2 Pedestrian Bridge Master Report

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Criterios de projeto de passarela de pedestres

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The article gives a inside view of single span (67m long) pedestrian truss bridge in RRL project.Full description

The article gives a inside view of single span (67m long) pedestrian truss bridge in RRL project.Descripción completa

Pedestrian Bridge Design Aashto 2015 Interim

Pedestrian Bridge Design Aashto 2015 Interim

Pedestrian Bridge Design Aashto 2015 Interim

A technical report I made in 2012 about a bridge truss design.Full description

The objective of this project was to design and construct the lightest bridge that can hold the greatest load, composed solely of Popsicle sticks and all-purpose glue. The objectives, requir…Full description

Bridge Building Lab Report analyzing tension, strain, etc. when building model bridges with sensors on them.

Arch is sometimes defined as a curved structural member spanning an opening and serving as a support for the loads above the opening. This definition omits a description of what type of structural ...Full description