오전 9:30/11:00
12 월
주일예배 25 일 2016
“하나님은 영이시니 예배하는 자가 신령과 진정으로 예배지니라”(요 4:24) 인도자:정찬호목사
설교: 정찬호 목사
예배선언 묵도 찬송 성경교독
송영 복의 근원(28 장) 119 번(성탄절 1)
다같이 다같이 다같이
여호와의 영광이 나타나고 모든 !가 "#$ %& '(라 이는 )*+, -이 ./하01니라 (2 40:5) 베들레헴 에!"# $% &" '( )에 *+,!도 이3라4$ 536 자가 789 :8로 나; #이라 ", <=은 >?@ , 영A@ B1니라 (C 5:2)
2016 원단메세지 2 강: 나의목표 (창 3:15) - 절대사명
나에대b하나님의목표, 하나님의절대c을de고. 하나님+[f하;ghi, jW, kl, GHc, m)/n6하나님의인'게하심을감!"#$.WXopq5r+s하고 t인되u그2=<가나의v심+되게하3고, 72하-w을12게하89서.WX의가x/y고, 그2=<, 하나님나>, JKLM의z/12- 12 가4f|의}~ DNA /갖•게하89서. €3}~인‚을가4고그속에서나J-ƒN을126, _D서 16 ljW의대Q에„…L†의 S‡되게하89서.[\그2=<의+]^_기<`#$. ,a.
이% - ./0 12에3 4고 - .들+ 12에3 56 7 89%: ", DE@는 정2F GH? ", 이I은 JK자라 , 모2라 , 전L하신 하나님이라
2016 원단메세지 1 강: 하나님의절대목표 (창 3:15) - 절대목표
하나님의절대목표가내인생의목표가되고, 그속에서올바른질문과기준을갖게하심을 감!"#$.%&'()*+,-하나님의.(목표/0,12게하3고, 내가1%인4 5인하672하게하89서.:;)<,-+=>?의@A, BC의@A, D4EFGH의@AI에JK그2= <, JK하나님나>, JKLM의N을OP하-대Q에서게하89서.,R
2016 원단메세지 3 강: 나의교회의목표 (행 2:1) - 절대헌신
ˆ대GH가‰Š하고1‹Œ하나님의절대목표, 나의목표, GH목표/y고절대;하게하심을 감!"#$.ˆ대GH가Ž고72Œ하나님의‘’을y고‘’“)”의*속에서 C–WX—의‘과/12게하89서.‘’과‘과/y고WX을OP하-)에게˜u나-™š을GH의목표/ +Z-과q^_y고, GH에서3›rsœ˜에나의인생을!ž;하게 하89서.내w을Ÿs하나님의나>/+Z게하3고, …L†)의jW을126, GH/Ÿs C–/¡2게하89서.[\그2=<의+]^_기<`#$. ,a.
영;<=% .>,!, ?@의 A이! B CD이! " 정2+ MN, O%이 PQ하R E "F의 AG와 H의 나!에 IJ<여 H 나!K L3 M1고 지S 이T로 영AU 정,+ V,로 "#$ 'W하X #이라 (2 9:6-7 > ) N사0 이O8 PQR<, S! T! U0 V W성에3 XY Z /[의 \] ^_+ $`에3 a
/g" h5 ijk(115 장)
nop 장qr
("s5 이t호 u사r) 성dvw 찬x yz {| 광고 찬f {|/도&}도
b 2:10-11
c(3d3 e "(3a, f ~ •0€ 성도(122 장) 여/에 인 12(62 장)
사‚자 성0l yz자 "e이 yz자 "e이 yz자
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Afternoon Worship Service – Christmas festival Opening Meditative
A$ %'* T'--
Representative Prayer
성0l ,…자
Scripture Reading Sermon
* 'I4.* ]^U도$ 34'* +-.*
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551722875888 R722972R1 E<
5R172657185 -e*E5;-S*>I4 66786R75262 *<''.8;.<=>>E*
12/25/2016"Anno#ncements$We sincerel% &elcome %o# to '( )mman#el Ch#rch 1)mman#el Service *imes+, S-%pe )D+Chanho.#n ++ S-%pe roacast availale (1) Sunday Service-9!"am#11am$%pm# &ed Service ('pm)# ri Service ('""pm) (%) ar*y morning +orship- ,!"am (Mondayriday)(!) .oung .oung /du*t Service!!"pm 2 iel Wor movement s%stem 1) Mon ort 0ee (ung2in 3im# 9,"am)# 4e+ar5 Regiona* Church(,pm)# ort 0ee Regiona* Church(9!"pm) %) Tues Broo5*yn mu*ti-ethnic regiona* church(96"am)-Pastor Christian# Pastor /5pan !) Thurs 7ueens Co**ege(!pm# 0i8rary 1 st# unh+a Song) &hite stone mu*ti-ethnic regiona* church (!pm# deacon SunmiSeo)# *ushing Medica* Center (,pm# :r;Maeng) 6) Sat *ushing regiona* church (11am# deacon/eranSuh)# vange*ism discip*e training (%!"pm) 3 4lease pra% for 2n #lti+ethnic Worship 1) Praise 16,-%1,pm (0ead Choi# /nna) %) Message%1,pm *his S#na% &ill e the 7Christmas &orship8 an Christmas festival &ill e hel on 2n service 1) 11am < Christmas +orship $ %pm < Christmas =estiva* %) >n charge charge young adu*t department 5 emnant Winter etreat++++++++++++++++++++++++,Contact: ae! ;%o-%#n 1) :ate 1%$%?(Mon) %pm1%$%'(&ed) (Spea5er Par5# Sung Soo) < =or car service contact Pastor ames; %)ee @16"$person (age under , is =ree) !) Specia* program =or Pre-5# e*ementary chi*dren 6) 0ocation 4ationa* 6-A .outh Con=erence Center (1"" Connecticut /ve# Chevy Chase# M: %"'1,)
Presider: Pastor John Jung
Meditative Prayer Hymn Responsive Reading
Come, Thou fount of every blessing (28) 119 (Christmas Day1)
Together Together
And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the L!" has spon#en.$ (%sa. &0:5) “But you, Bethlehe !"hrathah, though you are #all aong the $lan# of %udah, out of 'ou will ome for me one who will e ruler o*er %srael+ whose origins are from of old+ from anient times.$ (,i. 5:2) &or to u# a $hild i# born, to u# a #on i# given, and the go*ernment will e on his shoulders. nd he will e alled onderful /ounselor+ ,ight' od+ !verla#ting &ather, 'rin$e of 'ea$e. f the greatness of his go*ernment and peae there will e no end. (e will reign on the David)# throne and over hi# *ingdo, estalishing and unholding it with ustie and righteousness from that time on and fore*er. (%sa. :6-a) But the anger #aid to the, “Do not be afraid, + bring you good new# that will $au#e great oy for all the "eo"le. 4oda' in the town of "a*id a a*ior has een orn to 'ou he is the ,essiah+ the Lord. (L#. 2:10-11)
Confession of Faith
< Special pra%er topic: 1) 3im# Sungsoo (Aea*ing and recovery)# 3im# Ayun2oo (0ung sergury recovery) %) Seo# Sunmi ye retina surgery recovery (11$11)
Apostle’s Creed Joy to the world (115)
Representative Prayer Scripture Reading
Luke 2:10-11
Together Elder Yongwoo Lee Presider Choir
Sermon Hymn&Offering 십일조
Christmas – The Day of Christ O come, all ye faithful (122)
Speaker Together
Goen Jung ¢£¤ ¥¦§/ ¥¦§ /서L¨ ©ª«/ ©ª« /¬nk 서h +®¯ +ª° /¬£— +@± l9² l³ A Tithe nnouncement Speaker + q´µ q¶¯ q¶¯ /+·¸ ¹4„/David ¹4„ /David Lee Hymn 620 (Gathered here) Together º˜· Joanna Nishmoto ¢£¤ ¥º& ¥[준 ¥¦§ /서L¨ ©²º ©}» /q9} ©ª«/ ©ª« /¬nk ©£ BWeekly enediction Speaker ® ©k준 š(¸ ¼½¾ ³(하 ¿(, +®¯ +ª° /¬£— l가À q(Á Â+Ã Ä Rc 9
9 Ar#m &a- &ill e aptiBe toa% – 7Conrat#lations8
감· Thanks
"'e& amil% Class/eional &orship$ ++++++++++"Contact: pastor ames #n! enco#raer E-ho Fee$
„G· Missions
";ea 4astor Wee-l% Sche#le$ 1%$!"(ri)- riday Service ('pm) 1$%"1(Sun)- 4igeria 4e+ .ear sermon
Sermon:Pastor John Jung
"'e& (or- @vanelism School$ 1; 4.D vange*ism Schoo* every Thurs 'pm (4.D Room 6'6 -%!!9-%%9 Thomson St# 4e+ .or5# 4. 1""1%) %; 4. Pan-China vange*ism Schoo*- every Tues 1!"pm# 4. 0ight Church !; 4e+ar5 vange*ism Schoo*- every Mon %!"pm (0ocation 4e+ar5 CC co**ege# 0i8rary !!1)
Dec 25!
“God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”(John 4:24)
6 201< ne& econ an econess nomination &ill e on 'e=t S#na% ,1/1/201< P*ease =ocus on to pray =or the nomination;
> *he sche#le for a 'e& (ear?s @ve service an 'e& (ear?s Da% &orship 1) 4e+ .ears ve# 1%$!1(Sat;) 1 st +orship (,pm)# :inner(?-pm)# community activities (-9pm .oung /du*t department is on charge)# %nd +orship (9pm) %) 1$1$%"1 (Sun;) ! rd +orship (11am)
/서L¨ ©²º ©k준 Å;Æ Å4Æ 서h +ª° /¬£— 하ÇL ¥º& ¥[준 ¥¦§ ¥¦§/ ¢£¤ ¥º& ¥[준 ¥¦§ /서L¨ ©9² ©²º Å;Æ Å4Æ 서h +®¯ +ª° /¬£— l 가À q¶¯
RT! · RT!
¢£¤ ¥º& ¥[준 ¥¦§ /서L¨ Å;Æ Å4Æ š(¨ +ª° /¬£— q¶¯ ¹@¥ /qÈ
Éj· "uilding
¢£¤ Å;Æ Å4Æ +ª° /¬£— l가À q¶¯ q´µ
ÊË· #$e%ial
12/18/16 Total: $ 3,360
12/25/2016<광 고> 본교회 오신분을 !"# $%&'( .
12/25/2016(¢æ 12/25/2016( ¢æ))-Lá절 Lá절 [¼
Christmas ;F의 ‘ (’ 2:10-11)
12-2-2/16 0"ul"it 3hri#ta# wor#hi"
/hristmas 4he "a' of /hrist (Lu#e 2:10-11)
"J늘 $윗의 동네에 너±/
ö하Y %º가 나셨^# 곧 그2=< º3#>" 1.하나님67 -“” ‘ 천가 ¬s준 WX) 1)눅 2:10( 1)눅 2:10(천 2)WX의 º인† J; 날 :VG-À+ *든 :WX-하나님+ º; 3)B! L" 날 : 7:14([#,그$)) :D 1:23(B! L") 4)Ì 1:18(하나님+ 나%나; 날) 2.;FP 오신 ‘ 1)D 1:1($윗의 )&)
45oday in the town of David a avior ha# been born to you7 he i# the 8e##iah, the Lord.4 1. 4he da' that od7s ord has een fulfilled 1 Lu*e 291/ 0the go#"el that the angel ha# delivered 2 5he day that (e ha# $oe a# a ain figure of the go#"el 9 Religion an ade 9 :o#"el :od ade ; 5he day of th e 0"ro"he$y, #hadow 9 8att 192; 0 %n 191? 0the day that :od a""eared
2)눅 2:11(그2=<, %º) 2)눅 3)눅 2:21(그 +]( [\) 3)눅 4)D 16:16([\- 그2=<) ')가의 그2=<) 5)å 2:36( 2:36(' 6)(¬ 1:15(그2=<의 날) 6)( "그2=< [\)서 *인을
%&하3ž고 C에 õ하셨$" 3.–-의 }—의 ‘ 1)눅 2:10(Ü +L의 jm) 1)눅
2. 4he da' that the /hrist ame 1 8att 191 0the #on of David 2 Lu*e 2911 03hri#t, avior ; Lu*e 2921 0naed %e#u# > 8att 16916 0%e#u# i# the 3hri#t A$t 29;6 03hri#t of the $ro## 6 1 5i 191 0the day of 3hri#t “3hri#t %e#u# $ae into the world to #ave #inner#.@
2)D 2:2(ù대인의 ,) 3)(¬ 1:17(}&하; ,) 3)( 4)눅 2:14(하나님) }» 4)눅 ,-에서- €—) 5)E 16:15(*Ô에게 WX¬파하>)
3. 4he da' of festi*al for the whole nation 1 Lu*e 291/ 0fe#tival of the whole nation 2 8att 292 0ing of the %ew# ; 1 5i 191= 0the ing eternal > Lu*e 291> 0glory to :od, on earth "ea$e 8ar* 1691 0"rea$h the go#"el to all $reation
1. )*+, -.의 /0 12 -( Skype ID-Chaho.!"# -- Skype 34&'( . '() º˜[¼ 9*+,-((*,,/JÆ '*,,$m)- ·Ì기< '*,,$m) º˜[¼&&J¬ 9*+,-((*,,/ JÆ . 3- \Ì[¼ \Ì[¼'*,,$m)·Ì기<'*,,$m) '.) ÍÎ[¼ &0*+,am'Ï̘ 1·Ì˜ ÍÎ[¼&0*+,am' Ï̘1 ·Ì˜)) '+) ÐÑo [¼& [¼ &º˜ JÆ +*+, 2. 15 6789 :;< Ï̘** 2o3t Lee'©qÒ Ó - 9*0,am)- Ne4a3k 4GH 4GH'0$m)4GH'9*+,$m) () Ï̘ Lee'©qÒ Ó'0$m)- 2o3t Lee 4GH '9*+,$m) .) —̘ —̘** "3ooklyn $ÔÕ 4GH' 4GH 'J¬ 9*5,- Ö2=×목 Ö2=×목--ØÙ 목) 목) +) 목̘ 목̘** 6ueens !ollege'+$m- <서Ú ( Û- ³(— ³(—)) 4GH''JÆ + 3-서„¨ Ó)Ó )- 2lushing 3ÜŸOÝ& 'JÆ 0 3-Þ기Ç &l) &l ) White #tone 4GH ß̘** 2lushing 4GH 4GH''J¬ (, 3- 서h Ó)Ó )- à하áâã à하áâã'.*,,$m) 5) ß̘ '.*,,$m) 3. 오= (>? @A/0B CD EFGH'( . ¶¿*(*50$m1.*(0$m' 인<)77 ÂÃ나 Ó) Ó ) ()¶¿ () *(*50$m1.*(0$m'인<)
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