15. BOD/EOD Section
Section Description
BOD Transaction
EOD Checks
EOD Transaction
Offline Processing & Shadow files
15. BOD/EOD In this chapter, let us have a peep into what goes on during Beginning of the Day (BOD) process and how to smoothly prepare the branch for End of the Day (EOD) process. The BOD process in Core Banking is fairly simple, but very important as we will see later. The Menu for this is available with User Type 40 / 50 / 60, i.e. Cash Officer, Accountant, etc. Officer with User Type 45 does not have rights to do BOD/EOD. 15.01 BOD Transaction: There are two parts in BOD Transaction, viz. Updating of Shadow Files and checking of system date and time. Shadow Files are those files sent by CDC, which contain branch-specific data [like Customer Name, Account Number, Balance as at the previous evening]. Shadow files are to be copied daily at the time of BOD in the branch server. This will ensure that data relating to all accounts of the branch as of yesterday evening is available in the Branch server. In case connectivity is lost between Branch and CDC during the day, certain essential transactions can be done using the data available from Shadow Files. The concept of Shadow Files is dealt with in detail in Section 15.04.02. Latest amendment: Shadow files Updating of shadow files is now available in a separate menu EOD BOD Upload Shadow files The xxxx Update shadow files has to be invoked which will update the shadow files in the server and the Shadow file status like, date of file, records saved for Deposits and Loans will be displayed, etc. If shadow file has not been received, the process can be carried out at any time of the day.
Menu access: EoD BoD BoD Transaction
Click on Update Images.
The process of Updating Images will begin. This takes a few minutes (if there is no files to update an error will occur, please ignore it).
On successful update, the message “Image files updated” is shown on the Screen and status will also be displayed.
Next, please click on „Begin BOD‟. This fetches the date and time of the Branch Server and the Host. Please check that there is no significant difference in date/time as per Host and Branch Server.
Once the screen gets updated, click on „Transmit‟ button.
The message, „BoD process successfully completed‟ is displayed.
After this, all other users can login and start the operations for the day.
Note: If at the time of BOD, you get a message saying „Host Data Synchronization not done‟, then please navigate to: Host Data Synchronization Branch Details Synchronization Type 3 against Institution Code, and then click on Synchronize Branch Details. This takes a few minutes. Once a success message is displayed, proceed with daily operations. The purpose of Host Data Synchronization is to update the Branch Server with latest parameters that are needed for smooth functioning. 15.02 EOD Checks: Steps 1 2 3 4
Description EOD Checks Rectify the activities (If not Done) EoD Back-up Begin EoD
Screen No./ Description EoD Checks Various Screens- covered below EoD Transaction EoD Transaction
During the day, the Accountant or Branch Manager would like to keep a tab on the workflow in the Branch. For this purpose, a menu „EOD Checks‟ is provided. This menu can be invoked frequently to know the status of various tasks in the branch. Menu access: EOD BOD EOD Checks Click „Transmit‟. The following screen is displayed.
If all the above activities are „DONE‟, then the branch can go for giving the EOD signal to CDC through the menu „EOD Transaction‟. If any of the above activities is „NOT DONE‟ then the following steps has to be taken to complete the respective activity. Activity 1.Tellers Logged Off: If this activity is not done, then the Accountant/BM can enquire to see the users who have not yet signed off through the following menu: User System Administration Enquiries User Enquiry (SCR: 9600)
Enter the Branch Number
The user Ids of Tellers who are not signed off will be displayed
If the users are still in the branch, they can be requested to log off
Else, we resort to Forced closure of the user. For this Menu Navigation is: (refer 09.02 for Forced closure) Ensure that all the Tellers are logged off, performing EOD check).
(except the User who is
Activity 2.Clearing for all Outward Clearing transactions complete: Check the session maintenance and complete the „Clear batch‟. (refer 13.03 Session Maintenance) Activity 3.Posting for all Outward Clearing transactions complete: Check and authorize pending outward clearing Batch and Queues if any. For this, use “Batch Search” option. Click on ‘Transmit’. Authorize the pending batches in Outward Clearing. (refer 13.12 for Batch search) Activity 4. Processing for all Inward Clearing transactions complete: Check and authorize pending Inward clearing Batch and Queues, if any. For this, use “Batch Search” option. Click on „Transmit‟. Authorize the pending batches in Inward Clearing (refer 13.12 for Batch search) Activity 5.Authorisation/ Posting for all Tansfer Batches complete: Check and authorize pending Transfer Batch, if any. Administrative Menu Branch Maintenance Batch Status The above table will list only 'Failed' and 'In Progress' batches. In case of 'Failed' batches, fetch the batch and use 'Delete Rows', 'Modify Txn' or 'Add Rows' to repair and re-post the batch. For this, use “Batch Search” option. Go to Batch Transactions Batch Entry Screen\\SCR: Batch Prompt Screen Field Batch Type: Transfer Batch Transmit
Transfer batch screen
Click search Transfer Batch Search Screen dialog box
Batch status: All Statuses
Click Execute.
Verify the status of the batches.
Select the batches with status other than 4.
If the status is 1 select the batch return batch id if no rows are found ignore.
If the status is 2 select the batch return batch id select the row one
by one, View, and delete if not required.
If the status is 3 select the batch return batch id select the row one by one, View, and delete if not required.
If the status is 5 select the batch return batch id select the row one by one, View the transactions posted/failed.
For failed transactions, select the row, click modify. The status will be changed to „created‟. Do the same for all failed transactions.
Go for supervisory check for all the modified transactions.
It will go to q. Now authorize the q by giving the supervisor id and password for all transactions individually. Please wait for the message Batch posted successfully.
Then continue with EOD.
Activity 6.Cash Payment/ Receipt transactions complete (Teller to Teller): The Cash Officer (User Type 60) has to check whether any cash transactions between Tellers are pending. For this, he has to go to Reports Cash related View pending Cash Acknowledgement Fetch Pending Cash acknowledgement will be displayed. Receiving Teller should be asked to acknowledge the CASH. Activity 7. Cash Payment/ Receipt transactions complete (Teller to Customer): The Cash Officer (User Type 60) has to check whether any cash payments are pending for making payment to the customers. For this, he has to ensure that all the pending Queues related to cash have been authorised. Reports Cash related View Pending Cash Transaction Fetch This will display cash related queues pending in the Branch which can be attended or Payment should be made for all the authorized cash transactions which are pending. Activity 8. Cash Closing by cashiers/ head cashier done (End of day activity): The Cash officer should ensure that all the Tellers‟ cash drawers are closed at the end of the day. For this, the Cash Officer (User type 60) has to go to Reports View Cash Summary. Fetch. Note the Teller ID whose Cash drawer is “OPEN”. If the Teller is available at the Branch, ask him to close the Cash Drawer. Otherwise, go for Forced Closure of the Teller.
Menu Navigation: Cash Administration Close Cash drawer by Cash officer. Enter the Teller ID (whose cash drawer is to be closed). Activity 9. Authorisation for DD/BC complete/IOI: Passing Officer to ensure that no Queues are pending and Corresponding Suspense DD/ BC accounts are nil.
Activity 10. No offline Transactions pending posting: If any offline transactions are pending for posting, then the Cash Officer can go to the following menu for sending the transactions to CDC. User/System Administration Store & Forward Store & Forward Choose the option: Process all Tellers‟ transactions, and then click on Transmit. Let the process get completed. Activity 11. Posting of all Bulk DD Batches Complete/IOI: Activity 12. Govt. Transaction Complete: (Only For Govt. Branches) This activity is checking for additional details capture for Government transactions put through on the day. If this activity is shown as „not done‟ in the EOD checks, the user has to go to: Government Business Govt Pending TXN Enquiry (SCR: 007057) Click on „Transmit‟ The system will display all the pending Transactions for which additional details have to be fed in along with the journal numbers. Note the journal numbers and complete the capturing of the required details. Note: All the GOVT./ CBDT (Income Tax) authorized branches have to go through the Govt Transaction pending enquiry menu under „Govt. Business‟, before sending the EOD signal to CDC. This has to be done to ensure that there is no pending item for which the branch has to input the „Additional details‟ through Screen no. 007057. Only when there is no pending item, 'GOVT TRANSACTIONS– DONE' will appear in the „EOD Checks‟ screen. If any pending item is found, branches have to input the additional details, otherwise 'GOVT Transactions - Not done' message will appear in EOD Check screen. Activity 13. Branch clearing Complete: This activity is checking for any branch clearing entries are pending for other branch details. For this go to Branch Accounting Create Enq/Amend Branch Clg Txn (Screen No: 20417) Search.
Enter the reference No. and “Amend”. (for the pending Branch Clearing transaction where Other Branch details are not entered) Enter the other branch Details (SCR: 20404) Activity 14. Hanging Cash Transactions: This option verifies for cash txn which is actually a single entry and correctly posted to the account but would have updated the cash drawer of the teller as a multiple entry. For this please invoke the following menu. Reports Printing reports Hanging Transactions Report This report shows the entries which are problematic, by the report do the following option for rectification. Transaction Posting Cash Maintenance Edit/Update Cash Drawer Through this option the cash drawer of the teller has to be edited for adjusting the txn which has been reported in the Hanging transaction report or contact the project officer for guidance. Activity 15.Random Teller Cash Verification: 15.03 EOD Transaction: After Completion of all the activities of EOD check, at the end of the day the branch has to give EOD signal to CDC. For this the menu navigation is: EOD BOD EOD Transaction
Click on “EOD Backup” button in the EOD Transaction screen.
It will take some time to finish. Please wait.
After EOD backup is done, “EOD backup done. Please verify” message appears.
Then Click on “Begin EOD”. It will take some time to finish. Please wait. The Screen \\SCR: EoD Transaction appears as shown below:
The TRANSMIT button gets activated if all the activities are in “done” status.
Now click on TRANSMIT.
“Host EoD flag successfully updated” message appears as shown: Take Screen shot and file it.
To take a screenshot, press the keys Alt+PrintScreen simultaneously.
Then click on Start Programs Accessories Paint.
This will open up a new Paint window. Click on Edit Paste.
The system will ask for confirmation to enlarge the bitmap size.
Choose Yes.
Then click on File Save as.
Give the filename as EOD (for example if today‟s date is 22nd December 2007, then give the filename as EOD22122007).
Please save it in a folder named December 2007 under My Documents.
It is desirable to put all the screenshots month wise in respective folder. This will facilitate audit work.
To create a New folder every month click on this icon, and name it suitably.
The EoD backup process has taken a disk backup. Click the “Tape Backup” icon in the server desktop. (This icon should be created by the Project officer from C&C dept or ZOCC.) Place the DAT tape in the server, then click on TRANSMIT. The system will copy the backup files to the DAT tape. Six tapes are to be maintained, i.e. one for each day of the week. 7-day working branches will maintain 7 tapes. Tape backup will help quicken the process of recovery in case the server hard disk fails for any reason.
15.04.Offline Processing & Shadow Files: The following aspects are covered in this Section: 15.04.01
Summary Of Offline Transaction
Shadow File Processing
Going into Offline Mode
Logging in Offline
Logging Off in Offline Mode
Offline Transactions
The Journal
Coming back to Online Mode
Store & Forward
15.04.01. Summary of Offline Functionality:
Offline functionality is available when connectivity or application is unavailable.
Once the System goes „Offline‟, say due to Network Connectivity problem, a Message will go to the queue of User Type 40/ 50/ 60, for his authorization for conducting Offline transaction, thereby ensuring continuous customer service.
Shadow Files are to be uploaded everyday by the branch at BoD. If previous day‟s Shadow files are not uploaded, then, the Shadow balance prior to that day‟s will be validated.
Uploading of Shadow files can be done even in Offline mode.
Limit definitions for „Offline Cash withdrawal‟ should be set up, based on the amount of business.
Only users who have successfully logged in the branch at least once previously can login during Offline mode.
Offline Queue should be setup in the branch by running „Offlinequeue.sql‟ at the branch server as a part of implementation.
Cash withdrawal limit is up to the limit set up as per the Branch limit definitions.
Offline functionality is available only for Deposit module, for Cash and Transfer transactions only. Loans, Remittances, Account Opening etc are not supported.
No upper limit for Cash Receipts.
No upper limit for „Transfer‟ transactions. „F7‟ will show the transaction only in the Debit account and not in the Credit account.
„F7‟ will show the transactions, both „Offline‟ as well as „Online‟. As these transactions are picked up from the branch Journals, transactions posted through other delivery channels such as ATM / Internet Banking or through other Core branches will not be shown.
Non-home branch transactions are not permitted.
Every time the withdrawal transaction will be validated against the balance shown in the Shadow File. For example, if the Shadow file shows a balance of Rs 10,000/-, then the system prevents posting a withdrawal transaction of Rs 12,000/-, but will not prevent posting of two withdrawal transactions of Rs 6,000/- each. Users have to reconcile the balance using „F7‟ enquiry.
All Cash Drawer transactions, including withdrawal of Cash from Vault by Vault Teller (VT), issue of Cash to Cash Officer (CO), Cash Officer to Tellers and back are permitted. Accounting entry for withdrawal of Cash by VT in 98903 will be done when „Store & Forward‟ is executed. Printing of Cash Reports can also be done when the system is Offline.
Though Transfer batches can be created, they will be posted to accounts as part of „Store & Forward‟.
Store & Forward should be done after the connectivity is resumed.
Failed transfer transactions have to be posted again.
Regarding failed Cash transactions, revised procedure, which has already been advised by CBD has to be followed.
Image view can be done at „Home Branch‟ only.
Branches should not handle Government transactions in Offline mode, though the system does not prohibit posting the same.
If connectivity fails for the second time during the same day, branches should follow the same procedure. The balance validated will be the balance available in the „Shadow Files‟ and the branch has to reconcile the balance using „F7‟.
Balance report can be printed for both Deposit and Loans in the Offline mode. The report will be saved in the „Saved Reports‟ folder, from which the branch has to take a printout using the procedure for „General Banking - Account Balance Report from Front End „.
Once connectivity is restored, the Cash Officer brings the System Online.
When System goes Online, all Tellers have to perform „Store & Forward‟, so that all offline transactions will be posted to the Host. Menu: User/ System Administration Store & Forward
If the „Store & Forward‟ activity is not successful, an Error message is generated.
15.04.02 Shadow File Processing:
Shadow File processing is an Offline functionality. branch is unable to connect to Host.
Shadow File is the data file that is generated at the host containing information of all the branch accounts.
Shadow files tables are updated at BOD daily at the branch server with the contents of the data file uploaded. Shadow files have the information necessary for a branch to continue their transactions even when the connection to the host has been lost. This data should be uploaded to the branch database at the beginning of the day and is provided as part of BoD process.
Shadow Files make possible, certain elementary validations at the branch level, even without connectivity to Host. This reduces the risk involved in putting through transactions without basic validations.
Customer Name can be retrieved immediately on entering the account No. in important screens.
It is useful when a
Definition of Shadow Files: Shadow Files may be defined as the availability of CIF information offline, which also includes account balances and some other information required for smooth recording of transactions during „Offline‟ mode. The concept of Shadow Files is similar to Status list of Bankmaster. With the advent of „Shadow Files‟, users in offline mode will be able to do some basic authentication, i.e.: 1) Balance check (This may not be accurate because the balance in the Shadow Files would be the previous day‟s balance, as of EOD time.) 2) Account Number Check All other authentication will not be possible until the transactions are eventually posted to the host. To arrive at the current balance, the Teller would have to apply the current day‟s transactions of the account holder done in the branch. Creation of Shadow Files Shadow files are to be copied daily at the time of „BOD‟ at the branch server. This is done by pressing the required button in the BoD Screen. This will ensure that data relating to all accounts of the branch as of yesterday evening are available. The process has been explained in 15.01. The screen also shows the number of records uploaded separately for loan accounts and deposit accounts.
15.04.03 Going into Offline Mode: Whenever a user tries to do a transaction when the connection to the host is lost he gets a message in the status bar: „Connection Error: The Host Application is unavailable. Administrator‟.
Please inform
The user then has to initiate offline process in the queue browser by selecting the „Queue type‟ as „Offline‟ and executing it. It is to be authorized by a supervisor.
The supervisor then goes to his queue browser, views the offline queue type to see the offline pending queues, and authorize by clicking on „Authorize‟ button. A Message „Status Authorised‟ is displayed.
When the mode has been authorized, all the Tellers would receive a message saying that the system is about to go „Offline‟.
The following changes can be found during the Offline mode: Menu The menu will be reloaded with the offline menu. This menu is a cut down version containing only the transactions, which are permitted to be done offline. All transactions performed from that point would be performed in offline mode.
15.04.04 Logging in Offline: When in offline mode, only tellers who have previously successfully logged on at least once in online mode will be able to logon. They must use the identical Teller Number, Password, Branch Number and Terminal Number. 15.04.05 Logging off in Offline mode: In offline mode, the tellers can log off as they do in online mode. All the tellers would be deliberately logged off from the system when the system comes back to online mode.
15.04.06 Offline Transactions: Only certain types of transactions are allowed in the „Offline‟ mode. The transaction screens will appear exactly the same as they do in the „Online‟ mode and their usage is identical to being „Online‟. All transactions get an OK message in „Offline‟ mode since there are no transaction validations available. Some limited validation of input data prior to transmitting the transaction takes place such as data length checks, date validation and data type match against field validation. However there are some validations which are performed when integrated with Shadow files such as: 1) Balance check (This may not be accurate because the balance in the shadow files would be the previous day‟s balance) 2) Account Number Check. When Shadow files are integrated, customer name and the CIF search facility are available. However complete information of the customer and his accounts is not available since „Shadow file‟ data does not carry all of them.
Recording Offline Transactions - Mode Status: All transactions performed offline will show the Mode as Offline, and the Status as Offline Pending in the Journal. The Status will change when posted to the Host. 15.04.07 The Journal: We can view all items related to all the transaction statuses. However, we cannot correct the transactions. By default, only the financial transactions are recorded in the Journal. The status of the offline transactions would be Offline Pending. The Host Trace number in these Offline transactions would be 0 since the transactions have not been posted to the host. Once the transactions are posted to the host through store and forward, the transaction‟s host trace number would be updated with the respective Host Trace No.
15.04.08 Coming back to Online mode: Recognizing Online mode B@NCSLink recognizes the mode of connection only when a Teller tries to do a transaction in „Offline‟ mode and when the system has come back „Online‟. The Teller would be displayed the following message at the bottom of the Screen: „The System has come Online. Pl contact Administrator to authorise Online Mode‟. Authorizing Online mode The Administrator then has to initiate the process by going to his Queue browser and executing the transaction with the Queue Type to be „Offline‟.
When the Administrator authorizes the queue item, all the Tellers would be intimated by a message saying that the „Online‟ mode has been authorized and that the system is about to go „Online‟. At this moment, all the tellers would be logged off deliberately by application. This is to ensure that Teller login information is available at the Host for those Tellers who have logged in „Offline‟ mode.
15.04.09 Store & Forward: Store & Forward is the process of sending transactions that have been performed offline to the host. This can only be done once the Host connection has been restored and the B@NCS Link Server has been brought „Online‟. The Store & Forward screen can be accessed from the Main Menu. Who can Perform Store and Forward There are no restrictions on who can perform Store & Forward. However, once a nominated Teller has opened the „Store & Forward‟ screen, then this functionality will not be available to any other Teller. The Teller performing the „Store & Forward‟ will do so for either all Tellers within their Branch, or just themselves. (This option is available only for user type 40, 50 and 60.) The Store and Forward Screen When you bring up the „Store & Forward‟ screen for user types 40, 50 and 60, you will be presented with a screen as shown. These user types can either process their own transactions or all the teller‟s transactions.
The store and forward screen for any other teller is as shown below:
The Teller enters the appropriate Branch No., the default will be their Branch No. When clicking OK, the actual screen of store and forward would be displayed. Performing the „Store & Forward‟: To commence posting to the Host, click the „Start‟ button. This will commence sending transactions to the Host. If this process needs to be interrupted, then the user may click the Cancel button. When clicked on „Start‟ button, the transactions are posted to the host and a table appears, which lists out the transactions posted and the status of the each transaction. The table also shows the status of the store and forward (finished or unfinished).
Searching on Store and Forwarded Transactions. Using the B@NCSLink journal, you may search on transactions in any stage of the Store & Forward process. The Transaction Statuses are shown below.
Each transaction‟s status changes depending on the response from the host. They can either be offline committed, offline rejected, offline referred and so on. The possible statuses are shown below. Offline Pending An offline pending transaction is a transaction that has been performed offline, and needs to be forwarded to the host. Offline Committed An Offline Committed transaction is one that was Offline Pending and has been successfully transmitted to the host. Offline Rejected An offline-rejected transaction is a transaction that was performed offline, and has been Unsuccessful posted to the host. The host has for some reason rejected the transaction. Offline Referred An offline-referred transaction is a transaction that was performed offline, and has been referred to a queue. The host has for some reason rejected the transaction. The Correction Button The correction button on the Journal Browser will open up the selected offline committed transactions for correction by the teller. Once corrected, it may then be ready for re transmitting to the host by the appropriate teller.