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10th House V edic Astrology Astrology By Hindu ndu A strology
18. November Nov ember 2011 11:35 11:35
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In Vedic astrology, the tenth house is considered to be the most m ost impo rtant house after the the ascenda nt. The reasons for this being that it is opposite to the fourth house and it is prim arily related related to career. Vedic Vedic astrology calls the tenth house b y the the nam e, Karma bhava.Ved bhava.Vedic ic astrology also states that a person becomes become s profess ionally strong depending on the strength strength of the th e tenth lord and the tenth hous e. In the sam e way, if the tenth house or tenth lord i s weak, the same person person will su ff ffer er profession ally. According to Vedic astrolo gy, the tenth hous e is di rectly related to Karma or actio n. Vedic Vedic as trology also explains the fact why people d o different kind of jobs ir respective respective of their th eir educational quali ficat fications. ions. A person of a high er qualification may be doing a clerical job if his tenth hous e is weak. In Vedic Vedic astrology, the tenth house bas ically explain explain the overall status of a of a person in life. life. There are a lot different things things in Vedic astrology that need need to be studied studied to check the effects of the tenth house. These include plan ets in the tenth tenth house, signs signs in the tenth tenth hous e, influence of planets etc. In the sam e way, there there are m any different different things to which the tenth house house can be related. Some of these things are am bitions, mo tiv tivations, ations, career, status, Governmen Government, t, authority authority etc. Vedic astrology also explains that a person will be determined determined and f ocused in the presence of a stable sign in the tenth house. Such a person is patient and independen t. He also likes to focus on his career and business busines s activ activities. ities. Mercury are Jupiter are closel closely y related to a person s uccess and hen ce, they they are the Karak planets of the tenth house. According to Vedic astrolo gy, Sun is the s tronges t in the tenth hous e. The perso n is very succe ss ful in the presence of of Sun Sun in the tenth tenth house . In the the sam e way, Saturn in tenth house also b enefits a person a s it is directly relate relate d to status and livel livelihood. ihood. A strong strong Saturn in the tenth house ma kes sure that a pers on has a high status status i n the whole soci society ety and leads a very good life.
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Vedic astrology is a very broad concept and als o explains the formation of various different Yogas Yogas along with the tenth house. Many Yogas Yogas have been explained in Vedic astrology that are formed because of the presence of either the tenth hous e or the tenth lord.
Basically, the the tenth house vedic astrology states that the tenth tenth hous e is primarily related to Karma and is also known as Karma Bhava. The The tenth house vedic astrology even even teaches us of being in power and authority and how to not use that power and authority against the und er-priv er-privileged ileged or le ss fort fortunate. unate.
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According to the tenth hous e vedic astrolo gy, the tenth hous e is a qu adran t. The The si gn at the begi nnin g of this hous e along with the ruling planet of that sign and the planets i n the tenth house influence the career in a great way. The tenth tenth hous e vedic astrology is not just studying about the tenth house, but also about the second ho use, se venth house and eleventh house. The correct conclusion to anything related to the tenth house can be reached b y studying it’s Lord, placement, significance and planets influencing this house. Different planets give different effect effects s when placed in the tenth hous e.
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