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el fili
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Cartea Estera - lectie de casatorie, lectie de incredere in Dumnezeu. O cartea a providentei. "Nu sta de mine sa te las si sa ma intorc de la tine! Incotro vei merge tu, voi merge si eu, und…Full description
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Call of Cthulhu Characters 100 Characters
Here are 100 characters for you to pick from. You You might think that there are a lot of unexpected weapon related skills. I could rationalise that, but I wont. Thats for you to do when you create a character background. !y players pla yers ha"e taken some of these characters and simply shunted unwanted weapon skills onto other hobbies. It s #uick and simple to do so. $ e.g. %!& '0( mo"ed to )ishing '0( * Jacob Franko : Body Guard %T+10 -/ 2311 %I415 I/T1' 678 96611 2:11 %9/;0 Idea80 amage ?onus@0 Occupation Skills A Skills A )istB &rapple0 isguise8 Hand &un5 %pot Hidden5 odge' +ide' ri"e 9uto; Hobby Skills A Skills A 9rchaeology8 9stronomy8 9stronomy8 ?argain10 ?iology18 -hemistry8 -raft10 -redit +ating'0 2lectrical +epair1 Hide1 =ibrar y :se10 =ocksmith8 perate H"y !ch.8 wn =anguage80 6ersuade'0 6hysics11 6hysics11 6ilot8 6sychology10 Throw;0 Track1 %!&'0 Italian8 Deirdre Merrick : Novelist %T+ -/18 2310 %I41 I/T15 I/T15 671 966> 2:B %9/B IdeaB0 -/18 23C %I410 I/T1 I/T1 6715 966> 2:> %9/B0 IdeaB
Hobby Skills A 9nthropology8 9rt10 ?argain1 )ast Talk1 )irst 9id; &eology8 Dump;0 =isten;0 !ech. +epair;0 /a"igate1 ccult10 6harmacy8 6ilot8 %pot Hidden; %wim; Hand &un' %hotgun; Head' )rench8 Italian8 9661; 2:11 %9/5 IdeaB Hit 6oints10 amage ?onus@0 Occupation Skills A wn =anguage8 -redit +ating;0 =ibrary :se'0 9rt 7rite )iction; 6ersuade5 =aw5 %pot Hidden80 Hobby Skills A 9stronomy8 ?argain10 -hemistry8 -onceal'0 )irst 9id; Hide1 Dump;0 ccult10 6ilot8 +ide1 %wim; Track1 Hand &un' !achine &un'0 %!&'0 )ist8 &rapple50 =aw0 -limbB Hobby Skills A 9stronomy8 -raft10 &eology8 perate H"y !ch.8 6sychology10 +ide10 %neak1 Throw;0 %hotgun; %!&' )ist80 -/1' 2310 %I41' I/T1' 67 96611 2:10 %9/' Idea80 23 %I410 I/T18 6710 96615 2:1; %9/0 IdeaC0 amage ?onus@0 %ccu"ation Skills A )ast Talk'0 =ocksmith'1 %pot Hidden5 Hand &un;0 )ist8 )irst 9id8 =aw0 =ibrary :se50 &obby Skills A 9stronomy8 ?argain10 ?iology8 -onceal'0 -redit +ating'0 2lectrical +epair1 Hide1 Dump;0 /a"igate1 perate H"y !ch.8 6hotography1 6sychology1 +ide10 %neak1 Throw;0 Track1 !achine &un'0 %hotgun; %!&;0 &rapple50 )rench8 &erman18 %panish8 =atin11 #errence Bilboa : Baker %T+10 -/15 23C %I41; I/T11 6715 966> 2:11 %9/B0 Idea
Deborah Gibson : 'crobat %T+11 -/1' 23C %I41' I/T15 671; 96618 2:1 %9/8 IdeaB0 966C 2:B %9/5 Idea80 Hit 6ointsC amage ?onus@0 Occupation Skills A 9cting0 !emorise %cript isguise18 wn =anguage; 6sychology10 =ibrary :se' +ide'0 9rt10 Hobby Skills A 9ccounting1 ?argain1 ?iology8 -hemistry8 odge1B )ast Talk10 Hide'0 History' !edicine10 /atural History1 perate H"y !ch.8 %pot Hidden;0 %wim;0 Throw; Track1 Hand &un;0 )ist &rapple; -/B 23B %I410 I/T1; 6710 96610 2:C %9/0 Idea8 %I4> I/T11 67> 966B 2:1B %9/5 Idea Hit 6ointsC amage ?onus@0 Occupation Skills A )ast Talk'0 =ocksmith;8 %pot Hidden Hand &un -/1; 23> %I41' I/T10 6715 966C 2:15 %9/B0 Idea0
Idea8 0 2:10 %9/' IdeaC0
Nicholos Flanagan : Police Ins"ector %T+C -/B 23C %I41 I/T10 671' 966B 2:1; %9/80 Idea0 -/1; 2318 %I41; I/T11 67> 9661; 2:11 %9/5 Idea Hit 6oints1; amage ?onus@0 Occupation Skills A History5 =ibrary :se;0 /atural History50 -redit +ating1 ccult'0 ri"e 9uto;0 &eology;1 6ersuade5 Hobby Skills A 9nthropology8 9stronomy11 ?argain10 -hemistry11 odge;B )ast Talk10 Dump; wn =anguage80 6hysics8 6sychology10 +ide10 %wim;0 +ifle;0 %hotgun; &rapple;0 )rench8 =atin11 I/T15 67; 9665 2:15 %9/1 IdeaB0 amage ?onus@0 Occupation Skills A 9rt;0 -redit +ating5 %pot Hidden8 Histor y;0 =isten /atural History; wn =anguageB =ibrary :se0 Hobby Skills A 9nthropology8 ?argain1 ?iology8 -limb0 -onceal'0 odge'1 ri"e 9uto' )irst 9id50 Hide'0 =aw10 6ersuade'0 6hysics8 6sychology1 %wim;0 +ifle; %hotgun; &rapple;0 )rench8 &erman8 =atin11 2310 %I415 I/T1' 67 96610 2:11 %9/' Idea80
IdeaB0 2:10 %9/50 IdeaB0 2lectrical +epair1 )ast Talk10 &eology11 Hide1 Dump;0 =aw10 =ocksmith8 =isten; !artial 9rts8 !ech. +epair' !edicine1 /atural History1 6hysics8 6sychoanalysis8 6sychology10 %neak'0 %wim;0 Track1 Hand &un' +ifle;0 0 9661' 2:C %9/5 Idea80 Hit 6oints> amage ?onus@15 Occupation Skills A -hemistry8 -raft1 %pot Hidden ?iology'8 History; =ibrary :se' 6harmacy8 ?argain1 Hobby Skills A 9nthropology8 2lectrical +epair1 )ast Talk10 )irst 9id; &eology8 Hide1 =aw10 =ocksmith8 =isten;0 !artial 9rts8 !ech. +epair;0 /atural History'0 6hotography1 6ilot8 6sychology10 +ide10 %neak1 %wim;0 Hand &un' +ifle;0 %I411 I/T11 671C 966> 2:1' %9/>0 Idea 0 !agic 6oints1C Hit 6oints11 amage ?onus@0 Occupation Skills A Taxidermy51 9nthropology'8 -raft1 =ibrary :se'0 /atural History0 -hemistry18 -redit +ating;0 ?argain' Hobby Skills A 9ccounting1 9rchaeology8 -limb0 odge'; &eology11 Hide1