15252067 Goetia the Lesser Key of Solomon

Author:  Luna Moon

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The Lesser Key of Solomon or Clavicula Salomonis (the Clavis Salomonis, or Key of Solomon is an earlier book on the subject), is an anonymous 17th century grimoire, and one of the most popular book...

A More Complete Version of the Key of Solomon. It is a grimiore which has been used in cabbala, ceremonies, invocations, and evocations.Full description

A More Complete Version of the Key of Solomon. It is a grimiore which has been used in cabbala, ceremonies, invocations, and evocations.Descripción completa

Description : A More Complete Version of the Key of Solomon. It is a grimiore which has been used in cabbala, ceremonies, invocations, and evocations.

In this article, we present an interpretation of the well-known key of the general key of Solomon, graphic-symbolic structure widely used in said magical rituals in esoterism and referenced …Full description