Technological Institute of the Philippines – Quezon City ED 009 – Educational Technology 2 “A 2page !eaction pape"# $a%e& Joven, Christine Diane M.
P"ofesso"& Dr. Maria Christina Aragon
P"og"a% ' (ection& ED_ENGL / ED31FA1 What is this research article all ao!t" Wh# $o %e nee$ to rea$ this" What ene&its %o!l$ ' gain in rea$ing this" What is the relevance o& this research article to (# co!rse" )o% $oes it relate to (e as an e$!cation st!$ent" *hese %ere &e% o& the +!estions that oe$ into (# hea$ %hen ' &irst rea$ the title, -Understanding Today’s Learners.” asicall#, even e&ore rea$ing its content, ' $e$!ce$ that it %as %as all all going going to e ao!t ao!t no%in no%ing g an$ an$ !n$e !n$erst rstan an$in $ing g the the learne learners rs o& to$a# to$a# or, or, (ore (ore seci&icall#, seci&icall#, to$a#0s generation. *heir characteristics, characteristics, learning l earning st#les, $i&&erences, $i&&erences, %oring (in$ sets etc. An#%a#s, a&ter rea$ing the %hole content content o& the research article, ' &o!n$ o!t that it tells !s ao!t the generation o& to$a# or the so calle$ “Web 2.0 Learners or 2.0 Learners” Learners” %ho the# are, %hat sets the( aart &ro( the other generation, ho% the# learn an$ sho!l$ learn, ho% the# interact an$ learn %ith an$ &ro( others an$ ho% $o staehol$ers an$ eole in the %or&orce coe ! %ith it an$ set $i&&erent strategies an$ aroaches that caters to these generation. Jane )art, the a!thor o& the research article, $ivi$e$ it into three arts2 art 14 *he 5esea 5esearch rch,, art art 64 *he *he racti ractice ce an$ an$ art art 34 Learn Learnin ing g an$ an$ $evel $evelo o(e (ent nt ro&es ro&essio siona nals ls as Learners 6.7. No%, let (e get into $etails &or each arts an$ share to #o! %hat &acts an$ insights ' have learne$ an$ $e$!ce$ &ro( the research article. PA!T )& 'n s!((ar#, this art tells !s all ao!t the characteristics o& to$a#0s learners an$ ho% the# est learn in t%o (ain %a#s2 819 Age an$ generational generational attit!$inal $i&&erences2 $i&&erences2 an$ 869 # their !se o& technolog#, artic!larl#, We 6.7 social (e$ia tools. 'n act!alit#, it %as interesting to no% these ne% in&or(ation eca!se ' have &o!n$ o!t that ' elong in the “Generation Z,” %hich in$icates ho% reall# #o!ng ' a(. An#%a#s, it %as not the &oc!s o& the research article &or it %as the “Generation Y” that %as given (ore e(hasis. Moreover, ' have learne$ that it $oesn0t necessaril# (ean that i& #o! are a “digital native,” #
all (eans, #o! are technolog# o(niscient, an$ (ore so, i& #o! are a “digital immigrant” #o! are not tech:savv# or an e;ert in !sing technolog# an#(ore. 'n &act, ' a( a sel&:$eclare$ “digital namigrant < 8a ter( ' (a$e ! # (i;ing oth ter(s9 &or ' live in the ti(e erio$ that technolog# alrea$# e;ists an$ is a tren$ #et not reall# %ell:verse$ in its co(le;ities. PA!T 2& 'n this art, it reorts on intervie%s %ith eLearning G!il$ (e(ers &ro( oth e$!cation an$ %orlace learning, on ho% the# erceive learners o& to$a#, an$ ho% the# are a$$ressing their nee$s. 'n&or(ative #et co(licate$. *%o %or$s ' have sai$ a&ter ' &inishe$ rea$ing this art. 't %as in&or(ative &or it gave ne% &acts that can e o& hel to (e, as an in$ivi$!al, a learner an$ a &!t!re e$!cator. 't (a$e (e reali=e$ that %ith the $a%n o& We 6.7 social (e$ia tools, it ave$ %a# &or (an# oort!nities, so!rces an$ lins &or to$a#0s learners. 't (a$e the( (ore in$een$ent an$ (ani!lative in $oing (!lti:tasing sills, %hether it e in an in$ivi$!ali=e$ instr!ction or collaorative learning e;erience. An$ ' can reall# relate to that. >n the contrar#, it %as co(licate$, in a sense that, it (a$e (ore $i&&ic!lties &or the “traditional learners” to ee ! %ith the( 86.7 learners9 an$ to accet the !se o& technolog# in their $ail# lives eseciall# in a %orlace setting. )ence, it %as reall# hel&!l to learn so(e tis &ro( e;erts intervie%e$ &or the research article on ho% to get the( 8tra$itional learners9 e involve$. PA!T *& *he last art loos at the i(ortance &or learning an$ $evelo(ent ro&essionals to e;erience eing a “Learner 2.0” in or$er to a$vise on aroriate ne% learning aroaches. *his art %as reall# enlightening. asicall#, the est i$ea ' have learne$ %as “E!erien"e is t#e best tea"#er.” ' elieve nothing can $e&eat nor s!rasse$ that. 't %as even (entione$ in the art 6 o& the research article that generation o& to$a# are (ostl# “e!eriential learners.” )ence, learning an$ $evelo(ent ro&essionals, ractitioners, staehol$ers an$ even teachers sho!l$ also $o the sa(e thing. 5esearch an$ e;erience &irst:han$ %hat their learners e;erience in !sing the technolog# or, (ore seci&icall#, the “Web 2.0 so"ial media tools,” an$ !se it $ail#, %hether it e &or ersonal or ro&essional !roses. Lie %hat ' have recentl# learne$ in (# Fiel$ ?t!$# co!rses, one o& the things ' (!st $o as an asiring &!t!re e$!cator, accor$ing to the “$ational %om!eten"y&'ased Tea"#er
(tandards )$%'T(*,” %as to ee (#sel& areast %ith the latest $evelo(ents, tren$s, reathro!ghs an$ technologies in e$!cation. What ' gaine$ &ro( the research article is o& %orth%hile an$ o& !se to an# &!t!re !n$ertaings ' (a# e involve$.