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Medical Astrology The Signs and the Houses
The likelihood likelihood of illness illness or injuries injuries relating relating to a particular particular sign sign is derived from from both the nature of the sign with regard to its type by triplicity and that of its natural ruling planet. Ailments of a sign or planet can also appear by reection in its opposite sign or by reection in the opposite sign of a planet's exaltation. For example !enus is exalted in "isces and by reection the ailments associated with !enus and "isces can show in the opposite sign of !irgo. "lease note that these are indications only and not just by virtue of having the sun placed in a certain sign. #any other factors play their part in medical astrology and the diagnosis or potential for illnesses or ailments. $sually in order for a condition to manifest it will be found that planets will be a%icted in a sign by one of the so& called malec planets and by a hard aspect between them. (owever benec planets such as )upiter and !enus and good aspects from the *un or #oon can mitigate or even deny the possibility of any condition taking hold. These matters are also subject to being triggered by transits. The houses also govern the various parts of the body body by association association with their their sign of the natural order of the +odiac. For example the head is governed by the rst house corresponding to Aries the throat by the second house corresponding to Taurus Taurus and so so on.
Aries/1st House Ruling Planet: #ars Triplicity: Fire Body Parts ruled: head brain eyes face muscles pineal gland Ailments: anything to do with the head. (eadache migraine sinus problems problems head colds nosebleeds fever inammation haemorrhage high blood pressure eruptions burns scalds insect bites and stings.
Taurus/2nd House Ruling Planet: !enus
Triplicity: ,arth Body Parts ruled: neck throat thyroid gland larynx chin lower jaw ears tongue vocal chords jugular vein tonsils Ailments: anything to do with the throat or neck sore throat sti- neck tension excess weight under&active thyroid gland
Gemini/3rd House Ruling Planet: #ercury Triplicity: Air Body Parts ruled: hands ngers arms shoulders upper ribs lungs bronchial tracts trachea thymus gland nerves and nervous system Ailments: those relating to the mental faculty and those associated with the nerves nervous strain restlessness especially of the mind chest and lung complaints asthma pleurisy insomnia amnesia
Cancer/4t House Ruling Planet: #oon Triplicity: ater Body Parts ruled: breasts breastbone stomach alimentary canal lower ribs womb pancreas Ailments: stomach and digestive complaints upset stomach breast disorders lymphatic system disorders obesity
!eo/"t House Ruling Planet: *un Triplicity: Fire Body Parts ruled: upper back spine spleen heart aorta circulation Ailments: heart problems hardening of the arteries high or low blood pressure spinal and back problems blood disorders
#irgo/$t House Ruling Planet: #ercury Triplicity: ,arth Body Parts ruled: nervous system intestines stomach abdomen lower dorsal nerves bowels nails spleen Ailments: anxiety nervous tension bowel and digestive system disorders intestinal disorders abdominal disorders
!i%ra/&t House Ruling Planet: !enus Triplicity: Air Body Parts ruled: lower back /lumbar region0 lumbar nerves buttocks kidneys adrenal glands blood vessels skin Ailments: associated with the kidneys and any problems that arise with them those conditions brought about by excess and over&indulgence obesity. 1t is associated with venereal diseases.
'corpio/(t House Ruling Planet: #ars and "luto Triplicity: ater Body Parts Ruled: genitals bladder cervix anus genito&urinary tract prostate gland Ailments: "luto rules *corpio so it is associated with ailments of the reproductive and excretory systems. 1t occasions deep changes within whatever condition arises. 2an be likened to a volcano bubbling beneath the surface. Ailments3 anything hidden or deep.
'agittarius/)t House Ruling Planet: )upiter
Triplicity: Fire Body Parts ruled: liver hips thighs arterial system pelvis femur /thighbone0 Ailments: *upiter rules the liver and any complaints of it. As )upiter's main keyword is that of expansion it governs swellings and things that grow such as tumours and other growths either malignant or benign. 1t is also associated with being overweight and over&indulgence in food alcohol and drugs.
Capricorn/1+t House Ruling Planet: *aturn Triplicity: ,arth Body Parts ruled: bones joints knees skin teeth Ailments: *aturn rules the skin and bones and by its nature of restriction and generally slowing things down anything that is degenerative is ruled by it. 1t produces blockages and is associated with poor growth. 4ental problems skin problems arthritis
A,uarius/11t House Ruling Planet: *aturn and $ranus Triplicity: Air Body Parts ruled: 2irculatory system ankles Achilles heal calves shins breath eyesight Ailments: 2irculatory problems varicose veins anxiety muscular spasms arthritis palpitations
Pisces/12t House Ruling Planet: )upiter and 5eptune Triplicity: ater Body Parts ruled: feet Ailments: addiction to alcohol or drugs suspension of normal functioning wasting diseases and general lethargy. Anything that impairs normal functioning or gradual
erosion of functions. 1mmune system problems uid retention hormonal imbalances chilblains glandular problems
Te -edicine Garden website has a medical astrology page for each sign that you may nd of interest