about Jo. Use the verbs in the past. 3 Write about
� Oxford
University Press
have 1 After schoo on !onday and "uesday Jo ____________ to footba cub. 2 On Wednesday she ____________ a s#immin$ esson. 3 On "hursday it #as %am&s birthday party. Jo ____________ '(appy )irthday&* 4 %he ____________ %am a card and a present. 5 After schoo on +riday she ____________ any#here. %he stayed at home*
� Oxford
University Press
)nit 5 Test
(eading and +riting Test 4 ,ead and #rite T true- or . false-. %ophie and %u-ie are best friends. "hey both ive in Oxford and $o to the same schoo. Usuay they do everythin$ to$ether. "hey sometimes #atch fims they sometimes $o horse ridin$ and they sometimes pay tennis. /esterday #as %ophie&s birthday. %he had a party. (er friends came to the party. "hey said Happy Birthday and $ave her presents. )ut yesterday %u-ie had a headache. %he didn&t $o to %ophie&s party. %he stayed at home. (er mum oo0ed after her. )ut she phoned %ophie and said Happy Birthday . %he $ave %ophie her present 1 the next day. And %ophie $ave her a present too to say Get Well Soon!
1 %ophie and %u-ie $o to the same schoo. 2 "hey never do anythin$ to$ether. 3 "hey sometimes $o horse ridin$. 4 "hey never #atch fims. 5 /esterday #as %ophie&s birthday. ' %he didn&t have a party. / %u-ie stayed at home. 0 (er sister oo0ed after her. %u-ie $ave %ophie her present the next day. 1 %ophie $ave %u-ie a present to say Happy Birthday .