ENZYMES 413. Adenylate cyclase is activated y (A) Insulin (B) Glucagon (C) Prostaglandi n E1 (D) Ca2+ ions 414. Maximum enzyme activity is o served at (A) Acidic pH (C) Basic pH (B) Neutral pH (D) Optimum pH 165 422. A su strate for the enzyme aldolase is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) gala ctose-6-phosphate isocitric acid Glucose-1-phosphate Fructose 1, 6 diphosphate T hiamine pyrophosphate, FAD, NAD+ Flavin mononucleotide NADP+ NAD+ only (B) Panto thenic acid (D) Thiamine 423. Decar oxylation of α-keto
cids requires
415. Which of the following is known s one forming enzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Alk line phosph t se Acid phosph t se Leucine minopeptid se γ lutam yl transpeptidase Intra molecular rearran ement Breakin of hydro en bonds Coval ent modification Polymerisation 424. Coenzyme A contains the vitamin: (A) Riboflavin (C) Pyridoxine 416. Conversion of pepsino en to pepsin is 425. Which of the followin is not a component of coenzyme A? (A) Adenylic acid (B) Pantothenic acid (C) β -mercaptoethylamine (D) Deoxyadenylic acid 426. Malic e nzyme convers malic acid, in the presence of NADP+ to Pyruvic acid. This reactio n is a/an (A) (B) (C) (D) Decar oxylation Decar oxylation and Dehydrogenation De hydrogenation Oxidation 417. Which of the follo ing is not having an apoenzyme and coenzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D) Lactate dehydrogenase Succinate dehydrogenase Malate dehydrogenase Pepsin ( B) Lyase (D) Oxido reductase 418. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is a/an (A) Isomerase (C) Ligase (A) (B) (C) (D) 419. Homogentisic oxidase is an Oxidase Monooxygenase Dioxygenase Anaerotic dehy drogenase 427. The follo ing reaction is characteristic of hat type of enzymes? 2H2O2 → 2H2 O + O2 (A) (B) (C) (D) Peroxides Catalase Dehydrogenase Copper containing oxidas es 420. Isocitrate dehydrogenase can use __________ as a cofactor. (B) NADP+ only ( A) NAD+ only (C) NAD+ or NADP+ (D) FMN and FAD 421. The rate of most enzyme cata lysed reactions changes ith pH. As the pH increases, this rate (A) (B) (C) (D) reaches a minimum, then increases reaches a maximum, then decreases increases de creases 428. Of Which ar urg’s yello enzyme contains as a prosthetic group? (A) (B) (C) (D) Thiamine pyrophosphate Biotin NAD+ Ri oflavin-5-phosphate 429. Dehydrogenases utilize, as coenzymes, all of the follo ing except (A) NAD+ (C) FAD (B) NADP+ (D) FH4
166 430. Urea is produced physiologically y the action of the enzyme: (A) Urease (C ) Arginase 431. Urease is a (A) Lyase (C) Isomerase (B) Ligase (D) Hydrolase (B) Glutaminase (D) None of these MCQs IN BIOCHEMISTRY 438. Immo ilized enzymes: (A) (B) (C) (D) Potentiation of activity Presentation of activity Preparation of activity All of these 439. This catalyzes formation of CoA derivatives from fatty acid, CoA and ATP: ( A) (B) (C) (D) Acyl CoA dehydrogenase Enoyl hydrase β-OH acyl CoA dehydrogenase Th io kinase 432. Velocity maximum for an enzyme at half the su strate concentration gives (A ) (B) (C) (D) The molecular eight of the enzyme Km value Isoelectric pH Pk valu e 440. Fructose 2, 3 i phosphate is a po erful allosteric activator of (A) (B) (C ) (D) Fructose 1, 6 diphosphatase Phosphofructokinase Hexokinase Fructokinase 433. Which of the follo ing amino acid has een sho n as one of the active site of phosphoglucomutase? (A) Lysine (C) Serine (B) Tyrosine (D) Histidine 441. ‘Clearing factor’ is (A) (B) (C) (D) Lipoprotein lipase Crotonase 7-dehydro cho lesterol β-sitosterol (B) β-glucosides (D) Dextrins 434. The inhi ition of succinate dehydrogenase y malonate y (A) (B) (C) (D) Co mpetitive inhi ition Non-competitive inhi ition Uncompetitive inhi ition Feed ac k inhi ition 442. Maltase attacks only (A) α-glucosides (C) St rch 443. Pepsin is (A) Exo-pepti d se (B) Endo-peptid se (C) C r oxy peptid se(D) Amino peptid se 444. An enzyme in s liv which hydrolyzes st rch is (A) Pepsinogen (C) α-Amyl se (B) Chymotrysin (D) M l te 435. Co mide coenzymes min B12
re (A) Vit min B1 (C) Pyridoxine (B) Ri ofl vin (D) Vit
436. The isozyme CK-MB is specific lly incre sed in the lood of p tients who h d (A) (B) (C) (D) Skelet l muscle dise se Recent myoc rdi l inf rction Infective hep titis Myxoedem 437. FAD cont ining enzyme, c t lyzing form tion of α, β uns tur ted f tty cyl CoA deriv tive. (A) (B) (C) (D) Acyl CoA dehydrogen se Enoyl hydr se β-OH cyl CoA deh ydrogen se Thiol se 445. If coenzyme is required in n enzyme re ction, the former usu lly h s the function of (A) Acting s n cceptor for one of the cle v ge products of the s u str te (B) Enh ncing the specificity of the po enzyme (C) Incre sing the num er of receptor sites of the po enzyme (D) Activ ting the su str te
ENZYMES 446. The Mich ehis-Menten hypothesis: (A) Postul tes the form tion of n enzyme su str te complex (B) En les us to c lcul te the isoelectric point of n enzyme (C) St tes th t the r te of chemic l re ction m y e independent of su str te concentr tion (D) St tes th t the re ction r te is proportion l to su str te co ncentr tion 447. Sch rdinger’s enzyme is (A) L ct te dehydrogen se (B) X nthine de hydrogen se (C) Uric oxid se (D) L mino cid dehydrogen se 448. Tryptoph n pyro l se is currently known s (A) Tryptoph n de min se (B) Tryptoph n dioxygen se ( C) Tryptoph n mono oxygen se (D) Tryptoph n dec r oxyl se 449. An enzyme which rings out lysis of cteri l cell w ll is (A) Amyl se (C) Trypsin (B) Lysozyme (D) Lip se 167 (B) Ch nging the specificity of the enzyme for the su str te (C) Ch nging the co nform tion of the enzyme y inding to site other th n c t lytic site (D) Ch n ging the n ture of the products formed 454. Which of the following regul tory re ctions involves reversi le cov lent modific tion of n enzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D ) Phosphoryl tion of serine OH on the enzyme Allosteric modul tion Competitive i nhi ition Non-competitive inhi ition 455. A competitive inhi itor of n enzyme h s which of the following properties? (A) (B) (C) (D) It is frequently feed ck inhi itor It ecomes cov lently tt ched to n enzyme It decre ses the Vm x It interferes with su str te inding to the enzyme 456. When [s] is equ l to Km, which of the following conditions exist? (A) H lf the enzyme molecules re ound to su str te (B) The velocity of the re ction is equ l to Vm x (C) The velocity of the re ction is independent of su str te conce ntr tion (D) Enzyme is completely s tur ted with su str te 457. Which of the fol lowing st tements out n enzyme exhi iting llosteric kinetics with cooper tiv e inter ction is f lse? (A) A plot of V-Vk [s] h s sigm id l sh pe (B) An inhi itor m y incre se the pp rent Km (C) Line we ver Bnrk plot is useful for deter mining Km nd Vm x (D) Remov l of llosteric inhi itor m y result in hyper olic V-S [s] plot 458. P ntothenic cid cts on (A) NADP (C) FAD (B) NADPH (D) CoA 450. Trypsin h s no
ction on (A) Hemoglo in (C) Histone (B) Al umin (D) DNA
451. Multiple forms of the s me enzymes (B) Isoenzymes (D) Pre-enzymes
re known
s (A) Zymogens (C) Proenzymes
452. In non-competitive enzyme ction (A) Vm x is incre sed (B) App rent km is i ncre sed (C) App rent km is decre sed (D) Concentr tion of ctive enzyme molecul e is reduced 453. An llosteric enzyme influences the enzyme ctivity y (A) Com petiting for the c t lytic site with the su str te 459. Vit min deficiency th t c uses f tty liver includes E (C) Retionic cid (B) Pyridoxine (D) P ntothenic cid
ll except (A) Vit min
168 460. In which of the following types of enzymes n inducer is not required? (A) Inhi ited enzyme (B) Cooper tive enzyme (C) Allosteric enzyme (D) Constitutive e nzyme 461. In which of the following types of enzyme w ter m y e dded to C—C d ou le ond without re king the ond? (A) Hydrol se (C) Hydroxyl se (B) Hydr t s e (D) Ester se MCQs IN BIOCHEMISTRY 467. The est test for cute p ncre titis in the presence of mumps is (A) (B) (C ) (D) A serologic l test for mumps Serum myl se Urin ry myl se Serum lip se 468. The slow moving fr ction of LDH is typic lly incre sed in p ncre s with (A) (B) (C) (D) Cere rov scul r ccidents Acute myoc rdi l inf rction Acute p ncre titis Acute vir l hep tits 462. ‘Lock’ nd ‘Key’ model of enzyme ction proposed y Fisher implies th t (A) The ive site is flexi le nd djusts to su str te (B) The ctive site requires remov l of PO4 group (C) The ctive site is complement ry in sh pe to th t of the su str te (D) Su str tes ch nge conform tion prior to ctive site inter ction 463. In competitive inhi ition of enzyme ction (A) (B) (C) (D) The pp rent Km is de cre sed The pp rent Km is incre sed Vm x is decre sed App rent concentr tion of enzyme molecules decre sed 469. Which of the following enzyme typic lly elev ted in lcoholism? (A) (B) (C) (D) Serum ALP Serum GOT Serum γ GT Serum acid phosphatase 470. Patients with hepatocellular jaundice, as compared to those with purely obs tructive jaundice tend to have (A) (B) (C) (D) Lower serum ALP, LDH and AST acti vity Lower serum ALP, Hi her LDH and AST activity Hi her serum ALP, LDH and AST activity Hi her serum ALP, Lower LDH and AST activity 464. In competitive inhibition which of the followin kinetic effect is true ? ( A) (B) (C) (D) Decreases both Km and Vmax Increases both Km and Vmax Decreases K m without affectin Vmax Increases Km without affectin Vmax 471. If results of the serum bilirubin, serum ALP, LDH and AST determinations su est obstructive jaundice, the best confirmatory test would be the estimation o f (A) (B) (C) (D) Serum ALT Serum 5’ nucleotidase Serum Pseudo cholinesterase None of these 465. Enzymes increase the rates of reactions by (A) Increasin the free ener y o f activation (B) Decreasin the ener y of activation (C) Chan in the equilibriu m constant of the reaction (D) Increasin the free ener y chan e of the reaction 466. The most useful test for the dia nosis of acute hemorrha ic pancreatitis d urin the first few days is (A) Urinary lipase test (B) Serum calcium (C) Urinar y amylase (D) Serum amylase 472. Which enzyme estimation will be helpful in differentiatin the elevated ser um ALP found in obstructive jaundice as well as bone disorders? (A) Serum AST (C ) Serum LDH (B) Serum ALT (D) Serum γ GT 473. Cardiac muscle contains which of the followin CK osoenzyme? (A) BB only (B ) MM and BB only (C) MM, BB and MB (D) MM and MB only
ENZYMES 474. Liver and skeletol measle disorders are characterized by on disk proportion ate increase in which of the LDH isoenzyme fraction? (A) LDH 1 (B) LDH 1 and LDH 2 (C) LDH 3 and LDH 4 (D) LDH 2 and LDH 3 (E) LDH 5 475. On the third day follo win onset of acute myocardial infarction, which enzyme estimation will have the best predictive value? (A) Serum AST (C) Serum ALT (B) Serum CK (D) Serum LDH 169 482. Diastase can be used for the hydrolysis can be used for the hydrolysis of ( A) Sucrose (C) Cellulose (B) Starch (D) Maltose 483. Which of the followin statements is true? (A) Enzymes have names endin as e (B) Enzymes are hi hly specific in their action (C) Enzymes are livin or anis ms (D) Enzymes et activated on heatin 484. Enzymes activity is controlled by ( A) pH of the solution (B) Temperature (C) Concentration of the enzyme (D) Concen tration of the substrate (E) All of these 485. Which of the followin is not tru e re ardin enzymes? (A) They catalyze only a particular type of reaction (B) Th ey remain active even after separation from the source (C) They are destroyed af ter the completion of the reaction they catalyse (D) They are irreversibly destr oyed at hi h temperature (E) Their activity depends on the pH of the solution 48 6 The number of enzymes known is about (A) 10,000 (C) 50 (B) 100 (D) 26 476. Serum AST activity is not characteristically elevated as the result of (A) (B) (C) (D) Myocardial infarction Passive con estion of liver Muscular dystrophi es Peptic ulcer 477. On which day followin acute myocardial infarction the estimation of serum AST will be of reatest si nificance? (A) First day (C) Third day (B) Second day (D) Fourth day 478. In which diseases be released in plasma? eart, Kidney and R.B.C sent low concentration of these
of the followin or ans, isoenzymes LDH 1 and LDH 2 will (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Kidney, R.B.C and Liver H Heart, Kidney and Liver Heart, Lun s and Brain totally ab in plastic important for dia nosis of several disease All
479. Plasma non functional enzymes are 487. Nicotine present in tobacco is a/an (A) Alkaloid (C) Steroid (B) Terpene (D ) Protein 480. Pyruvate dehydro enase contains all except (A) Biotin (C) FAD (B) NAD (D) C oA 488. The poisonous alkaloid present in the oil of hemlock is (A) Cocaine (C) Qui nine (B) Nicotine (D) Morphine 481. An increase in LDH 5 enzyme is seen in the followin except (A) Acute hepat itis (B) Muscular distrophies (C) Breast carcinoma (D) Pulmonary embolism 489. Alkaloids are usually purified by extraction with (A) Ether (C) NaOH (B) Di l HCl (D) Chloroform
170 490. The number of N MC roups in alkaloids is best estimate with the help of (A ) HI (C) (CH3CO)2 CO (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) H2SO4 (D) CH3 M I MCQs IN BIOCHEMISTRY (D) Be localized intracellularly (E) Be a catalyst 497. LDH assays are most usef ul in dia nosin diseases of the (A) Heart (C) Brain (B) Pancreas (D) Kidney 491. A competitive inhibitor of an enzyme Increases Km without affectin Vmax De creases Km without affectin Vmax Increases Vmax without affectin Km Decreases both Vmax and Km Numerically equal to ½ Vmax Dependent on the enzyme concentration Independent of pH Numerically equal to the substrate concentration that ives h alf maximal velocity 498. The chemical forces that bind most coenzymes and substrates to enzymes such as LDH are (A) Hydro en bonds (B) Peptide bonds (C) Coordinate bonds (D) Covale nt bonds 499. How many different proteins may be present in normal LDH? (A) One (C) Three (B) Two (D) Four 492. The Michaelis constant, Km is 493. The rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction was measured usin several substra te concentrations that were much lower than K m, the dependence of reaction velo city on substrate concentration can best be described as (A) (B) (C) (D) Indepen dent of enzyme concentration A constant fraction of Vmax Equal to Km Proportiona l to the substrate concentration 500. All the isoenzymes function with the coenzyme: (A) NADP+ (C) Lipoate (B) FA D (D) NAD+ 501. ‘Lock’ and ‘Key’ theory was proposed by (A) Sorenson (C) Mehler (B) Fischer (D) San er 494. The presence of a non competitive inhibitor (A) Leads to both an increase i n the Vmax of a reaction and an increase in Km (B) Leads to a decrease in the ob served Vmax (C) Leads to a decrease in Km and Vmax (D) Leads to an increase in K m without affectin Vmax 495. Which one of the followin statements is not chara cteristic of allosteric enzymes? (A) They frequently catalyze a committed step e arly in a metabolic pathway (B) They are often composed of subunits (C) They fol low Michaelis Menten kinetics (D) They frequently show cooperativity for substra te bindin 496. The abnormal isoenzyme need not (A) Be an oxidoreductase (B) Hav e any coenzyme (C) Require ATP 502. Which of the followin B) Lipase (D) Lysine
forms part of a coenzyme? (A) Zn 2+ (C) Vitamin B2 (
503. The shape of an enzyme and consequently its activity can be reversibly alte red from moment to moment by (A) Heat (B) Amino acid substrate (C) Allosteric su bunits (D) Sulfur substitutions 504. Which one of the followin re ulatory actio ns involves a reversible covalent modification of the enzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D) Ph osphorylation of ser OH on the enzyme Allosteric modulation Competitive inhibiti on Non competitive inhibition 505. An enzyme is a (A) Carbohydrate (C) Protein (B) Lipid (D) Nucleic acid
ENZYMES 506. An enzyme promotes a chemical reaction by (A) Lowerin the ener y of activa tion (B) Causin the release of heat which acts as a primer (C) Increasin molec ular motion (D) Chan in the free ener y difference between substrate and produc t 507. In most metabolic pathways, all needed enzymes are arran ed to ether in a multienzyme complex within a (A) (B) (C) (D) Solution of ATP Membrane Quanterna ry protein Coenzyme (C) Carboxyl roup of the amino acids (D) Exposed sulfur bon ds 513. Allosteric enzymes contain (A) Multiple subunits (B) Sin le chain (C) Tw o chains (D) Three chains 171 514. Isoenzymes of lactate dehydro enase are useful for the dia nosis of (A) Hea rt disease (C) Liver disease (B) Kidney disease (D) Both (A) and (C) 515. IUB had divided enzymes into how many classes? (A) 6 (C) 8 (B) 5 (D) 4 508. An enzyme catalyzes the conversion of an aldose su ar to a ketose su ar wou ld be classified as one of the (A) Transferases (B) Isomerases (C) Oxido reducta ses (D) Hydrolases 509. The function of an enzyme is to (A) Cause chemical react ions that would not otherwise take place (B) Chan e the rates of chemical reacti ons (C) Control the equilibrium points of reactions (D) Chan e the directions of reactions 510. In which of the followin types of enzymes, water may be added t o a C —C double bond without breakin the bond? (A) Hydrolase (C) Hydroxylase (B) Hydratase (D) Oxy enase 516. The first enzyme isolated, purified and crystallied from Jack bean (Canaval ia) by summer in 1926 was (A) Urease (C) Ribonuclease (B) Insulin (D) Zymase 517. Who su ested that enzymes are proteinaceous? (A) Buchner (C) Sumner (B) Ku hne (D) Pasteur 518. Feedback inhibition of enzyme action is affected by (A) Enzyme (C) End prod ucts (B) Substrate (D) None of these 519. The enzyme that converts lucose to lucose 6 phosphate is (A) Phosphatase (C) Phosphorylase (B) Hexokinase (D) Glucose synthetase 511. Enzymes increases the rate of reactions by (A) Increasin the free ener y o f activation (B) Decreasin the ener y of activation (C) Chan in the equilibriu m constant of the reaction (D) Increasin the free ener y chan e of the reaction 512. The active site of an enzyme is formed by a few of the enzymes: (A) R rou ps of the amino acids (B) Amino roups of the amino acids 520. Enzymes are required in traces because they (A) Have hi h turnover number ( B) Remain unused at the end of reaction and are re used (C) Show cascade effect (D) All correct 521. An or anic substance bound to an enzyme and essential for t he activity of enzyme is called (A) Holoenzyme (C) Coenzyme (B) Apoenzyme (D) Is oenzyme
172 522. Enzyme catalysed reactions occur in (A) Pico seconds (C) Milli seconds (B) Micro seconds (D) None of these MCQs IN BIOCHEMISTRY (C) Dry seeds have more reserve food (D) Seedlin s are tender 531. Coenzymes FMN and FAD are derived from vitamin (A) C (C) B1 (B) B6 (D) B2 523. An enzyme can accelerate a reaction up to (A) 1010 times (C) 10 100 (B) 101 times (D) 10 times times 524. In plants, enzymes occur in (A) Flowers only (C) All livin cells 525. Zymo en is a (A) Vitamin (C) Modulator (B) Enzyme precursor (D) Hormone (B) Leaves o nly (D) Stora e or ans only 532. Template/lock and key theory of enzyme action is supported by (A) Enzymes s peed up reaction (B) Enzymes occur in livin bein s and speed up certain reactio ns (C) Enzymes determine the direction of reaction (D) Compounds similar to subs trate inhibit enzyme activity 533. Combination of apoenzyme coenzyme produces (A ) Prosthetic roup (B) Holoenzyme (C) Enzyme substrate complex (D) Enzyme produc t complex 534. Enzyme inhibition caused by a substance resemblin substrate mole cule is (A) Competitive inhibition (B) Non competitive inhibition (C) Feedback i nhibition (D) Allosteric inhibition 535. An enzyme brin s about (A) Decrease in reaction time (B) Increase in reaction time (C) Increase in activation ener y (D ) Reduction in activation ener y 536. Feedback inhibition of enzyme is influence d by (A) Enzyme (C) End product 537. Coenzyme is (A) Often a vitamin compound (B ) Always an inor anic (B) External factors (D) Substrate and 526. Cofactor (Prosthetic roup) is a part of holoenzyme, it is (A) Inor anic pa rt loosely attached (B) Accessory non protein substance attached firmly (C) Or a nic part attached loosely (D) None of these 527. A protein havin both structura l and enzymatic traits is (A) Myosin (C) Trypsin (B) Colla en (D) Actin 528. Enzymes are different from catalysts in (A) Bein proteinaceous (B) Not use d up in reaction (C) Functional at hi h temperature (D) Havin hi h rate of diff usion 529. Enzymes, vitamins and hormones are common in (A) Bein proteinaceous (B) Bein synthesized in the body of or anisms (C) Enhancin oxidative metabolis m (D) Re ulatin metabolism 530. Dry seeds endure hi her temperature than ermin atin seeds as (A) Hydration is essential for makin enzymes sensitive to temper ature (B) Dry seeds have a hard coverin (C) Always a protein (D) Often a metal
ENZYMES 538. Genetic en ineerin requires enzyme: (A) DNA ase (B) Amylase (C) Lipase (D) Restriction endonuclease 539. Which is not true about inor anic catalysts and e nzymes? (A) They are specific (B) Inor anic catalysts require specific not neede d by enzymes (C) They are sensitive to pH (D) They speed up the rate of chemical reaction 540. Key and lock hypothesis of enzyme action was iven by (A) Fischer (C) Buchner (B) Koshland (D) Kuhne 173 545. Vitamin B2 is component of coenzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyridoxal phosphate TP P NAD FMN/FAD 546. Km value of enzyme is substrate concentration at (A) ½ Vmax (C) ½ Vmax (B) 2 Vm ax (D) 4 Vmax 547. Part of enzyme which combines with nonprotein part to form functional enzym e is (A) Apoenzyme (C) Prosthetic roup (B) Coenzyme (D) None of these 548. Who ot Nobel Prize in 1978 for workin on enzymes? (A) Koshland (C) Nass a nd Nass (B) Arber and Nathans (D) H.G. Khorana 541. An example of feedback inhibition is (A) Allosteric inhibition of hexokinas e by lucose6 phosphate (B) Cyanide action on cytochrome (C) Sulpha dru on foli c acid synthesizer bacteria (D) Reaction between succinic dehydro enase and succ inic acid 542. Feedback term refers to (A) Effect of substrate on rate of enzyma tic reaction (B) Effect of end product on rate reaction (C) Effect of enzyme con centration on rate of reaction (D) Effect of external compound on rate of reacti on 543. Allosteric inhibition (A) (B) (C) (D) Makes active site unifit for subst rate Controls excess formation and end product Both (A) and (B) None of these 549. Site of enzyme synthesis in a cell is (A) Ribosomes (C) Gol i bodies (B) RE R (D) All of these 550. The fruit when kept is open, tastes bitter after 2 hours because of (A) (B) (C) (D) Loss of water from juice Decreased concentration of fructose in juice F ermentation by yeast Contamination by bacterial enzymes 551. Hexokinase (Glucose + ATP → Glucose 6– P + ADP) belon s to the cate ory: (A) Tr ansferases (B) Lysases (C) Oxidoreductases (D) Isomerases 552. Which enzyme is c oncerned with transfer of electrons? (A) Desmolase (C) Dehydro enase (B) Hydrola se (D) Transaminase 544. The ratio of enzyme to substrate molecules can be as low as (A) 1 : 100,000 (C) 1 : 10,000 (B) 1 : 500,000 (D) 1 : 1,000 553. The best example of extracellular enzymes (exoenzyme) is (A) (B) (C) (D) Nu cleases Di estive enzymes Succinic dehydro enase None of these
174 554. Which mineral element controls the activity of Nitrate reductase ? (A) Fe ( C) Zn (B) Mo (D) Ca MCQs IN BIOCHEMISTRY (B) NH2 roup of amino acids (C) CO roup of amino acids (D) Sulphur bonds which are exposed 563. Carbonic anhydrase enzyme has maximum turn over number (36 mil lion). Minimum turn over number for an enzyme: (A) DNA polymerase (B) Lysozyme ( C) Penicillase (D) Lactase dehydro enase 564. In cell, di estive enzymes are fou nd mainly in (A) Vacuoles (C) Ribosomes (B) Lysosomes (D) Lomasomes 555. Name the enzyme that acts both as carboxylase at one time and oxy enase at another time. (A) (B) (C) (D) PEP carboxylase RuBP carboxylase Carbonic anyhdras e None of these 556. A metabolic pathways is a (A) Route taken by chemicals (B) Sequence of enzy me facilitated chemical reactions (C) Route taken by an enzyme from one reaction to another (D) Sequence of ori in of or anic molecules 557. The ener y required to start an enzymatic reaction is called (A) Chemical ener y (B) Metabolic ener y (C) Activation ener y (D) Potential ener y 558. Out of the total enzymes pres ent in a cell, a mitochondrion alone has (A) 4% (C) 95% (B) 70% (D) 50% 565. Substrate concentration at which an enzyme attains half its maximum velocit y is (A) Threshold value (B) Michaelis Menton constant (C) Concentration level ( D) None of these 566. Which enzyme hydrolyses starch? (A) Invertase (C) Sucrase (B) Maltase (D) Diastase 559. Creatine phosphokinase isoenzyme is a marker for (A) (B) (C) (D) Kidney dis ease Liver disease Myocardial infarction None of these 567. Enzymes functional in cell or mitochondria are (A) Endoenzymes (C) Apoenzym es (B) Exoenzymes (D) Holoenzymes 560. Which inactivates an enzyme by occupyin its active site? (A) (B) (C) (D) C ompetitive inhibitor Allosteric inhibitor Non competitive inhibitor All of these 568. The enzymes present in the membrane of mitochondria are (A) Flavoproteins a nd cytochromes (B) Fumarase and lipase (C) Enolase and catalase (D) Hexokinase a nd zymase 569. A mitochondrial marker enzyme is (A) Aldolase (B) Amylase (C) Suc cinic dehydro enase (D) Pyruvate dehydro enase 561. Which one is coenzyme? (A) ATP (C) CoQ and CoA (B) Vitamin B and C (D) All of these 562. The active site of an enzyme is formed by (A) R
roup of amino acids
ENZYMES 570. The enzyme used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is (A) Taq polymerase (C ) Ribonuclease (B) RNA polymerase (D) Endonuclease 175 579. Transaminase activity needs the Coenzyme: (A) ATP (C) FADT (B) B6 PO4 (D) N AD+ 571. Which of the followin is a microsomal enzyme inducer? (A) Indomethacin (C) Tolbutamide (B) Clofibrate (D) Glutethamide 580. The biosynthesis of urea occurs mainly in the liver: (A) Cytosol (C) Micros omes (B) Mitochondria (D) Nuclei 572. Identify the correct molecule which controls the biosynthesis of proteins i n livin or anisms. (A) DNA (C) Purines (B) RNA (D) Pyrimidines 581. Bile salts make emulsification with fat for the action of (A) Amylose (C) P epsin (B) Lipase (D) Trypsin 573. The tear secretion contains an antibacterial enzyme known as (A) Zymase (C) Lysozyme (B) Diastase (D) Lipase 582. All of the followin compounds are intermediates of TCA cycle except (A) Ma leate (C) Oxaloacetate (B) Pyruvate (D) Fumarate 574. Identify one of the canbonic anhydrase inhibitor that inhibit only luminal carbonic anhydrase enzyme. (A) Methazolamide (B) Acetazolamide (C) Dichlorphenam ide (D) Benzolamide 575. Group transferrin Co enzyme is (A) CoA (C) NADP+ (B) N AD+ (D) FAD+ 583. In conversion of lactic acid to lucose, three reactions of lycolytic path way are circumvented, which of the followin enzymes do not participate? (A) Pyr uvate carboxylase (B) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxy kinase (C) Pyruvate kinase (D ) Glucose 6 phosphatase 584. In the normal restin state of human most of the bl ood lucose burnt as fuel is consumed by (A) Liver (C) Adipose tissue (B) Brain (D) Muscles 576. The co enzyme containin an automatic hetero rin in the structure is (A) B iotin (B) TPP (C) Su ar Phosphate (D) Co enzyme 577. The example of hydro en tra nsferrin Co enzyme is: (A) B6 PO4 (C) TPP (B) NADP+ (D) ATP 585. A re ulator of the enzyme 6 PO4 (B) Pyruvate (D) GTP
luco en synthase is (A) Citric Acid (C) Glucose
578. Enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of proteins produces amino acid of the form (A) D (C) L (B) DL (D) Racemic 586. A specific inhibitor for succinate dehydro enase is (A) Arsenite (C) Citrat e (B) Malonate (D) Fluoride
176 ANSWERS 1. A 7. C 13. A 19. B 25. D 31. C 37. A 43. A 49. C 55. C 61. A 67. A 73 . A 79. A 85. B 91. A 97. A 103. A 109. D 115. B 121. A 127. B 133. D 139. B 145 . B 151. B 157. A 163. B 169. A 175. B 181. D 187. D 193. A 199. B 205. B 211. A 217. A 223. B 229. D 235. D 241. B 247. A MCQs IN BIOCHEMISTRY 2. B 8. A 14. B 20. D 26. B 32. A 38. B 44. B 50. B 56. D 62. C 68. C 74. B 80. A 86. B 92. A 98. A 104. C 110. C 116. A 122. C 128. B 134. A 140. C 146. A 152. B 158. A 164. A 170. D 176. A 182. B 188. C 194. C 200. A 206. A 212. A 218. A 224. D 230. A 236. B 242. A 248. A 3. A 9. B 15. D 21. A 27. A 33. B 39. D 45. C 51. B 57. C 63. A 69. B 75. A 81. C 87. D 93. A 99. A 105. A 111. B 117. B 123. C 129. B 135. B 141. D 147. A 153. D 159. A 165. A 171. D 177. C 183. D 189. A 195. A 201. D 207. D 213. D 219. D 225. A 231. B 237. A 243. B 249. A 4. D 10. D 16. A 22. A 28. A 34. C 40. C 46. A 52. A 58. C 64. D 70. B 76. B 82. C 88. D 94. B 100. A 106. D 112. B 118. C 124. D 130. B 136. B 142. B 148. C 15 4. A 160. A 166. B 172. A 178.A 184. C 190. A 196. A 202. C 208. A 214. D 220. D 226. A 232. D 238. C 244. A 250. C 5. C 11. C 17. B 23. B 29. A 35. A 41. D 47. D 53. A 59. A 65. A 71. A 77. C 83. B 89. D 95. A 101. A 107. B 113. D 119. B 125. A 131. C 137. A 143. A 149. A 15 5. A 161. A 167. B 173. C 179. D 185. C 191. C 197. B 203. D 209. A 215. A 221. C 227. B 233. A 239. B 245. A 251. B 6. D 12. D 18. C 24. B 30. B 36. B 42. A 48. B 54. C 60. B 66. D 72. B 78. C 84. D 90. A 96. B 102. B 108. A 114. A 120. C 126. A 132. A 138. B 144. B 150. A 15 6. D 162. A 168. C 174. B 180. B 186. A 192. C 198. B 204. D 210. D 216. A 222. C 228. B 234. A 240. C 246. A 252. C
ENZYMES 253. B 259. D 265. A 271. C 277. B 283. B 289. C 295. D 301. B 307. C 313. D 319 . B 325. C 331. C 337. A 343. C 349. C 355. C 361. D 367. D 373. C 379. C 385. B 391. D 397. C 403. C 409. C 415. A 421. B 427. B 433. C 439. D 445. A 451. B 45 7. D 463. B 469. C 475. D 481. D 487. A 493. C 499. D 505. C 254. D 260. C 266. B 272. A 278. C 284. D 290. D 296. B 302. D 308. B 314. B 320. A 326. C 332. C 3 38. D 344. A 350. C 356. A 362. B 368. A 374. A 380. B 386. C 392. C 398. C 404. B 410. D 416. C 422. D 428. D 434. A 440. B 446. A 452. C 458. B 464. D 470. B 476. D 482. B 488. A 494. B 500. D 506. A 255. C 261. B 267. C 273. D 279. B 285 . C 291. C 297. D 303. D 309. C 315. B 321. D 327. A 333. C 339. C 345. D 351. C 357. C 363. A 369. D 375. C 381. C 387. D 393. C 399. B 405. D 411. B 417. D 42 3. A 429. D 435. D 441. A 447. B 453. C 459. C 465. B 471. B 477. B 483. B 489. B 495. C 501. D 507. B 256. D 262. C 268. A 274. A 280. D 286. D 292. B 298. C 3 04. A 310. D 316. C 322. A 328. D 334. C 340. D 346. C 352. C 358. A 364. D 370. D 376. A 382. B 388. C 394. A 400. C 406. D 412. B 418. D 424. B 430. C 436. B 442.A 448. B 454. A 460. D 466. D 472. D 478. B 484. C 490. A 496. A 502. C 508. B 257. A 263. A 269. B 275. B 281. C 287. C 293. C 299. B 305. B 311. A 317. C 323. A 329. B 335. D 341. C 347. C 353. C 359. D 365. C 371. C 377. B 383. B 389 . D 395. D 401. D 407. A 413. B 419. C 425. D 431. D 437. A 443. B 449. B 455. D 461. B 467. D 473. D 479. D 485. C 491. A 497. A 503. C 509. B 258. B 264. D 27 0. C 276. C 282. B 288. A 294. D 300. B 306. D 312. C 318. B 324. B 330. A 336. A 342. C 348. C 354. B 360. D 366. A 372. B 378. B 384. D 390. C 396. D 402. B 4 08. C 414. D 420. C 426. B 432. B 438. B 444. C 450. D 456. A 462. C 468. D 474. C 480. A 486. C 492. D 498. D 504. A 510. A 177
178 511. B 517. C 523. A 529. D 535. D 541. A 547. C 553. C 559. C 565. B 571. D 577 . D 583. B 512. C 518. C 524. C 530. A 536. C 542. B 548. A 554. A 560. A 566. D 572. A 578. C 584. B 513. A 519. B 525. B 531. D 537. A 543. C 549. B 555. B 56 1. D 567. A 573. C 579. B 585. C 514. D 520. D 526. B 532. D 538. D 544. A 550. D 556. B 562. A 568. A 574. B 580. B 586. B MCQs IN BIOCHEMISTRY 515. A 521. C 527. A 533. B 539. B 545. D 551. C 557. C 563. B 569. C 575. A 581 . B 516. A 522. C 528. A 534. A 540. A 546. D 552. A 558. B 564. B 570. D 576. C 582. B
ENZYMES EXPLANATIONS FOR THE ANSWERS 4. D The functional unit of an enzyme is referred t o as a holoenzyme. It is often made up of an apoenzyme (the protein part) and a coenzyme (the non protein part). 47. D Concentration of enzyme, concentration of substrate, temperature, pH, presence of products, activators and inhibitors are some of the important factors that influence enzyme activity. 89. D It is a str ai ht line raphic representation depictin the relation between substrate conce ntration and enzyme velocity. This plot is commonly employed for the calculation of Km values for enzymes. 133. D Active site is the small re ion of an enzyme w here substrate binds. It is flexible in nature and it exists due to the tertiary structure of proteins. Acidic, basic and hydroxyl amino aicds are frequently fo und at the active site. 179. D There are three broad cate ories of enzyme inhibi tion: (a) Reversible inhibition: The inhibitor binds noncovalently with the enzy me and the inhibition is reversible. Competitive, non competitive and uncompetit ive come under this cate ory. (b) Irreversible inhibition: The inhibitor covalen tly binds with the enzyme which is irreversible. (c) Allosteric inhibition: Cert ain enzymes possessin allosteric sites are re ulated by allosteric effectors. 2 19. D Enzymes are hi hly specific in their action compared with chemical catalys ts. Three types of enzyme specificities are well reco nized. (a) Stereospecifici ty: The enzymes act only on one isomer and therefore exhibit stereoisomerism. e. ., L amino acid oxidase on L amino acids; hexokinase on D hexose (Note: isomera ses do not exhibit stereospecificity). (b) Reaction specificity: The same substr ate can under o different types of reactions, each catalysed by a separate enzym e e. ., amino acids under oin transamination, decarboxylation etc. (c) Substrat e specifity: This may be absolute, relative or broad e. ., urease, li ase, hexok inase. 260. D (a) Lock and Key model (Fischer’s Template 179 (b) 305. C 345. D 391. D 438. B 479. D 514. D 559. C theory): The substrate fits to active site of an enzyme just as a key fits into a proper lock. Thus, the active site of the enzyme is ri id and preshaped where only a specific substrate can bind. Induced fit theory (Koshland model): As per this, the substrate induces a conformational chan e in the enzyme resultin in t he formation of substrate bindin (active) site. Some enzymes are synthesized in an inactive form which are referred to as proenzymes (or zymo ens). They under o irreversible modification to produce active enzymes. e. ., proenzymes – chymotr ypsino en and pepsino en are respectively converted to chymotrypsin and pepsin. The RNAs that can function as enzymes are referred to as ribozymes. They are thu s nonprotein enzymes. It is believed that RNAs were functionin as catalysts bef ore the occurance of proteins durin evolution. Streptokinase is used for cleari n blood clots. Aspara inase is employed in the treatment of leukemias. Certain enzymes can be made to bind to insoluble inor anic matrix (e. ., cyano ens bromi de activated sepharose) to preserve their catalytic activity for lon periods. S uch enzymes are referred to as immobilized enzymes. These enzymes are either tot
ally absent or present at a low concentration in plasma compared to their levels found in tissues. Estimation of plasma non functional enzymes is important for the dia nosis and pro nosis of several diseases. Lactate dehydro enase (LDH) as five distinct isoenzymes (LDH1 … LDH5). Each one is an oli omeric protein compose d of 4 subunits (N and/ or H). Isoenzymes of LDH are important for the dia nosis of heart and liver related disorders i.e., serum LDH1 is elevated in myocardial infarction while LDH5 is increased in liver diseases. Creatine kinase (CK) or c reatine phosphokinase (CPK) exists as 3 isoenzymes. Each isoenzyme is a dimmer c omposed of two subunits (M or B or both). Elevation of CPK2 (MB) in serum is an early reliable dia nostic indication of myocardial infarction.
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CHAPTER 7 ETABOLISM MINERAL METABOLISM 1. When ATP forms AMP (A) (B) (C) (D) Inor anic pyrophosphate is produced Inor a nic phosphorous is produced Phsopha en is produced No ener y is produced 7. If ∆G°= –2.3RT log Keq, the free energy for the re ction will
e + B A C
10moles 10moles (A) –4.6 RT (C) +2.3 RT 10moles (B) –2.3 RT (D) +4.6 RT 2. St nd rd free energy (∆G°) of hydrolysis ∆ of ATP to ADP + Pi is (A) –49.3 KJ/mol (C) –30.5 KJ/mol (B) –4.93 KJ/mol (D) –20.9 KJ/mol 8. Redox potenti l (EO volts) of NAD+/NADH is (A) –0.67 (C) –0.12 (B) –0.32 (D) +0.03 ∆ 3. St nd rd free energy (∆G°) of hydrolysis of ADP to AMP + Pi is (A) –43.3 KJ/mol (C) –27.6 KJ/mol (B) –30.5 KJ/mol (D) –15.9 KJ/mol 9. Redox potenti l (EO volts) of u iquinone, ox/red system is (A) +0.03 (C) +0.1 0 (B) +0.08 (D) +0.29 4. St nd rd free energy (∆G°) of hydrolysis ∆ of phosphoenolpyruv te is (A) –61.9 KJ/mol (C) –14.2 KJ/mol (B) –43.1 KJ/mol (D) –9.2 KJ/mol 10. Redox potenti l (EO volts) of cytochrome C, Fe3+/Fe2+ is (A) –0.29 (C) –0.08 (B) –0.27 (D) +0.22 5. St nd rd free energy (∆G°) of hydrolysis ∆ of cre tine phosph te is (A) -–51.4 KJ/mol (C) –30.5 KJ/mol (B) –43.1 KJ/mol (D) –15.9 KJ/mol 11. The prosthetic group of D) P ntothenic cid
ero ic dehydrogen ses is (A) NAD (C) FAD (B) NADP (
6. The oxid tion-reduction system h ving the highest redox potenti l is (A) (B) (C) (D) U iquinone ox/red Fe3+ cytochrome /Fe2+ Fe3+ cytochrome /Fe2+ NAD+/NAD H 12. Alcohol dehydrogen se from liver cont ins (A) Sodium (C) Zinc (B) Copper (D) M gnesium
182 13. A moly denum cont ining oxid se is (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytochrome oxid se X nthi ne oxid se Glucose oxid se L-Amino cid oxid se MCQs IN BIOCHEMISTRY 22. The sequence of the redox c rrier in respir tory ch in is (A) NAD—FMN—Q—cyt —cyt c1—c yt c—cyt 3 O2 → (B) FMN—Q—NAD—cyt —cyt 3—cyt c1— cyt c O2 → (C) NAD—FMN—Q—cyt c NAD—FMN—Q—cyt —cyt 3—cyt c—cyt c1 O2 → 23. The correct sequence of cytochrome c rrie spir tory ch in is (A) Cyt —cyt c—cyt c1—cyt 3 (B) Cyt 3— cyt —cyt c—cyt c1 (C) Cyt t c1—cyt c—cyt 3 (D) Cyt —cyt 3—cyt c1— cyt c 24. Reducing equiv lents from pyruv te enter the mitochondri l respir tory ch in t (A) FMN (C) Coenzyme Q (B) NAD (D) Cyt 14. A copper cont ining oxid se is (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytochrome oxid se Fl vin mon onucleotide Fl vin denine dinucleotide X nthine oxid se 15. The mitochondri l superoxide dismut se cont ins (A) Mg (C) Co++ ++ (B) Mn (D) Zn ++ ++ 16. Cytosolic superoxide dismut se cont ins (A) Cu2+ (B) Mn 2+ (D) Cu2+ nd Fe2+ 17. Cytochrome oxid se cont ins (A) Cu2+ Fe2+ (D) Cu 2+ 18. Ch r cteristic sorption nd β nds (B) β nd (D) α, β
nd Zn2+ (C) Mn2+
nd Zn2+ (C) Cu2+
nds exhi ited nd γ bands
nd Zn2+
nd Mn2+ (B) Cu2+
y ferrocytochrome: (A) α
nd (C) α
25. Reducin equivalents from succinate enter the mitochondrial respiratory chai n at (A) NAD (C) FAD (B) Coenzyme Q (D) Cyt c 19. Monooxy enases are found in (A) Cytosol (C) Mitochondira (B) Nucleus (D) Mic rosomes 26. The respiratory chain complexes actin as proton pump are (A) I, II and III (C) I, III and IV (B) I, II and IV (D) I and II 20. A component of the respiratory chain in mitochondria is (A) (B) (C) (D) Coen zyme Q Coenzyme A Acetyl coenzyme Coenzyme containin thiamin 27. If the reducin equivalents enter from FAD in the respiratory chain, the pho sphate.oxy en ration (P:O) is (A) 2 (C) 3 (B) 1 (D) 4 21. The redox carriers are rouped into respiratory chain complex (A) (B) (C) (D ) In the inner mitochondrial membrane In mitochondiral matrix On the outer mitoc hondrial membrane On the inner surface of outer mitochondrial membrane 28. If the reducin equivalents enter from NAD in the respiratory chain, the phs phate/oxy en (P:O) is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4
MINERAL METABOLISM 29. One of the site of phsosphorylation in mitochondrial respiratory chain is (A ) Between FMN and coenzyme Q (B) Between coenzyme Q and cyt b (C) Between cytoch rome b and cytochrome c1 (D) Between cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c 30. Rotenone inhibits the respiratory chain at (A) FMN → coenzyme Q (B) NAD → FMN (C) Coenzyme Q → cyt b (D) Cyt b → Cyt c1 31. Activity of cytochrome oxidase is inhibited by (A) S ulphite (C) Arsenite (B) Sulphate (D) Cyanide 183 37. The chemical inhibitin oxidative phosphorylation, Adependent on the transpo rt of adenine nucleotides across the inner mitochondrial membrane is (A) Oli omy cin (C) Dinitrophenol (B) Atractyloside (D) Pentachlorophenol 38. Porphyrins are synthesized in (A) Cytosol (B) Mitochondria (C) Cytosol and m itochondria (D) Rou h endoplasmic reticulum 39. Heme is synthesized from (A) Suc cinyl CoA and lycine (B) Active acetate and lycine (C) Active succinate and al anine (D) Active acetate and alanine 40. In the biosynthesis of the iron protopo rphyrin, the product of the condensation between succinyl CoA and lycine is (A) α-Amino β-keto dipic cid (B) δ-Aminolevulinate (C) Hy roxymethylbilane (D) Uroporphy rinogen I 41. Porp