA(S-H-4%% SA(S-H-+%% SA(S-H-%% SA(S-H-7%% SA(S-H-!%% SA(S-K-1%% SA(S-K-1%1
Teleo$$uniationsE (letrial ,oordination - Protetion at Power Plants and *adio Stations .utside Plant (letrial Protetion and 'rounding Teleo$$uniations - Strutural ,oordination Teleo$$uniation ,onduit S0ste$ "esign ,o$$uniations Feeder ,able ,o$uniations "istribution ,able ,o$$uniations 5uilding ,able Sub$arine Fiber .#ti ,able Teleo$$uniations ,able
Page 14 of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 3%3!
*o0alt0@,ustod0 Metering of 0droarbon Liquids
3%3) 3%4% 3%41 3%42 3%43 3%44 3%4+ 3%4 3%47
SA(S-K-3%1 SA(S-K-+%1 SA(S-;-%%% SA(S-;-%%1 SA(S-;-%%2 SA(S-;-%%3 SA(S-;-%%4 SA(S-;-%1% SA(S-;-%2% SmartDataSheets
*o0alt0@,ustod0 Measure$ent of 0droarbon Liquids using *adar Tan& 'auging S0ste$s "0na$i Sa$#ling of 0droarbon Liquids for *o0alt0@,ustod0 Transfers Proess ,ontrol Standards
"ata Sedule 1 - 14-SAMSS-+31: Power Transfor$ers
3%4) 3%+% 3%+1 3%+2 3%+3
S"S-((-14+3 S"S-((-1+%2 S"S-((-1+%3 S"S-((-1+%4 S"S-((-1+%
"ata Sedule - Atta$ent to 14-SAMSS-+3: Pad Mounted "istribution Transfor$ers Metal-(nlosed Low oltage Switgear Asse$blies 1-SAMSS-+%2 "ata Sedule 1-SAMSS-+%3 E
3%+4 3%++ 3%+
S"S-((-1+%! S"S-((-1+12 S"S-((-1+1!
"ata Sedule - 1-SAMSS-+%! E SF 'as
3%+7 3%+! 3%+) 3%%
S"S-((-1+2% S"S-((-1+21 S"S-((-17+%2 S"S-((-17+%3
,able 5us - 1-SAMSS-+2% "ata SeduleE 1-SAMSS-+21 E
"ata Sedule 17-SAMSS-+11 E Stationar0 Storage 5atteries
"ate Sedule - 17-SAMSS-+14E 5atter0 ,arger@*etifier
3%3 3%4 3%+ 3% 3%7 3%! 3%) 3%7% 3%71 3%72 3%73 3%74 3%7+ 3%7 3%77
S"S-((-17+1 S"S-((-17+1! S"S-((-17+2% S"S-L-1%% S"S-M(-%2714 S"S-M(-%271 S"S-M(-%2!21 S"S-M(-%4%%1 S"S-M(-%4%%2 S"S-M(-%4%+1 S"S-M(-%+4+ S"S-M(-%!%%) S"S-M(-%)+27 S"S-M(-%)+2! S"S-M(-%)++%
=ninterru#tible Power Su##l0 S0ste$ "ata Sedule - 17-SAMSS-+1!: "iesel 'enerator Sets 6ound S0nronous Motors ,arbon Steel Line Pi#e *equisition Sell and Tube eat (/anger Air-,ooled eat (/anger 5ased on AP< 1 +t (dD =DSD ,usto$ar0 =nits Safet0 6elding-(nd Steel Lubriated Plug alves Safet0 Test Lines ASM( 531D!9 Proess Fire eater Pressure essel "ata Seet Storage Tan& "ataseet AP< +% Storage Tan&9 6ater-Tube 5oiler
S#eial Pur#ose 'ear =nits - 13-SAMSS-%%1
,entrifugal ,o$#ressor - 31-SAMSS-%%1
*ei#roating ,o$#ressor for Proess Air or 'as Servie - 31-SAMSS-%%3
'eneral Pur#ose Stea$ Turbine - 32-SAMSS-%%)
3%!3 3%!4 3%!+
S"S-*(-32%1% S"S-*(-321%% S"S-S(-M%%) ProessI
S#eial Pur#ose Stea$ Turbine - 32-SAMSS-%1% ,o$bustion 'as Turbine S$art "ata Seet 5last "esign *equire$ents 5"*9 - SA(S-M-%%)
3%! 3%!7 3%!! 3%!) 3%)% 3%)1 3%)2 3%)3 3%)4 3%)+ 3%) 3%)7 3%)! 3%)) 31%% 31%1 31%2 31%3 31%4
Strutural "esign ,riteria 5last *esistant 5uilding "esign ,riteria Augered ,ast-in-Plae Piles "esign 'uidelines 'uidelines for Tan& Foundation "esigns ertial essel Foundation "esign 'uide eat (/anger and oriontal essel Foundation "esign 'uide Anor 5olt "esign 'uide 'rating "esign 'uide essel ,irular Platfor$ "etail 'uidelines Fabriation and
Page 1+ of 34
List of Active Engineering Standards Documents Due Date (March 31 2012) 31%+ 31% 31%7 31%! 31%) 311% 3111 3112 3113 3114
STS%3%%1 STS%3%% STS%3%1 STS%+12% STS%+13% TA%%%%4!7 (,TA%%1 (,1%%1 ("5<%%3 ("ST%%3
Plain and *einfored ,onrete S#eifiation 8onsrin& ,e$enttitious 'rout S#eifiation (#o/0 'rout S#eifiation Fabriation of Strutural and Misellaneous Steel S#eifiation (retion of Strutural and Misellaneous Steel S#eifiation ,o$#l0 wit te ,
311+ 311 3117 311! 311) 312% 3121 3122 3123 3124 312+ 312
("TA%%3 ("TA%3" ("1%%3 (F11%% (F11%%M (F21%% (F31%% (F41%% (F+1%% (F1%% (F71%% (S5<%%2
At$os#eri Storage tan& "ata Seet and T eat (/anger Standard "etails =DSD ,usto$ar0 =nits9 essel@S>T eat (/anger Standard "etails Metri =nits9 essels@S>T eat (/angers Misellaneous "etails essels@S>T eat (/angers essels Su##orts "etails essels@S>T eat (/angers "avits and inges "etails essels@S>T eat (/angers T eat (/angers T eat (/angers "etails "esign and S#eifiation of essels for 5ul& Solids
3127 312! 312)
(SF'%%1 (SP%%1 (SLP%%1
Fiberglass Tan& and essel Seletion: "esign: and Fabriation S#eifiation ASM( *TP-1 and Setion H air#in eat (/anger S#eifiation S#eifiation for Low-Pressure: 6elded: So#-Fabriated essels
313% 3131 3132 3133 3134 313+ 313
(SSM%%1 (SST%%1 (STA%%2 (S1%%2 (S1%%3 <"-3%%% <"-!3+
S#eifiation for S$all Pressure essels and eat (/angers wit Li$ited "esign ,onditions Sell and Tube eat (/anger S#eifiation At$os#eri Storage Tan& S#eifiation in aordane wit AP< Standard +%9 essel Fabriation S#eifiation: ASM( ,ode Setion <<<: "ivisions 1 and 2 S#eial Fabriation *equire$ents for 6elded essels and Tan&s to be Lined *equest for Monitoring of ,ontratorGs Soure
Page 1 of 34
ommittee !it"e
#ssue Date
21-?=8-%) 2)-?A8-12 %4-MA*-12 14-"(,-11 2!-?=8-1% %-?=8-11 2-?A8-%) 13-"(,-11 13-"(,-11 %)-A='-%) 27-AP*-11 %4-MA*-12 2+-.,T-11 %1-"(,-1% %-?A8-%) 27-"(,-%! 1!-A='-%) 2!-?=8-1% 24-A='-11 %4-?A8-12 13-"(,-11 %1-?A8-12 23-?A8-12 %+-MA*-12 %-S(P-11 %1-8.-1% 21-?=8-%) %-F(5-12 22-MAK-1% 24-?A8-12 1%-?=8-!) 27-8.-1% 3%-?=8-%2 31-MAK-)2 3%-8.-%2 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2 %1-8.-! 3%-S(P-%2 3%-?A8-%2 17-F(5-!7 1!-8.-) %2-8.-) 3%-S(P-%2 %1-"(,-) %1-"(,-) 17-MAK-!7 %1-AP*-) %1-AP*-) 2-"(,-1% 3%-S(P-%2 %1-"(,-) %1-"(,-) 2%-MAK-! %+-?=8-)+ 27-?A8-)3 %4-MAK-)3
%1-?=L-)) %1-.,T-)) %3-?A8-))
%3-?A8-)) 31-"(,-)) 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2
3%-S(P-%2 3%-8.-) 3%-8.-) 3%-8.-) 3%-8.-) 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2 3%-MAK-%1
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3%-8.-) %1-"(,-) 3%-8.-) 3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2
3%-S(P-%2 3%-S(P-%2
3%-S(P-%2 31-A='-%+ %1-?=L-)) %1-?=L-)) 3%-8.-) 3%-8.-) %1-?=L-)) %1-?=L-)) %1-?=L-)) %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1%
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Page 1! of 34
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines
%1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1%
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers
%1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1%
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines ,ivil ,ivil
%1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1%
,ustod0 Measure$ent
%1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% 2)-MAK-11 1!-AP*-11 %1-8.-1%
%1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1%
Page 1) of 34
%1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1%
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,ustod0 Measure$ent
,ustod0 Measure$ent
,ustod0 Measure$ent
1!-AP*-11 %1-8.-1% %1-MA*-)) %!-MA*-%) %!-MA*-%) %1-MA*-)) %!-MA*-%) %!-MA*-%)
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation essels Pi#ing ,ivil ,ivil ,ivil ,ivil A, A, eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent
%1-MA*-)) %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-)% %1-.,T-)% %1-.,T-)% %1-8.-)! %1-?A8-)1 %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% 3%-?=L-%3 %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1% %1-8.-1%
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision
Page 2% of 34
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision
essels essels eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers
23-MA*-)7 23-MA*-)7 23-MA*-)7 23-MA*-)7 1)-?=L-)! 23-MA*-)7 23-MA*-)7 23-MA*-)7 23-MA*-)7 31-MAK-%)
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
1)-?=L-)! 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ %-MA*-%7 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
22-8.-%+ %1-MA*-%) 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 22-8.-%+ 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-%
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent Motors and 'enerators (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent ,atodi Protetion
2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 3%-?=8-%4 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% %1-S(P-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 2%-MA*-% 1)-?=L-)!
Page 21 of 34
,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion
1)-?=L-)! 1)-?=L-)! 1)-?=L-)! 1)-?=L-)! 1)-?=L-)! 1)-?=L-)! 1)-?=L-)!
,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion
1)-?=L-)! 1)-?=L-)! 1)-?=L-)!
M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD
3 1-? =L -% + 12-MA*-11 %-MA*-11 12-MA*-11 12-MA*-11 12-MA*-11
Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l (nerg0 .#ti$iation > ,ogeneration ,ivil M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD .ter Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l .ter Tra0s and Pa&ing Proess "esign
1-MA*-11 1-MA*-11 11 -A P* -% 7 % !-S (P -% ) % 1-? =L -% 7 2 +-? =8 -% 7 2 7-A P* -% ! % !-M A* -1 % 1 2-M A* -% ! % -S (P -% ! 2 +-A =' -% ! 12-MA*-11 2!-F(5-%) % -? A8- %) 1 7-? =L -1 % 1 4-S (P -% ) 2 7-? A8- 1% 12-MA*-11 %+-?=L-1% 1!-S(P-11 % 4-" (, -11 12-F(5-12 2)-?=8-11
essels eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent ,onsulting Servies "e#tD
27-MA*-%! 23-8.-1% 2%-AP*-1% %7-F(5-%7
eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD
%+-.,T-%! 14-8.-1% 2+-?=L-%) 31-.,T-%4 31-.,T-%4 2)-"(,-%4 22-A='-1%
,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers ,onsulting Servies "e#tD Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers
3%-MA*-%+ 31-?=L-%+ 31-?A8-% 31-?A8-% 14-AP*-%7 1)-?=L-%! %1-?=L-%7 %!-.,T-%7 %!-?=8-%! 1-8.-%! 2%-.,T-%) 11-MAK-1%
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines ,onsulting Servies "e#tD
2+-.,T-1% 1!-.,T-1%
Paints and ,oatings
Paints and ,oatings Paints and ,oatings
21-MA*-1% 2%-F(5-11 3%-?A8-11 %+-?=8-11 17-MAK-%) 11-?=L-%7 %1-AP*-%) 11-8.-%7
Page 22 of 34
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines Pi#ing Pi#ing M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l
%7-MAK-11 2!-?A8-%7 1)-MAK-%7 % )-? A8- 1%
M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l Pi#ing Pi#ing M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing .ffsore Strutures .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD (letrial Substations (qui#$ent ,onsulting Servies "e#tD
% )-? A8- 1% %+-S(P-%) 31-?A8-1% 2 )-M A* -1 % 2 )-M A* -1 % %!-A='-1% %1-8.-11 1!-F(5-12 11-MAK-%! 31-MAK-%+ 11-8.-% 31-MAK-% %+-?=8-% 3%-?=8-% %3-AP*-1% 2!-.,T-%
,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD (letrial Substations (qui#$ent Motors and 'enerators (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
%!-.,T-% 21-?A8-%7 1+-?A8-%7 %3-?A8-%) %7-?A8-%!
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation (letrial Substations (qui#$ent Motors and 'enerators Motors and 'enerators (letrial Substations (qui#$ent Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Motors and 'enerators Motors and 'enerators (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
11-"(,-%7 13-?A8-%! 1%-?=8-%! %7-?A8-%! 12-MAK-%! 12-MA*-11 22-8.-%) %3-?A8-%) 1+-F(5-11
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
%-"(,-%) 1+-F(5-1% %)-MA*-1%
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
23-F(5-1% 11-?=8-11 2-MA*-11
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis Motors and 'enerators
2!-MAK-11 31-"(,-11
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures ,onsulting Servies "e#tD .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures ,ivil ,o$$uniations 6elding 6elding ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion
%-S(P-11 24-MAK-%) 31-?A8-%+ 3%-AP*-%+ %-8.-%7 2-MA*-%! %2-.,T-% 3%-?=L-%! 2!-F(5-%+ 2%-S(P-1% 1+-S(P-1% 2)-8.-11 31-MA*-%! 14-"(,-11 24-S(P-%7 2-8.-%7 %1-AP*-12
,atodi Protetion Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol
2+-A='-1% %2-?A8-12 %)-MA*-1% 17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7
Page 23 of 34
Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess
,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol
17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7
Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess ,ontrol
17-8.-%7 17-8.-%7 11-?A8-%) 24-.,T-%) %)-MA*-1% %)-MA*-1% %)-MA*-1% %)-MA*-1% 21-8.-% 23-.,T-11
Failities Planning "e#tD Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l
3%-?=8-%4 3%-AP*-%7 % 2-A =' -11 2 3-A =' -11 % 1-8 .-11 1)-A='-%! 1 2-? A8- %) 1)-?A8-1% %2-.,T-1%
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision
17-F(5-1% 21-AP*-%) 22-AP*-%) 22-AP*-%) 14-?=8-%) 2-AP*-%) 2-AP*-%) 27-AP*-%) 27-AP*-%) %-?=8-%) %-?=8-%) %-?=8-%) %-?=8-%) %-?=8-%) %-?=8-%) %-?=8-%) %-?=8-%) %-?=8-%) 14-?=8-%) 31-?=L-1% %1-?=L-%! %4-?=L-1% %1-?=L-%! 2-AP*-%) 21-A='-11 %!-"(,-1% 1)-MAK-%) 1)-MAK-%) %!-MAK-11 %!-MAK-11 2%-S(P-%! %2-A='-%) %2-A='-%) %2-A='-%) 1%-?=L-11 1+-MA*-1% 1+-.,T-%! 1)-?=8-11 1-S(P-%!
Paints and ,oatings Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD Standards ,oordination
%4-S(P-11 %-F(5-11 21-MA*-12 1+-.,T-%!
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision (nviron$ental ,onsulting Servies "e#tD Standards ,oordination Proess ,ontrol Failities Planning "e#tD (letrial Substations (qui#$ent Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD
17-F(5-1% %3-MA*-%) %4-?A8-% %4-MA*-%) %)-.,T-1% 1+-8.-11 31-MAK-11 13-F(5-11
Page 24 of 34
Training and "evelo#$ent Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol
27-A='-11 1+-MAK-1% 1+-MAK-1% 24-.,T-%) 24-.,T-%)
Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess Proess
1!-?A8-12 1-S(P-%) 1-S(P-%) 1-S(P-%) 1-S(P-%) 1-S(P-%) 1-S(P-%) 14-S(P-%) 31-?=L-11
,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol ,ontrol
Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD (nviron$ental M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD
12-?=L-1% 31-"(,-%! 2 3-A =' -11 %7-?=L-%) 12-.,T-1% %7-S(P-11 12-AP*-1% 2!-AP*-%) 22-MAK-11 1+-A='-% 24-.,T-%) 22-AP*-%7 1)-?=L-%) %7-S(P-11 24-8.-1%
Standards ,oordination
Standards ,oordination Standards ,oordination Standards ,oordination ,onsulting Servies "e#tD
%!-MAK-11 %4-?A8-%) %4-?A8-%) 13-"(,-11
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision Pi#ing Pi#ing Strategi Purasing "e#tD Pi#ing Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD
17-F(5-1% 2)-?=8-%+ 2)-?=8-%+ 1%-AP*-11 1!-?A8-11 1)-8.-%! 14-MA*-12 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%!
Proet > Proet > Proet > Proet > Proet > Proet >
"e#tD "e#tD "e#tD "e#tD "e#tD "e#tD
1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%!
Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD
1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%!
Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD
1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%!
Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Proet > Strategi Purasing "e#tD Pi#ing
1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 1)-8.-%! 13-S(P-%) %4-A='-%! %4-A='-%! %)-?=8-1% %4-A='-%! 13-MAK-%7 14-F(5-11 %1-?=L-%! %1-?=L-%! %1-?=L-%! 27-S(P-%) 2)-?=L-%)
(nviron$ental Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD
1%-MA*-1% 27-AP*-11
Strategi Strategi Strategi Strategi Strategi Strategi
Purasing Purasing Purasing Purasing Purasing Purasing
Page 2+ of 34
Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion
23-8.-%+ 23-8.-%+ 23-8.-%+ 2+-"(,-11 2+-"(,-11 13-"(,-11 31-?=L-%4
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision eat Transfer (qui#$ent (nviron$ental (nviron$ental Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers
12-AP*-1% 1%-MA*-%) 11-MAK-1% %+-?=8-1% 2-?=L-%)
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision
17-F(5-1% %2-A='-%) 2 3-? A8- 12 1%-S(P-11
M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l Proess ,ontrol alves
2 3-? =L -11 24-.,T-%) %2-"(,-1%
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis Pi#ing 6elding ig < nt eg ri t0 Pro te t iv e S 0s te $ M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l
12-S(P-%) %7-8.-% 2%-.,T-%) % )-. ,T- 1% 11 -A P* -% ) 1 2-? =L -11
(nviron$ental ,ustod0 Measure$ent Failities Planning "e#tD Paints and ,oatings Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers
%!-"(,-1% %2-?A8-12 2+-?=8-11 31-MAK-%+ 23-"(,-%) %1-"(,-%) %-S(P-11
.nsore Strutures Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD Proess ,ontrol 6elding (nviron$ental (nviron$ental
1%-MA*-%) 24-AP*-11 1+-?A8-11 22-.,T-11 1-MA*-%) 17-MAK-11 1%-S(P-11 %-S(P-11 %-S(P-11 %-S(P-11 2!-8.-11 %-S(P-11 1%-AP*-11 2!-?A8-12 2!-?A8-12 3%-8.-11 3%-8.-11 1+-MA*-1%
Flow Assurane Flow Assurane ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations Proess ,ontrol ,o$$uniations
13-?=8-1% 2-?=8-1% %-S(P-11 1+-MAK-1% %-S(P-11 %1-?=8-%! 2+-MA*-12 %-8.-1%
,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD Flare S0ste$s "esign .ffsore Strutures .ffsore Strutures Loss Prevention
%1-"(,-!2 1!-S(P-!4 %1-A='-!+ %)-?=L-%7 %)-?=L-%7 24-MAK-%3
Loss Prevention
Loss Prevention
Loss Prevention .ter ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD
%7-.,T-) 12-F(5-)7 27-F(5-%2 31-.,T-%4 %1-?=L-%7 2)-"(,-))
Page 2 of 34
Motors and 'enerators .ffsore Strutures
1+-A='-11 %)-?=L-%7 11-S(P-%% 1 %-F( 5-% 2 21-.,T-%1 31-"(,-%1 3 %-? =8 -% 3
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD Motors and 'enerators
2!-F(5-%+ 31-.,T-%4 31-.,T-%4 1+-A='-11
,onsulting Servies "e#tD Motors and 'enerators
31-.,T-%4 1+-A='-11
.nsore Strutures
.nsore Strutures ig < nt eg ri t0 Pro te t iv e S 0s te $ ,onsulting Servies "e#tD ,onsulting Servies "e#tD
2!-F(5-% 3 1-" (, -% + %1-MA*-% %1-?=L-%
Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD Loss Prevention Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD
22-MAK-%7 1)-MAK-%7 11-?=L-%7
Fire Protetion "e#tD Fire Protetion "e#tD Fire Protetion "e#tD Fire Protetion "e#tD Fire Protetion "e#tD Fire Protetion "e#tD A, Proess ,ontrol
1-8.-%! 1-8.-%! 1-8.-%! 1-8.-%! 1%-A='-%! 1%-A='-%! 1)-AP*-%! 24-F(5-%! %7-?=L-%! 23-8.-%! 14-?=L-%) 14-AP*-1%
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision A, ,onsulting Servies "e#tD Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l
1+-S(P-1% 31-MA*-1% %1-8.-11 %+-S(P-11 2 !-M AK- 11
3%-?A8-11 21-MA*-1% 2 7-S (P -11
(qui#$ent S#eifi P><" Te$#lates (SPT9 Proet Manage$ent .ffie "e#tD (nviron$ental (nviron$ental (nviron$ental (nviron$ental .nsore Strutures (nviron$ental (nviron$ental .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures (nviron$ental
%-AP*-%! 3%-AP*-%7 1%-MA*-1% %-S(P-11 2!-"(,-11 1)-AP*-1% 2!-S(P-%! 2%-8.-%7 %7-"(,-11 11-MAK-%) 23-F(5-1% 2%-8.-%7
(ngineering nowledge > *esoures "ivision .nsore Strutures M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l Proess and ,ontrol S0ste$s "e#tD M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l (nviron$ental Ter$inal "e#tD
%)-?=8-1% 2!-AP*-%) 1 %-M A* -1 2 3 %-A P* -11 1!-F(5-%! 1 7-8 .-% ! 12-AP*-11 12-.,T-%) 23-?A8-11 1+-MAK-11 3%-?=8-1% 14-?=8-11 2%-8.-11 1+-AP*-%) 1+-MA*-% 2)-F(5-%4 1+-MA*-% 17-MAK-11 14-MAK-11 2%-S(P-%!
Page 27 of 34
Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss
Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention Prevention
2)-A='-1% 2+-MA*-12 2)-A='-1% 2)-A='-1% 23-?A8-12 22-?=8-%! 23-?=L-%) 2)-A='-1% 11-MAK-11 17-F(5-1% 2!-AP*-%) 23-?A8-12
Loss Prevention Tra0s and Pa&ing Proess "esign essels essels essels essels essels essels essels (nviron$ental eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent Flare S0ste$s "esign Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Lubriation S0ste$s and Lubriants Paints and ,oatings Paints and ,oatings Paints and ,oatings Paints and ,oatings
%-F(5-12 14-8.-%) 13-"(,-11 17-MAK-11 2)-?A8-11 27-S(P-11 2)-?A8-11 13-"(,-11 13-"(,-11 12-AP*-1% 3%-MA*-%+ 1!-MAK-%) 31-MAK-%+ 1!-MAK-%) 1!-MAK-%) %!-8.-% 2)-?=8-1% 1%-?=L-11 2!-?=L-%) 3%-8.-%! 13-.,T-%! 11-.,T-%) 2!-?=L-%) 17-MA*-%) 1%-AP*-11 %!-MAK-11 13-"(,-11 12-.,T-%+
Paints Paints Paints Paints
and ,oatings and ,oatings and ,oatings and ,oatings
%7-?=L-1% 1)-AP*-%) 11-A='-%7 24-.,T-11
Paints and ,oatings
Paints and ,oatings (letri Sub$ersible Pu$# (letri Sub$ersible Pu$#
2+-.,T-11 2-AP*-11 2-AP*-11 1%-"(,-11 %!-?A8-12 2+-MA*-12 1%-"(,-11 27-F(5-12 22-?A8-12 %!-.,T-%! 2+-"(,-11 1%-.,T-11 %4-MAK-11 17-?A8-12 2-?A8-%) 22-S(P-1% %!-F(5-%)
2)-F(5-12 2!-?=8-1% 1+-.,T-11 %-S(P-%! %4-MA*-12 %-S(P-11 2-"(,-1% 2)-?=8-%) %-S(P-11 2-?A8-1% 22-S(P-1% 31-MAK-11 1%-MA*-12 31-MAK-%4 1)-"(,-1% 27-MA*-12
Page 2! of 34
A, A,
31-MAK-%4 13-"(,-11
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines
1+-?=8-11 21-8.-%)
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines Pu$#s: Seals and Mi/ers Pi#ing M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l alves Pi#ing alves Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l M at eri al s an d , orr os io n , on tro l Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing .nsore Strutures Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing Pi#ing .ffsore Strutures .nsore Strutures .ffsore Strutures ,ivil .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures eat Transfer (qui#$ent .nsore Strutures eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0 Safet0 and Seurit0
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(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
%1-MA*-11 1-S(P-%!
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation Motors and 'enerators
%2-MA*-11 21-8.-%)
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
1)-.,T-%! %+-.,T-%) %+-.,T-%)
Page 2) of 34
(letrial Substations (qui#$ent
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation ,ivil .ffsore Strutures .nsore Strutures ,ivil .nsore Strutures .nsore Strutures ,ivil ,ivil ,ivil Aritetural (ngineering Aritetural (ngineering Aritetural (ngineering Aritetural (ngineering (nviron$ental Plu$bing and =tilities Plu$bing and =tilities ,ivil Plu$bing and =tilities Plu$bing and =tilities Plu$bing and =tilities Plu$bing and =tilities ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations
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,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations ,o$$uniations 6elding 6elding 6elding 6elding 6elding 6elding 6elding 6elding 6elding ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,atodi Protetion ,ustod0 Measure$ent ,ustod0 Measure$ent
12-?=8-11 12-?=8-11 %7-?=8-11 1+-?A8-11 %!-?=8-11 1-?=8-1% 12-?=8-11 31-?A8-1% 14-F(5-%) 2%-MAK-%) 1%-MA*-%) %4-.,T-%) %4-.,T-%) %+-.,T-%) 1+-"(,-%) 13-"(,-11 13-"(,-11 %4-.,T-%) 13-"(,-11 1%-.,T-11 %2-S(P-%) 13-"(,-11 %2-S(P-%) %2-S(P-%) %7-.,T-%) %2-S(P-%) 1!-?A8-12 31-MAK-11
Page 3% of 34
,ustod0 Measure$ent
,ustod0 Measure$ent ,ustod0 Measure$ent Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol Proess ,ontrol
%-S(P-11 %2-MAK-%) 24-.,T-%) 2+-.,T-1% 23-?A8-12 24-.,T-%) 2+-.,T-1% 1%-S(P-11 24-.,T-%)
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-%
(letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent (letrial Substations (qui#$ent
2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-%
(letrial S0ste$s "esigns and Auto$ation (letrial Substations (qui#$ent Motors and 'enerators Motors and 'enerators
2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-%
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis
=PS: ", S0ste$s and Power (letronis Motors and 'enerators Motors and 'enerators Pi#ing eat Transfer (qui#$ent eat Transfer (qui#$ent Pi#ing alves alves alves Pi#ing eat Transfer (qui#$ent essels essels eat Transfer (qui#$ent
2+-AP*-% 2+-MAK-% 2+-AP*-% 1+-A='-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 31-?A8-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 31-?A8-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-% 2+-AP*-%
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines
,o$#ressors: 'ears and Stea$ Turbines 'as Turbines and "iesel (ngines .nsore Strutures
2+-AP*-% 27-F(5-%7 2+-AP*-%
.ter Standards ,oordination .ter .ter .ter .ter Standards ,oordination .ter .ter Standards ,oordination .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter
%1-S(P-%7 %1-.,T-% 2)-?=8-%+ 2)-?=8-%+ %1-S(P-%7 %1-?=L-%7 %1-.,T-% %1-.,T-%7 2)-?=8-%+ %1-.,T-% %1-F(5-%2 %1-AP*-%2 31-A='-%3 31-A='-%4 3%-8.-% %1-.,T-)) %1-S(P-%! %1-?=8-%2 2)-?=8-%+
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.ter .ter .ter .ter .ter ,o$$uniations .ter .ter .ter .ter
3%-MAK-%7 %1-?=8-%2 %1-.,T-%1 %1-?A8-%2 %1-F(5-%2 %3-.,T-%) %1-F(5-%2 2!-F(5-%7 %1-F(5-%2 2!-F(5-%7
.ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter .ter
%1-?=8-%2 %1-?=8-%2 2!-F(5-%7 2!-F(5-%7 2!-F(5-%7 %1-F(5-%2 %1-F(5-%2 %1-F(5-%2 %1-F(5-%2 %1-F(5-%2 %1-F(5-%2 %1-F(5-%2
.ter .ter .ter
31-MA*-%7 %1-AP*-%! %1-S(P-%7
.ter .ter .ter .ter .ter
%1-S(P-%7 2!-F(5-%7 %1-?=8-%% 2!-F(5-%7 %1-S(P-%! %1-MAK-)7 31-"(,-)7
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